HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-2018 NRB Minutes w/AttachmentsCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2018 Ms. Mosblech called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledce of Alleciance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Ms. Mosblech Ms. Callaghan Mr. Stadelman Mr. Wolfe Mr. O'Neill Absent: Mr. Gordian -- not excused Mr. Van Hoffman — not excused Mr. Moga — excused Also Present: Kim Haigler, Environmental Technician Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. ADDroval of Minutes — November 6, 2018 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the November 6, 2018 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Mr. O'Neill, and passed unanimously by voice vote. 5. Announcements a. Announcement of two new alternate Board Members: Ruth Callaghan and Charles Moga. Ms. Haigler announced that Charles Moga is not present this evening, but he is a diver who has a special interest in protecting natural waterways. She introduced Ruth Callaghan, who is a pilot and an environmental chemist. b. City Hall Demonstration Garden workdays scheduled for Saturday, December 15'h and Saturday, January 12'h. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 2018 Ms. Haigler described the work performed on the Demonstration Garden on the first workday which she described as a demonstration, pulling out the invasive species and transplanting the native species that will be kept, to be replanted as the Garden is developed. She thanked the Board members, residents, and Master Gardeners who came out and volunteered their time and energy. She announced the next demonstration days which will be December 15th and January 12'h from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Ms. Haigler thanked the Board members, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Stadelman, and Mr. Wolfe, who participated in the Christmas Parade. 6. Public Input — None New Business a. National Resource Board Earth Day/Arbor Day Celebration: April 27, 2019. Ms. Haigler called the Board members' attention to the last page of the Agenda packet where there are listed the areas which will need direction by Board members in order to ensure these tasks are accomplished. The members will be aided by Ms. Haigler and Ms. Glaser, former Board member who handled the majority of organizing and implementing what was needed for this event in years past. Below are the areas of Board member responsibilities and those who volunteered: i. Food and Retail Vendors — Mr. Stadelman ii. Government and Private Environmental Organizations — Ms. Mosblech. iii. Marketing -- Mr. Wolfe iv. Activities -- Ms. Mosblech and Mr. Stadelman V. Entertainment — Mr. O'Neill vi. Volunteers -- Ms. Callaghan Mr. Stadelman suggested having a third party involved with sponsoring the event and asked for clarification on whether there would be a conflict of interest in having a third party involved. Ms. Haigler stated she will investigate that. 8. Old Business a. Sustainable Business Guest Speakers NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 2018 I. Surfrider Ocean Friendly Restaurants Program Representative Ms. Shannon Shneyder and Mr. Eric Schwarze, representing the Surfrider Ocean - Friendly Restaurants program, presented a short video that described what this program is about. Ms. Shneyder described the list of five criteria from which a restaurant must pick two in order to become a member of the program. She also described how they go about getting the word out about the program and how they approach restaurants in order to enlist their enrollment. She stated that Surfriders inform potential members about where they can obtain their recyclables in order to get a discount on those items. Ms. Shneyder listed the items the Surfriders group uses to advertise their program and handed out brochures to the Board for their information. Brevard Litter Quitter Program Representative Mr. Bryan Bobbitt, Deputy Director of Keep Brevard Beautiful, made a Power Point presentation describing the Litter Quitter program, what its goals are, and how the program works. He described the different levels of certification and the steps necessary for restaurants to achieve those levels. He made suggestions on how a community or business can become more sustainable. Also described were the items that Litter Quitter provides to members in order to educate the public and help defray some additional costs to business owners. Mr. Bobbitt introduced Sharon Connelly with the Brevard Zoo and Daisy Packerwith Keep Indian River Beautiful, who would help facilitate the program in Indian River County. Mr. Bobbitt stated that, if the Board decides they would like to join Litter Quitter, his people would aid in implementing the program and getting the word out to the public and the businesses. There will be a training day in January, and Ms. Connelly stated she would get the information on that to Ms. Haigler. Ms. Packer stated she has contacts who are very interested in supporting the program, and she will reach out to them to aid the Natural Resources Board if and when they decide to go forward b. Sustainable Business Initiative Planning Discussion of Sustainable Business Initiative Roll -Out Details NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 2018 PAGE 4 It was the consensus of the Board to put this on hold until after the next EPA meeting. ii. Plan for City Council Presentation on December 12' . Ms. Haigler stated, realistically speaking, it will probably be presented at the late February 2019 City Council meeting. Ms. Mosblech stated her desire to have something to present at the Earth Day Celebration, and Ms. Haigler stated that is definitely doable. 9. Member Matters Ms. Mosblech brought up the subject of the litter that was discarded during and after the Christmas Parade. There were hundreds of candy wrappers lying around, and she would like to address this problem. Mr. Stadelman suggested using candy with paper wrappers in the future. The Board will study this and attempt to come up with a solution. Regarding Earth Day 2019, Ms. Mosblech believes the Board should make a definite statement to the vendors about not using single -use plastics. Ms. Haigler will also look into the use of water trucks at the event. 10. Items for Next Aaenda a. NRB Earth Day/Arbor Day Celebration 2019 Board Member Planning Update b. Sustainable Business Initiative Roll -Out Plan 11 Adiournment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Mr. O'Neill, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. By: N� Date: Cha erson Nicole Mosblech CITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NUtRAL RESOtRCES BOARD Demonstration Garden Workday #1 Saturday, November 17th Demonstration Garden Workday #1 Saturday, November 17th City of Sebastian's Florida Friendly 'D�zmon6tration Gard�n VOA' EDEDH DATES: DECEMBER 15TH & JANUARY12TH PLACE: CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET TIME: 8AM- NOON NOTE: Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty, some gloves, and bring a shovel (if you have one). There will be beverages available, as well as access to the City Hall Restrooms. If you plan to attend, please contact: Kimberly Haigler khaigler@cityofsebastian.org (772) 388-8206 Sebastian Christmas Parade Saturday, December 1st Q U I T T E R - BREVARD MU .,A y ,r F :00 4A. _}as �. What i*s Litter Quitter? Litter Quitter is a Keep Brevard Beautiful and Brevard Zoo program that aims at reducing single -use plastics and other marine debris by approaching local businesses, educating them, and providing resources for more sustainable alternatives in Brevard County. The goals of Litter Quitter are as follows: Short Term Goals: 1. Eliminate or reduce single -use plastics 2. Encourage reusable items Lonz Term Goals: 1. Sustainable food sourcing 2. County -wide composting x. � When was Litter Quitter Established? ➢ Litter Quitter was originally created by Keep Brevard Beautiful in the year of 2016. ➢ 2017 began a new era for Litter Quitter when KBB and Brevard Zoo partnered and began updating it. ➢We are now releasing the new and improved Litter Quitter to you all today! Why does Litter Qu1*tter matter? The Litter Quitter program is reducing/eliminating single -use plastics and other marine debris which means the prevention of injured marine life and a cleaner, healthier environment. Here are a few reasons why Litter Quitter should matter to you: 1. Plastic debris causes the deaths of more than a million seabirds every year, as well as more than 100,000 marine mammals. 2. Brevard County receives a lot of tourism, especially to our beautiful beaches, we must keep them clean and healthy. 3. 400 million straws are used every single day in our country, the majority of which end up either in landfills or in our waterways, thus effecting marine life and their habitat. 4. Styrofoam takes 500 years to fully decompose in landfills, taking up so much room in the majority of landfills in our country. 5. In addition to the horrendous amounts of micro plastics in our oceans, we have also recently discovered tons of micro plastics in our own Indian River Lagoon! 6. It is a well-known issue all around the globe, and we here at KBB and Brevard Zoo are doing something about it! Member Benefits Each business will receive these benefits when they join the program! ➢A Litter Quitter window sticker notifying potential customers of your sustainability commitment ➢Promotional listings on the websites of program partners and social media spotlights ➢Mentions of your company in press releases to local media outlets and promotion of your company at public outreach events ➢Group pricing discounts on sustainable product lines from major supply distributors ➢Networking and education opportunities via local sustainability summits ➢An annually organized "day of support" driving new customers to your business ➢Litter Quitter members can include their certification as a practice in the Indian River Lagoon Green Business pledge. 14ow does Litter Quitter work',. The Litter Quitter program has a few different components that help it function and make an impact on our local environment: 1. Prouram partners: Carries out the background work; processes applications, reaches out to businesses, creates marketing materials, promotes on social media, and much more. 2. Vendors: Provides sustainable alternatives to businesses and gives them pricing deals to help fit their unique needs. 3. Businesses: Participates in doing the right thing for the environment! 4. Volunteers: Carries out tasks in the neighborhood; acts as a "secret shopper" to businesses, recruits businesses in the program, and much more. Volunteers are our forefront! Who are the program partners? 0 IM x - ; -94w- QD I H IN DOWN 111A Brevard Zoo's mission is "Wildlife conservation through education and participation." K D D3 keeporevarc beautiful KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL AFFILIATE Keep Brevard Beautiful's mission is to "develop, motivate, educate and activate community partners to reduce litter, recycle, beautify, and sustain the environment for the benefit of Brevard County." _ w 'i'a�.�W►r ...oi�iio _ . _ ""►�rASi'._-Y filY�` . `_..�r.Yria� _ •' , _ a.r. a.,r �_rf't'fo►'! • , eR- �Ilrir...r _ oa.. _ F^T Who are the current vendors? Cq AARDVARKOO The Original Paper Straw - Aardvark provides sustainable paper straws to businesses in our program, that are proven to degrade in hours. Each sale gives back a percentage to our program and to the Brevard Zoo's Turtle Healing Center! PRODUCTS Eco-Products gives sustainable options for cups, bowls, plates, utensils, and so much more. LQ businesses are given a discount when buying in bulk! Edward Don & Company gives sustainable options for cups, bowls, plates, utensils, and so much more. LQ businesses are given a discount when buying in bulk! Who currently participates in the REVARD 4BL= �.��nm. ACHIEVEMENT jcm Program? NOHB* ,BLACK HOLE FUL. SERSIIE 11 l'IIOFCIIIE fi I- i0EET1011CAFE TAI ERN COVENANT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL t / IILTIVATENOWIEE SERVANT LEeo REEF,. PRO- PROPERTY RENOVATIONS r AND CONSTRUCTION, LLC lean OCEAN PARTNERS , uSUF' IFASNExtension UNERSI'IY of FLORIDA a :i 79W BREVARD ZOO Aizza Galle s Grip WHERE FAD BECOMES ART ,sJp S F10 6tgj FITh w�{% sn afb'h�dei Slci3AWFIAN 4@1 UFF Ingenuity �A and Purpose- Ii N 09 E _ rs rea StjIt1: :iIs 11T ,*?��CEANS LENDING. sandy breach surfing y e 5aterrii@�� Q+ren Sg' HE -cam Who are the volunteers? vlaybe you?* r K♦ ♦J � ! � ♦}l j G � ..M 1, r�s� ,, y �� ���'�. ..off 61a. I"` -_._ ��v Y���J+f♦`q`.t: _.'F�. s p� � _ wL.r .LriY-;�.... _ .__. ♦ _. `S - :wI�T��f. _,eM1f.I[.�.�... .�.. What do the volunteers do? Volunteers help us spread awareness of the program, they visit businesses to recruit them and pass out marketing materials. They also revisit Litter Quitter businesses every month to make sure they are still on track in the program and see if they have any new initiatives in place! Volunteers are very important to us and are specially trained in our unique training session on how to approach businesses and what to observe when following -up with a Litter Quitter business. Whati'es the criteria for the program'. Bronze "The business is only required to meet one of these" ➢Ask -first straw policy: The waiter/waitress should be trained to only hand out straws if a person asks for one. This is useful because it reduces straw use but does not eliminate it for those that still need straws such as the elderly or small children. ➢Switch to a sustainable straw option such as paper, metal, or reusable plastic: We usually encourage businesses to maintain their ask -first straw policy while also switching to paper straws. This still cuts down the number of straws being used but when someone needs a straw, they are receiving a more environmentally friendly option. ➢Encourage customers to bring their own reusable straw: Personal straws are now all the rage! We want businesses to encourage their customers to bring their own straws. Whati'es the criteria for the program'. Silver **The business is only required to meet one of these and one bronze** ➢Switch plastic bags to paper bags: Usually used for to -go orders, why not make the switch? ➢Encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags: When coming to get take-out orders, they can bring their own paper or cloth bag! ➢ Switch plastic utensils to a sustainable option such as bamboo, corn -based, reusable, etc.: These are more environmentally friendly! Whati'es the criteria for the program'. Gold **The business is only required to meet one of these, one silver, and one bronze** ➢ Switch Styrofoam cups to a sustainable option such as corn -based, paper, reusable, etc.: Styrofoam takes forever to decompose, let's make the switch! ➢ Switch to -go containers to a sustainable option such as corn -based, recycled plastic, paper, etc. ➢Encourage customers to bring their own reusable to -go containers: These are all the rage as well, everyone can carry one in their car or can bring one when picking up! ➢Deck netting for waterside businesses: This is used to catch any blowing litter from reaching the water, neat! What materials will restaurants be given? Restaurants will be given a few items, including; ➢Brochure ➢ Coasters ➢Table tents (optional) ➢Posters (optional) ➢A window sticker ➢Business cards .WI . 4 u 1 7 T E R 4r �� Litter Quitter h building a community of swat —ble-minded busnresseu, and w-e matt w. to reap the benefits of being a a-deetterl Om, G.A.- 1- Eliminate single -use plastic 3- Encourage reaeahle it- 3- Sustainable fend sourcing a- County -gin& compoututg Mnmberaeeeflts: A LQ vA d— ticker not&m� potential cuatemexsafy our mmitment. • Pramationalliatiuga an partner aeb'te3 • Socialmediaspatk6tonr— pages • Grau—rea ppug dlsun au stainable prodtt. • Netn kmg and education opponurutiea. • An annually organized `day o£ 3upp art" dri; mg— customerato yourbuntr— Taj— us, -Wly t�lm one step to reduce, reuse, or recycle myam hwineas. See back for morn detailsl ��isil our program page fw mcQe � ation: keepbretardbeau[iful.arg+our-programsr litter- The Rack card Become a Litter Quitter Today? Brame Level: Skip the strawy •mu8t m.&e l—tones ❑ Ask -first atra'.PMry. ❑ Snitch to a su3tamable au— option such aapaper,—mL orreuaahle plant' Encourage cunt—rato h—dieir ,tiny—,blestra„ - The Litter Quitter rack card will be SOver Level: Get nd of plastrcl S,Ltchek at auto a erb s. primarily used when recruiting a = Snitch plastic hagato paperbaga. Encourage custanersto brmatheu usable 51iitch pla3ticutensiLatoa sustainable new business into the program. The ten option auch aabambao, com-hawed. reusable, et,. card includes our goals, member -tm �.,.... ..areL• No Styrofoamt ,-t�dI-t ep' O6ek--d benefits our website & contact ❑ St ach Stro£oam cupato a auatamabk option such as tnm-base d, paper, e°aahl ❑ Switch to-goe et. cantainerstoa information, and all of the criteria au at —able option au:h --baled. J -yded ,mst=el't, b for each level. el. ❑ Encourage custmnersto bringtheir in to -go c ontain era. ❑ Decl: netting for, at —de businesses. -�rComaet KBB: 321-531-0�01 Brerard Zoo: 321-2�4-94i3 'he Coaster The Litter Quitter coasters are optional for businesses, it is a small advertisement of the great effort that business is participating in. � M 4 ♦r ... lVe A SAS OUR A SEA STRAW TLE SAW The table tent XIA:7= �rr - The table cards are optional for businesses but provide information WE CARE ABOUT to their customers. One of the OUR OCEANS! issues arising from an ask -first straw policy is that customers SO WE ADOPTED A NEW STRAW POLICY! don't know it's in place, so when If you would like a straw, just ask. Single -use plastic they don't receive a straw they straws are often consumed by sea turtles, dolphins, believe it is bad customer service, pelicans and other marine life. Thanks for helping keep our oceans free of plastic! which is not the case at all! These r cards sit on the tables and inform Q, T T E a customers that the business has - x °°�• •°• �`` switched their straw policy! WE CARE ABOUT OUR OCEANS! So we adopted a new straw policy! If you would like a straw, just ask. Single -use plastic straws are often consumed by sea turtles, dolphins, pelicans, and other marine life. J'hankc for 4wiping keep our oceans_lree ofplusiic' ^Mq1th Q U I T T E R i e Safe! •6►�~�; The poster Q U I T T E R ,. sf41 a You may notice we've changed a few things around here, that's because... WE ARE I1 LITTER QUITTER The poster is the same thing as the table card, but in poster form! We know some businesses may not want more stuff on their tables so this is an alternative for them. This is also optional for businesses. F. The window sticker C U I T T E R ►9 2 4d Fss rot�s A G A�� F4w 0 * The Litter Quitter window sticker shows potential customers that the business is environmentally friendly and is proud of it! The sticker is placed on the businesses' window and shows commitment to our program. �i�'���. ...o1�h 61a. P" —_._ �w Y���f+e "q`.r'�.'t� ffM` .. ��..�u i.ril�e... _ .__ , ;s `� _ .�T"•F-�Y�i�r�.... r Any questi*ons? Sharon Connelly: Phone: 321-254-9453 Ext. 232 Email: sconnellv(a,brevardzoo.org Kaylyn Palmer: Phone: 321-631-0501 Ext. 212 Email: kavlvnpalmerkbb(a,�,Ymail.com Q U I T T E G ' A G A`�� 1� -Ci�'!'�CE: . '1l:..j' Jr���<. f�. y.. '♦_ t l,ti • �ildi. . a .. i' , .yrr—=r M "'"t J. I •. r��e �raYia� e� ..... .. .. .... Sa..•R- . .7 t HfTf"! c r•r .ti