O~TOBER 18, 1984
Regular meeting of Planning and Zoning Board called to~'Order:7.~30 P.M.
on October 18, 1984 in the council chambers of the City O~ Sebastian.
Chairman Gene Harris presided. Members present were Chai-rman Harris,
Vice-chairman Harold Eisenbarth, members Stan Krulikowski, Marjorie Pools,
and Bill Mahoney. Engineer for the board, Randy Mosby also attended.
Marjorie Pools made the motion the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
October 4, 1984, be approved as presented. Stan KrulikowSki sec~ed the
motion, which passed unanimously.
Harold Eisenbarth made the motion the minutes of theSpecial Meeting of
October 11, 1984 be approved as presented. Gene Harris seconded the mOtion,
passed unanimously.
BAll from Mosby-Robbins for engineering services fromAugUSt 31 through
September 28, 1984 was presented an~ following q~estion conoerning Hyatt
project, motion was made by Harold Eisenbarth t~ pay the bill, Ma=~orie
Pools seconded the motion, passed unanimously.
A storage shed for Tom Karr's business at 1671 U.S.#l, Sebastian.Was
presented as a minor site plan, minor modification, and following..,ascertain-
ment that it did need a site plan, Stan Krulikowski made the ~)t'ion that
it be approved fro a 12x20 storage shed only, Marjorie Pools seconded the
motion, passed unanimously.
indian River Industrial Park was the next item of business. Earl Masteller.,
engineer, spoke on behalf of owner Defy1Stenger. The property encompassed
5+ acres, located on Gibson Street, south of the ERB building and the coun:y
transfer station. Earl gave some o.f~..the background on the site, said they
would have to have a subdivision development plan before they could have
site plan approval on the individual % acre lots. Handy Mosby, staff
stated the-plan now corrected items (1), (8), and (10) of his
Earl Masteller noted that subdivisions need not comply with 202-9. Mr.
discussed the need for all pla~s to comply with standard criteria. Mr.
said his client would submit application for exemption from DER. Chairman
Harris commented that he would not be as concerned about an industrial sub-
division being exempt since individual owners will have to submit site plans,
which will have to conform to 202-9. It would be more of a concern on a
residential subdivision, where site plan approval would not be needed.
There was much discussion concerning the road.right-of-way or the easement
(interior road connecting the lots) with concern for the individual lot owners
and their assurance of maintained access to their property. There was also
some concern about the condition of the existing road, and the improvements
that may be needed following construction. Mx. Masteller explained the deed
restrictions as per attorney Rene VanDeVoorde, and said he felt the City
would not be interested in owning or maintaining the road since it was an
internal road, and it was off a non-paved Gibson St. If the individual lot
Minutes - Planning and Zoning Board - October 18, 1984
lot owner did not cooperate, the other owners could place a lien against
his property for the money needed to maintain his share of the road. All
property owners would be assessed equally. Stan Krulikowski asked what
happened to the roads until all 9 were sold? Mr. Stenger would pay his
share of the remaining lots if repairs were needed before sell-out.
Mr. Masteller stated that Rene VanDeVoorde, attorney for the applicant,
had talked to City Attorney Tom Palmer and they had agreed there was no
problem with the deed restrictions, they just needed to work out the
legalese for unrestricted access. Randy Mosby recommended that the legal
opinion from city attorney be required before preliminary Plat/Development
Plan be approved.
Stan Krulikowski made the motion that the board grant approval of the
preliminary plat/development plan for indian River Industrial Pa~'k contin-
gent upon the following:
1. City Attorney's review of the legalities of the deed restriction con-
cerning internal access and road maintenance.
2. Guarantee the roads are maintained to city standards, or a letter from
the engineer stating the road is currently capable of handling construction
3. The PRMs aad Subdivision name be noted on the preliminary plat/develop-
ment plan.
.,~arjorie Pools seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Marjorie Pools made the motion that the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning
Board be empowered to sign the Preliminary Plat/Development Plan as soon as
~he required contingencies are met for Indian River In~ustrial Perk, thereby
saving the developer a two week wait. Motion wes secon4ed by Stan Krulikowski,
passed unanimously.
Stan Krulikowski asked about beautification of the media strips at the
north and south of town to compliment the new signs. Advised to call Linde
Keenan, chairman of the Parks and Recreations department as well as Bob
Beindedorfer, with DOT in Fort Pierce. Placing palms or attractive trees
in the median would also forestall the removal of median altogether as has
happened in many larger towns.
Harold Eisenbarth stated he felt Chapter 10 should cover all areas of
plan approvals so there would be no loopholes, such as now exists with the
subdivision ordinance. Randy Mosby agreed, noting there are already problems
with the G.D.C. subdivision, and it is no where near build-out. If the
Land Use Plan is not adopted, we should have ordinance to cover all so all
reviews are consistent.
Stan Krulikowski made the motion to adjourn, Marjorie PoolS' seconded the
motion, adjourned at 9:32 P.M.
Gene Harris, Chairman