HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-2018 BAC AgendaCm car SE,STuW HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY— JUNE 4, 2018 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes for Meeting of March 5, 2018 5. Review of Second Quarterly Report — FY 2018 6. General Comments by Members 7. Announce Next Meeting Date (Monday, July 2, 2018) 8. Reports from Staff 9. Adjourn Agenda Attachments Minutes for Meeting of March 5, 2018 Second Quarterly Report — FY 2018 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2018 1. Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Larry Napier Mr. Ed Herlihy Mr. Bruce Hoffman Mr. Harry Hall Ms. Nancy Veidt Ms. Andrea Ring Absent: Mr. Michael Frank -- Excused Also Present: Mr. Kenneth Killgore, Administrative Services Director Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. ADDroval of Minutes: A. Minutes of January 29, 2018. Mr. Hoffman questioned a statement on Page 3, third paragraph, last sentence: "One project that came in at the end of the year and wasn't extended..." Mr. Killgore stated that is not correct; it is still on the project list and should be on the record that it "was" extended. Mr. Napier called for any other additions or corrections. There being none, a motion to accept the Minutes as amended was voted on and approved unanimously by voice vote. 5. Review of First Quarterlv Report for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Mr. Killgore stated that he is comfortable with the numbers as set forth. He stated there CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2018 were 23 projects added for 2018. Of the projects that were carried over, there are three of those with high -dollar amounts: the Oyster Point drainage, the Barber Street football field restrooms and the septic -to -sewer monies that have been set aside for a grant program. There is still some money from old projects, but it is mostly in those three items. The expenses incurred for Hurricane Matthew and some for Hurricane Irma are shown at the bottom of the project list. All the paperwork regarding Hurricane Matthew has been submitted to FEMA and to the State. He has information from February 21 stating our paperwork had been approved and had been sent to Finance, and he expects that in a reasonable period of time the City will receive payment from FEMA, which will come through the State system. Regarding the reserves, our emergency reserves are about $3.5 million, and he is hoping to receive the money regarding the last two hurricanes before the next hurricane season so that we will be going into the next hurricane season with the full $5 million reserve. Regarding the Renewal and Replacement Account, he estimates that the reserves are approximately $166,000.00 remaining from the $275,000.00 at the beginning of the year. Regarding investments, there has been no change in strategy. The balance of the reports are from the departments. He then asked for questions from the Committee. Regarding operating expenses for the quarter, Mr. Hall asked about the MIS Department running at 58% and why they are so far over budget. Mr. Killgore explained that the Director of the MIS Department resigned during the first quarter, and the payouts attendant with that resignation caused a big increase in what was spent for that quarter. There are also a number of maintenance service contracts that are renewed annually, and the majority of those were paid in the first quarter. He added that there is a need for additional personnel for storm water maintenance, so decision was made to take some personnel, mostly from the Roads and Streets division and put them in Storm Water. Thus, there is a higher personnel cost in the Storm Water division basically being offset by a lower cost in the Roads and Streets division. Mr. Hoffman queried regarding Special Revenue Funds. In the summary it says: "We are collecting $65,000.00 less at this time..." Then it lists Total Fund Revenue as being up $8,000.00 for local option gas tax, sales taxes being up $33,000.00, and the storm water utility fund is up about $14,000.00 to $15,000.00. Maybe it was meant to say that we are collecting $65,000.00 more than at this time last year. Mr. Killgore said he would go back and research that and possibly make a correction before the packet goes to CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 3 Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2018 City Council. Mr. Killgore stated that Mr. Hoffman had also asked about, on the first page in the heading section of the graphic presentations where the comment is made that "The golf course revenues were affected...," the word should have been 'reserves" instead of 'revenues." He stated he will make the change before submitting it to City Council. Mr. Hoffman made a motion that the Committee accept the report with the changes discussed above, motion was seconded by Mr. Herlihy and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Discussion by Members: A. Regarding City Council 2018-2019 Budget Objectives Additional Street Paving Work II. Additional Storm water Spending a. Major Neighborhood Projects b. Added Staffing B. In Regard to Other Thoughts and Ideas for Upcoming Budget Year. Mr. Herlihy stated that there was not actually a vote by City Council at their last meeting on what Mr. Dodd had written, but the subject that was addressed most at that meeting was the roads situation. Mr. Killgore stated yes, roads and drainage. Mr. Killgore stated additional staffing and ongoing maintenance were discussed as well as additional capital expenditures. Mr. Herlihy stated one concern of his is Barber Street east of Schumann Drive that is in need of attention. He would like to see staff bring this up to the City Manager. Another project he would like to see brought up is the appearance of Route 512 through the City. He mentioned adding some streets to be improved in the new budget. He questioned if these streets should be worked on now because it is going to cost more to have the work done in the future. Mr. Napier was of the opinion that since 512 is a county road, that is a matter for the County. Mr. Hoffman opined that he thinks the County is done with the 512 project, that the County's next two projects are Route 510 and bringing 66th Street up to Barber. Mr. Napier stated the Committee CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 4 Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2018 could bring it to City Council's attention. Mr. Herlihy said that along Route 512 by the middle school and on out to 195 there is some fairly nice landscaping, but there is nothing along 512 in the City. Ms. Veidt stated that she thinks the City got grants some years ago to do the landscaping in the some of the medians on 512, and she is of the opinion that there was a formal agreement that says the County is not responsible, that the City is responsible for this work. She also stated that, if the City makes the improvements, the City will have to provide personnel to do the maintenance, and is this something the City wants to do at this point. She thinks the focus should be on repairing and repaving the roads that are presently in need of work. Mr. Herlihy stated a grant is something to think about long-range. Mr. Napier thought the Committee should try to get the agreement Ms. Veidt mentioned to see whose responsibility it is. Ms. Ring stated she would prefer if the grass was taken care of without any plantings. Mr. Napier stated the idea is something that we can look at as the Capital Improvement Program is worked on. He stated his preference would be to take care of the drainage and repaving of the roads before the landscaping is considered. Ms. Veidt agreed that we need to prioritize the roads and adding staff in Storm Water, but she is concerned about how much equipment will also have to be added. Mr. Hoffman questioned if there is a priority list for storm water drainage projects. Mr. Killgore stated that right now these discussions are conceptual and until we get budget packets for what staff is recommending, that is when the prioritizing would be done. Ms. Veidt stated she would like to have some maintenance of the quarter -round that has been put in. There is no maintenance being done on the quarter -round, and there was a lot of money spent on it, and now it is not doing its job for lack of maintenance. Mr. Herlihy would like to have a meeting scheduled sometime in April or May with Mr. Griffin and Mr. Baker to discuss these things. Mr. Killgore stated the departments are still in the process of putting together their recommendations, and it's still a few weeks until the City Manager would be involved in discussing with the departments what their priorities are. Ms. Ring stated she would like to see another baffle box installed, and she questioned whether the baffle boxes that are present are being maintained. Mr. Hoffman stated that he personally saw a truck along Indian River Drive doing the maintenance. Mr. Herlihy stated he has been told they do it every three months. Ms. Ring would like to see another baffle box put in where the oyster mats were supposed to be put in. Mr. Herlihy stated that baffle boxes cost much more than the oyster mats. He also stated that the baffle box project was completed sometime ago. Ms. Ring stated that the drainage problem should be addressed before the paving is done. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 5 Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2018 Mr. Hall stated he agrees with the roads and drainage being priorities. He also addressed the intersection of Power Line Road and Route 510 and the possibility of some kind of traffic signal being installed there, as it is a very busy and dangerous intersection. Mr. Napier stated he doesn't think that intersection is in the City. Another of Mr. Hall's concerns is the intersection of Concha and Joy Haven at Barber, and he would like to see some signage there. He also asked if there are resource officers in the schools in the City. Mr. Napier asked if that isn't a School Board function instead of a City function. Mr. Hall stated he is not certain what kind of agreement Sebastian has with the School Board, and he is not sure if the bill that addresses this has passed yet. He also queried, if the bill is passed, will that require resource officers at charter schools. Mr. Killgore stated he doesn't think the City gets any funding for the resource officer from the School District. Mr. Hall suggested staff provide the Committee with a priority list of projects before the budget is finalized. Mr. Napier stated the list of priorities would be in the proposed budget. Mr. Napier stated if some of the projects could be switched around to stagger the projects, the money in the Capital Projects Fund would be adequate to do that. He also wanted to discuss Guidance 2. If property values rise and we use the same rate that we have this year, that would be a tax increase. If we use roll -back to get the same amount, it would not be a tax increase. Mr. Herlihy suggested the Budget Committee have conversations with City Council regarding this, and Mr. Killgore stated City Council gets a copy of the Minutes of the Budget Advisory Committee minutes, so they are aware of what is discussed here. Mr. Killgore discussed the referendum coming up in November, which is another $25,000.00 homestead exemption which will have to be taken into consideration if it passes. Mr. Napier expressed that, if the City has the new construction that they are expecting, the increase in taxes would be enough to offset the loss from the increase in the homestead exemption. 7. Announce Next Meetino Date: (Monday. June 4. 2018). 8. Reports from Staff: Mr. Killgore mentioned the MIS director leaving, and Audio/Visual has been consolidated with MIS, and the manager is a long-term employee that staff has a lot of CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2018 PAGE 6 confidence in. Staff is looking for Storm Water to come up with a plan, and with regard to the Golf Course, how to address the deficit long-term. Mr. Napier stated he is optimistic the revenue from the golf course is going to increase. 9. Adjourn: There being no further business, Chairman Napier adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m. m 19 Date �CF SE6AMM HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 13, 2018 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting 2nd Quarter Financial Report and Adopting Necessary Amendments to the FY 2017-2018 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-18-09. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report, report on General Fund Reserves and accomplishments are also included. City Council had already approved the purchase of the property at 1215 Indian River Drive. During the 2nd Quarter, a budget adjustment was processed to create a budget from DST and CRA Funds to cover the purchase price, plus an additional appraisal and other associated closing cost. Formal approval by the City Council is being requested on the use of balances in the Equipment and Facilities Renewal and Replacement Reserve to cover a number of repair and replacement items that were done during the quarter. The City Manager has discretion to proceed with these purchases from the Reserve and request formal approval with the next Quarterly Financial Report. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. All the above adjustments are summarized in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. IF AGENDA ITEM REQUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Amount Budgeted in Current FY: N/A Amount of Appropriation Required: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Administrative Services Department Review: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. R-18-09 and Exhibit "A" Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2018 City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-18-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2017 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A'; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on March 31, 2018 indicated that certain budget adjustments needed formal approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any other necessary adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018 be formally amended as necessary, a summary of such amendments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A", the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill Vice Mayor Linda Kinchen Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Albert Iovino and, upon being put to a vote, the vote The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 13th day of June 2018. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 0 Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: James D. Stokes City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" of RESOLUTION R-18-09 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2018 Chances Authorized by City Manaaer: Adjustment to increase the Barber Street Sports Complex Ballfield Lighting Project for permitting cost. Adjustment to close the Design of Taxiway C, D and E Project and use balance toward Construction. Adjustment between Local Option Gas Tax accounts to purchase a new paint striping machine. Adjustment for appropriate Arden Greer donation revenue to purchases in the Police Department. Adjustments between Public Facilities and Stormwater operating accounts to purchase equipment. Adjustment to Police Department Vehicles Project in DST Fund to reflect trade-ins and close project. Adjustment between Airport Projects to provide funds for Airport Entrance Signage. Adjustment between MIS accounts to provide additional training monies and equipment maintenance. Adjustment between Public Facilities accounts to purchase two AED Units. Adjustment to establish expenditure and revenue accounts for the new Police COPE Unit. Adjustment to allocate sale of Police equipment to an expenditure account. Adjustment to reallocate funds for air conditioners to upgrades of emergency generators. Adjustment to allocate insurance proceeds to repair the damaged vehicle. Adjustment between Parks Division accounts to cover overages in certain accounts. Adjustment to allocate reimbursements from a Police Officer for costs of uniforms, training and travel. Adjustment between Local Option Gas Tax accounts to purchase a concrete scarifier. Adjustments between Health Insurance accounts to budget charges the same as with payroll system. Adjustment to merge the Audio Visual Division into the MIS Division. Adjustment to merge the Engineering Division into the Public Facilities Division. Chances Aooroved by City Council: Adjustment for the purchase price of the property at 1215 Indian River Drive and provide for appraisals, an environmental assessment, etc. — approved January 24, 2018. Additional Chances Submitted for Citv Council Approval: Amounts 2,638 2,682 19.999 10,000 3,786 3,777 20,411 4,300 2,700 10,000 300 40,000 3,458 18,750 2,013 4,700 161,812 130,357 332,164 Amounts Amounts Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to replace Air Conditioning Unit at Old School House. $ 4,305 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to replace Curbing at Golf Course Parking Lot. $ 11,320 Adjustment from General Fund Reserves to cover recruitment of City Manager. $ 26,500 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to replace the Sign Shop Cutting Plotter. $ 6,194 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to replace City Hall Air Conditioner. $ 74,305 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to replace carpeting in Administrative Services. $ 7,789 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW THE SECOND QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 61% OF BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AND DEPARTMENTS SPENDING 47% OF AMOUNTS ALLOCATED. THE R&R RESERVE WAS REDUCED TO AN AVAILABLE REMAINING BALANCE OF $63,200. GOLF COURSE RESERVES WERE AFFECTED BY THE $700,000 BORROWED FROM THE BUILDING FUND FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE AIRPORT DO NOT INCLUDE GRANT RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES, AS THESE ARE NOT BEING MATCHED WITH AIRPORT FUNDS. BUILDING FUND REVENUES REMAIN AT HIGH LEVELS. GENERALFUND The graph below and left compares General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Total Cash Reserves at the end of the 2"d quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. Recoveries from Hurricanes totaled just $365,395 at this point. The graph below and right compares the 2" quarter of this year to the 2°d quarter of the prior 2 years. As usual, Reserve balances are high due to most of property taxes revenue being received before the end of December. 14,000,000 8,00M0,000 7,000,000 12,000,000 6,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 8,000,000 4,0000,000 6,000,000 U00,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 Revenues Expended +I -Reserves Revenues Expended Reserves JINI P016 6,776,636 6,315, 09 461,427 I9ra012017 12,088,945 I 13,393,227 4,705,146 s313112017 6,848,010 5,631,890 1,216,120 13131018 7,574,111 I 5,185,555 6,493,702 I ®31312018 7,574,111 51185,555 1,788,556 The graph below and left shows collections through the 2vd quarter of the three main sources of General Fund Revenue and of those three as a total. Those three sources and property taxes are 70% of budgeted revenue. $220,501 more was received from those three sources through the 2°d quarter of this year, as compared to the same period last year, we anticipate receiving $85,000 more than budgeted. The graph below and right shows the percentage of budgeted expenditures by department at the end of the quarter. In total, departments expended 47% of amounts budgeted with 50% of the year completed. 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2ndQtr2016 2ndQtr2017 2018Budget 2018ktual oEsd6odm aEkic(M Txx *WkstUsTar uToWo[hThw 100.0% 75.0% 50.0% 25.0% 0.0% d1i 6\' � 6 Gp� 0\5o0 QOdO 5 eleop G Pagel of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND FEMA REIMBURSEMENTS Special Revenue Funds provide most of the monies needed for capital projects. The graph below and left shows collections the current year compared to the past two years and the current annual budget and collections for Local Option Gas Taxes (LOGT), Discretionary Sales Tax (DST) and Stormwater Fees. We are collecting $158,242 more than at this time last year. The graph below and right shows the progress on obtaining reimbursements from FEMA on Hurricanes Matthew and Irma. 3,500,000 3,0DD000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,X 00 1,000,000 500,000 LOGT DST Slu m lerFee 2,500,000 2,250,000 2,000,WO - 1,581,744 t,7so,000 � 1; 15c0000 . t,25o,000 t,0oo,000 750,000 50D,OW 250,000 0 Matthew ■Requested 2,256,244 ■Received 674,500 0 Irma Totals DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND LONGTERM DEBT The City's long-term debt includes the Stormwater Revenue Bank Note ($1,912,000 outstanding, maturing 5/01/22). The City refunded the previously issued bonds with a Bank Note on December 18, 2013. The City also has a Bank Note for Street Repaving ($933,000 outstanding, maturing 12/01/22). The Bank Loan on Golf Carts was paid off on 09/06/17 and replaced with a capital lease that was approved by the City Council on June 28, 2017. The City is in compliance with requirements on all these obligations. GOLF COURSE The graph below and left compares Golf Course Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the 2nd quarter of this year to the end of the 2"d quarter the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through the end of this quarter to the same quarter ending of the prior two years. $700,000 of the negative Reserves is due to the large amount of capital improvements financed by loans from the Building Department. 3,000,000 1,600,000 2500000 1,400,000 1000,000 1,200,000 ,000,000 1,500,000 800,000 1,000,000 600000 500,000 400.000 0 200,000 (500,000) 0 (1,000,000� � (zoto,9a0) (1,500,000) Revenues F" Del H Reserves Revenues Enendei Resesves I103112016 1,M2 327 1,0" 41 (164,614) IUNG17 1,563,740 1,946,213 (1,35a,360) JIMI12017 0t7,132 675,062 1Y,070 IN10018 1,129,412 I 1,202,234 (1,431,182) ®3' hill 1,129,412 1,202.234 (72,822) Page 2 of 3 The graph below and left compares Airport Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through this year to the prior two years at this same time, plus the impact to Reserves. 600,000 400,000 200,000 (200,000) (400,600) (600,000) (800,W0) 930r017I I331120181 BUILDING 409,476 268,106 495,877 (63g048) 207 M5 (569,807) 400 000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Revenues 1031316 392,387 1133172017 W.663 113308 268,106 Expended +I-Remes 241,646 150,741 206657 19,006 207K5 1 fflY41 The graph below and left compares Building Department Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through this year to the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. 1,200,000 450,000 400 000 1,000,000 350,000 800,000 300,000 600,000 iif 250,000 200,000 400N0 150.000 200,000 100,000 50,000 0 0 (200,000) Reserves Revenues EoAe8797 �031316 Revenues 406,958 I930P2011 78Q994 598,7669,432 I 103112017 340,893 I331QO18 433,116 282,268 I 1,13Q283 I 1031018 433,116 Eacerdei Oesaves 1 320,141 86,817 250,065 90,808 282,268 150,848 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 03/31/18 201412015 201512016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2017/2018 2017/2018 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERALFUND TAXES -4,557,232.56 -4,901,730.12 -5,055,773.02 -5,211,563.21 -7,884,576.00 66.10% LICENSES & PERMITS -115,870.97 -106,072.66 -105,825.12 -124,179.46 -138,500.00 89.66% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -945,796.04 -1,019,751.73 -1,058,067.64 -1,501,709.95 -2,608,036.00 57.58% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -166,638.76 -165,079.89 -150,378.66 -202,582.12 -404,140.00 50.13% FINES AND FORFEITS -34,269.75 -47,408.74 -31,899.15 -25,846.80 -55,000.00 46.99% MISC. REVENUE -147,706.01 -162,883.25 -116,066.35 -145,729.33 -254,402.00 57.28% TRANSFERS IN -357,647.04 -373,709.42 -329,999.94 -362,499.96 -729,638.00 49,68% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -264,500.00 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -6,325,161.13 -6,776,635.81 -6,848,009.88 -7,574,110.83 -12,338,792.00 61.38% CITY COUNCIL 22,377.66 21,828.86 23,849.85 24,160.05 54,893.00 44.01% CITY MANAGER 121,455.37 127,190.70 124,312.83 127,809.13 303,269.00 42.14% CITY CLERK 170,360.27 161,674.74 93,779.32 117,633.57 225,760.00 52.11% LEGAL 53,639.48 33,097.50 42,710.00 47,796.77 101,554.00 47.07% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 248,995.46 321,141.93 277,962.79 327,605.34 657,696.00 49.81% M.I.S. DIVISION 77,991.83 100,857.13 78,782.01 211,106.74 357,864.00 58.99% AUDIOVISUAL 0.00 68,754.66 51,640.98 0.00 0.00 0.00% POLICE ADMINISTRATION 385,285.85 521,215.06 422,768.55 392,459.15 908,139.00 43.22% POLICE PATROL 1,272,457.84 1,295,185.96 1,366,768.31 1,219,237.28 2,790,944.00 43.69% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISIO 80,891.38 96,176.97 79,406.82 84,809.22 174,449.00 48.62% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 394,585.89 427,271.04 363,283.10 368,119.98 806,600.00 45.64% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 242,193.30 255,477.48 293,120.49 292,015.72 600,155.00 48.66% ENGINEERING 0.00 0.00 277,454.13 0.00 0.00 n/a ROADS AND DRAINAGE 343,250.65 513,926.41 197,348.80 433,229.85 769,512.00 56.30% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVIS 591,735.78 524,506.95 308,785.81 479,511.99 1,208,644.00 39.67% CENTRAL GARAGE 99,272.27 106,126.35 94,396.75 102,926.68 229,632.00 44.82% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 129,831.22 104,475.33 211,689.01 188,356.84 479,169.00 39.31% PARKS/RECREATION 476,997.77 502,591.81 433,606.53 428,493.41 906,679.00 47.26% CEMETERY 88,908.78 108,334.68 75,366.19 92,777.87 187,914.00 49.37% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 114,595.49 142,071.93 81,090.71 170,796.85 423,243.00 40.35% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 600,918.26 883,303.15 733,767.19 676,708.91 1,152,676.00 58.71% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 5,515,744.55 6,315,208.64 5,631,890.17 5,785,555.35 12,338,792.00 46.89% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -261,912.52 -266,281.10 -276,880.41 -302,575.50 -683,001.00 44.30% INTERGVT'L REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12,908.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -140.28 -778.66 -1,148.79 -1,563.23 -1,182.00 132.25% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 -200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a FROM FUND BALANCES -45,385.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -96.457.00 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -307,438.60 -467,059.76 -278,029.20 -304,138.73 -793,548.00 38.33% OPERATING EXPENSES 101,802.81 96,088.00 7,915.29 5,566.62 72,605.00 7.67% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 9,488.00 22,839.30 27,498.00 83.06% DEBT SERVICE 121,391.20 121,383.30 14,336.60 121,251.10 242,445.00 50.01% GRANTS AND AIDS 136,742,10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 249,609.60 173.25 14,399.31 451,000.00 3.19% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 359,936.11 467,080.90 31,913.14 164,056.33 793,548.00 20.67% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX - TAXES -1,180,341.11 -1,238,536.46-1,296,316.21 -1,386,528.78 -3,187,750.00 43.50% MISC. REVENUE -2,960.16 -3,255.50 -7,897.16 -11,905.34 -27,708.00 42.97% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,188,481.00 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -1,183,301.27 -1,241,791.96-1,304,213.37 -1,398,434.12 -4,403,939.00 31.75% TRANSFERS OUT 1,399,399.66 1,550,222.37 1,522,099.70 1,224,106.61 3,608,118.00 33.93% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 795,721.00 0.00% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 1,399,399.66 1,550,222.37 1,622,099.70 1,224,106.51 4,403,839.00 27.80% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -18,710.00 -19,506.33 -20,278.18 -22,573.84 -37,878.00 59.60% TRANSFERS IN -296,420.01 -349,624.18 -342,240.96 -366,531.86 -349,989.00 104.73% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -469.234.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -315,130.01 -369,130.51 -362,519.14 -389,105.70 -857,101.00 45.400% OPERATING EXPENSES 86,061.04 124,730.30 49,539.88 109,575.08 220,192.00 49.76% CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,765.86 11,208.90 0.00 0.00 57,000.00 0.00% GRANTS AND AIDS 15,500.00 25,276.25 0.00 15,000.00 70,000.00 21.43% TRANSFERS OUT 30,150.00 21,866.68 208,729.55 250,000.00 439,234.00 56.92% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,675.00 0.00% RRD EXPENDITURES 143,476.90 183.082.13 258,269.43 374,575.08 857,101.00 43.70% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC, REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCE PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES RECREATION IMPACT FEE REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT RECREATION IMPACT FEE STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERSIN FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER FUND REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES STORMWATER FUND EXPENDITURES LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 03/31/18 2014/2015 201512016 201612017 2017/2018 201712018 201712018 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET -11,044.10-17,537.65-19,443.35 -7,233.40 -14,204.00 50.93% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a -11,044.10-17,637.65-19,443.35 -7,233.40 -14,204.00 50.93% 2,800.00 0.00 44,703.00 0.00 0.00 n/a 0.00 0.00 13,792.00 0.00 0.00 n/a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,204.00 0.00% 2,800.00 0.00 58,495.00 0.00 14,204.00 0.00% -60,024.46 0.00 -60,024.46 3,280.00 0.00 5,361.37 8,641.37 -878,041.83 0.00 0.00 -878,041.83 8,074.22 451,068.00 0.00 459,142.22 -91,500.25 0.00 -91,500.25 0.00 0.00 14,269.00 14,269.00 -887,398.71 -100,000.00 0.00 -987,398.71 44, 907.93 369,658.75 0.00 414,566.68 -44,427.06 0.00 -44,427.06 0.00 0.00 5,429.25 5,429.25 -896,124.12 -100,000.00 0.00 _-996,124.12 8,184.94 630,739.04 0.00 638,923.98 -61,993.23-168,680.00 0.00-475,045.00 -61,993.23-643,725.00 0.00 0.00 382,950.10 382,950.10 -909,663.10 0.00 0.00 -909,663.10 73,258.65 349,999.98 0.00 423,258.63 0.00 0.00 643,725.00 643,725.00 -1,001,535.00 0.00 -116,463.00 -1,117,988.00 417,988.00 700,000.00 0.00 1,117,988.00 36.75% 0.00% 9.63% n/a n/a 59.49% 59.49% 90.83% n/a 0.00% 81.37% 17.53% 50.00% n/a 37.86% FINES AND FORFEITS -700.00 -965.00 -25,961.00 -100.00 -1,000.00 10.00% MISC. REVENUE -38.58 -27,619.28 -258.08 -349.98 -145.00 241.37% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a FORFEITURE REVENUE -738.58 -28,584.28 -26,219.08 -449.98 -1,145.00 39.30% OPERATING EXPENSES 1,256.94 0.00 2,061.79 3,970.99 0.00 n/a CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000.00 15,158.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 3,000.00 3,000,00 1,500.00 0.00 n/a TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,145.00 0,00% FORFEITURE EXPENDITURES 4,256.94 18,158.69 5,061.79 5,470.99 1,145.00 477.82% DST DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -308.44 -403.96 -112.08 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS IN -512,943.48 -433,555.98 -176,463.48 0.00 0.00 n/a FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a DST DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -513,251.92 -433,959.94 -176.675.56 0.00 0.00 n/a OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a DEBT SERVICE 1,029,307.00 1,028,624.80 354,517.90 0.00 0.00 n/a TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a DST DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES 1,029,307.00 1,028,624.80 354,517.90 0.00 0.00 n/a STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC REVENUE -404.40 -670.18 -745.83 -1,598.90 -900.00 177.66% TRANSFERS IN -201,067.98 -200,570.52 -201,481.50 -201,895.98 -403,792.00 50.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -201,472.38 -201,240.70 -202,227.33 -203,494.88 -404,692.00 50.28% DEBT SERVICE 25,794.30 22,749.50 126,678.75 16,538.80 404,078.00 4.09% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 614.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 25,794.30 22,749.50 126,678.75 16,538.80 404,692.00 4.09% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 03/31/18 2014/2016 201512016 201612017 201712018 201712018 201712018 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GOLF COURSE FUND INTERGOVERMENTAL REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -60,000.00 0.00 CHARGES FOR SERVICE -873,414.51 -703,203.39 -781,706.01 -765,8%90 -1,294,434.00 59,16% MISC. REVENUE -23,694.61 -19,265.20 -25,426.13 -54,020.42 -53,464.00 101.04% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 -699,858.00 0,00 248,260.79 -11,320.00 -2193.12% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -897,109.12 -1,322,326.59 -807,132.14 -621,570.53 -1,359,218.00 45.73% ADMINISTRATION 270,742.92 266,906.53 248,761.03 570,071.51 682,302.28 83.55% MAINTENANCE 282,578.33 1,145,933.87 350,194.28 282,849.53 585,129.00 48.34% GOLF COURSE CARTS 73,001.84 74,100.95 76,106.71 101,051.52 158,647.00 63.70% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSES 626,323.09 1,486,941.35 675,062.02 953,972.56 1,426,078.28 66.89% AIRPORT FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE 4,672.07 -6,906.44 -5,477.30 -10,121.85 -18,000.00 56.23% MISC. REVENUE -218,802.18 -385,480.29 -220,185.60 -257,983.66 -479,456.00 53.81% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a AIRPORT FUND REVENUE -214,130.11 -392,386.73 -225,662.90 -268,105.51 -497,456.00 53.90% ADMINISTRATION 179,924.07 234,359.17 206,657.34 207,864.99 497,456.00 41.79% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4,699.70 7,286.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a AIRPORT FUND EXPENSES 184,623.77 241,645.55 206,657.34 207,864.99 497,456.00 41.79% BUILDING FUND LICENSES 8 PERMITS -319,570.14 -390,156.29 -315,513.79 -419,589.85 -635,300.00 66.05% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -5,807.94 -6,432.21 -5,467.44 -6,478.83 -12,600.00 51.42% FINES AND FORFEITS -4,282.86 -1,421.00 -2,521.00 -3,111.00 -4,500.00 69.13% MISC. REVENUE -2,581.26 -8,948.64 -4,890.98 -3,936.54 -6,700.00 58.75% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 -12,499.98 0.00 -31,744.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13,633.00 0.00% BUILDING FUND REVENUES -332,242.20 -406,958.14 -340,893.19 -433,116.22 -704,477.00 61.48% PERSONAL SERVICES 240,401.36 198,728.59 202,284.61 239,626.83 503,260.00 47.61% OPERATING EXPENSES 44,059.13 49,313.88 47,800.15 42,641.16 104,463.00 40.82% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 20,056.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS OUT 70,656.00 52,042.60 0.00 0.00 13,633.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83,121.00 0.00% BUILDING FUND EXPENSES 355,116.49 320,141.07 250,084.76 282,267.99 704,477.00 40.07% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 03/31/18 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 201712018 201712018 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 11,387.59 11,463.36 11,367.63 11,373.06 22,743.00 50.01% OPERATING EXPENSES 10,990.07 10,365.50 12,482.22 12,786.99 32,150.00 39.77% TOTAL 22,377.66 21.828.86 23,849.85 24,160.05 54,893.00 44.01% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 118,149.16 122,174.64 121,156.91 124,569.14 269,484.00 46.23% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,306.21 5,016.06 3,155.92 3,239.99 33,785.00 9.59% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 121,455.37 127,190.70 124,312.83 127,809.13 303,269.00 42.14% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 135,360.13 106,381.18 68,374.65 74,633.17 163,275.00 45.71% OPERATING EXPENSES 29,904.14 55,293.56 25,404.67 43,000.40 62,485.00 68.82% CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,096.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 170,360.27 161,674.74 93,779.32 117,633.57 225,760.00 52.11% LEGAL OPERATING EXPENSES 53,639.48 33,097.50 42,710.00 47,796.77 101,554.00 47.07% TOTAL 53,639.48 33,097.50 42,710.00 47,796.77 101.554.00 47.07% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 200,829.02 248,751.38 200,343.88 243,205.62 525,361.00 46.29% OPERATING EXPENSES 48,166.44 72,390.55 77,618.91 84,399.72 132,335.00 63.78% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 248,995.46 321,141.93 277,962.79 327,605.34 657,696.00 49.81% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 55,644.98 63,164.77 45,263.55 120,246.22 247,092.00 48.66% OPERATING EXPENSES 22,346.85 37,692.36 33,518.46 90,860.52 110,772.00 82.02% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 77,991.83 100,857.13 78,782.01 211,106.74 357,864.00 58.99% AUDIO VISUAL DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 45,531.58 44,266.03 0.00 0.00 n/a OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 11,545.19 7,374.95 0.00 0.00 n/a CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 11,677.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 0.00 68,754.66 51,640.98 0.00 0.00 n/a POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 319,948.76 434,478.86 347,832.83 315,270.66 765,732.00 41.17% OPERATING EXPENSES 64,337.09 74,971.20 74,935.72 77,188.49 142,407.00 54.20% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,000.00 11,765.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 386,285.85 521,215.06 422,768.55 392,459.15 908,139.00 43.22% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,166,749.14 1,183,001.74 1,222,978.08 1,089,906.35 2,467,961.00 44.16% OPERATING EXPENSES 103,619.70 104,779.22 128,520.43 116,968.94 302,983.00 38,61% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,089.00 7,405.00 15,269.80 12,361.99 20,000.00 61.81% TOTAL 1,272,457.84 1.295,185.96 1,366,768.31 1,219,237.28 2,790,944.00 43.69"/u CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 73,367.41 88,230.06 70,804.53 76,015.76 156,084.00 48.70% OPERATING EXPENSES 7,533.97 7,946.91 8,602.29 8,793.46 18,365.00 47.88% TOTAL 80,891.38 96,176.97 79,406.82 84,809.22 174,449.00 48.62%_� POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 342,459.22 352,945.97 310,895.12 317,560.77 686,939.00 46.23% OPERATING EXPENSES 52,126.67 65,763.19 52,387.98 50,559.21 119,661.00 42.25% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 8,561.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 394,585.89 427,271.04 363,283.10 368,119.98 806,600.00 45.64% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 03/31/18 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 201712018 201712018 2017/2018 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 238,205.70 251,273.05 287,142.75 287,088.21 585,174.00 49.06% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,987.60 4,204.43 5,977.74 4,927.51 14,981.00 32.89% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 242,193.30 255,477.48 293,120.49 292,015.72 600,155.00 48.66% ENGINERRING PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 138,430.66 0.00 0.00 n/a OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 111,798.87 0.00 0.00 n/a CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 27,224.60 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 0.00 0.00 277,454.13 0.00 0.00 n/a ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 277,188.42 467,638.57 168,037.24 252,154.24 405,138.00 62,24% OPERATING EXPENSES 66,062.23 42,496.91 29,311.56 173,531.61 356,830.00 48.63% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 3,790.93 0.00 7,544.00 7,544.00 100.00% TOTAL 343,250.65 513,926.41 197,348.80 433.229.85 769,512.00 56.30% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 258,663.97 289,766.06 173,905.87 270,606.69 700,270.00 38.64% OPERATING EXPENSES 305,015.91 231,437.99 134,879.94 207,918.30 507,387.00 40.98% CAPITAL OUTLAY 28,055.90 3,302.90 0.00 987.00 987.00 100.00% TOTAL 691,735.78 524,506.95 308,785.81 479,511.99 1,208,644.00 39.67% CENTRAL GARAGE' PERSONAL SERVICES 88,657.99 98,601.65 83,539.25 88,458.36 197,962.00 44.68% OPERATING EXPENSES 7,828.28 7,524.70 10,857.50 14,468.32 31,670.00 45.68% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,786.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 99,272.27 106,126.35 94,396.75 102,926.68 229,632.00 44.82% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 76,783.23 50,584.17 45,709.30 51,279.45 123,964.00 41.37% OPERATING EXPENSES 46,775.02 53,891.16 130,342.51 87,093.89 233,416.00 37.31% CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,272.97 0.00 35,637.20 49,983.50 121,789.00 41.04% TOTAL 129,831.22 104,475.33 211,689.01 188,356.84 479,169.00 39.31% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 332,913 99 393,490.30 249,465.77 240,364.41 516,345 00 46.55% OPERATING EXPENSES 130,895.50 102,601.51 180,383.76 186,779.00 382,734.00 48,80% CAPITAL OUTLAY 13,188.28 6,500.00 3,757.00 1,350.00 7,600.00 1T76% TOTAL 476,997.77 502,591.81 433,606.63 428,493.41 906,679.00 47.26% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 75,647.35 92,631.83 61,384.32 72,003.82 152,983.00 47.07% OPERATING EXPENSES 13,261.43 15,702.85 13,981.87 12,283.09 26,440.00 46.46% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,490.96 8,491.00 100.00% TOTAL 88,908.78 108,334.68 75,366.19 92,777.87 187,914.00 49.37% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 95,788.66 135,136.21 70,658.32 158,066.02 378,601.00 41.75% OPERATING EXPENSES 18,806.83 6,935.72 10,432.39 12,730.83 44,642.00 28.52% TOTAL 114,595.49 142,071.93 81,090.71 170,796.86 423,243.00 40.35% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 67,827.59 102,256.13 153,041.52 143,192.45 346,722.00 41.30% OPERATING EXPENSES 448,365.04 470,447.02 466,460.69 464,279.02 640,814.00 72.45% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 1,765.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 84,725.63 310,600.00 112,499.98 69,237.44 73,888.00 93.71% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91,252.00 0.00% TOTAL 600,918.26 883,303.16 733,767.19 676,708.91 1,162,676.00 58.71% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 5,515,744.55 6,315,208.64 5,631,890.17 5,785,555.35 12,338,792.00 46.89% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF MARCH 31, 2018 Project Budget Share Project Expenditures Funds Number Description Budget Sources (in Thousands of S) Budget To Date Encumbrances Remainin¢ FY2015 A1518 Clear Village Software GF/BLDG 20/41 61,012 43,729 17,283 - A1521 Community Center Parking RIF 52 52,000 11013 6,021 34,967 A1562 Indian River Lagoon (CLOSED) GF/SW 76/200 29,899 28,899 - 0 TOTAL 2015 PROJECTS S 141,911 $ 83,640 $ 23,304 $ 34,967 FY2016 A1603 Payroll Automation OF 6 6,100 5,100 - 1,000 A1611 Police Evidence Garage DST 461 461,411 379,046 63,575 18,790 A1621 Working Waterfront Phase 2A DST/GRANT 218/89 306,535 275,850 50,023 (19,338) A1655 Tawway C,D,E, Design (COMPLETE) DST/GRANT 16/249 264,430 264,430 - - A1656 AP Muster Plan Update DST/GRANT 26/265 291,OW 279,450 12,350 (800) TOTAL 2016 PROJECTS $ 1,329,476 $ 1,2W,876 $ 125,948 $ (347) FY2017 A1701 Chamber Sign (COMPLETE) OF 11 10,899 10,899 - 0 A1710 Hurricane Matthew Expenses GF&EMA 125%/875% 1,409,929 1,737,105 1000 (328,176) A1713 MIS Servers DST 35 35,000 29,047 - 5,953 A1714 Police Vehicles& Equip (COMPLETE) DST 392 392,027 392,027 - 0 A1719 Hurricane Irma Expenses GF/PEMA 0 169,424 407,876 11,490 (249,942) A17N BSSC Football Field Ramparts RIF/Donanon 130/1 131,000 10,812 4,198 116,000 A1725 Comprehensive Plan Parka &Recrea0on RIF 20 19,600 - 19,600 - A1726 Riverview Park Playground (COMPLETE) OF 46 46,368 46,368 - - A1741 Clubhouse Reconstruction BLDG/Grant 195/50 235,000 3)1,774 - (76,774) A1742 GC Can Path Repairs BLDGDEPT 69 68,592 57,441 - 11,151 A1750 AWOS III-T System DST/GRANT 21/85 106,000 1,076 104,985 (61) A1762 Sephc to Sewer Grants CRA/GRANT 230/100 330.000 60,766 - 269,234 A1764 Oyster Pointe Drainage DST 1" 164,500 5,700 8,800 150,000 A1765 Oyster Bags Q Working Waterfront SW/GRANT 24/24 47,928 2,600 - 45,328 TOTAL 2017 PROJECTS $ 3,166,267 $ 3,073,489 $ 150,063 $ (57,286) FY2018 A1800 Audio Visual Equipment DST 30 $ 30,000 $ - $ - $ 30,000 AI801 Lasertche Upgrade DST 50 S 50,000 S 41,950 $ 7,229 S 821 A1802 Computer Upgrades DST 30 S 30,0W $ 13,351 $ - $ 16,649 A1803 Wueleas System DST 5 $ 5,000 $ 2,570 $ - $ 2,430 A1804 peeved Software DST 76 $ 75,650 $ 19,392 $ - $ 57,258 A1805 Police Vehicles & Equip DST 350 $ 350,000 S - $ - $ 350,000 A1806 Evidence Building Fixtures DST 20 $ 20,000 $ 5,021 $ - $ 14,979 A1907 Radio System Upgrades DST 57 $ 57,000 $ - $ 57,000 $ - A1808 Power Source for 911 Center DST 17 $ 17,000 $ - $ - $ 17,000 A1809 City Hall An Conditioners(CLOSED) DST 40 $ - $ - $ S _ A1810 Purchase 1215 Indian River Drive DST/CRA 550/250 $ 800,000 $ 753,423 $ 2,500 $ 44,077 A1820 Pmkleball Courts DST 213 $ 213,000 $ 5,560 $ 20,578 $ 196,963 A1821 BSSC BallHeld Lighting (COMPLETE) RIF 378 $ 377,638 S 377,638 $ - S (0) AIS22 ADA Playgound RIF 80 $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ 80,000 A1823 Cemetery litigation System DST 150. $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ 150,0W A1830 Speed Cushions&Signage LOUT 5 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 5,000 A1831 Sheet Milling& Repavmg(IR Drive) LOGT 451 $ 45 LM $ 14,399 S 19,027 $ 418,574 A1832 Street Reconstruction DST 357 $ 356,500 $ 65,285 $ 128,473 $ 162,742 At 833 Public Works Compound DST 100 $ 100,000 S 15,000 $ 42,000 $ 43,000 A1850 Mpdenxe Secunty Cameras DST 79 $ 79,589 $ 186 $ - $ 79,403 A1851 TdoowayD&E Construction DST/GRANT 97/184 $ 1936,152 $ 692,095 S 1,257648 $ (7,592) A1852 Construct Shade Hangars DST/GRANT 125/500 $ 625,000 $ 26,698 $ - $ 598,302 A1853 Airport Entrance Signage DST 20 $ 20,411 $ 13864 $ - S 6,547 A1860 Stoneemp Drainage DST/GRANT 188/563 $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ 750,000 A1861 Sewer Connection Grants GF/SW 47/200 $ 247,173 $ - $ - $ 217,173 TOTAL 2018 PROJECTS $ 6,826,113 S 2,045,435 $ 1,527,455 $ 3,253,224 GRAND TOTAL OF ACTIVE PROJECTS $ 11,463,767 $ 6,406.440 $ 1,826,769 $ 3,230,558 REPORT ON GENERAL FUND CASH RESERVES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH, 2018 General Fund Cash Reserves are maintained to minimize the impact on the City's operations of unforeseen or emergency events, such as natural disasters, significant revenue shortfalls or unanticipated expenditures. Should there be an event(s) causing City-wide damages of 30% or more, it is preferable to have a reserve balance of at least $5 million dollars. Some of this balance was previously committed to funding unanticipated repairs and replacements from surpluses added during FY2013, FY2014 and FY2016. Nothing was set aside for FY2015 due to a shortfall of $80,738. On March 8, 2017, the City Council established a maximum balance of $275,000 and the "R&R Reserve" was adjusted to that amount. Audited figures from FY2017 supported an increase of up to $245,200 to bring the "R&R' to the $275,000 maximum. General Fund Reserves Available for Emergencies Equipment and Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve 09/30/13 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,065,242 09/30/13 Initial Assignment ofFY2012-13 Surplus $467,286 $467,286 09/30/14 Changes to Assigned Reserves 19,789 06/30/14 Replace 3 Mowers & Dump Truck -96,915 370,371 09/30/14 Surplus for FY2013-14 263,874 09/10/14 Replace Excavator -28,056 342,315 09/30/14 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,348,905 09/18/14 Replace Police Authentication System -4,343 337,972 01//14/15 Audit Fee for new GASB -2,000 09/30/14 Assignment of FY2013-14 Surplus +263,874 601,846 01/28/15 Building Department Software -19,800 10/06/14 Repairs for Sinkhole at Rolling Hill Ditch -18,554 583,292 05/13/15 Seawall Engineering Assessment -50,000 10/10/14 Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge -30,215 553,077 09/30/15 $50K Airport Advance Repaid 50,000 11/07/14 Ditch Work -Barber, Caravan & Crowberry -9,598 543,479 09/30/15 Changes to Assigned Reserves 40,106 12/10/14 Replace Bucket Truck -94,641 448,838 09/30/15 Surplus for FY2014-15 -80,738 06/24/15 Repairs to City Garage Roof -8,651 440,187 09/30/15 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,296,473 06/24/15 Pipe Repair-CoohdgcAndian River Drive -14,980 425,207 09/30/16 $50K Repayment of Airport Advance 50,000 0624/15 Sidewalk Repairs at Barber Street Bridge -1.926 423,281 09/30/16 Changes to Assigned Reserves 31,368 0826/15 Community Center/Yacht Club Pumps/Wells -5,140 418,141 09/30/16 Surplus for FY2015-16 158,834 0826/15 Cemetery Irrigation due to lighting strike -387 417,754 09/30/16 Per Audited Financial Statements * $5,526,675 08/26/15 Repairs to Main Street Dock -1,500 416,254 01/27/17 2016 Senior Center Restrooms Project 34,107 07/15/15 Communications Dispatch Console -29,983 386,271 09/30/17 $1OK Repayment of Airport Advance 10,000 07/24/15 Repairs to Tennis Court Fencing -850 385,421 09/30/17 Changes to Assigned Reserves -133,118 0724/15 Repairs to Police Department generator -1,000 384,421 09/30/17 Transfers for Hurricane Matthew ** -1,409,929 07/30/15 Replace Parks mower -10,525 373,896 09/30/17 2017 Payouts for Hurricane Irma ** -169,424 08/06/15 City Hall/Community Center air conditioners -13,281 360,615 09/30/17 Surplus for FY2016-17 348,378 09/30/15 Assignment ofFY2014-15 Surplus 0 360,615 09/30/17 Unfinished Projects Carried Over 49,200 12/31/15 Contract for CRA Landscaping Services -10,600 350,015 09/30/17 Per Audited Financial Statements* $4,089,275 12/31/15 Replacement of benches/trash receptacles -7,495 342,520 10/30/17 2018 Payouts for Hurricane Irma ** -238,452 12/31/15 Repairs to Cemetery office building -6,250 336,270 02/07/18 City Manager Search Consultant -26,500 02/16/16 Cart Barn electrical repairs -24,600 311,670 Pending Adjustment for City Manager Payouts -105,448 03/03/16 Replacement Roller -14,450 297,220 Total Unobligated Reserves $3,718,895 05/19/16 Post -Hole Diggers -2,944 294,276 03/31/18 Less Equipment and Facilities R&R -63,200 06/02/16 Cemetery Replacement Pump -3,300 290,976 March -May Reimbursements from Hurricane Matthew 1,438,079 06/14/16 City Council Air Conditioner -32,247 258,729 Net Available for Emergencies $5,093,774 08/17/16 Paint Airport Maintenance Building Columns -2,800 255,929 09/30/16 Assignment ofFY2015-16 Surplus +158,834 414,763 01/04/17 Replace Badge Printer -1,765 412,998 01/04/17 Replace Tennis Court Roller -3,757 409,241 0120/17 Repair Airport Air Conditioner -700 408,541 01/20/17 Replace Airport Wind Sock and Pole -4,826 403,715 02/08/17 Replace Construction Inspector Vehicle -33,495 370,220 02/15/17 Replace Paint Sprayer Trailer -699 369,521 03/08/17 Adjustment to $275,000 Maximum -94,521 275,000 03/15/17 Replace Public Works Boat Motor -3,639 271,361 03/15/17 Airport Hanger A & Police Air Conditioners -47,810 223,551 * Within this amount. is $40,000 received from Waste Management. 03/16/17 Golf Course Ball Washers -1,907 221,644 04/27/17 Playground Components and well -18,871 202,773 ** Another $145,676 is expected on Hurricane Matthew reimbursements. 05/15/17 Replace a Police Air Conditioner -28,605 174,168 Reimbursements of expenditures on Hurricane Irma are still being processed 0525/17 Repair Line at Golf Pump Station -1,894 172,274 for submission. 08/15/17 Revamp Riverview Park Big -Kid Playground -33,000 139,274 08/31/17 Replace Pro Shop Air Conditioner -5,950 133,324 09/05/17 Replace Airport Pickup Truck -22,514 110,810 09YI4117 Replace Air Conditioner at the Airport Vault -9,427 101,383 09/30/17 Clubhouse Restroom, Hallway & Doors -71,583 29,800 09/30/17 Assignment of FY2016-17 Surplus +245,200 275,000 10/31/17 Replace Fiber for Broadcasting Room -1,879 273,121 10/31/17 Replace Electrical Receptacles to U.S.1 Poles -3,900 269,221 10/31/17 Police Air Conditioner Replacement Permit -39,721 229,500 10/31/17 Replace Cemetery Mower -8,491 221,009 12/08/17 Replace Unit at Riverview Park Playground. -13,368 207,641 12/29/17 Replace Playground Mulch -11,558 196,083 1229/17 Repair Barber Street Concession Roof -5,970 190,113 0125/18 Replace Old School House Air Conditioner -4,305 185,808 01/25/18 Replace Parking Lot Curbing -11,320 174,488 02/08/18 Replace Sign Shop Plotter -6,194 168 294 0327/18 Replace City Hall Air Conditioner -74,305 93,989 03/27/18 Replace Administrative Services Carpet -7,789 86,200 Pending City Council Chambers Paint and Carpet -23,000 63,200 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2018 At March 31, 2018, the total of the City's cash and investments were $11,359,017.59. Of this, $7,156,767.52 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,699,400.52 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $502,849.55 is deposited with Florida Trust, which invest in short-term bonds. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any direct investments in government securities. Returns at the end of the quarter were 2.03% and 1.97% for the Bank and State Board. Since the investment was initially made with Florida Trust, our average annualized return has been just .38%. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK STATE BOARD OF ADhONISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT CURRENT CASH BALANCI( Air.i.OGATmN BALANCE PERCENT INVESTMENTALLOCATTON BALANCE PERCENT General Fund S 3,455,27381 49.28% General Fund $ 1,"0,09599 3893% Local Option Gas Tax Fund 351,19225 491% Local Option Gas Ten Fund - 0,00% Dr,entlbwy Sales Tax Fund 1458,42417 2038% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 807,915,87 21840/6 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 456,22743 637% Rievolunt Redevelopment Fund 98,90115 2or/. Parking In-Lem-OfFund - 0.00% Parkingln-Lieu-0fFund 47,055.07 1.27% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 455,160.47 6.36% Receation Impact Fee Food 178,86247 493% Sommar ter UtiLty Fund 753007.69 1052% Stormwater Utility Fund - 000% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 10.81137 015% Law permanent Forfeiture Fund 34,87019 0.94% Smvnwater Seri es 2003 Debt Service Fund 357,31330 499% Stomrweter Series 2003 Debt Service Fund - 0,00% Capitol Protects Fund (565.62783) -790% Capital Protects Fund - 0.00% Capital Improvements Fund (73,91023) .103% Capimi Improvements Fund - 0001/. Trerepertanon Fund (0.10) 000% Tmnsporlation Fund - 0M Stormwater Projeem Fund 268,501.35 375% Stormwater Proects Fund - 0.00% GoIFCourse Fund (104,972.42) -IJ7°/a Golf Course Fund 000% Airport Fund 94,25313 1.32% Airport Fund - 000% Airport Projects Fund (253,122,61) .354% Airport Protects Fund - 000% Building Department Fund 418,42360 585% Building Department Fund 117,676.20 318% Cemetery Trust Fund 75,81214 106% CemeteryTmst Fund 881,68358 2383% Performance Deposits Fund - 000% Performance Deposits Fund 92,34000 250% Total Bank Bedsore S 7.156967.5E 100.00% Total SBA Bebnre S 3.699,400.5E 100.00% Cm OF SEBMTLAtN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Joe Griffin, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: May 31, 2018 Re: 2ntl Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2018 Enclosed please find the 2"d Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended March 31, 2018. CITY CLERK Leeislative Sunnort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded five Regular City Council meetings • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, emails, scanned to LF and indexed • Eight resolutions adopted by Council • Two ordinances adopted by Council • Five proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, City staff and press • Four public hearing advertisements placed with TCPahn • Met developer at courthouse to record final plat • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations • Participated with new City Manager process (meetings, proofreading, candidate info disbursement) • Arranged notification of stormwater public hearing for 16,000 property owners • Made travel arrangements for two members to attend Advanced IEMO class • Assisted with City Attorney round robin interviews • Requested county tax relief for 1215 Indian River Drive purchase • Notified 11 government entities of Spirit of Sebastian annexation Records Manaeement PrOeram • Responded to 32 public records requests • 18 bags, 41 boxes and 1 — 96 gallon bin of paper records met retention along with duplicate and OSA records were destroyed by shredding vendor • Nine boxes of capital projects, two boxes of finance and one personnel box were imported into Laserfiche for permanent and long term records • Transferred and documented two bid records and five Finance boxes for storage • Documented and destroyed three months of customer complaint electronic records • Prepared one payment and performance bond for release Election Matters • Four candidates and one PAC submitted TR treasurers reports; provided to press as requested • Prepared 2018 election candidate handbooks and posted to website • Arranged early voting site and schedule with Supervisor Swan for primary and general election Citv Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared three board appointments, notified and provided info to appointees, updated board handbook and distributed pages • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded three CRA meetings within Council Meetings • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one BOA meeting within Council Meetings. • Records Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one Veterans Advisory Committee meeting • Records Clerk published all scanned City board packets to City website and Laserfiche and provided to press and Council • Four CRA advertisements placed with TCPalm • Records Clerk attended three project management meetings • Records Clerk attended five meetings for the Events Committee • Records Clerk listened to MCCI video training for the Laserfiche update • Administered oath to one Police Officer Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 20 locations for a total of $23,000. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention Personnel/Educational Matters • Records Clerk attended two project management meetings • Records Clerk listened to MCCI video training for the Laserfiche update City Clerk and Records Clerk attended Laserfiche training March 28 Communitv Matters • Responded to or forwarded CITYSEB emails to appropriate departments • Records Clerk wrote an article for the Pelican News. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Worked with the State and FEMA to finally obtain most of the reimbursements due on Hurricane Matthew. • Worked with FEMA to submit reimbursement documents for Hurricane Irma. • Provided administrative support to the Police Pension Board. • Closed accounting records at year-end. • Responded to questions from the Auditors. • Worked with Auditors to complete the FY2017 audit and preparation of the financial statements. • Submitted FY2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to Government Finance Officers Awards Program. • Submitted Annual Police Pension Report to the State. • Developed budget calendar for events that will keep preparation of the FY 2019 budget on schedule. • Prepared 1st Quarter Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Distributed instructions for submitting Capital Improvement Program request to Administrative Services. • Continued to deal with issues with conversion to the new automated payroll system. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Worked on review and revision of City personnel policies. • Recruited, interviewed and hired replacements for vacant positions. • Worked on review and updating of records on contracts and agreements. • Worked on review and updating of the purchasing procedures. WOMI.1DlI737TI 1 Administration • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Conducted interviews for police officer positions. • Had 2 long term police officers retire. • Attended 5 special event meetings with city staff and participated in the Gifford Community MLK Parade, Shrimp felt and Sheriffs Youth Ranch fundraising BBQ. • Began Citizen's Academy with 22 participants. • Administration attended 4 Council meetings. • Attended over 65 Law Enforcement related meetings and 25 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Administrative personnel attended over 75 hours of training. • Continued to collect statistical data to include: personnel, community, crime, etc. • Responded to 10 public records requests. • Continued our Community Outreach Program focusing on enriching our relationship with our citizens hosting events. • Conducted our first "Unity With the Community" Fundraiser to help us in our community outreach endeavors, netting $10,000 to offset our annual budget. School Resource Officer January February March Totals School Checks 25 36 40 101 DARE Classes Taught 2 5 4 11 GREAT Classes Taught 0 0 4 4 Calls for Service 9 24 26 59 Reports 3 10 7 20 Crossing Guard Contacts 18 25 10 53 Mentor Lunches 4 6 10 20 Shop with a Cop 2 2 8 12 Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 1,978 hours during this quarter. • 58 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall so employees do not have to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 161 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 24 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 95 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 69 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 56 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 73 special details were assigned. • 3 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 147 paper runs, i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriffs Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney paperwork, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 0 traffic crash scenes. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking infractions issued. • 9 citizen contacts. • 373 miscellaneous jobs. • 27 hours of Escorts were completed. The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 1,596 hours during this quarter. Road Patrol and Suecial Operations • Officers were dispatched to 7544 calls for service, and self -initiated 4826 events. • 110 adult and 6 juvenile arrests were made. • Officers issued 176 citations, 37 parking citations, and 624 written warnings. • Officers completed 583 offense reports and 129 crash reports. Officers were dispatched to 6546 calls for service, and self -initiated 3845 events. January February March Totals Subpoenas 4 4 5 13 Arrests 2 6 5 13 Warrants 3 14 13 30 Training/Meeting Hours 30 52 32 114 Follow -Ups 51 74 70 195 Active Cases 33 32 35 100 Assigned Cases 17 21 18 56 Cleared Cases 11 7 9 27 Inactive Cases 7 4 4 15 Supplements 17 35 13 65 Investigations January February March Totals Subpoenas 5 5 5 15 Arrests 2 0 2 4 Warrants 2 0 0 2 Training/Meeting Hours 0 8 8 16 Follow -Ups 6 5 7 18 Active Cases 2 1 4 7 Assigned Cases 4 3 4 11 Cleared Cases 2 2 0 4 Inactive Cases 0 0 0 0 Supplements 6 5 5 16 Surveillance Hours 10 8 16 34 Communitv Policing & Crime Prevention Officer • Community Events 67 hours. • Agency Outreach Events 23 hours. • Community Meetings 12 hours. • School Related Events 11 hours • Public Training Classes 25 hours. • Regional Outreach 6 hours. • Problem -Oriented Policing 4 hours. • Explorer Post Activities 3 hours. • Training and Schools 42 hours. • In -Service Instruction 14 hours. • Social Media Management 29 hours. • Administration and Research 30 hours. • Road Patrol Coverage 20 hours. Operations Division The first quarter of 2018 has been an extremely busy one for the Operations Division. During this period, we have experienced the retirement of one canine officer and his dog, maintained two officers on light duty due to worker's compensation injuries (including the sole traffic officer) and lost one part-time COPE officer who left our employment. We handled more than five special events in addition to numerous extra -duty details. We have also worked to recruit and select of two new replacement officers to fill vacancies. One detective who served as the primary boat patrol staff refired in February and our one volunteer who provided routine water safety patrol was unavailable during this quarter. We anticipate having more routine police patrol boat patrols starting this quarter depending on road staffing. More than six officers have been signed off as boat operators to cover emergencies, leaving a staff of 8 personnel who are qualified to operate the boat. During this quarter we have detected and shutdown a multi -jurisdictional theft rings due to discoveries by patrol officers. One was the work of quick thinking officers handling a simple shoplifting case which appears to be a criminal organization out of South Florida. Additionally, working in concert with detectives and other agencies, we recovered thousands of dollars of stolen property, including gear from one of our larger businesses in Sebastian. We experienced a small number of commercial burglaries that appear to be the work of a criminal gang that is hitting the Treasure and Space Coast. Our Unity With The Community COPE Banquet was a great success. In addition to raising over $10,000 to help fund the radKIDS program, we had the opportunity to recognize the people, businesses and organizations from the Sebastian area community for their partnership with our efforts. The three COPE officers were also been extremely active in getting out the message by attending all of the Chamber of Commerce Concerts in the Park, hosting a Movie Night and meeting the monthly quota of community outreach events with the COPE trailer. They handled numerous community education presentations and meetings. The COPE Unit was responsible for recruiting participants, organizing instructors and putting together the annual Citizens Academy which will graduate more than 20 participants the fast week of April. We supported the Florida Sheriff s Youth Ranch Fundraiser BBQ in March with a static display and participated in the demonstrations. The Division participated in annual in-service training in legal updates, defensive tactics, driving and firearms skills. The Special Response Team completed the average two days per month training regiment, plus two officers completed the two week Basic SWAT Operators Course at the Kennedy Space Center. Sebastian Police Department hosted three specialists from the Netherlands National Police for five days in February. In addition to our own Sebastian Police Crime Scene Unit, they visited more than six police agencies and labs to observe and discuss procedures and techniques common in the United States. During the last week of March we assisted the Indian River Sheriff s Office address a suicidal subject who had stolen two cars and a golf cart and fled from the police. The subject caused the crash of one of our police cars and the loss of a stolen car and another agency's police car in a fire. He was later apprehended after a massive ground and air search in western Indian River County. K-9 Unit • Arrests (Misdemeanors) 4 • Arrests (Felonies) 2 • Narcotic Searches 10 • Activity Usages 10 • K-9 Demos 4 • K-9 Training Hours 240 • Additional Training Hours Total • 48 Hours - SRT Training • 46 Hours - In -House Training 0 K-9 Narc. Cert. - Schools Attended Communications Division Janes February March Totals Calls for Service 1395 1472 1637 4504 Officer Initiated Calls 1618 1523 1786 4927 Code Enforcement Initiated Calls 616 570 776 1962 Volunteer Initiated Calls 153 135 130 418 Calls Entered into CAD 3782 3700 4329 11445 911 Calls Received 788 795 869 2452 911 Calls Transferred Out 375 416 418 1209 Administrative Calls Received 5005* 1676 1834 8515 Administrative Calls Transferred 1184 1122 1321 3627 Outgoing Administrative Calls 807 910 910 2627 Training/Meeting Hours 20 38 62 120 *Phone System error Crime Scene/Evidence January February March Totals Property Received 62 276 117 455 Property Processed 2 6 26 34 Property Sent to Lab 10 11 20 41 Property Returned 19 11 31 61 Property Disposed 407 108 236 751 Cars Impounded 1 2 2 5 Videos Burned 34 19 51 104 Supplements Written 1 6 11 18 Training Hours 24 12 12 48 Call Outs 1 3 2 6 Code Enforcement 2,108 total calls for the quarter: • Issued 359 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 126 property inspections for title companies and 130 sign violations. • 887 Code Services. • 572 re -inspections, 75 violations were not complied with, 105 were posted for abatement, 23 abated by vendors. • 369 violations complied. • 26 Liens filed, 29 liens released. • 108 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were no calls for water violation during the second quarter.Issued 434 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. Alarm Assessment: • $540.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $200.00 in false alarms fines • 160 alarm responses by officers, 70 of these were false. • 25 New permits issued. FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Roads Division • Asphalt Patch Work: Put 76 tons throughout the city between small potholes, big cut-out patches and road crossings. • Right of Ways: Cut back lots: Periwinkle area from Shakespeare to Concha Bridge, Bevan Area, Easy St. Area, Melrose Area, Riveria and Potomac Area, Laconia Area, Tulip Area • Misc.: Curbing removal at golf course and clean up after Tim Rose Installed new curbing. • Moved outer parking curbs and replaced inner parking curbs at golf course. • Sidewalk: Removal on Indian River Dr. for Ricky to repair and clean up after repairs. • Creative Playground: Assist with playground equipment repairs and sand removal and put mulch around entire playground: Si2na2e and Installation • Sign Creation 102 • Decals created 26 • Pavement markings 250 ft. • Signs installed 98 • Signs straighten daily as needed • Stop bars 250 • Traffic data/studies 1 Rolling Hill Drive Special Proiects • Inspections N/A • Speed bumps N/A • MOT Special Events • Maintain shop/suppliers On -going New Assignment - SneCial Proiect • Replacing outdated signage On -going • Parks Playground Age Signs Completed • Parking lot restriping On-goingInspections Parks • Remove damaged bench from tennis court • Install New Signs • Remove fallen tree limbs • Paint Creative Playground • Special Events Set -Up and break down (Shrimp test) (Easter Egg Hunt) • Memorial Brick Pavers • Install clay on field #1 • Lighting on Pole 43 / Baseball field • Install irrigation pipes • Install AED • Install and remove old bike rack • Wood mulch in playground area • Continue maintains on all of the parks and medians, mowing edging, weed eating, trimming hedges, pulling weeds, emptying and picking up trash.Repair bike rack, fence, football field lights, sidewalk, gate post, irrigation pipe Recreation The Recreation Division — Continued city run programs. Cemetery • Burials : 21 • Enhancements: Tru Green, plants • Forming pad for niches • Poured pad for niches • Showed prop to public • Marked out for diggers • Rain gauge for the quarter (Jan. — March 2018) 2 inches • Fisher started sandhill Facilities Maintenance • Continued Daily Maintenance, cleaning and repairs of all city buildings • Monthly maintenance AC filter replacement, coil cleaning, and condensate lines • Maintain city fountains and flags • Maintain, repair lift stations • Splash pad: Repairs and daily monitoring of Splash Pad Water Park, restroom door repairs • Art Club: AC Replacement Art Club • Creative Park: Soffit replacement Creative Park • Police Department: Repair front lobby doors • Old School: Replace AC Unit #2 • Pressure wash, City Hall Police Department, Old School, Art/Quilt, and Senior Center Crab E Bills: Roof repair Hurricane Damage • Barber Street Concession Stand: Replace roof and soffit and facia • City Hall: Hang Freedom Shrine documentsContinued Daily Maintenance, cleaning and repairs of all city buildings Construction Snecialist • Creative Playground: Replace decking rails, remove sand for new impact • Barber St. Bridge: Rewire • Airport: parking lot lighting repairs, AWOS footers and conduit install and power supply • Golf Course: Install landscape lighting, repair roof leak estimate lighting for Brushfoot • Crab — E- Bills: Plumbing repairs, parking lot lightening, repair side door • Twin Piers: Repair Electrical (lights & conduit), hand rail wood repair • All Piers: Monthly Inspection and Report • Riverside Park: Repair Electrical outlets, playground removal & install • Riverside Festival Set -Up: Art Festival, Shrimp Festival, Concert in the Park • AV Room: Build and install desk and shelves • Indian River Dr.: Repair lightening and install, Capt. Butchers, ballads Fleet Maintenance • The Fleet Management Staff completed 258 repair work orders, 57 preventive maintenance services 14 service calls and 5 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 26 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following units: • (I Big Tex 7' x 14' dump trailer • (1) Arising 7 x 12' enclosed trailer • Completed the prep (lights, rack, graphics, etc.) on the following units: • (1) Big Tex Tx 14 ` dump trailer • (1) Arising 7' x 12' enclosed trailer • Fuel Cost as of the April 6, 2018 is as follows: • $2.08 per gallon of gasoline, increase ofl.05 % over the past 90 days • $2.26 per gallon of diesel fuel, decrease of .99% over the past 90 days STORMWATER DEPARTMENT • Vac. Truck • 41 — Driveway culverts • 25- Road Crossings • 7 — Catch Basins • 37 Cubic Yards of debris collected • Road Crossing Pipe Replacement • Keystone Dr. at Barber St. 40' of 15" pipe (north side) • Keystone Dr. at 134 — 45' of 18" pipe • Keystone Dr. at Barber St. - 40' of 15" pipe (south side) • Pleasantview at Concha - 40' of 18" pipe • Clearbrook at Crystal Mist — 40' of 15" pipe • 245' pipe installed • Armadillo Work • Keystone, Dewitt, Damask, Caravan, Glentry, Coply, Dock, Dickens, Nobles, Zane, Jenkins, Eastlake, Cownie, • 30, linear ft. swale cleaned • 250 cubic yards of debris collected • Long Arm Cutting (right of way cut back) • Approx. 22,000 LF Cut — 42 cubic yards of debris • Right of Ways Cut Back by Contract • On Schedule • Rear Ditches Mowing by Contract • 2 cuts completed • Spraying of water bodies • Spraying of water bodies (spraying selective evasive only) • Road Crossing Slip Lining • Barber St. - 60' of 42" • Braddock - Demsey - 60' of 48 • Joyhaven • Culvert Replacement Project (driveway pipe) • Pleasantview- 10 driveways • Polynesian -14 driveways • Glentry-7driveways • Damask -3driveways • Dewitt - 7 driveways • Concha - I driveway • 42 driveway & culverts replace w/ 875' pipe • Swale Work (Street Paving Project) • Keystone Dr., Pleasantview, Polynesian, Concha, Damask, Glentry, Dewitt and Caravan 1,550 cubic yards of debris removed • Baffle Boxes • Mulligans - 3 cy of debris • Washington - 3 cy of debris • Martin - 3 cy of debris • Fisherman's Landing - 1.5 cy of debris • Davis St. - 2.5 cy of debris • Potomac - 2 cy of debris • Total: 15 cy of debris • Citizen Request Report • Jan. 82 Request - Responded to • Feb. 80 Request - Responded to • Mar. 87 Request - Responded to AIRPORT • Work advancing on Taxiways D, E construction. • New AWOS installation foundation work completed • Airport Security Camera and Gate Access Project was Bid • Obtain $80,000 JPA Grant for Security Camera System • Shade Hangar Project was Bid • Cruiser Aircraft hosted their Grand Opening • Routine grounds and building maintenance carried out. GOLF COURSE • Revenue 1717=18 1616=17 Difference+/- 2nd Quarter Rev. $498,481 $478,808 +$19,673 YTD Tot. Rev. $858,599 $821,881 +$36,718 2nd Quarter Rounds 15,062 15,726 -664 YTD Tot. Rds. 23,613 25,857 -2,244 Green Fee-2nd $201,364 $183,917 +$17,447 Cart Fee-2nd $237,350 $242,617 -$5,267 Annual Member 2nd $3,365 $3,986 -$621 Ann. Mem. YTD $82,529 $84,003 -$1,474 USGA Hdcp. 2nd $580 $560 +$20 Disct. Card 2nd $7,571 $6,309 +1,262 YTD Dis. Cd. $29,627 $27,592 +$2,035 Driving Range 2nd $17,602 $16,230 +$1,372 YTD Dr. Rge. $25,100 $24,388 +$712 Club Rental 2nd $754 $863 -$109 Club Storage 2nd $33 $127 -$94 8 YTD CR & CS $4,169 $3,978 +$191 Golf Shop Retail 2nd $30,672 $15,222 +S15,450 YTD Shop Retail $46,150 $26,864 +19,286 PGA Pro Lesson 2nd $1,284 $1,466 -$182 YTD Lesson $1,744 $2,016 -$272 Restaurant Rent 2nd $0 $7,491 -$7,491 YTD Rest. Rent $0 $14,046 $14,046 • Comments: Modest increase in total revenue due to small rate increase and increase in golf shop sales. Total rounds staying consistent to last fiscal year, despite major rain events in October & November ("cart -path" only for all of October and half of November.) and exceptionally cold month of January. Loss of revenue currently occurring on Restaurant rent, to help make up for this, minor increases in effect for green & cart fees and range balls for Spring and Summer rates. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 2nd quarter included New Year's Day Tournament (148 players), Whispering Palms Outings (120 players), Dr. Dan Wounded Warriors Tournament (108 players), Friendship Christian Church Tournament (52 players), Sebastian Women's Golf Association Invitational (96 players), Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament (72 players), 7th Annual Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament (80 players) and Palm Bay Golf Association (28 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 3rd quarter (17-18) include Indian River Airboat Association, Sebastian Chamber of Commerce, Brevard Rugby, St. Baldrick's, Palm Bay Golf Association & numerous multiple -group outings. • Continued success with Tuesday afternoon junior golf clinics in conjunction with the Indian River Golf Foundation • Receiving excellent reviews and comments from patrons regarding new, re -grassed greens (with Champion Ultra -Dwarf) and overall golf course conditions. • All weekly leagues offering great support and repeat play from patrons. • December 31st, 2017 entailed official grand opening of new golf course restaurant. The following day, the New Year's Day Golf Tournament had 148 players participate and all went into the restaurant for lunch & tournament scoring and awards. • The 7th Annual Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament raised $2,000 which was split between the Alex Nichols Trust Fund and the West Palm Beach branch of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the second quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 41 new single-family homes were issued building permits. This is a significant increase to the 27 new homes reported in the fast quarter where we had experienced a slight decrease during that time. Other permits of significance include 4 new manufactured homes, 1 new commercial building, 1 commercial addition, 7 commercial alterations, 1 commercial build out, 12 residential addition and 10 residential alterations. In all, 1403 building permits were issued in the second quarter, over all permits have increased significantly compared to a slower first quarter. • Total number of inspections for the second quarter was 5011for an average of 82 inspections per working day. The number of inspections has increased this quarter by 34 inspections per day. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the second quarter included 31new single family residences, 1 new manufactured home, 2 commercial certificates of occupancy, 0 commercial temporary certificate of occupancy and 4 commercial certificates of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the second quarter: New Businesses-35, Renewals -12, Transfers-1, Duplicates-3, Home Based Businesses-35, Commercial Businesses-15, Insurance Companies-3 and Solicitor Registrations-3. In addition, there have been 89 requests from lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. • The Building Department brought to City Council Ordinance No. 0-18-02 for approval to amend and update City Code of Ordinance Chapter 42, Fire Prevention and Protection. The ordinance creates a Fire Marshal's office responsible for issuance of permits, certificates, notices, approvals and/or orders pertaining to life safety and the enforcement of the Florida Fire Prevention Code. The proposed ordinance was approved by City Council. The Building Department also brought to City Council a request for approval to enter into a contract with SAFEbuilt Florida, LLC to provide Fire plan review and inspection services as needed. This request was approved by City Council.In the fourth quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 43 new single-family homes were issued building permits. Single family residential permitting has increased again by 7 since the third quarter and by 17 since the second quarter of this fiscal year. Other permits of significance include I new manufactured home, 4 new commercial buildings, 1 commercial addition, 6 commercial alterations, 1 commercial build out, 2 residential additions and 9 residential alterations. In all, 1,018 building permits were issued in the fourth quarter, overall a 10% decrease in total permits were reported since the third quarter. For the most part construction activity has remained steady while residential permitting activity steadily increases.