HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-2018 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 19, 2018 1. Call to Order -- Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledoe of Alleoiance was recited by all. OjS 3. Roll Call C •? m Present: Mr. Roth Mr Qizilbash Cco $ Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Hughan C — cri Mr. Mauti (a) a E f 5 C0 Not Present: Mr. Simmons (a) - Excused �m co U, c Mr. Carter -- Excused ++ _ Mr. Reyes Excused C O Mr. Alvarez -- Excused � a $ c rnN9aa' Also Present: Mr. Paul Carlisle, City Manager Q rn Mr. Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Dale Simchick, Indian River County School Board, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Ms. Kautenburg stated that Messrs. Simmons (a), Carter, and Reyes have been excused, and Mr. Mauti (a) will be voting this evening. 5. Approval of Minutes A. Regular Meeting of June 21, 2018 Ms. Kautenburg asked for any additions or corrections to the Minutes as presented. Hearing none, she asked for a motion to accept the Minutes. A motion to accept the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Hughan, seconded by Mr. Qizilbash, and approved unanimously by voice vote. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2018 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinqs -- None 7. Unfinished Business -- None 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business A. Recommendation to City Council -- Review of Capital Improvements Program and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000 -- 6-Year Schedule FY 2018/2019 through 2023/2024 Ms. Bosworth stated this meeting is for the purpose of recommending to City Council the proposed Capital Improvements Program for fiscal years 2018/2019 through 2023/2024 and Mr. Killgore is here to make a Power Point presentation. She also introduced Mr. Paul Carlisle, City Manager. Mr. Killgore made a Power Point presentation that sets forth highlights of the proposed Capital Improvements Program for the aforementioned fiscal years. He then asked for questions, comments or concerns from the Commission. Ms. Kautenburg thanked the staff as well as the members of the Commission for their work regarding this matter. She then called for questions from the Commission. Mr. Roth: • Queried if the street paving/repaving includes the striping as well. Mr. Killgore stated that generally the additional striping is included in the bid. Mr. Carlisle stated that most of the contracts include that the contractor replace the striping that was present before the paving work and/or modifications were done. Mr. Roth stated he is most concerned with the striping condition on Barber Street near the Publix and Walgreens. Mr. Carlisle explained that that sort of striping is part of the maintenance budget. • Regarding the proposed public facilities compound, he asked if this refers to the new building at the Airport. Mr. Killgore explained that the proposed public facilities compound is presently off SR 512, and the new facility will be situated at the Airport. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2018 • Regarding the purchase of six police vehicles annually, including body cameras, he asked if those body cameras will be assigned to a certain vehicle. Mr. Killgore stated that the City is instituting a body camera program so that at the time the vehicles are replaced the new vehicles would be fully equipped with body cams. That program will be phased in over several years. • Regarding radar signs and speed trailers, he inquired about the number of radar signs proposed. Mr. Killgore stated he thought that was for two units, but he will verify that. • An early warning system is also mentioned, and he asked for clarification. Mr. Killgore replied that is a software program, and he will try to clarify that item in the final draft so as to state what is being purchased. • Regarding the sea walls, he inquired if that project is going to be partially funded with grants. Mr. Carlisle stated it is anticipated that the City will get St. John's Water Management grants to construct that wall. He also stated that the City in the future will further evaluate what is needed regarding all projects to be sure that tax money is being spent efficiently. Mr. Hughan: • Regarding the street repaving/reconstruction, he asked how many miles are estimated to be repaved/reconstructed. Mr. Carlisle stated that will depend on the program process. The City is planning to hire a company to come in and do an overall paving condition index, which will tell the City whether the road needs to be reconstructed, repaved, needs a surface treatment, etc. so that the monies are spent efficiently, so he cannot give an exact number until he has an exact plan. • Regarding the working waterfront parking lot, he questioned the $500,000 cost. Mr. Killgore stated that figure includes the work along the shore line to protect the parking lot. Ms. Kautenburg: • Regarding the Public Facilities Department, she asked if there have been any ecological accidents on the existing site that will have to be remedied. Mr. Killgore stated that over the past year there has been some additional testing which reveals that there is not a significant level for concern. Mr. Carlisle stated the recent testing has shown reduced levels of hydrocarbon, and so the City is confident that the site will be acceptable. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2018 IJiI1MITIFIVIII • Inquired if the Public Works site will be slated for resale. Mr. Carlisle stated it would be presented to City Council who will make the final determination. He and staff feel it should be put on the market for resale. Mr. Mauti asked if the Public Works facility will be moved to the Airport property. Mr. Carlisle stated it would, and the money for that will be coming from the DST fund set forth in the budget. • Regarding the Police Department, he asked if, when the new equipment is purchased, that will include training for the Department. Mr. Carlisle stated it would. • Regarding the evidence storage facility, he questioned $50,000 for storage shelves. Mr. Killgore said that when the facility was built there was not sufficient planning as to how it would be equipped. He stated that the shelving will be special shelving that will have to be secured. • Inquired regarding the status of the restaurant at the Airport. Mr. Carlisle stated the City will be bidding that out for a new restauranteur. • Asked what the percentage of increase is for capital improvements over the prior budget. Mr. Killgore stated it is at a much higher amount due to the Public Works project and the increase in storm water improvements. Mr. Qizilbash: • Inquired as to what stage the building of the new Public Works facility is in presently. Mr. Killgore stated there was a preliminary design worked up, which was set up as a phase -type project, and the $1.6 million is for the infrastructure and the first phase of the plan. Mr. Carlisle further explained the project will be handled as a design -build so that the contractor will do the architecture, designing and building, which will be a more economical method of doing the project. Mr. Carlisle thanked the Commission and staff for their work and input. Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion that the Capital Improvement Program be submitted to City Council with no changes was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Hughes. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hughan -- Yes Mr. Roth -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Page 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 2018 Total vote was 5-0 in favor. Motion carries. 10. Commissioners Matters -- None 11. City Attornev Matters -- None. 12. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth updated the Commission on projects which have been before the Commission and their status. • At the City Council meeting on July 25th there will be the final adoption of the Spirit of Sebastian Land Use and Rezoning. • The first reading of the vacation rental ordinance will be presented at the City Council meeting on July 25tn • August 8th will be the final adoption of the Land Use and Annexation of the Graves Brothers property, which is the 67 acres along SR 510. • The final reading of the vacation rental ordinance will be scheduled for September 12tn. After that, the residents will have three months to get registered with the required paperwork. Ms. Kautenburg inquired as to how long it takes for a license to be granted once it has been applied for. Ms. Bosworth stated that once the paperwork is in order, the state license is received and the fee paid, then the life safety inspection is done, and that total process should only take 10-14 days. She clarified that there will not be a "license" issued, but the business tax receipt will serve as proof of registration. Ms. Kautenburg suggested that the requirement information be made available to interested parties. Ms. Bosworth stated once the ordinance is passed, staff will put together packets containing the pertinent information and disseminate that to realtors, property managers, etc. through news articles, website articles, etc. Ms. Kautenburg suggested that the City's website is a good place to post the information. Ms. Bosworth stated staff will pursue that. 13. Adjourn -- Ms. Kautenburg called for any further business. Hearing none, she adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m. jg