HomeMy WebLinkAbout12062001 PZ CHAIRMAN (BOARD) .......... CITY OF SEBASTIAN APPF~OVED SUBJECT TO P~NNING AND ZONING COMMiSSIO~ "~r~ ,~ MINUTE5 OF REGU~R MEETING ...// ~ CHAIRMAN '~ DECEMBER 6, 2001 ~':~ROV~D ;.~~ DATE  OV~ SUBJECT TO ~ ._ Acting Chai~oman Vesia called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. PRESENT: ROLL ,CALL: ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: ~PPROVAL OF MIN~ITES: VC Vesia Mr. Mahoney Ms. Carbano Ms. Monier(a) Ms. Reichert(a) Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Ann Brack, Recording Secretary None (11/15/01) Mr. Barrett Mr. Smith Mr. Rauth Mr. Svatik, Jr. MOTION by Barrett/Carbano I recommend the approval of the regular meeting minutes of November 15, 2001. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accessory Structure Review - Section 54~2-7.5 - 1265 George Street - William Bertram - 24' X 24' Aluminum Garage Mr. Jim Smalley of James A. Smalley Utility Buildings, was present representing the applicant. Mr. Smalley indicated that the building proposed is entirely different from the one proposed previously. Jan King noted that Mr. Bertram has applied for a driveway permit for this building. Staff recommended approval. MOTION by Smith/Barrett I make a motion that we approve the twenty-four (24') by twenty-four (24') aluminum garage at 1265 George Street. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 2001 Roll call: VC Vesia - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Mr. Svatik - yes Ms. Carbano - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Mr. Smith - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. B. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Revised PUD Conceptual Plan - Village of Lake Delores (See below) OLD BUSINESS: C. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing. Reconsideration of Site Plan Approval - Atlantic Coast Telecommunication Tower - Village of Lake DelOres/Park Place PUD Atty. Stringer informed the Commission members of some criteria they must consider when evaluating this issue, including issues within the PUD. Attorney Warren Dill, 1515 U.S. 1, Sebastian was present representing Atlantic Coast Tower, Inc., and introduced Lee Chapman and Dave Herring of Atlantic Coast Tower, Inc. Atty. Dill suggested combining the discussions of this issue with that of the Site Plan Reconsideration since they are rather dependent on each other. (Amy Schreck, a registered professional court reporter was present for Atlantic Coast Tower, Inc.) After a question from Mr. Smith, Atty. Dill went on with his presentation and registered his objection of this procedure that is required tonight because of the present zoning on this PUD which permits public and private utilities, and he noted two other towers in the City of Sebastian that were approved under this definition. He commented on the County moratorium on telecommunication towers, and handed out packets of information to all Commission members and staff that contained Exhibits A, B, C, and D (7 photographs of the site). He then continued with his presentation. Mr. Lee Chapman, President of Atlantic Coast Tower of Florida, provided information on the methods of determining placement of telecommunication towers in Florida, and various other informative details on the use and function of these structures. Mr. Barrett commented that after visiting the site, and contrary to his previous views, he felt it was a good location for this tower. Mr. Rauth asked if any additional guidance is available for determining "essential utility". Atty. Stringer responded with information on the previously approved telecommunication towers already established in Sebastian, He also emphasized that if this Site Plan is denied, the Commission must explain the reason for denial. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 2001 There was further discussion about the height of the towers, the difference between public and private utilities, coverage area of the subject tower, and the zoning issue, MOTION by Barrett/Carbano I'll make a recommendation that we recommend to City Council the approval of the revised PUD conceptual plan for Phases I and II, Village of Lake Dolores, Park Place. Roll call: Acting Chmn. Vesia - yes - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes - yes Ms. Carbano - yes - yes - yes The vote was 7 - 0, Motion carried, Mr. Mahoney inquired about several issues on the staff report. MOTION by Barrett/Carbano Mr. Barrett Mr. Smith Mr. Svatik Mr, Rauth Roll call: Acting Chmn. Vesia: - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Mr. Svatik - yes Mr, Mahoney - yes Mr, Smith - yes Ms. CarbanO - yes Mr. Rauth - no The vote was 6 - 1, Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr, Mahoney asked some questions about the aquaculture facility being Constructed on Indian River Drive. He also inquired about a recent news article about the extension of Jackson Street. Mr. Hass responded. It was noted to Mr. Barrett that the moratorium issue would not be on the City Council agenda next week because of noticing and advertising requirements. I'll recommend that we approve the site plan for the Atlantic Coast Telecommunication Tower at the Village of Lake Dolores with the staff recommendation number one, and adding number two (2) that the tower will never exceed one-hundred and seventy-five feet with any extensions, and subject to Council approval of the PUD, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 2001 ATTORNEY MATTI~I~,~,;, D. Consideration and Recommendation to City Council - proposed procedural change - City Council to act as Board of Adjustment Because Atty. Stringer left the meeting at 8:30 P.M., Tracy Hass presented information on the proposed procedural changes to have City Council sit as the Board of Adjustment. Tracy noted that several months ago City Council reevaluated the needs for all the different Boards and committees of the City and determined that in the best interest of the community some Boards may not be needed any longer. He indicated that since the variances are routinely handled by staff, the Board of Adjustment has only met once in the past year and Council also felt that the present members of this Board could better serve on other Boards or committees. He then noted that any change to the Land Development Code requires a recommendation from the P & Z Commission. There was a brief discussion about whether the concentration of power would ensure a fair hearing, and it was determined that that issue cannot be predicted. MOTION by Barrett/Rauth I'd like to make a recommendation to City Council that they act as the Board of Adjustment. Roll call: Mr. Barrett - yes Acting Chmn. Vesia - yes Mr. Smith - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Ms. Carbano - yes Mr, Svatik - yes Mr. Rauth - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. (12/10/01 AB)