August 2, 1984
Regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board called to order
by Chairman Harris at 7:30 P.M. in the Sebastian Council Chambers.
Members present were Chairman Gene Harris, Bob Fullerton, Stan
Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, Jewell Thompson, Alternate Edra Young.
Absent were Vice-Chairman Hkrold Eisenbarth and Marjorie Poole.
Minutes of the July 19, 1984 meeting were read. A correction
to the paragraph dealing with Cypress Estates was made. Motion
by Jewell Thompson to approve the minutes as amended, second by
Edra foung, passed unanimously.
A model home for L.C. Mumford was tabled since the secretary
forgot the plans, and the surveY/plot plan needed dimensions for
the parking spaces.
A site plan for Lonny Powell's Hair Salon located at Lot 37,
Block 690, Unit 12 was considered. Chairman Harris read a letter
of submittal from Sippel, Masteller,...inc. There was a discus-
sion concerning the alley which forms the approach to the side.
The parking was adequate, 20' manuvering with apron, landscaping,
retention were adequate. Bob Fullerton questioned the alley being
used as a thoroughfare, was there a ditch to the side. Mr. Earl
Masteller, engineer for the project said there was none, that
there was plenty of room for the alley to expand (used a 40' lot
for the alley). The property will use G.D.U. water and a septic
system. Bill Mahoney made the motion the plan be approved as
submitted contingent upon Health Department approval. Jewell
Thompson seconded the motion, passed unanimously.
Fraternal Order of Eagles presented a site plan for North Central
Avenue. Chairman Harris noted they should not need to pave the
parking since it would be occassional use. The retention area was
noted. Parking was adequate (30 reg./2 handicap), retention area
kept the water from flowing north, 20' traffic aisle. Charles Mills
was presenting the plan. He said they would use either cross ties
or cement bumpers, they held two meetings per month, with occassional
parties and benefits, they hoped to improve the dock at a later date.
Bob Fullerton made the motion that the plan be approved, Edra Young
seconded the motion, passed unanimously.
Dan Preuss again brought the Magazine Property located on#512 to
the attention of the board. There was much discussion on the situ-
ation. Board secretary had suggested to Mr. Preuss that he proceed
with the application for public hearing for zoning change and land
use amendment, Mr. Preuss felt his client should not have' to pay
fee since he had been working on this problem before fee schedule.
No action taken.
AUGUST 2 Page 2
The form for the Preliminary Plat/Development Plan was presented
to the Board. Jewell Thompson requested the title be changed, Bob
Fullerton made the motion it be approved with the amendment, Edra
Young seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Following discussion concerning the modification fee, especially
as it applied to Hambro's Flower Shop, F.O.E., and Skillman parking
plans, Jewell Thompson made the motion that $62.50 be returned to
these applicants since they had presented modifications rather than
new site plans, Edra Young seconded the motion, passes unanimously.
Secretary will send letter to finance requesting the refunds be
given to the above applicants. She will also charge % fee for any
further "modifications"
Bill from Mosby and Associates discussed. Board feels that in
the future any plan so poor that it needs so much review time, one
so technically deficient that our engineer is doing applicants work
for them, should be returned so that the bills from our engineer
can reflect less time per project. Stan Krulikowski made the motion
the July 31, 1984 bill from Mosby and Associates be paid, Edra Young
seconded the motion, passed unanimously.
Miscellaneous items such as researching Hotel units/acre, a prob-
lem at the cemetary (which city attorney will take care of but the
board received copy), need for a workshop session, scheduling our
· engineer's time at meetings at the beginning of the meeting so bill
would be less, need to adopt the code since our zoning ordinance is
so sketchy in areas, etc. were all discussed in a cursory manner.
Meeting adjourned at 10~15 P.M.
~'n~H'ar/ Chairman
/sbf --