HomeMy WebLinkAbout05042000 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 20OO (This meeting is being voice broadcast over Charter Communications Cable Television Channel 35,) Vice Chron. Mather called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ~ PRESENT: Mr. Gerhold Mr. Mahoney VC Mather Mr. Barrett Mr. Smith(a) Ms. Carbano(a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Chmn. Schulke, Ms. Vesia UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. O'Donnell ALSO PRESENT: Jan King, Growth Management Manager Ann Brock, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: The secretary announced that Mr. Smith(a) and Ms. Carbano(a) will be voting i_n pJaqe of absent members. /? ~ j,,,~.~,,~ APPROVAL, OF MINUTES: (4/20/00) /-~~ .... ..... :" I move we approve the minutes of Apd120, 2000. voice vote, 6- 0, motion carded. NEW BUSINESS: A. QualJ-JudJ~Jal Hearing - Home Occupational Ucen,~e - '1091 (~Ol~e Street - ChriM.¥ Lenz - Salee of Di$courfl: Medical Servia, el Chdsty Lenz was present, and along with Jan King and Henry Madsen, was sworn in at 7:O4 pm. Ms. Lenz gave a bdef presentation. There were twenty-one (21) notices of hearing sent and one (1) non-objection letter and no objection letters were received. Jan King gave staff presentation and recommended approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 4, 2000 VChmn. Mather opened and dosed the public hearing at 7:05 pm as there was no public input. MOTION by Barrett/Carbano I'll make a motion we approve Christy Lanz at 1097 George Street for a Home Occupational License for Discount Medical Services. Roll call: Mr. Barrett - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes VC Mather - yes Mr. smith(a) - yes Ms. Carbano(a) - yes The vote was 6 - 0, Motion carded. Quasi.Judicial Hearing - Home Occupational License - 525 Saunders Street- Henry Madsen - Real Estate Sales/Landscape Architect Henry Madsen was present (sworn in previously), Mr. Madsen gave a brief presentation. Jan King gave staff presentation and recommended approval. There were forty (40) notices of headng sent, and no objection or non-objection letters were received. There was discussion about aspects of the Real Estate Sales license. VChmn. Mather opened and closed the public hearing at 7:14 pm as there was no public input. MOTION by Barrett/Smith(a) I'll make a motion that we approve Mr, Madsen for his Landscape Architectural and Real Estate Referral License at 525 Saundere Street. Roll call: VC Mather - yes Ms. Carbano(a) - yes Mr, Barrett - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Smith(a) - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carded. CHAIRMAN MATTERS; None None None MI~MBER~ MATTER~: DIRECTOR MATTERS: 2