HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2018 VAB AgendaCITY Of ' \ Home of Pelican Island VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 2018, 3:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - a. June 4, 2018 Minutes 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Input on the relationship between VFW, American Legion and the City (follow-up discussion) 6. PUBLIC INPUT 7. NEW BUSINESS a. July 4, 2018 Parade post mortem discussion update. The good and what to improve on. b. Veteran's Day Program Discussion c. New Veterans Advisory Board Matters 8. MEMBERS ROUNDTABLE 9. TOPICS FOR OCTOBER 1, 2018 MEETING 10. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE N 77-E COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) N COMPLIANCE YWH T}E AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE Wfi0 NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR INS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITYS ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018, 3:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST., SEBASTIAN FL 1. Chairman John Haskins called the Veterans Advisory Committee meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Present John Haskins, Commander of the VFW John Whitford, Alternate Member of the American Legion Barney Giordan, Member of the American Legion Russ Pacowski, Commander of the American Legion Andrea Coy, Member of Auxiliary VFW Post 10210 Neil Baumgartner, Member of the VFW Butch Dawson, Alternate Member of the VFW Also Present Randy Moyer, Procurement Manager Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION by Ms. Coy and a SECOND by Mr. Giordan to approve the April 2, 2018. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 5. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Moyer stated he put this matter on the agenda again to hear from this Committee any additional input as to what they saw the City's obligation is to the Committee a. Nominations for the Grand Marshal/Marshals VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Meeting of June 4, 2018 Chairman Haskins nominated Robert Stuart, who is a WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veteran, and a member of the VFW in good standing, but there was no SECOND. b. Choice of Grand Marshal for the Fourth of July Parade, Veterans Advisory Board's Decision Ms. Coy asked Mr. Moyer if the Committee's request at the last meeting to have the authority to make the decision as to who are the Grand Marshals was granted. Mr. Moyer said yes. Chairman Haskins mentioned that there might be another person who would ride, so as to have dual Grand Marshals. Mr. Moyer stated that would be with the American Legion. Mr. Giordan nominated Harry Ashdown, a veteran of the African, Mediterranean, and Italy Campaigns during WWII. Ms. Coy suggested all the WWII veterans who are members ride in the parade. Mr. Moyer stated that is up to the Committee, and that once he knows how many golf carts are needed, he will be sure that they are supplied. Ms. Coy stated she would arrange for convertibles instead of golf carts. Mr. Stuart volunteered to follow up in contacting as many vets as he can find. MOTION was made by Ms. Coy and SECONDED by Mr. Pacowski that all WWII veterans who are members of the Sebastian American Legion and the VFW be given the status Grand Marshal. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Ms. Coy volunteered to coordinate with Mr. Moyer. Mr. Moyer will get the magnetic signs for the cars. Mr. Giordan stated that there has been approval by the West Palm Beach Veterans Administration to have a bus carrying veterans during the July Fourth parade. It will be behind the American Legion and VFW. Mr. Pacowski asked for clarification as to who will be running the Fourth of July parade. Mr. Moyer stated that this year only the City will be responsible for the order of the first part of the parade. After that, the Lions will still be assisting with the back end of the parade. Ms. Hernandez stated that the parade organization will be handled mainly by staff, and staff made the determination that the Veterans Advisory Board could assist with the organization aspect of the first order of the parade. Staff is also going to be in charge of the second order of the parade. This year only, however, the Lions Club will continue to take the forms by the general participants, which are considered the second order of the parade. They will also make certain that these forms contain hold -harmless agreements. She stated that during the parade itself it is going to be the City with the Veterans Advisory Board helping with the first order of the parade and some other VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 Meeting of June 4, 2018 volunteers who will help with the organization of the second order of the parade. Ms. Coy is to get the hold -harmless forms. Mr. Pacowski will sign the forms for all the Legion veterans. Mr. Moyer addressed the Indian River County first responders. The fire truck can go wherever the organizers decide, but the ambulance is asking to possibly go before the parade where, in case of an emergency, they will be able to get free to respond. Mr. Pacowski suggested the ambulance be stationed at Riverview Park. The Committee agreed. Mr. Moyer said he will contact the County and will change the address where the ambulance will be. He said the City has taken all the precautions they can, and Walmart has been contacted to again provide water. C. Input on the relationship between VFW, American Legion, and the City Mr. Moyer asked if the Advisory Committee had any other suggestions for the City regarding this matter, as he wants to have open communication between the City and the Committee. Chairman Haskins said the Committee will review what is set out in the packet and will get with staff if there are any changes or comments. Ms. Coy pointed out how much the City does for the veterans, and that is not always recognized. Mr. Moyer stated there is sometimes misinformation which circulates, and he will try to circulate the correct information. Ms. Coy stated that it needs to be kept in mind that neither the VFW nor the Legion is more important than the other, and both organizations need to work together in getting things done. 6. PUBLIC INPUT Gary Spiecker, Retired First Sergeant United States Marines. He takes care of the homeless, of whom there are approximately 120 in the area. There was recently a stand down. They traveled about 126 miles down the coast and were only able to get 35 homeless veterans. He asked that the word be passed among the homeless that these stand downs are for them. He goes into the woods and feeds and clothes them, and he believes it should be recognized that someone in the area is taking care of these homeless. He stated it is a good program, and everyone should know that there is someone in the area taking care of the vets. Chairman Haskins stated that last month the VFW also had a stand down. He thanked Mr. Spiecker for his work. Mr. Spiecker stated that the homeless folks have a choice of not living in the woods. He is in contact VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 Meeting of'June 4, 2018 with the Melbourne Veterans Transitional Facility. The procedure is that the homeless have to want to get off the street. He will be taking three people to the Viera medical facility, and they in turn will notify the Transitional Facility so as to try to get these veterans off the street. The vets have six months to remain in Melbourne. They have to try to procure jobs. If they cannot find jobs in six months, they can be extended to nine, and they have to be sober and responsible. Ms. Coy asked Mr. Speaker if he would be willing to work with the Sebastian Police Department regarding the homeless vets. He stated he would. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Fourth of July parade update Mr. Moyer stated Ms. Hernandez has made a map of where everyone will be. There will be some T3s circulating. The fire truck will be placed behind the high school band. Coldwell Banker will be handing out the flags, and he will ask them to also hand out flag etiquette sheets, which he will provide. Flag etiquette has been posted on Channel 25, and Sebastian Daily is going to post an article regarding flag etiquette. He pointed out the sheet regarding flag etiquette that he had attached to the agenda packet. The Lions Club has had the plaques made up, and there will be judges there. It will be up to the Committee how this is handled next year. Ms. Coy stated it should be up to the City after this year as to whether they want to have judges and make awards. Mr. Moyer brought up the subject of the Honor Guard and those who are not able to walk the distance. There will be a veterans' bus provided which will be behind the Legion. Mr. Moyer stated if the Committee has any further questions/suggestions/comments in the meantime to please contact him. Chairman Haskins stated the order will be: the Grand Marshal, the VFW, the Legion, and then the veterans' bus. He stated the bus will be available to anyone who needs it. Ms. Coy questioned where the ROTC will go in the parade. Chairman Haskins stated the ROTC will go with any other legitimate organizations. Mr. Pacowski stated the ROTC, Sea Scouts, etc. can go behind all the other military units, and the bus could be put behind those groups. Mr. Moyer said the order has been set, and if those groups want to place themselves after the first wave, that would be acceptable, but he wants to stick to the order that has already been set. Ms. Coy suggested that the Sons of the American Legion would fall directly behind the Legion, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW would fall directly behind the VFW. Mr. Moyer stated he will update the list. Mr. Whitford suggested identifying the groups after the military as second, third, fourth order, etc. Ms. Coy suggested that instead of "Any VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 Meeting of June 4, 2018 other legitimate veterans' organization" as set forth in the agenda packet, it be described as "Any other future legitimate veterans' organization." Mr. Whitford suggested 'creating a database for the future which identifies the order of the organizations. Ms. Hernandez said she will make extra copies of the order once the revisions are made and approved so that everyone will be aware of the protocol. She stated lineup is at 6:30 a.m., and she queried when the Committee will show up to help with the order of the parade. Ms. Coy stated she will be there at 7:30, and she will have extras of the hold -harmless agreement in case they are needed. Chairman Haskins asked Mr. Liucci to describe how the Honor Guard is made up. Mr. Liucci stated the Honor Guard is made up of the VFW and the American Legion. He then read a message he wrote to City Manager Paul Carlisle, Margarita Hernandez of the Parks Department, Randy Moyer, and the Commander of the VFW Post John Haskins thanking them for their support of the D-Day and Memorial Day celebrations. b. Veterans' D-Day Program Discussion Chairman Haskins stated Wednesday, June 6, 2018 would be the date for the D-Day Celebration. He described that, since the Memorial Day celebration was canceled because of the weather forecast, he is going to hold a belated Memorial Day program, combined with the D-Day program. He apologized to everyone because Memorial Day was not observed on the official holiday. He will try to make sure that in the future the ceremony be moved inside in case of inclement weather, etc., but that it is never canceled except for a hurricane or a state of emergency. The rain day celebration will be held at the VFW Post 10210 instead of the American Legion, as there is another function planned for the Legion on that date. Mr. Moyer stated he distributed the hand- outs on this change to as many public places in the City as he possibly could. Chairman Haskins added to Ms. Coy's statement about thanking the City for its support of the veterans. He stated that at the D-Day celebration the veterans are going to give the City another $1,000.00 and Sheriff's department $1,000.00 for their canine program, as they want to be as supportive of the City as possible. Mr. Whitford stated he wanted to clarify some misinformation that was given about the Memorial Day ceremony that was canceled. The decision was made on Sunday at noon because of the weather forecasts. So the misinformation that the ceremony was canceled days before is incorrect. He agreed that the ceremony should not have been canceled, that it should have been moved inside. He stated he was appointed to put VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 Meeting of June 4, 2018 together the ceremony by Commander Pacowski, and he disagrees with other people putting together something else without notifying him, other members of the American Legion, and members of the City. He supports the idea of having a replacement ceremony, but there should have been notification of that plan. He feels that there should be a 'plan B" created for any problems such as this in the future. He agrees with what Ms. Coy said about there should be better communication among all the groups involved. Chairman Haskins stated that if someone had just communicated to him that they were going to cancel the ceremony, he would have directed them to move the ceremony inside, but not to cancel it altogether. He agrees that there must be better communication among the groups. Ms. Coy suggested that, at the meetings of either the VFW or the Legion, the other group should be represented by someone at every meeting. She also suggested that in the future, in the event of rain the ceremony will be held at a certain venue. A MOTION was made by Ms. Coy, SECONDED by Mr. Baumgartner that for all future veteran events there be a notice of a rain location posted with a deadline for notifying the public of any change in venue. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 8. MEMBER MATTERS Mr. Giordan recapped the school Veterans in the Class program so that the City will be aware of what the veterans do and what has occurred. There was a very good veterans presentation with all the schools throughout the County. For Memorial Day there were notices sent out to the School Board as well as each individual school. He personally visited all the schools in the north county. Other members visited some of the schools in the south county. He described the Americanism program and how important it is. He also mentioned he was invited to the Exchange Club of Vero Beach and was presented with a plaque of recognition for that program. 9. OTHER MATTERS Mr. Moyer requested that for the meeting in August there be a review of the parade and what went well and what did not go well so that it can be improved upon for next year. Chairman Haskins agreed that a review of it would be a good idea. Mr. Moyer asked for ideas for the agenda for the August meeting. Ms. Coy suggested that there be a more in-depth discussion regarding the homeless veterans and the homeless population in general. She asked Mr. Speaker if he would be at the August meeting, and he said he VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting of June 4, 2018 would be. IJ_LeJcri Chairman Haskins thanked Mr. Moyer and Ms. Hernandez for all their hard work for the veterans. irl 1119111*111:701 With no further matters, Chairman Haskins adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m. -33 Chairman John Haskins 19 Date