D~CEM~ER 6, 1984
Regular meeting of the Planning, and Zoning Board called to o~#~ at
?~33 P.M. on December 6, 1984, in the cQuncil chambers of theCi~ of
Sebastian. Chairman Gene Harris presided. Attending were Chairman
Harris, Vice-Chairman Hal Eisenbarth, members Jewell Thompson, Bob
Fullerton, Bill Mahoney, Marjorie PoOle, and Alternate Edt& Yot~ng sitting
in place of Stan Krulikowski who had to be absent.
The minutes of the November 15, 1984 regular meeting were read and
following ~tion by Marjorie Poole, second by _Bob Fuller~on, a~proved
as read.
The board reviewed the bill from Mosby-Robbins Engineering for work
completed through November 1~84. Hal Eiaenbarth made the motl~ the
bill be p~id~. Marjorie. . POole seconded the motion, passed tt~anl~ou~l¥.,..,,.~
The board reviewed the letter from Daniel L. Blair, Building offio~..a~
to Attorney Tom Palmer, concerning the COR designation along C~512~
Bob Fullerton made the motion that a letter to the Mayor and Co%u~u!l be
sent opposing CG designation for the corridor, but requesting the Mayor
and Council to schedule a joint work.hop as soon as possible, because the
board feels there could be further research and clarification on the COR
designation. Sdra Young seconded the motion, passed unanimously.
The board reviewed the letter from the ~ayor re~ requi,ri~g th~ applicant
for a J£ffy Mart at the corner of Schumann and U.S.#i tO provide a traffic
light as a sti~ulation for approval of the request for rezoni~g, land use
amendment. The board felt this wasa s~ns-ible request, felt that perhaps
they could provide a pro-rata amount towards the ligh~ a: any rate. No
action taken.
Since there were no projects, brought to the ~ecretary for review at the
next meeting, Jewell Thompson made the motion, Edra Young seconded same
that the December 20, 1984 regular meeting be cancelled. The board ad-
vised staff secretary-to tell Dan Preuss, applicant for a hearing for
rezoning and land use amendment for the "Magazine proper~y" to proceed.
The board reviewed a memo from Mayor Gallagher to Daniel L. ~lair,
Building Offic£al concerning a new. business' on U.S.%i and Second Street.
They have been issued an occupation licence by the city, the f~eling of
the board is that this. is-a grandfathered structure, is P~t a nOn-complying
use, and therefore they took no action.
MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1984 - Page 2
Hal Eisenbarth. brought in an interesting article concerning "Impact
Fees", article in the Thursday, November 8, 1984 Press-Jounal
Sectioni Hal Elsenbarth made the m~tion, seconded by ~ob Fuller~n,
that copies of ghe article %e prov~ed go Mayor and Council
B~ard reviewed a copy of "E;:ecugiVe Director's Report"'which
Mayor had provided them. The hoard is opposed to mmbil~ h~mes
districts, requested staff secretary go write Mayor and
Board discussed the ?ossibility of opening Main Stree~
Road, go%ng :hro~gh ~roperty southwest of the airport.
/sbf /