HomeMy WebLinkAbout10171983 PZ City of Sebastian Planntng& Zoning Committee Minutes A Workshop.Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was scheduled at the City Hall for October 17, 1983. -The meeting was called to order.by the 'Chairman, Mr. Btll Messersmtth at 6:55 PM. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. Bill Messersmith Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Jesse Brock Mr. Harold Etsenbarth Mr. Gene Harris Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney Mr. Les Solin, City Planner Mr. Jim Parmeter, Solin & Associates The Chairman then stated that the purpose of the Workshop Meeting was to clarify the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map policy for land located southwest of the State Road 512 and Laconia Street Intersection (66 acre tract as presented as the Workshop Meeting held on October 6, 1983). Mr. Les Solin then distributed copies of his memorandum and proceeded to explain his opinion and recommendations for the project. A copy of his memo is attached to these minutes. Mr. Darrell McQueen, representing the project, provided comments in retrospect to Mr. Solin's opinion that primarily concerned the allowable calculation for density in units per acre. Concerning the questionable size of 6 acres, as a commer- cial area for site development, the Committee determines 'that 6 acres would be sufficient for development. Further discussion determined that adequate buffers, traffic control and density, whereby 5 or 6 units per acre would be considered should be recognized. Hr. Solln recommended that a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to obtain more flexibility to keep strategic porttons of the site open should be. considered, additionally' he commented that the County had approved a commercially zoned 50 acre stte at Routes 510 and 512. An early meeting between the City Planner, City Engineer, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Developer was encouraged to resolve any questionable areals apd offer further guidance to .tEe project. A letter suggesting early review by the Health .Department of Debeloper/Builder site plans was introduced. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM. tfully Submitted Robe~ APPROVED: Dated: Willtam~essersmith Chairman This area reserved for written comments to these minutes: 8OUN ANO AS~ICIA'TEB, INC, I=LANNIN(3 CON~ULTANTII OCtober 17, 1983 TO: William Hessersmtth, PE, Chairman of the Planning and Zontng Commission Earl Hastellar, PE, City Engtneer FROg: Lester L. Solln, Jr., AZCP, Planntng Consultant SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Hap Pollcy for the $6t Acre Tract Comprising the Southwest Quadrant of the State Road 512 and Laconia Street intersection Thts memorandum ts wrttten to clartfy the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Hap pollcy for land located southwest of the State Road 512 and Laconta Street Intersec- tion. General Co,eercial Designation Approximately 14.87 acres of land are designated for general commercial-develop- ment at the southwest corner of the intersection of State Road 512 and Laconta Street. Thts designation ftrst appeared on the Proposed Land Use Plan for the City of Sebastian prepared by the Indtan Rtver County Planntng and Zoning Department durtng ~979-1980. This land ts one of the few remelntn~ unplatted sites along the State Road 5~2 corridor. The site ts htghly accessible to residential areas within the Sebastian Highlands vta Barber Street which serves the northwest and southwest Highlands. In addition, the site ls located at the southern termtnus of Roseland Road whtch serves major residential settlements north of the site, north to Roseland. Finally, the stte ts accessibly located near Veto Lake Estates westward along the State Road 512 corridor. The 14.87± acres commercial stte was designated to serve as a community shopptng center by the year 1990-2000. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan Nap has set the subject stte aslde tn order to accommodate projected long term shopping needs of residents anticipated to restde tn residential areas wtthtn a 3 to 5 mtle radius. Medium Density Residential Development Approximately 34.32 acres are delineated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for medium density residential development. Stmtlar to the cmmerctal site identified above, this land is also accessible to mjor artertal and collector streets within the City of Sebastian and adjacent areas. The Housing Eloment of the Comprehensive Plan identified that the City of Sebastian lacks developed sites for multtple famtly residential structure types. The subject site was viewed by Soltn and Associates, INC., (SAI) as tdeal for acco,mnodattng medium MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN EiOCIETY OF CONEtULTIN(~ I=/ANNERB PAGE 2 denstty residential structures. Notwithstanding, SA! was concerned about the posstble tmpacts of the planned multlple famtly houstng on stngle famtly platted lands along the south stde of Granduer Avenue. Low Den$tty Residential Development Approximately 16.8! acres of ]and on the subject stte are designated for lo~ denstty development. Thts denstty ts Incorporated tnto the overal] Comprehen- sive Plan for the subject 66~ acres tn order to assure a more stable land use transition between the commrctal and multtple famtly residential area to the north and the p]atted stngle famtly houstng along the south slde of Srenduer Avenue. The lots along the south stde of Granduer Avenue are larger than most of the residential lots wtthtn Sebastian Highlands. Therefore, SA! was parttcu . larly concerned wtth protecting the stability of these relatively htgh value lots. Additional Considerations, !ncludtng Drainage The 66~ acre tract ts located tn an area ~htch dretns poorly. A detatled site analysts ts requtred to determine the posstble presence of small ~etland areas. This observation ts noted tn order to assure that persons vte~tng the ulttmate development capactt~ of the stte do not over-estimate 1ts abtltt~ to accommodate development alternatives. SA! recommends that the Ctty encourage the land o~ner to pursue developmont opttons under a planned untt development zontng designation. !n thts manner, the developer would be able to enjoy more flexibility tn accommodating Innova- 'tire stte deslgn. On the other hand, through a planned untt development concept the Ctty would have a more desirable ]and management program for administering development of the slte to assure that the dtverse uses permitted on the proper° ty are suttab]y located. Such controls mould better protect adjacent residen- tial property o~ners and better assure that envtronmontally fregtle lands are preserved. City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Mtnutes A Workshop Meeting of the Planntng& Zoning Committee was scheduled at the Clty Hall for October 17, 1983. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmtth at 6:55 PM. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. Bill Messersmtth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Jesse Brock Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Gene Harris Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney Mr. LeS Solin, City Planner Mr. Jim Parmeter, Soltn & Associates The Chairman then stated that the purpose of the Workshop Meeting was to clarify the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map policy for land located southwest of the State Road 512 and Laconia Street Intersection (66 acre tract as' presented as the Workshop Meeting held on October 6, lg83). Mr. Les Soltn then distributed copies of his memorandum and proceeded to explain his opinion and recommendations for the project. A copy of his memo is attached to these minutes. Mr. Darrell McQueen, representing the project, provided comments in.retrospect to Mr. Solin's opinion that primarily concerned the allowable calculation for density in units per acre. Concerning the questionable size of 6 acres, as a commer- cial area for site development, the Committee determines that 6 acres would be sufficient for development. Further discussion determined that adequate buffers, traffic control and density, whereby 5 or 6 units I~l).r acre would be considered should be recognized. Mr. Solin recommended that a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to obtain more flexibility to keep strategic portions of the site open should be considered, additionally, he commented that the County had approved a commercially zoned 50 acre site at Routes 510 and 512. An early meeting between the City Planner, City Engineer, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Developer was encouraged to resolve any questionable areals and offer further guidance to the project. A letter suggesting early review by the Health Department of Oebeloper/Butlder site plans was introduced. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM. tfully Submitted Rob~ APPROVED: W'¥T'l'lam Messersmlth Chairman Dated: This area reserved for written comments to these minutes: iSTATE OF FLORIDA DEP~ENT OF HE./U.TH AND ~LITA'I~E SE.clV~ DISTRICT IX INDIAN RIVER COUNTY HEALTH UNIT, ENVIRONHENTAL HEALTH SECTION 1840 25TH STREET, SUITE N-118 567-8000 EXTENSION 229 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 October 10, 1983 Ctty of Sebastian P.O. Box 127 Sebastian, Flortda 32958 At~tton: 8utldtng Offtctal plan ' vtew Gentlemn: Florida Statute 381 requtres all butldtng departments tn the State of Flortda to wtthhold the tssuance of a butldtng permit when "Onstte Sewage Dtsposal# Is proposed untt1 a permit for such ts tssued by thts department. ~cause sewage flow is currently based upon bedrOoms it wtll now be necessary for us to physically see a copy of the proposed butldtng plans before w tssue our permtt', Please Inform your builders/developers that th must.sublMt one copy of thetr plans to this offtce before said permtt wtll ~ tssu~d, I'- ts letter wtll also conf~m that we have agreed to becom part of Sebastian's J stto plan review process by tssuJng our permtt and providing system elevation. I prtor to the final approval of slte pl.an Jn Sebastian. Please ask developers/ . I imt1.dlk~, tO vtstt thts department early tn the process of revtow with thelr pro ! posed plan so tl~t Ne my establish a system elevation and tssue our perldt L. Prior to stte plan &pproval. I am also confirming your departments assurance that CO's wtll not be granted uflttl such ttm as the sewage system has been approved by thts department. ',,~,.~.~-,;.'~K,,~ .... ,,- .~!~~-~, .' ~.',", ....... ~,~ ~,.~ . , , .: ............ I thom nee lu~ ~t plea~ c~ct thts office. Id.,]. Gate, ts...P.H. Dlrect. dJ~. Envlranmntal Health October 17. 1983 TO: gt111amNessersmtth. PE. Chatman of the Planntng and Zoning Co,,,lsston Earl Mastellar, PE, Ctty Engtnoer FROM: Lester L. Soltn, Or., AICP, Planntng Consultant SUBOECT: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Pollcy for the 66~ Acre Te~t Comprising the Southwest Quadrant of the State Road 5~ end Laconta Street Intersection Thts memorandum ts wrttten to clartfy the Comprehensive Plan Land USe Nap pol.tcy for land located seutl~est of the State Road $12 end Laconta Street Intersec- tion. General Commercial Designation Appeoxtmtely 14.87 acres of land are designated for general cmmerctal-develop- ment at the southwest corner of the Intersection of State Road 512 and Laconta Street. Thts designation ftrst appeared on the Proposed Land Use Plan for the City of Sebastian prepared by the ]ndtan Rtver County Planntng and Zontng Department durtng 1979-1980. Thts land ts one of the few remtntn~ unplatted sltes along the State Road 512 corridor. The stte ts htghly accessible to residential areas within the Sebastian Highlands vta Barber Street ~htch serves the northwest and southwest Highlands. In addition, the stte ts located at the southern temlnus of Roseland Road whtch serves major residential settlemnts north of the stte. north to Roseland. Ftnally, the slte ts eccesst.bly located near Veto Lake Estates ~est~ard along the State Road S12 corridor. The 14.87± acres commercial stte was designated to serve as a community shopptng center by the year 1990-2000. The Comprehensive Lend Use Plan Nap has set the subject stte astde tn order to accommdate projected long term shoppJng needs of residents anticipated to restde tn restclentlal areas wtthtn a 3 to Smtle rndtus. IMdtum OensLtty Residential Developmnt Approxtmtely 34.32 acres are delineated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for ,edtum denstty residential development. Stetlar to the cmmerctal stte Identified above, thts land ts also accessible to major artertel and collector streets wtthtn the Ctty of Sebastian and adjacent areas. The Houslflg Elemnt of the Comprehensive Plan Identified that the Ctty of Sebesttan locks deVeloped sttes for .ulttple fmtly residential, structure types. The SUbject stte ~ms vtawed by Solln and Atsectates, Inc., (SAI) as 1deal for eccomod&ttng mdtum PA6E ~ denst~ restdentta] structures. Notwithstanding, SA! was concerned about the posslb]e lWacts of the planned mu]ttp]e faml]y houstng on $tng]e fmt]y platted tends along the south slde of Grsnduer Avenue. Lo~ Denstt~ Residential Developm, nt Approxlmtel~ 16.81 acres of land on the subject slte are designated for lo~ denstt~ develop;ant. This denstty, ts Incorporated into the overall Comprehen- sive Plan for the subject 66t acres tn order to assure a ~ore stable land use transition between the commercial and wolttple famtl~ residential area to the north and the platted stngle famtty houstng along the south side of Grenduer Avenue,. The lots along the south side of Sranduer Avenue are larger then mst of the residential lots wtthln Sehesttan Highlands. Therefore, SAZ ~ls pirttcu- ler]~ concerned wtth protecting the stabtltt~ of these relattvel~ htgh value lots. Additional Considerations, !ncludtng Dretnaqe The 66~ acre tract ts located in an area ~htch drelns Peorl~. A detatled stte analysts ls requtred to detemtne the posstble presence of sm11 ~etl~i &tees. Thts observation .t:s ~oted tn order to assure that persons vte~t~g the ulttmte deve]olxi~nt cIpect.~ of the stte do not .over-estlMte 1ts abtllty to eccMl~te deve]opll~ eltem~.ttves. SA.~. recoN~.nds that ~he Ctt~, encourage the 1&nd ~r'. to pursue development opc~ons un~er & :lMmld untt develoment zontng designation. !n thts m~er, the developer ~ould be able to en~o~( wore flextb111t~ tn acco~d&ttng Innova- tive stte destgn. On the other hand, through a planned untt developmnt' c°~cept the Ctt~, ~ould have a wore desirable land mnagewnt program for ldlt. ntstertng develownt of the stte to assure that the dtverse uses pemttted on the proper- t~ are suttably located. Such controls would better protect .id~ace~t rest~n- tie1 pro.pe, rty owners and better assure that envtronmeflta11~ ft,~gt.le lands are Mr. Solin recommended that a Planned Unit Development (PUD} to obtain more flexibility to keeP strategic portions of the site open should be considered, additionally, he commented that the County had approved a 'commercially zoned 50 acre site at Routes 510 and 512. An early meeting between the City Planner, City Engineer, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Developer was encouraged to resolve any questionable areals and offer further guidance to the project. A letter suggesting early review by the Health Department of Debeloper/Builder site plans was introduced. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM. R~tfully Submitted Robe~ APPROVED: William Messersmith Chairman Dated: This area reserved for written comments to these minutes: City of Sebastian Planning & Zoning Committee Minutes A Workshop Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committee was scheduled at the City Hall for October 17, lg83. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Bill Messersmith at 6:$5 PM. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. Bill Messersmtth Mr. Joseph Stephenson Mr. Jesse Brock Mr. Harold Eisenbarth Mr. Gene Harris Mr. William Mahoney Mr. Robert J. Ori Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Earl Masteller, City Engineer Mr. Dan Kilbride, City Attorney Mr. Les Solin, City Planner Mr. Jim Parmeter, Solin & Associates The Chairman then stated that the purpose of the Workshop Meeting was to clarify the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map policy for land located southwest of the State Road '512 and Laconia Street Intersection {66 acre tract as presented as the Workshop Meeting held on October 6, 1983). Mr. Les Solln then distributed copies of his memorandum and proceeded to explain his opinion and recommendations for the project. A copy of hts memo is attached to these mtnutes. Mr. Darrell McQueen, representing the project, provided comments in retrospect to Hr. Soltn's opinion that primarily concerned the allowable calculation for density in units per acre. Concerning the questionable size of 6 acresasacommer- ctal area for site development, the Committee d~s that acres would be sufficient for development.,.qA~e OA~,~e~T~e traff~ ,:~ ~ ts l~r acre would . Mr. Soltn recommended that a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to obtain more flexibility to keep strategic portions of the site open should be considered, additionally, he commented that the Count~_~ad approved a commercially zoned 50 acre at Routes 510 512. T~ ~.¢~e ~,t~a l~e An ea~l~ meettng between the Ctt~ Planne~, C~t~ Engineer, Chat~man of the Planntng& Zontng Committee and the Developer ~as encouraged to ~esolve an~ questionable a~ea~s and offe~ further guidance to the project. --'~ A letter suggesting early review by the Health Department of De,eloper/Builder site plans was introduced. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at g:2~ PM. tfully Submitted Rob~ APPROVED: h ~Tt&~P, Messersmlth - al rman Dated: This area reserved for written comments to these minutes: t / ,b PAGE denStty residential structures. Notwithstanding, SAI was concerned about the posstble tnpacts of the planned nulttple fanlly houstng on stngle fantly platted lands along the south side of Grenduer Avenue. Low Density Residential Development Approxtmetely 16.81 acres of land on the subject stte are designated for lo~ density developmnt. This denstty Is tncorporeted tnto the overall COmprehen- sive Plan for the subject 66~ acres tn order to assure a mre stable land use transition between the coemerctal and eulttple family residential area to the north and the platted stngle famtly housing along the south stde of 6randuer Avenue. The lots along the south Side of Sranduer Avenue are larger than eos~ of the residential lots wlthtn Sebastian Highlands. Therefore, SAZwes perttcu larly concerned with protecting the stability of these relatively htgh value lots. Additional Con$tderettons, Including Dretnage The 66~ acre tract is located tn an area whtch drelns poor]y. A detalled stte analysts Is requtred to detemtne the posslble presence of sm11 wetland areas. Thts observation ts noted tn order to assure that persons vte~tng the ulttmte developmnt capectty of the slte do not over-esttmte 1ts abtltty to accomlodate deve]opeeflt alternatives. SAi recommends that the City encourage the land owner to pursue develolxnent options under a pllnned unit development zontng designation. In this manner, the developer would be able to enjoy more flexibility in accomnodattn9 innova- tire stte design. On the other hand, through a planned untt developmnt concept the City would have a more desirable land management program for administering development of the site to assure that the diverse uses pemttted on the proper- ty are suttably located. Such controls would better protect a(Uace~t residen- tial property ovmers and better assure that environmentally fragile lands are prese~ed. PAGE 2 density residential structures. Notwithstanding, SA[ was concerned about the posstble impacts of the planned multiple famtly housing on single famtly platted lands along the south side of Granduer Avenue. Low Density Residential Development Approximately 16.81 acres of land on the subject site are designated for low density development. This density is incorporated into the overall Comprehen- sive Plan for the subject 66± acres in order to assure a more stable land use transition between the commercial and multiple family residential area to the north and the platted single family housing along the south side of Granduer Avenue. The lots along the south side of Granduer Avenue are larger than most of the residential lots within Sebastian Highlands. Therefore, SA! was particu- larly concerned with protecting the stability of these relatively high value lots. Additional Considerations, Including Drainage The 66± acre tract is located in an area which drains poorly. A detailed site analysis is required to determine the possible presence of small wetland areas. This observation is noted in order to assure that persons viewing the ultimate development capacity of the site do not over-estimate its ability to accommodate development alternatives. SAI recommends that the City encourage the land owner to pursue development options under a planned unit development zoning designation. In this manner, the developer would be able to enjoy more flexibility in accommodating innova- tive site design. On the other hand, through a planned unit development concept the City would have a more desirable land management program for administering development of the site to assure that the diverse uses permitted on the proper- ty are suttably located. Such controls would better protect adjacent residen- tial property owners and better assure that environmentally fragile lands are preserved. BOL. iN ANO ABBOCIATI=I~, iNC. PLANNIN~ CONBUI. TANTEI 1;IO1 111;l~ I=L~CE, IBUITE 101 VEl;lO BEACH. FL ;);IEIBO October 17, 1983 TO: William Messersmith, PE, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission Earl Mastellar, PE, City Engineer FROM: Lester L. Solin, Jr., AICP, Planning Consultant SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Policy for the 66, Acre Tract - Comprising the Southwest Quadrant of the State Road 512 and ~ Laconia Street Intersection This memorandum is written to clarify the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map policy for land located southwest of the State Road 512 and Laconia Street intersec- tion. General Commercial Designation Approximately 14.87 acres of land are designated for general commercial .develop- ment at the southwest corner of the intersection of State Road 512 and Laconia Street. This designation first appeared on the Proposed Land Use Plan for the City of Sebastian prepared by the Indian River County Planning and Zoning Department during 1979-1980. This land is one of the few remaining, unplatted sites along the State Road 512 corridor. The site is highly accessible to residential areas within the Sebastian Highlands via Barber Street which serves the northwest and southwest Highlands. In addition, the site is located at the southern terminus of Roseland Road which serves major residential settlements north of the site, north to Roseland. Finally, the site is accessibly located near Veto Lake Estates westward along the State Road 512 corridor. The 14.87± acres commercial site was designated to serve as a community shopping center by the year 1990-2000. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map has set the subject site aside in order to accommodate projected long term shopping needs of residents anticipated to reside in residential areas within a 3 to 5 mile radius. Medium Density RestdeQtial Development Approximately 34.32 acres are delineated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for medium density residential develOpment. Similar to the commercial site identified above, this land is also accessible to major arterial and collector streets within the City' of Sebastian and adjacent areas. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan identified that the City of Sebastian lacks developed sites for multiple family residential structure types. The subject site was viewed by Solin and Associates, Inc.. (SAI) as ideal for accommodating medium MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN BOCIETY OF CONBULTtNOl I:It. ANNER8