HomeMy WebLinkAbout05031984 PZPLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES - MAY 3, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Chairman Gene Harris in the Sebastian Council Chambers. Me~bers present were Chairman Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, members Marjorie Poole, Bob Fullerton, Stan Krulikowski, and Bill Mahoney. Minutes of the Public Hearing on April 19, 1984, the Regular Meeting on April 19, 1984, and the Special Workshop on April 26, 1984 were read and following a motion to approve as read by Marjorie Poole, second by Stan Krulikowski, the three meeting minutes w~re approved. Special Exception - Home Occupation was granted for Nancy Hines to operate her real estate office in her home following motion by Stan Krulikow- ski, second by Bob Fullerton, unanimous. Carol H. Minton Tree Service was granted approval of his special excep- tion - home occupation contingent upon his removal of an over one ton truck f~om the residential area following motion by Harold Eisenbarth, second by Stan Krulikowski. Hearing date of June 7th was given to Roger Skillman for the rezoning of his property on Main Street, Sebastian. He will be required to pay the present fees and fill out the new application forms. He will be notified by staff secretary. Request for rezoning and land use amendment by Greg Golien on behalf of his client, Mr. DiLauro, for a 16% acre piece of property west of Rose- land Acres, south of CR#512. Because of the slope of the land next to the Sebastian River which causes a natural hammock would be best unused, the idea of an apartment complex which would set back from slope would seem a better use for the land. Individual homesites could build right up to the palmetto line according to DER. The apartment complex would try to tie into the 66 acre PUD sewer system, which would also be better than septic systems along this area. A date was set for June 21, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. before the regularly scheduled meeting. There was some discussion concerning the fee. The fee will be set on May 17, 1984 after the board has had time to discuss the situation. Burr Snell presented his plans for enlarging his storage capacity. It would be a steel building, 1000 sq. ft. of dead space, no electricity or water. Plan was tabled; he will need a site plan, application, and a pre- conference which was set for Monday, May 7, 1984 at 9:30 A.M. The plans for a Jiffy Convenience Store on Lots 1,2,3, Block B, Unit 7 Sebastian Highlands along Schumann Drive and U.S.#1 were presented by Jack Spira, lawyer for the company, it was a conceptual plan, it would need landscape legend, retention area computations, etc. The site plan Will need a rezoning , land use amendment and special exception hearing. They will be in to fill out the correct applications and pay the fees. Planning and Zoning - Minutes May 3, 1984 page 2 William Ward - Goodyear Tire Store - Letter from Earl Masteller of Sippel and Masteller, engineer for the job, was read. Followed a dis- cussion on site plan whether it was a major or minor. Imperviou~ surface is 16000sq. ft., it was a major site plan. The proposed project will utilize hedge' of Copp as well as finished grades on.his, 10' both s-ides for landscaping, sheet flow water through grassy area to f~lterout before gets to retention area, other information listed on plan. The rear width is increased from 128' to 138' to include a storage shed on the rear. Plan will use a septic tank and well system. Stan Krulikows'ki would llke to see a little set back from High Street; Earl said he dtdn*t agree, it isn't required and it will have a hedge back to building. There would beparking for five employees, plus required parking slots, Harold EiSen~ barth asked if the county people had been contacted; Earl Masteller said they had not been contacted, we've been through it before. He kept the required setback, exceeded the 120' distance between driveway~ required, wasn't putting parking in the setback, but would use area for retention. Harold Eisenbarth noted this was a major site plan and should have review' by Mosby and Associates. Mr. Masteller agreed but cautioned that Mr. M~y should go by city ordinances, not county dictates. Motion was made by Harold Eisenbarth that the plan ifor the Goodyear Store be approved contingent upon site plan reviewbyRandy. Mosby, of Mosby and Associates and his agreement that the plan meet~ all c~.ty ordinances. Motion was seconded by Marjorie Poole, passed Unani~ously. Major/Minor site plans - Earl Masteller commented that practically speaking a small one may need lots of review while a large one may not need any review. The criteria shouldn't be square footage, but what each one needs. At this point J. W. Thompson commented on t~e $70-75/hr. figure on the Mosby and Associates proposal (adding staff together) ~nstead of the $35.00/hr. figure that had been discussed. He was' given a copy of the special wQrkshop minutes where it was on record that Bandy Mosby woulddo work h~m- self unless otherwise requested. (See Minutes 4-26'-84) Bob Fullerton ~ade the motion that a minor site plan be increased to 7500 sq. ft. impervious surface, Marjorie Pool seconded the motion, passed unanimously. Bob Fullerton 'made the motion that all meetings end at 10=30 P,M. Marjorie Poole seconded the motion. Harold Eisenbarth commented'about the possible hardship to someone who came a long distance, who would not be heard, or someone having to wait an additional two weeks to be heard e~en though he was on the agenda. Marjor~e noted that if they know' there ~s a time limit, they and board may not go off in tangents. Also, perhaps ~f the secretary see%that the agenda is becoming long, she could limi.t the number on the agenda. Bob Fullerton also noted that it would limit engineer and planner's ti~e. Motion was carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. (£ns~rt to minutes, May 3, 1984 - Verbatim transcript) GENE: IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE TO COME BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD? EOB: YES, I HAVE ONE MORE THING, END ALL MEETINGS AT 10: 30. MARGE: GEN~: BILL: I WOULD LIKE TO MADE A MOTION THAT WE I SECOND IT! THAT DIDN'T TAKE LONG! I'M ALL FOR THAT; ONE OTHER THING GENTLEMAN, WE HAVE A VACANCY CREATED ON THE BOARD, BUT WE ALSO HAVE A NEWLY APPOINTED ALTERNATE WHO HAS MISSED THREE CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS SO THAT DECLARES THAT OFFICE VACANT, I GUESS, SO WE NEED AN ALTERNATE AND A BOARD MEMBER. IS THAT RIGHT? I THOUGHT PAT GRANT WAS THE ALTERNATE. HE:S MISSED THREE MEETINGS. I THOUGHT HE WAS AN ALTERNATE. SO WE NEED AN ALTERNATE. BOBs OH, I DIDN'T KNOW. SEC'Y: EXCUSE ME, WE NEED TO FINISH WITH THIS MOTION THAT ALL MEETINGS ARE ENDED AT 10~30. GENE: WAS THAT A MOTION? OH, I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT WAS A MOTION. BILL: THERE MAY BE TIMES WHEN WE DON'T WANT TO QUIT; WELL, WE'LL WANT TO QUIT, BUT WE'LL BE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING... (THE ABOVE WAS THE EXTENT OF THE DISCUSSION ON THE MEMBEP~ALTERNATE NEED~ NO DECISION WAS MADE, NO DIRECTIVE GIVEN...) SYLV A B. FLOOD, SECRETARY PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD