HomeMy WebLinkAbout09061984 PZMINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board called to order by Chairman Gene Harris at 7:32 P.M. in the Sebastian Council CHambers. Members present were Chairman Harris, and members Marjorie Pools, Jewell Thompson, Stan Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, Alternate Edra Young. Harold Eisenbarth and Bob Fullerton were excused. Motion made by Stan Krulikowski, seconded by Marjorie Pools, that the minutes of the August 16, 1984 meeting be approved as read. Passed unanimously. A model home for M.G.B. located at Lot 1, Block ~219, Unit 8, Sebastian Highlands was reviewed. Stan Krulikowski made the motion the plan be approved and sent on to the City Council; Edra Young seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Site plan for Sebastian Lakes was presented; letter from Engineer Mosby read, plan was checked from front to back. Board agreed that if the information was not supplied, the applicant would have to start over with their application. Stan Krulikowski made the motion to aprove the site plan contingent upon compliance with the Mosby letter dated August 27th, 1984 (attached). If compliance is not timely, applicant must resubmit preliminary plan. Bill Mahoney seconded the motion. There were some questions concerning utility ease- ments. Motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Bill Mahoney, seconded by Edra Young that a letter be sent to the utility companies requesting their attendance at preliminary plat reviews. Motion passed unanimously. August 7, 1984 bill from Solin and Associates, Inc. was presented to the board for approval. Motion by Jewell Thompson that the section of the bill that applied to the Planning & Zoning Board be paid; Edra Young seconded the motion, passed. Saint Sebastian PUD has requested a one year extention of their plan, the new laws concerning plans, has caused delays, requiring them to make the request. Discussion, no action. Stan Krulikowski made the motion to adjourn, Marjorie Pools seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:43 P.M. ~ene Harr~ Chairman /sbf MOSBY -- ROBBINS AND ASSOCIATES. iNC. CONSULTING [NGIN~ | lie§ ,~eTH AVIgNOn, iU|T P,O. BOX Vi~O IIF..ACH, fl. ORtOA Hr. Gene Ilarrls, Cl~lrmtn Planning & Zoning City of P 0 ~x ~ltlm FL ~j~t~ puo- Preliminary Oevelot~ent Plan Review - ~t~litlln Llkll SiDiiii;I411, Florlde - £n~lll~eer'i ProJect No, 04-114 D#r Nr. Chll r~dn i Wi t~ve revleved the remulx~lttal of the 8dgJoct PUO prellmlnlry develOl~ent Pl~, wntch ~t Mrov~ it tm Plains & ~ln8 Meting of July 19, 1~4. ~rovll NiB 91vM c~tl~t ~ rel~lttil of oeverml ISMs oB ~tll~ in ~r letter to t~ ~lgsl~ ~t~ July 13, 1~4. Tho rllalttll ~l~l ~Vl ~t all rl~lrlntt of our letter t~c~t for t~ foli~l~ I~ Written ~grem~nt fr~m the developer tl~t oll ro~d~y 11ll3rov~tl to County Ro~d No. 512 ~e ma~ prior to Ilsu~nce Of the ¢,0, for Pl~e i of the sui~Ject project. Written agreement from the (levolol~r that el I rc~Kbmy I~provements for t~ realigns of ~lel~ R~ ~ LOC~Ie 5trot ~ ~ ~l~ tO t~ Issue of t~ C.O. for 1he devaluer should I~y the necessary monies to the County for the requlr~¢l traffic ol~l mt t~ I~teru~tl~ of ~lel~ ~ ~ Catty R~ 512 prior to t~ l ll~l Of t~ C.Q. f~ ~H I, The above it~ lhoulOtm oDt~lmKlprlor to flanl ~l~rovll by thl Ail31ltl4n City Council. With sui~lsslon of this letter, the otmer my r~quost to bl pl~;~l~lon the City C~Incll 4911ncllt for the co, moll's n~¢esi~ry ei~)rovel. · ~dld you rlqulre furtbir tnforwtlon, pl~le c4tl. Very truly yours, I'~f,,,"Ij~IN,~ AI~ AS,:5OCIAT£,~, INC.