HomeMy WebLinkAbout03211985 PZ,, ~] ,~ ~][~.~~PLANNIN~ AND ZONING BOARD Planning and Zoning Board meeting called to order by Chairman, Harold Eisenbarth, at 7:30 P.M., in the Sebastian City Council Chambers. Members Present: William Nahoney Stanley Krulikowski Jewell Thompson Edra Young Harold Eisenbarth Members Absent: Narjorie Poole (Excused) Robert Fullerton A public hering was scheduled for this meeting to discuss the request for a re-zoning chamge from LD to PUO for the property known as Churchman's Condo. However, through an oversight, the public hearing was not advertised, but notices of the meeting were sent to the surround- ing property owners. Chairman Eisenbarth announced that we would go ahead with the public hearing in view of the fact that property owners were in the audience and also that Attorney Palmer had advised th'at -:' it would be all right to do so without the advertisement since the pro- perty owners had been notified. There was a lengthy discussion on the conceptual plan, during the course 6f which the members of the public expressed great concern for this development with especial emphasis on the traffic impact. NOTION BY STANLEY KRULIKOWSKI, SECONDED BY. OEWELL THOMPSON, TO ADJOURN THE PUBLIC HEARING. AJDOURNED: 8:47 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY 3EWELL THOMPSON, SECONDED BY STANLEY KRULIKOWSKI, THAT WE DEFER ACTION ON THIS APPLICATION UNTIL THE NEXT BOARD MEETING UNTIL WE CAN GET SOME LEGAL ADVICE AND HAVE TIME TO STUDY THE PUBLIC INPUT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: NAYS: MR. MAHONEY MR. KRULIKOWSKI MR. THOMPSON MRS. YOUNG CHAIRMAN, EISENBARTH NONE MOTION CARRIED. Theilminutes of the meeting of 3/7/85 were corrected to indicate that statement made by Robert Fullerton, that "until we have further veri- fication, we should withdraw our recommendation", was not part of the motion made regarding the Magazine Property. MOTION BY STANLEY KRULIKOWSKI, SECONDED BY EDRA YOUNO, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MEETING OF MARCH 7, 1985, AS CORRECTEO. MOTION CARRIED. - 1 - PLANNING AND ZONI ~ARD - MEETING 3/21. Due to a possible co'nflict of interest, Chairman"Harold Eisenbarth turned the gavel over to Stanley KrulikowSki to chair the following' portion of the meeting, regarding Site Plan Approval/C.R. 512, LOts 54,55, Block 492, Unit 12,-Sebastian Highlands/Chuck Snider Property. Mr. Gene Harris, stated that he was presenting a minor site plan for approval, involving lots 54, & 55, on C.R. 512 for Commercial, Retail/ Restaurant, on behalf of Mr. Charles Snider his client and Mr. Oim Foley, Architect. After some discussion, Sewell Thompson asked if Dan Blair, Building Official had the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed site plan, as presented by Mr. Harris, in accordance with City or- dinance. Dan 81air responded that he had not reviewed these plans presented before Planning and Zoning this evening. Mr. Gene Harris indicated that the plans were a simple site plan, which would come under a minor site plan. Further discussion continued, regarding the proposed site plan. Mr. Jewell Thompson commented that Mr. Harris indicate~ on the signed plans the set back distance. Mr, Harris stated that he would and that it was an oversigt. MOTION BY BILL MAHONEY, SECONDED BY EDRA YOUNG, TO APPROVE THE SITE PLAN FOR CHARLES SNIDER, LOTS 54,55, BLOCK 492, UNIT 12. Oust for clarification, Earl Masteller, questioned whether the Planning and Zoning Board was proceeding with a minor site plan, without a con- sulting engineers comments. Mr. Krulikowksi indicated that this was. a minor site plan presented and that it was not necessary for it to be presented to a consulting engineer, however, he did feel and recomm- ended to the board that the site plan be reviewed by a consulting engineer. Mr. Krulikowski recommended that the rear right of way of the proposed site plan be addressed alittle more and that in addition to the p~O- po's~d 4'. hedge that trees be planted also to provide a buffer along the rear right-of-way. Dan Blair stated that he would like a chance to review the plan, since it was Planning and Zoning's decision at a previous Work Shop Meeting, not to require a rear buffer on C.R. 512 properties. After some further discussion, concerning the buffer requi~em~6~s, Mr.'Krul!koWski. indicated"that'~be~"me"~'i~gi'"i't_a~e ~ould be referenced for~larification. Mr. KrulikO~ski asked the board members what their feelings:.~e:~e~on having the proposed site plan reviewed by the City engineer. Mr. Harris stated that one of the reasons the criteria was set up, for 7,~00 sq. ft. minor site plans, was so that the board wouldn't need a city engineers review for a minor site plan review. Mr. KrulikO~ski stated that Mr. Harris was correct, but indicated if the board felt we needed it, it would then be justified. MOTION BY BILL MAHONEY, SECONDED BY EDRA YOUNG, TO ACCEPT THE SITE PLAN CONTINGUENT UPON A BURFER OF TREES AND HEDGE ALONG THE REAR RIGHT-OF-WAY. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: MR. MAHONEY MR. THOMSPON MRS. YOUNG - 2 - NAYS: MR. KRUILKOWSKI MOTION CARRIED PLANNING & ZONING MEETING - ~ 85 Oust for clarification, from the Planning and Zoning Board, Earl Masteller asked if a site plan is prepared and considered a minor site plan with less than 7,500 sq. ft. of impervious area, that it automatically triggers the fact, that there is not going to be a letter or review from the City Engineer, and if this is the case, that when he brings in a site plan, he'will be treated the.same as Mt.Harris was this evening. To further clarify Earl Masteller~s concern, Mr. Krulikowski in- dicated that he would be treated the same and that when the criteria was set up as to the magnitude, of a minor or major site plan, i.t 'gave the option of a commission engineer. Chairman Eisenbarth, took over the gavel and chaired the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Dan Rruess, addressed the Planning and Zoning Board, stating that he just wanted to clarify for the record, the~l~tter he received, stating that the motion to make the C.R. 512 Magazine Property In- dustiral was withdrawn, based on the fact that the road extension of 512 was going to be re-routed. He explained that he received a letter from Mr Michael Wright, along with a map indicating the ~.oute and that it will definitely by pass the C.R. 512 Magazine property. Mr. Rruess stated, in his opinion, that this property would make a fine industrial site. Chairman~.Eisenbarth, stated that the matter, regarding the C.R. Magazine Property has been rectified and that a follow up letter was sent to the City Council. MOTION BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, SECONDED BY MRS. YOUNG, TO GET THROUGH THE OLD UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND IF'~THERE IS TIME, ON THE EVENING SCHEDULE, NEW BUSINESS WILL 8E ADDRESSED. MOTION CARRIED. OEWELL THOMPSON, VOTED'NAY Chairman Eisenbarth, reported that a late bill was received from Mosby and Associates, in the amount of $191.00, which was approved for payment at theZtaSt R & Z meeting. Mr. Mosby's bill also shows $541.00 pass due, and a new invoice in the amount of $~20.}1 for the Churchman property. MOTION 8Y MR.KULIKOWSKI, SECONDED 8Y MRS. YOUNG, THAT BASED ON THE STATEMENT FROM MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, DATED }/4/85, THAT THE BOARD NOT ADDRESS THE STATEMENT AT THIS TIME AND RUT IT OFF UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING, AT WHICH TIME WE REQUEST-THAT MR. MOSBY BE RRESENT~ ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: BILL MAHONEY STANLEY KRULIKOWSKI EDRA YOUNG NAYS: OEWELL THOMPSON HAROLD EISENBARTH MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING - 3/21/85 For the record, Chairman, Eisenbarth stated that the previous motion was carried and that Mr. Randy Mosby, be requested to be present at the next Rlanning and Zoning Board meeting. Chairman EiSenbarth, reviewed the letter received from City Attorney, Ralmer, concerning the City Ordinance and who has the authorization to release funds. Chairman Eisenbarth, reported that there had been no reply to the letter sent by Rlanning and Zoning to the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER). Due to a heavy workload and lack of time, Chairman Eisenbarth, rec- ommended that the report reoieved from the Finance Director, be held over,"under "Old Business",'until the board has sufficient time to re- view it. MOTION BY MR. MAHONEY, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, .TO FORWARD A MIAMI HERALD NEWSPAPER ARTICLE, ENTITLED-~"THE]~DECLINE"O~'.THE.iNO~i~.~£Rm,~LBY- ~[ BURT'S ~p~,. TO. THE'.Ci'TY COUNOlL.FO~i'~HEIR INFORMATION~:'" MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Eisenbarth, commented that the letter was sent to the. City Council, from the Planning and Zoning Board, regarding impact fees and that as yet, no reply has been received. Chairman Eisenbarth, reported that at the Regular City Council Meeting, of ~/20/85, Mrs. Edra Young was voted as a regular member of the Planning and ~oning Board and is no longer an alternate member. MOTION BY MR. THOMPSON, SECONDED BY MRS.YOUNG, THAT WE ASK EUGENE CONTINI, JR., TO MAKE A FORMAL REQUEST FOR WHATEVER IT IS HE IS WANTING TO DO. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Dan Preuss, local realtor, stated that he has recently purchased the T-Bone Festus Restaurant Building, located on U.S. #1 and that it is his intention to convert it into a real estate office. As far as any structual changes, plumbing or electrical, he stated that there will be none and that he just"'wanted approval from the board to d.e~~-~''~ this property, from a Restaurant use to a Real Estate Office. Mr. Mahoney questioned the situation regarding, the well and if Mr. Preuss was going to continue to share it with the Father and Son Plaza just re- cently constructed. Mr. Preuss stated yes, that the Father and Son Plaza will continue to share the well. He also mentioned that this change of use will make it easier for lot development, sinc~ only a 100 ft separation'~ is needed, because the building will no longer be a restaurant. Mr. Thompson commented on.the parking facility. Mr. Preuss stated that there are 9 p~rking spaces available with a total of 712 square feet. - 4 - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD~ETING 3/21/85' MOTION BY MR. THOMSPON, SECONDED BY MRS. YOUNG, TO APPROVE MR. PREUSS' REQUEST Tn ~,,~,oo~Tur= =¢=,~=~Lo--~, THEi"FORMER T-BONE FESTUS RESTAURANT, LOCATED ON~'S.#1, TO A REAL ESTATE OFFICE. · ~~ ~$~ o~ , . MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Krulikowski indicated that he would/.like to see a site plan-of this property, in order to revlew the traffic flow. MOTION BY MR. THOMPSON, SECONDED BY MRS. YOUNG, TO EXTEND THE MEETING AN ADDITIONAL 5 MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. .Mr. Gene Harris presented a basic conceptual plan fora proposed Italian Pizza Restaurant, to be constrUcted on four lots, on C.R. 512, located East of C.R. 512 and Barber Street. Discussion followed, regarding the conceptual plan, Chairman Eisenbarth remarked that at this time these four lots, located East of C.R. 512 and Barber Street a~e presently zoned C.O.R. but is in the process of being re-zoned to CL. Mr. Krulikowski was of the opinion that the architeotual appearance of the proposed building be changed som~, possibly the roof style, just to allow some deviation from other buildings on C.R. 512. MOTION BY MR. THOMPSON, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, THAT WE SEE NO MAJOR OBJECTION TO THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN AS PRESENTED, SUBJECT TO ZONING APPROVAL AND SUBJECT TO FINAL REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. John Hamilton, Builder, Owner of Warehouse Building on C.R. 512, stated that it is his intention to purchase industrial proper~ directly South of his existing Warehouse, which abutts the road which is the dividing line between the County and City. Since, the road is built up on a high crest of the hill, which would make it very difficult to construct a building that would be 6" - 18" above the crown of the road, he asked what the board's feeling would be to the building sitting lower than what the road is to the South, which will be the road the proposed building will be fronting on. He also mentioned that after speaking with the Health Department, that they didn't have aproblem as long as he regrades and there was no problem with perculation. Dan Blair, Building Official, indicated that he saw no problem and that a retention area could be placed in the back. Mr. Blair also mentioned that since this is a deviation form the regular standard, that the site plan show that con- dition. Chairman Eisenbarth, was of the opinion that this project be reviewed by the City Engineer for a professional opinion. Mr. Hamilton also commented on the l0 foot rear:set backl;~since he already has an alleyway' for his existing building. It was recommended that this be shown on the site Plan. MOTION BY MR. MAHONEY, SECONDED BY MR. ERULIKOWSKI, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:44 P.M. - 5 -