HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-2018 PR Agenda1225 MAID! STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday. Julne 25, 2018 6:00 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES:-AC"I"ION ITEM March 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes 6) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Pickle Ball Courts Update 7) PUBLIC INPUT 8) NEW BUSINESS: Item A: Select a chairman and vice-chairman, adopt rules of procedure and meeting Schedule - ACTION ITIwWI Item, B: Scoreboards for Barber Street Sports Complex Baseball Fields 9) STAFF MATTERS Item A: Park/Facility Use Survey 10) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11) ITEMS FOR THE NEXTAGENDA AND DATE: July 23, 2018 12) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT AVER BATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THES MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY s ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. SESASTI[AN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Board Meetinq Date: Apenda. Item and Title: Recommendation Back round: RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM June 25, 2018 5,. Meeting Minutes from March 26, 2018 Approve Meeting Minutes If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Attachments: Recreation Advisory Committee, Minutes of Regular Meeting, March 26, 2018 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 26, 2018 1. Call to Order -- Chairman Sims called the meeting to order, at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Matthew Sims Ms. JoAnn Webster Ms. Nicole Kukstis (a) Mr. Jay McKinniss Ms. JoAnne White Mr. Jim Sunnycalb (a) Not Present: Mr. Greg Paschall — Excused F.11130104 �-§ Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Mr. Sims stated that Mr. Paschall would not be present this evening, and Mr. Sunnycalb would be voting in his place. Mr. Sims also welcomed Mr. McKinniss to his position on the Committee and said that it would be a pleasure to work with him. 5. Awroval of Minutes -- Regular Meeting of February 26, 2018 A motion to approve the February 26, 2018 Minutes as written was made by Ms. White and seconded by Ms. Webster and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business A. Recreation and Open Space Element[Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 26,2018 i. City of Fernandina Recreation and Open Space Element Objectives ii. City of Satellite Beach Recreation and Open Space Element Goals, Objectives and Policies Ms. White asked Ms. Hernandez for clarification as to what the Committee is to review. Ms. Hernandez stated that at thie last meeting staff proposed to the Committee that they look into goals, objectives and policies of other cities and municipalities to use as a reference, and staff attached plans of some other municipalities, SEE ATTACHED. Staff would like the Committee to indicate which examples they do or do not like. Then the staff can make the pertinent modifications and incorporate them into the Open Space Element for Sebastian., Ms. White stated that overall she was very pleased with the information that was presented. She stated she liked both the plans for Fernandina and Satellite Beach regarding Open Space Element Objectives, and probably some aspects of each plan could be incorporated into the plan for Sebastian. She did want to suggest a provision being made for kayak launches on the canals and also on the river. Her other concern is acquiring property for the future. She suggested coordinating with the schools to use their fields and/or their gyms. She also asked if the City has a grant writer. Ms.Hernandez stated that technically each department is responsible for looking up grants that might apply to the department, and since the Community Development Director has been working with the City, staff has looked at possible grants and listing them on a spreadsheet in order to keep current on which grant is due, etc. Ms. White also stated that she would like to propose having a survey taken of Sebastian residents in order to get feedback on what they might want in the future in the way of parks and recreation areas. She pointed out that, since land in the City is getting scarce, she would encourage staff to focus on looking for lands for possible use in the future. Ms. Webster stated she prefers the Satellite Beach plan, as it appears to be geared more to a smaller community such as Sebastian. Mr. Sims stated he liked the plan for Satellite Beach, as it is geared more toward a smaller community., Ms. Hernandez stated the staff will take some aspects of both plans and apply to Sebastian's plan and then will finalize the document and present it to the Planning and Zoning Commission and then to City Council. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 26,2018 Mr. McKinniss stated': his main interest is going to be in the area of maintaining the parks, providing high standards for the parks, getting more adults and their children involved in the community and using the parks, waterways and traits more frequently. 7. Public Input -- None IIFMNTZM�04154 =13, 9. Staff Matters Ms. Hernandez reminded the Committee and the public about the Easter Egg Hunt coming up Saturday, March 31 st, at Riverview Park at 10:00 a.m. for elementary school children. No judges are needed for this event. 10. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Sunnycalb asked for an update on the boardwalk. Ms. Hernandez stated she has spoken with the County Conservation Lands Manager and informed her that the boardwalk needed cleaning, pressure washing and possibly some repairs. The Lands Manager stated that at the present time they are not planning to clean it, but she would send someone out to look into the necessary repairs. Mr. Sunnycalb suggested talking to someone with the County with more authority in order to get something done. He also mentioned that the boardwalk is somewhat hidden from public view, and he suggested posting some signage so more residents are aware that there is a very nice boardwalk there. He suggested the sign at the entrance to the Dog Park be changed to reflect the new hours, being dawn to dusk. He also welcomed Mr. McKinniss to the Committee and stated he will be a great asset. Ms. Webster mentioned that the walkover over 95 is up and is really nice. She also inquired whether there are new lights at the baseball field. Ms. Hernandez stated the lights are now on an automatic system, on a timer, and are monitored by a company whom the staff can contact and direct them on any changes in the times the lights are to be on in the different fields. Ms. White mentioned the Concerts in the Park and her concern with the vendors being parked in the public parking spaces, which takes away from the available parking spaces for the public, and she questioned why the vendors no longer park in the park PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 26,2018 along the sidewalk. Ms. Hernandez stated that, because the City is trying to preserve the oak trees at the park, it was decided that the vendors would park in the parking spaces this year. Mr. McKinniss stated his concern with the drought damage along Sebastian Boulevard in the areas where the City had done landscaping several years ago, particularly where the three sets of flags are, and he questioned whether there is an irrigation problem there, Ms. Hernandez stated the City is responsible for some of the medians, and she will look into this matter and will report back at the next meeting. 11. Items for the Next Aqenda and Date -- April 23, 2018. 12. Adiourn Chairman, Sims called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 6:26 p.m. By Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee Jg SEBAST'"'_ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RECREATION' ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meeting Date- June 25, 2018 Agenda Item and Title: 8. NEW BUSINESS; Item A. Select chairman and vice-chairman, adopt rules of procedure and meeting schedule. Recommendation: Select Committee Chairman and Vice -Chairman, adopt rules, of procedure and meeting schedule. Background: The Handbook for the City of Sebastian Board, Commission and Committee Members dictates that at the regular June meeting of each Calendar year, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall select a chairman and vice-chairman. The Committee shall also adopt rules of procedure and a meeting schedule. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: N/A Attachments: Handbook for City of Sebastian Board, Commission and Committee Members, Chapter 2, Article IV — ADMINISTRATION: Boards, Commissions, Committees, Division 3, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Sec. 2-214, Procedures. BOARD, COMMISSION,D COMMITTEE MEMr (updated 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT INTRODUCTION GENERAL MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS - R-12-38 and 0-12-12 SECTIONS 2-36 THROUGH 2-173 OF CODE OF ORDINANCES APPLICATION FORM MEETING PROCEDURES & SUGGESTED AGENDAS SUNSHINE LAW, DISCLOSURE, VOTING CONFLICT'S, STATUTES BOARDS AND COMMITTEES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY AGENCY CONSTRUCTION BOARD DISABILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD COMMITTEE MEMBER LISTS: CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE (CATF) CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONSTRUCTION BOARD DISABILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES PARKS AND RECREATION ADV. COMMITTEE VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD COMMITTEE GENERAL INFO TABLE - CODES, SECRETARIES 2 4-9 10-11 12-15 16-19 21-25 26-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-45 46-47 48-49 50-58 59-60 61-62 INTRODUCTION The City of Sebastian has twelve City Boards, Committees and/or Commissions. A description of the duties, purpose, and meeting schedules of each board are provided in this "Handbook". Some of the Boards have statutory powers, while others serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council. Board members are a valuable part of American local government that includes citizen input in the policy and decision making process. In the City of Sebastian, "Service is our Business". To make us truly a service community, we need your help and expertise. City Boards, Committees and Commission Members can be a strong, positive force in planning the development of our City. As a member of one of our board's, you may be the only contact a citizen has with local government. That first contact - that first impression - is a vital part of the communication that must exist between citizens and their government. Many people quickly make up their minds about the City of Sebastian based on their initial contact with just one person. Public relations is not publicity, it is our collective ability to handle the, concerns and requests of our citizens. On behalf of the City Council, City Manager, City Attorney and Staff, we WELCOME you to our City team. Please feel free to call the City Clerk's office (589-5330) for assistance, Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk City of Sebastian K! *11F.AlFiKk l 11 ORDINANCE 0-03-29 — adopted 12110103 creating a permanent board: ORDINANCE 0-07-07 — adopted 6113107 eliminated zone representation. Chapter 2, Article IV — ADMINISTRATION: Boards, Commissions, Committees Division 3. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Sec. 2-211. Establishment. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby establishes a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee shall be to study and provide recommendations to City Council: As to the development of the park system, and As to the provision of active recreation programs and facilities Membership on the Committee shall be through appointment by City Council. Sec. 2-212. Panel Composition, The Committee shall be composed of five residents and two alternates appointed at -large. Sec, 2-213. Terms. There shall be a continuity of terms for the membership from the original establishment of the committee, with terms hereinafter governed by the general provisions of this Article. Sec. 2-214. Procedures. At the reguilar meeting of June of each calendar year, or at the first regular meeting thereafter, the Committee shall select a chairman and vice-chairman. The Committee shall adopt rules of procedure and a meeting schedule. 61 CnCf SEBASTKN Qisw HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetinq_qate: June 25, 2018 Agenda Item and Title: 8. NEW BUSINESS, Item B. Scoreboards for Barber Street Sports Complex Baseball Fields Recommendation- Discuss scoreboard concerns and maintenance responsibilities. Background: Committee Member JoAnn Webster requested that this item be included in this month's agenda for discussion. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: N/A Attachments: Use Agreement between City and Sebastian Area Little League, Inc. USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND SEBASTIAN RIVER AREA LITTLE LEAGUE. INC. IN AND FOR CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a Florida municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and the SEBASTIAN RIVER AREA LITTLE LEAGUE, INC., a non-profit Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as "LITTLE LEAGUE", agree to be legally bound as follows: I. USE OF PREMISES From December 1 through July 31 of the years 2008 through 2023, LITTLE LEAGUE shall be allowed use of Fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the batting cages located on the northern portion of the Barber Street Sports Complex as shown in the schematic attached hereto marked Exhibit 1, as well as the use of the Refreshment stand/Restroom building in said Exhibit, in accordance with the terms set forth herein, for the purpose of operating a youth baseball league, The areas subject to this use agreement shall hereinafter be called the "Premises". LITTLE LEAGUE shall be entitled to ancillary use of public parking and recreational facilities within the Barber Street Sports Complex on the same terms as all other members of the public, 11. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS CITY shall generally maintain the Premises in the same manner as other similar City parks. LITTLE LEAGUE shall have the following responsibility: a) Preparation of Fields: Assume responsibility for and undertake any and all preparations and efforts required to be performed on the Premises in order that it may be used as, a playing field for the game of baseball, including, but not by way of limitation, lining, dragging, and raking of batter boxes, base lines and warning tracks. Furthermore, it shall be LITTLE LEAGUE responsibility to furnish all equipment necessary to play baseball; provided, however, that the CITY shall, on a yearly or as needed bases, due to normal ordinary wear and tear, replace sets of bases and pitching rubbers b) Cleaninq:, Keep the Premises and all improvements erected thereon in a clean and orderly state, including, but not by way of limitation, all fields and adjacent spectator areas, the announcers' stands and scoreboards, the "dugout" areas of each field, the refreshment stand, and the restrooms. LITTLE LEAGUE's obligation to clean shall include the duty to collect and deposit all trash and garbage into the containers located on the Premises for this purpose, LITTLE LEAGUE's responsibilities shall also include the duty to supply the restrooms with toilet paper and all other necessary sanitary items. C) IMDrovements: LITTLE LEAGUE shall not cause any improvements to be made to the Premises without the advance written consent of the CITY. Provided, however, that this provision shall not be deemed to prevent the LITTLE LEAGUE from performing or arranging for the performance of any of its duties or exercising any of its rights under the Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties hereto, all costs of any improvements, shall be borne by the LITTLE LEAGUE. All improvements made on the Premises, including the construction of buildings and installation of fixtures, shall become the property of the CITY upon their construction or installation, but shall be deemed part of the Premises for purpose of this Agreement. d) Signs: LITTLE LEAGUE shall be permitted the right to post commercial or private advertising signs as a fund raiser. All funds derived from this advertisement shall be used to make Premises improvements or directly fund LITTLE LEAGUE. Signs shall not be posted on the outfield fence of field #3 and #4. The CITY reserves the right to reject and prohibit posting of signs on the Premises at any time. Advertising signs shall only be posted between December 1 through July 31. e) Security: Keep locked the announcers' stands and the refreshment stand/restro,om building, including related storage areas, when such premises are not being used. Ill. POSSESSION AND ACCESS The rights granted LITTLE LEAGUE herein relate to use of public facilities and do not in any way constitute possession of the Premises by LITTLE LEAGUE. At all times CITY retains all rights of control and access to facilities subject to this agreement, IV. CITY USE DURING TIME OF USE RIGHTS LITTLE LEAGUE shall have use of the Premises as stated! herein; however, if it does not interfere with a scheduling, upon fifteen (15) days written notice, CITY shall be entitled to use of the facilities on a short-term basis for special events. V. REFRESHMENT STAND OPERATIONS LITTLE LEAGUE shall comply with all applicable laws, orders and regulations prescribed by any lawful authority having jurisdiction over the operations of the refreshment stand. In the event LITTLE LEAGUE is unable to operate said refreshment stand in accordance with all such regulatory requirements, or for any other reason ceases to operate the same, CITY shall have the option to otherwise provide for operation of the refreshment stand and LITTLE LEAGUE shall have no further interest therein. VII. LITTLE LEAGUE RESPONSIBILITY LITTLE LEAGUE shall not commit or permit the commission of any acts on the Premises, nor use nor permit the use of the premises in any way that: (a) violates or conflicts with any law, statute, ordinance, or governmental rule or regulation, whether now in force or hereinafter enacted, governing the Premises; or (b) constitutes the commission of waste on the premises or the commission or maintenance of a nuisance. Vill. ASSIGNMENT LITTLE LEAGUE may not assign, or otherwise transfer any right or interest in this Agreement without the prior express written consent of CITY. IX. INSURANCE LITTLE LEAGUE shall during the period of use of the refreshment stand area, at its sole cost and expense, procure and keep in effect such standard policies of property casualty, fire and extended coverage insurance in an amount equivalent to the value of the Refreshment Stand Building. Upon request, the LITTLE LEAGUE shall provide to the CITY a certificate of such insurance with evidence of the payment of the premium therefor, The CITY shall have no obligation to keep the buildings and improvements on the Premises insured nor shall the CITY have any obligation to insure any personal property used in connection with the Premises. In the event that the LITTLE LEAGUE's use and occupancy of the Premises causes any increase in the premium for any property casualty or fire insurance maintained by CITY on the Premises or any portion thereof, LITTLE LEAGUE shall reimburse CITY for the amount of said increase within thirty days of notice of the same. From December 1 through July 31 of each year of the term of this Agreement, LITTLE LEAGUE shall, at its own cost and expense, secure and maintain a broad form comprehensive coverage policy of public liability insurance issued by an insurance company acceptable to CITY and insuring CITY against loss or liability caused by or connected with LITTLE LEAGUE"s occupation and use of the Premises under this Agreement in amounts not less than-, (a) $300,000 for injury to or death of one person and, subject to such limitation for the injury or death to one person, of not less than $1,000,000 for injury to or death of two or more persons as a result of any one accident or incident; and (b) $300,000 for damage to or destruction of any property of others; or such higher amount as may be set as the liability limits under the waiver of sovereign immunity provisions of law. Any policy or policies of insurance required pursuant to this Agreement shall be issued by one or more insurance companies authorized to engage in business in the State of Florida and which have a rating of at least A+ by A.M. Best and Company and at least an AA rating by both Moody's and Standard and Poors. Such shall contain a clause preventing cancellation of any coverage before thirty (310) days written notice to the CITY and shall name the CITY as an additional insured. Upon the request of the CITY, the LITTLE LEAGUE shall provide copies ofsaid policies hothe CITY. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver by CITY of the protections of sovereign immunity, X.DESTRUCT|ON OF PREMISES In the event the building and/or other improvements erected on the Premises are destroyed or damaged by 8ns or other casualty, the CITY shall have no responsibility or obligation to make any expenditures toward the repair and/or replacement of the building and other improvements on the Premises. C|TY, atits option, shall either cause said building and/or other improvements b»bereplaced or said damage to be repaired as rapidly as poacticmb|e, or shall elect not bm repair the Premises and terminate the Agreement. Any insurance proceeds relating to the Premises, whether CITY elects to repair orreplace the improvements on the Premises or not, shall bathe mn|e property ofCITY and LITTLE LEAGUE shall have no claims against any insurance proceeds paid on account of such damage. X/.ALTERATJONS LITTLE LEAGUE nho|| not make or permit any other person to make alterations to the Premises without the prior written consent of CITY. Any alterations hzthe PnonnimeabyLITTLE LEAGUE shall bemade at the sole cost and expense oYLITTLE LEAGUE, but shall bathe property ofCITY. XU'|NDEK8N|TY LITTLE LEAGUE shall imdenmn#y, defend and hold CITY and the property of CITY, including the premises, free and harmless from any and all liability, dmime. |oaa, damages orexpenses, including counsel fees and ooeta, arising by reason of the death or injury of any parmwm, including any person who in an employee or agent of LITTLE LEAGUE, or by naaamm of damage to or destruction of any pn»perty, including property owned by LITTLE LEAGUE orany person who is an employee agent ofLITTLE LEAGUE, in any way ooummd by, connected with or occurring during LITTLE LEAGUE's use of the Pmom|oeo or other appurtenant or related CITY properties arising under this Agreement other than intentional acts of CITY or an employee oragent ofCITY. XWi UNRE80O#ED PERSONAL PROPERTY AND FIXTURES Any personal property ortrade fixtures that are not removed from the Premises byLITTLE LEAGUE within thirty (30) days after the |omt game ofa season or termination mfthis Agreement shall be deemed abandoned by LITTLE LEAGUE and shall automatically become the property of CITY as owner mfthe naa| property. XN/.RE0NED|ES FOR DEFAULT Should LITTLE LEAGUE be guilty of a material default and breach of this Agnaemont. C)TY, in addition to any other remedies given by |mvv or equity, may terminate LITTLE LEAGUE's right to use the Premises immediately. The parties waive the right to trial by jury of all issues so triable. XV.WA8/ER OF BREACH The waiver by CITY of any breach by LITTLE LEAGUE of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver or waiver of any subsequent breach by LITTLE LEAGUE either of the same oranother provision o[this, Agreement. XV|.NOTICES Any notice, report, statement, approval, consent designation, demand or request to be given and any option nrelection bzbeexercised bva party under the provisions ofthis Agreement shall bmeffective only when mode in writing and delivered (or mailed by registered or certified mail with postage prepaid) to the other party atthe address given below: CITY.. City ofSebastian 1225 yWmim Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Attn: City Manager LITTLE LEAGUE: |no . . ~°°°°°°Avenme Sebastian, FL3295B68 provided, however, that either party may designate a different representative or address from time to time by giving to the other party notice in writing of the change, XVIL LITIGATION In the event of litigation arising out of this writing, venue shall be in Indian River County, Florida and the terms of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Florida. In any action arising out of the enforcement of this writing, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys fees and costs, both at trial and all appellate levels, based upon the prevailing rates of private attorneys in the venue. THE PARTIES HERETO SPECIFICALLY WAIVE THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY SUCH LEGAL PROCEEDING, XVIII, WHOLE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains all of the understandings by and between the parties hereto relative to the use of the Premises, and all prior or contemporaneous, agreements relative thereto have been merged herein or are voided by this, instrument, which may be amended, modified, altered, changed, revoked or rescinded in whole or in part only by an instrument in writing signed by each of the parties hereto. Neither party has in any way relied, nor shall in any way rely, upon any oral or written agreements, representations, warranties, statements, promises or understandings not specifically set forth in the Agreement Documents. This Agreement shall not be construed against the party who drafted the same, as both parties have obtained experts of their choosing to review the legal and business adequacy of the same. EXECUTED on this ATTEST: Sally A. NIMC City Cler�A' /0�day of�IZ 4 "7 Approved as to Form and Legality for Reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Abbert A Attorney SEBASTIAN RIVER AREA LITTLE LEAGUE, INC. a non-profit Florida corp n By: Its.. , 2009, at Sebastian, Florida, CITY OF SE A Municifaf 1 ATTEST: Secretary: (Seal) ?�4 er, 111, City Manager Mcf SERAST"i HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetinq Date: June 25, 2018 Aqenda Item and Title: 9. STAFF MATTERS; Item A. Park/Facility Use Survey Recommendation- Staff will share with the Committee a Survey, which will be distributed in some of the City's parks and facilities. Backqround: In order to gage recreational use in the city and allocate adequate employee resources and subsequent projects, Staff will distribute the attached survey to our recreational facilities. If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted. Attachments: Park/Facility Use Survey Park Facilitv Use Survey The City of Sebastian is interested in acquiring Park/Facility use information. I Name Current Occupation (Sport or Activity City of Residence Park or Facility used most often How many times per week do you use the park? How many miles do you travel to play? IAny league or group affiliations? Would you recommend our parks and facilities to others? *** You may mail the completed survey to City of Sebastian, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 or e-mail it to: mhemandez@cityofsebastion.org Your input is appreciated