HomeMy WebLinkAbout03071985 PZPLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES - MARCH 7, 1985 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at 7~30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Sebastian by Chairman Harold Elsenbarth. Members attending were Chairman Etsenbarth, Vtee. Chairman Stan Kruli'kowskt, members Bob Fullerton, Jewell Thompson, Btll Mahoney, Marjorie Poole, and Edra Young. Building Offtcial Dan Blair and Public Works Director A1Peltier were also in attendance. Minutesof the February 7th meeting were read. Stan Krulikowski made the~tion they be approved as corrected at the February gl, 1985 meeting, Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, approved with Bob Fullerton abstaining. Minutes of the February 21, 1985 meeting were read. Jewell Thompson made them orion the minutes be approved as presented, seconded by Edra Young, unanimously passed. Old Business~ Edra Young commented that a letter must be sent to Mosby/Robbi'ns concerning items 1 and 3 of last bill. Harold E~;senbarth read the letter of appreciation for. L, Gene Harris from Mayor Gallagherwhich he was to send. The Boa,rd requested that a follow~up letter be sent to Attorney Tom Palmer concerni'ng the authorization for payment of Planning and Zoning ~'unds,, The Board wants the authorization in writing. ¥olunt~ry Anne×ati'on request for New Horizons Mobile Home Park was dilcussed. Bob fullerton made the 'motion that a hearing be denied to the New HoK. izons due to impact on coemunity services, Bill Mahoney seconded the motion. The board felt that at this time there was no tax advantage to annexation, but in the future, if they show improvement,' they should apply again. Magazine Property zoning change and land use plan/map amendment was discussed again. Chairman Elsenbarth stated of material consideration to his decision was the rerouting of eR#S12, if that were not the case the board would have serious reservations about the proposed changes. Stan Krulikowski'mentioned that if CPi512 were closed as was suggested, the property ~alue would become dead in that area. Harold Etsenbarth Planning and Zoning Board Minutes - 3/7/85 - p2 said he doubted there would be two railroad crossings so close together. Marjorte Poole commented that the vote on the changes for the Magazine Property was based on information that CR#S12 would be rerouted. Stan Krulikowski made the motion that a letter be sent to Mayor and Council re: Magazine Property change in zoning and Land Use Plan/Map amendment, stating the board has considered additional information concerning the rerouttng of CR#512, would seriously rethink vote for rezoning request if the reroutingdoes not take place. Edra Young seconded the ~llerton s. unti __ . urther verification, we should withdraw our ~on. ewell Th°mpso~ggested the letter reference the minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Of February 7, 1985. Motion passed unanimously. Concerning the report from the Finance Director, Marjorie Poole made them orion to discuss the report at the next meeting, seconded by Bob Pullerton, carried unanimously. Randy Hosby"s last bill was discussed, Chairman Eisenbarth stated when we request the engineer~,s re~iew, we expect to pay for it~ if another department ~eq~ests the engi'neor',s ~eview, they should pay for it. Bulldi'ng Officl'al Daniel L, Blai~ said he could not authorize payment for the revitw,i~out of B~ildi'ng Department funds, Chairman Eisenbarth questioned wheth.e~'Mr. B~ai~ did not feel the speci.fications for the Father and Sons sJ,'te ~lan were not up to specifications? Mr. Blat~ said they had readjusted the' ~(e plaq, Jewel1 Thompson said if Mr, Blai~ felt it did not meet with h~. ori~(e~i.i~ he shlould get his own engineer to review it. Theboard approved t~.e plan=, b~$.ed on its engineer's review, Mr. Blair said the calculations were _wrQ. n§~ outsi'de dtmensi'ons were-=sed instead of inside dimensions for the · citriC, age calculations, water can't percolate through water, one side designed ~ne wey.-~ the ~ther side designed anothe~ way. the total design is questiona, ble. If th.e'Board Ceelsllr. Mosby is the only one toscreen the plans, it should. address the council, Bob Fullerton said i( all boils down to the builder, ~e. sh.o~.ld go Dy. the approved plans~ if he does not, he should pay the bill. Mr, Bqai~ sai'd ~Y'ou apl~roved the design of a system, which had incorrect ca)¢=lati~ns~ two orates which could be removed to clean the filter screen, ~here were no grates on the lault, If it costs money to recheck engineering, the ~lannln9 and Zoni.n9 Board should pay for it. The question was asked why t~e. second e.n~tnee~was called. Stan K~ulikowski suggested ~he engineer s~.ould ch'eck w~th the chaiimmn before scheduling meetings for which payment is not a.greed =pon i'n a~vance. Also, if there is a problem with a design, the a~chi'tect or engineer should pay for them, not the Planning and Zoning Board. Edl'a Young questioned whether Mosby/Robbins should eat the expense if in fact th.e caleulati'ons they checked were not correct. Stan Krulikowski noted the boam~ hal. ed i'ts ~econmendation on the material as presented by Father and Son e~g~'~eer~ B'~:ll Messersm~th. Mr, Blair said Mr. Mosby did the structural design on the plan, Stan Krul~kowski said Beindorf did the calculations, Mosby only ~es.~ne~ the st~uctffre. Jewell Thompson suggested there be a written repert fman) the Bui'l~ing Department and one f~om Mosby/Robbins justifying the bill and the need to call the conference, and the board would base payment on the Planning and Zoning Board Minutes - 3/7/85 - p~.~ information supplied by both parties. Following more discussion, Stan Krulikowski made the motion the payment be withheld for items one and thl'ee of the January bill for MosbY/Robbins. Jewell Thompson seconded the motion for discussion, motion carried with Jewell Thompson voting against. Harold Eisenbarth announced the March 18 joint meeting was rescheduled. The board discussed the need for a workshop meeting to review plans, especial- ly the complicated ones, and use the workshop for the preliminary meetings where all theboard could participate, rather than just the chairman. Stan K~mli'kowskl satd he would bring in a written report of what procedures s~ld be to si~pltfy review, Amodel home application for Ameron homes was reviewed for Lot 13, Block 215, Unit #8, Sebastian Highlands, 955 Clearmont St., Sebastian, Fl, 32958. Marjorie Poole made the motion that the model home application be reconmmnded for approval, Edra Young seconded the motion, passed unanimously, Chai~nan 'Eisenbarth brought the need for an alternate to the board to the floor, Bob Fullerton made the motion that the clerk's office run another aU ~o~ an alternate, Ma~Jorie Poole seconded the motion, unanimous approval. Board ~econmlended unanimously that Edra Young be recommended tothe Mayor and Council now., instead of waiting until an alternate is recommended, Greg Palmer asked the board about the zoning and land use on his property on Lg-uistana Ave, The board suggested he attend the March 18, 1985 joint meet- ti'n~, Bob fulle~ton brought the need of an impact fee to the board's attention. The ~oard ~i'scussed all the ramifications of the fee, including how much it would cost, what it would be used for should it be imposed, etc. Bob Fullerton made the'motion that a letter be sent to mayor and council stating that the do,rd is !)reatly concerned about the need for an impact fee. It would request the counci'l inmmdiately look into the mechanics of imposing an impact fee on new. development. It would suggest that inquir4es be sent to adjoining, comparable communities to ascertain their impact fees and how their fees eme used in their communities. Marge Poole seconded the motion, passed unanimous.ly, Meeti.n9 adjourned at 9~50 P,M. APPROVED~ DATE: