HomeMy WebLinkAbout03011984 PZMINUTES - Planning and Zoning March 1, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Committee called to order at 7:07 P.M. in the City of Sebastian CounCil Chambers by Chairman Harris. Members present were Chairman Gene Harris, Members Bill Mehoney, Joe Stephenson, Randy Mosby, Marjorie Pool~, Vice-Chairman.Harold Ei~e~arth. Absent were Jesse Brock, Alternate Tom Kart. Also present was Earl Masteller, City Engineer. Minutes of the February 16, 1984 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read made by Joe Stephenson, seconded by Randy Mosby, ~°tion carried. Design Concepts' ~ite plan for a model home was checked and without a complete site pi. an indicating the five (5) parking places, Randy Mosby made the motion that it be resubmitted complete, Joe Stephenson seconded, motion carried. Jack Morrow, pers~ective~uyer of the Sebastian Sun property along CR.#512 presented a letter concerning his conceptual plans for this property and ad- jacent property. His concern was mostly about obtaining a curb cut for Lot 13. He was referred to Jim Davis's office, Michael Orr, traffic engineer. Randy Mosby made the motion that Planning and Zoning approve the conceptual plan for the property with the understanding Mr. Morrow return to the Planning and Zoning with a complete site plan for approval befOre work con~nences. Motion seconded by Marjorie Poole; motion carried. Vincent Badame, owner of property on corner of Barber and Fulton Way, requested information needed to rezone his property to allow a child care facility in his R-1 home. He was advised to get together all the information he could from the various agencies that deal with child care services', and if he could do it by the rules, to go to City Hall and fill out request for rezoning. No action taken. Occupational Lioence applications: Thirty (30) applications came before the board, all thirty were approved. Following the approval of all applications Earl Masteller, City Engineer recommended a letter be sent to City Council say- ing with thework load anticipated by the Planning and Zoning Committee, the process of the board approving every application be eliminated, if when the applications are taken, the applicant signs an affidavit stating they will comply with the rules governing home occupations, and then let the natural policing of home occupations ensure that they are complying. Randy Mosby made the motion that the secretary write a letter to the City Council relative to Special Exception Home Occupation Licences requesting the Planning and Zoning be relieved of the extra burden of reviewing the applications. Motion seconded by Joe Stephenson; carried unanimously. If a special case came in that should have extra consideration, the Planning and Zoning would be more than willing to review it. Planning and Zoning - March 1, 1984 Page 2 Resignation letter from Jesse Brock was read. Randy Mosby made the motion that Mr. Brock~s resignation be. accepted with regret, Harold Eisenbarth seconded the motion, motion carried. Earl Masteller informed the board that he had resigned, and that he would be totally seperated from the board. He looked forward to working with the board from the other side of the table. Chairman Harris sa~d that we would need the expertise of an engineer on the board, and he would like to recommend Randy MosbYbe hired on a consulting basis. Mr. Mosby said he had talked to the MayoH, that there would be a need to work out a cont=act, and he would have to resign from Planning and Zoning. For the ~o~ent, u~til an engineer contract could work out, he will continue to lend his expertise as a member of the board. Joe Stephenson made the motion that a letter be sent to mayor and council requesting Mosby and Assoc., Inc. be retained as the Planning and Zoning Board Engineer, subject to receipt and acceptance of a rate proposal. He has proven his experience, integrity as a member of the board, and the city could hire him~n a per need basis. Marjorie Poole seconded the ~otion, motion ca=tied. Harold Eisenbarth made the motion that a letter commend£ng Earl Masteller, outgoing City Engineer, be sent to him thanking him for all the hours of dedi- cated service he has given to the Planning and Zoning Board, especially during this very involved changing of the code and land use. Randy Mosby seconded the motion, carried unan£mously and most sincerely. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. (Gen6 Ha~s, Chair,.~u Dated= PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AGENDA - March 1, 1984 SCHEDULED BUSINESSs I. Design Concepts - M~del Home L~t 4, Block 207, Unit S, Sebastian Highlands 1084 ~rber St., Sebastian, FI. 32958 2. Jack Ms, row tel ~oning along CR9512, at the Sebastian Sun Office 3. Vincen~ ~d~ re= condi=ional use, child sere In ~ area. 4. ~cupational licence applications = Albert ~. Cha~o~ - ~m & Dad's Lawn Care, Inc.-- ~ Better Buil~ ~s - Glenn Paul Geller_ ~, SenSe's Craf~ - Sonja Geller _ ~,~ ~ron HO~S, Inc. - Willi~ Bal~ough % Hal Taylor Wash & Wax - Hal L. 'Taylor--~, D~ca Novelties - Deca M. Meyer-- ~, ~ ~chine Car ~air - Julius Wolert* ~ ~_ . The Clock ~c - J. s. Shane~ ~ wa ne So ~-- ~ ~ Y ~rs Construction - Wayne So~rs- ~ndy Hines Const. Inc - ~ndy Hines A-1 ~wn ~inte~nce - Br~o Cristofori-~ s~ coat - S~ca Fer~uson_ ~~- ~ysltting- Gall M. ~llinger~ . ~ C~inati's Alterations and ~pairs, ~nc~ - Barry C~nati ~R Enterprises - ~ohard DeCraeve /~, ~ , [a~lkner & Sons.. Inc. - Gary A_ Fa kner Highland ~s - Scott Silva-- ~~~ '~ - ~uw~zu ~. wright' A1 Friend ~nstruction ~- .... ~-. -'~ W~ · . . . _ J ~ .., cove Lightxng of Sebastxan - Tx~thy ~rr~s ~ Seminole Plastering - Jeffery J. Assad ~lmel Pl~ing, Inc. - Guy L. ~lmel~ . Eversafe Sec~ity and investigative Services, ~~Construction Services - L. Gene Harris- ~, - Jesse '~ Lifts Internatio~l, Inc. - ~nald R. Burroughs~ Gary Ge~ke Ca,entry - Gary Gehrke. ~ , Spinning Spray - John W. Spinning-- Continental AsSo., Inc. - Douglas R. Ty Cob~b Air Co~wlitioning - TY Cobb esse Brocks ~esxgnation letter