HomeMy WebLinkAbout04161998 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 Chmn, Munsart called Allegiance. ROLL CALL:, the meeting to order at 3:04 pm, and dispensed with th~ Pledge of PRESENT: Chnm. M.n.~mrt Mr. Mather Mr. pliska Ms. Vosia Mr. Thomas (arrived late) EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: 9~LD BU~!NESS: NEW BUSINESS: Ms, Kilkelly, Mr. MacWilliam, Mr. Fischer, VCh. Schulke Robert Massarelli, Community Development Director Ann Brack, Recording Secretary None A. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REVISIONS - Continuation of Dr~t Review ARTICLE XIX. SUBDIVISION Section H. Traffic Circulation lmproveme~ (1) There was discussion on dedication of access. Mr. Massarelli suggested striking "classified major collector and above", and "dedication of access There was a brief discussion on acceleration and deceleration lanes. b. Specific Access Design - Drop 'hsithin a subdivision" in first s~tence. c. This paragraph was reworded. ¢. The second paragraph was reworded. m. It was suggested to encourage through-tra~c on local streets. There was discussion about street lighting in private subdivisions. It was suggested that thc City pay for energy costs for street lighting in public subdivisions, but in a private subdivision, those residents would pay these costs. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 7. Sid~valks and Bicycle Paths Minor changes were discussed along with the width of bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways. 8. Off-Street Pa~ing Ar~as - discussion Mr. Massa~elli sugg~-~! that construction standards for a.., b., and c., should be m the Parking section in Article XV, and not here. 9. Bridges and Culverts - discussion I. Median Strips and Entranceways 1. Add "ground cover", and remove "and/or approved species of trees" L. Mobile Home Subdivisions It was determined to add "New, and the exp*nsion of existiagl mobile home developments..." on line one (1). Section 20A-4.19.3: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS B. Measurements and tests. It was ~ to change "City Council,' to "City Manager". Section 20A-4.19.4: ADMINISTRATION A. Change "Community Dev01opment Director" to "City Engineer", and "City Council,' to "City Manager". Section 20A-4.19.5: LOT SPLIT PROCEI~UR~S D. Add" and a copy be provided to the Commlmity Development Department". Section 20A-4.19.6: MAJOR SUBDIVlSlON PROCEDURES C. Several minor changes were made, including the s~cond sentence in the first pa~graph- to re~i "No construction shall be initiated until design has bean approved pursuant to this ~ection." D. Mr. Massarelli ask~ for time to che~ the Ordinance on item #2. Ti~in~ of Final Plat Submission. He rer. ommended that a specific period of time be ins6xtod in this pa~-~raph. LOCAL PLANNING AOENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 A_~r much discussion, it was determined that the second paragraph sh~id be worked on and brought back. Mr. Massarelli the~ noted that item D. and .~' F, were so similar that he needed to consult with Mr. Solm on it. There also seem~ to be a possible repetition in item O. Section 20A-4.19.7 ADMINISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION in the first paragraph, change Community Development Director to "City Engineer". Section 20A4.19.9 Conditions For Release of Applicant From Bond 4.' Change Community Development Director to "City Engineer". Section 20A-4.19.10: Time Extensions In line three (3), clumge Community Developm~rat Director to "Plmmi~g and Zoning". Section 20A-4.19.11 Accelmmce and Maintenance of Required improvements. In line six (6) of item B., insert the words "recommendation of approval of the City Engineer". It was also determined to move the last sentence to line, before the, words "The acceptance of the..." ." Thc subject of a "safety bo~d" was discussed, and Mr. Mas~ was going to discuss this subject with Les Solin of Solin and Associates and report back to P & Z. Performance bonds were also discussed. Mr.. Massarelli suggested that Article XX wait until after the P & Z meeting tonight. Article XXI, the RiVerfixmt, has already boon gone over, .and Article XXII, the Glossary, is not quite ready yet. · Articles XX and XXI were copied for the Board members. Chnm. Munsan announced abr~ at 5:20 pm, and the meeting will resume again after the P 8: Z m in . Chron. Munsart resumed the meeting at 7:35 pm, with all members preseat, including Ms. Kilkelly, Mr. MacWilliam, Mr. Fischer, and Mr. Schulke. Mr. Massarelli passed out Articles XXI, Riverfront Performance Overlay Distrk~; XX, Planned Unit Development; and V, Zooi~ District Regulations. He noted that Les Solin did not want to put the zoning districts in Article V where the zoning districts were. After some disoussion, Mr. Solin agre~xl with Mr. Massarelli, LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 ,ARTICLE XX: PLAN]~. ~n UNIT DEVE~LO~NT (PUi~,) Section 20A-4.20.1: General Regulations for Planned Unit Development.0PUD) in response to a question from Mr. MacWilliam about how many fifty (50) acre tracts there are in the City, Mr. Massarelli noted that Sebastian Gre~ms is a 50-acre tra~ hoar wh~m the large lake was to have been built east of Collier Creek Estatss and is zoned RS-10. There is another piece of property called Davis Grove, and anotlmr piece to the south, that the County wants annexed to Sebastian. Another tract is out by the. airport and is zoned Industrial. Mr. Massarelli urged annexing property into the City, as it is nearing build-out. There was discussion on the scrub jay lots in. lhe City, and Mr. Massareili gave an update on measures being taken to eventually release these lots. Mr. Massarelli r~ including in this Article a waiver provision, "Based on the recommendation of the Community Development Director, City Engineer, Planning and Zoning, and City Council may waive", which he noted is pretty standard language. 1. Chimg¢ the first &miry designation to %Vaters of the City" instead of %Vat~ of the State". 4. Lot size will be d~rmined by the surrounding residential usc. There was a discussion on a minimum setback for a PUD. It was s~ by Mr. Schulke that PUD lots on the perimeter should meet the setbacks of the surrounding properth~, or, have a minimum s~tback of one hundred feet (100'). 5. Delete the third sentence - "There shall be no minimum setbacks aside from perimeter boundary setbacks. Howev~.." G. Indicate 25' for residential, and 100' for non-resideritial setbacks in a PUD. 2. This paragraph on ~ a., b., and c. is now in the Landscape Ordinamm, ~o it can be deleted. Paragraph three (3) shall remain. J, Change first sente~m to: "The recommendation of the Community Development Director, City Engineer, Plmming and Zoning shall consider..", and "City Council shall approve... ". 4, Change "Signage" to "Traffic Markers". Section 20A-4.20.2: There was discussion on fig time-schedule element for PUD. c.(9). Some changes were made - strike '~mina~ the approval of tl~ ~ development plan", replacing it with '~to consider initiating the LOCAL PLANNINO AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINIfI'ES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 rezoning of the property". Another senten~ to be added - '~ho conceptual plan ber. om~s void." A,5.c. In the first smr~,e, strike '~v¢ith notice". B, 1. Add "an aerial photograph made within the last four (4) years at a scale of at least one (1)inch =~ 200 feet ..... " B.3. Remove "coastal control zone", and change five hundred feet (500') to '~hree hundrezl feet 000')". R4.e. Change to "A conceptual drainage plan designed by a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida". B.5. Add the word "binding" ~ the word '~proposed', and rmuove the word "approximaXe". Section 20A-4.20.3: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW Mr. Massarelli noted that he will be coming back with this section to depict a "Prel'uninary Plat" and a "Preliminary Site Plan" under the Preliminary Developnmnt Plan. Strike the section named "Article XVIII" from page 13, top of page, under D~velopment Plan Review Procedures. , Strike paragraph iii, because P & Z does not set a quasi-judicial hearing and camot take this action. Reoumber iii through ix. paragraph vii. Strike the words "rezoning application and", in the fifth line. Paragraph ix. In the next to last ]me, change the word "approval" to "recommendation" by P & Z. 2.a. Strike "and site plan" from the second ]me. 2~a.(7) Change it to read "The boundaries of underlying future land use may. district", and move it to the conceptual plan. (18) Change the word "rear" to "real" in the first line. 2.a. Change the term "site plan" on line 7 to read Spreliminary plat". LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 1.g. Change the last two words in'the paragraph to read "reasonably require". 2.f. Strike "Article XIV" and change to "Article III". 2.g.(l) Change in first line - from "five hundred f~ (500')" to "three hundred feet (300') Drop paragraph 3. because it is a site phm and will be done in a separate section. Insert a new section at this point for construction approval, which Mr. Massarelli will bring back. There was discussion on Section 20A-4.20.4. Mr. Massarelli recommended that the "savings clause" be dele~l from this section. Mr. Schulke asked about ten foot (10') landscape strips in commerc~~ wh~ t[m'e are zero foot (0') setbacks. Mr, Massarelli responded that in that case, the buiidi~ can.: mcroach within the landscape strip. ARTICLE V: ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS Section 20A.2.5.11: Re~idendi~l Planned Unit Developmant (PUD-R) D. Third paragraph, sixth line, change th~ word "vegetation" to "or greenspace". Section 20A-2.5.12: PUD-(C) COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNiT DEVELOPMENT Mr. Massar¢lli noted that Les $olin changed the organizati~ format of this section, and Bob is going to reorganize it so they are consistent and each one follows the same organization. E. C-512 and the RMU will be inserted in F, 1. Shall be the second paragraph, and the following numbered paragraphs will be re,umbered. F.5. I~lete. F.7. Delete. G.2. On th~ fourth line, chang~ "forty fee~ (40T' to '~t~ feet (80')". Mr. Massarelli reaxanmmd~ r~moving light industrial and industrial from PUD C. H~ also re~,o~ 25% gr~m area and 25% opm spac~ in commercial dewlopmea~, and 50% gre~ and open spac~ in residmtial. 6 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF.APRIL 16, 1998 I. R~move this paragraph since it is discussed elsewhere. J, Remove this paragraph since it is discussed elsewhere. Section 20A-2.5.13: PUD (1) INDUSTRiAL.PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ARer discussion, it was ~dete~ to keep 'PUD (I) at the minimum of 25 acres,alld'changc Article XX to 50 acres for PUD (R)(C) (MH). C. Strike the last se~mce, as it is found elsewhere. E. 1, Remove the reference to Article XI, and replace it with "Glossary~. F. Add ~5. Ho~eis aud Motels~. G. 1. Change 200 feet to "one hundred feet (100t) from residentisl, and fifl~y, feet (SOt) from non-residentisl~. 2. Chanse "for (4O) fe t" to "fi feet Re~nove paragraph K. Remove SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS on page 43. Mr, Thomas left the meeting at 9:05 pm. Section 20A-2/-~/14: PUD (MH) MOBILE HOME PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Remove "Definitions" section; this information.is in the Glossa~. There was discussion of "stick-built" homes in PUD (MH). It was de~numed not to hlclude these homes m this section. C.- 1. Change '~eo (10) acres~' to "fifty (~0) aeres". Remove H., as it is covered in paragraph L. K. Add the word "Perimeter" before "Buffe~" in tbe title. The section dealing with COMMON VEHICULAR STORAGE AREAS will be inse~d under K. Mr~ Massare~li gave information on the subject matter for next Tuesday's meeting. The subjects of galvanized piping, ~ that the artery was supposed to be ~, radius of driveways, and f~nc~ around open swimming pools were discussed. id LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 Chinn. Munsart adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pin. (7/6/98 AB) ma 1A'1 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION LPA MINUTES OFI W" MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD App -IL Il0' 1997 APPROVED AT MEETING HELD �ee �'� xv C;e�� E. ANN BRACK, SECRETARY /°'ft\ PZ.1r ARDM W CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 16,1998 Chairman Munsart called the meeting to order at 6:57 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chmn. Munsart Ms. Kilkelly (a) Mr. Mather Mr. Pliska Ms. Vesia ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Fischer/Mather Mr. McWilliam (a) Mr. Thomas Chmn, Fischer Mr. Schulke Robert Massarelli, Community Development Director Jan King, Zoning Technician Ann Brack, Secretary (March 19, 1998) I'll make a motion that we approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission for March 19, 1998. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING - Home Occupational Licenses - 282 South Wimbrow Dr., #B, Sebastian (Lot 1, Block 505, Unit 15) - Shannon McCracken and Michael Hofer - (1) Conduct a Collectors Club, and Mr. Michael Hofer, 282 S. Wimbrow Drive, was present. There were twenty-eight (28) notices of hearing sent out and we received one (1) letter of objection, copies of which were furnished to the applicant and Commissioners, and no non -objection letters. Mr. Hofer gave a brief presentation on the above two issues. 0 4 1 /aft) /041� 14 " PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 Jan King gave staff presentation and recommended approval. In response to a question from Mr. Pliska, Mr. Hofer noted that there will not be any "memberships" in this Collectors Club, which is a change from the original application. Chmn. Munsart opened and closed the public hearing at 7:05 pm, and there was no public input. MOTION by Vesia/Mather I make a motion that we grant the Home Occupational License to Imafanatic Sports Collectors, Shannon McCrackin and Michael Hofer, 282 S. Wimbrow Drive, Sebastian. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. (2) Business Office for Medical Service The same twenty-eight notices of hearing above included this second license. (One objection letter) Jan King gave staff presentation, noted that it is for an address of convenience, and recommended approval. Chmn. Munsart opened and closed the public hearing at 7:08 pm, and there was no public input. MOTION by Mather/Fischer I make a motion for approval of Shannon McCrackin, PA -C, at 282 S. Wimbrow Drive, Unit #B, for a Home Occupational License. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. B. PUBLIC HEARING - Home Occupational License - 872 Dunn Terrace, Sebastian (Lot 15, Bloc 145, Unit 3) - Chris Gregory - Residential and Light Commercial Lawn Maintenance Business Mr. Chris Gregory, 872 Dunn Terrace, Sebastian, was present. There were twenty-three notices of hearing sent out, and there were no objection or non -objection letters received. Mr. Gregory gave a brief presentation. Jan King gave staff presentation and recommended approval. Chmn. Munsart opened and closed the public hearing at 7:10 pm, and there was no public input. 2 f N (00111) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 MOTION by Pliska/Thomas I'll make a motion that we approve a conditional use permit, Home Occupational License, for Chris Gregory's Silver Star Lawn Service, 872 Dunn Terrace. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. C. PUBLIC HEARING - Home Occupational License - 525 Wimbrow Drive, Sebastian (Lot 12, Block 68, Unit 2) - Michael Pearce - Consumer Electronics Consultant and Service Technician Business Mr. Michael L. Pearce, 525 Wimbrow Drive, was present. There were twenty-six (26) notices of hearing sent out and there were no objection or non -objection letters received. Mr. Pearce gave a short presentation on the scope of his business. Jan King gave staff presentation, and recommended approval. Chmn. Munsart opened and closed the public hearing at 7:15 pm, and there was no public input. MOTION by Thomas/Mather I move that we approve Michael L. Pearce at 525 Wimbrow Drive for his Home Occupational License for maintenance of electronic hardware. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. C. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - 416 Columbus Street, Lots 17 & 18, Block 40, Unit #1, Earl Shroyer Mr. Earl Shroyer, 416 Columbus Street, was present. Jan King gave staff presentation, noted that there was no drawing of any kind available for the house on this property, and commented that it was before P & Z because of the size. Mr. Shroyer explained the color and house dimension. MOTION by Thomas/Pliska I make a motion that we approve the request for an accessory structure, 416 Columbus Street, for Mr. Earl Shroyer. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. 3 i� PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1998 D. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - 794 Bayfront Terrace, Lot 2, Block 239, Unit 10 - M. Scott Myer, Jr. After some discussion, it was determined to postpone this item as the applicant was not present. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Fischer inquired about ingress and egress points at Collier Club. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None MOTION by Fischer/Thomas I make a motion that we postpone Mr. Meyer's application to the following meeting. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. Chmn. Munsart adjourned the meeting at 7:25 pm. 4 (5/18198 AB) I .. r City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 0 FAX (561) 589-2566 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD A APPROVED AT MEETING HELD qcL, 07l 9 cz, V&4'e'� E. ANN BRACK, SECRETARY PZMAF.DOC "AW / City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1998 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 7. OLD BUSINESS: 8. NEW BUSINESS: Minutes of regular meeting of 3/19/98 A. PUBLIC HEARING - Home Occupational Licenses - 282 South Wimbrow Dr., #B, Sebastian (Lot 1, Block 505, Unit 15) - Shannon McCrackin and Michael Hofer - (1) Conduct a Collectors Club, and (2) Business Office for Medical Service B. PUBLIC HEARING - Home Occupational License - 872 Dunn Terrace, Sebastian (Lot 15, Block 145, Unit 3) - Chris Gregory - Residential and Light Commercial Lawn Maintenance Business C. PUBLIC HEARING - Home Occupational License - 525 Wimbrow Drive, Sebastian (Lot 12, Bloc 68, Unit 2) - Michael Pearce - Consumer Electronics Consultant and Service Technician Business /O'4N AGENDA - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 16, 1998 C. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - 416 Columbus Street, Lots 17 & 18, Block 40, Unit #1, Ear! Shroyer D. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - 794 Bayfront Terrace, Lot 2, Block 239, Unit 10 - M. Scott Myer, Jr. 9. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 10. MEMBERS MATTERS: 11. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 12. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 13. ADJOURNMENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0905 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL A CCOMMODA TIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE 1N ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING. 2