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Ci . Set astian
TELEPHONE (305) 581~5330
July 20, 1984
Daniel L. Bialr
8uildln9 Official
~ayor and Council
City of Sebastian
P. O. Box 127
~ebastian, Pl. 32958
Aa per Zoning Ordinance 202, Section IX, Paragraph B(3), which requires
council appr0~al of special exceptions ~o C-~ moa/ag, t, he Planning and
Zoning Board is submitting ko you
~, ~of ~e Father ~ ~n Plaza.
bus,ness which La a special exception. A
P~o~r~ies, Inc., ~he develo~r for ~he lite,.'18 a~c~d.
· he ~lann~ng a~ ~n~ng ~a~d a~proved the pl~ July 5, 1984, and a
copy of the approved plan i8 attached, also.
CC.~ Gens Harrim, Chairman
Plannin9 and Zoning Board
P. O. BOX 114,1
VERQ IKOn, Fi, Q~.RIDA ~I~61
Jul~ 3.8, 198~
It is my request that you consider the use of a drive-
thru on the Sou~h side of Father & Son Plaza, located at
US # 1 sad ?th Street.
We have provided fo~ this drive-thru by...
A. Providing a choice of two 2-wa~y curb cuts off
~. Provided a mea~s of exit£n~, b~ allowing traffic.
to proceed around the rear of the building and out
to us t 1
C, Exiting along the East side of the property,
This drLve-~h~ was a p~ of ~he original consideration
of Pl~l~ Zoni~ a~ ~eir meeting on July ~h~ when ~he pl~
Was iai~ially ap~oved.
I~ is ~ intention ~o attrac~ quality ~e~ts with a
proven track record of saccessful business. Mr. Gary ~heeler
[ Ta~ty-$ DOnUtS) iS ~ excellent ex~ple of such ~ opera~ion.
I locE fo~d to us Working ~ogether, ~d in so doing ~o
promote the quality of business op~rt~ities in t~ Ci~2 of
~k you fo~ ycur consideration on this request,
Steven Phllipaon
18. Churches
19. Libraries and museums
20. Funeral homes
21. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated
with' and .subordinate to. the above uses
LIMITATION 0,F U..SE.~: Except for. automobile parking lots,
ad;~v:;~;vbanks, and those listed in special except~.o.~ns.,
. ities of permitted uses, including sale.
preparation, and storage shali be conduc..ted
~Oity Oo~cil~after s~e ~lan
1. Marinas With a height limit of thirty-five (35)' feet
~. Drive-in businesses
'3. Gasoline ~Ser~ice statlo~.
4, O~ld nurseries ' '
5. Veterinary hospitals, boarding kennels, provided
acti~ties are carried on within sound~proof~r con-
6. ~e~atory / ~{ '
7, L~er yards with ~o outside storage
BUZZING ,~E~GHT LIMIT: No bulZdlng o~ mtruct~e Shall ex.
oeed thirty-five (35) feet in height,
~NT .Y&~: Ten (/0) feet
~: 0 feet
l. Co~erciai uses.- ~o slue yara la req~rea except when
the lo~ is adJacea~ to a reai~en~ial dis~lc~ an~
~aa~ even~ a ~en '(lO) foot.~lae yara is ~eq~re~,
2, ~esi~ential uses ~ ;~en (~) feet
~ovldea ~n accoruanco wl~ ~ho ~eq~remeaCa ~o~
maes as set forth In Sec:ion XIII of ~hle Or~n~ce.
may be use~ only for the following purposes:
Public Ouilaing and recreational, faglli~ies
Retail sales ss~aolishments whlc~ may incluae lnciden-'
tal processing, repair aha rental activities, proVA~d
they'ar~e,accessory and subordinate to ~he mg~il'"S .aid
use. :'.
3. ~esidential dwelling(s) provided they are not ~he
primary use of the lot and provided they are not
locate~ on the main street frontage at the ground
4. Hotels, motels, bars, n~ght cluos and restaurants
5. Banks ann financial institutions
Professional, business and utilities offices and
7. 'Hospitals ant medical clinics, but not ~nimal hospitals
5. Art and photography studios and galleries
9. Private clubs
10. Barber and beauty shops
11, $hoe repair shops
12. Laundry ane dry-cleaning pick-up, alteration aha repair
13. Soft service laundromats
14. Motion picture and live theaters
15. Tailoring, millinery, garment alterations and repair
16, Churches
17. Commercial and private parking lo~s and parking garages
18, Small appliance repair businesses
19. Printing reproduction and publishing
20. 'Marinas
Commercial fisheries
Bowling alleys, pool~'and billiard parlors
Veterinary hospitals and boarding kennels, provided
activities are carpied on within soundproof, air con-
~itioned busings and no outside animal runs are per-
24. Business schools
Funeral home~, u~dertaking establishments
Automobile rental business, including truck or traile~
New and used automobile sales, mobile home and trailer
Libraries ~nd museums
Lumber .yards ,
Oommercial nursery and
with-~and subordinate to the above use
SPE~CIALEX. C .EpTION_S.: ,_~The following uses may he permltt~ .
by City co~ancll, after slte plan approval and recammendatlon~'
';,,. 17--
, have been.received from the Planning and Zo~E Comm~!sslon.
1. ~musement or recreational uses, not listed as"psrm~tted~
2. Gasoline service stations
~. Driv-_-in bu inesses-
-' 4~mobi e c ~n :rig --'us nesses
5. Fret ~d vegetable pacing houses, but not inclu~ng
processing pl~ts
6. Crematory
G. BUILDING HEIGHT ~IMIT: No b~lding or structure shall ex-
ceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
D, F~NT YA~ - 0 fees ..
E. ~R.YA~ - O feet..
s .o2
1. Co~ercial uses - no side yard is req~red except when
the lot is adjacent to a residential district ~d in
that event a ten (lO) foot side yard is req~red.
E. Residential uses -'ten (10) feet
G. PA~IN_G ~GU~TIONS: Off-street paring ~d losing spaces
shall be provided in accordance ~th the req~rements of "
specific uses set forth in Section ~Ii of t~s
A. uSE~ PE~T.T~D: In this district a ~lding or.pre~ses .
may b~ used only for the following purposes:
~,~, , 1. Retails, wholesale, rent~ distribution, auction ~or
: '~ storag~ of new or used goods
"~" 2. ~Intenance, repair, reconditioning, cl?~ni, t~e-
~ portation, utiiitles, printing, cooing, f~t ~d
vegetables packing ~or processing~ pac~ging ~d
processing, te~ting, light manufacturing ~or assembly '~'~
,, 3, Veterina~an hospitals or ~linics, boarding kennels
4. ..... Research and develgpment.industries
~ B~lding storage yards, coniVact0r~m pl~ts or
6. Coal and wood yards . "
7. Ice 'plants
, 10. ~tone .~ard~ ..
ll. Storage ~ar~houa~s, 'or an~ ~s$~ ~f ~nor~
s~e type ., ....,"
'~"12. ~ght m~ufacturing or industrial ~}~ e~ce~t th01~,
- 18 -
As the President of the corporation T-Bone Festus, a restaurant located at
936 U.S.#l, Sebastian~ The Corporation and I feel that Father & Son Plaza
to be built next door in th~ adjacent lots should at least be lined up
equal with our building as not to obstruct our business sign or the front
of our building so that the coming traffic heading north on U.S.#1 can see
our eating establishamnt from a reasonable distance.
The reasons being~
1. ~ there will not be any sudden stops which would cause accidents.
Boingblocked will cause a definite strain on our new business
financially speaking.
Furthermore, I have a contract with Mr. Phllipson which states that he will
not obstruct our sign or front of our building within the north 50 feet of
the west boundary of his property line.
Since theFather & Son Plaza wasn't built when this contract was signed for
water rights, ! understand that the landscaping will not Obstruct our sign
or building a~d therefore the building of Mr. Philipson should p~t obstruct
the semi' view either.
As our building stands, we are set back 25 feet from U.S.#I. Ail we are
asking is ~O c~nmtdered in this matter. Enclosed is aoop¥ of the contract.
Bruce l~cCorv y , / ~//
In oun~ation for you exeouting that cerU~n ~ter u4,.J..,.
~ _~= ~_of ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ Of $2-500 nn
Ci . Sebas'tian
TELEPHONE (305) 589-533~
,Tuly 20, 1984
Dmiel L. Blelf
ltulldinll Offielal
Mayor and Council
City of Sebastian
P. O. i~x 127
Sebastian, Fl. 32958
Mayor and Council:
As per ~oning Ordinan=e 202, Sec=ion IX, Paragraph B(3), which requires
council &pprov&l of s~ecial exceptions to C-2 zoning, the Planning ann
Zoning Board is submitting to you ~he plans, which have been approved by
~e~, for the Father & Son Plaza. This plan includes a drive-th~ough
business which is a special exception. A letter fro~ Steven Philipson
Properties, Inc., ~ developer for the site,.'l~ attached.
The ~lanning and Zoning Boa.rd approved the plan July 5, 1984, and a
copy o£ the approved plan is at~ached, also.
cc.: Gene Harris, Chairman
1995 39'rH AVENUE
P.O. BOX 6368
July 5, 198~
Mr. Gene Harris, Chairman
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of Sebastian
P. O. Box 127
Sebastian, FL 32958
Site Plan Review
Father & Son Plaza
Sebastian, Florida
Dear Mr. Chairman:
We have reviewed the subject site plan, and request that the
following comments be properly addressed prior to approval:
The parking calculations are based on 1250 square
feet of storage, and 3950 square feet of retail
space for the Phase I Buildings. The architectural
drawings call out 150 square feet of storage and
3050 square feet of retail space. Therefore, Phase I
parking requirements are 26 spaces instead of the 23
spaces shown. This leaves 19 spaces for the Phase II
Building. Since the Phase II building use has not been
specified, the square footage should be restricted
as follows (meeting all other requirements)=
Retail - 19 spaces 0 200 ft. 2/space = 3800 ft.<
Office - 19 spaces ~ 300 ft. 2/space = 5700 ft.<
It is suggested that the developer improve, to City
standards, the section of the 16 foot alley between
the north and south property lines, since his
development will impact the area.
It should be noted that the landscape plan does
not match the site development plan.
The 10 feet perimeter landscape buffer along the south
property line has not been maintained along the
southwest corner of the development. In addition,
materials proposed for use should be shown on the plan
in accordance with the landscape ordinance.
continued ·
IAbraries and museums
Funeral homes
Accessory uses and structures customarily ausociAted
with and subordinate to. the above uses
LImITaTION OF USES: Except for automobile parking lots,
drtve-ln banks, and those listed in special excsptiono,
preparation, and storage she21 be~~e.d antlral~.~.~h,
~Ctt~after plan approval rscommen-
darkens ~-~ve been received from the0Pl~nnlng and Zoning ·
Marinas w~th a he~6ht limit of thlrty-f~ve (~) feet
2. Drive-in businesses
Gasoline 3ervice stations
C~ld nurseries
Veterinary hospitals, board~ns kennels, provided
act~tiea are c~rie~ on ~thln eound,~oo~, ~ con-
~t~oned bulldin~fi ~d no O~ta'
~de 'ani~l ~na
~. ~tory ~
7. L~ber yards w~Ch no outside storage
D. ~~G ~EIOHT LI~IT~ No bu~ld~n~ or structure ah~l
coed thlrty-f~w (~) feet ~n height.
E. ~: Ten (~0) feet
~. ~: 0 feet
1. Co~erc~al usea~- no a~ce yar~ ~a req~re~ except
the lot ~e adJacen~ to a rea2cen~2a~ d~etr~ct ~c
t~t even~ a ten (10) foot 'alee yarc is ~equ~reC.
2.~al~entlal ueee, ten (~) feet
provldeC In ~ccord~nco ~t~ tho req~ement~ for apec~f~q
use~ aa eet forth .~n ~ec~lon XIII of ~h~a Or~n~ce. ·
may be usea only for the following purposes:
1. Public Oullclng and recreatlonaA facilities
~etall sa~es estaollshments whic~ may include lnciae~- ·
tal processing, repa~_._.__~rana
they are.accessory and subor&lna~e to the~l 'sa~d
Ci . oj' Sebaa'tian
TELEPHONE (3(~) 58~5330
July 20, 1984
Oeelel L. mime
~ayog and Council
City of Sebastian
P. O. Rox 127
~tian, F1. 32958
l~yo; and Council:
As per 2k~nin90rdindmce 202, Section iX, Paragraph B(3), which ~equiree
council approval o£ special exceptions to C-2 zonlnp, the Plannlngand
Zoning Board is mub~ttting to you the plane, vhich have beast approved by
~h~a, to~ the F&th~ & Son Plaza. ~hie plan lfloXudmm a d~tvm-th~ouph
The planning nmi ZonXng Board approved the plan July 5. 1984, and a
copy oE the at. roved plan le attached, also,
G~ne ltarrie, Chairnmn
Planning and Zonihg Boa~d
Mr. Gene Harris~ Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission
Re= Father & Son Plaza
3uly 5, 19g#
Page 2.
Any approval should be made contingent upon Indian River
County Health Department Septic Tank and Potable Vi/at. er
System permits, and Department ol Transportation Driveway
permi ts.
Should you require luther information, please call.
Very truly yours~
Randy L. Mosby
Pres ident