HomeMy WebLinkAbout06161983 PZ City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on June 16, 1983 at 7:40 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman . Messersmith. , Mr Bill The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then stated that the Notice of Publi'c Hea?- ing to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map was published on June 1st and June 9th, 1983. The Public Hearing was ~,_ l~d to ord., the contents of the Notice were reviewed by one committe~, and u-on .... ' by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth to approve theXT~Njt~ F ~ motion , and seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, it was voted upon and unanimously i x~ approved. · The minutes of the meetin- ~^~ -~ - - -- ~x~f.~ read~ and unon a m^+~ ....... ~ ~:,u..u~.dune Z, 1983 were j~emjn~t~s, as amended, seconded ~y Mr. ~b;;~°~ey-t? a~prove o~eo upon and unanimously approved. . url, they The Chairman then stated that the building permit prev~ iously issued to Sembler & Sembler, which was on a temporary hold, is now on a voluntary hold until the site plan has been submitted for review. The first order of business concerned the ~~ Plan~ for Mr. Ron Schearer's Dive Center at 1716 North U.S, #1, A review of the plan was completed by Mr. Earl Masteller with his comments presented in a report to the Committe'e. Discussion followed with an emphasis placed on drainage and paving. A change to the plans, based on Mr. Masteller's comments, - 1 - was recommended, whereby as much water run off should be re- tained on site with any excess directed to the south. It was further recommended that a asphalt surface be in- stalled and the contents of paragraph 3, of Mr Masteller's ~ report, be complied with. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to approve the plan, to include the recommended changes, and seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris. The motion was voted upon and unanimously approved. Mr. L. Gene Harris then made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the aforementioned plans on behalf of .the Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unanimously approved. The second order of business concerned the Site Plan for converting a building at the corner of Main and Cross Street, !previously presented at the meeting of June 2, 1983. iiiiiiEarl Masteller then submitted a rep°mt relative t° his nce that the plan conforms to the zoning ordnances. Bill MesSersmith then stated that he had a conflict of in this issue and requested the Vice-Chairman to chair the meeting. A motion was then made by Mr, L. Gene Harris to approve the plan, to include Mr. Masteller's comments. The motion was then seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved. ~ 'The Preliminary Plat for South Moon Under Subdivision, owned by Dr. Henry Anthony Fischer, was then presented by Mr, Earl Masteller. The ~ was reviewed by the Committee. There being no objection to the plan, a motion was then made by Mr. L, Gene Harris to approve it as presented. Mr. Harold Eisenbarth then seconded the motion. Upon a vote, it was then ~nanimously approved. ~ A motion was then made by Mr, Robert J, Ori to allow the Chairman to sign the Plat on behalf of the Committee, It was seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously. approved. The Chairman then stated that Dr, Fischer also requested annexation to the City'of Sebastian of property owned by him described as: That part of land adjacent to an area north of' SChuman Drive and Route #1, bounded on the east by Route #! and on the west by FEC Railway, on the north by Old Dixie Highway and on the south by existing city limits., - 2 - There being no objection to this'annexation, a motion was made by Mr. Lo Gene Narris to recommend approval of this annex- ation. It was seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then introduced Mr. Roger Skillman, who pre- sented a plan showing 36 acres of land within Sebastian. The purpose was to familiarize the Committee with the area that is ~:m~i~i~m~m~y owned by 'Mr. Skillman, and for Mr. Skillman to explain his plans for developing the property. After discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Skillman pre- pare a utilization plan and present it to the Committee at a later date. The Chairman then provided copies oflguidelines prepared for the Logan Township Planning Board, Logan, New Jersey, for poss- ible use by the Planning & Zoning Committee. Re suggested that the Committee review the contents of.the guidelines for consideration at the next meeting. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. William Mahoney, seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:lO P.M. R~tfully Submitted Robert ~/Ori APPROVED: W~Mes<r~h a i rman - 3 - RECEIVED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Sebastian 'Planning and Zoning CommisSion will hold a Public Hearing in THE City Council Chambers within City Hall, on June 16, lg83, at 7:30 PM, to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for the following described properties: 1. Incorporate a Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan designation of "Institutional", and a "C-1", Restricted Commercial, Zoning Policy, for Lots ~21, ~53, and #54 of the Town of Wauregan S/D. 2. Incorporate a "CL", Limited Commercial, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation and a "C-1", Restricted Commercial, Zoning Policy for all' land lying: (a) ~north of the existing "CL" boundary shown on the current City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Map {the referenced "CL" boundary is located in the Town of Wauregan S/D, Section 36, Township 30S, Range 38E, east of the FEC Railroad right-of- way and west of US#l}; (b) east of the FEC Railroad right- of-way; (c) west of. US#l; and, (d) south of Lots #21, #53, and ~54 of the Town of Wauregan S/D including all land south thereof to the existing "CL" boundary referenced herein. 3. Incorporate a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan 'from "COR", Commercial Office Residential, to "CL", Limited Commercial, and a change in the Zoning Policy from C-2, General Commercial, to C-1, Restricted Commercial, for all land described as follows: (a) Lots #9 and #10 Block 5, Ocean Breeze Heights S/D; (b} Lots #1, #2, #3, ~4, #5, #11, #12, ~13, and #14 of Block 4, Ocean Breeze Heights S/D; and, (c} the triangular block of land located south of gth Street, east of US#l, and west of North Central Avenue. The City of Sebastian Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map and the Zoning Map are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, Sebastian, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed application. William B. Messersmith, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission City of Sebastian, Florida Please publish Wednesday, June 1st and Thursday, June gth. was recommended, whereby as much water run off should be re- tained on site with any excess directed to the south. It was further recommended that a asphalt surface be tn- stalled and the contents of paragraph 3, of Mr. Masteller's report, be complied with. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to approve the plan, to include the recommended changes, and seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris. The motion was voted upon and unanimously approved. Mr. L. Gene Harris then made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the aforementioned plans on behalf of the Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unanimously approved. The second order of business concerned the Site Plan for converting a building at the corner of Main and Cross Street, as previously presented at the meeting of June 2, 1983. cn ~ Mr. Earl Masteller then submitted a report relative to his currence that the plan conforms to the zoning ordnances. Mr. Bill Messersmith then stated that he had a conflict of ~interest in this issue and requested the Vice-Chairman to chair ~the meeting. A motion was then made by Mr, L. Gene Harris to approve the plan, to include Mr. Masteller's comments, The motion was then seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Preliminary Plat for South Moon Under Subdivision, owned. by Dr. Henry Anthony Fischer, was then presented by Mr. Earl Masteller~,~~ ,~-~,~..c~--r__~---- ' The~l~a~was reviewed by the Committee. There being no objection to the plan, a motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve it as presented. Mr. Harold Eisenbarth then seconded the motion. Upon a vote, it was then anantmously approved. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to allow the Chairman to sign the Plat on behalf of the Committee, It was seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that Dr. Fischer also requested annexation to the City'of Sebastian of property owned by him described as: That part of land adjacent to an area north of' Schuman Drive and Route #1, bounded on the east by Route #l and on the west by FEC Railway, on the north by Old Dixie Highway and on the south by existing city limits. There being no objection to this annexation, a m.otJon.was made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to recommend approval of this annex- ation. It was seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then introduced Mr. Roger Skillman, who pre- sented a plan showing 36 acres of land within Sebastian. The purpose Kas to familiarize the Committee with the area t4~e4~k~ .--~ ~ ....... ~ ,.,~ ~ ........ ~, and f. or ~r. Skillman to explain his plan~ for developing the property. After discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Skillman pre- pare a utilization plan and present it to the Committee at a later date. The Chairman then provided copies of:guidelines prepared for the Logan Township Planning Board, Logan, New Jersey, for poss- ible use by the Planning & Zoning Committee. He suggested that the Committee review the contents of.the guidelines for consideration at the next meeting. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. William Mahoney, seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Rg~q~l~tful ly Submitted Robert ~/Ort APPROVED: William Messersmith, Chairman Dated City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on June 16, 1983 at 7:40 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill · Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr,.William Mahoney · Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting.included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then stated that the Notice of Public Hear- ing to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map was published on June 1st and June 9th, 1983. The Public Hearing was called to order, the contents of the Notice were reviewed by the Committee, and upon a motion by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth to approve the Notice, and seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, it was voted upon and unanimously approved. The minutes of the meeting ~eld on June 2, 1983 were read, and upon a motion made by 'Mr. William Mahoney to approve the minutes, as amended, seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, they were voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that the building permit prev- iously issued to Sembler & Sembler, which was on a temporary hold, is now on a voluntary hold until the site plan has been submitted for review. The first order of business concerned the "As Built Plan" for Mr. Ron Schear~r's Dive Center at 1716 North U.S. #1. A review of the plan was completed by Mr, Earl Masteller with his comments presented in a report to the Committee. Discussion followed with an emphasis placed on drainage and paving. A change to the plans, based on Mr. Masteller's comments, - 1 - ("`) W was recommended, whereby as much water run off should be re- tained on site with any excess directed to the south. It was further recommended that a asphalt surface be in- stalled and the contents of paragraph 3, of Mr. Masteller's report, be complied with. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to approve -the plan, to include the recommended changes, and seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris. The motion was voted upon and unanimously approved. Mr. L. Gene Harris then made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the aforementioned plans on behalf of the Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unanimously approved. The second order of business concerned the Site Plan for converting a building at the corner of Main and Cross Street, as previously presented at the meeting of June 2, 1983. Mr. Earl Masteller then submitted a report relative to his concurrence that the plan conforms to the zoning ordnances. Mr. Bill Messersmith then stated that he had a conflict of interest in this issue and requested the Vice -Chairman to chair the meeting. A motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve the plan, to include Mr. Masteller's comments. The motion was then seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Preliminary Plat'for South Moon Under Subdivision, owned by Dr. Henry Anthony Fischer, was then presented by Mr. Earl Masteller. The Plat was reviewed by the Committee. There being no objection to the plan, a motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve it as presented. Mr. Harold Eisenbarth then seconded the motion. Upon a vote, it was then ananimously approved. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to allow the Chairman to sign the Plat on behalf of the Committee. It was seconded by Mr. L.'Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that Dr. Fischer also requested annexation to the City of Sebastian of property owned by him described as: That part of land adjacent to an area north of Schuman Drive and Route #1, bounded on the east by Route #1 and on' the west by FEC Railway, on the north by Old Dixie Highway and on the south by existing city limits. 2 - Pat Flood, City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 O SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 Deborah C. Kr~ges City Clerk June 15, 1983 TO: FROM: RE: SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION EARL MASTELLER, P.E., CITY ENGiNEE~ ASSOCIAT~ REALTY, INC. - SITE PLAN CORNER OF N,a,.TN AND CROSS STREETS, SEBASTIAN I have reviewed the referenced site plan and compared it with the Sebastian Zoning Ordinance. I find this site plan to be in conformance with the ordinance and recommend its approval b~ the Commission contingent On approval b~ the County Department of Health. Flood, Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 El SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 Deborah C. Kr~ City Clerk June 26, 2983 TO: FROM: RE: SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION EARL MASTE~LER, P.E., CITY ENGINEER~/~[ DIVE CENTER SITE PLAN CORNER OF U.S. #1 AND MADISON AVENUE SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Z have reviewed the referenced site plan and compared it ~o the Cite of Sebastian Zoning Ordinance. I offer the following comments for Four consideration: 1. The site is zoned C-2 and Land Use Planned COR. The use not permitted in COR but the City is in the process of chang- ing the COR to CL. if approval of this plan is granted, the approval should cover only the issuance of a builder permit with a Certificate of Occupancy not issued until the site is changed from COR to CL. 2. This site plan has been pending for many months while the City has endeavored to revise the Land Use Plan to show the general area as CL instead of COR. Meanwhile, the City adopted a ordinance which would require additional landscaping of this site plan. Under the circumstances, I am recommending that the new landscape ordinance requirements be waived on this site plan. 3. The proposed parking and access drives are not consistent with the ordinance design standards, Section XIII, Paragraph F, which states: "parking areas shall be paved with asphaltic or con, drete surfacing--" Also, all parking spaces must be marked as such as well as entrance and exit traffic direction markers are necessary on the paved access drives. RECEIVED I AY 3 ! 83 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Sebastian 'Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in THE City Council Chambers within City Hall, on June 16, 1983, at 7:30 PM, to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for the following described properties: 1. Incorporate a Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan designation of "Institutional", and a "C-1", Restricted Conmmrcial, Zoning Policy, for Lots #21, #S3, and f54 of the Town of Wauregan S/D. 2. Incorporate a "CL", Limited Commercial, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation and a "C-1", Restricted Commercial, Zoning Policy for all land lying: (a) north of the existing "CL" boundary shown on the current City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Map (the referenced "CL" boundary is located in the Town of Wauregan S/D, Section 36, Township 30S, Range 38E, east of the FEC Railroad right-of- way and west of US#l); (b) east of the FEC Railroad right- of-way; (c) west of. US~l; and, (d) south of Lots #21, #53, and #54 of the Town of Wauregan S/D including all land south thereof to the existing "CL" boundary referenced herein. 3. Incorporate a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan *from "COR", Commercial Office Residential, to "CL", Limited Commercial, and a change in the Zoning Policy from C-2, General Commercial, to C-1, Restricted Commercial, for all land described as follows: (a) Lots #g and #10 Block 5, Ocean Breeze Heights S/D; (b) Lots ~1, ~2, #3, #4, #5, ~11, #12, #13, and ~14 of Block 4, Ocean Breeze Heights S/D; and, (c) the triangular block of land located south of 9th Street, east of US~I, and west of North Central Avenue. The City of Sebastian Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map and the Zoning Map are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, Sebastian, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed application. William B. Messersmith, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission City of Sebastian, Florida Please publish Wednesday, June 1st and Thursday, June 9th. Pet Flood, Jr. Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 Deborah 'C. Kraget City Clerk June 16, 1983 TO: FROM: RE: SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION EARL MA~TE'LLER, P.E., CITY ENGINEER~~~ DIVE CENTER SITE PLAN CORNER OF U.S. #l AND MADISON AVENUE SEBASTIAN, FLOiATDA I have reviewed the referenced site plan and compared it to the City of Sebastian Zoning Ordinance. I offer the following comments for your consideration: 1. The site is zoned C-2 and Land Use Planned COR. The use is not permitted in COR but the City is in the process of chang- ing the COR to CL. If approval of this plan is granted, the approval should cover only the issuance of a builder permit with a Certificate of Occupancy not issued until the site is changed from COR to CL. 2. This site plan has been pending for many months while the City has endeavored to revise the Land Use Plan to show the general area as CL instead Of COR. Meanwhile, the City adopted a ordinance which would require additional'landscaping of this site plan. Under the circumstances, I am recommending that the new landscape ordinance requirements be waived on this site plan. 3. The proposed parking and access drives are not consistent with the ordinance design standards, Section XIII, Paragraph F, which states: "parking areas shall be paved with asphaltic or con, drete Surfacing--". Also, all parking spaces must be marked as such as well as entrance and exit traffic direction markers are necessary on the paved access drives. was recommended, whereby as much water run off should be re- tained on site with any excess directed to the south. It was further recommended that a asphalt surface be in- stalled and the contents of paragraph 3, of Mr. Masteller's report, be complied with. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to approve'the plan, to include the recommended changes, and seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris. The motion.was voted upon and unanimously approved. Mr. L. Gene Harris then made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the aforementioned plans on behalf of th'e Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unanimously approved. The second order of business concerned the Site Plan for converting a building at the corner of Main and Cross Street, as previously presented at the meeting of June 2, 1983. Mr. Earl Masteller then submitted a report relative to his concurrence that the plani conforms to the zoning ordnances. Mr. Bill MesSersmith then stated that he had a conflict of interest in this issue and requested the Vice-Chairman to chair the meeting. A motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve the plan, to include Mr. Masteller's comments. The motion was then seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Preliminary Plat'for South Moon Under Subdivision, owned by Dr. Henry Anthony Fischer, was then presented by Mr. Earl Masteller. The Plat was reviewed by the Committee. There being no objection to the plan, a motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve it as presented. Mr. Harold Eisenbarth then seconded the motion. Upon a vote, it was then ananimously approved. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori to allow the Chairman to sign the Plat on behalf of the COmmittee. It was seconded by Mr. L.'Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that Dr. Fischer also requested annexation to the City of Sebastian of property owned by him described as: That part of land adjacent tO an area north of' Schuman Drive and Route #1, bounded on the east by Route #1 and on the west by FEC Railway, on the north by Old Dixie HighwaY and on the south by existing city limits. - 2 - City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on June 16, 1983 at 7:40 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr.-William Mahoney Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then s~ated that the Notice of Public Hear- ing to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map was published on June 1st and June 9th, 1983. The Public Hearing was called to order, the contents of the Notice were reviewed by the Committee, and upon a motion by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth to approve the Notice, and seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, it was voted upon and unanimously approved. The minutes of the meeting held on June 2, 1983 were read, and upon a motion made by Mr. William Mahoney to approve the minutes, as amended, seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, they were voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that the building permit prev- iously issued to Sembler & Sembler, which was on a temporary hold, is now on a voluntary hold until the site plan has been submitted for review. The first order of business concerned the "As Built Plan" for Mr. Ron Schear~r's Dive Center at 1716 North U.S. #1. A review of the plan was completed by Mr. Earl Masteller with his comments presented in a report to the Committee. Discussion followed with an emphasis placed on drainage and paving. A change to the plans, based on Mr. Masteller's comments, - 1 - There bet= kno objection to thts anne tfon, a morton was made by Hr. L. ~ne Harrts to recommend ap ,va1 of thts annex- atton. It was seconded by Hr. Harold Etsenbarth, voted, upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then introduced Mr. Roger Skillman, Who pre- sented a plan showing 36 acres of land within Sebastian. The purpose was to familiarize the Committee with the area thatis partially owned by Mr. Skillman, and for Mr. Skillman t? explain his plans for developing the property. After discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Skillman pre- pare a utilization plan and present it to the Committee at a later date. The Chairman then provided copies of guidelines prepared for the Logan Township Planning Board, Logan, New Jersey, for poss- ible use by the Planning & Zoning Committee. He suggested that the Committee review the contents of the guidelines for consideration at the next meeting. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. William Mahoney, seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:lO P.M. R~,~q~'qtfully Submitted Robert ~/Ori APPROVED: Will'iam Messersmith, Chairman Dated There being no objection to this annexation, a motion was made by Mr. L.'Gene Harris to recommend approval of this .annex- ation. It was seconded by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth, voted~.upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then introduced Mr. Roger Skillman, Who pre- sented a plan showing 36 acres of land within Sebastian. The purpose was to familiarize the Committee with the area that. is partially owned by 'Mr. Skillman, and for Mr. Skillman to explain his plans for developing the property. After discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Skillman pre- pare a utilization plan and present it to the Committee at a later date. The Chairman then provided copies of guidelines prepared for the Logan Township Planning Board, Logan, New Jersey, for poss- ible use by the. Planning & Zoning Committee. He suggested that the Committee review the contents of the guidelines for consideration at the next meeting. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. William Mahoney, seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:lO P.M. R~q~i~tfully Submitted APPROVED: Will~am Messersmith, Chairman Dated - $ - was recommended, whereby as much water run off should be re- tained on site with any excess directed to the south. It was further recommended that a asphalt surface be in- stalled and the contents of paragraph 3, of Mr. Masteller's report, be complied with. A motion was then made by Mr. Robert J. Ori t6 approve, the plan, to include the recommended changes, and seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris. The motion was voted upon and unanimously approved. Mr. L. Gene Harris then made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the aforementioned plans on behalf of the Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, voted upon and unanimously approved. The second order of business concerned the Site Plan for converting a building at the corner of Main and Cross Street, as previously presented at the meeting of June 2, 1983. Mr. Earl Masteller then submitted a report relative to his concurrence that the plam conforms to the zoning ordnances. Mr. Bill Messersmith then stated that he had a conflict of interest in this issue and requested the Vice-Chairman to chair the meeting. A motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve the plan, to include Mr. Masteller's comments. The motion was then seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Preliminary Plat'for South Moon Under Subdivision, owned by Dr. Henry 'Anthony Fischer, w~s then presented by Mr. Earl Masteller. The Plat was reviewed by the Committee. There being no objection to the plan, a motion was then made by Mr. L. Gene Harris to approve it as presented. Mr. Harold Eisenbarth then seconded the motion. Upon a vote, it was then ananimously approved. A motion was then made by Mr. R~bert J. Ori to allow the Chairman to sign the Plat on behalf of the Committee. It was seconded by Mr. L.'Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that Dr. Fischer also requested annexation to the City of Sebastian of property owned by him described as: That part of land adjacent to an area north of' Schuman Drive and Route #l, bounded on the east by Route #1 and 6~ the west by FEC Railway, on the north by Old Dixie Highway and on the south by existing city limits. - 2 - Cttv of Sebastian Planning &Zontng Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planntng& Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on June 16, 1983 at 7:40 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr..William Mahoney Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman then stated that the Notice of Public Hear- ing to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map was published on June 1st and June 9th, 1983. The Public Hearing was called to order, the contents of the Notice were reviewed by the Committee, and upon a motion by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth to approve the Notice, and seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, it was voted upon and unanimously approved. The minutes of the meeting ~eld on June 2, 1983 were read, and upon a motion made by Mr. William Mahoney to approve the minutes, as amended, seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, they were voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that the building permit prev- iously issued to Sembler & Sembler, which was on a temporary hold, is now on a voluntary hold until the site plan has been submitted for review. The first order of business concerned the "As Built Plan" for Mr. Ron Schear~r's Dive Center at 1716 North U.S. #1. A review of the plan was completed by Mr. Earl Masteller with his comments presented in a report to the Committee. Discussion followed with an emphasis placed on drainage and paving. A change to the plans, based on Mr. Masteller's comments, -1 - Pat Flood, ~r. Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 I-I SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 Deborah C. Kra{l~ City Clerk June 15, 1983 TO: FROM: RE: SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION EARL MASTELLER, P.E., CITY ENGINEE~ ASSOCIATE REALTY, INC. - SITE PLAN CORNER OF MA~N AND CROSS STREETS, SEBASTIAN I have reviewed the referenced site plan and compared it with the Sebastian Zoning Ordinance. I find this site plan to be in conformance with the ordinance and recommend its approval by the Commission contingent on approval by the County Department of Health. There betl no objection to thts an on, a morton was made by Hr. L. ne Harris to recommend approve] of thts annex- atton. It was seconded by Hr. Haro]d Etsenbarth, voted,.upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then introduced Mr. Roger Skillman, Who pre- sented a plan showing 36 acres of land within Sebastian. The purpose was to familiarize the Committee with the area that. is partially owned by Mr. Skillman, and for Mr. Skillman to explain his plans for developing the property. '. After discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Skillman pre- pare a utilization plan and present it to the Committee at a later date. The Chairman then provided copies of guidelines prepared for the Logan Township Planning Board, Logan, New Jersey, for poss- ible use by the Planning & Zoning Committee. He suggested that the Committee review the contents of the guidelines for consideration at the next meeting. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. William Mahoney, seconded by Mr. L. Gene Harris, voted upon and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:lO P.M. R~rrp'~-~tful ly Submitted APPROVED: Will~iam Messersmith, Chairman Dated - 3 - P~t Flood0 ~r. Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 0 SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 Deborah C. Kr~ City Cl~rk June ]5, 1983 TO: FROM: RE: SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION EARL MASTELLER, P.E., CITY ENGINEER~ ASSOCIATE REALTY, INC. - SITE PLAN CORNER OF MAIN AND ~ROSS STREETS, SEBASTIAN I have revSewed the referenced site plan and compared it with the SebastJan Zoning Ordinance. I find this site plan to be in conformance with the ordinance and recommend its approval by the Commission contingent on approval by the County Department of Health. Pet Flood. J~. M.yo~ City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 n SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE {305) 589-5330 Deborah C. Kr~ City Clerk June 16, 1983 TO: FROM: RE: SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION EARL MASTE'LLER, P.E., CITY ENGINEER~~~ DIVE CENTER SITE PLAN CORNER OF U.S. #l AND MADISON AVENUE SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA i I have reviewed the referenced site plan and compared it to the City of Sebastian Zoning Ordinance. I offer the following comments for your consideration: 1. The site is zoned C-2 and Land Use Planned COP. The use is not permitted in COR but the City is in the process of chang- ing the COR to CL. If approval of this plan is granted, the approval should cover onl'y the issuance of a bui3der permit with a Certificate of Occupanc~ not issued until the site is changed from COR to CL. 2.This site plan has been pending for many months while the City has endeavored to revise the Land Use Plan to show the general area as CL instead of COR. Meanwhile, the City adopted a land-$=4p~ ordinance which would require additional landscaping of this site plan. Under the circumstances, I am recommending that the new landscape ordinance requirements be waived on this site plan. 3. The proposed parking and access drives are not consistent with the ordinance design standards, Section XIII, Paragraph F, which states: "parking areas shall be paved with asphaltic or con. Crete surfacing--". Also, all parking spaces must be. marked as 'such as well as entrance and exit traffic direction markers are necessar~ on the paved access drives. RECEIVED/ AY 3 ! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARXNG The City of Sebastian Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in THE City Council Chambers within City Hall, on June 16, 1983, at 7:30 PM, to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Nap and Zoning Map for the following described properties: 1. Incorporate a Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan designation of "Institutional", and a "C-1", Restricted Commercial, Zoning Policy, for Lots #21, ~53, and ~54 of the Town of Wauregan S/D. 2. Incorporate a'"CL", Limited Commercial, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation and a "C-1", Restricted Commercial, Zoning Policy for all land lying: (a} north of the existing "CL" boundary shown on the current City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Map (the referenced 'ICL" boundary is located in the Town of Wauregan S/D, Section 36, Township 30S, Range 38E, east of the FEC Railroad right-of- way and west of US#l); {.b} east of the FEC Railroad right- of-way; (c) west of. US~l~ and, (d) south of Lots #21, ~53, and ~54 of the Town of Wauregan S/D including all land south thereof to the existing "CL" boundary referenced herein. 3. Incorporate a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan from "COR", Commercial Office Residential, to "CL", Limited Commercial, and a change in the Zoning Policy from C-2, General .Commercial, to C-1, Restricted Commercial, for all land described as follows: (al Lots ~g and #10 Block 5, Ocean Breeze Heights S/D; (b) Lots #1, ~2, #3, ~4, ~$, ~11, ~12, ~13, and #14 of Block 4, Ocean Breeze Heights S/D; and, (c} the triangular block of land located south of 9th Street, east of US#l, and west of North Central Avenue. The City of Sebastian Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map and' the Zoning Map are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, Sebastian, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed application. William B. Messersmith, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission City of Sebastian, Florida Please publish Wednesday, June 1st and Thursday, June 9th. City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was held at the City Hall on june 16, 1983 at 7:40 PM. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Harold Etsenbarth Mr. L. Gene Harris Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer The Chairman th'en stated that the Notice of Public Hea.r- lng to consider a request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning MaP was published on June 1st and June 9th, 1983. The Public Hearing was called to order, the contents of the Notice were reviewed by the Committee, and upon a motion by Mr. Harold Eisenbarth to approve the~Notice, and seconded by Mr. William Mahoney, it was voted upon and unanimously ~y~ approved.'-~>/~ ~~_'/~' ~ ~~~~.~yx.~ The minutes of the meeting held on June 2, 1983 were read, and upon a motion made by Mr. William Mahoney to approve the minutes, as amended, seconded by Mr. Robert J. Ori, they were voted upon and unanimously approved. The Chairman then stated that the building permit prev- iously issued to Sembler & Sembler, which was on a temporary hold, is now on a voluntary hold until the site plan has been submitted for review. The first order of business concerned the~lmmmmm~llm~Plan" for Mr. Ron Schearer's Dive Center at 1716 North U.S. #l. A review of the plan was completed by Mr, Earl Masteller with his comments presented in a report to the Committee. Discussion followed with an emphasis plac'ed on drainage and paving. A change to the plans, based on Mr. Masteller's comments, - 1 -