HomeMy WebLinkAbout03171983 PZ C't.ty of Sebastian Planning & Zonfng Comm'~ttee Mtnutes A meeting of the Plannlng & Zoning. Committee was held at the Cfty Hall on March 17, 1983 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chafrman Mr. B~11 Messersmlth. , The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. WJll~am Mahoney Mr. Harold Etsenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Or~' Others present for the meeting ~ncluded: Mr. £arl Masteller, C~ty Engtneer The Chairman then requested that the M~nutes of the Meeting of February 17th and February 24, 1983 and the last meeting held on March 3, 1983 be read. The minutes of the meeting held on February 17, 1983 were read w~th a motion to accept the minutes as read by Mr. Harold E~senbarth, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the(~?mm~ttee. The m~nutes of the meettn~q/~eld on February 24, 1983 were read wtth Mr. Joseph Ste~_~nson being added to the l~st of members Present for the meettng. A motion to accept the amended m~nutes, as read, was made by Mr'. Robert J. Orj, sec- onded by Mr. Harold E~se~barth and, upon vote unam~ously approved by the Committee. ' The mfnutes of the Public Hearing and following meeting, held on March 3, 1983, were then read. Reference.the Public Hearing held to consider the PUD presentation, Mr. Earl Mast- e11er stated that, for the record, the Committee should clearly specify'what they are approving when'~t applies to rezonfng, Mr. Harold'E~senbarth questioned the north/south corridor. After d~scussion, Jt was resolved that the Chairman, Mr. B~11Messersm~th, would further dtscuss th~s ~ssue w~th Mr. Lester SolOn. - 1 - At th. ts ttme, .Mr. Earl Masteller commented that the re- view of the PUO should be accompll, shed in a most careful man- ner, that there is more effO~t~':required concerning the density, etc. and that the PUD input, to date, requires more descriptive detail The Chairman then read Mr. Lester Solin's letter and, with exception of the previous comment on the north/south corridor, it was accepted as read for the record. Mr. Kilbrtde's letter was also read and accepted, as written, for the record. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The first order of business concerned a request by Sembler and Sembler for permission to sell beer and wine at their facility on the east side of Indian River Drive. Mr, Bruce Alles presented the purpose of this request and stated that beer and wine is currently being sold, but not con- sumed on the premises. The Chairman then read Section 7 of our Zoning Code, and determined that the beer and wine request would be for the east side of Indian River Drive only. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Joseph Stevenson, seconded by Mr. Rob- ert J. Ori and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Comm!tte~.~ Vi's Surf & Turf Restaura-ntto.change the name of the owner"s ~ - from Celeste Mancine and Lenora Dean to Celeste Mancine only, A motion to approve the request was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stevenson and, upon vote, un~ aminously approved by the Committee. The third order of business concerned the Site Plan for St. Williams Catholic Church. The detail of the plan was presented by Mr. Keith Hock, in the presence of Father joe and a Mr. Nelson. associates to this project. The order of Construction would give priorlty to the Parish Center first, the Pastor's residence second and the Church would be third in line. Also, the vacating of the right of way for two roads' as shown on the Site Plan, was discussed, with the Chairman stat-. lng that an opinion from Mr. Oan Kilbride, City Attorney, would be required. Mr. Earl Masteller prepared a letter to the Planning and Zoning Committee that contained his comments relative to the total Site Plan - copy attached to these minutes. - 2 - Mr. Masteller considered the plan to be a good plan and subject to hts comments, recommended Commfttee approval. ' Further, posstble relocation of the church, based on the ~nterpretat~on of the applicable ordinance, would necessitate a change to the Site Plan. Mr. Masteller also requested clarification of the build- ing elevations'. The Chairman then asked for a morton to accept the Site Plan, subject to comments provided in Mr Masteller's letter, as attached. · UpOn a motion to approve the S~te Plan, subject to Mr. Masteller's comments and these minutes, as applicable, was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by voted upon and unanimously approved by the Committee. The S~te Plan was stamped, but not s~gned by the Comm- ittee members subject to the conditions of Mr Masteller's letter. . The next order.of business concerned.questfons by Mr. Joseph CJmaco relative to the installation of a food cater- 1rig, take-out servfce tn the butldina ~.A..=3 The Committee encouraged Mr. Cimaco to prepare wrttten documentation that outltned his plans, purpose, etc. and Present it at the next meeting of the Committee. The last order of business concerned a letter and floor plan of a model home that Mr. Steve Taca, President, Bay- shore Homes, wants to construct. Additionally a 11st of lot owners also accompanied the request. Committee comments included the following : a) All owners wtthin 1S0 feet of the construction site should be notified of the proposed constr- uction of a model home. b) Applicant should'appear before the Commlttee and explatn the purpose of the request. c) The applicant should review the contents of tnance d) Residence elevations should be tncluded in the presentation. A motion to table the request and to advtse the owner of the Committee comments was made by.Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stevenson and upon Committee vote, unanimously approved. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Robert J. Ori, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Work- man, voted upon, and unanimously approved by the Committee. APPROVED: (00� Bill Messersmith, Chairman Res fulFri itted Robert J. == ti Dated: City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on March 17, lg83 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested that the Minutes of the .Meeting of February 17th and February 24, 1983 and the last meeting held on March 3, 1983 be read. The minutes of the meeting held on February 17, 1983 were read with a motion to accept the minutes as read by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The minutes of the meeting held on February 24, 1983 were read with Mr. Joseph Stevenson being added to the list of members present for the meeting., A motion to accept the amended minutes, as read, was made by Mr. Robert J. Ori, sec- onded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and, upon vote, unamiou~ly approved by the Committee. The minutes of the Public Hearing and following meeting, held on March 3, 1983, were then read. Reference the Public Hearing held to consider the PUD presentation, Mr. Earl Mast- eller stated that, for the record, the Committee should clearly specify what they are approving when it applies to rezoning~ Mr. Harold Eisenbarth questioned the north/south corridor. After discussion, it was resolved that the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith, would further discuss this issue with Mr. Lester Solin. - 1 - Ci t~:of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on March 17, 1983 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: · Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested that the Minutes of the Meeting of February 17th and February 24, 1983 and the last meeting held on March 3, 1983 be read. The minutes of the meeting held on February 17, 1983 were read with a motion to accept the minutes as read by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The minutes of the meetin~eld on February 24, 1983 were read with Mr. Joseph Ste~F~nson being added to the list of members present for the me~ting., A motion to accept the amended.minutes, as read, was made by Mr. Robert j. Ori, sec- onded by Mr. Harold Eisehbarth and, upon vote, unamiously approved by the Committee. The minutes of the Public Hearing and following meeting, held on March 3, 1983, were then read. Reference the Public Hearing held to consider the PUD presentation, Mr. Earl Mast- eller stated that, for the record, the Committee should clearly specify what they are approving when it applies to rezoning, Mr. Harold Eisenbarth questioned the north/south corridor. After discussion, it was resolved that the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith, would further discuss this issue with Mr. Lester Solin. - 1 - At th. ts ti'me, Mr. Earl Masteller commented that the re- view of the PUD should be accomplished tn a most careful man- ner, that there is."more effort required concerning the density, etc. and that the PUD input, to date, requires more descriptive detail. The Chairman then read Mr. Lester Solin's letter and, with exception of the previous comment on the north/south corridor, it was accepted as read for the record. Mr. Kilbride's letter was also read and accepted, as written, for the record. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The first order of business concerned a request by Sembler and Sembler for permission to sell beer and wine at their facility.on the east side of Indian River Drive. Mr. Bruce Alles presented the purpose of this request and stated that beer and wine is currently being sold, but not con- sumed on the premises. ~ The Chairman then 'read Section/~ of our Zoning Code, and determined that the beer and wine r~quest would be for the east side of Indian River Drive on_7~. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Joseph St~son, seconded by Mr. Rob- ert J. Ori and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The second order of business concerned a request by Vi's Surf & Turf Restaura.nt to change the name of the owner'~eaa~_,a from Celeste Mancine and Lenora Dean to Celeste Mancine only, A motion to approve the request was made by Mrs, Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stevenson and, upon vote, un-. aminously approved by the Committee. The third order of business coffcerned the Site Plan for St. Williams Catholic Church. The detail of the plan was presented by Mr. Keith Hock, in the presence of Father joe and a Mr. Nelso~.~..sociates to this project. The order of construction would give priority to the Parish Center first, the Pastor's residence second and.the Church would be third in line. Also, the vacating of the right of way for two roads, as shown on the Site Plan'~ was discussed, with the Chairman stat-. lng that an opinion from Mr, Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, would be required. Mr. Earl Masteller prepared a letter to the Planning and Zoning Committee that contained his comments relative to the total Site Plan - copy attached to these minutes. - 2 - At tht~ ti'me, Mr. Earl Masteller commented that the re- view of the PUD should'be accomplished in a most careful man- ner, that there is more effort required concerning the density, etc. and that the PUD input, to date, requires more descriptive detail. The Chairman then read Mr. Lester Solin's letter and, with exception of the previous comment on the north/south corridor, it was accepted as read for the record. Mr. Kilbride's letter was also read and accepted, as written, for the record. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to' accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The first order of business concerned a request by Sembler and Sembler for permission to sell beer and wine at their facility-on the east side of Indian River Drive. Mr.'Bruce Alles presented the purpose of this request and stated that beer and wine is currently being sold, but not con- sumed on the premises. The Chairman then read Section 7 of our Zoning Code, and determined that the beer and wine request would be for the east side of Indian River Drive only. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Joseph Stevenson, seconded by Mr. Rob-' ert j. Ori and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The second Order of business concerned a request by Vi's Surf & Turf Restaura.nt to change the name of the owner's from Celeste Mancine and Lenora Dean to Celeste Mancine only, A motion to approve the request was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stevenson and, upon vote, un-. aminously approved by the Committee. The third order of business concerned the Site Plan for St. Williams Catholic Church. The detail of the Plan was presented by Mr. Keith Hock, in the presence of Father Joe and a Mr. Nelson, associates to this project. The order of 'construction would give priority to the Parish Center first, the Pastor's residence second and the Church would be third in line. Also, the vacating of the right of way for two roads, as shown on the Site Plan, was discussed,~with the Chairman stat-~ ing that an opinion from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, would be required. Mr. Earl Masteller prepared a letter to the Planning and Zoning Committee that contained his comments relative to the total Site Plan - copy attached to these minutes. - 2 - At thts, time, Mr. Earl Masteller commented that the re- view of the PUD should be accomplished in a most careful man- ner, that there is more effort required concerning the density, etc. and that the PUD input, to date, requires more descriptive detail. The Chairman then read Mr. Lester Solin's letter and, with exception of the previous comment on the north/sOuth corridor, it was accepted as read for the record. Mr. Kilbride's letter was also read and accepted, as written, for the record. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The first order of business concerned a request by Sembler and Sembler for permission to sell beer and wine at their facil!ty.on the east side of Indian River Drive. Mr. Bruce 'Alles presented the purpose of this request and stated that beer and wine is currently being sold, but not con- sumed on the premises. The Chairman then read Section 7 of our Zoning Code, and determined that the beer and wine request would be for the east side of Indian River Drive only. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Joseph Stevenson, seconded by Mr. Rob- ert J. Ori and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The second order of business concerned a request by Vi's Surf & Turf Restaura.nt to change the name of the owner's from Celeste Mancine and Lenora Dean to Celeste Mancine only, A motion to approve the request was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stevenson and, upon vote, un- aminously approved by the Committee. The third order of business concerned the Site Plan for St. Williams Catholic Church. The detail of the plan was presented by Mr. Keith Hock, in the presence of Father joe and a Mr. Nelson, associates to this project. The order of construction would give priority to the Parish Center first, the Pastor's residence second and the Church would be third in line. Also, the vacating of the right of way for two roads, as shoWn on the Site Plan, was discussed, with the Chairman stat-. ing that an opinion from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, would be required. Mr. Earl Masteller prepared a letter to the Planning and Zoning Committee that contained his comments relative to the total Site Plan - copy attached to these minutes. City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee ~nutes A meeting.of the Planning & Zoning Committee.was held at the City Hall on March 17, 1983 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersm~th. · The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Vorkman Mr. L. Gene Harris. .* ' .... .... - .. Mr. William Mahoney,._ ._ -Mr. Harold Eisenbarth -Hr. Joseph Stephenson .. ~ Mr. Robert j. Or~., Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested that the Minutes of the Meeting of February 17th and February 2a, 1983 and the last meeting held on March 3, 1983 be read. The minutes of the meeting held'on February 17, 1983 were read with a motion to accept the minutes as read by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and upon vote, unanimous.ly approved by the Committee.' The minutes of the meeting held on February 24, 1983 were read with Mr. Joseph Stevenson being added to the list of members present for the meeting.,'A motion to accept the amended minutes, as read, was made by Hr. Robert j. Ori, sec- onded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and upon vote, unamiously approved by the Committee. ' The minutes of the Public Hearing and following meeting, held on March 3, 1983, were then read. Reference the Public Hearing held to consider the PUD presentation, Mr. Earl Mast- eller stated that, for the record, the Committee should clearly specify what they are approving when it applies to rezoning, Mr. Harold Eisenbarth questioned the north/south corridor. After discussion, it was resolved that the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith, would further discuss this ~ssue with Mr. Lester Solin. Mr. Masteller considered the plan to be a good plan and, subject to his comments, recommended Committee approval. Further, possible relocation of the church, based on the interpretation of the applicable ordinance, would necess, itate a change to the Site Plan.--~~n,llv Ca~lzo_lic Diocese, that co,J~ ~ -~ ..... ~ ~ ., ,es Still Mr. Masteller also requested clarification of the build- ing elevations. The Chairman then asked for a motion to accept the Site Plan, subject to comments provided in Mr. Masteller'S letter, as attached. Upon a motion to approve the Site Plan, subject to Mr. Masteller's comments and these minutes, as-applicable, was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Site Plan was stamped, but not signed by the Comm- ittee members subject to the conditions of Mr. Masteller's letter. The next order of business concerned questions by Mr. Joseph Cimaco relative to the installation of a food cater- ing, take-out service in the building ~ occupied by McCullers & Howard on Route The Committee encouraged Mr. Cimaco to prepare written documentation that outlined his plans, purpose, etc. and present it at the next meeting of the Committee. The last order of business concerned a letter and floor plan of a model home that Mr. Steve Taca, President, Bay- shore Homes, wants to construct. Additionally a list of lot owners also accompanied the request~ Committee comments included the following: a) All owners within l~O feet of the construction site should be notified of the proposed constr- uction of a model home. b) Applicant should appear before the Committee and explain the purpose of the request. c) The applicant should review the contents of Ord- inance 202-S. d) Residence'"i)evatio.ns should be included in the presentation. A motion to table the request and to advise the owner of the Committee comments was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, - 3 - Mr. Masteller considered the plan to be a good plan and, subject to his comments, recommended Committee approval. Further, possible relocation of the church, based on the interpretation of the applicable ordinance, would necessitate a change to the Site Plan. Additionally, approval by the Catholic Diocese, that could also induce changes was still reuired. , Mr. Masteller also requested clarification of the build- ing elevations. The Chairman then asked for a motion to accept the Site Plan, subject to comments provided in Mr Masteller's letter as attached. ' , Upon.a motion to approve the Site Plan, subject to Mr. Masteller's comments and these minutes, as.applicable, was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Site Plan was stamped, but not signed by the Comm- ittee members subject to the conditions of Mr Masteller's letter. · The next order of business concerned questions by Mr. Joseph Cimaco relative to the installation of a food cater- ing, take-out service in the building previously occupied by McCullers & Howard on Route 512. The Committee encouraged Mr. Cimaco to prepare written documentation that outlined his plans, purpose, etc. and present it at the next meeting of the Committee. The last order of business concerned a letter and floor plan of a model home that Mr. Steve Taca, President, Bay- shore Homes, wants to construct. Additionally a list of lot owners also accompanied the request~ Committee comments included the following: a) All owners within 150 feet of the construction site should be notified of the proposed constr- uction of a model home. b) Applicant should appear before the Committee and explain the purpose of the request. c) The applicant should review the contents~ of Ord- inance 202-S. d) Residence elevations should be include~:~tn the presentation. A motion to table the request and to advise the owner of the Committee comments was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, - 3 - At 'th. ts. time, Mr. Earl Masteller commented that the re- view of the PUD should be accomplished in a most careful man- ner, that there is more effort required concerning the density, etc. and that the PUD input, to date, requires more descriptive detail. The Chairman then read Mr. Lester Solin's letter and, with exception of the previous comment on the north/south corridor, it was accepted as read for the record. Mr. Kilbride's letter was also read and accepted, as written, for the record. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The first order of business concerned a request by Sembler and Sembler for permission to sell beer and wine at their facility'on the east side of Indian River Drive, Mr. Bruce Alles presented the purpose of this request and stated that beer and wine is currently being sold, but not con- sumed on the premises. The Chairman then read Section 7 of our Zoning COde, and determined that the beer and wine request would be for the east side of Indian River Drive only. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Joseph Stevenson, seconded by Mr. Rob- ert J. Ori and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee, The second order of business concerned a request by Vi's Surf & Turf Restaura-nt to change the name of the owner~,s from Celeste Mancine and'Lenora Dean to Celeste Mancine only, A motion to approve the request was made by Mrs, Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stevenson and, upon vote, un-. aminously approved by the Committee. The third order of business concerned the Site Plan for St. Williams Catholic Church. The detail of the plan w-as presented by Mr. Keith Hock, in the presence of Father joe and a Mr. Nelson, associates to this project, The order of construction would give priority, to the Parish Center first, the PastOr's residence second, and the Church would be third in line. Also, the vacating of the right of way for two roads, as shown on the Site Plan, was discussed, with the Chairman stat,. ing that an opinion from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, would be required. Mr. Earl Masteller prepared a letter to the Planning and Zoning Committee that contained his comments relative to the total Site Plan - copy attached to these minutes, - 2 - City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on March 17, 1983 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. William Mahoney Mr, Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested that the Minutes of the Meeting of February 17th and February 24, 1983 and the last meeting held on March 3, 1983 be read. The minutes of the meeting held on February 17, 1983 were read with a motion to accept the minutes as read by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and, upon vote, unanimously approved by the Committee. The minutes of the meeting held on February 24, 1983 were read with Mr. Joseph Stevenson being added to the list of members present for the meeting. A motion to accept the amended minutes, as read, was made by Mr. Robert J, Ori., sec,. onded by Mr. Harold Eisehbarth and, upon vote, unamiously approved by the Committee. The minutes of the Public Hearing and following meeting, held on March' 3, 1983, were then read. Reference the Public Hearing held to consider the PUD presentatiOn, Mr. Earl Mast-: eller stated that, for the record, the Committee should clearly specify what they are approving when it applies to rezoning, Mr. Harold Eisenbarth questioned the north/south corridor. After discussion, it was resolved that the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith, would further discuss this issue with Mr, Lester Solin. - 1 - Mr. Masteller considered the plan to be a good plan and, subject to his comments, recommended Committee approval. Further, possible relocation of the church, based on the interpretation of the applicable ordinance, would necessitate a change to the Site Plan. Additionally, approval by the Catholic Diocese, that could also induce changes, was still reuired. Mr. Masteller also requested clarification of the build- ing elevations. The Chairman then asked for a motion to accept the Site Plan, subject to comments provided in Mr. Masteller's letter, as attached. Upon a motion to approve the Site Plan, subject to Mr. Masteller's comments and these minutes, as-applicable, was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Site Plan was stamped, but not signed by the Comm- ittee members subject to the conditions of Mr. Masteller's letter. The next order of business concerned questions by Mr. Joseph Cimaco relative to the installation of a food cater- ing, take-out service in the building previously occupied by McCullers & Howard on Route S12. The Committee encouraged Mr. Cimaco to prepare written documentation that outlined his plans, purpose, etc. and present it at the next meeting of the Committee. The last order of business concerned a letter and floor plan of a model home that Mr. Steve Taca, President, Bay- shore Homes, wants to construct. Additionally a list of lot owners also accompanied the request~ Committee comments included the following: a) All owners within 150 feet of the construction site should be notified of the proposed constr- uction of a model home. b} Applicant should appear before the Committee and explain the purpose of the request. c} The applicant should review the contents of Ord, inance 202-S. d} Residence elevations should be included in the presentation. A motion to table the request and to advise the owner of the Committee comments was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, - 3 - Mr. Masteller considered the plan to be a good plan and, subject to his comments, recommended Committee approval. Further, possible relocation of the church, based on the interpretation of the applicable ordinance, would necessitate a change to the Site Plan. Additionally, approval by the Catholic Diocese, that could also induce changes, was still reuired. Mr. Masteller also requested clarification of the build- ing elevations. The Chairman then asked for a motion to accept the Site Plan, .subject to comments provided in Mr. Masteller's letter, as attached. Upon a motion to approve the Site Plan, subject to Mr. Masteller's comments and these minutes, as applicable, was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously apProved by the Committee. The Site Plan was stamped, but not signed by the Comm- ittee members subject to the conditions of Mr. Masteller's letter. The next order of business concerned questions by Mr. Joseph Cimaco relative to the installation of a food cater- ing, take-out service in the building previously occupied by McCullers & Howard on Route S12. The Committee encouraged Mr. Cimaco to prepare written documentation that outlined his plans, purpose, etc. and present it at the next meeting of the Committee. The last order of business concerned a letter and floor plan of a model home that Mr. Steve Taca, President, Bay- shore Homes, wants to construct. Additionally a list of lot owners also accompanied the request. Committee comments included the following: a) All owners within 150 feet of the construction site should be notified of the proposed constr- uction of a model home. b) Applicant should appear before the Committee and explain the purpose of the request. c) The applicant should review the contents of Ord~ inance 202-S. d) Residehce elevations should be included in the presentation. A motion to table the request and to advise the owner of the Committee comments was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, - 3 -