HomeMy WebLinkAbout02212002 PZMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 2002 A~ROVED SUBJECT Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL; PRESENT: Ms. Vesia Mr. Mahoney Ms. Carbano Ms. Monier(a) Chmn. Barrett VC Smith Mr. Rauth Mr. Svatik, Jr. EXCUSED ABSENCE: Ms. Reichert(a) ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Rich Stringer, City Attorney Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Barrett announced that Ms. Reichert (a) is excused tonight; Mr. Mahoney was recently reappointed to another three (3) year term; and Ms. Vesia's six (6) year term is about to expire on April 1. He congratulated and thanked her for her contribution to the City of Sebastian. Tracy Hass announced that a request has been received from Mr. & Mm. Koehler, 1006 Persian Lane, Sebastian, FL, for a minor modification to a previously approved accessory structure to remove a window, and asked that this issue be added to tonight's agenda. There was consensus from the Commission members to add this issue to the agenda as item F. Tracy then informed the Commission members that he is implementing a new procedure to help eliminate errors on site plans and accompanying informatiOn and maps so that this Commission won't have to spend time during meetings pointing out typographical and other errors. He complemented Chmn. Barrett for calling the Growth Management Department the previous week with questions and comments about items on tonight's agenda, and noted that this process allows the Department to do research, if necessary, to make corrections, and be better prepared at the meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 2002 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (2/7/02) Ms. Carbano noted that there are two errors on page four (4) under Members Matters - change her title to Mrs. Carbano, and add Councilman Ray Coniglio to the list of persons in attendance recognized by Mr. Mahoney. MOTION by Vesia/Carbano I make a motion we approve the minutes of February 7th' as amended. A voice vote was taken, 7 - 0, motion carried, (~LD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSHINESS: Chmn, Barrett explained the Quasi-Judicial process, A. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing - MODEL HOME REVIEW - MGB Construction, Inc, - 1751 Barber Street Donald Way, 637 Wallis Avenue, Sebastian, FL was present representing MGB Construction, Inc., and along with Tracy Hass, was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:08 PM, Tracy gave staff presentation noting that parking will be shared with the other model; There was no public in the audience and Chmn. Barrett dispensed with opening the public hearing. MOTION by SmithNesia I make a motion that we approve a conditional use permit for model home at 1751 Barber Street for MGB Construction, Incorporated. Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mr, Mahoney - yes VC Smith - yes Mr. Svatik - yes Ms. Carbano - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. B. Accessory Structure Review - Section 54-2-7.$ - 690 Fleming Street - 30'X 16' Gazebo- John Lloyd Builders Ms. Barbara Vosmera, 690 Fleming St., Sebastian, was present. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 2002 In response to a question from Ms. Carbano, Tracy Hass noted that on the survey, Fleming Street was incorrectly identified as Vocelle Avenue, There was discussion on the height of the gazebo and electrical hook-up. Staff recommended approval with the condition that the ridgeline does not exceed twelve (12) feet. MOTION by CarbanoNesia I make a motion we approve the accessory structure at 690 Fleming Street with the condition that the ridgeline shall not exceed the ridgeline of the existing home. Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes VC Smith - yes Mr, Mahoney ~ yes Mr. Svatik - yes Ms, Carbano - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. C. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - Site Plan Review - Shalhoub Medical Office - US Hwy #1 - CR Zoning District Mr. Tahir Qizilbash, 103 Barbara Court, Sebastian, FL., the engineer for this project, was present was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:17 PM. Mr. Qizilbash gave a brief presentation, In response to a question from Mr. Smith, he noted that the address has not yet been assigned to this property. Tracy noted that public notices were sent to the homeowners association at Shady Rest Mobile Home Park across the mad (in the County), and no objections or non-objections were received. Tracy then gave staff presentation which recommended approval. Chmn. Barrett opened and closed the public hearing at 7:20 PM as them was no public input. There was discussion about the water supply for this site. It was noted that a well will be used until public water is available on the east side of US #1, at which time a hook-up will be established, Mr, Qizilbash noted that egress will be through the adjacent driveway and parking lot and documentation will be recorded. There was discussion on the parking spaces and the landscaping. Tracy noted that the handicap parking spaces will comply with ADA requirements. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21,2002 There was discussion about a right-turn deceleration lane and Mr. Qizilbash responded that FDOT does not require it on this project. MOTION by SmithNesia I make a motion that we approve the site plan for the medical office at XXXXX US #1, Sebastian. (Until we get a number.) Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Mr. Svatik - yes Ms. Carbano - no VC Smith - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes The vote was 6 - 1. Motion carried, D. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Preliminary Plat Phase II - Park Place Mobile Home Park - PUD-MH Zoning District Mr. Joseph Schulke of Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC, 1140 7th Court, Suite F, Vero Beach, FL was present representing the property owner, and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:29 PM. Mr. Schulke gave a presentation including a brief history of the Villages of Lake Dolores. He distributed copies of the site showing Phase I and proposed Phase II, and noted that the average size of the lots in Phase II is about 58' X 115'. He also noted that they will connect to County water and sewer, and will have a central drainage system and private streets. He then noted that on sheet one under general notes, #2, the minimum finished floor elevation will be substantially lower than what is depicted on that sheet, approxi- mately around 22.5 ft. Tracy Hass gave staff presentation which recommended approval. Chmn. Barrett opened and closed the public hearing at 7:40 PM as there was no public input, Commission members asked questions relating to the filling of wetlands, size of some lots, drainage conditions, and features of the emergency ingress/egress, right-of-way footage, recreation impact fee. Mr. Schulke answered all questions satisfactorily. MOTION by Rauth/Carbano I'll make a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of the Preliminary Development Plan for Phase II of Park Place PUD. Roll call: Chmn. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes VC Smith - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Ms. Carbano -yes Mr. Svatik Mr. Rauth - yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21,2002 The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. E. Recommendation to City Council - LDC Code Change to Section ,54.3. 14.17.B - Tree Advisory Board - Length of Terms Tracy Hass commented that this is a request from the City Clerk to make the Tree Advisory Board member terms consistent with other Board terms. MOTION by VC SmithNesia I recommend to the City Council that the LDC Code change in Section 54-3, 14.17.B Tree Advisory Board, Length of Terms, be approved from two (2) to three (3) years. Roll call: Ms. Vesia Mr. Mahoney Ms. Carbano - yes Chmn, Barrett - yes - yes VC Smith - yes - yes Mr, Rauth - yes Mr. Svatik, Jr. - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. Minor Modification - Accessory Structure Previously Approved - Steve and Sharon Koehler- 1006 Persian Lane, Sebastian, FL - Remove one window from plan Sharon Koehler was present and gave a brief presentation. Tracy gave staff presentation which recommended that one window remain. MOTION by Svatik/VC Smith I'll make a motion to approve the removal of one window on the property at 1006 Persian Lane, accessory structure. Roll call: Mr. Svatik - yes - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes - yes VC Smith - yes - yes - yes Ms. Vesia Mr. Mahoney Ms. Carbano Mr. Rauth The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: None Ms, Carbano inquired about the colors painted on the new building at Capt. Hiram's. Tracy responded that the building has been repainted with quieter colors, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 2002 Ms. Carbano then inquired about a resident on Schumann Drive who has boats, and cars and an unfinished garage. Atty. Stringer responded that this site is an active Code Enforcement site. She then noted the lack of trees at the office of Dr. Filiberto at Schumann Drive and U,S. #1. Tracy responded that he has had a hard time contacting Dr. Filiberto, but he will continue to address this issue. Ms, Vesia asked if any landscaping will be installed on CR 512 in front of the new Carwash. Tracy responded that there will be landscaping as required by the CR 512 overlay code. Ms, Vesia then asked if the Cedar trees on CR 512 can be replaced, Atty. Stringer and Tracy Hass responded. She also inquired about the burned out street lights and trees that need trimmed on CR 512. Mr, Svatik thanked staff for the various codes on telecommunication towers from nearby cities. There was discussion on the moratorium time element and it was suggested that a workshop be scheduled for Thursday, March 14th 2002, All members agreed on this date, and Tracy will check on the availability of Council Chambers for that time. VC Smith inquired about the status of the City on annexation. Tracy responded about the fiscal analysis that is underway at this time, and some other annexations that are being considered at this time. Atty, Stringer noted that residential annexations do not pay for themselves, unless the individual property values are adequate. Tracy provided information about why the city line is so jagged. Mr. Mahoney inquired about dimensional regulations on townhouses. It was established that he did not have the adopted version. All Commission members will be provided with the approved copy when it is codified. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chmn, Barrett adjourned the meeting at 8:22 PM. AB)