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08011996 PZ
~.. • CITY OF SEBASl'IAN PLANNING AND ZONING CO1bIMISSION REGULAR MEETLNG AUGUST 1, 1996 Chairman Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. = PRESENT: Mr. Ms. Mr . Mr . Ms. Mr. Mr. Chin Mr. • Munsart Kilkelly Mather Pliska Vesia Driver Johns n. Fischer Schulke ALSO PRESENT; Robert Massarelli, City P1ann®r Valerie Settles, City Attorney Jan King, Zoning Technician Dorri Bosworth, Secretary A>1B©U11CB11B11T8: None 11PPROVAL OF 1[I11UT~B z Mr. ,johns made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of July 18, 199fi, as written. Mr. Munsart seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion approved. OLD BUSI 88: DISCtTSSI011 - ]1CCESSORZ STRUCTURES - SgCTI01~ ZOA 5.7 Chinn. Fischer requested the discussion be moved to the. end of the agenda after the last item under New Business. li'H7i SUBIIIBSB: PUBLIC H1~ARZ1iG - 1i0DBL 1 P81t1[IT R~MAL - 171 BARBER B 1'OSSOTrp BROS. C0118TRUCT1011 ,,a\~"'~c,11~`' The applicant was not present. Mr. Johns made a the hearing until next meeting . Mr. Mather seca~ vote was taken, 7-0 hearing deferred. ~ Q~J% a • O O ~,~ PUBLIC HSARIli4 - HOB OCCUPATIONAL LI~SS - 5Z1 PSRCH LA1~8 - JO A1fN CART$R - THgRAPRUTIC TOUCH The applicant, Jo Ann Carter, was present and sworn in according to quasi-judicial procedures. Chinn. Fischer disclosed. he spoke to Donna Starck regardiag home occupational, procedures. There were 23 notices of the public hearing sent out. Pour (4) objection letters were received back. Staff reviewed its report stating the applicant would conduct her services at the homes of her clients and was asking for an .address of convenience for telephone, mail, and record keeping. No equipment was involved in the business. Staff recommended approval of the application. The public hearing was opened at 7:23 p.m. Mr. John Koerner, 512 Quarry Lane, .presented the Board with a . petition with seven signatures opposing the license. Staff reviewed the conditional use requirements for a home occupational license .with the gentleman. Mr. Massarelli addreBSed D. Starck's objection letter regarding her concerns of extra traffic and property ta$es. Mr. Koerner stated he had no objections if there would be no extra traffic . The public hearing was closed at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Mather made a motion to grant a home occupational license to Therapeutic Touch for Jo Ann Carter at 521 Perch Lane. Mr. Munsart seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-0 motion carried. PUBLIC HSARINQ - HONE OCCUPATIONAL LICSNSE - 189 SA8= B'1'REST - ~IILLIAI[ CIrOB -- LA'J~N 1~AINTB~iANCB The applicant, Bill Clos, was present and sworn in according to quasi-judicial procedures. There were 19 notices of the public hearing sent out. Na objection or non-objection letters were received back. No es-parts vi®its to the site were disclosed. ~. PLANNING AND BONING COA~II33IO~T ~AGE_ THREE REGIILAR MEETING OF_AN'CIIST_1, ~~~ Staff reviewed its report and recommended approval of the application. Mr. Clos stated his equipment was,,, minimal and would be stored in the back of his pick-up truck under a homemade cab. The public hearing was opened/closed at 7:34 p.m. There was no public input. Mr. Johns questioned where the grass clippings were brought? Mr. Clos stated he didn't bag any clippings. Ms. Rilkelly asked if any landscaping was done? Mr. Clos stated no, he strictly did lawn cuttings only. Mr. Munsart made a motion to grant a home occupational license to Clos Lawn Care at 189 Easy Street. Mr. ,johns seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-0 motion carried. pr~wzc HEARI~iG - R~coro~-T=ox To c~rz'~C corrnc~L - PR~x~aa ~s~rxna CL 'rG R1~8 ~ MR. ROGgR SICTLLMAN Mr. Massarelli reviewed that the .requested Land IIse change had recently been approved by City Council. He then reviewed the staff report and statistical information regarding the proposed rezoning with the Board. The public hearing was opened/closed at 7:43 p.m. There was no public input. The Board had a brief discussion in which all members voiced their approval. Mr. Johns made a motion ~~to recommend to City Council that Mr. Skillman's 5.6 acres of progeny, located on Main Street, be changed from CL to RM-8. This is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan." Mr. Mather seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-0 motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wayne Tozzolo, the applicant for the deferred model home hearing, was now present. Mr. Mather made a motion to put the hearing back on the agenda. Mr. Johns seconded it, A1,1 members were in favor. PQBLIC HiARI1TG - 1~ODSL HOME PSR1[IT RSxB'ii1AL -- 1x71 9ARB~R B'.N!HS=S~.' - T0~7~OLA SR~OTHSRS C4fi8TRUCTION Mr. Tozzolo was sworn in according to quasi-judicial procedures. • • PLANNING AND ZONING CI(?~T PAGR FOIIR REGIILAR MEETING OF AIIGB3T 1. 1596 There were 11 notices of the public hearing sent out. No objection letters were received back. No es-pane visits to the Mite were disclosed. Staff reviewed its report and recommended approval for renewal. The public hearing was opened/closed at 7; 47 p.m. There w-as no public input. Mr. Munsart made a motion to r®new the model home license for Tozzolo Brothers Construction Co. at 1271 Barber Street. Mr. Johns seconded the motion. Ro11 call was taken. 7-0 motion carried. PUBLIC HBl1RIMG - RSCODATIOM TO CIZ`X' COrixMCIL - CCNPRSIVB PLAU L1ABD OBR CHAII~B - CL TD CN - Ba1®LSR ~ B MARINA Mr. Massarelli explained the procedure of bringing both the land use change and rezoning proposals before the Board on the. tame agenda. Separate motions wer® needed, the rezoning subject to the land use being approved by City Council. Mr. Massarelli then reviewed they. staff report and statistical "information with th® Commission. He found the proposals to be in the public's interest and in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Land Development Code. Staff recommended the Commission to recamidnend to City Council to approve the requested amendment to change the future .land use map of the subject property from Commercial Limited to Commercial Waterfront. The public hearing was opened/closed:. at 8:A2 p.m. There was no public input. Mr. Munsart stated he felt the change would be an improtrement to the area. Ms. Kilkelly questioned where the definition of the CW (Comm®arcial Waterfront) designation could be found'? Mr. Massarelli stated a small paragraph was found in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Munsart made a motion that "we recommend to the City Council that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to change th® .future Comprehensive Plan maps of the subject parcels in the staff r®port from CL to CW". Mr. Mather seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-0 motion carried. • • • O ~ P~~GE FIVE PUHLIC HEARTIM~ .. REC~NDATI01~ TO CI'M COUNCIL .r PRiDPOBEU ABZONINfi CL TO - SRMBLSR ~ B 1v1RINA Mr. Massarelli stated the information in. the _. staff. report was„ Similar to the Comprehensive Plan amendment report. Staff recommended the Commission recommend City Council to approve the proposed rezoning, the recommendation being subject to the approval of the request for the land use chaag®. The public hearing was opened/closed at 8:0'~ p.m. •There waS no public input. Mr. Mather made a motion that "we recommend to the Council to rezone the subject parcels from CL to GMC of the S~embler'S Marina application, after approval of the land use plan." .Ms. Vesia seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-0 motion carried. PUiLIC HSARING -- RS~DATION TO CITY CO~JYCIL - COMPR~1[BIVE PLAN LAND USS CHAl~GB ~ INS Td LDR ~- CCLLISR CREER ESTIt Mr. Massarelli explained that four tracts of land within the proposed replat of a portion of Unit 16 were originally design®d to be part of the drainage facilities for the area. The future land use map designation for these parc®l~e indicates an Institutional land use because the parcels were zoned Public Service. The applicant was requesting a change in the land use and zoniaq to be able to plat these parcels as single-family lots. Mr. Massarelli reviewed the staff report and went over statistical information with the Commission and stated the proposed chanq®s were consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommend®d that the Commission recommend approval of the proposed amendm®nt to change the future land use designation of the subject parcels"from INS to LDR to the City Council. The public hearing was opened at 8:19 p.m. Mr. John King, representative for Atlantic .Gulf Corp. and H,D. Adams Enterprises, stated the proposed replat was reducing,. the number of lots from approx. 640 lots to 187 lots. The public hearing was closed at 8:20 p.m. Mr. Pliska questioned if the proposed subdivision was is the same area as the proposed Stormwater management lake project? Mr. • Massarelli stated it was in the same area but, at the picesant it was still considered a conceptual idea aS nothing had beset voted on are agreed to by the City Council. .~.- C~ PLANNING AND ZO NG COMMISSION ~A~'rE $IX ~C~ t~IEETING OF A~~, 199 Ms. Kilkelly stated the City had already hired a stormwater consulting engineer and the area had since been determined t4 be a good location for a solution to one of Sebastian's major problems. A meeting was held with St. Johns Riv®r Water Managem®nt staff and city Officials in Palatka and public informational me®ting: have been. already been held regarding the project. She felt the proposed subdivision was in conflict with the public interest and the proposed coning and land use Chang®s should b® denied. Mr. Pliska made a motion. that ~~we recommend to City Council to approve the Comprehensive Plan amendm®nt for Collier Creek Eata~t®s to -change the future land use map from INS to LUR for the subject properties.' Mr. Mather seconded the motion. The following roll call was taken: Mr. Mather YES Mr. Pliska YES Ms. Vesia. YES Mr. Johns YES Chmn. Fish®r YES Mr. Schulke YES Mr. Munsart YES 7-n motion carried. • PUBLIC ~RI1tA - REC~TION 'Y'O CIT1` CECIL - PROPQ~ 1tBfOBI1M~ P~IC SB~VICB TQ RS-10 ~- ~"ALLtER ~C E8TAT88 Mr. Massarelli stated staff redommended the Commission recommend approval of the requested ~oninq for the subject parcels to the City Council subject to the approval of th® request for the change in the future land use map. Ms. Kilkelly stated her previous .objections applied to this request also. Mr. Sehulke pointed out that the preliminary plat only indicated a proposed subdivision. The developer could submit a new proposal or not develop the land at all. Mr. Schulke felt the Commission could not deny, the requested changes at this stage. Mr. Johns made a motion ~~to recommend to the City Council changes to the subject parcels from PS to RS-20. The parcels are described. in the staff report. The proposed change is consistent with the Code of ordinances, Land Development Code, and the Future Comprehensive Plan. This recommendation is subject to t'he approval of the applicants request fora future land use map amendment changing,. the subject parcels from INS to LDR. ~~ Mr. Mather seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-A motion carried. • • PAGE SEVEN RLG'~R MEETING OF AIIGU~T ~r~~~ PUBLIC MMARIMG -~ RE~TIO~i TO CITY COZIIIICIL - SA1~D~tI1tI~F PER~[IT --J . 1lORCHaSltT Chinn. Fischer filed a Form 8H (conflict of interest) and. headed the meeting over to the Vice Chairman, Mr. Munsart. Ms. Kilkelly would be voting in place of Chinn, Fischer. Mr. Massarelli reviewed the staff report and statistical information regarding the project and sandmiining permit. Staff recommended the Commission find that the proposed use is 1) not detrimental to the public safety, health, or welfare, nor is it injurious to oth®r properti®s or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the site is located; and 2 ) it f s coneistextt with the purpose and intent of the industrial zoning district and is similar in nature and comp8tible with the uses all+awed fu the district. Also, the Commission should recommend to the City Council that a special use permit for a sandmine as described on Sheet ~. of 2, (General Nvtes and' Certf3cations), dated 7/8/6, and Sheet 2 of 2, (Excavation Plan), dated 7/8/96, with the following `conditions: 1. The permit shall expire one year from date of isstitance. 2. A'final survey of the complet®d project be submitted... with the required information as indicated in Section 20A~-5.3G~b) of the Laad Development Code. 3 . The mining permit shall be posted in a visible location 'at the site during operation. 4. A variance.be received from the Board of Adjustments regarding the 150' setback requirement on the north, west, east property line. 5. An annual progr®ss report be submitted on or before April 1, 19'97. 6. All other applicable requirements of th® Land Development Code b~ met. The' Cammission should also r®commend City, Council to grant an exception to the 150' setback requirement for the south property line as provided for in Section 20A-5.30(c)(2) and (d)('S) of the LDC. The public hearing was opened at 8,:52 p.m. +~ NG AND ZONING. f~~IISSION F,~;,~~GHT Mr. Randy Mosby, project engineer, reviewed further details of the project with the Board. Staff discussed the basis for the variance needed and the exception for the south property line regarding the 150' setback requirement. The public hearing was closed at 9:01 p.m. Mr. Johns made a motion „that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to City Council the entire recommendation shown under the staff report.° Mr. Mather seconded the motion. Roll, call was taken. 7-0 motion passed unanimously. The meeting was handed back to Chmn. Fischer. A break was taken at 9:05 p.m. The meeting resumed at 9;15 p.m. All members were preisent. BITR PLAN RSVIRi1 - BICIDIVB SE8I~IBTIAN - 400 AIRPORT DRIVE Mr. Randy Mosby, Mosby & Associates, Inc, was representing the applicant. Mr. Munsart, Mr. Mather, and Ms. Vesia disclosed they had visited the site. Mr. Massarelli reviewed with the Board details of the existing locale and what was proposed and went over the staff report. Two proposed solutions regarding vegetation and drainage fram the taxiway were explained. The inconsistencies and non-compliance with the previously approved site plan was. discussed. Staff recommended apgroval of the site plan with th® following conditions; 1. The applicant shall obtain a lease from the City of Sebastian for the use of the northern 100 feet of the site prior to any work in that area. 2. The applicant shall provide the City a letter from HRS approving the location and elevation of the proposed septic tank prior to construction of the new training building,' 3. .The applicant shall provide the City a letter from HRS approving the use of the training pool and spa. ., ~ '~ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION "~G~ NINE 4. The applicant shall .comply with all the conditions of the previously approved site plan or special use permit for a campground. _. 5. Prior to the C/O for either of the new buildings, the applicant shall certify that the required tr®®s have braen placed on the site. It was noted the site plan had a tree placed, in the middle of a driveway. Mr. Mosby stated it was an oversight and would be removed. He gave an opinion of a Press-Journal article that was recently published concerning Skydive Sebastian, and reviewed th® various permits received by th® requir®d agencies. Mr. Driver inquired what violations were actually found? Mr. Massarelli reviewed them briefly, and explained the proposed site plan brought the property into compliance. Mr. Jahns questioned staff if they were comfortable with th® proposed site plan? Mr. Massarelli stated yes. He explained that code enforcement cases were handled similarly. The violator was given a notice of violation or warning, and given a disclosed amount of time to correct the violation. Skydive Sebastian was given notice of the numerous violations and the site plan was bringing the operation into compliance. (Mr. Mather moved the meeting be extended for 20 minutes. A voice vote was taken, all members in favor. Mr. Pliska had concerns that the fuel tanks be built and placed in accordance with fire regulations and specifications. After further discussion, Mr. Mather made a motion that the Commission take the recommendation of the staff report, items #1-5 with. provision #`6 added that the fueling tanks hav® th® correct provisions. Mr. Johns seconded the motion. Roll call was taken. 7-0 site ,.plan approved. Mr. Driver stated he would like to have the project watched very carefully, keeping ev®rythinq is compliance. OLD SY18I~88: DIl~CLiBiIOM - ACCESSORY STRD~RES - SLCTIt'D1 ~QA 5.7 Staff requested that this item be deferred until a future meeting. Mr. Johns made a motion to defer this item to a future meeting. Mr. Sehulke seconded the motion. Voice vote was taken, all in favor. ,~.,, .* ,• PAS.... .MEETING OF AQ~QST 1, 199fi ~~RN11U ~tATTSRB_ None 1~Jl8NRB 1fl1TTERS Ms. 1Cilkelly asked if since the accessory structure issue was just deferred, does the "emerging policy" discussed at last meeting still apply? Mr. Masearelli stated yes. c~,,~r pz~~a w-~~ts: Mr. Masearelli informed the Board he had been compiling a brochure explaining home occupational requirements and would have a copy for the Soard to review at the next meeting. • None Chmn. Fischer adjourned the meeting at 1Q;14 p.m. r~ FORM ~8B ME QRANt~U~11 4f 'VE,~T~ C4NFLI~T Ft~R lNTY, II~~UN~~G L, AND OTHER LO PUB~LI~ `~F~I~ERS L.ASI' NAML'-FIRST NAME-MIaULE NAME NAME Ot= [~OARU, COt1NCIL, GOMMI5310N, AUTHORITY, OR COMMITTEE ~-~ti..tn. (,~/>;i.. ~Nrt'~Ow Stb~S~r..:.~ ~1'~~a« '~,o« i r. ILIN(i AUURESS SL3 ~ C+~SS crtc tot C~~a.c.\ t T: R_ CITY C'OUNTY' ..DATE ON N'HICH VOTE (x'CUKREU ' ~e~.ati~..~~"T ~..~ t S•'l L M THE taAARU, COUNCIt., CAMMISSION, trQ~tITY, OR GUM ITTEE ON , WHICH 1 SERVte 1.5 A UNIT OF: CITY ' ?COUNTY I !OTHER Lt1<.'AL AOENCY NAME Or t~'OLITICA4 SiUliU1VIS1aN: Y Na517"ION IS: .: ELECTIVE ~APPOINTTVE WWO MUST FILE FORM SR This form is for use. by;any person serving at,the county, city; or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, ` council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to tnerrtbers of advisory anal non-advisory oodles who are presentc~' with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.313, Florida Statutes: The requirements of this laW:are mandatory; although: the use of this particular form is not ,required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities'under tFie law whim Faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vairy greatly depending' on whether you hold a.n elective ar appointive position: For this reason, please pay close attention to c'hc instructi~ins an thls'fnrrn before completing the reverse side and: filing the form, , , • INS~IUCYIONS POR COIII~PI:IANCL~ W1TW SigG1'14N i4~.~3~43, FLORIDA. STATIC , ' ~EC'TED O)~'FICERS: ~ •. . A person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public office.MUST ABSTAIN frorai voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special. gain of a principal (other than a government agency). by wham he is .retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PR10R TO THE WOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you arc abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 1S DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this farm with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the farm in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: A person holding appointive county, municipal, of other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which ,inures to his special private gain: Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local offace otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making at?y attempt to influence the decision by oral or written commtrnicatian, whether made by the officer or at his direction:" d.. 1F YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMI'"f TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PR10R TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: should complete grad file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person cespansible for rdng the minutes., of the meeting, who will incorporate the farm. in the minutes: • A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. • The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. t'I I~/~R~I 81! 111•R6 PAGE F IF YOU MAKE NO t1TTEMPT TO•II'41FLt~ THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCU ,, ~~ VQTE AT THE MEE"~IN~,t - ' in the measure before participa~g. - • Yoti sholtld disclose orally the nature of your conflict • You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person r~spansible far recwrding the minut.~s ~ •` of the meeting, who should incorporate. the farm in the minutes. ~ ~ - ,. ~IS~L~lRE OF SATE p~iCER'S IN1'~RlST : • - . • ~Y `^ ~~ i, ~C A~. L~ l~. ~~~~ ~~n _-, hereby disclose that on ~K ~ / 19 (a) A measure came or will came before my agency which (check 'one) inured to my special private gain; or inured . to Lhe special gain of f~Pr ~ ~ • t h tom- ~ ~ "`~~ ~ ~"' C • , by whom l am retiiined. (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my, interest in the measure is as follows: ~r~ ~t~, c ~- './ k o,~., O w w t ~N t NK ~ '~ • iCr S c ~. r K, ~ .~~ ,~`~ ~"s ~r~ ~ ~pjp :. .Nc~''~,~ ~1 . disc kc,c, ~ Son.s~ awe. ~-*~'~ T~4~x .F~DtG~4) MSC ~cR.~"~T ~o-G /Hr~~I~~ ' ~Ar~Bf C v `~ J 6/ ~•^i ~l ` ~ c ~T/ y /1 ~1 5p ~ c - ,~ 1 G+v , w T o ,. ~K ~xT ~ ~ L~J~'1 Date Filed NOTICE: UNDER. PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA ..STATUTES §112.3.17 (1985), A FAILURE TQ MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAl' BE P'UNFSHED 13Y ONE OR MORE O'F THE FOLLOWI SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMpTIOIV, REDUCTION IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. PgGE CE FnRM 8B ~ ie-86 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 o FAX (561) 589-5570 AGENDA THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1996 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3 . ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of July 18, 1996 5. OLD BUSINESS: Accessory Structures - Section 20A-5.7 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Public Hearing - Model Home Permit Renewal - 1271 Barber Street - Tozzolo Brothers Construction B. Public Hearing - Home Occupational License - 521 Perch Lane - Jo Ann Carter - Therapeutic Touch C. Public Hearing - Home Occupational License - 189 Easy Street - William Clos - Lawn Maintenance D. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Proposed Rezoning - Commercial Limited to RM -8 - Mr. Skillman E. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Comprehensive Plan Land Use Change - Commercial Limited to Commercial Waterfront - Sembler's Marina F. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Proposed Rezoning - Commercial Limited to General Marine Commercial - Sembler's Marina G. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Comprehensive Plan Land Use Change - Institutional to Low Density Residential - Collier Creek Estates H. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Proposed Rezoning - Public Service to RS -101 Residential -Single Family, - Collier Creek Estates I. Public Hearing -Recommendation to City Council - Sandmining Permit - J. Morchesky J. Site Plan Review - Skydive Sebastian - 400 Airport Drive 7. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 8. MEMBERS MATTERS: 9. CITY PLANNER MATTERS: 10. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 11. ADJOURNMENT. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 o FAX (561) 589-5570 AGENDA THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1996 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY 6:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: f 4. OLD BUSINESS: 5. NEW BUSINESS: Comprehensive Plan Review: Les Solin & Thomas Tempia, Solin & Associates, Inc. A. Confirmation of Vision Statement B. Review of DCA Submittal Documents 6. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 7. MEMBERS MATTERS: 8. CITY PLANNER MATTERS: 9. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 10. ADJOURNMENT. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEE'T'ING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.