HomeMy WebLinkAbout07202000 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 20, 2000 This meeting is being voice broadcast over Charter Communications Cable TV Channel 35, Vice Chairman Mather called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm, The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: VC Mather Mr. Barrett Mr. Smith(a) Mr. Mahoney Ms. Carbano(a) Ms. Vesia and Mr. O'Donnell UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Chmn. Schulke ~,,,.~~~' ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Directo~~,..~., Terrence Moore, City Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Secretary ,t', ~.~"i.","'~.' ,,~,. ANNOUNCEMENTS: VC Mather announced that Ms. Vesia is excused, Mr. Smith(a) and Ms. Carbano(a) will both be voting in place of absent members. He also noted that Mr. Gerhold's term has expired, and a new applicant will be appointed at the 7/26/00 Council meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (7/6/00) MOTION by Barrett/Smith(a) I recommend we approve the minutes of July 6th, 2000. A voice vote was taken. 5 - 0 motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: A. RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - Review of Capital Improvement Plan - Five year schedule - Terrence Moore and Mark Mason Mr. Moore provided information in reference to the Capital Improvement Plan. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 20, 2000 VC Mather inquired about last year's Capital ImproVement Plan and Mr. Moore responded that there was none last year. Tracy Hass commented that it was two years ago that a Capital Improvement Plan was reviewed with Bob Massarelli, Planning and Zoning Director; Martha Campbell, City Engineer; and Janet Isman, Finance Director, in 1998, Mr. Moore explained that he plans to review the CIP annually in the future. There was further discussion about details and the point that this is the first year for the transition team with this CIP, MOTION by Barrett/Smith(a) I will continue my motion that we send a recommendation [of approva/J to City Council that Unfunded 5-year Capital Improvement Program. Roll call: Mr. Barrett - yes Mr, Smith(a) - yes Ms. Carbano(a) - no Mr. Mahoney -yes VC Mather - yes The vote was 4 - 1. Motion carried, MEMBERS' MATTERS: Mr. Barrett inquired as to whether the site plans scheduled for the next meeting are based on the old code or the new code. Mr. Hass replied that this information will be noted in the packet information for that meeting. BI,RECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Hass gave information on the site plans for the next meeting. VC Mather adjourned the meeting at 7:38 pm. (7/26/OO AB)