HomeMy WebLinkAbout01062000 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 6, 2000 (This meeting is being voice broadcast over Falcon Cable TV Channel 35) Acting Chairwoman Vesia called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: Mr, Gerhold Mr. Barrett Mr. Mahoney(a) Ms. Vesia Chmn. Schulke and Mr. O'Donnell Tracy Hass, Planning & Growth Management Director Jan King, Planning & Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Ann Brack, Recording Secretary Joe Barczyk, City Councilman ANNOUNCEMENTS: Acting Chmn. Vesia announced that Mr. Mahoney(a) will be voting in place of Chmn. Schulke. She also noted that Mr. Evely(a) has resigned from his position and staff will advertise this position after the January 12 TM , 2000 City Council meeting. ~PPROVAL OF MINUTES: (LPA - 12/13/99, 12/16/99, and Reg. 12/16/99) MOTION by Barrett/Gerhold I would make a motion to approve the minutes (12/13199) pending one typo correction on page 2, item 20, the word pool is misspelled. A voice vote was taken. 4 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Ba rrett/Gerhold .~O Discussion: Mr. O~old ~u~o~t~ ~t on~ a mee~n~ ha~ b~~uld not bmuoht up to m-ha,h infoma~on at a follo~n~ meeting PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES Of REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 2000 Mr. Barrett recommended that if a member is unable to attend a certain meeting, and that member has substantive comments that are pertinent, they should be forwarded to the Director and not rehashed at a subsequent meeting. Mr. Hass commented that the recommendation by Mr. Barrett is the manner that staff would prefer, and if there is an issue that a Board member wished to discuss at another meeting, the Board should vote to make it part of an agenda issue. (He then noted that this issue could be discussed at the next LPA meeting.) A voice vote was taken. 4 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Gerhold/Barrett I make a motion we accept the minutes of the December 16th regular meeting. A voice vote was taken. 4 - 0 motion carried. OLD BUS!NESS: None NEW BUSINESS: At this point, Atty. Stringer explained the procedure for quasi-judicial hearings. A. Quasi-Judicial Hearings - Home Occupational Licenses: Act. Chmn. Vesia called the names of Douglas Snapp, Joshua Johnson, John Young, Deborah Oliver, and Jean Adams, who were all present, and, along with Jan King, were sworn in at 7:14 P.M. Mr. Mahoney(a) inquired about election of officers. It was suggested that this election take place at the next regular meeting with more members present. · 1. 238 Joy Haven Drive - Douglas Snapp -Fumiture Repair Mr. Douglas Snapp was present and gave a brief presentation. There was discussion on supplies and chemicals pertaining to this service. Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. There were twenty-nine (29) notices of hearing sent and there were no objection or non- objection letters received. Act. Chron. Vesia opened and closed the public hearing at 7:18 P.M. as there was no public input. Ms. Pat McCarthy, a concerned neighbor, asked Mr. Snapp several questions. Ms. Iris McBride, Autumn Terrace, asked Mr. Snapp several questions. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 2000 MOTION by Gerhold/Barrett I make a motion we approve the Home Occupational License for Mr. Douglas Snapp for a Furniture Repair Service at 238 Joy Haven Drive. Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Barrett - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. 2. 917 Franciscan Avenue - Joshua Johnson - Auto Detailing Mr. Joshua Johnson was present and gave a brief presentation. There were thirty (30) notices of headng sent and no objection or non-objection letters were received. Jan King gave staff presentation which reccmmended approval. Act. Chmn. Vesia opened and closed the public hearing at 7:21 P.M. as there was no public input. MOTION by Barrett/Gerhold I'll recommend we approve Mr. Joshua Johnson for his mobile Auto Detailing business at 917 Franciscan Avenue. Roll call: Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr, Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. 3. 497 Melrose Lane - John Young - Pest Control Mr. Young gave a brief presentation. There were thirty-four (34) notices of hearing sent and no objection or non-objection leffers were received. Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval with proper storage of chemicals. ACt. Chmn. Vesia opened the public hearing at 7:25 P.M. Mr. Bert Kirk spoke of too many home occupational businesses in his area. Art Krieger, a State Certified General Contractor, spoke in favor of the applicant. He was sworn in by Atty, Stringer at 7:31 P.M. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES Of REGULAR MEETING Of JANUARY 6, 2000 Maryanne Stellar spoke of the care of the chemicals by Mr. Young. Act. Chmn. Vesia closed the public hearing at 7:27 P.M. MOTION by Barrett/Mahoney(a) In light of - we're going to assume the honesty of Mr. Young, - in light of that assumption, I will recommend approval of his Home Occupational Business for Pest Control at 497 Melrose Lane, provided we don't find any subsequent significant chemical storage at his residence. Discussion about monitoring this business. Roll call: Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes The vote was 4 - O. Motion carried. 4. 101 Concha Drive - Deborah Oliver - Mortgage Broker Debbie Oliver was present and gave a brief presentation, There were thirty-seven (37) notices of hearing sent and no objection or non-objection letters were received, Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. Act. Chmn. Vesia opened and closed the public hearing at 7:45 P,M, as there was no public input. MOTION by Barrett/Genhold I'll recommend that we approve Deborah Oliver for her Mortgage Brokerage business at 101 Concha Ddve. Roll call: Mr, Gerhold - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. 5, 672 Lawson Street - Jean Adams - Secretarial Services Ms. Adams was present and gave a brief presentation. There were thirty-five notices of headng sent and no objection or non-objection letters were received. Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 2000 Act. Chmn. Vesia opened and closed the public headng at 7:47 P.'M., as there was no public input. MOTION by Gerhold/Barrett I make a motion that we approve the application for Jean Adams for a Home Occupational License for Bookkeeping and Secretarial Services, her address, 672 Lawson Street. Roll call: Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr, Mahoney(a) - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. B. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - Section 20A-5.7.D,7 - 579 Benedictine Terrace - 24' x 28' Pool House Mr. Arthur Kdeger, State Certified Contractor, was present representing the owners, and gave a bdef presentation. Discussion ensued. Mr. Barrett requested that Mr. Kdeger supply the Planning and Growth Management Director with elevation drawings to show that the height of the accessory structure will not be higher than the existing structure. Mr. Kdeger supplied the Board members with revised drawings of the well placement. jan King indicated that the shed presently on this property must be relocated and taken out of the easement. She noted that her Department reserves the dght to vedfy the relocation of this shed. MOTION by Barrett/Gerhold I'll make a motion that we approve the accessory structure for Mr. Kdeger's client at 579 Benedictine Terrace, conditional on the shed to be inside the property easement setbacks, and proof of the elevations to the Director. Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Barrett - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. At this point, Act. Chmn. Vesia swore in Randy Mosby, Bill Adair, Tom Collins, and Tracy Hass, at 8:06 P.M. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 2000 C. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING - Site Plan Review -Comerstone Model Home Office Parking Lot - 10615 U.S. Hwy. #1 - Office & Parking Randy Mosby, Mosby & Associates, gave a bdef presentation, opined that staff has done an excellent job, and offered to answer any questions. Tracy Hass gave staff presentation which recommended approval with the four (4) conditions listed in the staff report. He read these conditions for the record. MOTION by Barrett/Gerhold I'll recommend that we approve the site plan for Cornerstone at 10615 U.S. 1 with the four (4) recommendations or the conditions established by staff, having one been accomplished, therefore there is no longer five (5). Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Barrett - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. A break was taken at 8:20 P,M, All members previously present have returned at 8:27 P.M. D. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING - Site Plan Review - Major Modification - Key West InnlCapt, Hiram's - Parking & 2.story Addition Mr. Tom Collins, representing Capt. Hiram's, was present and gave his' presentation. Mr. Mahoney referred to a letter from Tom Collins dated October 29th, 1998, (This letter was not provided to the other Board members, and Mr. Mahoney will enter a copy in the record.) MOTION by Barrett/Gerflold In light of the conditions that staff has imposed (in the staff report), I would recommend that we approve the site plan modification for Sebastian Hospitality Company, Captain Hiram's Motel at 1580 Hwy. #1. Roll call: Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 2000 E. PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to City Council - Proposed Ordinance - Riverl'ront Overlay District Lot Width Measurement Atty. Stdnger explained the problem with the current regulation as to where and how to take a lot width measurement in the Riverfront Overlay District. He then explained the proposed new procedure which would be more equitable to owners of odd shaped lots. As an example, he did a rough sketch on paper and showed it to the Board members. MOTION by Barrett/Mahoney(a) I certainly would make a recommendation that we forward this to City Council for approval, Roll call: Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes The vote was 4 - 0. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes There was some discussion on the Publix store going in at Barber St. and U,S, #1. Tracy Hass noted some recent conversations on this site. Mr. Hass agreed to look at the handicap parking area at Pizza Hut. Mr, Barrett suggested that the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman be put off until a better representation of Board members are present. All members present agreed. DIRECTOR MATTER~: Mr. Hass suggested having an LPA meeting next week to discuss Articles XIII and XV, and he will hand out additional Articles at that meeting. He noted that he is available for comments from any Board members who cannot attend the meeting. Act. Chmn. Vesia adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M. (1/11100 AB)