HomeMy WebLinkAbout07191984 PZMINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD July 19, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth in the Sebastian Council Chambers. Members present were Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, Members Marjorie Poole, Stan Krultkowski, Bill Mahoney, Jewell Thompson, Bob Fullerton, and Board Engineer Randy Mosby. Out-of-town for this meeting were Chairman Gene Harris and Alternate Edra Young. Minutes of the Public Hearing, July 5, 1984, were read and following motion by Bob Fullerton, second, by Marjorie Poole, approved as read. Minutes of the regular meeting, July 5, 1984, were read and following motion by Bill Mahoney, second by Stan Krulikowski, aPProved as read. Mr. Garris, attorney for Roger Skill[man, explained the modified request for Parcel 1, removing two acres from the request for rezoning, leaving the two acres in School Park C-l/COP. Mr. Skillman would use those two acres for offices, hopefully alleviating some of the direct impact on the traffic along Main Street next to the neighborswho voiced objection to the rezoning at the Public Hearing on July 5, 1984. Two members felt the re- quest decision should be postponed, four members felt some action should be taken. The board decided to address each parcel individually. Parcel 3 - Marjorie Poole made the motion that the request for rezoning from County A to R-2 be approved contingent u~on the developer finding an alternate means of access to the area besides BOb Circle. Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimously in favor. Bill Mahoney made the motion that the land use amendment from County A to MD be approved wi~h the same condition, Marjorie Poole seconded the motion which also passed unanimously. Parcel 2 - Bill Mahoney made the motion that the request for rezoning and land use a~nendment from R-2/LD to C-l/COP be approved contingent upon the applicant donating the road right-of-way necessary to straighten Main Street as per his verbal agreement. BOb Fullerton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Parcel i - Harold Eisenbarth suggested that the motion to approve this request be approved contingent upon the developer helping with the four- laning Main Street. After some discussion concerning the impact of a large shopping center, Stan Krulikowski made themotion to deny rezoning Parcel 1 from C-1 to C-2, Bob Fullerton seconded the motion, and the vote in favor of denial was five yea, one abstention (Jewell Thompson - due to being absent from the hearing). Stan Krulikowski made the motion to deny the land use map amendment for Parcel 1 from COP to CG, Marjorie poOle seconded the motion,.and the vote for denial was five yea, one abstention (Jewell Thompson - s.~u~e reason). Minutes - July 19, 1984 Page 2 Earl Masteller, engineer for Roger Skillman, presented aminor site plan for the paving of an office site on Main Street. Jewel1 Thompson made the motion the plan be approved, Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, discussion followed. Stan Krulikowski questioned the circular drive, Mmrjorie Pools said it would be preferrable to backing in to Main Street, the board agreed. Following amendment to motion to include contingent upon Health Department approval, the motion passed unanimously. ~Jean Burdsall'presented her concept plan for a child care center at LOt 4, Block 507, Unit 14, Sebastian Highlands. Following discussion about details, is. parking, room seperation, landscaping, upgrading area, the board agreed it was an acceptable use and recommended she re- turn with the final, detailed drawings. No action taken. Change of Use site plan for Richard Gemberlings building on U.S.#1 directly north of White's Drywall building were checked and discussed. Owner would prefer 'to use crushed rock instead of paving for the park- ing lot in the rear, interior'work would be brought into compliance for commercial buildings, outside would have landscaping improvements. Motion made by Bob Fullerton the plan be approved as presented, motion seconded by Stan Krulikowski, passed unanimously. Cypress Estates, a subdivision by Jerry Strnad, was next to be considered. Earl Masteller, engineer for the project, introduced it as a % acre per home,~ very private, very attractive with many trees, close to the Sebastian River but set back so as not to encroach on it, etc. There was discussion concerning the memo frc~ Randy Mosby, staff engineer, and Mr. Masteller said the developer would c~mply with the notes with the exception of the 30' roadway easement. He felt this was not necessary since the ~would not impact Starboard at all. Bob Fullsrton made the motion the Plat ~I~m~'Plan be accepted contingent upon compliance with Mosby memo dated July 18, 1984 ~/(attached) all items except #4. Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, ~aSsed unanimously. Oak Creek Ridge subdivision for Henry Fischer was checked for the third time. Stan Krulikowski made the motion the Plat Plan be accepted contingent upon a legal agreement for access through San Sebastian being finalized before final plat. Bill Mahoney seconded the motion which was approved with five votes in favor, Jewell Thompson abstaining since he was not present when plat was discussed before. The Sebastian Lakes site plan was reviewed with Darrell McQueen, ,engineer for the project, and Randy Mosby, engineer for the board, reviewing memo from Mr. Mosby re: the site plan. Each item was checked. At 10~30 P.M. Bill Mahoney made the motion for a half hour extention, Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, five in favor, Harold Eisenbarth opposed. Items of particular concern to Mr. Mosby was a need for a legal description, a need for a narrative of the goals of phasing, a need for a more detailed land- scape plan, buffering means, a guard house plan, an agreement concerning improvements to Laconia and Roseland Road and CR#512, impact monies set Minutes - July 19, 1984 Page 3 aside for traffic light, assurance that the area would com~ly with drain- age requirements, etc. (memo from Mosby attached). Mr. McQueen said the developers would comply with all requirements. He supplied the board with a booklet containing exhibits which showed compliance with many of the items 'requested by Engineer Mosby. (attached). Motion was made by Jewell Thompson that the Preliminary Plan for Phase 1, Sebastian Lakes, be approved subject to review and submission of approval letter by Randy Mosby indicating compliance with the items mentioned in Mosby Memo dated July 13, 1984. Stan Krulikowskl/seconded the motion. Harold Eisenbarth asked if the plan complied with the requests-made by City Council re: zoning ordinance. The reply was. affirmative. Harold Eisenbarth asked if the flooding concerns voiced during the hearing had been addressed. The reply was affirmative, the development would reduce the flooding by removing clay bottoms of lakes making them more pervious, swales from Laconia would empty into the lakes, and the artificial situation with the wells would be removed. The concerns about the sewage treatment situation were also allayed since the water would now be in a lake seperate from the large lake, filtering through sand before it would end up in the larger lake where it would be used for irrigation. The motion was approved unanimously. Jewell Thompson made the motion for adjournment at 11:30 P.M., Stan Krulikow- ski seconded the motion, unanimous. Date: /sbf