HomeMy WebLinkAbout04191984 PZMINUTES'- PLANNING AND ZONING PUBLIC HEARING -. APRIL 19, 1984 A Public Hearing was' held April 19, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Sebastian to consider an application, as submitted by the property owner, reques{inga change in the Comprehensive Lan~ Use Map from CG to COR for a parcel of land lying within Section 14, Township 31 South, Range 38 East. Present were Vice Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, Members Bill Mahoney, Marjorie Poole, Bob Fullerton, and Stan Krullkowski. Notice of the Public Hearing was' read, and the hearing was opened to the public. Darrell McQueen of Lloyd and Associates', a Veto Beach engineer- ing firm representing the owners presented the request for land use map amendment. He stated his client would agreeto decreasing the COR area by two acres., increasing'the CG property to a total area of 8% acres. He also discussed the percolation rate, and the landscape buffering plan between the development and Laconia St. Mr. McDaniel, a member of the public, a~ked the reason for closing off Laconia from CR#512. Earl Mas{eller, former City Engineer requested the Board to keep the ~ite for the CG development at least 8 -10 acres rather than the 6 acres-originally, requested. J. W. Thompson, a member of the public questioned whether the area would have 12 units per acre. "We don't want 12 ~nits per acre in Sebastian." Darrell McQueen explained with the decrease in the COR request the overall units per acre would be between 7.5 and 7.9. (10 acre CG would result in 7.5 overall units per acre) Michael Gosimynski, an owner of adjacent property said he was in favor of the PUD, but questioned the cutting off of Laconia. Darrell MCQueen explained how' and why of the cutoff, The 300 feet additional driving would be worth it in the long term with the widening of the road and the better angle of traffic flow. Mr. Gosimynski also asked about the drainage and Darrell McQueen explained the wetlands, pumps, drainage pipes., etc. as per the April 12th Public Hearing. Bill Messersmith, former chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board questioned the single entrance to the development especially during working hours. Mr. McQueen stated that probably, only .20% off the residents would be working people, but there may. have to be a traffic light, and there may. be an auxiliary route if necessary. To the ques.tion concerning the water, he said the St. Johns Water Management would control this. After one year of operation, the development would submit water samples and if they were notacceptable, there were procedures that would make it acceptable. Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. APPROVED: ~. /-~ 7~ene H~is, Chairman /sbf ,/ DATED: MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING April 19, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at 8:35 P.M. by ViCe-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth in the City of Sebastian Council Chambers i~m~ediately following the Public Hearing. Members present were Vice-Chairman Eisenbarth, Members Bill Mahoney, Marjorie POole, Bob Fullerton, and Stan Krulikowski. Chairman Gene Harris and Member Randy Mosby were absent. Vice-Chairman Eisenbarth questioned the legalities of decreasing the .COR request. Must i~ approve the request exactly as per application or could it approve a lesser amount? Stan Krulikowski made the motion.the board recommend approval of the Land Use Map Amendment for the Sebastian Lakes Development as per advertizment, decreasing the COR by two (2) acres, leaving the CG area ateight (8) acres contingent upon legal approval. Marjorie Poole seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Minutes of the April 5, 1984 meeting were read. Bill Mahoney moved they be approved as read, Marjorie Poole seconded the motion, approved. Minutes of the April 12 Public Hearing were read. Bob Fullerton moved they be approved as read, Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, approved. Roger Skillman presented a map of area he wishes to have rezoned. He will return to request a hearing date at the next meeting, no action taken. Michael and Carol Gosimynski - Sebastian Credit were granted approval for special exception home occupation, motion by Bill, second by Marj~rie. Patricia Groves, house sitter, was granted approval for special exception home occupation following motion by Bill, second by Bob. Ralph Cousins - Ceramic Molds was granted approval for special exceptionhome occupation, motion by Stan, second by Bill. Marjorie Poole suggested the ones without background £nformation be tabled until material is provided. Roberta Jones and Claire Sommers asked the Board for guidance concerning rezoning Lot 1, Block 448, Unit 17, Sebastian Highlands, from R-1 to R~2 to allow the lot to be used for a daycare center. They will apply for rezoning. Earl Masteller, an engineer with Sippel and Masteller, presented a plan for an executive office building to be placed across the street from Anchor Laundromat on U.S.#1. He stated the plan would need relief from the ten foot landscape buffer requirement in the code. He proposed a five foot strip. Plan would have onsite water and septic system subject to Health Department approval. The offices wouldbe condominium units, mercury vapor lighting maintained by owners of the units, each unit would have own meter and air conditioning, the buffering strip was discussed. Dan Blair, Building Official, stated the owners, engineer, Randy Mosby, and he had met for a prelimanary plan review and the city staff was satisfied with the plan. Bob Fullerton made the .~oti~n the board approve the site plan as. presented, contingent upon Health Department and DOT approval. MarJorie Poole seconded the motion, unanimously approved. MINUTES - April 19, 1984, Page 2 Site Plan for Village of Lake Dolores Temporary Mobile Home Center was presented by Dick Sills and Nelson Hyatt. There would be six (6) model homes on the 1.6 acre C-1 zoned property. The roads would be temporary, hard pan, shell, 1" asphalt, homes would be moved every so often as new. models came in, would eventually all be moved back into the PUD area, and the site would become part of the commercial complex. The reception center would have water and sewer, none in the models, only electric and air conditioning. DOT has approved both entrances, there are four curb cuts already there with culverting. The fountain would be part of the drainage. The Stratton Avenuecrossing has already been approved. Who builds Stratton Avenue? The City of Sebastian will obrain the permits, build, and then the property owners (Hyatt, Fischer) reimburse the City. The rational for the parking (20-22) spaces was based on what the developer felt would be neede4. Motion was made by Marjorie Poole, seconded by Stan Krulikowski, the approval be granted the Temporary Model Home Center contingent upon approval ofthe Health Department, DOT, and a letter from the engineer, unanimously approved. Randy Mosby's letter of resignation was read. Stan Krulikowski made the motion the board accept his resignation with regrets and a letter thanking him for his generous expenditure of time and talent on behalf of the board be sent him. Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, passed unanimously. A special workshop meeting to discuss fee schedules and application forms was set for next Thursday at 7:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. APPROVED: ~en~ ~s, Chairman /sbf