HomeMy WebLinkAbout11061997 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Chron. Fischer called the meeting to order at 5:04 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Ms. Kilkdly(a) Mr. Pli~l Mr. Thomas Chnm. Fiscl~ Mr. Schulke EXCUSED ABSENCE: Ms. Vesia Mr. Driver(a) ALSO PRESENT: Robert MassareHi, Commu~ty Development Director Ann Brack Record~ Secretary A modification to the agea~ was requested by Mr. Massarelli, and Chnm. Fischex noted that under New Business, #D. would be handled first, and C. and E. will be discussed afire' the regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. All members agreed. It was also noted that Ms. Kilkelly would vote in place of Ms. Vesia until Mr. Driver arrives. OLD BUSINESS: A. Ordimmce Review - Ordinsn~e 0-97-60 - Regulation of Stationary Mulching Machines Mr. Massarelli noted a request from the last meefi~ for adding a section to provide for a Special Use permit for sites of te~ (10) acres or more that were being cleared under a valid site plan or subdivision construction permit so that a stationary mulching machine could be located there. He noted that on page 5, Sectico 4. has been added for comment from this LPA Chnm. Fischer noted that his Form 8B, Conflict of~, which was filed on this issue at the last meeting is still in effect, and he turned thc Chair over to Vice Chnm. Munsart. Mr. Hem'y Fischer, 755 South Fischer Circle, Sebastian, was present and noted that he runs the only active mulching facility in the City and in the North County at present. He asked where the figures came from for the setback distances in the proposed Ordinance and staff responded tha~ no study was done. Mr: Henry Fischer then noted that thc proposed setbacks'would eliminate his site. He passed out copies of a map locating his mulching facility with ~ s~l,~ noted. He ~o ~ ~ his LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 'REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 permit runs for another three (3) years, and this Ordinance seems established, just to run him out of business. He also commented that in checking around the State, he was unable'~o come up with be set up and angled to control any possible discharge, and them is a bamer that can be set up for further protection. Mr. Massarelli explained how he cante up with the calculations on the setbacks,..based on the event at Grace's Landing. He acknowledge that.he 'hadn't been able to find an Ordinance anywhere else on this issue either. He.also noted that there is a special use permit applicatiOn On file, issued for another mulching facility in the City, with a width On that property of approximately five hundred feet (5003, and it would also be prohibited from being operated with this Ordinam~, as it is proposed. There was much discussion on this issue. Saf~ a~i a safety barrier were dis~m~ai Mr. Thomas commented that he did some research since the last meeting and suggested that there is a "blackout" of informatiOn on these machine. He was unable to find any'Safety dam from any Company that he contacted. Mr. Henry Fischer agreed that there is none of that information in his State book. He commented that since 1991, no one operating his machine has even had so much as a smashed finger. Mr. Schulke passed out copies of zonin~ maps th~ showed all Industrial proper~ in the City, and pointed out flint none of these properties have adequa~ directions to ~ a mulching Mr. Massarelli referred, to page three (3) of the proposed Ordinance, items 0), (4): and(5), which set.the, s~tback requireammt$, and modified it to include 'that the stationary ~g maehlne shall lmve a protective barrier, sealed by au En~im~er, to make sure it esa 'hsadle the velocity, e~., and that the setback is one hundred feet(ltlO*) from the property li~". He suigosted in paragraph six (6) to insert the word "resid~iig" betwom local and street". There was discnssiOn on the wcating of a nmlchi~ machine, and it was detennin~ that, on a pernmnent mulching facih'ty..site, a One hundred foot (100') ~tback with a protootive.bamer. would be reasonable. In section 4, there was consensus to allow a temporary mulching machine as a special use permit, with the restrictions of the protective deflector screen, and to change the minimum lot size to five (5) acres, at the rap.of page six (6). Mr. Schulhe askedfftbe State DOTgets permission from tbe City to do roadwork. The~was ..some. discussiOn On this issue and Mr.' Massarelli noted that he will get an opinion from.the.City Attorney On this questiOn. Mr. Fred Mensing, 7580 129th Street, suggesUxi informing the developer of the lehigh of time it takes to get a special use permit for mulching at the time of submissiOn of preliminary plat. Staff LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REG~ MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 assured him that this will bo done early in the proc~s. MOTION by Munsart/Ma~er I make a motion that we rozommond to City Council adoption of Ordixum~ 0-97-60 with tho following changos: tbe elimination of paragraphs 3, 4, and 5, ~h 3 to be changed to one hundred feet. (100') of the property ~ instead of two hundrod and fifty feet (250'), and a deflective shield signed by (a) profe~ional engim~r be ~ on the equipmeat; on paragraph 6, the team reaidentiai inserted benween local and m~t; and on Section 4, at the top of page 6, the minimum lot size shall bo five (5)ata'~, not t~ (10) acres. Roll call: Ms. Kilkolly(a) - yes Mr. Thomas - yes Mr. Mathor - yos Mr. Schulke - yes Mr. Pliska - yes V Chin Munsart - yes The vote was 6 - O. Motion carried. N]gW.BUSINESS: D. Ordinance Review - Ordlmmee 0-97,65 - Rive~ont District Building Morato~um (Chairman Fischer returned to Chair the mooting.) Mr. Massarelli exp~ thc pro~s for. ostablishi~ a buildi~ l~rmit moratori~ as ~ by City Council. Council. also indicated that they want this "fast-tracked", and they want "developme~" ~ so that interior work would be excluded from tho moraiorium. Mr. Massarelli notod that this moratorium would be for a 6-month length of ~ so ~ the P~-~ormam~ Ovorhy Ordinance can be adopted, and tho Future Land Use Map and Zoni~ can be implement. He expressed a desire to be able to liR tbe moratorium much soone~ than 6 ~. There was discussion on the ramific~on~ of a moratorium and the many restrictions it puts in place. MOTION by M~lly I move that we recommoM to City Cou~il approval of Ordinance #0-97-65. Discussion: Mr. Thomas ~.to Stat~ Statute #380 and asked where that Statute is r~ in thc Ordin~ce. Mr. Massarelli responded that he is waiting to hear from the City A~om~ on how she is inserting it, He noted that Chapter 380 ofthc Florida Statutes which derbies what ~lopment is, and lists things such as change of exterior of a house or structure, mining a~ivities, building LOCAL PLANNiNG AGENCY, PLANNiNG AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 sidewalks and street lights, and interiors of buildings. AMENDMENT to above motion, Munsat~Cilk~y I move to ~ the previous motiOn to include the definition of development as contained in Florida Statute #380, and~ east of the railroad, no~& of SectiOn 7, Township 31 South, range 39 East. Mr. Mumart - yes Mr. Thomas Ms. KilkeHy(a) - yes Mr. Mather - yes Mr. Pliska - yes Chin. Fischer - no Mr. Schulke - yes Discussion: Mr. Schulke suggested that all memb,~s should vote "no" On the rnormmimu. Roll call on the Motion: Mr. Thomas - yes Mr. Muusart - yes Chun. Fischer - no Ms. Kilkelly(a) - yes Mr. Schulke - no Mr. Mather - no Mr. Pliska -no Thevotewas 3 -4. Motion denied. MOTION by Schulke/Pliska I make a ~ that we recomme~ to City Council that they do not pass a moratorium on the Rive~rm District. Discussico: There was discussion on whether the moratorium is consistent or inconsistmt with Ihe Comprehe~ive Plan. At this point, Mr. Schulke withdrew his motion above, and Mr. Pliska withdrew hr, secc~ and tl~ indicated they would like to discuss this issue fmther later this evming afl~ re~xin~ to the Comprelx~ive Plan. MOTION by Schullm/Pliska I make a mot/Onto postpone this item until the second m~ tonight. Roll call: Mr. ~ - yes Chnm. Fischer - yes Mr. Pliska - yes Mr. Schulke - yes . LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Mr. Thomas - no Ms. Kilkelly(a) - no Mr. Munsart - yes The vote was 5 - 2. Motion carried. Chmn. Fischer closed the meeting at 6:26 P.M., to be continued after the regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Chmn. Fischer re-opened the meeting at 8:20 P.M., and everyone who was present previously, returned, and Mr. Driver(a) was also present. Mr. Driver will vote in place of Ms. Vesia. Mr. Schulke quoted the Land Development Code and referenced Policy 1-3.2.2. MOTION by SchulkelPliska I move that we recommend that the City Council does not propose a moratorium on the property east of U. S. I, because it does not protect property rights, and is in conflict with that Policy 1-3.2.2 . Rollcall: Mr. Pliska Mr. Driver(a) Mr. Thomas Chmn. Fischer - yes - yes -no - yes Mr. Schulke Mr. Munsart Mr. Mather - yes -no -no The vote was 4 - 3. Motion carried. C. Riverfront Performance Overlay Districts Review - I. Proposed Revisions to Section 20A- - Landscape Requirements - Ms. Carolyn Corum. Mr. Massarelli presented background information about the Riverfront District plan, including architecture, landscape and sign standards. He pointed out different uses and located these on the wall maps. He also noted that the "Overlay District" requirements would be in addition to general codes already in place. There was discussion on storage sheds, out-buildings, substantial renovation, architecture, color and style. Mr. Schulke suggested including some language that would permit designs on large, blank walls, which, in turn, could affect the landscaping. . There was discussion of roof styles, and building heights. Staff noted that the people of Sebastian don't want any buildings over thirty-five feet (35'), to the peak. Mr. Schulke suggested including the three-dimensional, architectural fiberglass or asphalt roof shingles. 5 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Mr. Pliska suggested sending for San Francisco's cOlor code to refereuce for the riverfront area. In response ~ a question from Mr. Schulke about open space and green space requiremmts~ staff responded that it is covered in the underlyin~ zoning for each zoning classification. There was discussion on parking requiremmts, variances and appeals for sites that cannot accommodate the parking requirement. There was coosc~us that waivers would be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission, with appeals going before City Council. Mr. Schulke suggested not being specific about the kind of mulch to be used in landscaping strips, because it would be very di~cult to enforce, it was determined to note in the Ordinance that Cypress Mulch is not encouraged. There was discussion about enco~ lava rock ami other dark rocks, while fiver rock is discouraged. Tberc was discussion on thc tree and shrub listings on page 6, 7; and 8, and it was su~ that this list be a re--on, not a requirement. There was discussion on th~ size of trees required in relation to the h~ of a 5uilding. Mr. Schuike susgested subtracting out required access-ways, loading zones, ctc.,'both.~ and vehicular, from the Interior Landscaping .Requirements. This issue was discuss~and it was agreed upon, not to exceed' 25% of the total perimeter of the building. Item C. I.d. was discussed and it was agreed that it would be changed to i~icat~ that '~erira¢~ and interior landscape strips shall not be used for stormwater mmagezmmt". MOTION by Mather/Driver I make a motion that wc rcconuuend to the City Council the acceptance of the Riverfi,ont Performance Overlay Districts, Article IXX as mncnded at thc meeting tamight. Roll call was taken, Mr. Pliska - yes Mr. Schulke - yes Mr. Driver(a) - yes Mr. Munsart - yes Mr. Thomas - yes Mr. Mather - yes Chum. Fischer - yes The vote was 7 - O. Motion carried. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, PLANNING AND ZONINGCOMMISSiON MrNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 E. Discussio~ - RM-8 Duplex Garage/Carport Requirements - Sectic~ 20A-3.$ Staff was .looking for direction in interpreting the code where it deals with gatag~~ for duplexes. There was nmch discussion on this and the Commission unanimouSl~, th~ a duplex has single-family dwelling units and r~quires a, garase or carport, per unit, DIRECTOR MA~: Chnm. Fischer adjoan~.the meeting at 9:48 P.M. (I 1/17/~'/Alt) City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ri SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 r'l FAX {561) 589-2566 CiTY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF LPA MEETING CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Chnm. Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. The Ple~ige of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Ms. Kili~lly(a) Mr. Thomas Mr. Mather Chnm. Fischer Mr. PlLi~m Mr. Schulke EXCUSED ABSENCE: Ms. Vesia ALSO PRESENT: Tracy I-lass, Planner II ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chnm. Fischer announced that Ms, Vesia has an egxatsed absence, and Mr. Driv~':~. b~.voting m her place. A~PROVAL OF MINUTES: O, PA 10/16/97, and P& Z 10/16/97) MOTION by Munsatt/Fhonms I move we a~ept the minutes of ~',16, 1997 for the Local Planning Agency. A voice vote was taken, 7 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Mat /OriTM A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. NEW i~USINESS: A. Site Plan Review- Cancer Car~ Center of Seb~ - PTS Corporation - North U.S Righ y #1 PLANNINO AND ZONINO COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINO OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Mr, Randy Mosby, Mosby and Associates, was ~ roproserltin~o the applicant. He noted that a variance for the well and septic will be necassaty because of the adjacent complex. Ho~ inmxluced Ken Constantino who is the d~velcger, and they offm~ to answer any questions. Mr. Haas gave staff preseatation and explained how the parking was flgtu~ .since~this is a radiation center. He noted that the APA standards for parking for ~ioffio0S and lhe calculagons were ba,s~ on that. He noted ~ a variance mus~ be oblained..~ gle..Well and septic. Mr. Hass then recoaia-amded approval with the COnditions st,,t~cl on pages '8'&. 9 of ~he.-Staff There was discussion on irrigation sysum% and additional lighting as mxmmma~l by.Captl David Puncher of the Sebaslian Police Depaflment. Mr. Mosby sugg~d providing a letter stating that wall.packs on the ~ast side that will.be Iow- imemiW to provide some security. In response to a question from Mt. Munsa~ Mt. Mosby responded that '. them will three (3) doctors, and three (3) staff~, but colyoao(1) doctor at atime. Mr. ~m~edtbat lhere are other offices located elsewhm'e that the doctors travel to. He also this procedure requires p~ for the ~ and lhere is no need for many Mr. Mosby noted adding additional landscaping in the rear; and using low-~~ on fl~e rear side. Mr. Driver brought up th~ subject of poss/~ ~ a mural done by school .ch/ldum for the east s/de wall. There was some discussion on this /Ssue, and 'it was ~ that/t probably wouldn't work. MOTION by Maths/Driver I mak~ a motion that we accept.the Caner Care Center of Sebasti~'.she~:~97462, C-l, C-2, C-3, and the arc, hi~ drawings, C-l, A-l, A.2, A-3, of 97377,. as .p~ by Mosby and Associaies plus ~ findings and concerns for lhe Polio0 ~t answer~l, aud. ~he slaff's recommmdafio~s. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Mr. Pliska - yes Mr. Schulke - yes Mr. Driver(a) -yes Mr. Munsart - y~s Mr~ Thomas - y~s Mr. Mather - yes Chnm Fischer - yes The vote was 7- 0. Motkm cra'tied. At this time, Mr. Massarolli explained some differ~ces in the above Site Plan.fi: the proposed Riveffrcot regulations were in place. He noted that it would affect the roof. ~ and B. Sit~ Plum Review - Revised Landscaping Plan - Young, Prill ,~ ~ Funeral Home - Chessers Gap PUD a site, the City is a little flexible and gemmdly.works with him for variety and color. I-k ~oted that the landscaper is proposing Royal Palms instead of Live Oaks along Flemi~ Stre~ co the north side near the Elks Club, some Slash Pines ami Live Oaks, and around the building some Alexander Paltm, and on another side.s-some Live Oaks imizad of Dahoon Holly. He also noted that the Royal Palms along Fleming ~ive'it a completely different look. and he thought it was a dramatic clumge, which is why it was brought back bofo~ the Plamli~ and Zco/ng Commissioo. Jim Christianson from Releaf Trees was presem and gave a pre~nta~co am~,~amwel~ questions, noti~ that Alocandor Palms are not native, but Royal Palms are native, ltz aiso.'explainod that his site d~ign would put the taller trees in the roar and the effect would scape up' iO"~. rear of the building. Mr. Chfisgatmm noted that he proposes to add dwarf Oleanders and some.ltibiscus trees which are native to Florida, ~ sod was previously noted. He proposes to put sor~ color in the front - other than ,green". He proceed~l to Oommem on various planting ~ Ofa cmmnercial site. Mr. Mosby noted that the newer proposal meets code. Mr. Massaretli respcoded tl~ it may m~ the code, but since this is a PUD, the City can ~ on issues such as landscaping. Mr. Christianson from ~Trees spoke in favor.of an assortment of trees in mi/area. Ms. Kilketly brought up.the.subject of"'streei trees" and suggested that if this is the only site to have ROyal Palms, it-would be nice to have the entire street lines with Royal Palms. Mr.. Massarelli explained the inadequacies of Fleming Street in that area, and.~ that tree planting in that area might not be possible. PLANNING AND ZONING coMMIssION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 MOTION by M~ I move that we approve the revised landscap~ plan for Chesser' s Gnp at Lowth~'., Funeral Home. The vom wm 7- O. Motion carried. Nol~ Mr. Munsart brought up the issue of the Sebastian Lakes PUD housing development being appealed to City Council with a complet~ n~ site Plan. He noted that riley passed around a settlement to resolve the case. He also ~ that he nvty suggest that ~'come before Planning and Zoning as it will not slow down their appeal process. He ~ithat it was not illegal or improper about it. Mr. Mather noted that he did not sign Ordinan~ 0-97-56 because he believ~:th~iiz a conflict of interest there in that if Mr. Barnes or Mr. Taraka decide torun again, ti~y. wOuld.have a vested DIRECTOR MATTER~ based on the maximum capaci~ of tho boat. He noted an advertisement by a local embliShment for a charter boat which was not in.the approved site plan, and Code ~n~orcen~nt was directed to follow up on this. Tl~-y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'t ~ ~ s~- packs", He then explained.that a "six-pack" is a charter boat that carries six (6) or 'les~ people. Apparently that is a ccmmxm. 2nn in this ~. He ~um asked if a "six, pack,; oharter boats with six (6) or less ~ be included in the evaluation of a s~ plan and maki~ sure :that there is adequate pa=king, or should a chax~ boat bo..~ above, the. "six.pac~"? He 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Chairman Fischer adjourned the meeting at 8:11 P.M. (11118197 AB) /mkk City of Sebastian /N 1225 MAIN STREET a SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 0 FAX (561) 589-5570 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD / V Em��� (, 199 APPROVED AT MEETING HELD ` �t�tml/3LS2 A � CARL FISCHER, CHAIRMAN Cp _ ya�� E. ANN BRAM RECORDING SECRETARY C::�DkB�O Pz-mm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. W, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 o FAX (561 ) 589-5570 AGENDA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. ROLL CALL. ANNOUNCEMENTS. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting NEW BUSINESS: A. Site Plan Review PTS Corporation B. Site Plan Review Prill & Lowther CHAIRMAN MATTERS: MEMBERS MATTERS: DIRECTOR MATTERS: ATTORNEY MATTERS: ADJOURNMENT. 7:00 P.M. LPA Meeting of October 16, 1997, and of October 16, 1997 - Cancer Care Center of Sebastian - North U.S. Highway #1 - Revised Landscaping Plan - Young, Funeral Home - Chessars Gap PUD ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS., WILL NEED A RECORD OF • THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286. 0105 F. S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) , ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407) -589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED �" OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 o FAX (561) 589-5570 AGENDA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY 5:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL. 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. Ordinance Review - Ordinance 0-97-60 - Regulation of Stationary Mulching Machines 5. NEW BUSINESS: B. Land Development Code Revisions - Continuation of Draft Review - Amended Articles C. Riverfront Performance Overlay Districts Review - �"`� 1. Proposed Revisions to Section 20A- - Landscape Requirements - Ms. Carolyn Corum D. Ordinance Review - Ordinance 0-97-65 - Riverfront District Building Moratorium E. Discussion - RM -8 Duplex Garage/Carport Requirements - Section 20A -3.5.D.5 5. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 6. MEMBERS MATTERS: 7. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 8. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 9. ADJOURNMENT. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF. THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE Date OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) , ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMDATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE eog"\ IN ATTENDANCE.