HomeMy WebLinkAbout03311983 PZ City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the Chamber of Commerce Building on March 31, lg83 at 8:15 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messer- smith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr.' Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested a reading of the Minutes of the Meet- ing held on March 17, 1983. Amendments to the Minutes are as follows: a) Page 2., 9th paragraph - change "a Mr. Nelson" to read Mr. Nelson Hyatt. b) Page 3., 2nd paragraph - delete last sentence and add "and be resubmitted, as amended. c) Page 3., 7th paragraph - delete "previously occupied by McCul- lars & Howard on Route 512 and add "most easterly office." The Chairman then stated that the. Minutes of MaPch 3, lg83 provided for a Public Hearing to be held on March 31, 1983, relative to the re- Zoning of Lots 55 & 56, Wauregan Subdivision, from R1 to C1, and that the Public Hearing was the first order of business. The {hairman t~i~'~ re r from Mr. Lester Solin that stated the area Wd-l-t~be .z~(~C1. Further, the Chairman stated that the ~ '.~change will have to be advertised. ~y~ue ur~ Upon a request from the Chairman to close the hearing, a motion was so made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and unanimously approved by the Committee. A motion to approve therezoning request from R1 to C! for Lots 55 and 56, Wauregan Subdivision was made by Mr. JoSeph Setphenson, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and unanimously approved by the Committee. The second order of business concerned the request by BaY Shore Homes to build a model home on Lot 12, Block 218, Unit 8, Sebastian Highlands. -1- The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, that stated the .construction of model homes did not require site plan approval. Mr. Steve Taca, President of Bay Shore Homes, responded to a question concerning sufficient parking and he stated that there would be ample spaces for parking. Letters to the adjacent home owners and property owners have been sent and Mr. Masteller stated that the records should reflect that the ~ upon'a mo~on maoe Dy ~rs. [~ien Workman and seconddd by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, the Co~ittee voted to approve this request. The third order of business concerned an inquiry by Mr. Carl Moenssens, concerning the purchase of the Lily Pad, a vacant building on U.S. #1, for use as a restaurant. It was recommended by Mr. Earl Masteller, that.a review of the exist- ing ordinances regarding landscaping, drainage, parking etc. be accomp- lished and compiled into a site plan. The Chairman also stated that the Planning & Zoning Committee will recommend that the Land Use Plan be changed to reflect existing commercial uses on North U.S. #l and that a site plan, reference ordinance compliance, per Mr. Masteller's recommendation be submitted. ~j~u(~lr~' T_))e_fourth order of business concerned a letter, presented by Mr. ." b~~, from Mr. Joseph M. Cimato, reference a building on Route to be used as.a food catering and take out service. {Letter attached to these Minutes) Based on Mr Cimato's compliance with existing Health Department Reg- ulations, a motion to approve the use of subject building, as previously stated, was made by Mr. RobertJ. Ori, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, voted upon, and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Chairman then presented a change to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and stated that a Public Hearing shall be scheduled six (6) weeks from this date to amend the Land Use Plan as recommended in Mr. Lester Solin's letter of March 14, 1983, to include Lots 8, 9 & 10, Block 5; Lots 3, 4, 5, ll & 12 of Block 4 of Ocean Breeze Heights Subdivision; the parcel of ground known as the Lily Pad and the parcel known as the Schlitt Annex to be redesignated from COR to CL (Limited Commercial). The purpose.of this amendment is to make the Land Use Plan more closely conform to'existing conditions. A motion to approve this change was made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson and seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman. Upon vote by the Committee, Mr. Robert J. Ori voted against this change and the other members of the Committee voted for the change. The motionwa~ carried. -2- City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning& Zoning Committee was held at the Chamber of Commerce Building on March 31, 1983 at 8:15 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messer' smith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer TheChairman then requested a reading of the Minutes of the Meet- ing held on March 17, lg83. Amendments to the Minutes are as follows: a) Page 2., 9th paragraph - change "a Mr. Nelson" to read Mr. Nelson Hyatt. b) Page 3., 2nd paragraph - delete last sentence and add"and be resubmitted, as amended. c) Page 3., 7th paragraph - delete "previously occupied by McCul, lars & Howard on Route 512 and add "most easterly office." The Chairman then stated that the Minutes of March 3, 1983 provided for a Public Hearing to be held on March 31, 1983, relative to the re- zoning of Lots 55 & 56, Wauregan Subdivision, from R1 to Cl, and that the Public Hearing was the first order of business. The Chairman then read a letter from Mr. Lester Solin that stated the area will be zoned Cl. Further, the Chairman stated that the zon- ing change will have to be advertised. Upon a request from the Chairman to close the hearing, a motion was so made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and unanimously approved by the Committee. A motion to approve the rezoning request from R1 to C1 for Lots 55 and 56, Wauregan Subdivision was made by Mr. Joseph Setphenson, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and unanimously approved by the Committee. The second order of busthess concerned the request by Bay Shore Homes to build a model home on Lot 12, Block 218, Unit 8, Sebastian Highlands. -1- The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, that stated the construction of model homes did not require site plan appr. oval. Mr. Steve Taca, President of Bay Shore Homes, responded.to a question concerning sufficient parking and he stated that there would be ample spaces for parking. Letters to the adjacent home owners and property owners have been sent and Mr. Masteller stated that the records should reflect that the City Engineer requres no review of. the request. Upon a motion made by Mrs. Ellen Workman and seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, the Committee voted to approve this request. The third order of business concerned an inquiry by Mr. Carl Moenssens, concerning the purchase of the Lily Pad, a vacant building on U.S. #1, for use as a restaurant. It was recommended by Mr. Earl Masteller, that a review of the exist- ing ordinances regarding landscaping, drainage, parking etc. be accomp- lished and compiled into a site plan. The Chairman also stated that the Planning & Zoning Committee 'will recommend that the Land Use Plan be changed to reflect existing commercial uses on North U.S. #1 and that a site plan, reference ordinance compliance, per Mr. Masteller's recommendation be submitted. The fourth order of business concerned a letter, presented by Mr. Masteller, from Mr. Joseph M. Cimato, reference a building on Route 512 to be used as~a food catering and take out service. (Letter attached to these Minutes) Based on Mr Cimato's compliance with existing Health Department Reg- ulations, a motion to approve the use of subject building, as previously stated, was made by Mr. Robert J. Ori, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, voted upon, and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Chairman then presented a change to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and stated that a Public Hearing shall be scheduled six (6) weeks from this date to amend the Land Use Plan as recommended in Mr. Lester Solin's letter of March 14, 1983, to include Lots 8, 9 & 10, Block 5; Lots 3, 4, 5, ll & 12 of Block 4 of Ocean Breeze Heights Subdivision; the parcel of ground known as the Lily Pad and the parcel known as the Schlitt Annex to be redesignated from COR to CL (Limited Commercial), The purpose of this amendment is' to make the Land Use Plan more closely conform to existing conditions. A motion to approve this change.was made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson and seconded by Mrs, Ellen Workman. Upon vote by the Committee, Mr. Robert J. Ori voted against this change and the other members of the Committee ~oted for the change. The motion was unanimously carried, -2- �•, rte. The Chairman then stated that Mr. aTIEhad submitted a Letter of Resignation to the City Clerk. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unam- iously approved by the Committee. The meeting adjourned at ll:lOPM. APPROVED: Bill Messersmith, Chairman Res ectfully Submitted Robert J. 0 i - 3 - Dated POW—i2 The Chairman then stated that Mr. had submitted a Letter of Resignation to the City Clerk. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mrs. Ellen Workman, seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unam- iously approved by the Committee. The meeting adjourned at 11:10PM. Res ectfully Submitted - Robert J. 0 i APPROVED: Dated Bill Messersmith, Chairman - 3 - City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the Chamber of Commerce Building on March 31, 1983 at 8:15 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messer- smith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting.i~cluded: Mr. Earl Mastellerw City Engineer The Chairman then requested a reading of'the Minutes of. the Meet- ing held on March 17, 1983. Amendments to the Minutes are a~ follows: a)Page 2., 9th paragraph'- change "a Mr. Nelson" to read Mr.' Nel son Hyatt. b} Page 3., 2nd paragraph - delete last sentence and add "and be ' resubmitted, as amended. . c) Page 3., 7th paragraph- delete "previously · lars & HOward. On Route' 51'2 and?'"a:dd "mO~t':'~,~steri~' Office." The Chairman then stated that the Minutes of March 3, 1983 provid, ed for a Public Hearing to be held on March 31, 1983, relative to the re "-,~oning of Lots 55 & 56, Wauregan Subdivision, from R1 to C1, and that t~ublic Hearing.was the first order of business. T~Ch_~l_tr._map then read a letter from Mr.. Lester Solin that stated the area~W-~ll' ~}zoned Cl. Further, the Chairman stated that ~~--mb~have. to be advertised. · Upon a request from the Chairman to close the hearing, a motion was so made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and unanimously approved by the Committee. , A motion to approve the rezoning request from R1 to C1 for Lots 55 and 56, Wauregan Subdivision was made by Mr. Josep~nso~seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and unanimously approved by ~ittee. The second order of business concerned the request by Bay Shore Homes to build a model home on Lot 12, Block 218, Unit 8, Sebastian Highlands. -1- The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, that stated the construction of model homes did not require site plan approval. Mr. Steve Taca, President of Bay ShOre Homes, responded to a question concerning sufficient parking and he stated that there would be ample spaces for parking. 6) Letters to the adjacent home owners and property owners have been sent and Mr. Masteller stated that the r~cords should~flect thatth~.-~~ ., .,--, .ev e. -- . -"... /~/~"~' Upon a motion made by Mrs. ~llen Workman and seconded by Eisenbarth, the Committee voted to approve this request. The third order of business concerned an tnqutryby Mr. Carl Moenssens, concerningthe purchase of the Lily Pad, a vacant building on U,S. #1, for use as a restaurant. it was recOmmended by Mr. Earl Masteller, that a review of the exist- ing ordinances regarding landscaping,, drainage, parking etc. be accomp- lished and compiled into a site plan. The Chairmanalso stated that the Planning & Zoning Committee will recommend that the Land Use Plan be changed to reflect existing commercial uses on North U.S. #l and that a site plan, reference ordinance compliance, per Mr. Masteller's recommendation be submitted. ~ The fourth order of business concerned a letter, presented Joseph M, Cimato, referenc~abu.ild~ng~:~a~.~$12. to be .a foodcatering and take out service. (Letter attached to these Minutes) Based on M~Cimato'scompliance with existing Health Department Reg- ulations, a motion to approve the use of subject building, as previously stated, was made .by Mr. Robert J. Ori, seconded by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, voted upon, and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Chairman then presented a change to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and stated that a Public Hearing shall be scheduled six (6) weeks from this date to amend the Land Use Plan as recommended in Mr.,Lester Solin's letter of March 14, 1983, to include Lots 8, g & 10, Block 5; Lots 3, 4, 5, ll & 12 of Block 4 of Ocean Breeze Heights Subdivision; the parcel of ground known as the Lily Pad and the parcel known as the Schlitt Annex.to be redesignated from COR to CL (Limited Commercial). The purpose of this amendment is to make the Land Use Plan more closely conform to existing conditions. A motion to approve th~s change was made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson and seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman. Upon vote by the Committee, Mr. Robert J. Ori voted against this change and the other members of the Committee voted for the change. The motion was J~l)~l)~iJ~carried. -2- City of Sebastian Planning & ZoningCommittee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the Chamber of Commerce Building on March 31, 1983 at 8:15 PM. .~ The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr, Bill Messer- smith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr'Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested a reading of the Minutes of the Meet- ing held on March 17, 1983. Amendments to the Minutes are as follows: a) Page 2., 9th paragraph - change "a Mr. Nelson" to read Mr. Nelson Hyatt. b) Page 3., 2nd paragraph - delete last sentence and add "and be resubmitted, as amended. c) Page 3., 7th paragraph - delete ',previously occupied by McCul- lars & Howard on Route 512 and add "most easterly office." The Chairman then stated that the~Minutes of March 3, 1983 provided for a Public Hearing to be held on March 31, 1983, relative to the re- zoning of Lots 55 & 56, Wauregan Subdivision, from R1 to Cl, and that the Public Hearing was the first order of business. The Chairman then read a letter from Mr. Lester Solin that stated the area will be zQned Cl. Further, the Chairman stated that the zon- ing change will have to be advertised. Upon a request from the Chairman to close the hearing, a motion was so made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and unanimously approVed by the Committee. A motion to approve the rezoning request from R1 to C1 for Lots 55 and 56, Wauregan Subdivision was made by Mr. Joseph Setphenson, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and unanimously approved by the Committee. The second order of business, concerned the request by Bay Shore Homes to build a model home on Lot 12, Block 218, Unit 8, Sebastian Highlands. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, that stated the construction of model homes did not require site plan approval. Mr. Steve Taca, President of Bay Shore Homes, responded to a question concerning sufficient parking and he stated that there would be ample spaces for parking. Letters to the adjacent home owners and property owners have been sent and Mr. Masteller stated that the records should reflect that the City Engineer requres no review of the request. Upon a motion made by Mrs. Ellen Workman and seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, the Committee voted to approve this request. The third order of business concerned an inquiry by Mr. Carl Moenssens, concerning the purchase of the Lily Pad, a vacant building on U.S. #l, for use as a restaurant. It was recommended by Mr. Earl Masteller, that a review of the exist- ing ordinances regarding landscaping, drainage, parking etc. be accomp- lished and compiled into a site plan. The Chairman also stated that the Planning & Zoning Committee will recommend that the Land Use Plan be changed to reflect existing commercial uses on North U.S. #l and that a site plan, reference ordinance compliance, per Mr. Masteller's recommendation be submitted. The fourth order of business concerned a letter, presented~by Mr. Masteller, from Mr..Joseph M. Cimato, reference a building on Route 512 to be used as.a food catering and take out service. (Letter attached to these Minutes) Based on Mr Cimato's compliance with existing Health Department Reg- ulations, a motion to approve the use of subject building, as previously stated, was made by Mr. Robert J. Ori, secondedby Mr. Joseph Stephenson, voted upon, and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Chairman then presented a change to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and stated that a Public Hearing shall.be scheduled six (6) weeks from this date to amend the Land Use Plan as recommended in Mr. Lester Solin's letter of March 14, 1983, to include Lots 8, 9 & 10, Block 5; Lots 3, 4, 5, ll & 12 of Block 4 of Ocean Breeze Heights Subdivision; the parcel of ground known as the Lily Pad and the parcel known as the Schlitt Annex to be redesignated from COR to CL {Limited Commercial}. The purpose of this amendment is to make the Lapd Use Plan more closely conform to existing conditions. A motion to approve this chaQg~ was made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson and seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman.'~ Upon vote by the Committee, Mr. Robert j. Ori voted against this change and the other members of the Committee voted for the change. The motion was unanimously carried. -2- City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the Chamber of Commerce Building on March 31, 1983 at 8:15 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messer- smith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mrs. Ellen Workman Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr.' Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then requested a reading of the Minutes of the Meet- ing held on March 17, 1983. Amendments to the Minutes are as follows: a} Page 2., 9th paragraph - change "a Mr. Nelson" to read Mr. Nelson Hyatt. b) Page 3., 2nd paragraph - delete last sentence and add "and be resubmitted, as amended. c) Page 3., 7th paragraph - delete "previously occupied by McCul- lars & Howard on Route 512 and add "most easterly office." The Chairman then stated that the. MinUtes of March 3, 1983 provided for a Public Hearing to be held on March 31, 1983, relative to the re- zoning of Lots 55 & 56, Wauregan Subdivision, from R1 'to C1, and that the Public Hearingwas the first order of business. The ~t).~!rman ~he~/~..a~ ~ letter from Mr. Lester Solin that stated the areaw~ be ~Ct.' Further, the Chairman stated that the ~- ~ change will have to be advertised. Upon a request from the Chairman to close the hearing, a motion was so made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth and unanimously approved by the Committee. A motion to approve the rezoning request from R1 to C1 for Lots 55 and 56, Wauregan Subdivision was made by Mr. Joseph Setphenson, seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman and unanimously approved by the Committee. The second order of business concerned the request by Bay Shore Homes to build a model home on Lot 12, Block 218, Unit 8, Sebastian Highlands, The Chairman read aletter from Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney, that stated the construction of model homes did not require site plan approval. Mr. Steve Taca, President of Bay Shore Homes, responded to a question conCerning sufficient parking and he stated that there wouldbe ample spaces for parking, Letters tothe adjacent home owners and property owners have been/ sent and Mr. Masteller stated that the records should reflectthatthe/C-i-l~ --C'~lgqllt~q~-o revieW. Upon a motion made by Mrs. Ellen Workman and seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, the Committee voted to approve this request. The third order of business concerned an inquiry by Mr. Carl Moenssens, concerning the purchase of the Lily Pad, a vacant building on U.S. #1, for use as a restaurant. It was recommended by Mr. Earl Masteller, that a review of the exist- ing ordinances regarding landscaping, drainage, parking etc. be accomp- lished and compiled into a site plan. The Chairman also stated tha: the Planning & Zoning Committee will recommend that the Land Use Plan be changed to reflect existing commercial uses on North U.S. #l and that a site plan, reference ordinance compliance, per Mr. Masteller's recommendation be submitted. The fourth order of business concerned a letter, presented by Me~J4~,r-~-q~Mr$.Joseph M. Cimato, reference a buildingon Route 512 to be used as-a food catering and take out service. (Letter attached to these Minutes} Based on Mr Cimato's compliance with existing Health Department Reg- ulations, a motion to approve the use of subject building, as previously stated, was made by Mr. Robert J. Ori, seconded by Mr, Joseph Stephenson, voted upon, and unanimously approved by the Committee. The Chairman then presented a change to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and stated that a Public Hearing shall be scheduled six {6) weeks from this date to amend the Land Use Plan as recommended in Mr. Lester Solin's letter of March 14, 1983, to include Lots 8, 9 & 10, Block 5; Lots 3, 4, 5, ll & 12 of Block 4 of Ocean Breeze Heights Subdivision; the parcel of ground known as the Lily Pad and the parcel known as the Schlitt Annex to be redesignated from COR to CL (Limited Commercial). The purpose of this amendment is to make the Land Use Plan more closely conform to existing.conditions. A motion to approve,,..this change was made by Mr. Joseph Stephenson and seconded by Mrs. Ellen Workman. Upon vote by the Committee, Mr. Robert J. Ori voted against this change and the other members of the Committee voted for the change. The motion was~e~=a=ie~,y carried. -2-