HomeMy WebLinkAbout07051984 PZMINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING - JULY 5, 1984 A Public Hearing was held in the Sebastian Council Chambers, July 5, 1984 to consider an application, as submitted by the property owner, requesting a change in zoning and a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Map/Plan for property located in part of Government Lot 3, Section 6, Township 31 South, Range 39 East (From C-1 to C-2, COR to CG); all of Blocks 1 and 2, and portion of Tract D, Sebastian Gardens Subdivision (from R-2 to C-l, LD to COR); and Section 1, Township 31 South, Range 38 East (portion of) (from County A to R-2, County A to MD). Members present were Chairman Gene Harris, Vice-ChairmanHarold Eisenbarth, members Mar- jorie Pools, Bill Mahoney, and Stan Krulikowski. Absent were members Jewell Thompson, Bob Fullerton, and alternate Edra Young, all of whom were excused. Also present was Board Engineer Randy Mosby. Public Hearing on the Zoning request began at 7:00 P.M. with the reading of Public Notice. Mr. Roger Skillman showed the board and public present, a mep of the area in question. Parcel 3 was the first section to be considered, a section of 12.58 acres which was now R-1. He was asking for it to be R-2, MD which would allow a nice apartment complex. There was a question concerning the buffering between this complex and the adjoining properties on BOb Circle and Columbus. The property has to have 50' open space between, and the lots are 140' deep which will give a deep seperation. The only property excluded fro~ the request in this area is the 100'x99.5' property owned by the Macedonia Baptist Church which is not landlocked and has no historical significance as far as the applicant knew. Applicant alsostated the powerline road could be developed to provide a north-south road which would alleviate traffic on Louisiana Ave. The second piece of property, Parcel 2, is a section of Sebastian Gardens Subdivision - 7.8 acres which is now zoned R-2/LDwhich the applicant was requesting a change to C-1/COR. This area is of particular concern because of the road realignment which Mr. Skillman is willing to help with along Main Street to provide relief from the curves in that section. With the road change, there would be approximately 5.3 acres of the 7.8 acres that would be buildable. This would provide enough room for two nice office complexes. Public was concerned with speeders along this area if the road were straightened; Mr. LOuis Priori was concerned about the downtown deterior- ation that accompanies outward expansion of the commercial areas. Chairman Harris noted that often four laned, straighter roads were less likely to have speeders that the little back roads, and also compared the downtown restora- tion of Veto Beach to what may have to happen to Sebastian. The third piece of property , Parcel 1, is a part of Government Lot 3 - 16.2 acres which is no~. zoned C-1/COR which the applicant was requesting a change to C-2/CG. There was a great deal of discussion concerning what C-1 allows. It now allows the grocery store and drug store the applicant wants in the C-1 which he now has. He does not envision a Burdines store coming in but would like a Publix Market complex. There were letters from Burr Snell and George Thilmony objecting to the change to C-2 zoning based on the increased traffic impact of a shopping center. Louis Priori also questioned the drainage in that area. Minutes - Public Hearing - July 5, 1984 Page 2 The demographics of a super market were discussed. Emile DeJesus, a property, questioned the lack of detail on the map. It at Mr. Skillmma~d~s--~w~need ~ site e by Stan Krull~owski that Parce~I~ and Parcel 3 be chard the motion. DiScussion f~U~we~b--4~m~ers w~n~r~.. 'Harold Eisenbarthmade the motion that the declsion be postponed until July 19th meeting. Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, passed unanimously. Public Hearing for Comprehensive Land Use Map/Plan Amendment began at 9:10 with reading of the Public Notice. Chairman Harris explained the difference between zoning and land use designation. Stan Krulikowski made the motion that the decision on this request be postponed until next meeting, Marjorie Poole seconded the ~otion, passed unanimously. Public Hearing adjourned at 9:11 P.M. Gene Harris, Chairman /sbf DATE: MINUTES - PLANNING a ZONING COMMITTEE July 5, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning and ~oning Board called to order at 9=25 P.M. by Chairman Gene Harris in the Sebastian Council Chambers. The mem- bers present were Chairman Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, and members Marjorie Poole, Start Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, and Board Engineer Randy Mosby. Absent were Jewell Thompson and alternate Edra Young, who were out of town, and Bob Fullerton who was ill. Minutes of the June 21, 1984 meeting were read, and following motion to approve as read by Marjorie Poole, Second by Bill Mahoney, approved. Bill Mahoney mede the motion to extend the meeting until 11:00 P.M. if necessary, seconded by Stan Krulikowski, approved unanimously. Site Plan for the Sebastian Inlet Aerie #4067 F.O.E., Inc. was not complete enough, board requests that a regular site plan be submitted with the parking outlined (area is muck which causes drainage probleme), a site plan application and fee. No action taken. Foster Road Apartments ( 5 Units) for Raymond Beers had a review from Engineer Mosby which was read. Site Engineer Masteller requested a com- promise of 20' for drive, agreed; said the stops would be no problem to add to site plan, and Randy Mosby explained that the well situation was acceptable, following under H.R.S. 10D6 public well classification, which needs 100' seperation. Motion By Stan Krulikowski that the plan be approved with the corrections required in Memo from Engineer Mosby, ie.~ 20' wide road, bumper stops, and approval by Health Department. Motion was seconded by Marjorie Poole, motion carried unanimously. Father & Son Appliance Plaza was next on the agenda since Sebastian Lakes PUD was withdrawn. A letter from Bruce McCorvey was read, along with an agreement between Mr. McCorvey and the applicant, Steve Philipson. A memo reviewing the site by Engineer Mosby was read. There was a definite restric- tion on the size of Phase 2 due to the parking needed. There was a great deal of discussion concerning drainage, Martin subdivision alley, etc. It is possible the owners of the adjacent property to the west of the alley will be assessed to pay for the improvements needed for the alley since they would be impacted it. The suggestion was made that the Building Department or City Engineer have an appraisal made of how much it would cost to finish the alley begun by Lloyd and Associates. Item 4 in the memo addressed the buffer zone, agreement was that he may have somewhat less on end since providing more than needed in back. Motion made by Marjorie Poole that the site plan be approved contingent upon Health Department approval, the obtaining of DOT permits, a thomough check into the legalities concerning the overflow pipe, and compli- ance with the materials required in the landscaping ordinances. Stan Kruli- kowski seconded the motion, passed unanimously. Minutes - July 5, 1984 Page 2 Oak Creek Ridge Subdivision was reviewed for the second time. Letters fro~Engineer Mosby and Site Engineer Earl Masteller were both read. Items 1-3 were discussed and agreement reached that they would be addressed before next meeting; other discussion followed 1.) a legal agreement would be provided as per item 5 before final plat was submitted; 2.) development plan is a construction drawing, and Mr. Mosby felt it needed better legal boundaries as per item 6, Mr. Masteller felt this was deviating from the city ordinance requirements; 3.) DER 17-25 only exempts single to quad- raplex development, Mr, Mosby provided members with copy of the state law, discussion followed concerning this site where it is low density, sandy soil, etc. with little or no water retention problem, Stan Krulikowski made the metion that the board accept the preliminary plat when items 1,2 and 4 of the memo dated 7-5-84 from Engineer Mosby are addressed, Marjorie Poole seconded the motion, passed unanimously. Stan Krulikowski made the motion that the bill from Randy Mosby for board reveiws, engineering, be paid; Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 12510 A.M. Gene Harris, Chairman /sbf