HomeMy WebLinkAbout12161999 PZ City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 t-I FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY JPLANNiNG AND ZONING COMMISSION) WORKSHOP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1999 AFTER REGULAR MEETING This meeting is bein/~ voice transm/tted over Falcon Cable Television channel 35, 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 6. OLD BUSINESS: 7. NEW BUSINESS: Revisions to the Land Development Code: Review of Article VIii - Nonconformities & Noncompliances Review of Article X - Appearance, Deaign, & Compat/b/1/ty 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. DIRECTOR MATTERS 11. ATTOI~NEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOU~MENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGs AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VEI~ATIM 1EECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE ~LED WrrH THE CIT~ CLE~X~ OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION: (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY~ ADA COORDINATOR AT (561)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN APPROV'E~D LOCAL P~NNING AGENCY (P~NNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) MINUTES OF LPA MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1999 Chairman Schulke called the meeting to order at 7:55 P.M. ROLL CALL: Mr, Mahoney(a) Ms. Vesia Chmn. Schulke Mr. Gerhold Mr. Barrett Mr. O'Donnell EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. Evely(a) ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Planning & Growth Management Director Jan King, Planning & Growth Management Manager Ann Breck, Recording Secretary Article VIII was discussed bdefly. Article X was discussed. Page I - Insert the words "or subdivision" after the words 'site plan' in the first sentence. Page 2 - Insert the words "public sidewalks" before 'right-of-way' in D.3. Insert the words "and character" after the word 'location' in the 7th line. Change 'Community Development Director' to "Planning and Growth Management Director" in line 5 of item H. insert the word "the" before the word 'need' in the first sentence of the second paragraph in item A. Item G. - Insert "along all arterial & collector roads on frontage" after the word 'constructed'. (Tracy will come up with wording.) Mr. Hass called attention to the projected timetable for the remainder of articles to be reviewed. Chmn. Schulke adjourned the meeting at 9:48 P.M. (12/22/99 Aa) CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 16, 1999 This meeting was voice transmitted over Falcon Cable Channel 35. Chairman Schulke called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. Mahoney(a) Ms. Vesia Chmn. Schulke Mr. Evely(a) ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gerhold Mr. Barrett Mr. O'Donnell Tracy HaSs, Planning & Growth Management Director Jan King, Planning & Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chron. Schulke announced that Mr. Evely(a) has an excused absence. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (LPA- 11/18/99 & 12/2/99) & (Reg.-Il/18 & 12/2/99) MOTION by VesiadGerhold I make a motion that we approve the minutes of the LPA meeting of November 18t". A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. MOTION by Vesia/Gerhold i make a motion that we approve the LPA meeting minutes of December 2"". A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. MOTION by Gerhold/Vesia I make a motion we accept the minutes of the meeting of 11/18. A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1999 MOTION by Ve$ia/Gerhold I make a motion that we approve the regular minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission of December 2"d. A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. N~ BUSINESS: Atty. Stdnger explained the procedure for the quasi-judicial hearing, A. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING - Home Occupational Licenses: 1. 122 Kildam Drive - Joel WundeHich - Lawn Maintenanoe No ex parte' communications were reported by the Board. Joel Wunderlich was present, identified himself, and was sworn in by Chmn. Schulke at 7:10 P.M. along with Jan King. Mr. Wunderlich gave a brief presentation. jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. There were seventeen (17) notices of hearing sent, and there were no objection or non- objection letters received. MOTION by GerholdlBarrett I make a motion that we approve the Home Occupational license for Lawn Maintenance Service, Mr. Joel Wunderlich. Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Chmn. Schulke - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Mr. O'Donnell - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carded. 2. 161 Filbert Street - Joseph Generazio - Real Estate Brokerage Svc. No ex parte' communications were reported by Board members. Mr. Joseph Genemzio was present and wes sworn in by the Chairman at 7:14 P.M. Mr. Generazio gave a brief presentation on moving his home occupational license from one address to another as he has moved to a new home. jan King gave staff presentation which recommended approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1999 There were twenty-three (23) notices of hearing sent and there were no objection or non-objection letters received. Chron. Schulke opened and closed the public hearing at 7:19 P.M., as there was no public input. MOTION by Barrett/Vesia I recommend we approve Mr. Joseph Generezio for a Real Estate Brokerage Home Occupational License at 161 Filbert Street. Roll call: Ms. Vesia - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. O'Donnell - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Chron. Schulke - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried. B. QUASI-JUDICiAL HEARING - Model Home Permit - MGB Construction, Inc. - 720 S. Easy Street, Collier Creek Estates Subdivision There were no ex parte' communications were reported by the Board. Mr. William Ballough, 955 Starfiower Avenue, Sebastian, was present and was sworn in at 7:20 P.M. by Chron. Schulke. Mr. Ballough gave a bdef presentation. Jan King presented the staff report which recommended approval for a one year period. There were ten (10) notices of hearing sent and no objection or non-objection letters were received. Chron. Schulke opened and closed the public hearing at 7:22 P.M., as there were no proponents or opponents. MOTION by Barrett/Vesia i recommend we approve the Model Home Permit for MGB Construction, 720 South Easy St. for a pedod of one year as recommended by staff. Roll call: Mr. Gerhold - yes Mr. Mahoney(a) - yes Mr. Barrett - yes Ms. Vesia - yes Chron. Schulke - yes Mr. O'Donnell - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carded. CHAIRMAN MATTERS,: None PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1999 MEMBER'S MATTERS: Mr. Gerhold asked about replacing the Board's Vice Chairman. The Secretary gave information on this issue. MOTION by Barrett/Mahoney I'll make a motion that Ms. Vesia be elected as Vice Chairman. (Until January, filling the vacancy created by Mr, Pliska leaving.) A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Tracy Hass reported results of the City Council meeting the previous evening and gave an overall status on the review of the LDC. He noted that the City Engineer should attend the next LPA meeting to give input in pertinent areas. A.,..,.T..TQRNEY MATTERS: Attyl Stdnger reported on his response to City Council pertaining to the recommendation by P & Z to approve the requested signage at the Key West Inn. There was some discussion about this issue. Atty. Stdnger discussed the difference between the terms - "nonconforming use" and "nonconformity". At this point Tracy Hass gave additional information from the City Council of the previous evening, and noted that the modification to Sebastian Lakes setbacks ware approved, He also gave information on a fifteen (15) acre parcel in north Sebastian. Chmn. Schulke adjourned the meeting at 7:42 P.M. (13~22~9 AS)