HomeMy WebLinkAbout12151983 PZMINUTES - Planning and Zoning December 15, 1983 Regular meeting of ~he Planning and Zoning Committee called to order by Chairman Gene Harris at 7=30 P.M. Members present were Chairman Harris, Vice- Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, Members Joe Stephenson, Bill Mahoney, Randy Mosby andMarjorie Poole. Absent was Jesse Brock. Announcement was made that Mrs. Poole was now a full member, and Tom Karr was the new alternate. Also present were City Engineer Earl Masteller, Attorney Dan Kilbride, Building Official Dan Blair. The minutes were read and with no c~rrections, approved as read. Dr. Henry Fischer~s new office was the first item of business. City Engineer asked that Note 5 under Pavement Section include "...shall be inspected AND APPROVED by the City Engineer...". He also noted thatthere should be Health Department elevations before site plan is approved. Randy Mosby made the motion the site plan be approved as is, Joe Stephenson seconded the motion. Earl Masteller recommended they add "contingent upon Health Department approval" to the motion. Randy Mosby amended the motion, Joe Stephenson seconded the amended motion, and it passed unanimously. (Secretary Will staple Health Depart- ment approval slip to approved plan.) Plans for the office on Main Street for Roger Skillman were checked, but since they were incomplete, and neither the applicant no= the representative from Carter and Associates who made the plans were present, the planwas tabled. R~ger Skillman's application for zoning of his recently annexed parcel jus.t behind Main Street to the South to LD and MD was reviewed. Attorney Kilbride advised that there was a need to take care of Comprehensive Plan before anything could be done. City Engineer Masteller recommended the Planning and Zoning review the application, make their recommendations to City council, have the City send out letter and schedule a hearing. Mr. Kilbride. reiterated that before we take action on zoning, we have to have a better concept of the Comprehensive Plan. Randy Mosby made motion zoning request be tabled until the Comprehensive Plan is clarified, seconded by Marjorie Poole. Earl Masteller suggested the Planning and Zoning schedule two hearings, one for zoning and one for land use, have the City Clerk provide the information to the Department heads giving us time to review' and' act on it, moving it along. The motion was withdrawn, as was the second. The City Attorney suggestedthe motion read that in the matter of Mr. Skillman's application for granting recently annexed land a designation on the city~s Comprehensive Plan, a hearing be scheduled for part of the parcel MD, part LD; and the application for zoning of that portion newly annexedbe scheduled for a public hearing as per the application, contingent upon accurate drawings outlining the exact locations in question. Randy Mosby made that motion, Harold Eisenbarth seconded, motion carried. Minutes - 12-15-83 (cont.) The matter of Hurricane Harbor was again addressed. John Dean, the archi- tectfor the restaurant reviewed the project - size and capacity, landscaping, compliance with fire code regulations, parking, septic and water systems. Note on parking - now. all spaces 10x20, optional wording for valet removed as per Engineer Masteller's request, hold harmless letter to board if porous parking ordinance is not passed. Note on septic and water - water will co~e from Oyster Pointe, there will be a pumping station pumping septage from restaurant to the Carter and Associates designed septic system, drainfield across the road behind existing home; it will be ~nder jurisdiction of Health Department. Randy Mosby wanted it on record that Mr. Galanis, Director of the Environmental Health Depart- ment is very strict with the waste water standards. Dan Blair, Building official, asked that it go on record that they understand if the agreement with property owner (Hoosh) is retracted, the Certificate of Occupancy for the restaurant is also retracted. Hal Eisenbarth questioned the 41 paFking spaces for 200 seating, plus employees, and questioned the decking addition 6n an environmental basis. Engineer Masteller suggested they get everything on' one plan, submit it at 7:00 P.M. on 12-19-83 before the joint meeting. Notice will be put into papers of the special meeting to try to finish this project review. Gene Estes' model home plan was reviewed. Randy Mosby moved it be approved, Joe Stephenson seconded, passed. ~odel tC be located at Lot 24, Block 186, unit8, 681 Biscayne Lane. Fashion Homes model home for Lot 1, Block 222, unit 8, 1010 Barber Street also approved after motion by Randy Mosby, second by Marjorie Poole. Ordinance ¢onderning porous surface for parking reviewed. Randy MOsby added porous concrete and asphalt to the surface types. Earl Masteller agreed and sug- gested Paragraph i (B) read "or other types of porous pavement can be approved" leaving it to the good sense of the City Engineer. Other items to a~end were noted. See amended sheet. Bandy Mosby moved the ordinance be sent to City Council with the changes and our reconm~ndation to accept as amended, Joe Stephenson seoonded, unanimous. Indian River County Volunteer Ambulance SquadBuilding's rather sketchy plans were reviewed. Mr. Masteller explained that the work was done by volunteer labor, mostly donated materials, and had one way egress. Joe Stephensonmoved the conceptual plan be approved, Marjorie Poole seconded, unanimous. Chairman Gene Harris suggested we establish a policy that all requests for Planning and Zoning review be submitted on the Friday before the Thursday meeting with copies of plans available fo members by Wednesday. It should be advertised, and the City Council should be advised of same. The motion to establish this policy was made by Harold Eisenbarth, seconded by Randy Mosby, approved. site Plan approval for a Mr. Petrie was discussed. He had site plan approval for a storage unit on property at Old Dixie Highway south of theM o o dy Tire Shop. The question was whether site plan already approved should stand or whether need new plan because of use change. Pat Lambert, representing owner asked the board to give letter stating what would be required. He will bring site plan for approval, no action was taken by board. Harold Carswell asked the board for special exception for his occupational Minutes - 12-15-83 (cont.) licence to operate an aquatics and scuba diving school out of his home. He described his location, said there were no complaints from neighbors, and volun- teered to surrender his licence is any complaints should ever come up. Discussion from board followed. Joe Stephenson moved the special exception be allowed, ' Bill Mahoney seconded, ~iscussion.. Was recommended the clerk be notified so the occupational licence could be secured. Attorney Kilbride recon~mended that some safe quards be added. EarlMasteller said the safeguard was alreadythere as the licences must be renewed every year. The exception is personal to Carswell, should be non-transferrable, and it be understood that a review board would act on legitimate complaints. Motion by Mr. Stephenson amendedto include exceptions, Mr. Mosby's second amended, passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 P.M. APPROVED: