HomeMy WebLinkAbout11151984 PZ~NUTKS - PLANNING AND Z0t~ING HOA~D P~gular m~eti~g of Planning and Zoning Board called DO ord#~ 7z30 P.M. on ~ve~ber 15, 19~4, in the cotulcil chambers of of Sebastian.. Vice-Chairman Hal Eisenbarth presided until Ch&i~ Harris arrived at 7~45.P.M. Attending the meeting were .Chai~n G~ne Harris, Vice-Chairman Hal Eisenbar~h, Members JewellThO~psonw Bpb Fullert~, S~an Krulikowski, Hill M~hone¥, a~d Marjori~ ~i':z The ~inutes o~.'~he November 1, 1984 meeting were read following mo~lo~ to approve bY Bob FullertO~, second Under unfinished business, letters were read concerning ~he.'~ol&l/ residentia~ use diec~lssed last n~eting~ and one concerning management, Bo~h le~ters were from Attorney Tom Palmer~ . requests for clarification. No action taken. The bill! ~ro~ .Mosby was checked &~d following some discussion, ~otio, w~ .~e b~ S!se~barth that the bill be paid, Marjorie Pools seconded ~assed ~%a~mously. (Hill for October services}. L~t~ No action Annexation request by l~land Miller for parcel 3 was presented to the board for its reOO~endation. Land was located on the map (direc~lY wes= of Lambert Real ~s=ate office on CR#512. After som~ discussion, motion was made by Marjorie Pools that the board recommend the acceptance of the request for ar~r~xation of Parcel 3, Roland Miller property~ Jewell Thomson seconded the mo=ion, passed with all in favor exce~tO~ Bob Foliation, who abstained. Father and Son, Steve Philipson, appeared for a change in the plan for Phase II. Nothing was being changed as far as th~ "footprint", =hey were changing where the second s~ory would be placed. Jewell Thompson said parking matter should be cleared up first. Engineer Bill Messersmith, on behalf of. the applicant, discussed the drainage/parking system he had de- signed. He referred his plans to the "Federal Highways Administration Underground Disposal of Stormwater Runoff". The depth, cleanout means, etc. were discussed. Jewell Thompson made the motion that the board approv~ the viable conce~t of drainage contingen~ upon approval by staff engineer, Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Jewell Thompson made the motion that the board grant final approval of the major modifica- tions of Father and Son two story concept, elevation, landscape contingent upon review and approval by Staff Engineer Randy Mosby. Chairman Harris will have the au~hority to sign when the approval from Mosby/Robbins is given. Stan l(rulikowski seconded the motion, approved u~allimously. Earl Masteller, speaking on behalf of Mr. $~. George, asked whether a pizza parlor could be placed on a CR#512 lo~ having C-1 zoning, OCR Land Use Desigaation. At present, it would not be allowed under CORdesignat£on. Plan,.in~ and Z~D~.~g ~ard - Minutes - November 15, 1984 Temporary Movie Theatre issue was sent from the City ~ounoll-to ~he board for r~com~endation. It would be an ~nflatable ~ kent 8eAtin~ a~r~i~=el¥ 50 ~ooplo, ~ ~ located on a vaoa~ lot ~u~h discUssed th~S~even lss~s raised bM the cocci1, and t~ ~d cuncernsof =heir o~. s=~ ~ulikowski ~ =he full~ing which ~ second by Bill Mahoney~ "a letter ~o be sea~ and co~cil s=a~lng the ~ard has revi~ed the pro~sed =heaDre a~ add=essed each of the seven l~ms listed on ~ fr~City Clerk =o city A=torney. In addition, the ~he addi~lO~l ~e~ be ~saed in khe event ~he p~sed~hea~re, i.e. 1) the ~rtalets he screened with of the exits~ 2} the structure be ~v~ at least t0 ~he.ce~er 0f lo~, ~way from ~he ~rga~ ~rse ~ge~ 3) the structure leas= 150' back fr~ the U.S.$I frontage~ 4) entrance a~lt only off ~rri2on Street, not off U.S.%l~ 5) a~proval b~ f~ only." '-The vo26 =o se~ =his le=~er was fi~ in favor, ~ay Chaf~ H~ri~, Vice-Chai~n Eis~arth. Si~ The concept plan for additional hangers at the airport board advised Secretary to tell a~plicent to handle the new', regular majGr site plan. Ma~.ting adjourned at 10~30 P.M. s, Chai~n .. ~, ' , ,':" ~'" '~" P,~T OFFI~ BOX 127 [1 ~E~ASTIAN. TELEPHONE {30~) . ,, ::~ ..:~