HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2018 VAB MinutesVETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 2018, 3:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. Chairman John Haskins called the Veterans Advisory Committee meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all 3. Present John Haskins, Commander of the VFW John Whitford, Alternate Member of the American Legion Andrea Coy, Member of the Auxiliary VFW Post 10210 Neil Baumgartner, Member of the VFW Absent Barney Giordan, Member of the American Legion Butch Dawson, Alternate Member of the VFW Also Present Randy Moyer, Procurement Manager Margarita Hernandez, Parks and Recreation Administration Manager Jerry Liucci, Commander of the Honor Guard Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION was made by Ms. Coy and SECONDED by Mr. Pacowski to approve the June 4, 2018 Minutes. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Input on the relationship between VFW, American Legion and the City of Sebastian (followup discussion). VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Meeting of August 6, 2018 Mr. Moyer stated he kept this item on the Agenda in case there is anything else that needs to be discussed. If not, he will remove it. He did state that he wants this to be more of an ongoing conversation in order to keep the lines of communication open to all. Chairman Haskins stated that question has basically been resolved. The Committee members agreed. 6. PUBLIC INPUT -- None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. July 4, 2018 Parade post mortem discussion update -- the good and what to improve on. Mr. Moyer stated he has gotten some verbal as well as written feedback. He said there were not too many complaints on the day of the Parade, and those complaints were addressed by the Police Department as to where the groups were to fall in line, and that the list that was signed off by the City Manager was a big help. Chairman Haskins brought up the subject of the Honor Guard and the fact that some of them are aging and may not be able to continue to march. He suggested involving the Junior ROTC along with the Honor Guard. Ms. Coy opined that the members of the Honor Guard who are able to march should be allowed to do so, and the Junior ROTC should be included every year. She mentioned that the Honor Guard is involved in a lot of events during the year, and they should be recognized for such. Mr. Jerry Liucci, Commander of the Honor Guard, stated the Honor Guard was involved in a total of 71 events and funerals last year. Ms. Coy suggested an attempt be made to provide a vehicle for the members of the Honor Guard to ride in who wish to do so. She suggested that this vehicle be placed immediately behind the flags. Mr. Liucci suggested some sort of float that they could ride on. He volunteered to work with the Commander of the Junior ROTC in order to get them involved with carrying various flags. A MOTION to include the Junior ROTC with the Honor Guard was made by Chairman Haskins, SECONDED by Mr. Baumgartner, and carried unanimously by voice vote. MOTION was then made by Ms. Coy and SECONDED by Mr. Baumgartner to provide a space behind the marching Honor Guard for a float to cant' the members of the Honor Guard who are not marching. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Pacowski questioned where the Grand Marshal would be positioned in the lineup. VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 Meeting of August 6, 2018 Chairman Haskins suggested that subject be tabled until the next meeting. b. Veterans' Day Program Discussion Mr. Whitford is working on the program. He will set up meetings and will find out about high school availability. He will also meet with the City to verify the date, since Veterans Day this year falls on a Sunday. Mr. Moyer stated there have been occasions in the past where Veterans Day fell on a Sunday, and the program was held on Sunday. Mr. Whitford stated he will contact the person who was to be the keynote speaker on Memorial Day and see if he will be available to speak at the Veterans Day program. C. New Veterans Advisory Committee Matters Chairman Haskins brought up the subject of appointment of new Committee members. Discussion was had regarding the length that Committee members serve. Ms. Coy read from the Ordinance creating the Committee, but it does not mention how long Committee members serve. Mr. Moyer stated he would investigate in order to get the answer to that question. Chairman Haskins suggested tabling this matter until the next meeting in order to give Mr. Moyer time to investigate and get the correct information. Mr. Pacowski stated he would like to appoint Mr. Whitford to speak on behalf of the Legion when the Legion takes over. 8. MEMBERS' ROUNDTABLE Mr. Moyer stated he put that item on the Agenda in order to facilitate discussion among Committee members on ideas to present at upcoming meetings, etc. 9. TOPICS FOR OCTOBER 1, 2018 MEETING Chairman Haskins suggested the length of Committee member appointments be addressed. 10. ADJOURN There being no further matters, Chairman Haskins adjourned the meeting at 3:24 p.m. M 'Ing OfA At vise Au9ust6 0�8 objOr7)�E r-� J %airman ,/ 0 n Haskins PAGE 4