HomeMy WebLinkAbout05022002 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A~ROV~D MINUTES OF REGU~R MEETING MAY 2, 2002 Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ~PRESENT: Mr. Faille(a) Mr. Mahoney Ms. Carbano Ms. Monier Chmn. Barrett VC Smith Mr. Rauth, Ms. Reichert(a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. Svatik, Jr. ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Barrett announced that he was reappointed to the Commission for another three (3) years. He also noted that the Recording Secretary will be retiring at the end of May. There was a brief mention of the new Board Handbook that was distributed to the members, and the fact that there is a misstatement on page 59 about the P & Z Commission approving home occupational licenses. Mr. Mahoney indicated that he reported this error to the City Clerk. It was noted that Sherri Reichert(a) will vote in place of Mr. Svatik. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 4/4/02 and 4/18/02 MOTION by VC Smith/Carbano i make the motion that we accept the minutes of April 4th. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0, motion carried. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 2, 2002 MOTION by Carbano/Monier ' I make a motion we approve the minutes of our regular meeting on April 18th, A voice vote was taken, 7 - 0, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: None A. Accessory Structure Review - Section 54-2~7.5 - 1533 Quatrain Lane - 12' X 20' Prefab Shed - Steve Arnold Mr. Steve Arnold was present and gave a brief presentation. Jan King gave staff presentation, noting that staff has no recommendation because of the appearance of this shed. Mr. Arnold responded to questions from Commission members, noting that he will be installing a six (6) foot fence in his yard and will also install some plants. He indicated that this shed was given to him by his father. Mr. Mahoney pointed out that the literature on this shed declares it an "industrial" type shed, and he doesn't think it is intended for residential application or that it fits in with the City's plan. There was further discussion and the Mr. Arnold indicated that this shed will be mostly hidden by the fence and the plants and trees. MOTION by Smith/Monier I'll make a motion that we approve the twelve by twenty prefab shed located at 1533 Quatrain Lane in Sebastian Highlands, with the conditions of a six-foot (6') fence and plantings around the shed. Roll call: Mr. Mahoney - no Chmn. Barrett - yes Ms. Carbano - yes VC Smith - yes Ms. Monier - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Ms. Reichert(a) - yes The vote was 6 - 1. Motion carried. Request for Approval - Captain Hiram's Sandbar - T. Collins: 1. 16' X 20' Canvas CanOpylAwnlng 2. Fascia Colors Mr, Tom Collins of Sebastian Marine and Trading Company, the owner of Captain Hiram's and the Key West Inn, was present and gave a presentation. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 2, 2002 Tracy Hass gave staff presentation noting that because this issue is not precisely addressed in the code, staff felt that this Commission should make the decision on whether or not to approve this canopy. He also noted that if this canopy is approved, it will have to be structurally sound and approved by the Building Department. He referred to several issues that this Commission should consider in their final decision. Commission members discussed the following issues: Attachment to trees, safety, appearance, overuse of property, Riverfront theme, engineered design:for safety, stability of trees, variance for attachment to trees, and the issue of setting a precedent. MOTION by Smith/Reichert(a) I make a motion that we approve the canopy/awning at Captain Hiram's Restaurant up to four hundred (400) square foot in total area, located at 1606 Indian River Drive. Roll call: VC Smith - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Ms. Monier - yes Mr. Mahoney - no Mr. Rauth - yes Ms. Reichert(a) - yes Ms. Carbano - no The vote was 5 - 2. Motion carried. Mr. Collins proceeded to give a presentation on the colors of the fascia and asked for approval of the present colors. Tracy gave staff presentation noting his discussions with Mr. Collins before this meeting. Several Commission members noted that when the landscaping matures a little more, these colors probably will not even be seen from the street. Ms. Carbano cited the code about bright and garish colors. Ms. Monier and Ms. Reichert(a) cited other buildings in the Riverfront District and compared some colors presently used. They also pointed out the small amount of area involved. Atty. Stringer noted the various references in the code about "screening" of offensive elements of a site from the street, with landscaping, etc., and not using bright and garish colors to attract attention to a place. He also noted that there are no standards Set within the waiver provision, and general intent must be considered. He also made other references such as "an outdoor room", or "nature room", with visual screening from the street, He then indicated that this Commission has flexibility, or can be rigid in their decision. Ms. Reichert(a) commented that the "Old Florida Fishing Village" theme does not have clearly defined architectural details. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 2, 2002 MOTION by Monier/Smith I make a motion that we approve the fascia colors for Captain Hiram's at 1606. Indian River Boulevard, Roll call: Ms. Reichert(a) - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mr. Mahoney -no VC Smith - yes Ms. Monier - yes Ms. Carbano - no The vote was 5 - 2. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Barrett asked all Commission members to turn in their architectural recommendations for the Riverfront District to Tracy Hass by the end of the meeting. Mr. Smith asked for a copy of the Charrette architectural recommendations for CR 512. Atty. Stringer noted that there is a list of detailed features in the booklet, and Tracy noted that packets will be ready next Friday and these details could be included then. Mr. Smith responded that that was great. Atty. Stringer commented that the group who held the Charrette noted that the same theme could be used in both the Riverfront Distdct and the CR 512 Corridor. .MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Smith asked for a list of pocket parks that the City is considering improving. Tracy responded that when he gets a list or a plan, he will furnish it to this Commission. Mr. Mahoney inquired about the triangle on CR 512. He also commented that this Commission is uninformed about the Charrette results. Mr. Smith mentioned the one-on-one meetings that took place with P & Z members, and noted that they heard nothing after that. DIRECTOR MA'II'ERS: Tracy noted that the annexation study will be presented to City Council next Wednesday evening (May 8th) by the consultant. Ms. Reichert inquired about a copy of the results, and Tracy responded that copies can be distributed at the next meeting or he could make them available Monday so that members could study them before the Council meeting. Mr. Rauth asked what the City's position is on existing agreements with utilities in urban service areas in relation to annexation. Atty. Stringer responded. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 2, 2002 ATTORNEY MATTERS: Atty. Stringer gave a summary of the events following the Charrette, noting that City Council adopted the concept of it, and some of the suggestions have been implemented. He then gave information on the triangle where the moratorium is being considered for redevelopment. Ms. Reichert inquired about plans for a new middle school within city limits. There was discussion. Chmn. Barrett adjourned the meeting at 8:28 P.M. (,5/6/02 AB)