HomeMy WebLinkAbout04041985 PZMINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING APRIL 4, 1985 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting called to order by Chairman, Harold Eisenbarth, at 7:30 P.M., in the Sebastian City Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: ROBERT FULLERTON WILLIAM MAHONEY STANLEY KRULIKOWSKI OEWELL THOMPSON EDRA YOUNG MAROORIE POOLE HAROLD EISENBARTH RANDY MOSBY, ENGINEER, MOSBY & ASSOCIATES, WAS PRESENT AS REQUESTED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD, AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING OF 3/21/85. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING APRIL 4, 1985 After a review of the March 21, 1985 minutes, the following correc- tions were made: PAGE #4 - RE: Dan P~u~ss' request for a'change of use. Remove the wording, "down grade zoning", insert the word'ing, "change of use". PAGE #5 - RE: Dan Pruess! request for a change of use. Remove the wording, "down grsde", insert wording, "change of use". RAGE #5 - RE: john Hamilton's CR 512 Property. Correct the word "properly", to read "propertyt!. MOTION BY MR. THOMPSON, SECONDED BY MR. MAHONEY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 3/21/85, AS CORRECTED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY After a review and discussion of the Financial R~port received from Ca~ol-'Carswell, City Finance Director, oOtlinning the Planning and Zoning Board's financial status, the board members were of the opinion that a specific catagorized breakdown of Planning and Zoning's accounting be prepared and distributed to board members on a quarterly basis. MOTION BY MRS. YOUNG, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, TO ACCEPT THE FINANCIAL REPORT AS PRESENTED. MOTION AMENDED BY MRS. YOU~, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, TO ACCEPT THE REPORT AS PRESENTED WITH APPRECIATION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY As requested by the Planning and Zoning Board Members, Mr. Randy Mosby, Contracted \City Engineer was present to r~view his' 2-1,85 invozce, submittedt to the City, for payment...' --1-- MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD APRIL 4, 1985 In response the board's main concern, regarding the $350,00 fee charged on February l, 1985 invoice, Mr. Mosby explained that on three ocassions, he was contacted by Mr. Dan Blair, City Building Official, concerning the the Father and Son Plaza project under construction. Mr. Mosby stated that Mr. Blair,s major concern was regarding the actual volume~:~available for storage on the site. After telephone conversations and finally a meeting with ~ayor Galleghe~i'L.Gene Harris, who at that time was the Planning and Zoning Chairman, Dan Blair, Randy Mosby.and his partner Mr. Robbins, and Bill Messersmith, Design Engineer, of Father & Son Plaza, the plans were r.eviewedand it was discovered that an error was not~::made but only an incorrect-~figure tr~n~.osed..Wh~e it shoUld]have read' 4'500 'Cubi6. F~et;:i?'rea~ 5400 Cubic Feet Mr--Mosby stated that t'he design plan'waS' good and met every City code over and above the requirements at the time of final site plan approval. In response~to Chariman Eisenbarth;.~Mr. Mosby indicated that he and his partner attended the meeting, since they were both requested to by Mr. Dan Blair. Mr. Mosby also indicated that he was of the impression that it was an approved meeting by the Planning and Zoning 8card, since Mr. L."'Gene Harris was present. After a lengthy discussion regarding the time spent regarding the design'~plan for the Father and Son Plaza, Chairman Eisenbarth stated that the City's Engineering Contract with Mosby & Associates states that all work provided will be on an as needed basis, as requested by the Planning and Zoning Board. It was the final con- census of the board, that the building department be responsible for the $350.00 fee charged by Mosby & Associates. MOTION BY MR. FULLERTON, THAT~'.'THE PLANNING AND ZONING PAY THE TOTAL OF THE 2-1-85 INVOICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $541.00 AND ANY FURTHER BILLS COMING IN BE AUTHORIZED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD. MOTION DIED, LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION BY MRS. POOLE, SECONDED BY MRS. YOUNG, THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD PAY THIS BILL IN ~UESTION FROM MOSBEY & ROBBINS IN FULL AND WE CONTACT THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND ASK THEM TO REIMBURSE US FOR THEIR ENGINEERING EXPENSES..INCURRED','~IIEMS #1 and #3, TOTAL OF $350.00 ON THE 2/1/85 INVOICE. CARRIED, MR. THOMPSON VOTED NAY. MOTION BY MRS. YOUNG, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, TO PAY THE $420.31 BILL, DATED 3-4-85. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOTION BY MR. MAHONEY, SECONDED BY MRS. YOUNG, TO PAY THE $101.00 BILL, DATED 4-1-85. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MRS. POOLE RECOMMENDED THAT THE LETTER REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BE SENT TO THE MAYOR WITH A COPY SENT TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT. - 2 - MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING APRIl 4~. 1985 Mr. Mosby explained in detail his letter dated 3/20/85 regarding the Churchman Condo preliminary plan. Chairman Eisenbarth reported that he had received a letter.from Deborah Krages, City Clerk, regarding Churchman's Condo and that another public hearing will have to be readvertised and adjoining property owners notified. Mrs. Krages recommended that the public hearing be held as a separate meeting so only this matter will be discussed and that it be scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 1985. MOTION BY MR. MAHONEY, SECONDED BY MR. KRUEIKOWSKI, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE SCHEDULED FOR THE SECOND THURSDAY IN ~AY TO'DISCUSS "' CHURCHMAN'S CONDO VILLAGE. MOTION CARRIED-UNANIMOUSLY Chairman Eisenbarth reported that he had also received another letter from Deborah Krages,]City Clerk concerning the City Clerk's office taking over the Secretarial and clerical duties of the Planning and zoning board. Chairman£Eisenbarth questioned how this cba6ge"would affect secretarial fees°charged to the Planning and Zoning Board',and requested that Mrs. Krages submit a report.to:.the:board. Discussion followed regarding the Snider/Minor Site Plan Approval. Chairman Eisenbarth stated that he'~'excused himself from that discussion and Vote, since he was bidding on the construction of building and had a conflict. Chairman Eisenbarth reported that he had received a letter from the Mayor indicating that the Snider/Miner Site Plan Approval was not approved in accordance with City Ordinance #202-9, Chapter lC.l, since it was not reviewed by the Building Official or the CitY's Planning and Zoning'i!;E~gipeer,.:'.prior to approval. After much dis- cussion, concerning past procedures of minor site plan approvals..and what exact"responsibilities the building official has, related to engineering duties, the!.:boa~d:~e~tLt~a~,:,there ma~'~e;'~a odnflict betwben ~h~ City Ordinance and"the Site' Plan Application and rec- emme~d~d that the City Attorney preparp, a eri~ten, opinion. MOTION BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, SECONDED BY MR. MAHONEY, THAT BASED ON ORDINANCE #202-9 AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION'S SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION, IT BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR AN OPINION-AS ~0 THE WORKING ABILITY OF THE ORDINANCE AND OUR CITY SITE PLAN APPLICATION, PAGE 10-1, ITEMS A, 'A.1 AND A.3. ALSO, ALONG WITH THE OPINION.REQUEST":F~OM:'::THE' C'tT¥]ATTORNEY, A COPY OF LETTER DATED 3/26/85 TO DEBORAH KRAGES FROM MAYOR GALLAGHER REGARDING APPEAL OF SiTE PLAN APPROVAL, BE ENCLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion followed regarding the reviseO Site Plan App~icatiod Form. CBairman'.Eisenbarth stated that he had some recommended changes and suggested that the board take additional time to review it for input at the next regular meeting. - 3 - MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING APRIL 4, 1985 on~.behalf of the Condominimum Owners,.iof the Sebastian Executive Building, Mr. Greg Golien presented the board with a copy of the Condominium Association's approval for Dr. Douglas Wright, to open and operate a Chiropractors Office in the Sebastian Execu- tive Building, located on U.S. #1, Sebasitan. The board reviewed Dr. Wright's request and after a lengthy discussion concerning p~king~:.facilities as outlinned in".the City's Zoning Ordinance 202, the'~board recommended that the City Attorney submit a written opinion indicating whether or not there is any Oifferentiation between a medical doctor, chiropractor, optometrist, veterinarian,, etc., since these types of doctors would not generate as much traffic as a regular medical doctOrS office would. MOTION BY MRS. POOLE, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, THAT WE.WRITE A LETTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, ASKING HIM FOR A DEFINITION AND DEFERENTIATION BETWEEN CHIROPRACTOR AND MEDICAL PRACTITIONER IN REGARDS TO PARKING SPACES NEEDED FOR THEIR OFFICES AS SPECIFIED ON PAGE 25, PARAGRAPH #13, ZONING ORDINANCE 202-AND:'SPECIFiCALLY IF A CHIROPRACTOR WOULD REQUIRE 15 PARKING SPACES. UPON THE RESPONSE FROM THE CiTY ATTORNEY, IF THERE IS A DIFFERENCE MADE IN THAT AND A CHIROPRACTOR DOES NOT NEED 15 PARKING SPACES, THAT WE APPROVE DR. DOUGLAS"WRIGHT'S REQUEST TO OCCUPY SPACE IN THE SEBASTIAN EXECUTIVE BUILDING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Since Dr. Wright needed final approval, prior to the next regular Planning and Zoning Meeting, Chairman Eisenbarth instructed the City Clerk's Office to verbally inform board member~ Edra Young and Mr. Greg Golien of the City Attorney's opinion an~ that it be followed up by a written opinion toithe~ board~ Chairman Eisenbarth repOrted that the County Planning and Zoning Commission and the County Commission. are going to consider re- zoning the Roland Miller Property, recently annexed into the City of Sebastian, ~ocated near the new Elementary School, on C,R. 512. It was the decision of the Planning and'iZoning Board that no action be taken at this time until'the County acts. MOTION BY MRS. POOLE, SECONED BY MR. FULLERTON, TO POSTPONE A DECISION ON THE ROLAND MILLER REZONiNG REQUEST UNTIL WE FIND OUT HOW THE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND THE COUNTY COMMISSION ACTS ON THIS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: MRS. POOLE MRS. YOUNG MR. FULLERTON MR. KRUEIKOWSKI MR. THOMPSONi'~ '~] MR. EISE~BARTH NAYS: NONE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Eisenbarth annoonced'-~tbat a ~oint m~eting;"with the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Board will be held on Monday April 15, 1985, to discuss the land development code. MOTION BY MRS. POOLE, SECONDED BY MR. KRULIKOWSKI, TO AD$OURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:03 P.M.