HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-2018 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 19, 2018 1. Call to Order— Acting Chairperson Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. 06 �O'�Ij 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Mauti (a) C a Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Hughan c"ll'— o Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez Mr. Reyes Q' E C O 00 Not Present: Ms. Kautenburg — Excused, Mr. Qizilbash — Excused N g " 0 CU Also Present: Mr. James Stokes, City Attorney � CL 0 1 Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Dir a Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Dale Simchick, Indian River County School Board, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Roth stated that Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Qizilbash have been excused, and Mr. Simmons and Mr. Mauti will be voting this evening. Ms. Frazier announced that a planners' training workshop sponsored by the Florida Association of Counties and the American Planning Association, Atlantic Coast, will be held in Sebastian City Hall on June 7, 2018. Ms. Frazier announced that her staff will be starting on the CRA Master Plan update. The CRA includes everything east of the railroad, including the riverfront. This update is requesting public involvement in a workshop on June 5, 2018, and staff is requesting as much public input as possible in updating the Master Plan. There will be two sessions on this date for the public to present ideas on what they would like to see. When the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 draft plan is completed, this Commission will review that plan to ensure it is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan before it is recommended for approval. 5. ADDroval of Minutes A. Regular meeting of February 15, 2018 Mr. Roth asked for any additions or corrections to the Minutes as presented. Hearing none, a Motion to accept the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinqs A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit — New Model Home — 1888 Barber Street, Tract C, Block 456 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 — D. R. Horton, Inc. Mr. Roth described the procedures that will be followed regarding public input, and Mr. Stokes read the item into the record. Mr. Roth asked members of the Commission if anyone had any ex parte communications on this project. Members indicated no. Mr. Stokes swore in anyone who will be speaking on this project. Mr. Roth asked for the applicant to speak on the project. Mr. Clay Patton, 3796 Peacock Drive, Melbourne, FL, stated that D. R. Horton, Inc. is seeking approval of a conditional use permit for a model home and a paved parking lot for 10 slots on the lot described above. Mr. Roth asked for staff input. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the conditional use application for the model home at the above address and stated there were specific criteria that the petitioner must meet as shown in the staff report. She stated that since this is a large lot, one acre, the contractor plans to split the property to have another single-family home constructed in the future. Staff has recommended approval of this conditional use permit. Mr. Roth asked for questions or comments from the Commission. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Reyes asked about architectural drawings, and Ms. Bosworth directed his attention to the packet that was provided with the Agenda. Ms. Bosworth also stated that one of the conditions is that, when the model home ceases to renew their permit, the concrete parking area and adjoining sidewalks do have to be removed. Mr. Reyes asked about other model homes of D. R. Horton in the area. Mr. Patton stated that right now there are no others, but if they acquire a community, they will intend on having a model. Mr. Alvarez questioned the size of the parking lot being so large. Ms. Bosworth stated the requirement is a minimum of five spaces. Mr. Patton stated there is a plan to put landscaping around the parking lot. Mr. Reyes asked about a grading plan for the rear of the property. Ms. Bosworth stated that the grading plan shows the direction of the drainage. Mr. Patton said there will be a horseshoe swale around the house going out to the front swale. Ms. Bosworth stated staff will have the Storm Water Department review the plans in order to address Mr. Reyes' concerns. Mr. Roth asked staff if sewage is available in that area, and Ms. Bosworth stated no. Mr. Roth asked for public input in favor of the project. Hearing none, he then asked for public input in opposition to the project. The following spoke in opposition of the application, and their concerns are noted: • John Antosia, 109 Curtis Circle, Sebastian — He has concerns regarding permitting for clearing of the land, a commercial enterprise in a zoned residential area, increased traffic created by the model home, clearing of most of the big trees on the property, drainage issues, concern about possibly another model home built by the same builder in close proximity to this model home • Bob Seyfried, 1883 Barber Street, Sebastian — He has concerns with traffic flow and future plans for the remainder of the property. • Stephen Gould, 1879 Barber Street, Sebastian — He has concerns about the aesthetics and privacy of the neighborhood, the parking lot for the model, and impact on property values. • Ben Hooker, Sebastian — He has concerns about storm water drainage and impact on traffic flow, • Damien Gilliams, Sebastian — He has concerns regarding traffic, concern for this property being a commercial property in a residential neighborhood, attaching conditions to the permit regarding hours of business, questioning if proper permitting was obtained before clearing the property, and concerns for the safety, health and welfare of the community. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 • Nancy Jackel, 105 Curtis Circle, Sebastian -- She has concern regarding the driveway and parking lot for the model home and how it will affect her property value, also regarding the driveway on Curtis Circle creating more traffic. She is also questioning if there will be a swale between her property and the model home property. • Bob Jackel, 105 Curtis Circle, Sebastian — He stated the City Engineer has already inspected the site. • Merle York, 366 Manley, Sebastian — He voiced concerns regarding wildlife conservation as well as height restrictions for the new construction, and if the developer will be building a privacy wall. Ms. Bosworth stated the drainage has already been approved, but suggested a re - review of the drainage to be a condition for issuing the use permit. She stated that D. R Horton eventually will be dividing this property into two lots. She stated this builder has purchased approximately 25-50 lots throughout Sebastian, and this property will contain a spec home for prospective home buyers to examine. She said typically the type of traffic for a spec home is very minimal during the week; most of the traffic is on the weekend. She further stated that the number of parking spaces can be reduced to a minimum of five, and that can also be attached as a condition to issuing the permit. Mr. Roth asked the petitioner if he had any further comments. Mr. Patton stated the culvert that is there now is temporary, a requirement during the construction phase, and the permanent culvert is being installed presently. He also addressed the subject of traffic. Generally, four or five cars a day during the week; most traffic is on the weekend. Ms. Bosworth states business hours per the application are Monday thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday noon to 6:00 p.m. Mr. Reyes asked for clarification regarding where the builder's other lots are in Sebastian. Mr. Patton explained they are scattered throughout Sebastian Highlands. Mr. Alvarez asked staff if there could be a driveway off Barber Street, and Ms. Bosworth stated the Engineering Department would not permit a second driveway to come off of Barber because of the existing street markings and "rumble strips." Mr. Mauti asked if there was a landscaping plan submitted when the building plans were submitted. Mr. Patton said he did not believe there was. Ms. Bosworth stated there is PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 generally a count such as how many shrubs, trees, etc. will be planted, required with the building permit. A landscape plan is not required for the model application, but a perimeter landscape plan could be a condition to be added to the motion. Mr. Patton stated the plan is to put a hedge around the parking lot towards Barber. Mr. Reyes suggested screening the parking lot with shrubs would alleviate some of the neighbors' concerns. Mr. Roth asked for input from the staff. Ms. Bosworth stated staff recommends approval of the model home permit for one year conditioned on the following: no construction material or equipment will be stored on the property; obtain a building permit for the model home sign; no illegal flags or off -premises signs; contractor to remove the parking lot when the model home permit ceases to exist; and there will be a drainage re -review of site by Storm Water staff. Mr. Roth then asked for any further public input. Hearing none, Mr. Roth ended the public hearing on the conditional use permit application. Mr. Roth asked for questions or comments from the Commission. Mr. Mauti stated he would like screening around the parking area to be added as a condition for issuing the permit. Mr. Roth asked for a Motion. A motion was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Hughan to accept the conditional use permit for a model home at 1888 Barber Street with the following conditions: no construction equipment or materials will be stored or parked on the model property; obtain a building permit for the model sign; no illegal flags or off -premises signs; contractor to remove parking area and model signage when the model permit expires; drainage review and landscaping review. Mr. Roth then called for a roll call. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hughan —Yes Mr. Alvarez -- No Mr. Roth --Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Simmons (a) --Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) — Yes Total vote was 6-1 in favor. Motion carries. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Roth stated that the public hearing was closed. B. Quasi Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan — Sebastian Depot — 1.224 SF Relocated Train Station (Retail) and Residence — 705 Cleveland Street — CR (Commercial Riverfront) Zoning District. Mr. Stokes stated this is for approval of a site plan consisting of an existing residential structure to be used as a rental and a relocated 1,224 square foot historic train depot structure to be converted to a retail building along with required parking, storm water, and landscaping. Approval of a waiver from the Riverfront Overlay District regulations, Section 54-4-21.A.6(b), color standards to paint the station a bright yellow, which is not within the approved master color list. The property is at 705 Cleveland Street. This is a quasi-judicial matter. Mr. Roth asked members of the Commission if anyone had any ex parte communications on this project. Members indicated no. Mr. Stokes swore in anyone who will be speaking on this project. Mr. Roth asked for the applicant to speak on the project. Todd Smith, the engineer of record for the project, office address is 914 — 20t" Place, Vero Beach. His firm has worked with Sebastian staff to bring the existing lots up to code. This train depot was purchased from the Historical Society in Fort Pierce and was transported to Sebastian. They will retain the structure's historical appearance and will be adding a deck around it. Mr. Roth called for staff input. Ms. Bosworth described the history of how Sebastian was notified by Fort Pierce of the ur4,eJLrr.,*. need to remove the structure from the property in Fort Pierce. Since there were 'me constraints as to when the structure had to be moved, it was moved to Sebastian on a flatbed truck and parked on the property. The engineer for the project worked with the staff and has met all the code regulations. Credit was given for the trees that were saved, and there are now 20 parking spaces on the site plan. However, if any of those trees are taken down, there would have to be additional parking added. On the north and east sides, because the property abuts townhouses, they are required to have an opaque buffer. A 6-foot landscape hedge is proposed on those sides. Traffic information is on the site plan. Regarding the waiver on the color, there are photos in the agenda packet.. She requested that, if the Commission grants the waiver, staff PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 would request a kiosk be placed identifying the historical nature of the building. Staff recommends approval and has noted their conditions on the staff report. Mr. Roth asked for any questions or comments from the Commission. Mr. Carter stated he is pleased to see this project proceed. Mr. Hughan inquired if another color was considered other than the bright yellow. Mr. Smith stated that is the color that has been used on other historical structures, and the owner will adhere to whatever the Commission decides. Mr. Reyes inquired if a lift station has been approved. Mr. Smith stated the County Utility Department has permitted it, and it was also presented to Council. He then asked about the parking spaces. Ms. Bosworth stated there will be no parking -in -lieu permits required. There will be 14 on -site parking spaces, and they are being given credit for saving specimen trees. They will be using this as a mixed -use property. Mr. Roth is in favor of having a marker denoting the structure's historical background. Mr. Roth asked if there were any other questions or comments from the Commission. There being none, the meeting was opened up for questions/comments from the public in favor of the project. Peter Robinson spoke in favor of the proposed yellow color, as it is connected with Henry Flagler, who did a lot of development along the east coast off wee Floridax cuaw m"y eyg2tY R r-Po4a Pe brs iN r--LoRuo.4 pAtOw a Ycuow Mr. Roth asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak in opposition. Ben Hocker, Sebastian. His concerns are if the building will conform to today's hurricane standards. He feels this building is not the train station, but the Sebastian warehouse. He also questioned how this structure was placed before having a site plan, and is also concerned about the placement of the structure on the property as well as parking in the future, and the color of the building. Mr. Roth asked for any further comments from the public. There being none, Mr. Roth asked if the petitioner had any further comments. Mr. Smith stated the building will meet current hurricane standards. As far as the positioning of the structure on the property, it is positioned exactly how it was designed and meets all requirements of the City. Mr. Reyes is in favor of the present positioning of the structure. Mr. Roth asked staff for any further comments. Ms. Bosworth clarified the name of the project is "Sebastian Depot." She stated the building is from the original Sebastian PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Depot. She reiterated that this hearing is for the site plan only, and permits will be required for strapping the building to the foundation pilings, there will be some refurbishing of the wood, and further permits will be required for the bathrooms, hurricane requirements and parking. Mr. Reyes inquired about saving some historical elements of the building, and Ms. Bosworth stated that would be up to the owner. Mr. Roth asked for any further questions from the Commission. Mr. Mauti asked if there was a permit issued for moving the building onto the site. Ms. Bosworth explained because of time constraints the building was moved onto the property with an FDOT permit, but it was placed on the property on a flatbed trailer on wheels until the permit was issued for the foundation. Mr. Alvarez asked if the City owns the property; Ms. Bosworth stated Mr. Haynes owns the property. Mr. Roth asked for a motion. A motion was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Alvarez, to accept the site plan for the property at 705 Cleveland Street, Sebastian, with the following conditions: A Declaration of Unity of Title shall be recorded unifying the two parcels (four lots) before building permit issuance; copies of the SJRWMD 10/2 Self -Certification Form and artesian well abandonment permit to be submitted before building permit issuance; if any of the larger saved specimen oak trees are removed or cut down after the parking credits are needed for approved future uses, additional parking spaces must be provided on site or through the parking -in -lieu program; a historical kiosk be placed; and a color waiver. Mr. Roth asked for any further discussion by the Commission. There being none, Mr. Roth called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Simmons (a) -- Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Maub (a) — Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion carries. Mr. Roth stated that the public hearing was closed. Mr. Roth stated that, since both of the next items are on the same subject, they will be combined in the form of discussion, and when a final review and a vote is held, the two items will be voted on separately. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 C. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment — Spirit of Sebastian — Ridgewood Section, LLC, Applicant — Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East — Subject Parcel is 182.87 Acres, More or Less — Request is for LDR (Low Density Residential — Maximum 5 units per acre) and CG (General Commercial Land Use). D. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Rezoning/Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan — Spirit of Sebastian — Ridgewood Sebastian, LLC, Applicant — Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East — Subject Parcel is 182.87 Acres, More or Less — Request is for PUD-R (Planned Unit Development — Residential) Zoning Designation. Mr. Stokes identified Item C as a large-scale comprehensive plan future land use amendment, a land -use change from County Zoning L-2 and C/I to City LDR and CG, which is low -density residential and general commercial. The second item is a rezoning and a conceptual planned unit development plan, zoning designation request for PUD- R, which is low -density residential, and the requisite approval of a conceptual. This is the Spirit of Sebastian located off Old Dixie Highway south of Route 512. Mr. Roth then asked for the applicant to make his presentation. Mr. Chuck Mechling, business address 5070 North A1A. He presented a Power Point presentation describing the planned development. SEE ATTACHED. Mr. Roth asked for input from staff. Ms. Bosworth stated the property has been formally annexed by the City, and what is before the Commission tonight is the request for the land use, to remove it from County land use to City land use to low -density residential, and approximately 2.5 acres along Old Dixie to a general commercial land use. Also requested is a rezoning to a PUD-R, and that requires a conceptual plan, which meets what the PUD zoning requires. She described that the Commission's recommendation will go before City Council. After that first hearing, the land -use request is sent to the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for review, after which they will return it with their comments, and it will again go before City Council for final approval. In the meantime, the developer will be working on more details, finalizing their environmental report, a full traffic analysis, etc. She reiterated that tonight is just on the land use, the zoning, and the conceptual PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 plan. Staff recommends approval with a condition that where the buffers are abutting residential properties the buffers are a full 25 feet wide unless the land is buffered by a drainage easement. Mr. Roth asked for questions/comments from the Commission. Mr. Simmons inquired as to who are the principals in Ridgewood LLC. Mr. Mechling identified Robert Votaw, Karen Mechling, Jim Adams, who are all local residents. Mr. Reyes asked if the property has been declared a wetland. Mr. Mechling said yes. Mr. Reyes inquired if the developers have any other projects in the area that are incomplete. Mr. Mechling stated they are in the process of finishing Sand Crest which is near the post office. Mr. Reyes asked where the villas and the duplexes will be situated. Mr. Mechling stated they will be to the east of the property line off Old Dixie Highway. Mr. Hughan asked about the ingress and egress for construction vehicles, whether that is going to remain after the construction is finished. Mr. Mechling said yes, there would be three ways into and out of the property. Mr. Hughan asked if the lakes are sloped in, and Mr. Mechling said yes, and they would have to meet all safety requirements for a sloped situation. Mr. Reyes asked if there is a plan to mine any more fill out of the lakes. Mr. Mechling stated if they do anything like that, it would be permitted, and if they move fill, it would be used inside the community, and since the property already has an earthen barrier, that area would be landscaped. Mr. Mechling read into the record a letter of support from the President of South Moon Under to Ms. Frazier and Ms. Bosworth. Ms. Bosworth verified that she had received that letter. SEE ATTACHED. Mr. Alvarez asked if there was consideration given by the City to the impact this community will have on police, water, and employees that will be involved. Ms. Bosworth referred the Commission to the fiscal analysis that was done. Ms. Bosworth stated that as far as traffic, the developer has already begun their full traffic analysis, and staff has reviewed with them the projected streets on which traffic will flow. Based on those analyses, there may be some off -site improvements to those streets such as turn lanes, etc. More information will be available on preliminary plats. -r.LoOeo Mr. Roth inquired about Old Dixie Highway in the area of this communityn Mr. Mechling stated preliminary plan is to have a left -turn -only sign when coming out of the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 community onto Old Dixie Highway going north to Highway 512. He also stated this community will be the first in Sebastian to have natural gas, and spurs will be available to businesses along Old Dixie so that gas will be available to those businesses. Mr. Mauti asked for clarification of how many units are to be built. Mr. Mechling stated it would be 456 single-family and 130 villas or 65 units, which is a density of 3.2 units per acre in concept. Mr. Roth asked for public input in support of the proposed project. Mr. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, is in favor of the project. Mr. Roth then asked for public input in opposition to the project. The following spoke in opposition of the application, and their concerns are noted: • Damien Gilliams, 1623 US1, Sebastian, suggested using very low density of three units per acre. • John Norris, 566 Cross Creek Circle, presented an alternate proposal for a land trust and a project called the Sand Mine Park Conservation Area and Greenway Trail. • Ray Fries, 171 Del Monte Road, is concerned about urban sprawl and storm water drainage. • Dr. Patricia Pezzulo, 438 Georgia Boulevard, Sebastian, asked the Commission not to approve the project until more data is gathered and to consider other uses for this property. • Irene Ferraiuolo, 1525 Crowberry Lane, Sebastian, is concerned about keeping the integrity of Sebastian. • Henry Ghigliotty, 774 South Easy Street, Sebastian, opposes the plan because of the impact on local traffic. • Ben Hocker voiced concerns about the traffic flow onto Old Dixie Highway and asked about the buildable acreage. • Ronald Adamson, 564 Balboa Street, Sebastian, concerned about the plans for traffic onto Old Dixie Highway and plans for increased railroad crossings in the future. Ms. Bosworth stated one of the requirements is that 50% must remain open space. Ronald Adamson, 564 Balboa Street, Sebastian, is concerned about the plans for traffic onto Old Dixie Highway and plans for increased railroad crossings in the future. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Roth stated the Commission has no control over the railroad crossings. Ms. Bosworth stated that a letter notifying the public of this hearing was sent to over 300 residents, and the public will also be notified when the next hearing on this matter will be held. Mr. Roth stated the public hearing was now closed. Mr. Roth called for discussion by the Commission on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment. Mr. Hughan asked who would bear the cost of upgrades on Old Dixie if the traffic is directed there. Ms. Frazier answered that Old Dixie Highway is a County road south of Sebastian city limits, and it would be the responsibility of the developer to make any improvements to Old Dixie related to their property. Mr. Alvarez voiced concern about ingress and egress to and from Old Dixie Highway. Mr. Roth called for further discussion by the Commission on Item C — Recommendation to City Council for Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment. There being none, Mr. Roth called for a motion. .A motion was made by Mr. Alvarez, seconded by Mr. Simmons to recommend to City Council approval of the land use change. from County L-2 and C1 to City LDR and CG consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Hughan -- Yes Total vote was 6-1 in favor. Motion carries. Mr. Roth called for moving to Item D — Mr. Mauti (a) -- Yes Mr. Carter -- No Mr. Simmons (a) -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 13 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2018 Mr. Stokes stated this is on Recommendation to City Council for Rezoning/Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan, zoning designation request for PUD-R and the requisite approval for the Conceptual PUD Plan. Mr. Roth called for staff recommendations. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval of the requisite zoning and approval of the conceptual PUD plan with the condition that a minimum buffer strip of 25 feet be required between areas of platted lots and bordering residential uses unless the bordering property is a storm water right-of- way or easement, plus what other recommendations the Commission has. Ms. Frazier clarified that there are three exits proposed for this property. Mr. Mechling addressed the subject of a railroad crossing, and stated it is not possible to foresee what will happen with the new railroad plan. He also stated that the developer will have a complete traffic analysis done based on the PUD density. Mr. Roth called for any further discussion or questions by the Commission. Mr. Mauti voiced his concern on the increased traffic on Del Monte and recommends further study on this matter. Ms. Frazier clarified that the over 5,000 trips estimated from this community will be spread out over three access points, and that the traffic impact will be studied at the time of the preliminary plats and any off -site improvements required to mitigate for those impacts will be studied by the consulting engineers at that time, and those improvements will be borne by the developer. Mr. Roth asked for a motion. Motion was made by Mr. Reyes, seconded by Mr. Alvarez to approve Item 6D — Recommendation to City Council for Rezoning/Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan — Request for PUD-R (Planned Unit Development — Residential) Zoning designation, with recommendation from City staff to have a minimum buffer strip of 25 feet between the platted lots and adjoining residential uses, unless the bordering property is a storm water right-of-way or easement. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mauti (a) — No Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Simmons (a) -- No Mr. Carter — No Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Roth — Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Total Vote: 4-3 in favor. Motion carries. 7. Unfinished Business — None. 8. Public Input— None. 9. New Business — None. 10. Commission Matters: Page 14 Mr. Roth requested a copy of the Power Point presentation that was previously made regarding tiny houses. He inquired about the status of Senate Bill 1400. Mr. Stokes had no information on that. Mr. Roth also inquired about the status on the Wendy's air conditioner unit. Ms. Bosworth stated the owner is working on that and expects to have the permit within 14 days. 11. City Attornev Matters — None. 12. Staff Matters — None. 13. Adjourn Mr. Roth called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 9:10 P.M. jg '0 Bastian Planning & Zoning Presentation • � �.. a .. y w.�'.."'! E' ^, Y• � V,1141� K ,i.� .��� 5 7. •�F•r r ��. •i ' . :J .r ,�'e mow.. .� � ''� .. L' 1 , •. ..5 • +'•i +i ii .j ;� Y `fir• 5 Y a4 L v 1' l �i Yl. � I' � � i �i,.. ` I �V � rC•�{ � 4 5� t+ � \ 1, 5 � � IK TILN 4am 1A' ti V � h _�'L •'.Y1 s.• 4��iT---�Ji'G :�Y' � 1,... .,.+>r�: .l••i{J. ,v `s �y i5nT7'3.� =� A99�ME0 �� t _c: pp ryE *0`iiI ■ WOODMERE RO m P A / N s mo a COLUMBIA AV Z� 9Z DELAWARE AV p G O o DEL MONTE RD O O P X m DICKENS AV ZS 1 DOCKAV N 0 N J W tD O w < m ? _ � z O O PITTS PL � w x NE AV U LL 3 S FISCHER CIR LEGEND - CONSERVATION COM1IL,ERCUL LIMITED AGRICULTURE IMa. IJWS.xeml 0051MERCWL GENERAL VERY LOW DENS" RESIDENTIAL IMw. J duwl - COMMERCIAL 512 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Max EWacl RIVERFRONT MIXED USE FIOBILE HOME (Mw 5UWa) - INDUSTRIL . _MEOIULI DENSITY RESIDENTLLL IMw 6EWMl _INSTITDLIONN .» .. r(pr MANLY AV e9i� �2 mA R, N CONCORD AV Ul UJ K ❑ J O i O Sebastian Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential 182.87 acres Max Density Allowed: 5 units/acre or 110TH PL approx. 910 units 110TH ST PUD-R Planned Residential Development 100TH: Proposed: 3.20 units/acre or approx. 586 units 456 Single -Family 130 Villa or 65 duplex units Preliminary Layout A Preliminary Layout UGENG _ Rttxl..gM�CIFw Y.[F IR.C.B _ �awxrarw.v � Ywwrta-w.. 20' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 3'-4' HIGH BERM 62' RIGHT-OF-WAY 6' Note: Landscape buffer width was determined by space requirements for a T - 4' tall berm. Vegetative cover shown is for illustrative purposes only. planting types and quantifies will be determined during the planning of the final road design. TYPICAL 62' RIGHT-OF-WAY N.T.S. Boulevard Plan 20' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 3' - 4' HIGH BERM 7 4e mi' R Bastian Planning & Zoning Presentation Dorri Bosworth From: Michael Float <Michael.Float@movement.com> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:58 PM Ac''«v'D To: Lisa Frazier, Dorri Bosworth Cc: Chuck Mechling Subject: Spirit of Sebastian Dear Lisa Frazier and Dorri Bosworth, Myself and our Vice -President have met with Chuck Mechling and reviewed the future plans for the Spirit of Sebastian Community. We are thrilled to know that this community will be neighboring ours and that Chuck is at the helm. I have known Chuck Mechling for 15 years and have always observed a high degree of quality and planning in all of the communities he has been a part of. Speaking for South Moon Under, we endorse the Spirit of Sebastian. Sincerely, Michael Float— President — South Moon Under Property Owner's Association MICHAEL FLOAT I LOAN OFFICER t, (772) 532-5934 p (772) 925-8619 g (772) 925-8619 1 0 705 c Sebastian Boulevard Sebastian, FL 32953 : www.movement.com/Michael.Float NNILS: 476602 ONeed to send me sensitive information via email? Click here. OMovement Mortgage has implemented ZixCorp's Email Encryption Service. To learn more click here. M 1.MOVEMENTMORTGAGE a FL-Lt.)'+'4'9 V -anem Mo rt_.r,e. LLC is an Equal Housing Lender. N.\ILS ID='Wi-9 iw%w.nmisconsumemccess.ore) --- i M"'t_:r ;. LLC is liaanscd b) FL = lILD_'Ou C MLDI ;an. Intcrest raves and products ur. subject to .th.tn^_e u rth+an '1' .md ntm, or nrw. not be a, ailabic at dw time or loan comnutmant or lock -in. Borromcr.s must qualm at alo:mi-, tar al l benefits. '\log:men( %lorigage' is a rcgrstcrad trademark orthe Mortgage. LLC. it Dela+tare h united liabihtt company. M)'4 Cal•. to Hall Rd. Fort Mill. SC