HomeMy WebLinkAbout12011983 PZ~INUTES - Planning and Zoning DeCember 1, 1983 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Committee called to order by Chairman Bill Messersmith at 7:33 P,M.. Members present were Chairman Messer- smith, Bill Mahoney, Joe Stephenson, Harold Eisenbarth, Gene Harris, Randy Mosby, and Marjorie Poole. Jesse Brock was absent. Also present were City Engineer Earl Masteller, Attorney Dan Kilbride, and Planner Jim Parmeter. The minutes were read and corrections made. Gene Harris made the motion to accept the amended minutes, Harold Eisenbarth seconded, motion approved. Roger Skillman gave everyone a copy of letter requesting change in land use map for five parcels fronting on. Main St., a map showing the proposed changes, a list of uses for C-l, and a letter from Charles E. Burkett discussing the Main Street alignment situation. He wants his C-1 land to have at least the same uses available as it had'when he bought it, and therefore is requesting CG zoning in- stead of the CL listing which is more limiting than C-1. Attorney Kilbride gave him the proceedures to follow, recommending he proceed with applying for the zoning on the newly annexed land which did not have classification in the city as yet. It would be best to wait on CG and C0R hearing until land use classifications are clarified. Motion to table discussion of Skillman property until application is received and land use plan is clarified made by Gene Harris, seconded by Randy Mosby, and approved. Chairamn Messersmith asked that it be on record that he hoped this would not take six months more. Stanley's Amoco Station on U.S.#I was the next item of business. The letter from Les Solin was read re: changing the corridor zoning along U.S.#i. The secre- tary was charged with writing a letter to Stanley Futch to assure him the property in question will be considered for change from CL to CG with both the Planning and Zoning committee and the City Planner in agreement that it should be done. No definite action can be taken until the corridor analysis was done, however. Gene Harris made the motion a letter should be sent to reassure Mr. Futch, Randy Mosby seconded, unanimous. Gene Estes had a model home for approval. Since there was no address given, Randy Mosby moved that the application be tabled until further information was supplied, Joe Stephenson seconded, unanimous. Two applications for annexation by Dr. HenryFischer were discussed briefly. City Engineer Masteller said he and Attorney Kilbride would need time to look over the requests and come back with recommendations. One parcel abutted San SebaStian west of the city, one was a sandmining area near Breezy Village, con- tiguous on three sides to the city south of the city. Gene Harris made the motion that this item be tabled until staff had time to review it, Marjorie Poole seconded, unanimous approval. V.F.W. applied for a club licence; it requires Planning and Zoning Chairman's signature. Gene Harris made the motion to grant request, Joe Stephenson seconded, passes unanimously. City Engineer Masteller discussed need for waiver on parking requirement in special cases, such as valet parking, or little use parking as at churches. He did not wish for it to be at the discretion of the engineer, wanted it to be specific. It would be an amendment to Sect. F. Design Standards. Planner Jim Parmeter gave each member a copy of the proposed changes, they will take it home to study. Minutes - Planning and Zoning, December 1, 1983 (cont.) City Engineer Masteller gave an update on Hurricane Harbor. He strongly urged the Planning and Zoning committee to follow the advice of the City Attorney re: Building Permit for non-conforming structure. Gene Harris made the motion to withdraw recommendation that Building Department grant permit for renovation until such time as a complete Site Plan is approved by Planning and Zoning, Randy Mosby seconded the motion, unanimously approved. Mr. Masteller said ~t he had spoken by phone to Wes Allen of the St. John's Water Management DiStrict and was informed that there was no place on the site where a well can be drilled. The engineer for Hurricane Harbor was applying for a waiver. Due to the resignation of Chairman Bill Messersmith, it was necessary for a new chairman tO be appointed. Joe Stephenson nominated Harold Eisenbarth, who declined. Randy Mosby nominated Gene Harris, Joe Stephenson seconded the motion, unanimously approved. Gene Harris nominated Harold Eisenbarth for vice-chairman, Joe Stephenson seconded, unanimous except for Mr. Eisenbarth's vote. Announcement was made that there would be no meeting December 5, there would be a meeting on the 12th of December. Motion to adjourn by Gene Harris, seconded by Joe Stephenson, meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. APPROVED: ~. ~ CGene ~i~, Chairman Dated:~