HomeMy WebLinkAbout09201984 PZMINUTES - PLANNI'NG & ZONING BOARD SEPTEMBER 20, 1984 Regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board Called to order by Chairman Gene Harr~s at 7:31 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Sebastian. Members present were Chairman Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, Members Jewel1 Thompson, Stan Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, Bob Fullerton, a~d Marjorie Poole. Minutes were read and following motion by Marjorie Poole, second by Jewell Thompson, approved as read. Board .checked the letters sent. Bill from Mosby-Robbins, dated 9-7-84, Bill Mahoney made the motion it be paid, Jewell Thompson seconded the motion, unanimous. Jewell Thompson recommended the date for the services be noted. The letter from Mosby-Robbins requesting the review tim~ from submittal until action be increased to two full weeks was read and dis- cussion followed. Jewell Thompson made the motion that all projects be submitted two full weeks before any action will We taken; Bob Fullerton seconded the.motion, unanimous. All projects will be to staff secretary the Thursday two weeks be- fore the next meeting.' Hal Eisenbarth congratulated the council for passing Ordinance 202-10. Also requested secretary to pro- .vide a copy of the board letter to council concerning the Skill- man rezoning/land use amendment to the two new councilman. He also requested secretary to contact D.E.R. for a follow-up to the fill problem on Indian River Drive. Jack Spira, attorney for Huntley Jiffy Stores, Inc. described the land where the market/station would be located, and requested a hearing to change the zoning from R-1 to C-2/land use from COR to CG. The property is at the intersection of Schumann Dr. and U.S.#1. Discussion centered on how the two extra offices would be used (Florida Homefinders was interested in one); also some discussion about the proximity of the north exit unto U.S.#i and the Schumann exit. The applicant was aware that project was a conditional use (gas tanks). Project will be given to City Clerk for the Hearing date. Father And Son Plaza brought in a modification for an under- ground retention area, with paving over the retention area. Bill Mahoney commented on the intense use. The new ordinance would not permit so little green space. Jewel1 Thompson felt the concept would produce a drywe11 which would promote algae build-up and a health hazard. Randy Mosby, staff engineer, said the area should percolate in 72 hours, so there should be no health problem. Bill Messersmith, applicant's engineer, said it would have a hatch so cleanout could occur. Motion by Stan Planning.& Zoning Minutes 9/20/84 Krulikowski to accept conceptual plan for the recessed retention area, seconded by Marjorie Pools. Discussion ~ncluded the above concerns, also Harold Eisenbarth requested some literature from Bill Messersmith showing the concept under tested conditions (it works), Randy Mosby suggested the additlon of 6" to 12" of gravel to reduce mudpuddling. Jewell Thompson, Bill Mahoney, and Bob Fullerton voted against; other four members approved, motion carried. Nelson Hyatt's Villages of Lake Dolores was the next item on the agenda. The board reviewed the letter from Mosby dated 9-17- 84. Jewell Thompson made the motion the review be tabled until the first meeting of October to allow the board time to check the large amount of material they were presented tonight; second by Stan Krulikowski. Harold Eisenbarth asked that they made their presentation tonight so the board would be more familiar with the concept, as well as have the time to ask questions. Jewell Thomp- son rephrased his motion to state "allow the developer to present the project, bu.t postpone discussion and decision until the Oct. 4 meeting"; Stan Krulikowski seconded the revised motion. Discus- sion included Mr. Mosby re-evaluating the materials new this evening, Harold Eisenbarth noted that the project would go with our recom- mendation to the city council, and he felt it was necessary that we have time to study the project so our recommendation would be an educated and thought out one carrying some weight. Bob Fuller- ton said he'd like to have the time to review so the board could expedite their decision when it came time. The vote was five in favor, one abstention (Marjorie Pools will be an employee of the Villages so she abstained) and one no vote from the Chairman.. Mr. Hyatt presented Engineer Arias, Architect Dean, Environmental Engineer Jim Thomas, and Richard Sills the General Manager for the project. Several of the points made were that this would be a rent- al park where the renters owned their mobile home, the developer owned the land and facilities. The sewer plant and pert ponds would be near the Rail Road. There would 172 unit in the first phase. Water would come from Pelican Point Condominium project across the road. Lots would be a minimum of 5,000 sq. ft.. The average depth of the lake was 17'. Mr. Mosby requested a letter from DER con- cerning the presence of wetlands if any were there. The buffering issue was discussed and found to be in Ordinance 0-81-25-B, para. 4. Mr. Bill Gallagher of Southern Bell said the developer had been most ~ooperative in granting easements for the utilities. Further discussion and the decision of this project will be Oct. 4, 1984. Planning & Zoning Minutes. 9/20/84 p.3 Two site plans for Jerry Strnad to be located on U.S.#i directly north of the office complex now in progress were presented by the engineer for the pro.ject, Earl Masteller. John Dean, the architect, showed the layout of the three buildings, basically having a phase 1,2,and 3, with the building in progress phase 1, the retail/office building to the north of the plot being phase 2, and the office which is nearly identical to the first one as far as layout, ex- actly like the first as far as the architecture, being phase 3. The south office complex would have an exit/entrance on U.S.#i; the retail/office complex would have an exit/entrance on U.S.#l; phase 2, between the two would have no exits. The stormwater provisions, etc. of Ord. 202-10 would not have to met since the plan was submitted prior to adoption of the ordinance. Harold Eisenbarth noted that the drivethrough in phase 3 would h~ve to go to the council, since it is a conditional use, also asked about the sidewalks. Developer said they could put sidewalks the whole distance on the D.O.T. right-of-way as long as the city maintains them. Earl Masteller noted that the elimination of an exit from phase 3 gave it more green space, plus 15 extra spaces which would compensate for the 7 lacking in phase 2. Jewell Thompson made the motion to extend the meeting 15 minutes, it being 10=30 P.M. Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, unanimous. Earl Masteller addressed the items in the Mosby memo dated 9-17-84. As previously noted, the parking spaces lacking in the retail/office building would be compensated for by phase 3. Item 2 concerning loading spaces.was taken care of by one long loading zone which would accomodate large trucks as well as three normal ones. Items 3,4,5,6, will be taken care of with no problem, The height of the building will be 35'. Steve Moller addressed item 8, drainage, which he said would be the same as the first project now approved. All acknowledged the area is a sand ridge with exceptional percolation, but with much impervious surface, the water would need retention areas.. The condominiums would be sold, but the retail/office project would be owned by the developer and rented. They hope to complete the project by February 1985. Jewell Thompson made the motion that both projects be approved .contingent upon the developer providing a deed to the property, contingent upon approval of the special exception drive-through by the City Council, and contingent upon compliance with the requested items to be added as per Mosby memo 9-17-84, as well as health department approval. Marjorie Poole seconded the motion. Both items were approved with the contingencies, with a unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 10=50 P.M.