HomeMy WebLinkAbout11171983 PZMINUTES - Planning & Zoning Committee November 17, 1983 Public Hearing on Zoning Change for Wauregan Subdivision was called to order at 7:30 by Planning and Zoning Chairman Bill Messersmith. Present at the public hearing were Chairman Messersmith, Board Members Gene Harris, Harold Eisenbarth, and Joseph Stephenson, and City Engineer Earl Masteller. Absent were members Bill Mahoney, Jesse Brock. Newly appointed members Randy Mosby and Marjorie Poole were unable to attend. Mr. J. Thompson asked for clarification of whether this was a zoning or rezoning hearing. Mr. Masteller explained that the area was new to the city, so it was a zoning change from the county designation. Mr. Thompson wanted to know what areas the Planning and Zoning held public hearings to consider. Chairman.Messersmith listed the pertinent ones. Mr. Thompson wanted to know whether the Planning and Zoning held a hearing on the PUD complex. Chairman Messersmith said they had, as had the City Council. There being no further questions, Gene Harris made the motion for adjourn- ment, Harold Eisenbarth seconded, hearing adjourned at 7:45. Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Convaittee called to order by Chairman Messersmith at 7:45. The same members were present for the regular meeting. The minutes were read. Secretary noted zoning item re: Semblers. Gene Harris moved the minutes be approved as corrected, Harold Eisenbarth seconded, carried. Motion made by Gene Harris, seconded by Joe Stephenson that P&Z recommend the approval of the zoning change for Wauregan subdivision. No discussion, motion carried. Mr. Keith Hock gave the revised parking plans for St. Williams Catholic Church. To alleviate the water problem they would: 1. Provide overflow from the lake by a 12" line from Inlet 6 in a south- westerly direction, continuing for 120 ft., then into an open swale for an additional 400'. 2. Pave with 1" asphalt over 6" limerock base. Motion to approve revised plans for St. Williams Parking Area made by Gene Harris, seconded by Joe Stephenson. Bill Messersmith only desenting Motion carried. South Moon Under Guard House next item. Dr. Fischer had thelsePtic tank permit requested, had an easement deed (which needed to be recorded), and had plan for parking and paving. Motion to approve site plan by Gene Harris, seconded by Joe Stephenson, Bill Messersmith only desenting vote, motion carried. Stan Krulikowski gave the board a model home to check. The project will be built on Delmonte St., Sebastian. Model contained 1650 sq. ft., is a 3/2 home. Motion to approve model home by Gene Harris, Joe Stephenson seconded, unanimous approval. Planning and Zoning Minutes - November 17, 1983 continued. George and Millie Bunnell, previous owners of Hurricane Harbor introduced Jack and Linda Eromin, the new .owners. Mr. Eromin a~oligized for not realiz- ing they needed permitting since they were doing only renovations, not structural changes. Architect John Dean presented the plans, stressing the uniqueness of the project. Areas of concern include: 1. Parking - leased land so can't pave as is now the requirement; problem can be solved by using valet parking, eliminating some of the hazards to the customers. 2. Parking includes compact cars; the old ordinance does not allow for any other size parking space then the 10x20~ormal size car./ 3. Septic/Water system - plan for an excess of 5,000 gals per day septage, which throws into D~R which insists that it be upgraded. Carter Engineering, working with Mike Galanis of the County Health ~0~,.."~0Depart~nt~ has received unequtvacal authority for the probl., to be handled locally instead of through DER. ~ Septic/Water system mey We handled by working with Oyster Point Chairman Messersmith quoted Zoning Ordinance 202, Section XIV, subsection J (3) x Repair or Alteration of Nonconformities. Gene Harris made the motion that the the Building Permit be allowed for renovations of interior and mechanical work (ie. freezer, A.C.) without Site Plan approval from Planning and Zoning, with the warning that the Restaurant could not open without the Site Plan approval of parking and septic/water system; Joe Ste~hen~n sec~ded th~ motion; ~At~s~ry of the sit~t£on is': can see the bulldlng depart~nt for permit - renovations., but no additions or structural changes, need letter from DER an~ County Health Department re: septic/ water situation, parking solution, grade shots, elevations., letter 'from Jim Davis re: valet parking and the traffic situation, and a lease agreement re: use of leased land for parking and septic/ water system. The motion to table was unanimously approved. A letter from Stanley Futch, owner of the Amoco Station on U.S.#l, asked for a change of zoning from CL to CG. The station is now a non-conforming use. If he sells it, the new owner would be unable to enlarge, improve, etc. The leaning of the board is to reconsider the CL designation along U.S.#i corridor. A letter is to be sent Les Solin, City Planner for his input on the situation~ whether it would not be more appropriately, considered comme~C£aI general 'than commercial limited along such a major thoroughfare. Roger Sk£11men requested that a section of h~s property located along main street be changed from COR to CG; request based on the fact there ~s CG in the PUD across the street. Letter to Les Sol£n should £nclude the need' for his input on this request also. Gene Harr£s made the motion to table both Zoning change~until £nput i~ received from Les Sol,n, Harold Eisenbarth seconded, unanimous. Gene Harris moved for adjournment, Harold Eisenbarth seconded, unanimous. Meeting was adjourn.ed at ~0:50 P.M. ted, / 83 ~iil~I'am Messersmith, dhai~ · ]~ NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City Council of the City of Sebastian will hold a Public Hearing in Clty' Council Chambers, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida, on Wednesday, December 7, 1983, at 7:00 P.M., prior tothetrWorkshop Meeting,' to'considerthe zoning of the following described properties as"¢-l", Restricted Commercial District on the ZoningHap. LOTS 21, 22, 23, 24 AND 25 LYING WEST OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF' U.S. HIGHWAY #1 AND BLOCKS 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 AND 64, LYING EAST OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAIL- ROAJ). ALL OF SAiD LOTS AND BLOCKS ARE LOCATED IN THE WAUREGAN SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. The City of Sebastian's Zoning Hap is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Sebastian, Florida. All interested parties ,~kY appear at the hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed zoning. If any person decides to appeal any decision made on the above matters, he/she:.wtll need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, he/she may need'to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which recol~l~ includes the testimony in evidence on which the appeal is .based. OeboPah C. Krages City Clack City of Sebastian Yen3 .Beach Press JOurnal Nevemb~ 21 & 28, 1983