HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-09-2018 BAC MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 9, 2018 1. Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledoe of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Larry Napier Mr. Ed Herlihy Mr. Bruce Hoffman Mr. Harry Hall Ms. Andrea Ring (a) Mr. Michael Frank Absent Ms. Nancy Veidt -- Excused Also Present Mr. Paul Carlisle, City Manager Mr. Kenneth Killgore, Administrative Services Director Ms. Cynthia Watson, Human Resources Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. ADDroval of Minutes A. Minutes of July 2, 2018 Mr. Napier called for any additions or corrections. Mr. Hoffman mentioned two items on Page 3. The first item is in the first line of the first paragraph. Where it says "Hurricane" Fund Reserve, it should read "General' Fund Reserve. The second item is on Page 3 in the penultimate line. Where it states the millage rate is "3.4%," it should read "3.4 mills." The third item is on Page 4 in the second line. Where it reads "3.4%," it should read "3.4 mills." Motion to accept the Minutes as amended was made by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Mr. Frank, and approved unanimously by voice vote. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2018 5. Unfinished Business a. Review and Approve Chairperson's Letter to City Council on the Budget. Mr. Hoffman stated there should be included in the letter the Board's recommendation to City Council to use last year's 3.4 mills for the disclosure notice in August. Mr. Napier did not recall that there was a vote on that matter by the Board. He is of the opinion that rollback should be used. Mr. Napier called for discussion. Mr. Herlihy stated that staff is recommending to City Council 3.4 mills as the rate for the DR-420 form, which represents the maximum that the City can use. He stated the reason it is set at 3.4 is, even though the amount voted on will likely be less, if something happens between now and September and it has to be raised, the City does not have to send out certified mail to every household, which is very costly, and he recommends it be included in the letter. Mr. Frank stated his recollection is that it was going to be 3.15. Mr. Carlisle recommended there be a buffer to the rollback rate in the event of changes. He stated he favors going to the current rate for the trim notice, and Council would then be able to set a lower number for the final rate. He stated it is good practice to set some buffer, but he will follow Board's recommendation. Mr. Napier does not recall that procedure being done in the past. Mr. Herlihy stated the City has been doing that as long as he has been on the Board, and that has been what the Board has recommended, and City Council has gone along with it. Mr. Hoffman stated that is what was done last year. Mr. Napier asked Mr. Killgore if he has the final number. Mr. Killgore stated it is 3.1514. He agrees that it has been the City's past practice. Mr. Hall stated he has no problem setting a higher amount for the trim notice, whether that would be 3.4 mills or some other number. Ms. Ring is in favor of the 3.4 mills. Mr. Napier called for a Motion. Motion was made by Mr. Hoffman and seconded by Mr. Herlihy to use 3.4 mills for the trim advertisement only, and rollback for the budget, since the budget is funded at that. Voice vote was 4-2 in favor. Motion carried. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 3 Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2018 Mr. Killgore stated he would add the motion to the letter he will be delivering to City Council. 6. Public Inaut -- None. 7. New Business -- None. 8. Staff Matters -- Mr. Killgore thanked the Committee for their service. 9. Board Matters a. Comments/Discussion by Individual Board Members Mr. Hoffman stated he questions the way the storm water utility fund budget is listed with a deficit, and it shows a five-year trend of spending more than is being taken in. He is of the opinion that it is a disservice to the community when the fee is doubled and the budget is not balanced. Mr. Killgore stated that after looking back on the numbers that were presented on the storm water fund, there were some misrepresentations of those numbers. But he reminded the Board that, once again, this is only a draft document. He stated there will be a workshop on July 30t' where most of these issues will have been worked out, and there will be a further meeting with City Council where the numbers may be revisited again. Mr. Carlisle stated this is a new way of doing the budget, and there are still some items to be worked out. Mr. Herlihy stated that, considering the status of the restaurant at the golf course, the rent figure may have to be lowered. Mr. Carlisle suggested waiting until City Council decides on rebidding, contracting, staffing, etc., as there may be a new proprietor in place by September and, in that case, there will be a better feel for what that number should be. b. Next Meeting Scheduled for Monday, July 30, 2018. Mr. Killgore stated there will be a follow-up meeting on August 6, which will be prior to City Council's consideration of the draft. Mr. Hall stated he will not be able to be at the August 6t' meeting, as he will be out of the country. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2018 17_[e3:K'! 10. Adiourn There being no further business, Chairman Napier adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m. 0 19 Date: e!f`! y