HomeMy WebLinkAbout05172001 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 17, 2001 Chmn, Mather called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ~ PRESENT: VC Vesia Mr. Barrett Mr. Mahoney Mr. Smith Ms. Carbano Chmn. Mather Mr. Rauth EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Verge Jan King, Growth Management Dept. Mgr. Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS:, Chmn. Mather announced that Mr. Gene Rauth was appointed to a regular member position to replace Mr. O'Donnell, and Mr. William Verge was appointed to an alternate position. He noted that Mr. Barton filed his resignation. ~APPROVAL OF MINUTES:. (5/.3/01) MOTION by VesialCarbano I make a motion that we approve the minutes of the Planning Commission of May 3rd. and Zoning Voice vote - 7 - 0, motion carried. ~OLD BU.$1NESS: None NEW BUSINESS;, QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS - Model Home Permit Renewals: 1. John Lloyd Builders - 398 Belfast Terrace Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. Chmn, Mather opened and closed the public hearing at 7:02 objections or non-objections. pm as there were no PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 17, 2001 (There were 30 notices of hearing sent, no objection or non-objection letters received.) No ex parte communications were reported. MOTION by Barrett/Smith I'll recommend that we approve john Lloyd Builders at 398 Belfast Terrace for another year of model home permit. Roll call: VC Vesia - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Mr, Mahoney - yes Mr. Smith - yes Ms. Carbano - yes Mr, Rauth - yes Chmn. Mather - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. 2. CEMCO Homes - 1211 Barber Street (There were 30 notices of hearing sent, no objections or non-objection letters received.) No ex parte communications were reported. Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. Chmn. Mather opened and closed the public hearing at 7:04 pm as there were no objections or non-objections. MOTION by SmithlCarbano I'll make a motion to Street. Roll call: approve CEMCO Homes model home VC Vesia - yes Mr. Barrett Mr. Mahoney -yes Mr, Smith Ms. Carbano -yes Mr. Rauth Chmn, Mather - yes at 1211 Barber - yes - yes - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. 3. Holiday Builders Inc. - 1080 Barber Street (There were 19 notices of hearing sent with no objection received.) No ex parte communications were reported. Jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. or non-objection letters PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 17, 2001 Chmn. Mather opened and closed the public hearing at 7:05 pm. as there were no objections or non-objections. MOTION by Carbano/Vesia i make a motion that we approve the renewal of the conditional use permit for a model home for Holiday Builders at 1080 Barber Street. Roll call: VC Vesia - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Mr. Smith - yes Ms, Carbano - yes Mr, Rauth - yes Chmn, Mather - yes The vote was 7 - O. Motion carried. C HAIRMAN,,,,,MATTERS: None MEMB ,~RS MATTERS: Mr. Smith inquired about a status report on annexations in general in the City, Jan responded that she has not received any further information on this issue from the City Manager or City Council. She then referred to the Davis property annexation and gave a status report, Mr, Mahoney inquired about comments made at the last City Council meeting about the roof on the gym and fitness center on CR 512. He also referred to the comments made about the appearance of the World Bank building on US 1, There was discussion about these issues. Ms. Vesia complimented the appearance of the monument sign at Sebastian Plaza is a great improvement (Bagel Place). Jan commented that the sign code is going to be revised to eliminate some of the confusion and abuse that has taken place in the past. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY,,,,MATTERS: None Chmn, Mather adjourned the meeting at 7:23 pm. (5/18/01 AB) PROCEDURES FOR QUASI-J'UDICIA.L HEARINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION NO. R-99-12 4. 5. 6. 7. Presiding Officer opens the hearing Disclosure of ex-paxte communication in accordance with law Applicant or agent presentation in f~or of request Staff present~ findings and analysis Tribunal (Committee) asks questi°ns of the applicant and staff Presiding Officer opens floor to anyone in favor of the request who wishes to speak or ask questions Presiding Officer opens floor to anyone opposed to the request who wishes to speak or ask questions Applicant may respond to any issues raised by staff or the public Staff may summarize its position 10. Tribunal (Committee) deliberates thc request, may ask questions 11. Presiding Officer entertains a motion and the Tribunal acts Administering Oath: Clerk shall administer oath to any person presenting factual information at the time the person c~mes to the podium. Citizens wishing to merely express an opinion in favor or opposition to the matter at hand, and agents of the applicant (such as an attorney) merely advocating the applicant's position, n~d not be Admissibiliw of Evidence: City Attorney, upon an objection raised or upon his own accord, shall determine if any evidence sought to be presented is inadmissible. This determination may be over-ruled by a majority of the Tribunal upon a motion by any m~nber thereof. Otherwise, the Presiding Officer of the Tribunal shall for the record receive any evidence presented and the same shall be maintained in the custody of the City Clerk. ~: Traditional practices of the Chair in presiding over the smooth conduct of the hearing, encouraging · ' iance as to limitations on the length of presentations and the ise and relevant presentations, shall prowde .gu ~L_ ~---~..,.,o~ },vm i 'tv vote may set I/mits on the length of prec ..... redundancY ot vatnesses. presentations and the number of witnesses on a case-by-case basis. .wpci DRAFT PROCEDURES FOR RUNNING MEETINGS: (State the following - Plannirm and Zonir~, and ~ only:) "This meeting is being voice transmitted over Falcon Cable Television channel 35." (Planning and Zoning Commission, only) 1. Call to order at pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Roll call: (secretary) 4. Announcements: (Excused members- names ~ (Alternate members ( name ), voting in place of . {name) ) (Resignations or introduction of new members) (Additions or deletions to the agenda) 5. Approval of Minutes: - (Motion, and/or any corrections) 6, Old Business: (Items to be discussed ~ be placed on the agenda! If not already listed, on the~, a motion must be made to add it.) (Do of members be obtained before approval or. disapproval. pertinent technical 7. New Business: (items to be discussed must be placed on the agenda!) Same as above. Public Hearings: (It will be noted on the agenda if a public headng is needed.) 1. Applicant -,come to the podium and state your name and address for the record"; 2. Chmn. swear in all whO will testify in this item, including staff, opponents and proponents, this for each case.) 3. Ask secretary to announce the number of notices sent out. 4. Applicant presentation 5. Staff presentation 6~ Open public headng - opponents/proponents 7..Close public hearing 8. Rebuttals by applicantJstaff - 9. Dlscussiort/Questions (Chmn. may control the ordedy length and depth discussions & ~ 10.Entertain a motion - Motion, second, discussion, amendment(s) (Second on the motion must discussion.) Roll call on amendment(s), then roll call on Motion. 11. Recommendations to City Council - Make sure motion states "...move to recommend to City Council..." and (Make sure motions include approval or denial, staff conditions, or any information. Always ask for ayes and n_.a.~.) 7. Public Input 8. Chairman Matters: 9. Members Matters: 10. Director Matters: 11. Attomey Matters: 12. Adjournment: (1/14199 AB)