HomeMy WebLinkAbout06211984 PZPLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES - JUNE 21, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chaimman Gene Harris in the Sebastian Council Chambers. The me~bers present were Chairman Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, and members Marjorie Poole, Stan Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, and Jewell Thompson. Bob Fullerton was ill and alternate Edra Young was out of town. Minutes of the June 7, 1984 meeting were read. One item was corrected. Bill Mahoney mede the motion the minutes be approved as corrected, Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, passed. Harold Eisenbarth asked whether the situation at the Raynor property was being addressed. Secretary advised that DER was in contact with Ms. Raynor, a certified letter had been sent to her stating she had ten days to contact them about the problem. Also, while she did have some of the large pieces removed and the area smoothed over, DER stated the fill, all of it wouldhave to be removed. The McClain Office Complex was the first scheduled item. Chairman Harris questioned whether storm water retention - 72 hour percolation had ever been required before. Earl Masteller, as former city engineer, stated thatwhere there was a question, they had to have soil boring, but if there was a lot of sand, the percolation would occur quickly, if the land were muck or hardpan, percolation wouldn't occur even in 72 hours. Dr. Henry Fischer commented that DER 17-25 was for sites over 100 acres and smaller sites could be exempted. Mr. Masteller said he was speaking about past cases, historically speaking, not self serving on this particular case, but in this case, the front of the site hadn't used all of the area for retention so there was plenty, it had complied with the County health department, it was located 120' west of Strait St. and thus complied with the 120' between curb cuts required, it had its side and middle easements abandoned, had 10' landscaping required. There was a question concerning the site plan designation, engineer for site said less than 7500 sq. ft. (minor site plan); engineer for board said 7730 sq. ft. (major site plan). Site engineer will be asked to submit basis for calculations and ad- justu~ents made to fee if necessary. Jewell Thompson made the motion the site plan be approved, contingent upon Health Department approval, Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, passed unanimously. The Sebastian SunCenter was the next item. Jack Morrow presented the site plan on behalf of himself and co-applicant, Leo Arnold. He stated that the 74' set back was causing the largest problem. The existing buildings unto which the new buildings would be tied had a setback of 60 feet. The board agreed that it would cause a visual problem to set back an additional 14' from existing buildings. The question was asked about others who want to build. The suggestion was that they stagger back further and further until the r~red 74' setback is met. The five foot set back proposed would give a more attYactive elevation then placing them in straight line, the landscaping in setback could enhance the building, and it would give a good line for future sewer connection. Parking was another problem. Having the curb cut on his property, which is serving the neighbors, benefitting others, costs the Sebastian Sun property and Arnold property much needed space for parking. To have sufficient parking Minutes - June 21, 1984 (cont.) for the four buildings, the Arnold property would need one more space on the rear, which if it complies with the 15' seperation from the retention area as required by H.R.S., the space in the rear would have to be sacrificed allowing, none, unless parking would be allowed on the driveway. Mr. Morrow explained that Mr. Arnold didn't need the parking spaces he now has (7), since he did no retail, used his office only for an answerphone, storage, etc. Hal Eisenbarth pointed out there was an additional problem with the parking in the rear in that cars could not back out unto the alley. The board showed Mr. Mor- rOW how the parking could be rearranged to eliminate the problem. Mr. Morrow said there was a joint parking agreement for the four pieces of property. There was some discussion concerning breakdown of use for' parking purposes, also discussion of the.60' ~right-of-way and the county's right or lack of right to restrict use of owner,'s proper~y. Discussion again about DER 17-25 as with the McClain site plan. The board is not going to require compliance in the McClain plan, will not require it in the sebastian SunCenter. Engineer Mosby will be asked to provide a copy of the rule for future site plans to see how it affects site plans. In summary, the board felt they could accept the 5' setback for the new buildings, giving a staggered effect to elevation; they could accept the proposed use; the parking as resolved; they would have city water in the near future; theywould need pavement details; the drainage was alright; they would not require the compliance on DER 17-25; they would accept the engineer's seal that percolation would be acceptable; landscaping would need to be addressed. A copy of the minutes would be provided to Mr. Morrow. Jerry's Tavern was withdrawn from the agenda since it had some problems with zoning (tavern's not'allowed in Industrial Zone), also. a problem with pervious surface (lack of). Baldanza Site Plan - This one has come before the board many times, Earl Masteller and Gene Harris had both worked on plans. Doug Loseke was presenting the plan this time. Chairman Harris noted that there would have to be a floor plan submitted so parking could be determined (four if storage, more if retail or combined use). Discussion concerning use of sandblasting, Chairman Harris said the type he used would not ~ake dust so no problem to Dyer's car painting next door. Earl Masteller said he wanted to go on record that this property had come before the board four or five times, the board should not be expected to waste their time, he had worked up a sketch, not paid for it, hadn't billed because he didn't realize he was no"longer being retained. Chairman Harris said he had the same problem. Doug Loseke said he didn't know the background. Chairman Harris said he would need floorplan, and an architect/engineer seal on plan. No action was taken. Oak Creek Ridge Subdivision - Earl Masteller, engineer for the project, did the introduction. The subdivision will contain exclusive, % acre lots, with a design which avoids removing the oak trees, lots of terrain, very attractive, took care to keep marketable, roads curving to avoid trees, cul-de-sacs for privacy, access to property through San SebastianGate House, no direct access from Gardenia, adding % road to Gardenia just as was done by San Sebastian, the storm water is calculated on a cubic foot per second and is taken care of in two sections, all water will be ret&ined on site, all site on sand ridge with excellent percolation, site located 700-800 feet from the Sebastian River, all roads will be private and maintained by the property M~utes - June 21, 1984 ~ Page 3 owners, all areas of concern have been addressed'and developer looks forward to next meeting approval. Jewell Thompson questioned the units per acre. Earl Masteller answered that it is two units per acre, well down from the five units per acre allowed. He encouraged members to go look at the property in person. No action taken. Letters were read concerning new members, ball field request by board to Ms. Keenan, discussed financial report, Secretary suggested the board con~ider having Engineer Mosby at the meetings where there may be questions concerning his comments, the board sometimes could benefit fr~m his expertise. She will request a copy of the DER regulation quoted in his letter. Anouncement.~given concerning the Public Hear.tng for Skillman July 5, 1984 at 7:00 P.M.. Vice- Chairman Eisenbarth had a suggestion concerning the excess money for the Planning and Zoning Board -use the developer's money to purchase park property. Jewell Thompson commented that the City Council members, said they had not re- ceived ~nformation concerning the board~~ recom~endations on the PUD project before their hearing. Secretary noted they did receive this ~nformation, but suggested they also be given copy of the minutes, of meetings so they can keep abreast of all our actions-. Stan Krul~kowski said he felt allot of times one does, not h~ve the time to go over all the paperwork when it's' received less than a week before the meeting date, Stan also questioned whether Solin and Associates would he at the joint workshop concerning the Land Development Plan. Chairman Harris sa£d he would be s-ince it's his plan the board and council would be reviewing. The city should pay for SolOn and Associates, the board would pay for Engineer Mosby. The meeting.adjourned at 9:36 P.M. ~PI~RC~ED: /~ne ~arri~ Chai.rman / / GH/sbf Date