MINUTES - JUNE 7, 1984
Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at
7:34 P.M. by Chairman Gene Harris in the Sebastian Council Chambers. The
members present were Chairman Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth,~ and
members Marjorie Poole, Stan Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney. Bob Fullerton was
Minutes of the May 17, 1984 meeting were read. Harold Eisenbarth
asked whether a letter was to be sent to DER? He was told that DER has
been contacted, they have checked it out, they are taking action. Secretary
will check whether the city can send a letter as a code violation, Chapter
16. Marge Poole made the motion the minutes be approved, Stan Krulikowski
seconded the motion, passed.
Calvary Baptist presented a plan for using their church for a preschool
facility, only adding a fence for the play area. There would be no need
for parking, since there are plenty provided for the church. Stan Krulikow-
sk~ made the motion the plan be approved, Marjorie Poole seconded the motion,
passed unanimously.
Claire Sommers and Roberta Jones presented their plans for a Pre-school
to be located at Lot 1, Block 448, Unit 17, Sebastian Highlands, across the
street from Sebastian Elementary. Harold Eisenbarth questioned the designa-
tion "pre-school", whether they shouldn't have gone through a rezoning process
on behalf of their neighbors, whether the safety factor was addressed as far
as the roads around the building, . ' . They
explained they were never planning on having children youngerthan 2%, they
wanted to teach, not babysit, they felt that any neighbor would already know
there would be children in the area since the school was across the street,
larger and noisier. Ail around the buildingthere were ditches, not roads
so there was a natural buffer. Both ladies were involved in teaching before,
noted that since the children that turned five after September .1 could no
longer go to kindergarden, there would be a number of children who would be
ready for kindergarden, and they would be using the program used by the kin-
dergarden teacher from Sebastian Elementary. Gene Harris questioned the 15%
radius on the drive, suggested it be changed to 25% radius. They said they
could do that. Bill Mahoney questioned the size of the parking spaces. They
agreed to check that also. Stan Krulikowski made the motion that the plan be
accepted, Marjorie Poole seconded the motion. Harold Eisenbarth askedwhether
the engineer needed to see it? The total impervious surface was 5290 sq. ft.
Gene Harris again asked for 25% radius on drive, Bill Mahoney asked for less
tight parking, motion passed with Harold Eisenbarth dissenting. He liked the
concept, but he felt it needed the rezoning hearing.
Sebastian Oyster House - Harold Eisenbarth accepted the gavel, since
Gene Harris had done the drawings for this project. John Luke explained
that he had not added anything to the building except a portable cooler
which would be removed when he moved his business. Harold Eisenbarth asked
why this was before the board? Secretary explained that the Building Official
felt that an addition to a commercial piece of property should at least be
brought before the Planning and Zoning Board for their determination whether
a site plan was needed and, if so, action taken by the board before he would
issue a building permit. The board felt the site plan was not needed, his
money for the site plan review should be refunded, a copy of the plan should
be on file so that if any further development occurred, it could be noted.
Gene Harris made the motion that Mr. Luke be thanked for his site plan,
Stan Krulikowski seconded, passed unanimously.
Traci's Beauty Shop applied for a change of use for a building on U.S.#1
where Surdi's had been operating. The building would now house Traci's and
Sub and Run. The Sub and Run has no seating, it is a take out service. Gene
Harris questioned the size, it was 1240 sq. ft. total. What part of that
wo~d she be using? Health Department approval needed? Since there was and
is a restaurant at that site, the Health Department should already be in the
picture. Stan Krulikowski made the motion the request be approved contingent
u~on a correct square footage amount being added to the plan, Bill Mahoney
seconded the motion, carried.
Kent Grohne's preliminary site plan for an office complex at the corner
of 2nd Street and Central Avenue was chedked. The board questioned whether
he would need so much parking, suggested he cut it 4own a bit, address the
retention, landscaping, etc. and bring it back as a minor site plan for final
consideration. The zoning and land use both accept an office building on that
site, and he has ~ufficiant space for parking and driveway. No action taken.
Bruce McCorvey asked for approval for a beer and wine licence for his
"Buckaroo" restamrant at 936 U.S.#l, Sebastian. There was a question concern-
the proximity of the Sebastian Woman's Club which is used for a church on
Sundays. The board determined that this was a woman's club house and not a
bona-fide church, Marge ~oole made the motion that the licence be granted,
Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, passed.
Chairman Harris noted the letter from St. Sebastian PUD. The board
voiced their concern about the egress situation.
interviews for the Planning and Zoning Board were cancelled since Mr.
Clay Fielding did not come, and Mrs. Daum has moved out of the city.
Bill Mahoney made the motion that Jewel Thompson be the new regular member,
Marjorie Poole seconded the motion, passed unanimously. Harold Eisenbarth
made the motion that Edra Young be the new alternate to the board, Stan
Krulikowski seconded the motion, passed unanimously. Secretary will send
letter to the Mayor and Council with the recommendations.
Secretary apologized for forgetting to send letter to Mayor and Council
concerning the parking at the ballpark. Mayor Gallagher suggested letter
be sent to Linda Keenan, the Parks and Recreation Chairman. Secretary will
do that June 8, 1984.
Mayor Gallagher thanked the committee for their dedication and profession-
alism, and requested they make a recommendation to the Council concerning
the Land Use Development Plan. The board unanimously agreed there should
be several workshops on the Plan before it is presented to the public.
Chairman Harriswill speak to the Mayor and Council at the regular meeting
June 13, 1984 concerning recommendation.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
/~ene 'HarriS, VChairman