HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-2018 PZ AgendaORLr SEBAST_ry HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2018 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of April 19, 2018 QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex-parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone m favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment — Graves Brothers Company, Applicant — Section 25, Township 31 South, Range 38 East - Subject Parcel being 75 Acres, More or Less, located on CR 510 — Request is for CG (General Commercial) Land Use B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing - Site Plan Modification — Sunshine Early Learning Center— 2,550 SF Building Addition — 1001 Roseland Road — RS-10 (Single -Family Residential) Zoning District UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 480 Concha Drive — 988 SF Detached Garage — M/M Joseph Harrison 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www.citvofsebastien.ora, unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 19, 2018 1. Call to Order— Acting Chairperson Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. �C 3. Roll Call C O m Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Mauti (a) C ® ir Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Hughan C "' cis E C H a Mr. Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez Reyes Q. C0—, Not Present: Ms. Kautenburg — Excused Mr. Qizilbash — Excused C g o ON Also Present: Mr. James Stokes, City Attorney �Cl)� �0t CL a Im Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Dirgo rci 4 a a co Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Dale Simchick, Indian River County School Board, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Roth stated that Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Qizilbash have been excused, and Mr. Simmons and Mr. Mauti will be voting this evening. Ms. Frazier announced that a planners' training workshop sponsored by the Florida Association of Counties and the American Planning Association, Atlantic Coast, will be held in Sebastian City Hall on June 7, 2018. Ms. Frazier announced that her staff will be starting on the CRA Master Plan update. The CRA includes everything east of the railroad, including the riverfront. This update is requesting public involvement in a workshop on June 5, 2018, and staff is requesting as much public input as possible in updating the Master Plan. There will be two sessions on this date for the public to present ideas on what they would like to see. When the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 draft plan is completed, this Commission will review that plan to ensure it is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan before it is recommended for approval. 5. Aooroval of Minutes A. Regular meeting of February 15, 2018 Mr. Roth asked for any additions or corrections to the Minutes as presented. Hearing none, a Motion to accept the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinos A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit — New Model Home — 1888 Barber Street, Tract C, Block 456 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 — D. R. Horton, Inc. Mr. Roth described the procedures that will be followed regarding public input, and Mr. Stokes read the item into the record. Mr. Roth asked members of the Commission if anyone had any ex parte communications on this project. Members indicated no. Mr. Stokes swore in anyone who will be speaking on this project. Mr. Roth asked for the applicant to speak on the project. Mr. Clay Patton, 3796 Peacock Drive, Melbourne, FL, stated that D. R. Horton, Inc. is seeking approval of a conditional use permit for a model home and a paved parking lot for 10 slots on the lot described above. Mr. Roth asked for staff input. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the conditional use application for the model home at the above address and stated there were specific criteria that the petitioner must meet as shown in the staff report. She stated that since this is a large lot, one acre, the contractor plans to split the property to have another single-family home constructed in the future. Staff has recommended approval of this conditional use permit. Mr. Roth asked for questions or comments from the Commission. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Reyes asked about architectural drawings, and Ms. Bosworth directed his attention to the packet that was provided with the Agenda. Ms. Bosworth also stated that one of the conditions is that, when the model home ceases to renew their permit, the concrete parking area and adjoining sidewalks do have to be removed. Mr. Reyes asked about other model homes of D. R. Horton in the area. Mr. Patton stated that right now there are no others, but if they acquire a community, they will intend on having a model. Mr. Alvarez questioned the size of the parking lot being so large. Ms. Bosworth stated the requirement is a minimum of five spaces. Mr. Patton stated there is a plan to put landscaping around the parking lot. Mr. Reyes asked about a grading plan for the rear of the property. Ms. Bosworth stated that the grading plan shows the direction of the drainage. Mr. Patton said there will be a horseshoe swale around the house going out to the front swale. Ms. Bosworth stated staff will have the Storm Water Department review the plans in order to address Mr. Reyes' concerns. Mr. Roth asked staff if sewage is available in that area, and Ms. Bosworth stated no. Mr. Roth asked for public input in favor of the project. Hearing none, he then asked for public input in opposition to the project. The following spoke in opposition of the application, and their concerns are noted: • John Antosia, 109 Curtis Circle, Sebastian — He has concerns regarding permitting for clearing of the land, a commercial enterprise in a zoned residential area, increased traffic created by the model home, clearing of most of the big trees on the property, drainage issues, concern about possibly another model home built by the same builder in close proximity to this model home • Bob Seyfried, 1883 Barber Street, Sebastian — He has concerns with traffic flow and future plans for the remainder of the property. • Stephen Gould, 1879 Barber Street, Sebastian — He has concerns about the aesthetics and privacy of the neighborhood, the parking lot for the model, and impact on property values. • Ben Hocker, Sebastian — He has concerns about storm water drainage and impact on traffic flow, • Damien Gilliams, Sebastian — He has concerns regarding traffic, concern for this property being a commercial property in a residential neighborhood, attaching conditions to the permit regarding hours of business, questioning if proper permitting was obtained before clearing the property, and concerns for the safety, health and welfare of the community. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19. 2018 • Nancy Jackel, 105 Curtis Circle, Sebastian -- She has concern regarding the driveway and parking lot for the model home and how it will affect her property value, also regarding the driveway on Curtis Circle creating more traffic. She is also questioning if there will be a swale between her property and the model home property. • Bob Jackel, 105 Curtis Circle, Sebastian — He stated the City Engineer has already inspected the site. • Merle York, 366 Manley, Sebastian — He voiced concerns regarding wildlife conservation as well as height restrictions for the new construction, and if the developer will be building a privacy wall. Ms. Bosworth stated the drainage has already been approved, but suggested a re - review of the drainage to be a condition for issuing the use permit. She stated that D. R Horton eventually will be dividing this property into two lots. She stated this builder has purchased approximately 25-50 lots throughout Sebastian, and this property will contain a spec home for prospective home buyers to examine. She said typically the type of traffic for a spec home is very minimal during the week; most of the traffic is on the weekend. She further stated that the number of parking spaces can be reduced to a minimum of five, and that can also be attached as a condition to issuing the permit. Mr. Roth asked the petitioner if he had any further comments. Mr. Patton stated the culvert that is there now is temporary, a requirement during the construction phase, and the permanent culvert is being installed presently. He also addressed the subject of traffic. Generally, four or five cars a day during the week; most traffic is on the weekend. Ms. Bosworth states business hours per the application are Monday thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday noon to 6:00 p.m. Mr. Reyes asked for clarification regarding where the builder's other lots are in Sebastian. Mr. Patton explained they are scattered throughout Sebastian Highlands. Mr. Alvarez asked staff if there could be a driveway off Barber Street, and Ms. Bosworth stated the Engineering Department would not permit a second driveway to come off of Barber because of the existing street markings and "rumble strips." Mr. Mauti asked if there was a landscaping plan submitted when the building plans were submitted. Mr. Patton said he did not believe there was. Ms. Bosworth stated there is PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 generally a count such as how many shrubs, trees, etc. will be planted, required with the building permit. A landscape plan is not required for the model application, but a perimeter landscape plan could be a condition to be added to the motion. Mr. Patton stated the plan is to put a hedge around the parking lot towards Barber. Mr. Reyes suggested screening the parking lot with shrubs would alleviate some of the neighbors' concerns. Mr. Roth asked for input from the staff. Ms. Bosworth stated staff recommends approval of the model home permit for one year conditioned on the following: no construction material or equipment will be stored on the property; obtain a building permit for the model home sign; no illegal flags or off -premises signs; contractor to remove the parking lot when the model home permit ceases to exist; and there will be a drainage re -review of site by Storm Water staff. Mr. Roth then asked for any further public input. Hearing none, Mr. Roth ended the public hearing on the conditional use permit application. Mr. Roth asked for questions or comments from the Commission. Mr. Mauti stated he would like screening around the parking area to be added as a condition for issuing the permit. Mr. Roth asked for a Motion. A motion was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Hughan to accept the conditional use permit for a model home at 1888 Barber Street with the following conditions: no construction equipment or materials will be stored or parked on the model property; obtain a building permit for the model sign; no illegal flags or off -premises signs; contractor to remove parking area and model signage when the model permit expires; drainage review and landscaping review. Mr. Roth then called for a roll call. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hughan —Yes Mr. Alvarez -- No Mr. Roth --Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Simmons (a) --Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) — Yes Total vote was 6-1 in favor. Motion carries. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Roth stated that the public hearing was closed. B. Quasi Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan — Sebastian Depot — 1.224 SF Relocated Train Station (Retail) and Residence — 705 Cleveland Street — CR (Commercial Riverfront) Zoning District. Mr. Stokes stated this is for approval of a site plan consisting of an existing residential structure to be used as a rental and a relocated 1,224 square foot historic train depot structure to be converted to a retail building along with required parking, storm water, and landscaping. Approval of a waiver from the Riverfront Overlay District regulations, Section 54-4-21.A.6(b), color standards to paint the station a bright yellow, which is not within the approved master color list. The property is at 705 Cleveland Street. This is a quasi-judicial matter. Mr. Roth asked members of the Commission if anyone had any ex parte communications on this project. Members indicated no. Mr. Stokes swore in anyone who will be speaking on this project. Mr. Roth asked for the applicant to speak on the project. Todd Smith, the engineer of record for the project, office address is 914 — 20`h Place, Vero Beach. His firm has worked with Sebastian staff to bring the existing lots up to code. This train depot was purchased from the Historical Society in Fort Pierce and was transported to Sebastian. They will retain the structure's historical appearance and will be adding a deck around it. Mr. Roth called for staff input. Ms. Bosworth described the history of how Sebastian was notified by Fort Pierce of the need to remove the structure from the property in Fort Pierce. Since there were time constraints as to when the structure had to be moved, it was moved to Sebastian on a flatbed truck and parked on the property. The engineer for the project worked with the staff and has met all the code regulations. Credit was given for the trees that were saved, and there are now 20 parking spaces on the site plan. However, if any of those trees are taken down, there would have to be additional parking added. On the north and east sides, because the property abuts townhouses, they are required to have an opaque buffer. A 6-foot landscape hedge is proposed on those sides. Traffic information is on the site plan. Regarding the waiver on the color, there are photos in the agenda packet.. She requested that, if the Commission grants the waiver, staff PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 would request a kiosk be placed identifying the historical nature of the building. Staff recommends approval and has noted their conditions on the staff report. Mr. Roth asked for any questions or comments from the Commission. Mr. Carter stated he is pleased to see this project proceed. Mr. Hughan inquired if another color was considered other than the bright yellow. Mr. Smith stated that is the color that has been used on other historical structures, and the owner will adhere to whatever the Commission decides. Mr. Reyes inquired if a lift station has been approved. Mr. Smith stated the County Utility Department has permitted it, and it was also presented to Council. He then asked about the parking spaces. Ms. Bosworth stated there will be no parking -in -lieu permits required. There will be 14 on -site parking spaces, and they are being given credit for saving specimen trees. They will be using this as a mixed -use property. Mr. Roth is in favor of having a marker denoting the structure's historical background. Mr. Roth asked if there were any other questions or comments from the Commission. There being none, the meeting was opened up for questions/comments from the public in favor of the project. Peter Robinson spoke in favor of the proposed yellow color, as it is connected with Henry Flagler, who did a lot of development along the east coast of the Florida. Mr. Roth asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak in opposition. Ben Hocker, Sebastian. His concerns are if the building will conform to today's hurricane standards. He feels this building is not the train station, but the Sebastian warehouse. He also questioned how this structure was placed before having a site plan, and is also concerned about the placement of the structure on the property as well as parking in the future, and the color of the building. Mr. Roth asked for any further comments from the public. There being none, Mr. Roth asked if the petitioner had any further comments. Mr. Smith stated the building will meet current hurricane standards. As far as the positioning of the structure on the property, it is positioned exactly how it was designed and meets all requirements of the City. Mr. Reyes is in favor of the present positioning of the structure. Mr. Roth asked staff for any further comments. Ms. Bosworth clarified the name of the project is "Sebastian Depot." She stated the building is from the original Sebastian PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Depot. She reiterated that this hearing is for the site plan only, and permits will be required for strapping the building to the foundation pilings, there will be some refurbishing of the wood, and further permits will be required for the bathrooms, hurricane requirements and parking. Mr. Reyes inquired about saving some historical elements of the building, and Ms. Bosworth stated that would be up to the owner. Mr. Roth asked for any further questions from the Commission. Mr. Mauti asked if there was a permit issued for moving the building onto the site. Ms. Bosworth explained because of time constraints the building was moved onto the property with an FDOT permit, but it was placed on the property on a flatbed trailer on wheels until the permit was issued for the foundation. Mr. Alvarez asked if the City owns the property; Ms. Bosworth stated Mr. Haynes owns the property. Mr. Roth asked for a motion. A motion was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Alvarez, to accept the site plan for the property at 705 Cleveland Street, Sebastian, with the following conditions: A Declaration of Unity of Title shall be recorded unifying the two parcels (four lots) before building permit issuance; copies of the SJRWMD 10/2 Self -Certification Form and artesian well abandonment permit to be submitted before building permit issuance; if any of the larger saved specimen oak trees are removed or cut down after the parking credits are needed for approved future uses, additional parking spaces must be provided on site or through the parking -in -lieu program; a historical kiosk be placed; and a color waiver. Mr. Roth asked for any further discussion by the Commission. There being none, Mr. Roth called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Simmons (a) -- Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) — Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion carries. Mr. Roth stated that the public hearing was closed. Mr. Roth stated that, since both of the next items are on the same subject, they will be combined in the form of discussion, and when a final review and a vote is held, the two items will be voted on separately. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 C. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment — Spirit of Sebastian — Ridgewood Section, LLC, Applicant — Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East — Subject Parcel is 182.87 Acres, More or Less — Request is for LDR (Low Density Residential — Maximum 5 units per acre) and CG (General Commercial Land Use). D. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Rezoning/Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan — Spirit of Sebastian — Ridgewood Sebastian, LLC, Applicant — Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East — Subject Parcel is 182.87 Acres, More or Less — Request is for PUD-R (Planned Unit Development — Residential) Zoning Designation. Mr. Stokes identified Item C as a large-scale comprehensive plan future land use amendment, a land -use change from County Zoning L-2 and C/I to City LDR and CG, which is low -density residential and general commercial. The second item is a rezoning and a conceptual planned unit development plan, zoning designation request for PUD- R, which is low -density residential, and the requisite approval of a conceptual. This is the Spirit of Sebastian located off Old Dixie Highway south of Route 512. Mr. Roth then asked for the applicant to make his presentation. Mr. Chuck Mechling, business address 5070 North A1A. He presented a Power Point presentation describing the planned development. SEE ATTACHED. Mr. Roth asked for input from staff. Ms. Bosworth stated the property has been formally annexed by the City, and what is before the Commission tonight is the request for the land use, to remove it from County land use to City land use to low -density residential, and approximately 2.5 acres along Old Dixie to a general commercial land use. Also requested is a rezoning to a PUD-R, and that requires a conceptual plan, which meets what the PUD zoning requires. She described that the Commission's recommendation will go before City Council. After that first hearing, the land -use request is sent to the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for review, after which they will return it with their comments, and it will again go before City Council for final approval. In the meantime, the developer will be working on more details, finalizing their environmental report, a full traffic analysis, etc. She reiterated that tonight is just on the land use, the zoning, and the conceptual PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 plan. Staff recommends approval with a condition that where the buffers are abutting residential properties the buffers are a full 25 feet wide unless the land is buffered by a drainage easement. Mr. Roth asked for questions/comments from the Commission. Mr. Simmons inquired as to who are the principals in Ridgewood LLC. Mr. Mechling identified Robert Votaw, Karen Mechling, Jim Adams, who are all local residents. Mr. Reyes asked if the property has been declared a wetland. Mr. Mechling said yes. Mr. Reyes inquired if the developers have any other projects in the area that are incomplete. Mr. Mechling stated they are in the process of finishing Sand Crest which is near the post office. Mr. Reyes asked where the villas and the duplexes will be situated. Mr. Mechling stated they will be to the east of the property line off Old Dixie Highway. Mr. Hughan asked about the ingress and egress for construction vehicles, whether that is going to remain after the construction is finished. Mr. Mechling said yes, there would be three ways into and out of the property. Mr. Hughan asked if the lakes are sloped in, and Mr. Mechling said yes, and they would have to meet all safety requirements for a sloped situation. Mr. Reyes asked if there is a plan to mine any more fill out of the lakes. Mr. Mechling stated if they do anything like that, it would be permitted, and if they move fill, it would be used inside the community, and since the property already has an earthen barrier, that area would be landscaped. Mr. Mechling read into the record a letter of support from the President of South Moon Under to Ms. Frazier and Ms. Bosworth. Ms. Bosworth verified that she had received that letter. SEE ATTACHED. Mr. Alvarez asked if there was consideration given by the City to the impact this community will have on police, water, and employees that will be involved. Ms. Bosworth referred the Commission to the fiscal analysis that was done. Ms. Bosworth stated that as far as traffic, the developer has already begun their full traffic analysis, and staff has reviewed with them the projected streets on which traffic will flow. Based on those analyses, there may be some off -site improvements to those streets such as turn lanes, etc. More information will be available on preliminary plats. Mr. Roth inquired about Old Dixie Highway in the area of this community. Mr. Mechling stated preliminary plan is to have a left -turn -only sign when coming out of the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 community onto Old Dixie Highway going north to Highway 512. He also stated this community will be the first in Sebastian to have natural gas, and spurs will be available to businesses along Old Dixie so that gas will be available to those businesses. Mr. Mauti asked for clarification of how many units are to be built. Mr. Mechling stated it would be 456 single-family and 130 villas or 65 units, which is a density of 3.2 units per acre in concept. Mr. Roth asked for public input in support of the proposed project. Mr. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, is in favor of the project. Mr. Roth then asked for public input in opposition to the project. The following spoke in opposition of the application, and their concerns are noted: • Damien Gilliams, 1623 US1, Sebastian, suggested using very low density of three units per acre. • John Norris, 566 Cross Creek Circle, presented an alternate proposal for a land trust and a project called the Sand Mine Park Conservation Area and Greenway Trail. • Ray Fries, 171 Del Monte Road, is concerned about urban sprawl and storm water drainage. • Dr. Patricia Pezzulo, 438 Georgia Boulevard, Sebastian, asked the Commission not to approve the project until more data is gathered and to consider other uses for this property. • Irene Ferraiuolo, 1525 Crowberry Lane, Sebastian, is concerned about keeping the integrity of Sebastian. • Henry Ghigliotty, 774 South Easy Street, Sebastian, opposes the plan because of the impact on local traffic. • Ben Hocker voiced concerns about the traffic flow onto Old Dixie Highway and asked about the buildable acreage. • Ronald Adamson, 564 Balboa Street, Sebastian, concerned about the plans for traffic onto Old Dixie Highway and plans for increased railroad crossings in the future. Ms. Bosworth stated one of the requirements is that 50% must remain open space. Ronald Adamson, 564 Balboa Street, Sebastian, is concerned about the plans for traffic onto Old Dixie Highway and plans for increased railroad crossings in the future. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19. 2018 Mr. Roth stated the Commission has no control over the railroad crossings. Ms. Bosworth stated that a letter notifying the public of this hearing was sent to over 300 residents, and the public will also be notified when the next hearing on this matter will be held. Mr. Roth stated the public hearing was now closed. Mr. Roth called for discussion by the Commission on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment. Mr. Hughan asked who would bear the cost of upgrades on Old Dixie if the traffic is directed there. Ms. Frazier answered that Old Dixie Highway is a County road south of Sebastian city limits, and it would be the responsibility of the developer to make any improvements to Old Dixie related to their property. Mr. Alvarez voiced concern about ingress and egress to and from Old Dixie Highway. Mr. Roth called for further discussion by the Commission on Item C — Recommendation to City Council for Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment. There being none, Mr. Roth called for a motion. .A motion was made by Mr. Alvarez, seconded by Mr. Simmons to recommend to City Council approval of the land use change. from County L-2 and C1 to City LDR and CG consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Hughan -- Yes Total vote was 6-1 in favor. Motion carries. Mr. Roth called for moving to Item D — Mr. Mauti (a) -- Yes Mr. Carter -- No Mr. Simmons (a) -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 13 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Stokes stated this is on Recommendation to City Council for Rezoning/Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan, zoning designation request for PUD-R and the requisite approval for the Conceptual PUD Plan. Mr. Roth called for staff recommendations. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval of the requisite zoning and approval of the conceptual PUD plan with the condition that a minimum buffer strip of 25 feet be required between areas of platted lots and bordering residential uses unless the bordering property is a storm water right-of- way or easement, plus what other recommendations the Commission has. Ms. Frazier clarified that there are three exits proposed for this property. Mr. Mechling addressed the subject of a railroad crossing, and stated it is not possible to foresee what will happen with the new railroad plan. He also stated that the developer will have a complete traffic analysis done based on the PUD density. Mr. Roth called for any further discussion or questions by the Commission. Mr. Mauti voiced his concern on the increased traffic on Del Monte and recommends further study on this matter. Ms. Frazier clarified that the over 5,000 trips estimated from this community will be spread out over three access points, and that the traffic impact will be studied at the time of the preliminary plats and any off -site improvements required to mitigate for those impacts will be studied by the consulting engineers at that time, and those improvements will be borne by the developer. Mr. Roth asked for a motion. Motion was made by Mr. Reyes, seconded by Mr. Alvarez to approve Item 6D — Recommendation to City Council for Rezoning/Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan — Request for PUD-R (Planned Unit Development — Residential) Zoning designation, with recommendation from City staff to have a minimum buffer strip of 25 feet between the platted lots and adjoining residential uses, unless the bordering property is a storm water right-of-way or easement. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mauti (a) — No Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Simmons (a) -- No Mr. Carter — No Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Roth — Yes IJA_1�IkWk[e]FAJO[9ikilJN,Ifik4 WKi1�L[L I&$1[01kN1 Total Vote: 4-3 in favor. Motion carries. 7. Unfinished Business — None. 8. Public Input— None. i:> • � Cal :31 � I'iL�� � G7 iL� 10. Commission Matters: Page 14 Mr. Roth requested a copy of the Power Point presentation that was previously made regarding tiny houses. He inquired about the status of Senate Bill 1400. Mr. Stokes had no information on that. Mr. Roth also inquired about the status on the Wendy's air conditioner unit. Ms. Bosworth stated the owner is working on that and expects to have the permit within 14 days. 11. City Attornev Matters — None. 12. Staff Matters— None. 13. Adiourn Mr. Roth called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 9:10 P.M. A �a SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Staff Report 1. Project Name: Graves Brothers CR 510 2. Requested Action: Land Use Change from County "R" (Rural — 1 unit/1 acre) to City of Sebastian "CG" (Commercial General). 3. Project Location a. Address: 851h St. (CR 510), 8400 block, Vero Beach, FL 32967 b. Legals: See survey C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 31-38-25-00000-5000-00001.0 4. Project Owner: Graves Brothers Company 2770 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL, 32960 (772)562-3886 E-Mail: jbass@gravesbrotherscompany.com 5. Project Agent: Joseph W. Schulke, PE, Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 770-9622 E-Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com 6. Project Engineer: Joseph W. Schulke, PE, Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772)770-9622 E-Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com 7. Project Surveyor: Same as above 8. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: Graves Brothers Company requests consideration for an amendment to the comprehensive plan future land use map (FLUM) designation of approximately 66.87 acres from Indian River County "R" (Rural-1 unit/lacre) to City of Sebastian "CG" (Commercial General). A request to annex the 1 subject property into the City of Sebastian will be made to the City Council. The subject site is located north of CR 510 and vacant land (County AG-1); west of vacant land (County R); east of the SRWCD/SRID right of way and vacant land (County L-1); and south of the Elkam Canal and residential development (City LDR). The subject site is adjacent to existing urban development along the south city limits coterminous with the boundary of the municipality. The subject property consists of a former agricultural site that is no longer economically viable due to changed conditions. The subject site abuts the City's south limits and is adjacent to existing single family homesites in the Sebastian Highlands S/D. The area is developed at approximately 4 units per acre and zoned RS-10. The subject site and these adjacent residential homesites are separated by the confluence of the South Prong of the Sebastian River, the City's Elkam Waterway, and the SRID Canal 200' ROW. In the event of development, the City requires appropriate buffering is placed between adjacent sites with dissimilar uses and a shoreline protective buffer will likely be required to be preserved as a condition of development. The Commercial General (CG) land use category includes "general retail sales and services; highway oriented sales and services; and other general commercial activities, including hotels and motels, or residential complexes or other transient quarters." A change to CG land use will provide the flexibility to allow the property owners to develop a mix of uses that are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan objectives as well as the project needs. A primary consideration in the allocation of lands for future commercial developments is the size of the primary market area. Projections of future commercial land is low in Sebastian compared to other communities in the State. A projection within the existing Comprehensive Plan places the need for additional commercial at approximately 205 acres over existing uses (2008) including the need for an additional 137 acres of commercial general. A Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.6 will be set for any commercial general development (FAR equates to a building's total floor area (gross floor area) to the buildable land area). b. Current Zoning: C. Adjacent Properties Zoning North: RS-10 East: A-1 West: A-1 South: A-1 County A-1 (Agriculure-1) Current Land Use Residential Vacant/Agriculture Vacant/Agriculture Vacant/Agriculture d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: 66.87 acres Future Land Use LDR R (County) L-1(County) AG-1 (County) 2 (2) Current Land Use(s) (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service (8) Parks: (9) Police/Fire: Vacant Oldsmar Fine Sand Immokalee Fine Sand (hydric) Citrus/Agriculture and wetlands Zone X; southernmost 10% is Zone AE Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities NA Sebastian Police — 6.9 miles County Fire — 4 miles 9. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: Consistent b. Traffic Circulation: Consistent C. Public Facilities: Consistent d. Housing: Consistent e. Coastal Management: Consistent f. Recreation and Open Space: Consistent g. Conservation: Consistent h. Intergovernmental Coordination: Consistent 10. Conformance with Code of Ordinances: Consistent 11. Changed Conditions: Vacant agricultural property which is no longer economically viable. The proposed future change to general commercial meets changes in development patterns and infrastructure improvements, such as the widening of CR 510 and future extension of 82nd Avenue. 12. Land Use Compatibility: Subject property lies adjacent to the southern boundary of the City. The change in land use provides for a higher intensity of use than the current land use, however, future demands for commercial development along the widened and improved CR 510 and future extension of 82"d Avenue supports the future need for this 3 use. Therefore, it is consistent with projected future growth and development expressly defined within the 2010 EAR and the Comprehensive Plan. 13. Adequate Public Facilities: Provided — Adequate capacity exists for public utilities (water, wastewater) for the commercial development. Interior roads and drive isles will remain under private ownership and maintenance; and on -site stormwater will be operated and maintained by the owner. FDOT and the County have programmed the extension of 82nd Ave and the widening & improvements to CR 510 which will increase the capacity and safety of the main roadways serving the project. 14. Natural Environment: The subject property contains wetlands and natural slough areas that are under the jurisdiction of federal, state and city regulations. Consequently, impacts to environmental resources would require the approval of those agencies and mitigation to off -set any impacts. 15. Economic Effect: Provided — A change in future land use of this property is projected to provide a higher net positive tax base for the City with the addition of approximately 66.9 acres with up to 10,000 - 13,000 square feet of general commercial building area per acre of site. Commercial land use provides a higher potential for revenue to the City, and lower service costs, per unit than single family residential. The proposed development will not adversely affect the property values in the area, or the general health, safety and welfare of the community. 16. Orderly Development: The proposed land use change is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive plan identifies a need for commercial development to meet projected 2025 growth. The Comprehensive Plan and 2010 EAR recommends that the City should seek to annex areas south of the City along the CR 510 corridor within the urban service boundary. The property has provided assurance of the availability of sufficient public facilities and access. 17. Public Interest: The City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan outlines the necessity to incorporate and/or annex parcels south of the City as part of the annexation reserve area acknowledged within the 2010 EAR. Commercial uses along this major corridor serve the public interest and are properly separated from existing incompatible uses. Therefore, staff finds that the proposed annexation/land use change is not in conflict with public interest. 18. Other Matters: The requested land use change and future annexation will provide consistency with the City's future land use map of the comprehensive plan. The proposed land use change will create a slightly greater impact on transportation, safety and solid waste facilities within the urban service boundaries. These impacts will be mitigated by the additional generation of taxes and fees. Transportation impacts will be mitigated by intersection improvements addressed as part of the traffic analysis. 19. Analysis: In the City of Sebastian's adopted 2010 EAR, the City is encouraged to pursue voluntary annexations of areas south of the City along the CR 510 corridor in order to meet the projected need for residential/commercial acreage. Graves Brothers Company requests consideration for an amendment to the comprehensive plan future land use map (FLUM) designation of approximately 66.87 acres from Indian River County "R" (Rural-1 unit/1acre) to City of Sebastian "CG" (Commercial General). A request to annex the subject property into the City of Sebastian will be made to the City Council. Vacant agricultural property which is no longer economically viable. The proposed future change to general commercial meets changes in development patterns and infrastructure improvements, such as the widening of CR 510 and future extension of 82nd Avenue. The subject site is adjacent to existing urban development along the south city limits coterminous with the boundary of the municipality. The subject property consists of a former agricultural site that is no longer economically viable due to changed conditions. 20. Conclusion: The requested land use change from R (County) to CG is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 21. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to approve the requested land use change. B DA 5 Permit Application No. SE�?!AN City of Sebastian HOME OF VaI[AN ISLAND Development Order Application Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: Graves Brothers Company Address: 2770 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 562-3886 ext. 109 FAX Number. ( 772) 562-3565 E-Mail: jbass@gravesbrotherscompany.com i Owner (If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) i E-Mail: Title of permit or action requested: Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Land Map) PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2° BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMEfAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Graves Brothers CR 510 I B. Site Information Address: 85TH ST VERO BEACH. FL 32967 Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: See attached survey Indian River County Parcel #: 31382500000500000001.0 Zoning Classification: Existing: A-1 Future Land Use: Existing: R (RC) Pr000sed: A-1 Proposed: Commercial General (City) Existing Use: Proposed Use: Agricultural (Vacant) Commercial C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action lattach extra sheets if necessarv): Request to annex the subject property into the City of Sebastian and change the future land use map (FLUM) designation of approximately 66.87 acres from Indian River County "R" (Rural - 1 unit/1 acre) to City of Sebastian "Commercial General'. DATE RECEIVED: 3 / a 8/'d FEE PAID: $ I i5b 0 - RECEIVED BY: I/ e�DO. co Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: (772) 770 - 9622 E-Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) E-Mail: FAX Number: (772 ) 770 - 9496 FAX Number: ( Engineer: Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number( 772) 770 - 9622 FAX Number: (772 ) 770- 9496 E-Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Surveyor: Name: Address Phone Number: E-Mail: FAX Number: ( Jeff Bass BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: JI AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE AND TRUE -TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. %.22 SIGNATURE Jeff Bass DATE f SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY , '' E. ZZL55 WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS ? ri DAY OF 01 fifC h , 20_1 S NOTARY'S SIGNATURE y� &� k rf,�,�-ek�- PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY knaol r�nwtt COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION FF 1r51S+1- MAC 2fi 2020 SEAL LINDA A. CONNELL Notary Public, State of Florida My comm. expires Mar. 26, 2020 No. FF 9651 e4 Bonded thru Ashton Agency, Inc. (800)451.4854 Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, _N1 THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE Citv staff/P&Z/ Council BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BYANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. SIGNATURE ,Jeff Bass DATE Sworn to and subscribed before me by who is personally known to me or produced as identification, this hday of [racrh Notary's Signature�/j� Printed Name of Notary 1_\ e.A Commission No./Expiration 1 to's %sw Seal: LINDA A. CONNELL Notary Public, State of Florida My comm. expires Mar. 26, 2020 No. FF Bonded thru Ashton Agency, Inc. (800)451�654 �o E 3�aSs U tl s mo tt / rAftr at,.1Am.ri Permit Application No. eno Supplemental Information POME OP PELICAN ISMID Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Land Use) ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY. 1. Current land use map designation: R (IRC) 2. Proposed land use map designation: Commercial General (City) 3. Size of project in acres: 66.87 4. Describe the impact of the proposed change on the other elements of the comprehensive plan and applicable ordinances of the City. See attached statement. 5. Is the proposed amendment consistent with the other elements of the comprehensive plan? If not, which one(s)? Yes, see attached statement. 6. Is the proposed amendment in conformance with applicable substantive requirements of the city of Sebastian Code of Ordinances? If not, which one(s)? Yes, see attached statement. Permit Application No. _ 7. What land use and development changes have occurred since the effective date of the comprehensive plan which are relevant to the proposed amendment? None - undeveloped, former agricultural site. 8. Is the proposed amendment compatible with the existing or future land uses of the city? If not, why not? Yes, see attached statement. 9. Are there adequate public facilities to serve the proposed land use? If not, which one(s) are not adequate? Yes, see attached statement. 10. Would the proposed amendment result in a significant adverse impact on the natural environment? If so, describe the impact. No, see attached statement. Permit Application No. 11. Would the proposed amendment adversely affect the property values of the area, the general health, safety and welfare and impact the financial resources of the city? If so, describe how. No, see attached statement. 12. Does the proposed amendment result in an orderly development pattern? If not, describe. Yes, see attached statement. 13. Attached the following: dA verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property except publicly held corporations whose stock is traded on a nationally recognized stock exchange, in which case the name and address of the corporation and principal executive officers will be sufficient. J b. Attach a list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. Jc. A survey and legal description of the property for which the land use amendment is being requested. .IpIPPii Am' � II��R"THER.IS 1011 INJ ©MPAl�TY �JlPmnv Eat tB95 March 27. 2018 Lisa Frazier, Director Community Development City of Sebastian 1201 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Re: Request for Annexation 66.87 acre parcel, 25-31S-38E CR 510 Dear Ms. Frazier: Please accept this letter and attachments as an application for the City of Sebastian to consider voluntary annexation of the property described in the enclosed legal description. The property has a total area of approximately 66.87 acres and is adjacent to the limits of the City of Sebastian on a portion of the north side. Enclosed please find the following attachments: 1. Application fees for Annexation and Comp. Plan Amendment (total of $3,000.00) 2. Signed and sealed surveys (24"x36") 3. Documentation, supporting information and requests for Annexation and Comp. Plan Amendment Concurrent with this request for annexation, we are also submitting to the City of Sebastian an application for Comprehensive Land Use Amendment. The property currently has a land use designation of "R" (1 unit/acre) within Indian River County and we are requesting a designation of "Commercial General' within the City of Sebastian. The zoning within Indian River County is currently designated as A-1. We will not be requesting a change to the zoning district at this time and proposed to maintain the current agricultural zoning as a "holding" zoning until we have completed our conceptual planning for the site. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jeff Bass cc: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. 2770 Indian River Blvd; Suite 201, Vero Beach, Florida 329604230 Phone (772) 562-3886 Fax (772) 562-3565 www://GravesBrothersCompany.com Graves Brothers Company Indian River County, FL Annexation and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Prepared by: Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, L.L.C. Joseph Schulke, P.E. 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 March 2018 Annexation Comprehensive Plan Amendment Graves Brothers Company Section 25-31S-38E Indian River County, FL Prepared by: Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, L.L.C. Joseph Schulke, P.E. 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 STATEMENT This statement has been prepared to support a request to annex the subject property into the City of Sebastian and change the future land use map (FLUM)_designation of approximately 66.87 acres from Indian River County "R" (Rural - 1 unit/1 acre) to City of Sebastian "Commercial General". The purpose of this request is to secure the approvals necessary for developing the property with a future commercial land use. The landowner is: Graves Brothers Company Jeff Bass, President 2770 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 The property is located in section 25-31S-38E and is adjacent to and north of C.R. 510 approximately %a mile east of 841h Ave. The northern portion of the property (hereafter referred to as "the site") abuts the City of Sebastian city limits. As part of this request, the applicant is providing statements on: I. Impact on Public Facilities and Services. II. Fiscal Analysis III. Environmental Impacts. IV. Compatibility with City's Comprehensive Plan V. Compatibility with Surrounding Areas. Page 2 I. Impact on Public Facilities and Services. The site is located within the county Urban Services Area, an area deemed suitable for urban development. Several services are already provided from both the county and city, including utilities and emergency services and should therefore be compatible with the city's future service areas. The Comprehensive Plan, FLU Element and Intragovernmental Element, objectives 8-1.3 and 9-1.5 establishes standards for Concurrency management and specifically, standards for Transportation, Potable Water, Wastewater, Drainage, and Recreation. Chapter IX of the City's Land Development Code, "Concurrency Management", defines the level of service standards for these facilities, and specifies that adequate provisions for these services are necessary to support new development. Because a site plan is not typically prepared for an annexation or Land Use Amendment, the Concurrency analysis is based on an assumption that the site would be developed at an intensity of 10,000 sf of general commercial building area per acre of site, which equates to approximately 668,700 sf of general commercial building area. In practice, this number is likely significantly higher than what would likely be developed on the site. There are numerous development restraints that will likely decrease the actual intensity of the development including: ROW dedication (i.e. Laconia Street extension at west property line) and CR510 frontage for proposed FDOT roadway improvements; potential environmentally sensitive areas that may necessitate preservation; large stormwater facilities to meet new environmental regulations, and stormwater facilities identified on this site by FDOT for CR510 improvements. Transportation: A detailed Traffic Analysis has been prepared and is being submitted by Kimley Horne & Associates, Inc.(KHA) for city staff review. KHA previously met with city staff and discussed and agreed on the parameters of the study. This report hereby refers to and relies on the KHA study to address the Traffic component of the analysis on the Impacts on Public facilities and Services. The results of the referenced Traffic Impact Study indicate that the project as proposed, meets concurrency management requirements for all impacted roadway networks. The data provides a review of the traffic impacts that would result from the development of the property and indicates that the existing level of service remains at acceptable levels. Please see attached traffic study, in the form of a memo report to: Lisa Frazier, Community Development director; dated March 22, 2018; re: "66.9 +- acre Graves Brothers Annexation and Comprehensive Plan Amendment City of Sebastian, Indian River County Florida; Kimley-Horne Project No. 142759000. Water and Sewer Utilitv: Demand: 250 GPD per ERC; 1 ERC per 5000 sf; 10,000 sf per acre Page 3 (1 ERC per 5000 sf per IRC ordinance 91-9; 250 gpd per ERC per City 54-3-9.7) 66.87 acres x 10,000 sf/ acre x 1 ERC / 5000 sf x 250 gpd / ERC = 33,435 GPD -Water capacity available / South & North County R.O.: 20.01 MGD capacity--7.77 MGD ADF = 7.24 MGD -Wastewater capacity available / Central & West WWTP: 10.0 MGD capacity-4.88 MGD ADF-3-month avg = 5.12 MGD available Solid Waste: Demand: 1 ton / yr waste per 1 waste generation unit (WGU), 1 WGU per 100 sf; 10,000 sf per acre. (per IRC ordinance 87-67 and 88-32). The city does not identify a solid waste component in its Concurrency Management standards (Chapter IX). However, the following analysis is provided, consistent with IRC requirements: 66.87 acres x 10,000 sf/ acre x 1 WGU / 100 sf x 1 ton/ WGU = 6687 tons waste Capacity -county landfill: Landfill has capacity for this project and forecasted capacity through 2070. See attached letter dated March 23, 2018 from Himanshu Mehta, P.E., Managing Director, Indian River County Solid Waste Disposal District. Drainage: The drainage level of the service standards outlined in the city's land development code, Chapter IX — Concurrency Management, include: 1. Post development run-off shall not exceed pre -development run-off for a 25-year 24-hour event. 2. Treatment of run—off from the first 1 inch of rainfall on -site. All developments, at time of site plan application, are reviewed for compliance with local and state storm water regulations, which require on -site retention and pollutant abatement, preservation of floodplain storage and minimum finished floor elevations. In addition, development proposals must meet the discharge criteria of the city storm water ordinance, the local drainage district (S.R.I.D.) and the state -environmental permitting agency (S.J.R.W.M.D.). Therefore, any future development on the site would be prohibited from discharging any runoff in excess of the pre -development discharge rates and prohibited from discharging pollutants in excess of pre -development amounts. Further, the local drainage district (S.R.I.D.) limits post development discharge rates to no more than 2" run-off volume in a 24-hour period. This requirement substantially exceeds the city's pre -post discharge requirement. Prior to any site development approval, the city's land development regulations require that the proposed development plan provides sufficient evidence that the project, when constructed and operating, will meet or exceed the local and state requirements. Further, the City has adopted and implements a stormwater program to ensure the long-term viability of all stormwater systems. The development of this site would be subject to those requirements, including the payment of an annual Stormwater Impact Assessment (levied through the annual property tax assessment). Page 4 Recreation: The parks and recreation level of the service standards outlined in the city's land development code, Chapter IX — Concurrency Management, include 5 acres* of park areas for every 1000 residents in the city, as well as various quantities of recreation facilities (i.e.: pools, tennis courts, etc.). The City's 2010 EAR indicates that the city has a surplus of recreational facilities. The 2010 EAR indicates that the city has approximately 313 acres of community and neighborhood parks, while it only has an estimated demand through 2025 of approximately 130 acres of recreation area. Similarly, the individual quantity of recreation facilities is met or exceeded through 2025. (*Note that the city's 2010 EAR uses 4 acres per 1000 population) It appears that the city's recreation requirements are strictly tied to residential development and population, and this site is expected to be a commercial development. Consequently, this site's impacts to parks and recreation facilities and services is negligible. However, it is worth mentioning the following: • Current development standards would require the concurrent development of adequate bike and pedestrian paths to permit access and circulation through the site. • The site may contain two small wetland areas (approximately 7.1 acres) within a natural slough bisecting the site and extending to the north property line, and along the north property line where the site abuts the South Prong Creek / SRID Lateral L. Current local and state environmental regulations favor the preservation of wetlands and the preservation and/ or creation of upland/ wetland buffers within any new development projects. While these improvements may not be dedicated to the public, they are still contributing to the open space, greenery, and passive recreational opportunities that may be enjoyed by the city residents when visiting the commercial development, and add to the city's vision to be welcoming, natural, "green" and sustainable. Conclusion: Based on the above data, public facilities for traffic, drainage, solid waste, water, wastewater, and recreation have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use of the subject property. Page 5 II. Fiscal Analysis The proposal to annex 66.87 acres into the city and assign a FLUM designation of General Commercial will have a net positive Fiscal Impact to the city. FLU Element 1-2.10.1: Parameters of an Annexation study may include: Fiscal Impact Analysis and determination of Future Capital Expenditures necessary to meet basic services such as police, emergency services, utilities, code enforcement, building and zoning, permitting and inspection services to meet City Standards. The impact analysis is estimated below, together with a comparison of other annexation and FLUM designation options: 1. Annexation and Commercial General FLUM assigned (as proposed): Fees and taxes Generated: a. Ad Valorem taxes are estimated to be approximately $248,502 per year *(assume 334,350 sf, tax value at $73,088,910; rate 3.400; only %, of the building area / commercial use area is assumed as compared to other impact / Concurrency analysis in this report. The author believes it is highly unlikely that 668,700 sf of commercial use will be developed on the site. Value based on $189/sf bldg., and $148,000/ ac land). b. Utility tax and Franchise Fees: estimated to be $86,500 per year. Electric, at 15.9% of electric revenue generated, assuming commercial avg uses and costs of 14 KwH / sf/ year; $1008 /month/10,000 KwH, — $75,021 per year; water and CST estimated to be $11,482 per year. c. Stormwater annual non -ad valorem tax: estimated to be $11,460 per year. *(Note fee based on the following: 51.5 acres net developable area after environmental preservation and ROW dedications; 70% of 51.5 acres impervious area, 60% credit for on -site stormwater system, = 191 ERU at $60/ yr). d. Recreation Impact Fee: estimated to be $0.00 per year. (commercial uses are exempt) e. Sales, gas and %2 cent state sales tax: Negligible change. These taxes/ fees are allocated by others in proportion to the city's percentage of the county wide population. Assuming all areas in county grow at similar rates, the percentage allocation will not change. It is assumed that the fees from these sources will not change appreciably due to commercial development on this site and will be similar to fees generated by potential residential development on this site. Fiscal impacts to city: -Police: negligible. The need for additional police is typically correlated to residential population growth. Commercial sites often provide private security, security monitoring systems, and commercial sites generally are easier to patrol. -Emergency services: none, provided by IRC. -Utilities: None, provided by IRC and FPL. -Code enforcement: negligible. -Building and zoning: None. Fees charged by city to cover services provided. -Permitting and inspections: None. Fees charged by city to cover services provided. -Streets and drainage, maintenance: None. All roads, driveways, parking areas and required drainage facilities are privately owned, constructed and maintained. Page 6 2. Annexation and Residential Low Density FLUM assigned: Fees and taxes Generated: a. Ad Valorem taxes are estimated to be $127,755. *(assume 167 homesites (2.5 / acre), $225,000 taxable value after homestead exemption, rate 3.400) b. Utility tax and Franchise Fees: estimated to be $52,400 per year. Electric, at 15.9% of electric revenue generated, assuming 167 homesites, residential avg bill of $123 / month in FI., = $39,192; water and CST estimated to be $13,246 per year. c. Stormwater annual non -ad valorem tax: estimated to be $4020 per year *(Note fee based on the following: 167 homes, 60% credit for on -site stormwater system, = 67 ERU at $60/ yr). d. Recreation Impact Fee: one time fee, $166,165. *(Note: $995 per ERU, 167 homes) e. Sales, gas and %z cent state sales tax: Negligible change. These taxes/ fees are allocated by others in proportion to the city's percentage of the county wide population. Assuming all areas in county grow at similar rates, the percentage allocation will not change. It is assumed that the fees from these sources will not change appreciably due to residential development on this site and will be similar to fees generated by potential commercial development on this site. Fiscal impacts to citv: -Police: minor. Population increase of 418 persons, requires 1 additional police officer (at 2.5 per 1000 population). Approximate cost of $95,800 per year. -Emergency services: none, provided by IRC. -Utilities: None, provided by IRC and FPL. -Code enforcement: negligible. -Building and zoning: None. Fees charged by city to cover services provided. -Permitting and inspections: None. Fees charged by city to cover services provided. -Streets and drainage, maintenance: None. All roads, driveways, parking areas and required drainage facilities are privately owned, constructed and maintained. 3. No annexation: Fees and taxes Generated: -Ad Valorem taxes: $0.00 -other fees/ taxes: $0.00 Fiscal impacts to citv: -yes. Not measurable — IRC residents will use city owned streets, parks and recreational facilities. -lost revenue, lost business and employment opportunities Page 7 Conclusion: 1. Non-residential development traditionally has less of a fiscal impact than residential development, and typically is a net positive fiscal impact. Expenditures are less, and tax revenue is appreciably more. This analysis finds that: a. Annex and "Commercial General" FLUM assignment: net positive $346,462 per year. b. Annex and "Low Density Residential' FLUM assignment: net positive $88,375 per year and a one time onlv recreation impact fee sum of $166,165. c. No annexation: Property develops in IRC, and as a result the city will realize a loss of income (no income), loss of control of development at the foot steps to the city. In addition, many of the perceived and real impacts associated with development will affect the city, regardless of the fact it is not within the city limits, such as: use of city, parks and recreation facilities, use of, and wear and tear of city streets, and other similar impacts, with -out any tax or franchise fee income, Recreation impact fee or annual stormwater utility assessment fees. Page 8 III. Environmental Impacts Environmental impacts caused by the potential development of the site would be essentially the same under either the existing IRC "R" or the proposed city `CG" FLUM designation, or whether in IRC or the City of Sebastian. Most of the site is a former citrus grove, and the site does not contain any undisturbed native upland habitat. The site may contain two small wetland areas (approximately 7.1 acres) within a natural slough bisecting the site and extending to the north property line, and along the north property line where the site abuts the South Prong Creek / SRID Lateral L. However, it is important to acknowledge that prior to any site development, requisite permits from the Federal government (USFW, ALOE), the state (FDEP, SJRWMD) and local agencies (city and SRID) are required and any wetlands or other natural resources that may be located on the site are protected by federal, state, and city regulations; Consequently, impacts to environmental resources would require the approval of those agencies, and mitigation to off -set any impacts are normally required. A benefit of site development is that water quality impacts to the receiving waters (in this case, the Sebastian River and Indian River lagoon) are generally expected to be reduced from current conditions, which permit agricultural operations to start up with little oversight or regulation. Site development regulations require the construction of storm water management systems that detain and prevent erosion and excess stormwater run- off, removes pollutants, and often requires the installation and maintenance of shoreline protection buffer(s) when adjacent to surface waters or wetlands, and protection of or mitigation for jurisdictional wetlands on the site. Due to the city and state's efforts to increase regulations to protect the states waters and environment, development standards have been adopted, including the construction of active storm water management systems for new development, to ensure the development decreases the site's impacts to the environment. As a result, the stormwater run-off discharge rates and pollutant volumes discharging into the St. Sebastian River will be reduced. The requirements for new development contrast with the present agricultural design that allows drainage directly into the St. Sebastian River without any storm water retention or treatment. Therefore, the required storm water management associated with new development should reduce the amount of pollutants and freshwater runoff that is currently placed into the river via the approximately 66.87-acre agricultural site. Page 9 IV. Compatibility with City's Comprehensive Plan Approving the annexation and granting the request to re -designate the subject property to a "General Commercial" FLUM designation within the city would result in development which would be compatible with surrounding areas and will be compatible with the city's long term objectives and goals adopted in its Comprehensive Plan. The site is adjacent to existing urban development along the south city limits, and the site is a formal agricultural (citrus) site that is no longer economically viable as an agricultural use. A change to the city's "General Commercial" FLUM provides the flexibility to allow the site owner to develop, and the city to approve a mix of uses that is consistent with the city's comp Plan and 2010 EAR objectives and goals. In addition to commercial uses, the city's "General Commercial" FLUM designation permits the development of light industrial uses and multi -family uses, which provides the city the best opportunity to fulfill the needs listed in its Comprehensive Plan and 2010 EAR. The following references are in direct support of annexation and the designation of "General Commercial" FLUM in this vicinity: 1. 20 10 EAR indicates that the city's FLU Element shall be updated to identify a need for up to 21 acres of commercial development and 32 acres of industrial land to meet 2025 needs. Note that the city land development code permits numerous "light industrial" activities within the "General Commercial" FLUM designation. 2. 2010 EAR indicates that the city's FLU Element is updated to identify a need for up to 5415 residential units to meet 2025 needs. Note that the city FLU and Land Development Code permits multi- family development in the "General Commercial" FLUM (using RM-8 zoning district standards.) 3. 2010 EAR, "Economic Development and Job Creation" (Major Issue 2), recommendations include creating a New "Economic Development" element of the comprehensive plan, and instituting several recommendations, including: a. Consider the potential for employment generating commercial -industrial uses in the CR510 corridor south of the city. b. Include strategies to increase the variety of housing types in the city. The EAR further states that the city lacks a significant stock of multi -family housing 4. 2010 EAR, "Annexation and Service Delivery" (Major Issue 5), recommendations suggest that the city should accept voluntary annexation requests in this vicinity of the city and include assigning a FLUM designation of "Commercial General". Citations in support of this include the following: a. Policy 1-1.2.2: Agricultural for Annexed lands — The city shall use the agricultural land use classification for future annexations until such time that Page 10 urban growth is contiguous and agricultural activities are no longer economically sustainable. b. A Future land use map (FLUM) amendment application shall be submitted concurrently with annexation requests. c. Supporting text written within this section of the 2010 EAR, suggests that "if this area (south of the city) is developed with other than rural uses, it should become part of the city", and "the city is seeking adequate commercial and industrial lands to accommodate iits economic development needs, and many have pointed to the 510 corridor as a place to meet those needs." d. The city's FLU Element may be updated to adopt the Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement (ISBA) and its map. However, the document acknowledges that the ISBA may NOT get approved, but the city should continue to carefully pursue a rational annexation policy that is consistent with possible enactment of the ISBA, but is not dependent on it. It should be noted that the ISBA map delineates all properties south of the city limits, including the site, to 74th St and 69th St. within the city's annexation reserve area. It is generally agreed by most Sebastian leaders and residents that the city is underserved by commercial development, and that the city loses a significant amount of business resources — employment opportunities, retail sales, etc. to the county seat (Vero Beach) and the adjacent surrounding unincorporated areas to the south. This property lies strategically in a location of the future intersection of 82"d Ave/ Laconia Street and CR510. IRC's long-range plans include the extension of 82' Ave north form 69th street north to CR510 and improving the entire 82"d Ave corridor from SR 60 to CR510; and the city's 2010 EAR identifies the extension of Laconia Street south to CR510. These improvements will create the opportunity to locate a commercial node at a significant intersection, which will serve to create employment opportunities, business income and additional tax revenue for the city. Strategically located, this commercial site will also serve to intercept trips to destinations further away, thereby removing traffic from the network of major links (roads) and freeing up capacity of the links further south of the city. The following supports the above assertion regarding road improvements: a. Transportation Element 1.1.5 — The city shall coordinate with the IRC MPO to identify new transportation corridors to increase north/south connectivity, including Laconia Street extension south to CR 510. b. CR 510 4 lane divided facility from USI to CR512, IRC Transportation Improvement Program (FY 2017/2018 — 2021/2022) — FPID 405606-2-2-02. Page 11 c. 82"d Ave construction from CR510 to 69th St. — ROW acquisition (FY 2017/2018 — 2019/2020), and construction to follow — FPID 1230879-2-52-01. d. 82"d Ave paving from 26`f' St. to 69th St. — preliminary engineering (FY 2017/2018) and ROW acquisition and construction to follow. Page 12 V. Compatibility with Surrounding Areas The property is located in section 25-31S-38E and is adjacent to and north of C.R. 510 approximately '/4 mile east of 841h Ave. The northern portion of the property abuts the City of Sebastian city limits. The proposal is to annex the subject property into the City of Sebastian and change the future land use designation of approximately 66.87 acres from Indian River County "R" (Rural - 1 unit/1 acre) to City of Sebastian "Commercial General". The proposed use is compatible with existing and future surrounding land uses. The assumption made in support of this statement is that all of the adjacent properties along all the property lines have been targeted by the city for future annexation, and these properties will be assigned an appropriate FLUM and zoning district designation that is compatible with the subject site's. This assumption is based on the similar conditions and circumstances these adjacent sites share with the subject site, especially the city's Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives regarding annexation and uses along the CR510 corridor. (Reference Section II, "Compatibility with the city's Comprehensive Plan" for further explanation). In the short term, the adjacent sites have a FLUM of either Rural (R) or Agricultural (AG-1), and all are zoned A-1 (agriculture), and none of the sites are active agricultural operations, and are fallow and unattended. Consequently, there would not be compatibility issue between the subject sites potential commercial development and the adjacent sites' undeveloped unattended condition. Further, the adjacent sites' current FLUM and zoning should be considered as a holding designation, acknowledging that the site will be annexed into the city and given an appropriate and compatible FLUM designation in the future. Notwithstanding the above, the city has requirements in its land development code to ensure that appropriate buffering is placed between adjacent sites with dissimilar uses. The following describes the adjacent properties on all sides of the site: Portions of the North, and all the east nronertv lines: The site is immediately adjacent to three properties along the east property line and eastern 2/3 of the north property lines. These properties are currently in unincorporated IRC and are also abandoned citrus groves. These properties have the same current IRC FLUM (R) and Zoning (A-1) as the subject site. The assumption made in this study is that these adjacent properties will also annex into the city of Sebastian in the future, and will obtain a FLUM and zoning district designation that is compatible with the subject site's. (See explanation above). Portions of the North, and all of the west and south nronertv lines: A majority of the site abuts waterways and/ or road rights -of -way which provide significant separation between any proposed development plans and adjacent lands; and in the case of the waterways, Page 13 also provides natural vegetative buffers. More specifically, adjacent uses and conditions along these property lines are: -North (western 1/3 of north property line) — the site abuts the city's south limits, and is adjacent to existing single family homesites in Sebastian Highlands S/D. The area is developed at approximately 4 units per acre, and is zoned RS-10. However, the subject site and these adjacent residential homesites are separated by the confluence of the South Prong of the Sebastian River, the city's Elkam Waterway, SRID Canal 200' ROW — Lateral L, and the SRID Canal 250' ROW - Lateral C. The width of the right of way varies from 215 ft to 260 ft between the site and the Sebastian Highlands. In addition, there is a natural vegetative buffer along the waterway on the subject sites north property line. In the event of development of the site, a shoreline protective buffer along the sites north property line will likely be required to be preserved and enhanced as a condition of any future site development approval. Effectively, there will be at least 215 ft. or more separation, as well as an intervening waterway and an opaque vegetative screen. -West: the site is adjacent to the SRID Canal ROW - Lateral C, a 250 ft. wide canal right of way. In addition, the city has identified the extension of Laconia St. along the east side of the SRID ROW, likely taking the west 100' of the subject site. This will provide an effective buffer of at least 350 ft. in width. Beyond the road and canal ROW lies fallow agricultural property with a L-1 (IRC - low density residential) FLUM. This is the site of the former Sebastian Park PD. This is a development project of approximately 169 acres, approved in IRC as a residential PD over 10 years ago. This project was never developed, and the site development approvals have since expired. -South: the site is adjacent to the CR10 road ROW. The FDOT is currently preparing conceptual plans for the widening of this two-lane arterial highway to a four (4) lane divided highway. This will provide an effective buffer of 168 ft. (based on the FDOT's concept plans for CR 510. Beyond the road ROW to the south of CR510 lies fallow agricultural property with a AG-1 (IRC - agricultural) FLUM. Page 14 CONCLUSION Based on the analysis, the city can conclude that the requested annexation and land use designation is compatible with surrounding areas, consistent with the comprehensive plan, meets all concurrency criteria, will have no negative impacts on environmental quality, and meets all applicable land use designation amendment criteria. Most importantly, the subject property is located in an area that will be well suited for commercial development. Page 15 Ownership Documentation I:IndiaO,River County Property Appraiser PROPERTY 23147 R COMM 10/20/2015 OWNER ID: Legal Description 151110 W 17 A OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4, SW1/4 OF SVI-& W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SVi LESS CANAL R/ WS LESS S 40 FT FOR RD RAN 31382500000500000001.0 SITUS 85TH ST VERO BEACH, FL 32967 GENERAL UTILITIES LAST APPR. TOPOGRAGPHY LAST APPR. YR 2015 ROAD ACCESS LAST INSP. DATE D7/24/2015 ZONING A-1 NEXT INSP. DATE PRIMARY USE 6600 #OFIMPRV NEXT REASON INALUG1 a 0 BUILDING PERMI� ISSUE DT PERMIT TYPE PERMITAREA ST PERMITVAL ,A_.._. __.... ... SALES INFORMATION - SALE DT PRICE GRANTOR DEEDINFO PROPERTY APPRAISAL INFORMATION 2018 GRAVES BROTHERS COMPANY TAX AREA: 1 IMPROVEMENT VALUE 0 2770 INDIAN RIVER BLVD STE 201 •23147' LAND MARKET + 644,345 VERO BEACH, FL 32960 TOTAL MARKET VALUE = 644,345 ACRES: 76.6900 AG VALUE = 80,492 APPR VAL METHOD: Cost PRODUCTIVITY LOSS = 562,697 DBA: SOH is 0.00 ASSESSED VALUE = 81,648 NSOH 54 %: 0.00 EXEMPTION VALUE _ NSOH 55 %: IOD.00 TAXABLE VALUE = 81,648 SKETCH INFORMATION UREGION: SU90: INBNO -`SOB tT "IMPROVEMENT.VALNATION "LIVING AREA: APPRAEFT: SALERI BUSE ' IMPROV p TYPE BNAPE MTHB BLABBISUB Ouallry LF LENGTH ..TN AREA UNTPRCE UNITS BUILT EFFYR CO E DEPR PHYS BOON FUNS COMP ABJ ADI VALUE DESCRIPTION UNITS CODE OFBCRpINSN Lane CODE REGION: CUED: NBHD: 60141.00155M SUBSET: ANOVALUATON IRRM113: Csyclly. IRRA[rer OII wife PRODULTNITY.VALUATION LA DESCRIPTION ZONING LOSE SOIL CLS TABLE IS METH UNITS UNITPRICE GROSSNAL ABJ LAND ADJ SRC a ACRES AG USE AG TABLE AG UNIT Pro nc VALVE 1 A A-1 6653 SPECIAL N A 115700 AC 11,00000 127,2701.00 0,85A 108V180 Y 1157 C 1,200 OD 13,884 2 A A-1 6665 SPECIAL N A 1737DO AC 1100000 191.070 1.00 0.85A 162,410 Y 1737 C 1.20000 20,844 3 A A-1 6653 SPECIAL N A 36700 AC 11,00000 40,370 too 0.85A 34315 Y 3.67 C 1,20000 4,404 4 A A-1 6603 SPECIAL N A 77100 AC 11,00000 84,8101.00 0.65A 72,089 Y 7.71 C 1,05000 8,096 Y 2247 C SPECIAL 1,200.00 26,964 5 A A-1 6657 SPECIAL N A 224700 AC 11000.00 247,170 I.DO 0.85A 210,095 Page 1 of 2 Effective Date of Appraisal January Date Printed 03/23/2018 7.54 05PM by PacsCommand We1,10-23147 ( Indian River County Property Appraiser PROPERTY APPRAISAL INFORMATION 2018 2018-0-23147-161110 PROPERTY 23147 R COMM 10/20/2015 OWNER ID: GRAVES BROTHERS COMPANY TAX AREA: 1 IMPROVEMENT VALUE 0 Legal Description 151110 2770 INDIAN RIVER BLVD STE 201 '23147* LAND MARKET + 644,345 W 17 A OF NW1/4 OF SWIM, SWi/4 OF SW1/4 - & Wi/2 OF VERO BEACH, FL 3296D TOTAL MARKET VALUE = fi44,345 SE114 OF SW1/4, LESS CANAL R/ WS LESS S 40 FT FOR ACRES! 75.6900 RD RAN AG VALUE = 80,492 APPR VAL METHOD: Cost PRODUCTIVITY LOSS = 562.697 SOH %: 0.00 ASSESSED VALUE - 81,648 31382500000500000001.0 DBA: - SITUS 85TH ST VERO BEACH, FL 32967 NSOH 54%: 0.00 EXEMPTION VALUE _ NSOH 55 %: 100.00 TAXABLE VALUE = 81,648 GENERAL SKETCH INFORMATION EXEMPTIONS UTILITIES LAST APPR. TOPOGRAGPHY LAST APPR. YR ROAD ACCESS LASTINSP.DATE ZONING NEXT INSP. DATE PICTURE PRIMARY USE #OFIMPRV NEXT REASON REMARKS BUILDING PERMITS ��II'.Lri�Lcu�LrFOR4VIATION TYPE -SHAPE MTNI CIASSAUB Dr.111 Ll LENGTH 1NOTH gHEA UNIT PRICE USDA BUILT EEEVR LONU JALUE EAR PH" EGGS HUNG (COMP AN qI. IMPROVEMENT FDESCRI71 EATORES M 6 VALUE 6ESCRIPTON UNITS CODE DECCRIPTION UNITS CODE REGION: BUBO: NANO: 650141.001SS%) SUBSET: LAND VALUATION INS 11,: CaPACH, MIRA—: OII.RA: PRODUCTNITVVRLUATION UP OE.CHIPT.. ZDNLNG LUSE SOIL CIS TABLE NS MEIN UNITS UNITPRICE GROSSVAL ALL LANDADJ ABC MIT VAL VAL AG ACRES AGUSE AG TABLE qG UNIT PAC AS VALUE 6 A A-1 96T SPECIAL N A 2,2100 AC 20000 4421.00 0.85 A 376 J 0,00 0 7 A A-1 96T SPECIAL N A 45900 AC 200.00 918 lCo OSSA 780 N 0,00 D 8 A A-1 6604 SPECIAL N A 3.0000AC 1100000 33,000 1.00 085A 28,050 Y 3.00 C 1,05000 3,150 9 A A-1 6604 SPECIAL N A 3.0000 AC 11,00000 33,000 1.00 085A 28,050 Y 3.00 C 1, 05000 3,150 80,492 Land Total: 5,320 755900 644,345 Page 2 of 2 Effective Dale of Appraisal. January Date Printed 03123/2018 7 54:05PM by PacSCommantl WebID-23147 IVISION Of CORPORA TIONS 00 6Jrn f 0-0 2— at ulfiripl :;anr of /$rich II eL.ur Denartment of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Detail By DOrHimept Nnmhwr / Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation GRAVES BROTHERS COMPANY Filina Information Document Number 126920 FEI/EIN Number 59-0269180 Date Filed 11/10/1932 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event AMENDED AND RESTATED ARTICLES Event Date Filed 08/20/2015 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 2770 INDIAN RIVER BLVD SUITE 201 VERO BEACH, FL 32960-4230 Changed: 04/15/2008 Mailing Address 2770 INDIAN RIVER BLVD SUITE 201 VERO BEACH, FL 32960-4230 Changed: 04115/2008 Registered Agent Name & Address BASS, JEFF E 2770 INDIAN RIVER BLVD SUITE 201 VERO BEACH, FL 32960 Name Changed: 03/26/2004 Address Changed: 04/15/2008 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title STD BASS, ELIZABETH G 3395 BUCKINGHAMMOCK TRAIL VERO BEACH, FL 32960 Title PD BASS, JEFF E 2770 INDIAN RIVER BLVD., SUITE 201 VERO BEACH, FL 329604230 Title V HOWARD, DAVID F 4150 12TH PLACE SOUTHWEST VERO BEACH, FL 32968 Annual Recorts Report Year Filed Date 2015 03/19/2015 2016 03/16/2016 2017 03/16/2017 Document lmaaes 0311612017 — ANNUAL REPORT 03/16/2016 — ANNUAL REPORT 08/20/2015 — Amended and Restated Ar irles OX19/2015 — ANNUAL REPORT 03/07/2014 — ANNUAL REPORT 03/08/2013 —ANNUAL. REPORT 03/07/2012 — ANNUAL REPORT 03/11/2011 — ANNUAL REPORT 04/20/2010 —ANNUAL REPORT 01/21/2009--ANNUAL REPORT 04/15/2008 — ANNUAL REPORT 04/16/2007 — ANNUAL REPORT 09/13/2006 — ANNUAL REPORT 04/13/2006 — ANNUAL REPORT 04/14/2005 — ANNUAL REPORT 03/26/2004 — ANNUAL REPORT 01/22/2003 — ANNUAL REPORT 01/31/2002 — ANNUAL REPORT 01/2712001 — ANNUAL REPORT 02/09/2000 — ANNUAL REPORT 06/02/1999 —ANNUAL REPORT 07/06/1998 — Meaner 03/24/1998 — ANNUAL REPORT 04/10/1997 — ANNUAL REPORT 03/13/1996 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDE format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View Image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format J View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View Image in PDF format View image in POE format View image In POP format View image in PDF format View Image In PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format E 04/27/1995—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 11/10/1932 — Filings Prior to 1996 View image in PDF format Fmntla Department of state, Disigon of Corporadons Attachments — Back-up Documentation Detailed Traffic Impact Analysis submitted to the City for Annexation and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Kimley>Morn March 22, 2018 Lisa Frazier, M.S., AICP Community Development Director/CRA Manager City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 RE: 66.9t Acre Graves Brothers Annexation and Comprehensive Plan Amendment City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida Kimley-Hom Project No. 142759000 Dear Ms. Frazier: Kimley-Horn has prepared a traffic impact evaluation for the above -mentioned project, which is generally located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of CR 510 & 82nd Avenue in Indian River County. The property owner is proposing to annex the subject property into the City of Sebastian. Upon annexation, the property owner will request a Commercial General Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation, but the property will remain in Indian River County A-1 zoning for a period of time. A methodology was established with City staff to govern this traffic impact evaluation. A copy of the agreed -upon methodology is attached to this letter as Exhibit 1. Assumed Land Uses for Subject Property Based on guidelines set forth in the agreed -upon methodology, a ratio of 10,000-square foot per acre was applied to determine an assumed land use program for the property. This ratio yielded the following: • 10,000 square feet per acre x 66.9 acres = 669,000 square feet of shopping center/retail The shopping center/retail land use was used due to the fact that a Commercial General FLUM designation will be requested by the property owner. Trip Generation The trip generation potential for the assumed land use program was calculated based upon rates and equations obtained from the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Applicable pass -by percentages published in ITE's Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition, were also applied. However, pass -by was limited to the lesser of the ITE calculated pass -by volumes and 10% of the adjacent street traffic. The assumed land use program's net new external trip generation potential encompasses the following: • 24,065 net new external daily trips • 514 net new external AM peak hour trips (332 in / 182 out) • 2,435 net new external PM peak hour trips (1,167 in / 1,268 out) Trip generation calculations are attached to this letter as Exhibit 2 445 24'h Street, Suite 200, Vera Beach, FL 32960 Kimley>>)Horn Trip Distribution Page 2 In accordance with the agreed -upon methodology, an estimation of trip origins and destinations was prepared for the project based on a transportation model run using the Greater Treasure Coast Regional Planning Model. The assumed development program was incorporated into a traffic analysis zone within the model and the model output was used to assign traffic from the subject property to the surrounding external roadway network. Model output is attached to this letter as Exhibit 3. Generally, the following distribution obtained from the model along CR 510 is below: • To/from the west along CR 510 = 48% • To/from the east along CR 510 = 52% Adjacent Roadway Operational Analysis In accordance with the agreed -upon methodology, the adjacent segments of CR 510 were evaluated upon adding traffic from the subject property and considering details found within the current Indian River County Links Maintenance Report (released in February 2018). It must be noted that CR 510 is planned to be widened from a two-lane undivided facility to a four -lane divided facility between CR 512 and US Highway 1 according to the Indian River County Transportation Improvement Program (FY 2017/18 — 2012/22). The peak hour capacities along the adjacent segments of CR 510 were therefore updated to reflect a four -lane capacity. Based on the trip distribution detailed previously in this letter and estimated traffic impacts from the subject property, the adjacent segments of CR 510 are projected to operate acceptably and under their service capacity thresholds. The Links Maintenance Report calculations are attached to this letter as Exhibit 4. Other Nearby Planned Roadway Improvements The Indian River County Transportation Improvement Program (FY 2017/18—2012/22) also includes improvements to 82nd Avenue in the vicinity of the subject property. Specifically, the improvements include the following: • Construction of 82nd Avenue from CR 510 to 69th Street — ROW acquisition programmed for FY 2017/18 through FY 2019/20, with construction to occur later. • Paving of 82nd Avenue from 26th Street to 69th Street— The project's preliminary engineering phase is scheduled for FY 2017/18, with right-of-way acquisition and construction to occur later. While these improvements to 82nd Avenue are being planned for, they were not relied upon in this traffic evaluation. The construction of 82nd Avenue south of CR 510 will provide traffic from the subject property an additional means of access to and from the property and thus reduce traffic along CR 510. Excluding this facility yielded conservative traffic estimates along CR 510. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Bria4, 6d, P.E. wkllk� Kimley>>)Horn Attachments: Exhibit 1 — Methodology Acceptance Exhibit 2 — Trip Generation Calculations Exhibit 3 — GTCRPM Model Output and Traffic Distribution Exhibit 4 — Links Maintenance Report Page 3 K'%OCA_CimK142759000 - Gmw Bm Annenl =Uf180321 bg.Qocx 1CR?lVrr 7RRCORI" 1445 2410 Street, Suite 200, Vero Beach, FL 32960 rT1�794 gT00, (Exhibit 1 - Page 1 of 1 Memering, Alex From: Lisa Frazier <LFrazier@CityofSebastian.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 4:00 PM To: Mora, Nick Cc: Dorn Bosworth Subject: RE: Graves Bros. 75.6 acre annexation site Categories: External I'm not a traffic engineer but it sounds good from my end! Dorri remembers that it was 82"d Ave south from 510 to H WY 60 that was slated for improvements. Make sure to check that out too. Thanks Nick From: Mora, Nick [mailto:Nick.Mora@Hmley-horn.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:49 PM To: Lisa Frazier Subject: Graves Bros. 75.6 acre annexation site Lisa, Just to recap our discussion, below is what I understand is required of the traffic study for the Graves Bros. 75.6 acre annexation site located on the north side of CR 510, east of 82"d Avenue: • The traffic study should estimate PM peak hour trip projections for the project site using ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. IRC typically requires a ratio of 10,000 square feet per acre for properties rezoning to commercial land use. Applying this ratio yields 756,000 square feet of retail development. Unless Joe Schulke has a site plan developed for the project documenting various uses and intensities, I'll plan to use 756,000 square feet of retail fortrip generation purposes. • The traffic study must evaluate whether the adjacent segments of CR 510 meet their PM peak hour LOS/capacity standards after project traffic is added to existing traffic. • We'll utilize IRC's most current Links Maintenance Report to obtain existing PM peak hour traffic volumes along CR 510. • We'll run a FSUTMS model to develop project traffic distribution along CR 510. Hand adjustments will be made (based on engineering judgment and knowledge of existing traffic patterns) to the distribution if raw model output appears unreasonable/unrealistic. • We'll account for future 4-lane widening improvements along CR 510 in our PM peak hour LOS analysis. • The deliverable will be a letter style report documenting our analysis and findings (notably the resultant LOS on CR 510 considering the sum of existing traffic and project traffic). Please confirm this is acceptable or if I missed anything. Thank you, -Nick Kimley>7 orn (Exhibit 2 - Page 1 of 1 Kimley>>Morn GRAVES BROTHERS ANNEXATION INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA TRIP GENERATION CALCULATIONS Land Use Intensity Daily I AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Trips Total In Out Total In Out Proposed Site Traffic (Gross Trios) Shopping Center 669,000 sq.ft. 25,255 i 629 390 239 2,549 1,224 1 1,325 Subtotal 25,255 629 390 239 2,549 1,224 1,325 Pass-Bv Capture Trios Shopping Center 34% (8,587) (214) (133) (81) (867) (416) (451) 10% of Adjacent Street Traffic 10% (1,190) (115) (58) (57) (114) (57) (57) Applied Pass -By Traffic Reduction (lesser of above two rows) 2 (1,190) (115) (58) (57) (114) (57) (57) Net New External Proposed Site Trips 124,065 I 514 332 I 182 12,435 I 1,167 11,268 Note: 1. Trip generation was calculated using the following data from ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition ShooninE Center IITE 8201, Daily -7> T=37.75*(X); (X is 1,000 SF) AM Peak Hour T = 0.94*(X); (X is 1,000 SF; 62% in, 38% out) PM Peak Hour T = 3,81 *(X); (X is 1,000 SF; 48% in, 52% out) Pass -By -j P = 34% 2. Pass -by was limited to the lesser of the ITE calculated volumes and 10% of adjacent street traffic. FDOT Count Station 887033 was used to determine adjacent street traffic volumes. 3/21/2018 Exhibit 3 - Page 1 of 31 16 `F SI - ROADWAY NETWORK - CENTROID CONNECTORS PROJECTZONE CFNTROIOFi 0 0 C - N GTCRPM MODEL RUN -GRAVES BROTHERS ANNEXATION TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION (PERCENTAGES) 03114/2018 z c 11111E Licensed to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Exhibit 3 - Page 2 of 31 ROADWAY NETWORK CENTROID CONNECTORS * PROJECT ZONE CENTROIDS O' 20 ./ 19 16 16 a (a/ Ih S-f- o n GTCRPM MODEL RUN •GRAVES BROTHERS ANNEXATION TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION (PERCENTAGES) 0311412018 2 G[Ij]I]Q Licensed to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. lExhibit 3 - Page 3 of 31 aJ 0, 2 7 Is 2 7 A 46 ...... �45 52 m i18 Is 1515!05 I la!TO 0 6% v- 1 0 -4 2 i' a 0 0 Dk sr — 2 ry a 0 00. 0 o 2 2 d' 0 0 0 ROADWAY NETWORK CENTROID CONNECTORS PROJECT ZONE ma 0 0 CENTROIDS GTCRPM MODEL RUN - GRAVES BROTHERS ANNEXAT ON TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION (PERCENTAGES) 0311412018 Licensed to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Exhibit 4 - Page 1 of 1 Indian River County - Links Maintenance Report Released in February 2019 PROJECT TRAFFIC IMPACT CALCULATIONS Link# Link Description Capacity Existing Vested Total Available %of Project Traffic Project Traffic Project Exceed 80% trny,.,.p Trim Oem>nn I�,'o.,�,aw r=.,=nw %4ccio.,,...,.r i. nrnnr Tr=rRr ,.,1 18 E C R.510/ C.R. 512/ 66TH AVE 1960 W 41 433 1.527 22.1% 52% out 6/Sy No 11810W CR. 510/C.R. 512Y66TH AVE 1960 700 12 712 1248 36.3% 52% in 607 No 11820E C.R. 510//66TH AV //58TH AVE 1960.432 58 490 1470 25.0% 20% out 254 No ? 1830E C R. 5160/ 58TH AVE,�U.S LAVE 1960.532 73 605 1.355 ME% 15% out 190 No j 11830W C.R. 510//58TH AVE//LLS 1 1960 715 79 794 1.166 40.5% 15% in 175 No Attachments — Back-up Documentation I.R.C. Utility Department Plant Capacity Spread Sheets DEPARTMENT OF UTILITY SERVICES - WATER & WASTEWATER PLANT INFORMATION Owner of System: Indian River County Department of Utility Services I UPDATED AS OF: Address: 1801 27th Street 2/1/2018 City, County, State, ZIP: Vero Beach, Indian River County, FL 32960 Telephone / Fax: 772-567-8000, Extension 1835 / 772-770-5143 J Engineering Services: Title: Phone Extension: email: Axjuna Weragoda, P. E. Capital Projects Manager 1821 awemgoda@iccgov.eom John Boyer, P. E. Urtilities Engineer 1823 jboye@ircgov.com Eric Cliarest Env Comphance Specialist 1822 cchacestatrcgov.com J Jesse Roland Plans Reviewer 1636 poland@tmgov.com j WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (W WTF) INFORMATION Name of Treatment Plant Serving Project Central WWFF North WWFF South WWTF West WWFF County Indian River Indian River Indian Rice, Indian River City Vem Beach Vem Beach Vem Beada Vero Beach DEP Permit Number FLA010431 FLA104388 FLA010435 FL0041637 Expiation Date 3/29/2024 11/30/2024 4/23/2022 4/11/2021 Status Active Flaw routed to Central Active Arrive WWTF Maximum monthly average daily flow over the Last 12 month period 2.68] MGD Plow muted to Central 1.105 MGD 2.521 MGD WWF14 Month(s)Used January 2017-December 2017 Maximum three-month average daily Dow over the last 12 month eriod g Y P 2.519 MGD Flow routed to Central 1.038 MGD 2.356 MGD W W rP Months(.) Used January 2017 - December 2017 Current Permitted Capacity, MADF 4,000 MGD I 0.850 MGD 1 2.000 MGD 6.000 MGD Future Expansion, MADF -- I - Current Outstanding Flow Commitments (*) I 3.258 MGD 1.446 MGD (a) 2.746 MGD (a) (*f Currenr Oa,sraa&'ngF/ow Commirmenrs=Maximum Monrhl ADF+FI r. 0,scij Assacrared mb ERUe Sold, Reserve Furore Capacity. (a)-Soarh RUTF&Wes,W Fare inacomrrsors sernce.uea. PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM (PWS) INFORMATION PWS Name: North County & South County RO Water Plants PWS Identification No.: 3314052 PWS Type: Community Total Permitted Maximum Day Operating Capacity of Plant(s): 20,010,000 GPD Total Maximum Day Flow at Plant(s) as Recorded on Monthly Operating Reports During Past 12 Months: 12,768,000 GPD Attachments — Back-up Documentation I.R.C. S.W.D.D Capacity Letter INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT Landfill / Administration / Recycling 1325 74" Avenue SW Vero Beach, FL 32968 Phone: 772-770-5112 Fax: 772-770-5296 March 23, 2018 Mr. Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, L.L.C. 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Assessment Fees 1801 27"' Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone: 772-226-1300 Fax: 772-226-1578 (Sent via email: jschulke@sbsengineers.com) RE: Solid Waste Capacity Confirmation Letter for 66.8 Acres along CR510 Dear Mr. Schulke, Please be advised that the Indian River County Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) does have adequate solid waste disposal capacity presently available or accessible for the above cited parcel. Based on the latest information, the Indian River County Landfill located at 1325 701 Ave SW has capacity until 2070. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 772.770.5112. Sincerely, Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E. (FL) Managing Director Cc: Vincent Burke, P.E., Utilities Director Stan Boling, Community Development Director ��vegeo S.W.D.D., helping you �Ifiink Green, Give Green. 1 ®FGBC k''cvc,gs Printed on Recycled Paper FLORIDAGREEN ----�auu Attachments — Back-up Documentation Maps and Exhibits IDLY SEBASTIAN 4 H( GRAVES BROTHERS 66.87 ANNEX CITY OF SEBASTIAN FLUM 8 i1 GRAVES BROTHERS .,.�E ANNEXATION AND — ,,. CCMMERUALGENERAL . ... FLU BITE t __�1ND AVE (FU JRE) ,v ice°+ .uo„a.,..+..ew.aarraramaca.ar 1 FUTURE LAND USE MAP 2025 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 -CONSERVATKKi ®CIXAMERCVLLUMItED O•-�CMBOUNDNh P.GRIGILTURE (Wx.1 tlW5evm) -CIXAMERCIALGENEPµ JG BOUNDARY DMIGN INNOVATIONS &LAND WRY LOW DENBRY RESICENIVL)Max ] OWac)- COMMERCIAL 612 M] COASTAL HICd114URDARFAS LOW DENSITY RESIDENRAL (Mu 5 d..c) -RNERFRWMMDUSE1,' 1YMTER MN —A 0,1DDdo A..00. MOBILE HOW RW SEWaD -INDUSTRIAL $u1429$ - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENR L(Max 8 MMc) - IN$TINRON W)oYor Pork. I'lorldo 32789 GRAVES BROTHERS 66.87 ANNEX IRC FLUM Mue: uce ew,we�ss G 7 1 -� / � 'sX ` i � i^!-�• Ur6en SelvimAree I I 1 r ai \ \ �\ - prom servKeaArce I 13 MUNI " / •\ IRC Fm L.M Use ' / IRCFuturc Lena Use I I SOD C T • Nm CON- L I L.z ❑ L-1 I 1 IR i.___._._. _._! Lz M-1 ! r MHRP CI w PUR R ❑ RC L 1 REC T 55M .. 7,. 7 ` " �' AMR -+E�, � T • f t .: St ��•�' � � � A t .�f �ry ✓ � 6 r l� r.. J i I w a AW aR N, /// Ou RG s 'D PEP4X =y.L. �Rw59 I'. Ina Plra I/M sEalox uxEpL / oslirea�Fn`lunox v wta' (— s av3e'Sp" w ]65W14'(D) s sxXr L eaW (B) _ �sw Gp•— 125 8 95' /L [ORXEP 8 - ) xG ICExnFlunox 3RTY COINEP 0 Es[LTOM zs EaxU 3'.3' L R IofxnRGnox 4FLMWa3ro]I-X _ �� X W1Oe E I. (L IxRA SRC J 6]'bY0' I I]M11' 7)3$� B (x0 ittNIMA1XN1) �� X WIa•Ip• E IeJEtl (C) 1 X6},g13'MNaE ILr SPC\ 8 (_�� \ 8 \ DEPLRIP)Idl: (lRO.w. `3I y _ \ THE WE8i TIA. AND THETHEH INOFTHEWLHEARTI"] IILrIN, M'G iHEmUMNER 1N OF THE I UXE '� uO W. 8Lb5a'p�>-y.LL (O� 80VIXWEHT IN. ANGTNE WEBiII<OFTXf aOUMFABTINOFTIESgRWENTT N,OF BECLION4fi� T TOWN8NIP 319OU1M. DIN EA8T:lE55.WGE%CEPT TXEBOU)NIGOF£Ei THEREOFFOR RQMRIGM N.3W �� r_ R ♦3 \\ OF WAY. AND IE88 AND ERCEPE THE 9E.. ARAAIWRWEME1R X4iRI AL RhN1T5 CF WAWL O ALL LYING AND BEING Ix WDNN RNERCprN1Y. FLORIDA 9 ♦ Y^ o\` \ THE PHOVEBURYEYEOPMCELB CONINHWD 2,112MY[SF.IXI LbB>TLRES 1-If500'-1�115.�G•� x �RMpx ONAR WINE RNLEI % \ Y C92 MUNICIPALTOOflEtS PL1H STnEET. VEROBFAO1.ELgiIW 93V] ♦ HID" DARN RARE iFNLE \ Rmg ♦ \ PARCELHo- 313OtEd 1D HIGH GWB W1PF fEHLE ^u T \ AND.=' rADD.LOW . .w N..NnrINDI..w.D. 1 $ a l o l \ ♦ .uraxw Nraxa wreaezwv"N.rorvNn. sl.,E�rM�_ umae«reDlxc®wmisua.Iuemnn.I"wlNumm`.w. ]Ic sw...u. waxuol. W. xaual Au ?V W / �4 ^� � � OF s V✓ 7/=7 NC v7� 4� (.%!-' ♦�S Nv T i q :BALD• NWAWTA« sPw.cD _ .,R.]. DEW wr WINNaD"...R.oNL.xw oa cr+a.,aNx WnD. \ \ Rr✓R of wxv 1 AN 1 n awaDlnww NDI. /e OFWi/A % alaxNXunAF wnrem.rw6"rtaY NxN WNW raX nn Orre. 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I I OR ALUM�imXDM .WVR RLtR F m W.nx mNvn IerRcr IWE pyWl[W RRAWA NLWAA� AARNNA1 WWLAI m +unlx.n[-.n cKLIItArEn I m urClwcu wsv AA �1� o'naRP rA 11 LAW NAAA y �I r� a' Hrox e'PNrtI""ici cArt re spn's XLuwI- /]w a e+xn s n'I� N I D I/z�'cw re /uP Mm me s�rwvm rn� 11. muKw §• { Llzs oo'- Ize.GO'- 8 an� NOW O]ER HEAD ELE[IIRR L\ \ sPL )m Si/YIS V,1 m.X 8 >sW I Gc pLryl6'1G Ir pIRPE E fsxc - e ,uxE x Harr L IBmm' (G 1 - ttwry RBAD SID xeA3SD RwD 1 I I �, sgg z 35 6 8�sDNw>a-59't ]' f IuO' eD'WSx>-N-u� 36 1 s sss mca l� —— C-x—rilMIU a E 8 xE 8 Imwwar �I qO l MMDWp]-D) g FOUNO 5/Ye PEDW k NO AE Sfi KKIL S cw sTarPED vOLOGN I n0 IBENIIIIunoN GRAPHIC SCALE PotvN(La )" EE90500' 150 B ISB SPJ 4SD Q TT�i ml'eC( I GRAVES BROTHERS COMPANY-„";"""" CARTER ASSOCIATES, CERIIFIFDTp DATE :OECEMBERt201t SHEET �t m CERTFSDT(l, RH fAMPAN" DATE .DEKEN BOUNDARY SURVEY 85TH STREET / DDM 6YT.W DJM PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS III I SECTION25,TOWNSHIP3ISOUTH,RANGE38EAST 1 of 1 I� I VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32987 I 1708 21st STREETT,VERO BEACH, FL 32960 R '>�- / ,�!L �--� - /,asa/6II PLOTat' D°ntl ReL�Pmal kWNveWT NWL]r DEL IiygN1 I I TEL:(n2)M24191 FAR FRM1Rs cULL11PESEPbM 51CdNTUPE MTE fIII`I R6 NAME D88328, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,.. v_„�, ®, avmoAucF"sERB naz "BLOCK 41" ,1 I REVISION RV I DATE7l TEL FAX l eARIER 7ssO mm. me casm8 ( LEM Fe av[3 asewB]e D.vp a m78'.Ic t N(1 CM OF SSB��N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Site Plan & Conditional Use Review Staff Report 1. Project Name: Sunshine Early Learning Center Building Addition 2. Requested Action: Approval of a site plan modification for construction of a new 2,150 SF building addition to an existing child care facility /with an approved conditional use permit, along with required parking, stormwater, and landscaping. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 1001 Roseland Road b. Legal: Lots 1 through 4, inclusive, Block 148, Sebastian Highlands Unit 3, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 99 of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida C. Indian River County Parcel Number: 31-38-13-00003-1480-00001.0 4. Project Applicant: Joella Properties, Inc. Roni & Linda Izthak 1001 Roseland Road Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772)913-0846 5. Project Engineer: Mr. Tahir H. Qizilbash, P.E. Progressive Engineering Services, LLC 108 Charles Avenue Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772) 589-6879 6. Project Surveyor: Steve Cartechine, PLS Indian River Survey, Inc. 2455 14`h Avenue Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)569-7880 1 7. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: Application has been made for a site plan modification to construct a new 2,150 SF building addition to the existing Sunshine Early Learning Center located at 1001 Roseland Road, along with additional parking, sidewalks, stormwater, and landscaping. Access to the site will remain the same. Water and sewer service will be provided by Indian River County Utilities. The conditional use permit for a child care facility within a residential zoning district was granted with the approval of the original site plan. b. Current Zoning and Land Use: Land Use: LDR (Low Density Residential, max. 5 units per acre) Zoning: RS-10 (Single -Family Residential) c. Adjacent Properties Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North RS-10 residences LDR East RS-10 residences LDR South RS-10 residences LDR West RS-10 residences LDR d. Site Characteristics (1) Project Area: 1.28 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Existing child care facility (3) Soil: Oldsmar fine sand Eau Gallie fine sand (4) Vegetation: Mature oak trees, pines, and palms (5) Flood Hazard: Zone X (6) Water Service: Indian River County Utilities (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: Indian River County Utilities (8) Parks: DaleWimbrowPark,County— %mile (9) Police: Sebastian — 2.5 miles (10) Fire: Barber Street Fire Station - 1 mile 2 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 9. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: Provided b. finished ground floor elevation: 21.04' C. contours and designated number of dwelling units: 0 d. square footage of project area: 55,576 SF e. building coverage: 2,458 SF + 2,150 SF + 120 SF(shed) + 165 SF(rain canopy) = 4,893 SF = 8.8% (30% maximum) f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: impervious 18,786 SF = 34.0% (55% maximum) open 39,970 SF = 66.0% (50% minimum) g. setbacks: W Required Existing Proposed by Zoning Building Building District Addition Primary Front (Roseland 25' 76.9' 78' Road) Secondary Front 20' 55.3' 27.10' scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the buildings or structures: Provided 3 generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: Provided Building exterior construction materials and color: Provided k. building height: Existing - 14.66' New - 13.83' (maximum 25') m n. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: Provided location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: Provided - existing, no new driveways proposed number of spaces with their location and dimensions: Provided Parking Required: Child Care = 1 space for each five children based on licensed capacity State licensed for 70 children - 5 Total spaces required = 14 spaces Parking Provided: 25 spaces: 22 regular spaces (including 3 grass) 2 compact spaces 1 H/C accessible space details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): Provided all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: Provided surface materials: Provided number of employees: type of vehicles owned by the establishment: One van If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: Provided location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: Provided location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: Provided 0 X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: Provided Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: Provided — new 6' high wooden fence around perimeter Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: Existing for current facility, and the project engineer as already filed a Self -Certification 10-2 exemption form with SJRWMD. aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: Provided bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: Provided CC. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: Provided 10. Site location and character of use: Provided 11. Appearance site and structures: a. harmonious overall design: Yes b. location and screening of mechanical equipment, utility hardware and waste storage areas: Provided C. commercial and industrial activities conducted in enclosed buildings: Yes C. exterior lighting: Provided — wall lighting only. No pole lights are proposed. 12. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: Provided b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: Provided 14. Traffic impacts: A traffic statement was provided indicating that, based on the ITE manual rates and size of both buildings, 80 new trips would be generated. This amount did not require a full traffic analysis to be submitted. However, at this time the new building is not generating any new capacity regarding the applicant's State license, and therefore the additional maximum daily trips are not fully expected. 5 13. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): a. Name, address and phone number of the owner and designer: Provided b. North arrow, scale and date, minimum scale of one inch equals fifty (50) feet: Provided C. Property lines, easements, and right-of-way with internal and property line dimensions: Provided d. Location of existing or proposed utility service: Provided e. Location and size of any existing or proposed structures: Provided f. Location and size of any existing or proposed site features, such as earthen mounds, swales, walls and water areas: Provided g. Location and size of any existing or proposed vehicular use area: Provided h. Location and size of any existing or proposed sidewalks, curbs, and wheel stops: Provided Location of sprinkler heads, hose bibs, or quick cupplers and other information on irrigation: Existing j. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non - vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: Existing. Additional landscaping proposed k. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: Provided I. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: Provided M. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: Provided n. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: Provided o. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: Existing P. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: Provided (ROW) q. Additional landscape considerations: The existing child care facility has been in existence for over 25 years. The landscaping required at time of initial approval has now matured with full canopy oaks, pines, and palms. However, additional trees and hedging are being planted. 14. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: The site is surrounded on all sides by street right-of-ways, and consists of three front yards. The facility has existing fencing in a portion of the area behind the existing building, but is planning to install new fencing around the perimeter of the site in conjunction with the building addition. This should provide more adequate buffering for the surrounding neighborhood. 15. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: n/a 16: Surface water management: Provided 17: Available potable water: Indian River County Utilities 18: Wastewater service: Indian River County Utilities 19: Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: Provided 20: Additional considerations: The following agencies/staff have reviewed the site plan. Unless otherwise noted, all comments have been addressed. "MBV Engineering, Inc., Consulting City Engineer Indian River County Utilities Department Indian River County Fire Department Environmental Health Wayne Eseltine, Building Director "After reviewing revised plans, MBV Engineering had three additional comments that have not been added to the site plan as of yet. If a motion is made to approve the application, a condition should be added that the comments are addressed. The comments were 1) "Provide inverts for the proposed 12" ADS pipe connecting the two detention areas;" 2) "Provide a section detail of the grass parking area;" and 3) "Place a "One -Way Only" sign along the driveway leaving the parking lot heading north." The applicant's current State license is for a maximum operational capacity of no more than 70 children. The construction of the new building is not changing this capacity. However, if the capacity changes in the future, required parking will need to be revisited. A condition of site plan approval regarding this should be considered. 7 21. Conditional Use — Child Care Services within the RS-10 Zoning District A conditional use permit for the facility was granted with the original site plan approval. However, the modification/building addition must also meet the respective criteria in order to be approved. Specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in subsection 54-2-6.4(7)b: 1) The site shall be located on a paved public road with sufficient width to accommodate pedestrian and vehicular traffic generated by the use. A facility located within the RS-10 district shall be located on a major collector street or larger as designated on the city's adopted thoroughfare map. A facility located in any other zoning district shall be located near a major collector street so as to discourage traffic along residential streets in the immediate area. The facility and building addition is located on Roseland Road, a major collector street. 2) One accessory off-street parking space shall be provided for each five children accommodated in the child care facility. Based on maximum capacity of 70 children established by the State's license for this site, 14 spaces are required. 25 spaces are proposed. 3) No such facility shall be permitted on a lot unless it contains a minimum of 10,000 square feet. The site is 55,576 SF in size. 4) Special passenger loading and unloading facilities shall be provided on the same lot for vehicles to pick up or deliver clientele. Such facilities shall include driveways that do not require any back-up movements by vehicles to enter or exit the premises. The site does provide a drop-off space for vehicles, although backup is required. This design is grandfathered from the original approval. 5) All regulations of the State of Florida as amended hereafter that pertain to the use shall be satisfied. Any requirements by the State that apply to the use will be required by the City also. 6) A fenced area of usable outdoor recreation area of not less than 45 square feet per child (based on the maximum capacity of the child care facility as determined by the applicable Florida laws) shall be provided and such area shall be delineated on the site plan submitted at the time the application is filed. For purposes of this provision, the term "usable outdoor recreation area" shall be limited to the following: (a) That area not covered by building or required off- street parking spaces, which is fenced and screened from adjacent property boundaries. (b) No portion of the front yard. (c) Only that area which can be developed for active outdoor recreational purposes. (d) An area which occupies no more 80% of the combined total areas of the rear and side yards. (e) No usable outdoor recreation area shall be utilized within any dedicated easement. 70 children X 45 SF = 3,150 SF required outdoor recreational area. 4,350 SF of area is at the rear of the buildings, and a 1,400 SF small children's play area is at the north side of the new building. 7) Screening: All side and rear yards shall be screened in accordance with the standards established in Section 54-3-14-16 of this ordinance. The perimeter behind the buildings will be screened with a new 6-foot wood fence. 22. Staff Conclusion: The proposed site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and meets the conditional use criteria for child care facilities. 23. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Sunshine Early Learning Center site plan modification for a 2,150 SF building addition with the following two conditions: 1. Additional comments from the city's consulting engineer shall be added to the plan. 2. If the State -licensed operational capacity changes in the future, the site plan shall be revisited with regards to parking requirements and the conditional use criteria. Pu-MJubV PREPARED BY 4 /in (IF - DALE 7 1 � y. tr t�9 � '• �r 1 1N' p�'a�, �, � i v9� . � L' t •Ls, h J" � . "1001 Roseland Rd' 44, ;'�-,��•�.��uweY °! ��.-- :.�,•y�i, up ;;.'�41a<� �5�`�^' '`��'•, �4 `'• ;/°� �`�_ ,,. � • s ! A . �'.I .�••�=f.- � ;.r rip, �. � . _ IM• Google Earth ;.: Ci2018 Googly 200 ft Lin LT SIEBASTIAN City of Sebastian HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Development Order Application Permit Application No. I Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name:_T,0fL4A Address: /da l l\6S6L4ND iC'oh4 >l Phone Number: (772 ) c1/,3 - 09#i FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail: Owner (If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) - E-Mail: FAX Number: ( Title of permit or action requested: O'A- MoRaY- PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC, SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE /SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): �uNt/1/MF ,f/LLy (k'f'e�!/�y� �E/( B. Site Information nn Address: ADO/ /CpJ�L4r✓p /L 33-9-f_;R' Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: / T ¢ /� Sl 3 Indian River County Parcel #:3J -39_/3-Gvdo3—�y�o_oaoo/Pe Zoning Classification: ks-10 Future Land Use: D Existing Use: C/ liL� CiW frf�/t/ Proposed Use: S�Mf C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessarv): ,01W7-/sue Of 2 Y51 5,F�2n�Sall Di*1 ) To x/sT/NCB al C,11/4 C,AR- {WIZ-/Tl' DATE RECEIVED: / V/ I_-7 FEE PAID: $ RECEIVED B REC'E'vED City of SeL Community Develo,_ Sept. Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: �y Name: Address 103 Phone Number: ( 772_) 7/3 - %Z y7 FAX Number: ( 77Zeje2 8, E-Mail: ,/?.[S'Ld/1"�fa(%e,G-^% Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( 1 E-Mail Engineer: Name: 1 /414jR /// • 4/ z/L.g/fJ Address XD_3' RAR_f3$P_,¢ /v/j j �' '2%�j- Phone Number: (772 ) 7/3 - it 2- ^7 FAX Number: (j72) _,W-- o 312-9' E-Mail: r��(S� • y' es Surveyor: Name: law>< e of ✓L s,,k s-ey1,v ' Address Z Ll C /)/ 7--# /� VIE' R vX Phone Number:/(7n)�'�q - 7Q E-Mail: /YC FAX Number: ('J72 ) 77k-3�17 I, R On I 1 fzP 6 ' , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _ I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE A TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SIGNATURE DATE SWORN TO ANDISNBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY ti WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN T ME OR PR DUCED_ AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS I DAY OF (( )71,1'0 . 20,P=:J. I NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY d j(P �� �°O➢�z� COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: r F�ml`x FELICIA COTE Notary Public - State of Florida Commission M FF 194579(;R My Comm. Expires Feb 1, 2019 Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, 2. 1 THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE 77- Co (AM, SS f Qv— BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE UWE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before me by-�(,) n i 1 - 2 " . who is personally known to me or produced �9 L -))I- as identification, this _j s day of ,1 P , 201-) Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration Seal: FELICIA COTE ° Notary Public - State of FlorilaCommission wo # FF 194579 °�•° My Comm. Expires Feb 1. 2019 _ APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. DEVELOPMENT ORDER APPLICATIONS THAT REQUIRE ENGINEERING REVIEW WILL PAYADDITIONAL FEES, ALSO ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE - r, Yo>tliw tlx I �—PPQECT LgJ:11IX1 �I LOCATION MAP PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR: SUNSHINE EARLY LEARNING CENTER 1001 Roseland Road Sebastian, FL 32958 INDEX OF DRAWINGS C-0 COVER/INDEX OF DRAWINGS C-1 EXISTING CONDITIONS C-2 SITE PLAN C-3 PAVING, GRADING, DRAINAGE C-4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C-5A DETAILS C-5D SECTIONS C-6 LIFT STATION C-7 LANDSCAPE PLAN PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERING SERVICES LLC 108 CHARLES AVE, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 TEL (772) 589-6879 FAX (772) 388-0428 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 26184 TAHIR QIZILBASH, P.E. No. 36715 o(D LL z z� 2 ¢ 0, W W OfN K J L 1 J m Ji �az0� F w U[if w z o p �0 O (10 z 0- O 7) K (n „1`pUpull„un, ,a , =v'W c) Q_ 0�. : 11,111, Hill, C.-0 N ®ems.. _ �\ , mn — Z r. S9C,Y aRLEO _ _ - cAae IF �— z se>M1 , RFar a� - '"'•h ny _ JSiS _ •�( _ Emnlc � x'� zsG cvv+ IE�AV �� ��roEm L➢GL1RW ESL �ti. x s X & _`589.84-46A3o'E cne< Ro eAowA LOGAI ION MAPx p Cn'L9�\\CN ar )LR `SS k i-2S 2.04 LEGAL DIGBAYLPr ON F- Z mg o C 1"L �• +a•-J�-- p '9 PAGEE99ON6114UBLUNIVF. BLNI TNU SF5ASTIAA XIGNLANV5 UNIT W ° 00 £ S cv € x 2,5 ca IX) 100 FLAT THEREOF. AE FECITI IN FLAT BWS 5. NL Z5O ELGRpS GF NpIFN RIVER LOUNh. FIORIpA W W n (�cq A,,,'.4'4' X LD 9' )RACY y. A > J LL Ce) z-sCr Z ULL BL LOT l za r' u• zo ,e su '>z ll. oc c I{ gx a�wa +*• 3 °wcPe>t- Cl W W Lu ° m LLI (� d' N ` v Xe"5 . xzGo_ �'cayC. f0 1 0 „- c N . " ___ uifia are• e• cA vmj ac Lu = (n N am J` -J „- � 0 Z e >�� asN .b: Xz000 N�zo,o zo.> +z• 'z' 2'� of � � Xzo ez � sD' ���� kza rz �'>°• • � k�o"-, ,z FN / c�1 F z / me' 4 O x ° 6L14a €aa �m o� s / O R R z i'h se O 4112' �p4d ri• / F_ a c zz x3 s TM E,-- Z o N i io za>G O U Q cn ,e• sss - AJ GRAPHIC SCALE O #/ TT CI Fill /T+ X Rd.l 1KEELEGENO W V Z BL dl E.NsinGSMAL FALw rREEs na= ,z• NT �� wsnNOFFETRErs 7� Na * S 5404 d` ENSP.NGOMREE5 RADIUS-25. 00', m °m �pf'\ c rF` t dr a a _ B 5o M1 Owfzl TOBEreevwET ,, m 4 4J � _ o � ssANGLE-7282933 {!� U n � EnsrNGEreRCREEx SUGN LENGTH=5607 } J nn dm ITD DE REwa+E01 TANGENT=51-82 U �Z IT zn I m �d� RADIUS-25 00', W 0 m i u^ Of `� ,.:} •po ANGLE=72978'35" LENGTH=56.49' w a w o `% \ rx�iLepsv TANGENT-5298' O z wu v X 5' J 4•q c M AS HALr (Lers45) � I^ 1 a x M1iY Ta°w a=rs D, (xawae) C3 Q. w k k sE� o W a RADIUS=25, 00 >t x- C2 sD ANGLE=102"01'52 �TT91+Onlupnrygp '� u LENGTH=44.52N. Q1Z� p�G TANGENT=30. 89' : ......... p .� ENS No. 36715 x- O 'T�4 �` STATE OF Q N cv 01 EXI5TING CONDITIONS �•ejrmnEL,nw"�' IF wmn. GoLi Ir w .�� 1 :. eena.t BNS —_— I VI NgR ���c`g,,,� T i � � e,� N pE weria� ���� i rna c nwno / JA ( Emyora. \ L I u�c^`Mtatm2- VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP O U R/IX SITE a 5ITE INFORMATION Z I Z waea I e.?I:p,nN, laa N° Vr� �� LEGAL DESCRIPTION Rm i(i Y, I i ; ,q I � \ z••f. �rF -� - LOTS I TROUGH a NI CLOCK W, SEBA5MN HIGHUND5 UNIT W �( %. V `sYULC M1pRExs Sag' - c TREE, AccORD1AGTOlHE PLArTEREOF ns RE:gaDED IN PUT BJpY s, c 1Q (6 0) MW MYtltOM40 46 JJ f-- 6 PAGE99.OFPIEPUBJCRECOK050FINDIANRWER000NI,ILORVA L �.• OWNER 5ITE ADDRE55 h - ERGENGY EtlL '"""""^( N n u AA pBpN� _ mm 95 JOELU PRW¢RNES 100 R05EUNpftOnp Q J IQM ROSELANO ROAD 5E5A5PAN FLORIDA �I LL II - oA - 1y LNL W s sEa,snnx ADwon 32958 a Z Lu Q Z o H LL1 O IT PROPOSED BUILDING uof 2150SFDz0r ENGINEER SURVEYOR LLIJ 25 .,03 FF=204 FIDGRE55NEEGINEERING INDIAN RNER SU..G.. INC, Z1.cHARLV2N351<TAVENNE N nANFLOROA w329B2KTU) GRAPHIC SCALE EXPANDED 0 18 B e 124 4 (m) Dee (R) 9F]M 32PLAYGROUND AREA O / ZONING a Z (NfF£T IIFI I PPy N. R510 ENGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 0 d I �I�I� I122 j " - .oa NSw axN D,wm NpcF • :s` j 2 Q EXISPING LANDUSEN a GA'PW Rr �s RIFMTM MLA swl / RE5IDENTIA EDDICEFCA USE I I n I 127- s'''� I "v' � 7s I / (cwLDCARE SEftnc¢s) ] L �� `,♦1 AD' s,ax am u -Ii J .a^ / / BUILDING STRUCTURE :F B11M� -ji IOSR / �( ..AKA yI' 3 } �Yy } 6 cpv mxN. / // BUILDING 5ETBACK5 2 II Rs to zaNlNsplsrelcT g 9@ YSp1 �.i 9VS IN / MINIMUM RHJI REO 5ECON AKy5ET5 —25' py` ' 2]MI MINIMUREORE05EC0 DnRYSETBAC(-20=02 p / EJECTING BwLD v A. CELShCR =7" Z aJ L `'gym "L�IWGFNC EMi f?' // RvrBU LOIUG PRG� AY SETBRCKETDh, iBm' J NEW BULONG EE..LNDARY SEFBACT. -ZIU a 9 1 1 z i� l�oh x BUILDING HEIGHTLLI .1I DG BILL1.511E1GHT 0 RIDGE LINE wsv In o I XI -I q° y q° ., ,. -j s An / NexemLDlxG nE�Hr®wpvEUNE ryes' U) NEW CANOPY HIGHr®R:WEHLN" 9.E0 a I a H 16 ,��+1 �/ SITE DATA iaABBrl5GLE 1IOD loot A L S 1Q I w FAIL B' o&I(110 GSCREE. DIADIcn f.<se sF - / RESCIRED IDIDS S / Poa si G_pEWAF(FRONTd ROAR) REAR C)XC sLA3n Ar CABIN ECSHED LUDINA MFMDA5FER 18395E NUMBEROFCiILDERVALIOHEO PER BU51NEs5 LICENSE="!0 mk:0 t1 j / 11 15PACE'ER9C LOREW5- w5PALE5 REOVIREO i \ %ISnRG PAVEMENT INCLUDING OGYEWAYS B55O5 N TOTAL El I5nN61MPERVI0U5AREA 31965E _ 030AL = 24L 13 REGUaR x61ON pl$IIXG— ,( C / IACLESSABLE caraan fllaaxc II 1 xV I15 �I7473 o wsuXaxGNEA 21w sF SFlAFMNGMWCN ' .LL .b �/ ,�((`` POp NEWs MITIONAL)FAWMENTAR IATHAFel .A REGU AT SPALCS 22(NLLUDIN635RASSEDPARRIN65PALE5) 41fl ALL µO D�NE O 'i NEW(AppiONAL)PAVE EiAREA 168OSF O LOMPACTSeAL£5= 2 EbiN_NEYI S• 1� -6' %J H' V TOTAL EWMPCRV10U5 AREA 36905E C AL 103 iryICF SW PS I 1 N'sTwl aSm uT eI Is c]3 N^ �/ V C`"P i\� TpiKONS( OJ$ .AI�.NI$TNG NEtV) 10 ")E65� Oa3K 3nY µPROr10-DµE251 flX RW% M A I L t� l TOTAL Rn0U5 (GREE) ReA InGLUCUI soR ER rRFi,TMENr AREA oG,9ra sF oB>Ac=$vc REQUIREDPERMITS: fir° : 0 / '✓ (B .%( STOCM WRTER iREAMENi AREA-6.GCU'$F. 015 AC-12% Y atla / \\ lUV LM OF 5EBASTIAN ALE PLAN APPROVAL w N 0 CITYOFSEBASTINBUILDINGPERM'T w lV m °o \\-. I.VUTANRWER COU OFILIES OSUMR ryw Vv I ICILIYPED rtSEKER ' f / FOEP1025ELFC R'FICA ONTOU5EAGEVERAL I -1 01 Z m III DIN y�f / /// \\I LEGEND PERMN FOR 9i0RNWATERMANAGEMENT H R' n O qO CON5TRUCTION 5CHEDULE: : C E °O / NOTE: SRRTCONSTRIQION NGI,2rna m • ,'. W. DIDffi9kE1Y `N6 1 CONCRETE FMFEM NEW W % LL w d / LOMp hull ENDCONsiRUCT10H JULY31.2D19 N L 0-IR k L< RLT PARKING SPRLFS WILL I.C11 TEPAVECIT w IS / ,Ta BE PAINIEOON THE WHEELSrOP IX F j aXxL LmmX TM " n / FLOODZONE. am aMTEI'e 1 ¢ uS 1 LIEEI Rh1EMAP NO 1 WICONn AND SZ ICGI VALID O 1J j q y x INDICATES AREA OF NEW a DECEMBERq 2012 2 CONC GOEWALR N It f. ¢ SURVEY BENCHMARK W u Fx k Iy4 / ELEYAilON5FIFTEEN HEREON ARE IN FEET. REFERENGED Y qIF J( INDICALESAREAOF YO NOW OF I9U5 REFERENCING INgN ROVER CONIy�{{���� O w E%.'STNG CONCRETE BENCHMARK 6MOKWN AT AN ELEVATION �NbifEETl"DIII1 p U FAVEMEATONE (NAMUW) eeeT IL/rAA 9 RCM0VE9 �. IL WATER 5OURCE �` '.. •Ql�i� A4'Ai 2� le E1115nNG wA,ERMAIx pN N6� RNT�VCE]L' OF RMERA M1VENUE 6R05F1A A0� IVS �() I lb // 01 5ITE PLAN 5ANITARY 5EWERF N = / sULF.,-m U15THO I SO F02CE MAIN ALONGZA5T5104YQ. 367 TAX PARCEL LIP gI *6ER5 rA%PARLELIO A31-3®3H9�'^ IO y = — j4'Irlllllllr 11"�"". x� R I VIE, 6 P1 rmme .4 I I I I Q � I^ II GRAPHI o IG zG (x rtEr) I na�zG n.l O =»wG I I \ d w sn w�a I p I I I au�nrnxc }— c0N I wa�va°Rgi,txo NI N ' FlBEBNIA gNCBEiE N 1 2� 24 % 223 221 b'� ,VEN U E C IB'Ip�N2AUN[ PROPOSED BUILDING 2150 S.F. "G EF21.04 i �4x j s•nr EYISBNG BUILDING � sar Ns � aye a�m I GO' � I 61 10'v N 140I RSA D ROAD p 7 �y taY ¢ar.F ,r ru lrE�Djtl� . �4-vv rwM �wbv�r� la EXIS`!M'G UNCBGX I o Ilk ---J �`PfAYGR�INO'AYtf)�°0 ¢.. ,sos mrsi NEW RNN LMIM WOOF . r .e. to to , v o1 x. xe 01 PAVING GRADING AND DRAINAGE 1AAAR. A, I �nclnox VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP E. 4nsx�N 1jo I � W[ / LEGEND INDFAFE5 AREA OF NEW — 6G461EtE PAeEMEM INDIGAlE5ARFA OF NEW mxcsloFlvnlx wII TEEAREAOF Ev51W. WA RETE PAMME.TO BE D ED \\1\III11,"W/lET'r H. Q/ * No. 36715 : Z O (D (L Z 00 LU Z Q WW O w J d N J W m W EL uj W ELI U N W @ 0 ❑ Z o ia) uii = O� EL Z o d � C-3 XX 77, LEGEND a p r IAW _1I \�T _ ❑ �ONE.ESAREAOF NEW _ LONLREIEPAYEMENT l\ EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES � � � � _ I E I RCM My.0 M[GExEwM:°f 5i6x FCSM I �NOKAiES AREAOF NEW + k(, r.MwN aro AEEo.vxaxDw.axs. ox=a RI V _ ro uti�w sEowExroTvvETOce I E wEL yE� .ONC EIORWLKl`z nCocttu (0 Pl _ i 'rE rx All Ll _ _ of � ulaexeEr P° r EelaEncasmNIF X" _ _ om ren�n cxxfcrtavnres I .� N UE nr �tpeN/ ��_ T iNoiLAIESARFAOF i1DG1XIX v s Am aassur FENaosoMr rs z+'I I vlml q���� E.FUL.COWIFF. GRAPHIC SCALE M w0r2 P[ OUa ROOYCrtnM1. ^a1P_ _I ^ I..""EMSv,ZI-1 �REMGVEOiiO BE 0 10 RO W .� vSa:9 C` oM eix _ rxEs" MR�„a I ,9Mi9 ----- __ -EELI ..;A'� LOCATION MAP p UI m. LTEI m wN :a+- wD I �.rI >> sm En u% — i�HZ nRTD LU TEowsw wA Aux D i xrc W. wa ; 8 maax WS u'woa 1Q (6 t!7 ILEa 3J / O w:i j \ umr "°m ��C°wry qs u �I /` > J cN7 DI Rew.xEM STMALLAMx UNTO S TO I- I L• 5 O L _LW OE 1fWM mra rvlF .9 LL-O MEAs O 1M. W nz I I >; l .El!f� ?— LF. - er �b R �Q 0 J W _jam a�F rosNmFOL* l r°° x - gi Z c of LF wsmE r m.WL Av.M sa FROM 'NAIs'°E I. �, ^° e 1 q a E'' — -.'I Q v! aw a W O E axDaD j ®I PROPOSED BUILDINGAEF, NOT zor d. FmsSXo swDeox `RFe FW_- U u wxv s<aEKK om z�, I ^ i c 9111 �25 ° -"'. ?41-.3 E 2104 2150 S.F. wrote/ rp M1°z a ,1 U LL1 O til x g e x'= ,ce p Z N crux o DE.yn©oE..mEmsc°cTuxEs I I II 'P,_I o/ °�° W wr m. s.ro .smrs MMEouTEs.Af.ER 0 5 ,a ,,,,((��' F�Jp� iFFEENSTu oxxaF rarExEE°DfT. II 124 :, ®0 4 �" ___� 'f�L`AYGRPOUn )oer ! )r / fn a rxw U FOLUE rf ro gLMMLEE"rtEE °�` I O " Dii 123 »....s j .wM.ax,v A�w ,... /// EMOL 0- ��/� O ME I vl II 122 { IO.J' NEW RN LM'MY F. .V PNx y r // V / FILE �LET,FwE wM ° `W'r xa AxfA xa I (� EIS➢NC BUILDING 'V ' ' maE�eTa I t mfnm sm TwEw I n # 1 a. L x = cleda m w § ,: mwmr v.y sui sxALLaE smE ' MMM .R.E 1OFFEELMATEE FILM "I xr i ^ '•ssn 1mM� ° ° 1I/�� kO �rlppmuul* ) 1 M v I49 it NHF' 1 Ls�( / 1. ME. aarcfr¢raanrt oRrwrsEDc �T ^I 0E�n �n� 6 60' J E v 1 W1 ROKLANO ROM � _ e`A / � U E 1 w II �20 t reME I I. = b II _ tic. wm 2 _ ws z'.awl �'� .mE // J E NE 5 o m'n— oe 1�1 19 'l j.t +az . ti i' '�'` // /// O O OZ sEaM. Ev.WE i ;- ` zo a it rez lA�-la) I IIO ! y - d-"iFaimrxxcr ExmE oaw / / / a 01� D Mx tt rtam ELTIO " Y(��� 1 j / r "Ox m cwr / aws d' U U 0o ro a°` a :u eE I k W Jw.i I { —I 9 R. 16 11 12i Ix y.w wwrtn / W W Z Mrv% MAe+wu wroNSEHo I xil . 'K ,o t IA wrw X,,9r NFina.m v°"'Iv NT '/ // Q ~O U I-F�`" Ens. I Q aALLFE" 0' i, I a� Rx rt iMBI -/ '} �ofr eM eI 0 w M. . c EL _ems rt« ar /x9 / p r % 1S U oxEc I I >' " e p ® / rN smE�D I m eswia we 1I t vgr �1511i4 13 SIRAF.wo I31 a5 PP` I R a"'c srru, 'A5 '� / 40 P E.cmnzx I WST XEW5' 1� 1 oM1 t �{ 0�� / p 1` �l v� a wmTmxM sro� �ARwN casIRx TNIfN rsI s� o+m oxr as 1 sx Iq cXS prLrt MA..1rxvE M=s° fxaMt cmvw' 'rx WG aNATME l r 4 zEmxEo ro,.Et r_ aF 'f�e[xulx uxc 1I' E ' °0i Gtt °x� EP.eEtc°xzoc`mx` m '\ r9 �EFULMNDDTMPD Ds "`lC:;E I I I ® / .' \ k m ELLExn w�.x.rxfE NfDnr I I I` n T \ r // \\\s `� {ll u FL " ° ry m OLI "IF.1OFFL1.OF I'll ON Evn.rr MUFOf I I. vow // J p ME NsceME.EN.AxvxeMwE ITLEE vTEVEr frm. DEMFTEYNIFfY. 1OFEuxfImeEDar I' i I z` ) y!_« / �\ r°fsM ou arexAw�E nr 0) u Fi D+�eavNAx.vwasosfwMrxIm AfnxvD .UR I I �J- V _, ux si.D .. Ax " r-Mx (� x pu ALUTO r.TElM.MiFMFEA scea LIMORL.EeTL' I w `m U. 'e ^_ rrmnrcca ULYMMM � e>rtxe \ .G +E EFEEM sw' msm xlown.wa.mN Wmmox I) - 9 ° T�� 90 cuwTas Tc%MEE EomN„ �exr ce�E /��I w m x2 'nEx - % z �'\ IL1L1 1i P F N rags era. 1MU1l M-lll—V �iwrtn i- v»1 * o�� / ! _ FILTEF FF.EFII_ DE TAIL v Iw a m o N K 0 O TOMRMrff' i �® _ N.T S O: W tl b w O rvnxs o. 'cEr WW .. W x q j / fi vQ: /�/ E u C xvr� I r 111 \ +eT IL Z A W S os Azm L I �\ `; �� d a W w p n F Ore O bF0 NM.F.M 0 �.g@q11 I.S J!'�. �"®'' {J fn qeI E Illll ll(l"l�llggl - F s Ae. cos mxnx°f i i / ziu.ESTrwucm nlW are `+(��/� Ll O NUE `T bnu crt ME.xrgs.raasorosaTaxsri` e.=.x _<EON.lF(Umox reI p eF Ib �a' / .. - - `I�P1` ` ••�� ` s,xvcnDxaE; ei wsE TLir9°/ 01 5T MWATER POLLUTION PROTECTION/ EK051ON CONTROL _ ��� w•m Nrxaa'lNMD xsTcrTmNSNfx.EDrL°X E I I / .11,1- 1 mx AxoimafmrMUTOMP o.EMEeATTausarurFRnAxsr°-NEEE I / ,._,,.-. - -Jr� " :C EMEET`,.1 OLTEcu wIMMI srcorw c IIMYFF e OF = o Fnl F II HA) I : 4FFLF • _. FEr CE LT E Z �''•A,AQN11rot ° ARUNG 6�N=F,..mDb y MI cDd An'Ecli e r6 »H�re N Pp.D6N6EEry D W SHNLrNFF n.REFLFCME %NE NDMmR41 B,dIILL D D R ALLMXPiGPTDPARIdNG ,dam R �IiRO�DPu'vMNBHNLruvFh REFtfR„E vmHE 5/l.¢unRAx656xµt BE 2N6[m`.1 N DYTN GKa DPNJuf LfGENDAu009Re[e 6 > FR 2i WFS Z LEE wi I—MLLR MFti iS LIMI G�,lnd beE, uwDF.D.ME Ra w 6nrR,d,NEDm D D o,HE em.ad of Nzw Fde Brnl 01 ADA PARKING STALL DETAIL e'row Ec.xm�� � I 6 Ua GUCE a c s6 o dEmcD OZ TYPICAL CONCRETE PAVING 5ECTION �dRwx F raxc 6dEwu�. 0'55 TYPICAL SIDEWALK 5ECTION Fmc 16Y ,ox Mm S1bPwW DB. wiM5x6'#S' xq,WISxEAV OxPe 04 STOP SIGN DETAIL r6CON'FErtaRB �cvaaEre a _ �nrl rr U PLAN PAR.Nv xss -,T RE,Ex,� M� SECTION A - A 3la'[n.wFEe n Faru:S�'.ttNxF ae eM1R i fUNRErtws�.wAY� i 05 SIDEWALK/PAVEMENTABUTMENTDETAIL N 06 WHEEL STOP DETAIL 07 CONCRETE FLUME DETAIL wNaErt v. a :uRe w.w.RVE"xr FE\ duIIO bYeGRAR OB TYPE TY CURD DETAIL 14 .ra NO' 00 LL Z Z y 2 W orn Up � N 0- J W o UU a H �QZ0 m L Lu N p O � W 0 N a Z 0Z) a J Q W 0 C-5A gyp e^== dam_ _______O.IRDSELnULO N m N ra-- �_ ____—_— -- O z ___ ________—s_— 1 O z "ab -------------- 0 SwAtF N w tl0.5WAtF Fb `i�J =o a _—__—__—__— ____LN- _____� s 0 g CEO Od € 8 —� E11P wb' o� PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERING SERVICES LLC 108CNARLEBAvE, SEBAe TIAN,FL 32958 TEL (772) 589-8879 FAX (772) 388-0425 CERTIPICATE OF AYTMORIZATION NO. 26184 TAXIR OIZILBASM, P.E. N0. 36715 E0v 4CSRMD!t- N m \ 195WnLE_____ O OP PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR: B' - 2 SUNSHINE EARLY LEARNING r a SECTIONS CENTER 1001 Roseland Road Sebastian, FL 32958 SPECIFICATIONS NRXISH MIT INSTAL NWEL PIT SZO/xW ADS PRANNA GRIGER FAR CMNEEM 1. OPERA. ON A xM v0.1 UMPS THE BITTER SHAE-E NE 10 HBO MZP. 50 PHASE SM EWE M DISTOR GM GE SHALL BEh-%' PMi OE ME PUMRXG THE GPoNOFR UNIT SMALL BE COPIBIE CT SIMUBUR AND POWERS IU A ME SWNRY AIL "ATERK XORMAllY FOUND IN DW.ESTC AND GUMMUEGRESSSS' .ORMESSERAGE SWA E cSM, MOw.KPNVS, TCYIT. .1 PASSING THR PIPING SISTER INCLUDING GREEN ANGYCAPE v WDX A I-%' WE PUMP SHAUL BE OF WE CENTRIFUGAL TYPE ASH WE ROD OFTEN REARM ON THE PUMP SHAFT DIREGTY AGAINST WEATBG AN. DAHSTABHE . REAM THE W'G BE uwxHEO Ix AN THE BO TOM PLAAW SHMAB BE CEAAST MITH G FWAp�OWATRH BETTERN" Row. ... FROM WE ¢MICR OREGAMG Of WE PLATE TO WE MGM MYALT TE VAHEE CPMENNENDA1 TYPE ME GUTTER AUWAL GUALL IF 'W4A IO MI .. STAIMESS .1 BEEN WE AOdTw OF GODALHE'STIPX¢ AND AI AND HARDNESS OF SNM GP OOKREU_ICASRASW WE IWN CW.. FUN, .. MOHWSHILL SO AM STAINLESS flNG BY A REAW Wtt UNOE FOR S R MEANING W 1 }2A ION PUMPS, OR HEAAW DUTY 09 BEMING ON x A HP PUMPS lE END OF WE GRIM Is BUIGHTD Ot SEµED'XGE BOW BALL BEMIXG (A__ MODELS). WE amNG E `FS AND IMP. SxNE AT,'ARTiuwsoSHAA Ui RE . W.. WEE- To A ulxlxDM. WAIT SEµ' EACH PUMP SHµI P EWNPED MW 1MV (x) SEALS WE IDNFT MAE (UWNEASIOSSE) `N RE %NS 'CH BE A VP 11PE PK WE SEKS GUAL BE SEPARAM BY AN ONECHAMPR THEYMONGNG ANO WBRICATM OR WE SEATS. AN NAMED BEIMRxI WE PUMP. FEES, MD WE DRY MOTOR ... PROXOEO IN WE ONE WARNER ED LERCE THEPHONE PRESENP OF A. 1. PER AG. ANOFTLN A SEPPARATE TIMOTHY SNAIL RISEN E EGA KIW ¢ I . LOW. ANTE RAM SIGNAL 70 WE PROBE IF WATER ENTER$ THE GL SNAIL AGR IE A WARRRIN SUFFUSIDENT NG MET IN WE COIW0. TAME - DAMS MGM PIT SxO/L 9RMERSIOE POOPS 1-1/4 DI . x NP. x]O W.i. 60 H@R.'HOE PHASE U. M, tIS MCH PINES WPFOUT W.TI SO EADASS BAG�ND.. STATION. NW z SOM BIG PVC PIWMG MIX INGE NK VAENS ♦ xUT MO.. EAST CH MET BE m¢BELL BEN=.SIS xcv.D. S f mLET PIPE IXBERT ELEV - DO xuvD B OM BOTTCf NET BEEF PEESE. - Izs K.O.v0 ]. S Er. MAE WETMFLL GMAOTY CANIUTWs. PY--SIA'$p-19W LF/K 19 AT % ] AB GK/GE - LAN 9 ..pF IFY. WE • ] FT. - ".111M CIILGNS T.A. EMETTYµETTONµlCMA ITYY ABWEBSLOI£T IXNRTT TTO] TOP OF LL Is IK9 S T-x9A ON1(MS PERFORMING APPY. ALL MGGE-S GHNL BE UL ARE CSA APPROVED EMI,GSON PROOF µERRES SHALL BE FM APPPOH➢ FOP ELAM I DIN'w GRO UP OUP C PER F ... SNIL BE I... T. MxTSPER ARE MMe FIONIf10RUN ... ALARM RE. Maxlm aE MRSU IF REDUIPD TMIH. Ro�T LMPIEY SYMENT THE T IM RDAT SHALL ENERPZE NMM. FASTENER AND APPURTEANCES AL- MA EMENS,UANCES U.B. CABLES. 1.CABLE AGS! M' BRO ALL BE MIRE OF AID SEMS OR METE MATEDµ IXPENT TO THE HIOILY IXRG9l£ ATMOSPHERE OF A SEWAGE ENT STATION, PUMP XG GEN¢S SINLBE AMR AIR %MSS W.W (MIN) CABME (1/A' MIH)ED SOASS EMI OSM i M. SAFETY AC TO HANDLE GAME WE wmnc PUMPS WE PUMP DETENtEW CBE MANUFACRREB OF FIBERGLASS REFFERWE LLLT STAR. ELEVATION)[ETAP.OF I.WWEfl. %KTMEIE wTm DEPTH AS SUGAR w u'LPNE S ILL BE AGEWATE FOR WE OPT 6 nC TANK ro UCNRµ WTEGRITY IN WE F.M. GOB ITON. I. ME MODULUS OF ]w PO EM S. URMEN9 RSMEttT FACTPi Of ].P .K.U. FOR WE Ml SHNy BE AS FOLOws B. WE RESIN PERM SHA L BE A Cd"ERpµ GRADE UNSATURATED POLUESM FApJ S. I.... AND T;S G A ANDFACTORY E BUTURESOONTATI SHALL BE PROMM FOR ONE (1) DAY HER IWOREDGE OF PROPER OPEPINSTGAMW TD MUMMUM PK EE R IHSCT WE FIN 5E ME MST RUN OF WE EWIPMENT NEEMTO R WE WE WE INGU I OF THE PUMGOT P MPP NOT. S151W S ..GW. WE MECHANICAL RIIIMMIRI D.LNDD"PROPER OrmATONO`E° FOR HORS I. NL DIMENSIONS AM IN FEET EXCEPT AS NOTED 2 dRAMNG Is NOT 10 SCNE s AND SPETTRCATWs We.Ecl TO PAN¢ NW Wi NOTICE ._ EMT AVO9m ire AE MOVED BY ONhR,ENNNEER. E IS P INOGTES FlBflxGA55 XWEORGEO P¢YESTLR e AEL ETECTREAL MMK 9NLL BE IN MIONDW¢ AM LOCLL CODES ]. AUUMIR SEMI i BE USED MEATH MAIN MEIEA AND [W « 0. EIEC�pIGW SEW WG_ PSNET AN SMALL .. OFF I flVXs NO. XEIMEIl 9 CCXRACTOR SNAIL El¢D INSTAL IN¢T FITTING AT PROEM EI£ . 10 AUL HMDwIRE ABB FASTENERS WALL RE SARRESS SHE¢. 11 BENNY P.AM SWR2 PRION WO CHOERING EWALL O'SG -HL `.- _ vas I mtctn xn_LL.Ie J^ LEVEL CONTROL DIAGRAM C I O u to FIDEKGLA55 COVER PUM R'. DAM rv"' LJ nrsrwcEx PLA'LLA°N ,'. PGA .`A. WG W SECTION �T, LIl IuaLAYY-'. W BAMGL LIFT STATION DETAIL5 MET ECB -.AAl -ENMAGYTpNCNTMB E .R CW PIPS .ME UtWli BflFANEA -%MP I^MPx EM -WERR GENERATES RECEPTACLE R¢L - PUMKRUX CRS XEATE S NUA GE JCRSNANO-OFT-AUTWATC ENTER PAP%AVIGMATCGFURGIAGUµREI£PL. VNKPP. -GETAGSRHASE MwrtaRxAlw PRE R -INIXMINO PO TERN N. -NEWS, BER.R fI( M CTH TURE OE(THAi( ONAGER µ _EµIAtaPYD TAME META -A.. FOUR ANG EN s-... uSRR C -SWOT CMAGPOR (to) PC -PUN CAPAGigR (tG) SH PU pi flFIAY (TO) 1.lMAL STRP GP _.. ES _MEE AK PR-PEWUiOB MINORµ STRIP EMAL IERLOA O OP ;••••ASP••'• �ICE�ys c��'•;s F ''.7 i No. 36j7.s v STq'f I _` O_ �..✓ " F lac : • � L Z � Z 2 W o rn W J Y N J W m LL a of H Z A C w w w o w p O N W = r U 0 Z 0:D 0� (f) a Z O Q F F- J C-6 I.A.P. SYSTEM F.E. ALL VHUSCAPE AREAS MLL BE SERVED BY AN RPoGATW SYSTEM MEETING ME EOLLOMXS STANDARDS CAAUTOMATIC RPoGAHON CWTHGALMF. Wul UT µSET W1 CERTAIN A PUNcnW.LL RAIN SENSOR DEMCF. PONE OF HUNG SLT TO WE MNUTE RUN T IM D BATTERY BACKUP C ATUTY TO SEEMS, PROGRnuu NO N ME EVENT OF A POVER EEWIRE 2. A RAIN SENSOR PLACED M A STATIONARY STRUCTURE EASE AND CLEAR OF MY OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTORS AND MOW ME NDGHT OF ME SPR NKNR CMERAGE S. EW PARENT MM MI YAIVTS USED IN UDW LnNG MEALS TO PWVUT LOW HERO ORUNAGE I BACKRGW PREvdTM MEMODS. WI GROUP MM ME AWROPAATE UNIFORMITY FEW THE TYPE OF PLANT SUNG FROM AND FOR ME TONE ME SUE, G. ANDATM SYSTEM EWIPNEXT WSTALLflI AS MSIAIET. ). SPRAY HEMS ANN POI NOT MI ED IN SAME ZME. 8. CORRUPTION EWIPMENT IN A OWN ZONE RANKS MATCHED PRECIPITATOR RATES, 9 MT1wTW RATES MAT ANW RUNOF AND PERMIT UNIFORM WATER INMIRATM INTO ME SqL CW9OERIXG LORD SLOPE SOAL NNIRAUUD PRCPERMEs WWTAME GROUND COVER. AND PREALUNG MNDS, 10 A MINIMUM SEPARATOR OF FOUR (A) INCHES DEIvhER DISTWBUTM EWIMENT AND PAMNENi: N OF TX¢VE (12) INCHES RETNEEx DISTRIBUTOR LWIPMEM MD BUILDINGS AND OFFER 12 NO gRECT SPRAY ONTO WALKWAYS. BUILDIRM, ROMwA15. MD DRAGS: 11 LAO ,WRAY PATTERNS PRONgNG READ TO HEAD WSPAACE: IA .. CWYEYINCE SYSTEMS MM A ITUR IELCOTY OF TIE (5) FEET PER SUGW D . LESS: 15. BRE MEN DES CARM TO PRONDE ME SYSTEM MM ME APPROPRIATE PRESSURE REQUIRED FOR NAUMEM IRRIGATOR UNIFORMITY 16, PRESSURE REGULATING HEMR AND IT A MONATEARENCE WEDU ST PRONGED TC ME PRCPENTY LINER BY ME UNBUTTON CGITRACTOR ACCOMPAxEO BY A RECOMMENDED MUNTFNENCE SCHEDULE. PROPERTY IRRIGATION SYSTEM SETTINGS ACCpAWc TO SFAIDX, RECOMM'SUPONS FW WRONG RAW SENSOR DENCE. m1ER LEAFING RECOMMENDATIONS AND NEWINATON M ME CURRENT RATER RESINCTMi (1) LEES NUMENATELY AFTER PLWTNG. Au MILESSMALLBE A MINIMUM GE TMELRE FEET IN HEIGHT HAW A MINIMUM ARp EXMLEM NALER OF GHE ART A N NVNCT-HALE 9% FF£TGHES OR LF DEARER MNK SPACEEI NE¢SSAR lOF FOUNT ME 0 PPEEFRVE A SUES SGII'i DISTANCE FOR MI SAFETY NUTS SHALL OR OF A SPECIES HANXG M ARERACE NATURE WCAN OF GREAT➢ THAN NO FEET AND -AND TRUNKS MAT GAR BE xuxiNXEO MM OWN aM FEET GEAR WUCO, W U IWM SFREM OF SAX FEET AT THE OF PUNTING, TREES ON PAWS NANNG AN AVERAGE MATURE MAN SPREAD PING ME SAME ST AS TO CHUTE WE EQUPGAENT Of A O-FWT CROW SPLESS WAR 20 REEAD ASUCH Y BE DABGRWPIN SHALL ERENTED BY GCOUNT AS WE TREE TOWARD YFENIG TILE TREE REW RELENT FOR OF PEVNG MY PERCCENT OF OUR ME THUS WAIT NATIVE AN DROUGHT ALMS WALL HAW A CLEAR POLAR MEANT OF I3F PALMS AT EME USED. THEY SUIT CR CONSTITUTE XO MORE MAN ]5S OF ME MTK HOPE REWIREBERES FOR MY UNMOGRE HFR_W AND a K A MINIMUM CF RX FEET OF CLEAR NOW 0 MED SPECKS SHALL ACCOUNT FOR LONE MAN ME TOTAL NUMBER M LEES (2) SHRUBS AND NUDGES, S LENS .MD HEDGES SHALL BE USED M CGUFLUE T TRE TREE PLWTNG OINOVALLY PLANLEO SNRVBS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF M INCHES W NBGHT IMMEDIATELY AFTER PUNTING DRUGS TIED PER REQUIRED HURGES WALL MEET ME MINIMUM MEANT REQUIREMENTS AS ESTAHTME➢ X�IN IMNEnwET TY ATIER PtONG WNd MEMORIALLY, MTERER POSSUE" ALL WOULD AND HEDGES SHI BE D IN OWSET ROWS IN OFTEN M CREATE A MORE INMFINALE MEANT BARRIER. (3) CRMNDCOHNS GRWNOCOREAS ME PLANTS MAT xGWALLY REACH A MATURE II OF xO MORE µAY 24 WEB ROOTED CUTTINGS FROM FLATS SHAUL BE PLWTED NO MORE MAN Iz INCHES ON CExTER. MI E.TAHNGAII NIXOY SAN E GPTAWAR RWAS CRWNDWWS SMALL BE PEOPLE INCHA MNNR AS PLAITED NO XISHE➢APPERSANCE ANO IONS EGTERAGE MUFFIN CUP YEAR AFTER ME ISSUANCE OF ME GERRI UP OGMPANCY. (4) LANES. LANES SHALL BE MINMUM M W INCHES IN HEIORT INNECAMTY AERA PWRTNG AND MAY BE USED M CONUMELON MM ... SWEIIRS ARM W.NLS M MEET PHY5CAL BARREN REMNSNd1S (5) LON GROSS GRASS AREAS WR BE PLANED IN SHOES NORMALLY CMMN AS PERMANENT IAMNS IN ME MCWT" OF ME CITY OF 5EBn5TAN. RODIDA IX0.6 AREAS MAY SE SWOEU PLwGED. SPPIGGET M SEEGm UPT MAT SCUD SW SUT BE USED IN SHES OR OTHER AREAS SUBJECT TO EROSION, MRN MASS SEED IS SOARED N 91ALL BE A .ANETY C4 SEED MAT PRODUCES COMPILER CAHAAGE MMIN 90 GAYS MGM SOUS" (6) WALTY ALL PLANT MATERALS SNNL CONFORM M SURNAMES FEES 'FLMIDA No I' ON BEHEA. AS STATEO lk 'GRADES AND STANDARDS FON NURSERY PLANTS.- INERT oK19nµ� PART 11 (µ9)BE. SUM µ ROPID& DEPARTMENT OF AwICCEN E MD CWSMEDRSP CLEAR D WASCRARLY FREE GF LIGNI FUSES OR ASS ()) SWUM PLANTS, SHN NMETG OR ARTOMATERIAL IN ME FORM OF ELS. SHRUWOLFE WRENS OR LANES SNNL NOT BE USED w NEU OFAN PLOT IREMENTS MBS IN MIS MnGLL A PK rve� LANDSCAPE SURFS RECERED IMETER 1. ROSELA AL EMOPY/ RUF (256 IS-(WUNAGE MEA IOU')),ICOU 25-AB - 5 Z 1 GMOPY/ NAE RS? U-NNIMACE MEA+ORIHWAY 26))424EL/25.69 - 9 ALONG M. AY x I CNRPY/2S.F (AISLE -DID UNAC£ MEA+CRIVEWAY 7tl))-24gF/25-9.9 - 10 B GUESPERET PAHAIW I CARWY/5 SPACES-24 SPACES/5 = 48 = 5 GI CAOP:/2WG ¢-(GPEN AREA 23.2OWDRAMAGR AREA MW)=196W/2OW=98 _ 10 0 Iz POKING 2PACE5 K 15 SF - MO SF SECURED (5W BE PRONGED) E 1 5ON6RYR / 2 LE ALONG PE16ME, ER 1 .0 1. READ (256 IF - ORUNAGE AREA 146 LE) - 210 N2 -105 WRONG RALONG MNERA ANNGE (252 IF - 170 IF OF 6NIGH FENCE - CREWMAY 12') - ORUxAGE IC - 60 UFA - W SHOWN A G RAY (iWED.TW 19 1-21. IF OF 6' FENCE-ORIKWnY H'-ORUNAGE ])') = 6G1,1 a 50 WW65 TOTAL 91RVDS REWINEO - INS PROPOSED U.S., THE, EVENT wNGPY1RLEs _ a PALMMAS 12 PA(ONE-OR-ONE BASIS) 12 MUST SURNI - 1. O 26' C C. 14 MINE (ONE-ONI GALS) 14 OAK OWN 2W S. 6.C5 TREES T5 4 CAN BEMEFN W..' DOE 4KJ LEES 12 TOTAL WENT . FREES NOTE TOTAL LEES REWIRED - y TREE OWN NO CANOPY REWIRED. BUT PRONGED 4 TREES ALONG ROSELAND 6401 0 h 3 A VE LANDSCAPE MATERIAL UST TML I KEY DIY m TWA OR . ON HANG Dg NGT NDIMKS c. 1 z / uAGxMA R TANNA, moxNR. � M12 A. UNNUS,sMPNE I ER xW PDGT NM e :GUEER RM x� wwmmr 4 PHEWA /RA r z ,PALM U. ; Dx IOU x; M oR:RE" PH U. ON W I ALA / ATM N ABQLOCATION!ON f MR G�NgGT LOCATION MAP Cao . 3'891f6'J3J3f � �oJ -- - ❑ XCoco❑ p I y PROPOSED BUILDING ENEAGPEFN O 2150 SF —To BE F.F.=11.04 REMovEo BM TO BE I REMW OVED OAK TO BE o RwoNEO ( EXPANDED AN (-- - ! PLAYGROUND AREA,„ . o =—` 1 n 4D J' EXISTING BUILDING CANMLPN, v ]' 7 Ji GO v 49 I rzi I I 4aY I 0 Lie-ee---J ., .. I, I INTERIOR OEALnxps REn T,TTYYYTN � ,. o ® ❑ m I- -. ; OT,�A,MM— GRAPHIC SCALE D TO T a ( w( IN FEET TKEE LEGEND EMSPNGSAOAL P/�MiHEB Z En9PNGI•iNE11'EES REA SIDS ON-(1) HIM 12) �U. KEMVED) EMSTIROflERI BJSY IN -,.ELCULD) NEW MRGNOLIR BEES IT) SG IPALM(A, PNKH AREcnPALM QII� xEwNINRNumsxzu6s arMnRR NO .wm u x G flRal<,N d I��I II Se GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL PALM TREE PLANTING - GUY WIRES ma... URTING PURTING PURTING PURTING MAL 11,18a1t31 SHRUB PLANTING nn- MEN GO NOTE — u Ixn.Im O UL LL z Z Q N ' w J L N O } a W H 6LL Q Z N c ca WUaf N Z cl w = 0 O7 a � Z J a w Q O Z J TREE PLANTIN ❑UY WIRE AA ���vl/��� C-7 WUA Wn G/,H— f111LBLM,R+a :HMAFN 50.&°HT °F M'AY (CP£N� I N£qp 4 E°'° l0.a N WSY BURIEa�Mi87545) L n of '/W (�I 1g f 1' " AL12'Fll: $ U 19551 CABLEMAWR i � �H;.: �fD✓' T 1 �- BELL on.w� o., '1 AfiN,d"IloAt `{4` 4 n�4t I.iz ' >s a sflS894630"E _I q 252.04'(P) .iN AD YC EZ• E4 _ BA_ 1940 A•T° � ram .7I`1 _ ID.D) INY EL"/fill rp WLLE /HIO -dO�C�J2. .5 1D.H9 YA 11 EL= d1> ® A34 4 , 5TlP IY '� ]EIFPIICNE ra°D ,(•.%� 1CA74 TENTER "..10 x _ x =133 ll' NANO H[C£. * � 5 5IA °° / \ o' sa a sA�3e Y3 . P, rzurHrnE C1 131 1 q I15. °. t E $3 1 G 19^ 1 %g}qy .X SANBBOX ..�4SalE ". E0.CC EL.1AH3 10' ,0'G 1 -40.C' V1 f YS� f 3p Ia'1 14' A.M XA84 iA.V XY0.a) IELEPHaVEE T p qpB IODA PC ,4 r�z/�MH LnY 14' LOT i I I1 1 v P _I BLOCK 148 11 1 XIRM zsa •8 / I II �� Yi:�.. 9. ® m Imo,^}, DP.• %� ^ I4• Y fj`1.t1•~11 1AI EA47 ••$ ' -_ V' Xzaw to LOT 4 BLOCK 148 y SI �I :-.•-,� r r3A3e'., Aas'_ xsa5s xran ,5/ II I >Hq' 'fit," 8 w• w / 1 1 F R45 d M; �A XT0.8E W Y. 1 1 nw sc n71 g 1 /+ 54 ny>J> 7. so.ED I IZ, 3s )4•Eals% " v s4�a 8 'sD X1197 Q 8. 6 t 1 1� Ea Air LOT r j 1 t OLIDEW .1,4$' y d Ea15 m gD H• yM/k 1 '� II(na � }� 7.OD E4• ZZ Q to d // ,i �r Y .'� 151 + ♦9 �' n EE• 1 1 MAP OF oI I:n ,•'1}fl3A 5, 's�1 - Q,o^`°� �OOe^'^�" cac=� BOUNDARY & Oy 5 o i T �5 �� �p+` TOPOGRAPHIC IC)I� g p e , SURVEY LOT 3 ,p mfe 1° 0/m I 1 TT N 1� BLOCK 148 .- / ?^�,� ♦ ,I ♦epry GRAPHIC SCALE 4°i 5 / F 1" = 30' m �'�'•, (O J rJ J C7 RADIUS=25.00; Q4 \ / ♦gd a� ANGLE=12879 33" 12 II 11 1 II \ Ibis , ` LENGTH=56.07' TANGENT=51.82' . SITf B£NGII/ARI( G2 TREE LEGEND 1 BET NAA a am 1-1 1 I� - YM1 9� _ -vh •SRNALT fIB>5u). .. O. 1 III �� I a,�i/ ^°• ^�'AA' ¢_IABr (xAweel -- RADIUS 12S00; ®= EVERGREEN h / ,♦q. ♦i9 ANGLE= 56.49' DIAMETER IN INCHES I pI, p/ 4c LENGTH=56.49' _�+°.°• I g `// 3J ,9`� TANGENT=52.98' t•e = D DIAA METER IN INCHES l P 1 E5 C' RADIUS-25.00; DIAMETER IN INCHES C2 �n� �W / ANGLf=7020152" a DPINE IAMETER IN INCHES LENGTH=44.52' /R• TANGENT=30.89' ® PALM ♦giry ♦� DIAMETER IN INCHES d u / 1 ` CERTIFIED TO: cYe�e JYyry �,f' RONI ITZHAK SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1.) THIS SURVEY DOES NOT DETERMINE OR INDICATE LAND OWNERSHIP. 2.) THE SURVEYOR DID NOT RESEARCH OR ABSTRACT THE LAND RECORDS FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, DEED RESTRICTIONS, ZONING REGULATIONS, SETBACKS, LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATIONS, ADJOINING DEEDS, LIENS, MURPHY ACT RIGHTS-OF-W AREAS OF LOCAL CONCERN, OR OTHER SIMILAR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONS. TO THE EXTENT THAT THIS TYPE OF INFORMATION IS SHOWN, IT IS SHOWN SOLELY ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT OR INFORMATION OTHERWISE KNOWN TO THE SURVEYOR AND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE. 3.) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, BUILDING FOUNDATIONS, AND OTHER UNDERGROUND FIXED IMPROVEMENTS WERE NOT LOCATED, UNLESS OTHER INDICATED. TO THE EXTENT THAT THIS TYPE OF INFORMATION IS SHOWN, IT IS SHOWN SOLELY ON THE BASIS OF SURFACE INDICATIONS BY THE SURVEYOR AND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION OR CON: 4.) JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS AND ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES HABITAT, IF ANY, THAT MAY EXIST ON OR AROUND THE SURVEY WERE NOT DETERMINED OR LOCATED. 5.) THE SURVEY DATE IS THE FIELD DATE SHOWN IN THE TIRE BLOCK, NOT THE SIGNATURE DATE. S.) THE SURVEY SITE LIES IN FLOOD ZONE "X", ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12061CO111H AND 12061CO113H, ( DECEMBER 4, 2012. 7.) BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FULTON WAY BEARS S38'43'00"W PER PLAT OF SE HIGHLANDS UNIT THREE. 8.) ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 REFERENCING INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BENCHMARK BMA AN ELEVATION OF 20.45 FEET (NAVDBB). 9. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TREES NOT SHOWN, DEAD OR UNDESIRABLE TREES AND TREES UNDER 6" DIAMETER WERE NOT LOCATED. LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REVISIONS DATE FIELD BOOK D. 56 SACK OF CURB OHW - OVERHEAD WIRES LOTS 1 THROUGH 4 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 148, SEBASTIAN -HIGHLANDS ADD TELEPHONE EASEMENT 1/2/17 ,ORRUGATED METAL PIPE O.R.B. - OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK UNIT THREE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PAGE(S) 5/ CONCRETE �+`y'by FIRE HYDRANT PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 99 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER .EVq ED F- GUY ANCHOR COUNTY, FLORIDA. 70.71 INISHED FLOOR ELEVATION �Ol m UTILITY POLE =OUND wY - FIELD DATE J( NTIFICATION = WATER GATE VALVE ,N PIPE N ROD ® - WATER METER 7/6116 1 :ON ROD WITH CAP INDIANRIVER SURVEY INC. PROFESSIONAL SUR VEYING AND MAPPING.,, . CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB 7545 2455 14TH AVENUE, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE (772) 569.7880 FAX (772) 778-3617 STEVE CARTECH NE,LS4895 FLORIDA REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR EXISTING BUILDING, IN POREG� D a 1 12 PERIMETER FENCE BEYOND A PARKING \ - ❑ WINDOWS TO MATCH SIZE ON EXISTING I I C 9 lul BUILDING'S WEST ELEVATION (TYP) 0 I 0 r u r EAST EXTERIOR WALL OF EXISTING BUILING - �-- 8X5 CMU COLUMN IN FOREGROUND (TYP) NO EXIT THROUGH FENCING, THIS LOCATION NEW COVERED MAIN ENTRY PTD• STUCCO FINISH (TYP. , MATCH COLOR ON EXISTING BUILDMG PROPOSED CHILD CARE CENTER REMODEL FROP05ED SOUTH ELEVATION FOR SGALE: 3/16" = P-0" RONI and LINDA ITZHAK 1001 ROSELAND ROAD SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 ROOF OF PROPOSED RAIN CANOPY, BEYOND ���' EXISTING BUILDING W/ ASPHALT SHINGLES 0 a 12 aye NEW EMER3ENCY EXIT ' - -- NEW NO ACCESS FENCE D 0:1i ( { II I I{1iI I+ :1W _-,; I �, 1 1 l i I - EXISTING VERTICAL WOOD SIDING EXISTING MAIN ENTRY D X15TINO WEBT ELEVATION ._ SGALE: 3/16" = I'-O" JUNE 12, 201-1 �/ E%ISiPG pIPSrER I � a I ]3 n I 6 ILIA P) 0 9 Ida L_2 19 �l I` pit§' YT NEW SLASH PINE Tf�E (TTPI EXISTING PINE TREE (ttP) �I 41 PE _ NEW PALM ATIT PROF£Rtt X !Z�`J I EXISTING Z.O. . EXSi Naa CCNC PAD F, 1/NEQI g1EEN Pg111 A ; /I G.¢p1PRIG E%ISiING CGIG PAD l l I (ABAYDGNED YELV RELCCgTED WED EXISiMG pV0.'ADO � - gYf�IQE1E 51IXiWIK �n -� / 5 HC PKPGSED RAN CNCPY rN5 - � aTD eS wweD TD ENBiM'i R'AT DRDP orT rEu crdccer E%19T11G CGNCRETE SIDEWALK y DESTrdrW:C'�1 ENTRT 6 e "rAt' -T � a U.j �' Q 0 15 14 13 ' L -� NBI R,RELLNI V Y♦ �� / PA, (rYPI NEW N /BEpJ1M 9HPoIB9 (RPl / E%ISiMCa SABAL PpLH (ttP) / RjVIE RA A vE N UE I QO �• _''11E � T f E TI E C EI'IE. ENDT alk-Nmina f 5 XIT GATE IHYCPLT£IE SOFIWY ..YES pLT ER£Cf Q11 E%IFlA'RIWL �I NEW CONCRETE 51DEWALC } L�ai3 � kl � uCCD fi]JCE (ttP) //// E NEW CCNCR<iE PAD E rc care ` F . dE�a+cr � •. � / - u1DER SCiT1j � , SA4H W04d410 [tl0 SEE CINL EN6INEERIIY DRAWINGS FOR DETAILED TOPWRAPHILAL, ORAINgGE, YTILITT AVp Lb95CAPE RPORIATIGN ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN ry Ts RECEIVED Gtij Ct I DRA!/NJ: RIB I CNECNCII RIB APPROVFO RIB DAlE : 4105/b Lrea NO W. I 7-T 2 OF 13 W-II 3/4- I 3'-5 318' 3'-6 518• SASSROa'I C _e Wlivxr 61'-0' 3/4' 1'-10 3/B' 1'-11 3/8' 1.5 3/4' 3'-5 3/8' 1'-4 l/B' 4'-6 3/4- S 3 TDP GF LAV IB' ® N �lI TI Ir� s s i uT 0 O jiCP Ci LAV H' A� T-1 3 I11' 3`I' _ 0 db I m VI' c W Ai (TTPI, IX EP! AS NDTED I I �I EEE fL&flltl LETNL51EEi(RPI III/ FIRE EMPYJIIEHEft (TTPI sEE ccrn.wvv rb1E. Tun .vr:ET NEW F£NOMG_ 1 1 6'-1 S14' —L 11'-4 IR' ueroAranvrt cuarartuL neoRl slAous nmB xrBEe emb6.YJ. GR EOW. iQll(dF �-5%-1'60 uumNLRLFMCe\3atlfntdLO.i 1&LfL1A5R6W CGWTERlOP I5• AiF L ® m m I.mu olscow+Ecr swrcuEe ��-� m OI 4'-6 3/4' 14'-B IR' �b ml `f II 3 4 T-l' 11 3'-I 3/d' 1 61 1•JIEM>P1DE1 WINW fiYS DPENEIM� LLWIE¢IW b' A4 14 -0 3/4- RECEPfIW nRFA a a ®�r�LT L LI 0 5'-1 5/8' 3 in' 4'-I' HA'.LWAS M aKo3 ® ttII I 1 FIRE SYSTEM COMPLIANCY I ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING & CABINETRY LEGEND (eIeBLG sl�cx-5'smar3�m S�BOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION L1P,dNWENppb]A.p BL'CR0.LNT ftff IXIN911AEp di LOLn1KW WALL YKYMED WPLEX RECEPfnLLE W'nFF 1 li �i eP�EJN�C I� Iblm.P!£EAILUIIAEA'AWL �FOIfIF➢. [>F�(ILY L[lFflm. MPAIEI£LRGIL(MEIS MbIWI£}A'fiY fGlfFS KR.M051 YLt'¢51 lfD iNf£D BipLAHIEDPIS Sb'l1EGlYM fAIIRLLigt FT4LR i0 I GPI WPLEX �CEPlACLE W/GRQAID FAULT MTERRIP(ER 11@VOI, iW111`f£LIbN MPA LT 6ft19-A MIEIS X6l W>EIYFII[T61fLR [MDIY.'INhS S/ CT.O TILN AMGTl. BOX U 11E Fk£NA9'ISWiIBi EIWLpf KIFAm/91RYELm fCR FYC@I.E l` WPLIX RELEPIACLE ABOYE IYAlKP1KN f£QW@FHIS PERHPA5�A m11NAL nVl'MAW?ipb V TO •q¢•I.IOTATIGl1 FEAV9 TO Pf WTLET TGF'MTLETR PLATE EL NEW CMI AL W. PAVEL YAL F[tAICE 4YPAWIE F6'dfi A•O HLV PB9114 4dXbW1 Ef FDig2m BTnLVc`tfi)' FTE ALAIfAPpYTLR SC -I, 2,3,4,5 IPIE ALAI SM.IBI HJIFDd NFFi e.51 I FHB uosE BIB °-FE RXIIPE 9LlEp1E s1EET,14P LFNLN'B r-1, T-x, u-1 Flf£EMn.L'NIBUEFt rzW [FIXlx9a5MF io e£L5»rwJIW C-1, 2, 3,4, 5, b, 1, 8 5FE L2BFErttt SLE`/ATlas, wL A-n EQV1 l05iitlEf "A b1 CL6452NJ11 I03 C Q T� O? LAV 19' AR I u AREA CALCULATION TOTAL BDI�DING 5F. - 2,155 FLOOR PLAN with POWER LAYOUT IYTS Q O Ec SGAI$ - DM1fN APPPOV6D RiB DATE ' 4/05A0 PROD. NO.. B225 I TI'1'L8 : I FLOOR PLAN DMII G M. Q-g 6 oe 13 ExIsiNG EUILOIK'a eErauoiN .33/�439 •31,9/-3dl •319/ 341 \\\\ E#5@GS;�.FD BXX IVR>1 E%191M. R'SLxbl IXli / 1¢P BMB O'u C0.vN(RPI tOY NO PISmG NR CCI'FL855ORNBKXlRi19 � PN 9Wi FwW(TP). KLICPCf}IE AGfUWK WIX IBI}IE/ flOf£IP iO WR FNI9N GFAC£. }ObY WM(TP)I MATOI f1lCRdE#91FG gYLDW EXISTING EAST ELEVATION EXISTIK0. aD� EXIT `EADIRG'oPR�ROEDEI`D G PROP05ED EAST ELEVATION MAXIMUM EXIT TRAVEL DISTANCE DIAGRAM I 1 Y L€ '�PAiRD ,J PAMA / Q _ \- PAMC�PAME s PAMB -7 I INNAB / tr RRtl166 YOfCN1I>flr_II -( E6T COMMON PATH A, B = 46 FEET MAX. LONGEST TOTAL PATH A, B, O, D, E = 11 FEET MAX. f 11 O AS ALT SINGLES TO MATd EX)sTRG EUILOING (TYP) EXISTING W[1-01NG EETCNO •3L9/341 •319/-3dl •315/-353 •319/-3d.1 •331/-358 / •3151-353 .319/-341 0 GENTLE SLOPE CqW TO EXISTING 5,0FOALK '✓JRFACE 1.. •A\A N[wwEsL o ca+a -1 $IDEWW-K(TYP) U i // - -... �LCN FILL (TYP) `�ORGWl CGNG PARK. sUI54CE. CCNG FC4NDATIOY (TYP) MAN EXIT MTO SMALL KIDS PLAYGRIY.dip AAA FpLLW [RdGE }06} WlD (IlP) PROP05ED NORTH ELEVATION E ER6E Y EXIT TIRLU'I NEW FpdO �/ -T- lV I S 319/ 341 I I •315/-3531 1-335/-3b31 1 1319/-3411 1 .319/-34.1 R•"GF CF PROP05ED RAM CANOPY, BEYOND a - 1 � a�R NEY UO-ACCESS FHICE - ORIGINAL CGNC PAIARG sIIRFAGE -... -.-....... -... EXISTING VERTICAL LLL"GV 5VINZ EXISTING MAIN ENTRY EXISTING ViEST ELEVATION HTS L SCALE : AS NOTED DRARN RTE CH6CIffL RTE APPROVED RTB DATE 4/05AB PROI. N0, 33Y5 7TITLE [BUILDD�a� ORANIN4 NO A- I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ma SEW IMMAIMEREMw- HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Accessory Structure Staff Report Property Owner: Contractor: Requested Action: Project Location: Current Zoning: Required Findings: Joseph and Linda Harrison Brian Flores Contractors, Inc. Approval of a 988 SF Detached Garage 480 Concha Drive Lots 28 & 29, Block 293, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 RS-10 Current Land Use: Single-family Residence Does Does Not Comply Comply A. No accessory structure shall be constructed until the construction of the principal structure has been started. 1. House completed_ -Zp,1q q ; or V house under construction 2. Accessory structure to be located on same lot as principal structure : or located on second lot that has been combined with principal lot by a unity oititle uulty OF-nrLE B. No accessory structure shall be located in any required yard (setback): 1. Front yard: No detached accessory structure shall extend beyond the front building line of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot. Principal stru�..,,c�ttu��re setback is 3D ` Accessory structure setback is �• 2. Front yard on corner lot: Accessory structures may not be located in the secondary front yard of an improved corner lot unless the corner lot is joined in unity of title with an interior lot that contains the principle structure. However, said accessory structures shall not be located closer than 25 feet NIA from the secondary front property line in the RS-10 zoning district, and in all other zoning districts shall meet required front yard setbacks. Secondary front yard setback is , and proposed accessory structure front yard setback is Does Does Not Comply Comply 3. Side yard: Required side setback is 10# ✓ Accessory structure side setback is 104 4. Rear yard: The required rear yard is 2b t A detached accessory structure may encroach into the required rear yard, provided it meets all the following: a. It is a minimum 10 feet from the rear property line. Proposed accessory structure has a 57..5 ' setback. ✓ b. It is not in an easement. Rear easement is aO t and proposed setback is 6-7. V c. It does not exceed 400 square feet in lot coverage. Proposed 1/ accessory structure is 9'91r square feet. d. It does not exceed 12 feet in height. Proposed accessory structure is a I i feet in height. Accessory structures which are attached, or do not meet the above four requirements must meet the standard rear setback which is apt Proposed accessory setback is C. No mobile home, travel trailer or any portion thereof, or motor vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory structure. D. Applicant must expressly designate the type of the accessory structure (i.e. garage, shed, etc.) &-Ai" -C E. Must comply with all city codes. F. The height of accessory structure cannot exceed hteight of V principal structure. House is approximately o2 (+ and / accessory structure will be 01 ±' i G. Attached or detached Quonset -type or style accessory structures are prohibited. ✓ H. A residential lot is allowed 5 square feet of accessory building area (cumulative) for every 100 square feet of lot area, up to a maximum 1000 square feet. Property square footage a0, oao x .05 = / Allowable sq.ft. of accessory structures I . ODD 1/ Existing accessory structures ^ D Proposed accessory structure 9 VB g F Total existing and proposed 9 g y g F 2 7. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: Any attached or detached accessory building, carport or breezeway over 500 square feet in area must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission utilizing the following criteria: Does Does Not Comply Comply A. Accessory structures may not be constructed or maintained / from corrugated metal or corrugated metal -looking products. V B. The roof of the accessory building must have a minimum pitch / of 3:12. ✓ C. Accessory structures 501 sq.ft. to 750 sq.ft. in size shall be compatible with the overall general architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, roofing materials and pitch. I� D. Accessory structures 751 sq.ft. to 1000 sq.ft. in size shall be of the same architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, and roofing materials and pitch. Foundation plantings shall be required on all sides of the accessory structure excluding entranceways and doorways, as follows: 1 shrub for every 3 lineal feet and 24 inches in height at planting. Lineal dimension totals W (v - 3 = Total Shrubs Required 5 ( M) a4-5-f- RQ + Qq +'n I- 5'.3 I it _t,_GO Review fee has been paid: t/YES NO Additional Considerations: See Q�ow Although not shown on the plans, the contractor has stated to staff that the homeowners are proposing to plant foundation plantings. If the structure is approved by the Commission, a condition should be added that the above required minimum is planted. Also, based on the size of the double lot, current codes require the property to have 15 trees. Total existing tree information is not shown on the survey. Tree credits will be given for trees currently located on the property. A condition should be added that, after a site inspection to verify existing trees, additional trees shall be planted to bring the property into compliance, if necessary. Prepared by gla�lr$ Date 3 0 "CAM WATERWAY TOOR/W R _ _ "C42n 547°2G'00'W 1GO.06' aowwA DAAHAa EAM EN ( `4('" DAN I �I I ' ICI C - i`E 4>.r "i�wcanw I w uww semAac�_ �L ' 2 uL(Iw. _ I sraoron 9 M r Ig r ' conc. roa vur muREnr / asmc "� Fcecn .y coxc roa n.A,v; �zl cg /yLOT 27 I I 6'AV[RST`R[NCVD) e LOT i tCT 8 STING DOOMED 1 YO2E%I F0 O / >-Lp° 1 PROPOSED i553� ) i I I :.F.asL B2 2�` 1 STORY R C.B 5 O GARAGE d'LME 1 w 4-rl x LF£L=220' ..n f- ODO-oA �O I e / Ln N IN-N CA (4I M.0 ummaaMA LADE Eox-.�` �G ewe LOT 17 EYJ51KG AREA, BULDNG AREA. 3.41527 sq.ft (37.015Z) • CONCRETE AREA, 2.978.32 q.ft. C14.89 ) GREEN AREA. 13.60GAI sgft CGB.03Z) TOTAL LOT AREA. 20.000.00 sq.ft. C1007J PROPOSED AREA ADM AREA. CONCRETE. 14. 4 1 94]J - CONCRETE CODE EM 14%51 eq.ft. C7.4aft. CI PAVERS TO BE REMOVED, 363.]2 aft. (1.02Z) PAVptS AREA, 283.92 uL.ft. C1.42) BUILTOTAL OPG AREA A 02 yy CONCRETE AREA. - 41M K.f C22.02Z) GREEN TE AREAS 4..0 sq.ft. (20.54Z) PAVER AREA, 2B3.12 Kft. 0.422.) GREEN AREAS 120.00900 C5G.02ZJ TOTAL LOT AREA- 20.00D.00 sq.ft. (t001.J E�p Me'raN w e SRBG, _ f .pRa. A I •-caw. �x9'.�AENL , ° RAVE' 4�, v1✓ asmc ' 4 qq LRVE AILN69T a,q,_EiAT M 12'C.M.P.A 1i A� v p CONCHA DRIVE C 50' R/W ) 20' PAVEMENT a FMD. CAP _(Ou.RJ AM- D _ u¢sRua.Ro cAeEe eoI ee. Q 19 5DB A5 MOCK 2112 I \ LOT IG UT 15 cCdJM d�K l^r�.�ATCMl9 w. °.- M.- xq ;Rp N�. limm Rxwv IAA Cwi amf v�rxr¢ �n k %'T GMNd M V. L' tm FRI PA, roYR CaC wv,ry M'n P. MiqRneP m�a mm¢N� u a oniwwau IyA nuL AdMtlES LR R rtrt M� Igl�p wn�rm t� ,maw !i Awn a LIE ui LIM u. -.nA W'.WifM1 xw aN°'.e w10N`.. � mxom LEGAL DE5CWTION• ALL OF LOT 26H2q BLOC( 293 o ;EBA5TIAN HIGHLANDS. UNIT II ACGORBNG TO THE PAT HEREOF AS RECORDED IN FIAT BOOK 7. PAGE 5G. 5GA THROUGH 5GL OF THE PUBLIC REGORB5 OF HDAN FUMER CO.. i FLORIDA. CONTAPAIG 04G ACRES MORE OR LF55 i. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 2. NIS SURVEY IS CERTIFIED ONLY TO THE BELOW NAMED INOINDUALS 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. 4. S0. R. OF HOUSE (IF SHOWN) SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. 5. NO STRUCTURES OR UTUVES THAT ARE II BENEATH THE SURFACE HAVE BEEN LOCATED. 6. ALL SET CAPS LABELED PER NER 4416 ORE "PORTED RITN AN "' LONG /5 REBM ALL FOUND CAPS ARE A 5/8• ROD WTH A CAP AS LABELED ON SURVEY. ALL FOUND REBAR ME A 5/8• ROD UNLESS OTHERWASE NOTED. ]. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE PLAT AND MEASURED UNLESS BASE NOTED. 8. BEARINGNG BASE ON NORTH LINE OF LOTSNO28&29 88 9. ORIGINAL IRO IF OWN) EREON M TUBAS 80 ON ELEVATIONS (IF SHOWN) HEREON ARE BASED ON N.q.V.D. (1908), UNLESS 01HERNISE NOTED. GERTIFICD TO• J05EM S. H LNDA D. HARRISON 2° PROPo5E0 vRmAM FLM DESIRED TO MEET M1ORDA M.CHL CODE. RE5 MINTI PLOIHtENCNTSQU01.33 Y mot RUNS A4 NOT TO BE "Ann FOR LON57RUG" LAYOUT PURPOSES WRHOUf APPROVED &AR1G PERMITS. 41 ALL STORNWATER "OFF IV NOT TO MALT THE ADJACENT PROPER,=& AND MIST MEET A MINIMUM OT 1S LOHRILEMK SLOPE, 5• A RRMWAY MAXIMUM SLOPE IS NOT TO E%GEE➢ A 109 GRAB - 111Y5 9JIlVLY MAP AHD AEPORi qi ClW1E5 TIEAFC£ AAE NOT VAUD MAHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND DROP R� = 6OU hlAYHURST LAND SURVEYING INC. NARY/.SI3E pATE I REY1510Ns SEAL 0' A FLWIDA LICENSED $URYLTDA ANO uAPPN CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION KAISER CL.B. 73647 xRO® VA W.E.H. 1 O/2B/le AIND: PROP. cMACE SURVEYING w MAPPING COMPANY 'I-- LEH. I3/2]/le AON CN.aILATONS 443 9TH BT. S.W. UJ M-7 11sd - .369 REV. PER P(T VERO MSCAGH. PL. Z5 9 Z I1. eR �4/26/16 14 PHONE: (772) 569-6680 1E VAk 03/12/18 FAX: (772) 770-3446 r. WIL" HA - - - - hayhurstls®live.com_ ,,OT"D 18-108 --_ L-1 ma) N47'2G'00'E IGO.00' ROW ZgE % BT: EFFELTYE DA,E 12 V12 PNL NO.. 12001COt1 H DDR NDICATE D51Mc H At. ffiMCI% PrOim flEYPT.CN FIEVAY.S ®E. CALE�£YAAdN �; 6 METAL ROOF I t I �I (� II��il' �I�� ��I, �'Ir, I I I I 9V X WH CdRAfd DOOR +24/-W PSF RIGHT ELEVATION SGLG 1/4' - 1 -T SPP m DOORS +25/-28 PST _ 1" BELOW HOUSE ROOF 6, p 6 MAXIMuM HEGHT I I I I i I I 0 Amo;RG— LEFT ELEV TI0N SCALE: 1 4 -0 n 1 Lim DEMING 7ON SWGgLEE KYO'T RODF G ON )4'T&G PLYw00D S FI rF_g00F SFCTION W BLOCK W/(2)15 COM II- I I I I I \—PCL w/ (z)Js I I �Pa w/ }s CUT CMU l REO'D TO CONTINUE 15 - I I HOOK j5 INTO STEEL IN WHO BFNt JAMB CELL WALL ®SMALL GARAGE %31LII PCLDEAIL SCALE: 3/r = 1 AL r3 JOULE 7; �2WALL HEIGHT CHANGE SGIE1 3/4" = 1"-0" 19'-491 X I4'H GARAGE ODOR +22/-26 PSF FRONT ELEVATION SC : I/4' = 1 -0- oo�� 6°B' FR. DOORS +25/-28 PEF REAR ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" - 1"-0' (2) COURSE 'H' BLOCKS W/(2) B5 I I Illtl 15/ FELT BETWEEN TARS k CMU WALL ATTACH TRUSS TO WALL W/ 1/4'X3" WCONS 0 2 CONTINUE 2 COURSE H BLOCKS TO CORNER OF HIGH WN1 /5 VFRT ® .WIBS CONTINUE — TO 'H' BLOQ 9 16' BIEWG 2° 4 +25/-28 PSF 34A1 DOOR +26/-29 PSF 10'-4' PCL W/'H' BLOCK PBOVE W/(z) p5 EACH o© ®® 0000 W In Pe FR. WORD 3P5a WINDOW +25/-28 PSE +27/-36 PSF GWALL ELEVATION $--j jSCl£: 1/2" - I'-0- STAIRS 27 RISERS AT T INe(+) - 17'4' PICKER W/ 3-7/8' AWt CLEAR BETWEEN IIIII��;llll� I I I I I I I I I I e k E rZ ot,Z5r,2ats �srA*r. OF 'oFTUPBAI.tixbe o �pp COURSE H BLOCK kl�j OF HIGH WPLLgo N l�?O�CCZYy C v� O 2 Fa Z o �F U �< U PuE 5-2 OF 4 9m cmi A[ �JIIIWIIJIIIIIIJII � I � I I I I I I I I I I = I 1 I 1 \ I \ II Floor Plan a- v I ry Ti M51 NWWOR TOCNN'n=REOr N TIIL-, iIimrroNEBC-RPORT}1C o DESIGNATEDDL51GNW 511 NOORILI( CERMCATION EVRE55EDORIMMED Hanson Kesidence 480 Concha Drive Sebastian 8 I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IlJffffjJj� G = -a D T. z = C O x D G> � II II I II I II II II I II I II II I II II II I II II II I II I II II rn vi m v D x z G D m - fAFBGE U R 9W % 9'R = ]9' 6" CjiA t=R60T ELEVATOO tczL - 1/411=4 ou i Lam- ELEVAT101J WGNT_ ELEVATI�IJ -._ - _ __ REAR EL�Varlou__ CRYOF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET • SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA32968 TELEPHONE: (772) 589-5537 • FAX (772) 589-2566 PERMIT APPLICATION ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713.135 PERMIT #�Dp�51Li TRACKING # /'g Da5 a y _I DATE: 3 ` N INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PARCEL ID # 3 i 3 p 130000 115 3 p 00 Q IT 0 RECEIVED('B LOTIt-19 13LOCK:)-13_SUBDIVISION: t645ilo% 1411 land- FLOOD ZONE: JF TYPE OF WORK: ®NEW STRUCTURE ADDITION QALTERATION ❑ REPAIR QDEMOLITION Q OTHER WORK INCLUDES: ®STRUCTURAL ®ELECTRICAL ®PLUMBING CHANICAL ROOFING - SLOPE:0 Z POOL Q ALUMINUM STRUCTURE SHED�FENCE Z SLAB OR DECK OTHER WORK DESCRIPTION: Qu,la AfkAtd rpnrAoLl to ht.0 `>'xiSfln�, kn»L- ESTIMATED JOB VALUE: $ 0 p jr TOTAL S/F 1 UNDER AIR 'VONX- /%j JOBNAME: Harrii'son KGSidC71G{/"�� � JOB ADDRESS: 10� Cfl11C�r� (iY� StlSr" 1J kt. IS9SUITE/UNITNO. '- 3 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ,To'f- oAA i 1IA& Hnrri,W) PHONE: fi41-;LS).' IS36 ADDRESS: Q (OALh fr, Sch/�'sFhn Fl, 31S_S'$ CITYISTATE: LL<si±.n ('`. 32(}iSs ZIPCODE lSq' $ CONTRACTOR BUSIPJESS NAME1 U1'I. n F-{+�ft5 %n,n Fra e },ri In(. LICENSE #: ��� ADDRESS: GS q h DL'IrL U''LfQ CONTACT PHONE:J1 .71 CITY/STATE: {{ r �L. ZIP CODE G.2 CONTACTE-MAILADI)Ail: r,. (.?? br:bn Fkf'r4 (ontf+r-for•S...G-e:h _ZZ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Fa f iti Y/��i:(\[I.fr.1 ADDRESS: AO f+� VS sW,tn-sA. CITY/STATE: SLhstAA FL, CONTACTE-MAjLADDRESS: Ytankd farICY LnniMGri�n.LO!'+ PRESENT USE: P(Of) L_ PROPOSED USE: i?a tAjr L� NUMBER OF: STORIES JBAYS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: C M L/ ®UNITS [BEDROOMS PHONE:772 - S g9 - e)19 ZIP CODE: 3s4S11 OCCUPANT LOAD: �EIGHT 1041 GROUP OCCUPANCY: AREA IS THE BUILDING PRESENTLY EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? AYES 4NO BONDING COMPANY; PHONE: ADDRESS: i / CITY/STATE: MORTGAGE LENDER: v PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: PHONE: ADDRESS: I CITYISTATE. I APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK AND INSTALLATIONS AS INDICATED. I CERTIFY THAT NO WORK OR INSTALLATION HAS COMMENCED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE PERFORMED TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF ALL LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION IN THIS JURISDICTION. I UNDERSTAND THAT A SEPARATE PERMIT MUST BE SECURED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT SIGNED BY THE OWNER, SHALL BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY IF THE VALUE IS $2,500 OR MORE, EXCEPT HEATING OR AIR CONDITIONING CHANGE OUTS LESS THAT $7,500. NOTICE: IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY, AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ANY CHANGE IN BUILDING PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE RECORDED WITH THIS OFFICE. ANY WORK NOT COVERED ABOVE MUST HAVE A VALID PERMIT PRIOR TO STARTING. IN CONSIDERATION OF GRANTS, THIS PERMIT, THE OWNER, AND THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AGREE TO ERECT THIS STRUCTURE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. NOTE: THIS PERMIT APPLICATION IS VOID AFTER 180 DAYS UNLESS THE WORK, WHICH IT COVERS, HAS COMMENCED. ALL CONTRACTORS MUST HAVE A VALID STATE CERTIFICATION, STATE REGISTRATION, OR COUNTY COMPETENCY PLUS A COUNTY —WIDE LICENSE PRIOR TO OBTAINING PERMIT. (ALL ADD NS, ALTERATI NS OR REPAIRS MU AVE OWNER'S ( /SIGN ATU ON APPLICATION OR PROVIDE COPY OF CONTRACT) V N i ��/FL!"`/ ti• SIGNATURE OF OWNER/AGENT // ✓ QUALIFIER'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF OWNER/AGENT PRINTED NAME OF QUALIFIER DATE: DATE: 4• Individuals who sign as the owner's agent must first obtain owner's written authorization to sign on their behalf STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF "NOTARY IS FOR QUALIFIER'S SIGNATURE" I hereby certify that on this .ZW~eeday of 114,4XCf-I , 20 / k personally appeared hsEPlf S, l- RV104S61/ t 141V Ab . % lsai*ho is personally known tome or has _X_ produced identification. Type of identification produced: / /C r rvSes;�IS _ f 7 Official S� e�blic Notary Seal Charity Thomson Notary Public State of Florida My Comm. Expires 03/09/2021 Commlmlon No, GG 81337