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1994 - Shoreline Stabilization Project
RIVERVIEW PARK SHORELINE STABILIZATION INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this letter report is: a) to present alternative concepts for shoreline stabilization along the eroding shoreline of Riverview Park; b) to identify those alternatives deemed permittable by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as noted at a pre -application meeting; c) to Identify potential funding sources; and, d) to provide recommendations for shoreline stabilization. The City will separately address landscaping and aquatic vegetation requirements related to the enhancement of the park shoreline in concert with stabilization efforts. SITE OBSERVATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS: Coastal Tech performed site measurements and obtained photographs at Riverview Park on February 11, 1994. The park occupies approximately 658 feet of shoreline fronting the Indian River and is bounded to the north by Channel 68 Marina, to the south by a mobile home park, and to the west by Indian River Drive. The upland improvements Include a five foot wide wooden boardwalk, benches, two covered picnic pavilions, a footbridge which crosses a stormwater detention system, palm trees, and unpaved parking access for approximately 25 cars (see the attached photographs). The existing shoreline is unstabilized and displays variable signs of erosional stress over the parcel; the shoreline segment fronting the parking area has a near -vertical escarpment of variable position relative to the on -grade wooden boardwalk. On the date of the site visit, the top of the escarpment was as close as 6 feet to the east edge of the boardwalk. Concrete debris, the majority of which is less than 2 feet in diameter, was observed within and along the eroded toe of the escarpment as well as on the narrow beach fronting the escarpment. South of the stormwater discharge point to the Indian River (via a 24" diameter corrugated metal pipe), shoreline erosion is not as pronounced, although a distinct escarpment was observed over the entire park parcel. - The area south of the discharge pipe displays a high density of wetlands vegetation including S artina alterniflora, Scripus Americanus, Pasoalum vaainatum, Distichlis s ip cata, and Sesuvium nortulacastrum. Several small (less than 4' high) Rhizoohora mangle were observed adjacent to the concrete bulkhead at Channel 68 Marina and growing amidst the Intertidal shoreline grasses. Discrete, dense patches of Spartina alterniflora and Sesuvium Dortulacastrum were observed approximately 100 feet, 260 feet, and 360 feet south of the northern park boundary; shoreline losses are evident landward of these vegetative stands, although the escarpments are not as high in the "shadow" created by the vegetation as In the adjacent, unprotected area. An emergent oyster bed was observed offshore of the southern segment of the park approximately midway between the south property line and the stormwater discharge point. No seagrass beds were visible at the time of the she visit. Based on the above observations, site measurements, and an existing plan view of the park furnished by the City, a series of conceptual sketches were prepared. The existing park conditions are shown in Figure 1; the top of the figure displays a plan view of Riverview Park, with approximate positions of the boardwalk, top of bank, and native (wetlands) vegetation shown. A typical cross section is shown at the bottom of the figure. CONCEPTUAL SHORE PROTECTION ALTERNATIVES: In general, it is considered desirable to stabilize the shoreline so as to allow for a vegetated shoreline. Shoreline stabilization alternatives which were considered prior to the preapplication conference with the DEP and USAGE included the following: a) do nothing; b) submerged breakwater; c) emergent breakwater; d) revetment; and, e) sand fill nourishment. Alternatives "a through e" were sketched on the "master plan" and cross section presented in Figure 1; these alternatives are shown in Figures 2 - 5 respectively (note: no graphic distinction was made between a submerged or emergent breakwater shown in Figure 3). PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE: On February 14, 1994, Coastal Tech met with Ms. Linda Ferrell of the USAGE and Ms. Tamy Weingarden of the DEP to view the property and to discuss the conceptual shore protection alternatives presented above. Both regulatory agency representatives noted the existing wetlands vegetation and Indicated that it would be considered jurisdictional. Such jurisdiction appeared to extend approximately to the top of the existing bank (escarpment); a detailed topographic survey, with an approximately 50 foot on -center transect (profile) spacing, was recommended to accompany any application for a permit to assist in agency review and Impact determination. Noting the oyster beds and shallow water depths, a Mean High Water (MHW)4urisdictional determination and a seagrass (submerged aquatic vegetation) assessment were strongly recommended by both agencies as additional submittal items. It was suggested that such activities could be coordinated with Mr. Brian Poole (DEP Division of State Lands and Aquatic Preserves) prior to a formal application submittal. e W 80 In [ \� - \ Scole in Feet Indian River Drive Pavilion-- Ex avilion- Exist._ Exist_To _.._.._..—.._..—.._..—.tYP _ .._ .—.. Outfall of sank �� Riverview Park Exist. Walk I I tYP � I Existing o' Vegetation tYP I 5 Existing Walk 0 I c 0 } 0 W 0 Approximate Existing Grade Existing Rubble and Debris Mean High Water EI.+0.55 NGVD� e I I I I I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Existing Conditions (based on field measurements) Riverview Park East Figure 1 A Figure 2 o ao so \ Scale in Feet / \ Indian River Drive i T Pavilion `— _..I._.. L Exist. ll._.._.._. _.._.._.._.._.._.tYP.._ Riverview Park ._.. i Exist. Walk ' I ' tYP � ... ta.�• Exist. Top of Anticipated Existing Bank Erosion n i Vegetation I tYp I I Approx. Existing Grade 5- - - Anticipated m Eroded Shoreline i Existing Profile Erosion Walk Mean High Water EI.+0.55 NGVD c0 e OU w 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet i Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (a): Do Nothing Figure 2 0 40 80 i\ Scale in Feet \ Indian River I HIE Drive Pavilion --Exist._ Exist,—TOP_ _ _ _ _ typ„ r.._.._.._..—..._..{.._..—.._. of Aanic outfall Riverview Park Exist. Walk I tYPi � 7 Proposed Proposed Existing Sand Fill Breakwater o Vegetation typ � I , Proposed Sand Fill (to Additional Stone to be be planted with Native added to create an Grasses as appropriate) Emergent Breakwater 5- Mean High Water Approx. Z Proposed EI.+0.55 NGVD� 7Existing Existing 1i Breakwaters - Walk Grade � _ v 0 0 C Q Existing RubbleX and Debris I 5' w typ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (b and c): Breakwater/Sand Fill Figure 3 Ri • • � • 1 / I 1 I_ I L J Q '0 so 1 \ Seale in Feet / Indian River Drive Pavilion J�Exist. _ Exist. ToRZ—Pa- Bank Riverview Park Exist. Walk i e �— typ i �-�o-o"o o u o°o°o 0 T 0000 OOo O O O O°00 �-.. 0000 Q) ro Existing Wolk 0 0 `o w 0 5 Proposed 3O I Rock Revetment v Existing : Vegetation typ I 16' 1 qty 2.25' Armor Stone Mean High Water Prop o:eld 3It EI.+0.55 NGVD� A 6" Gravel Proposed — EI. -2.0 Existing Rubble—/Excavation Filter Cloth and Debris 10 15- 20 25 30 35 Distance — Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (d): Rock Revetment Figure 4 40 o as so —� scale in Feet Indian River Drive Pavilion --Exist. _.,1-Exist_ToL„—„_„_, Outfall of Bank Riverview Park Exist. Walk ' I typ a I I _ — Proposed CO i Sand Fill Existing ° Vegetation i typ I I (typ) Proposed 10 Berm t p (lo be planted with no1M wgNallon) j Sand Fill 5 Mean High Water Approx. /1 EI.+0.55 NGVD Existing Existing Walk Grade o 0 f I Existing Rubble J C and Debris 0 a r w 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (e): Sand Fill Figure 5 Coastal Tech reviewed the alternative concepts with the DEP and USACE; the "do nothing" alternative, (alternative "a") was briefly discussed and deemed not viable due to an inability to prevent continued upland losses. The DEP expressed concern over submerged land and potential resource impacts associated with either a submerged (5 feet) or an emergent breakwater (alternatives "b" and "c") located further than waterward of the MHW shoreline position. Both agencies expressed an Inability to approve the sand fill nourishment (alternative "e") due to State/Federal policies regarding "reclaiming" State owned submerged lands; sand fill could only be accomplished to straighten out the "dips" in the bluff. The revetment option (alternative "d") was only partially favored; the DEP indicated such a structure would be restricted to less than 15 feet in width (i.e., the toe of the revetment cannot project more than 5 feet beyond MHW) and would be required to be sited to avoid/minimize vegetation Impacts. Both agency representatives indicated an additional, acceptable alternative would be to construct a vertical bulkhead at the top of the bank with a toe scour revetment (required) and to possibly construct a wave break structure at the MHW shoreline. Such a bulkhead would be required to follow the existing top of the escarpment (bank) as would be practical to facilitate construction and to avoid and/or minimize Impacts to vegetation. Ms. Weingarden Indicated the existing small (less than 1 foot diameter) concrete debris would need to be disposed off-site, but the larger concrete debris could be utilized in construction of either the toe scour revetment or the wave break. The area between these shore protective features could then be planted with native plant species similar to those presently growing along the shoreline. South of the stormwater discharge point, Ms. Weingarden suggested that a wave break structure should optimally tie-in to a small rip -rap revetment which presently exists at the northern -most limit of the adjacent trailer park. Both Ms. Weingarden and Ms. Ferrell reiterated their concern over minimization/avoidance of seagrass and oyster bed impacts. Based on a March 28, 1994 letter from Tamy Weingarden of DEP, it is documented that Tamy "... made the following recommendations for the stabilization at Riverview Park: a) propose a wavebreak at the mean high water along the entire shoreline (avoiding the existing vegetation, Including seagrasses) b) propose a seawall at the existing embankment faced with rip rap at a 2:1 slope (generally the rip rap Is no greater then 4 feet in total width) (except in the marsh area where a wavebreak is recommended) c) propose only coquina rock rip rap along the shoreline d) combination of a wavebreak and seawall and coquina rock along the shoreline." Figures 6, 7, and 8 depict the basic conceptual shoreline stabilization scheme consistent with recommendations a, b, and c above, respectively. H J i_ p 4o ao.,�_ \ Scale in Feet Indian River Drive Pavilion L.— Exist. _ _ Exist. Tom_ tyP Outfall of Tank Riverview Park Exist. walktyp r.. � :••°•°°° Proposed J ° ° °Proposed I LPOOW7L—"� Proposed Bulkhead Fill O Toe Scour Existing Revetment Vegetation tYp I /—Cap EI.+4.8 I r (D J Proposed Armor Stone Mean High water L`ProposedEI.+2.0 EI.+0.55 NGVD Existing Walk Fill �t 0 Existing Rubble —� a and Debris EI. -2.0 M Proposed PZH-1 Aluminum 6"Gravel � Filter Cloth Approx. Sheet Pile Bulkhead Existing Grade 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet _ — Min. Tip EI. -8.6 Permittable Shoreline Stabilization Alternative: Bulkhead w/Toe Scour Revetment Figure 6 0 40 80 ' \ Scale in feet Indian River Drive T Pavilion L — Exist. .._.._.._ii Exist. Tom typ —.._.._..—.._.. .._ .—.. r.._..—.._.._..._..�.._utfail ' I Outfall of Sank Riverview Park � Exist. Walk = I typ -J-"0 nJ,J LO' O J � I C— Proposed Rock Revetment Existing Vegetation typ I o 13.5't X2.25' Armor Stone Existing Walk 2 Mean EI.+0.55 High Water NGVD� I 6" Gravel e a 0 0 Existing Rubble—EI.-2.0 w and Debris Filter Cloth c 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Permittable Shoreline Stabilization Alternative - Rock Revetment Figure 7 0 40 80 r I � Scale In Feat Indian River Drive Pavilion Exist. Exist_TogZ� , , _ , _ , tYp, I Outfall of Bank Riverview Park i Exist. Walk--\typ e Proposed e� \ Wave Break C:D I Existing ° Vegetation j tYp I I i i \ Proposed Mean High Water Approx Wave Break E1.+0.55 NGVD Existing Existing Walk Grade - e 0 = I Existing Rubble C and Debris 0 o w 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Permittable Shoreline Stabilization Alternative: Wave Break at MHW Shoreline Figure 8 FUNDING SOURCES: Based on informal discussions with Marty Smithson (SJRWMD), and based on prior experience, it is expected that partial funding may be obtained for the project through the SJRWMD SWIMM program or possibly through the FIND grant program. The SJRWMD has available up to 1.2 million dollars annually for projects leading to improved water quality and/or stormwater management - under its demonstration program. Applications are generally submitted through local Watershed Action Committees; the Sebastian River Watershed Action Committee has conceptually approved this project. SJRWMD's fiscal year runs through September 30th. SWIMM funds are typically available by October 1st. SJRWMD recommends that a scope of work and required agreements be finalized by the end of the year. SJRWMD prefers a 40 percent (of the total costs) local match. FIND receives grant applications by May 2nd of each year; a 50 percent (of total costs) local match is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the above, it is recommended that the City: a) proceed with a detailed site survey to Identify topography, nearshore marsh, wetland vegetation, oyster beds, and any seagrasses; b) proceed with formulation of a detailed plan for shoreline stabilization employing a combination of a wave break, seawall, and rip rap to avoid existing resources, stabilize the shoreline, and create vegetated areas to the maximum extent possible; and, c) proceed with dredge and fill permit applications. At this point, construction costs are estimated at $80,000. Survey and resource mapping costs are estimated at $5,000. Permitting costs are estimated at $5,000 - $10,000. Engineering design costs are estimated at $4,800. Thus, total project costs are estimated at about $100,000. It is expected that a combination of seawall, rock revetment, and wave break will prove desirable. For example, the steeper escarpments may warrant a seawall. Based on site conditions, it is feasible that the wave break might be constructed seaward of the MHW if existing resources can be avoided and a vegetated shoreline can be constructed. Total estimated project costs of $100,000 may be reduced by 25% - 50% If all construction occurs upland of MHW. The difference In cost reflects the relative difficulty in processing permits, obtaining sufficient resource mapping to satisfy agency requirements and constructing a structure (e.q., a wave break) seaward of the MHW which would allow for vegetative growth on the landward side. Alternatively, if the shoreline is stabilized with rip rap landward of the MHW line, permit authorizations can be obtained quickly and construction costs would be reduced. 12 AGENDA Sebastian River Watershed Action Committee August 9, 1994 - 10:00 am Meeting Location: Riverview Park East (R.P.E.) Indian River Drive, Sebastian ,l A 1.) Tour of R.P.E. shoreline. y 2.) Approval of the July 18, 1994 minutes. s.) Discussion of R.P.E. conceptuai pian. 4.) Old Business A. Consider wording for sign to complete stormwater project at Riverview Park. B. Dale Wimbrow Park discussion. 5.) New Business. 10 4 LV -z' N T . MINUTES OF SEBASTIAN WATERSHED ACTION COMMITTEE JULY 18, 1994 The July 18, 1994 meeting of the Sebastian Watershed Action Committee was held at 10 a.m., Sebastian City Council chambers. In attendance were: Don Donaldton, Indian River County Coastal Engineer; Joyce Hertel and Rodney Tillman, Fellsmere WCD; Rich Mermer, FDEP; Joel Summer, Sebastian River WCD; Clare Nichols, U.S. D.A. Soil Conservation Service; Jim Karl, SWCD; Anne Putman, Friends of the St. Sebastian River; Maggy Bowman, Pelican Island Audubon Society; Adam Chrzan, Vero Beach Press Journal; Ruth Davies, Pelican Island Preservation Society; Joel Koford, Sebastian City Manager; Excused: Carolyn Corum, SWAC Chairperson; Marty Smithson, SJWMD. Absent: Shirley Kilkelly, Gail Boardman, Janice Broda, Edra Young. Jim Karl was acting chair in the absence of Mrs. Corum. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed. Rich Mermer distributed to the committtee the conceptual design plan for the Riverview Park Shoreline Stabilization as drafted by Marty Smithson. This packet of material included sketches and estimated budget for the remedial steps proposed to reduce erosion through a breakwater to disperse wave action against the shoreline. This plan also includes revegetation of the eroded banks. The erosion is evident along the shoreline and seagrass beds are visible. Don Donaldson, Indian River County Coastal Engineer,- gave his opinion that a first step of revegetation consisting of spartina and other native plantings along the riverbank might achieve the desired results and involve less permitting time (plus less expense). Rich Mermer said the main intent of the project -was to stabilize the riverfront through shoreline plantings and it was thought the proposed wavebreak would permit the plantings to take hold. The proposed budget was reviewed. Maggy stated that some in-kind services might reduce the project cost. Clare Nichols said that U.S. D.A. Soil Conservation Service might be able to provide some plantings. Rich Mermer stated that mats of spartina would allow the grass to take hold before winter storms occur. Also, the slope of the riverbank might need to be reduced before revegetating. The use of erosion control mats was suggested. Mr. Donaldson, the I.R. County Engineer, said he would look at the county's aerial photos to see if the rate of erosion could be determined. Mr. Karl stated the aim of the project was to keep the riverfront as natural looking as possible. Mr. Mermer made a motion that the committee review the county's aerial photos and make final recommendations by the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Karl; passed. Mr. Karl passed around suggestions on the wording for the SWAC sign to be installed at Riverview Park volley ball area. Mr, Koford, Sebastian City Manager, joined the meeting. He stated that the City of Sebastian should be able to schedule ongoing maintenance of the baffle bores and swale areas at Riverview Park. Mr. Koford asked for some documentation_ from the St. Johns River Water Management District authorizing this committee. Maggy said the committee operates under the SWIM program. Rich Mermer mentioned the idea of an educational booklet to be distributed, if funds can be found for printing. Maggy stated the Pelican Island Audubon Society has several booklets from various agencies that the committee might like to review. New Business: Jim Karl mentioned that the Sebastian Water Control District has been testing water quality at various locations throughout Sebastian Highlands along with Public Health Department. The aim is to measure water quality from the canals. The suggestion was made that the committee pick a date for meeting each month. The second Tuesday of each month was suggested. NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 AT 10 A.M., SEBASTIAN -CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS -C.c./:`L_�r<.•:.•.z- Recording Secretary Ruth Davies APPROVED: Carolyn Corum, Chairperson SEBASTIAN FLORIDA SEALED BID PHASE I RIVERVIEW PARK SPECIFICATIONS (407) 589-5330 CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 780127, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978-0127 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 NOTICE OF INVITATION TO BID SEALED BIDS FOR RIVERVIEW PARK PHASE I WILL BE RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FL., P.O. BOX 780127, 1225 MAIN STREET, UNTIL 1:30 P.M. ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 30TH, 1991. BID ENVELOPES ARE TO BE MARKED AS FOLLOWS: BID — RIVERVIEW PARK PHASE I Prospective bidders must contact the City Clerk's Office by mail at the above address or by telephoning (407) 589-5330 — for bidding documents and specifications. Additionally, prospective bidders are requested to attend a pre—bid conference scheduled for Wednesday. August 21, 1991 at 2:00 — P.M., in the Sebastian City Council Chambers. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 1:30 P.M. on Friday, August 30th, 1991 in the City Manager's Conference Room. the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By: Daniel C. Eckis, P.E. City Enginner/Public Works Director City of Sebastian Publish: Vero Beach Press Journal Sebastian Sun Friday, August 16th, 1991 EXCEPTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS: Please note any exceptions, clarifications, and/or proposed alternates on separate sheet (s) of your letterhead and attach to this form. SUBMITTED BY: • Company .� Individual/Title Address • Telephone Attachment (s) Yes No Date • • • • • Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, emplovees, members, or agents who are active in management of [he entity, nor anv affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, Afp [Please Indicate which additional statement applles.] STATE OF COUNTY OF There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.] The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list 'There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list [Please attach a copy of the anal order.] The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. [Please describe any action taken by or pending with. the Department of General Services.] [signature] Date: PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being sworn by me, afTnted his/her signature [name of individual signingj in the space provided above on this day of . 19 NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 1189) ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract nAxuments consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and otter Conditions), —• Drawings, SpeclOcadons, Addenda Issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents ilsted in this Agreement and ModlOcadons Issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entre and Integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract fk7cuntaus, —� other than Modifications, appears In Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Cunuactor shall execute the entre Work described In the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically Indicated In the Contract IN)cuments to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with the construction documents and specifications prepared by Mosby and Associates, dated May 22, 1991, with no revision date. ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 1"he date of commencement Is the date from which the Contract lime of Paragraph 3.2 Is measured, and shall be the dale of this Agreement, as first written above, unless a different date Is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed Ina notice to pncecd Issued by the Owner. fhrvrt lire date of rW--euce-nrI• If /t differs fry- the Ante of this Alrrrenv,11 nr• If npplit Whir, 11,111 tint We elate ,-ill lie fised In a noire In pr .. evil ) Within 14 days of approval by the Sebastian City Council. unless the trate of commencement Is established by a notice to proceed Issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner In writing not icss than Ove days before commencing the Work to permit the timely Illing of nxntgnges, mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 '1 lie Contractor shag achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Wink not later than — optics l fir rnlrlulnr dale or nnnrher of calendar days after the dnlenf cun,Wrrna cissmi AIW hllrrl nnl•T7nurmrnh far Mrlifr.SWhllnra7nl l.mnplrllnnu/<I'r lain I-rtoW1 if the n'nr4. 1f Hill slated r8richere hl file Contract IhrltHrr-e ) Notwithstanding any language herein to the contrary, "completion" shall mean a fully constructed improvement in complete comformance with the plans and specifications, ready for intended use without further expense to owner as determined by the City Engineer. suhlcn to adjustments of this Contract lime as provided In the Contract Lhcunmenls. f7nlr.I prarrslrw%. if slim•, for thprfdaled de-nxrl rrinllrlx In failure W (lrnrplrle nW if ... V) If one hundred (100%) percent of work is not completed within 30 calendar days after date of commencement except as may be extended by the City Engineer in writing for good cause, than the owner may deduct seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per calendar day as liquidated damages and not a penalty for each day spent to one hundred percent (100%) completion. This deduction will be taken from finAl navmcnT• Assam nnntr�r.Mr AIA DOCUMENT AIVI • r)WNFft CONI RACIOR AGREEMENT • 1 WELF IIt F.DII ION • AIA' • (l)l9R7 1111. AAIFRICAN INS711 in E OF ARCIIII'F.CIS.1755 NEW YORK AVF.NI IE. N W. WASIIINGTON. n C PxKK A101"1907 2 ARTICLE 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment Issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere In the Contract Documents. 5.2 l'he period covered by each Application for Payment shall he one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: 1. Pay request to be §ubmitted to the Engineer of Record by the 25th of each month. 2. Final upon acceptance of improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the 25th day of a month, the Owner shall make payment to life Contractor not later than the tenth ( 10th) day of the month. if an Application for Payment Is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than ten (10 ) days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among rhe various portions of the Work and be prepared In such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This Schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall Indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.8 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall he computed is follows: 5.8.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work In the Schedule of Values, less retainage of ten percent ( 10% %). Pending Mal determination of cost to the Owner or changes In the Work, amounts not In dispute may be Included as provided In Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change Order; 5.8.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly attocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation In the completed construction (or, If approved in advance by the Owner, sultably stored of the sire at a location agreed upon In writing), less retainage of ten percent ( 10 %); 5.8.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.8.4 Subtract amounts, If any, fur which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided In Para- graph 9.5 or the General Conciftlond. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined In accordance with Paragraph 5.6 shall he further rnodlned under the following .� circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum SUMCIent to Increase the total payments to ninety percent ( 90 %) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts r the Architect shall determine for Incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add, ff final completion of the Work Is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable In accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions. 5.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage. If any, shall he as follows: of if is Intended. prior In Substantial Completion M the entire Mork. to reduce or Hour The retautagr mulling/rum fix perr,ragcx Inscrlyd In 5uhpara- grapbs 5,1 I and 5.61 ohm*. and this is our explained risru•here in the Cnnfracf Documents. fixer hoe pmrWnnx/fir sin reduction or fimlmtlon ) AIA DOCUMENT A101 r OWNERCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • 1wEt.rTl1 EDITION • AIAI • ®1987 A101-1987 4 '�' TIIE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCIIITF.CTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., W'ASIIINGTON, D.C. 290116 ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 the Contract Documents, except for Modifications Issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated zs follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement Is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AIA Document A101. 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 11u Gencral Conditions are the General Condlllons of the Contract for Construction, AIA fMcunlem A201, 1987 Edition. 9.1.3 the Supplementary and Other Condhions of the Contract are those contained In tale Project Manual dated and are as follows: Document Title Pages Construction Plans and Specifications drawn by Mosby and Associates dated May 22, 1991. City Engineer Memo(Bid Form) dated, August 8, 1991 Notice of Bids 9. 1.4 The Specifications are three contained In the Project Manual elated zs In Subparagraph 9.1.3, and are m follows: (rill",IIO the bpr, t/1Mllnm hrre Or refrr In an G.,hthll anhuhrd In 11111 Ajlls-e "Irnl I Section Title Pages Construction Spec General 01501 Environment Protection 02110 Site Clearing 02200 Earthwork 02480 Landscape Work 02720 Storm Water Drainage AIA DOCUMENT A101 - OWNFR CONTRACTOR AORFEMF.NT • TWElTTll EDITION • AIA' • 2/1997 111F. AAIFluCAN INSI17111 F OF ARC111TF.CTS. 1741 NFW YORK AVF.NIIF., N W. WASIIINOTON, 0 C. 2111xK A101-1987 8 r^ 9.1.7 Other documents, If any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (Usr bore any additional documents ahlcb are Intended to form parr of The Contract Dacumenb. 7be Central Cordltlom provide that bidding requlremnrra .+ucb m adnrrtlsrmmr or InMtatlon to bid. Imtru dons to fllddes, s rPorno and the Connacror's bid are not part of #be Contract oocuments unless emmeated In (bls Aitm,, nenr. They shrmld be lbted herr only If Intended to be part rrf the Cbntract Docnnents.) e. 11 'nils Agreement Is entered Into as of the day and year first written above and Is executed In at least three original copies of which one Is to he delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use In the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner. OWNER CONTRACTOR (.SIRnranerr) W.E. Conyers, Mayor (SIRnanor) (Printed name and title) (Printed name and Iltle) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNERCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWEI.FTII EDITION • AIA* • 6)1987 A101-1987 9 TI IF. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCI IITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WAST IINOTON. D.C. 2MW' ATTEST: APPROVED TO FORM AND CONTENT: City Clerk Charles I. Nash, City Attorney 9.e The Contractor shall review, approve and submit to file Architect Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submltals required by the Contract Documents with reason- able promptness. The Work shag be In accordance with approved submittals. When professional certification of per- formance criteria of materials, systems or equipment Is required by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness or such certifications. 9.9 The Contractor shall keep the premises and surrounding area free from accumulation of waste matetlals or rubbish caused by operations under the ContacR At completion of the Work the Contactor shall remove from and about the Project waste mmedals, eubblsh, the Contractor's tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials. 9.10 The Contactor shall provide the Owner and Architect access to the Work In preparation and progress whoever located. 9.11 The Contactor shall pay all royaldcs and license fees; shall defend suits or claims for Infringement of patent rights mid shall hold the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, but shall not be responsible for such defense or loss when a particular design, process or product of a particular manufac Curer or manufacturers h required by the Contract Documents unless the Contacmr has reason to believe that there Is an Infringement of parent. 9.12 To the fullest ext -ni permitted by law, the Contractor shall Indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, Architect, Archl- iect's consulanu, and agents and employees of any of than from and against Claims, damages, losses and expenses, Includ. Ing but nor limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work, provided that such claim, dam- age, loss or expense Is attributable to bodily Injury, sickness, disease or death, or to Injury to or destruction of tangible prop- erty (other than the Work Itself) Including loss of use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused In whole or In put by negligent acts or omissions of the COniMCIOr, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or Indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such clahn, damage, loss or expense Is caused In part by a party Indemnified hereunder. Such obllgatlon shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of Idemnity which would otherwise exist m to a party or person described In this Paragraph 9.12. 9.12.1 In claims agalnst any person or entity Indemnified under this Paagraph 9.12 by an emplojee of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or Indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the Indemnlnca. Ilan obligation under this Paragraph 9.12 shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contactor or a Subcontractor under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 9.12 shall not extend to the liability of the Architect chl. tccr's consultants, and agents and employee any of them arising out of (1) the preparation of tap of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surweys,-Janlfige Orders, Construcilon Change Dtr Ives. desl specifications, or (2) the giving of or the !allure ro rection or Instructions by the Architect, the Atchit consultants, and agents and employees of any of III uvlded such giving or failure to give is the primary ARTICLE 10 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT and ill be the tech -will repres malate (IrerMrr-r�efte and will be the Owner's reprcsenudve (I nstructiun, (2) until Mal payment Is do wn c the Owner's cancer fence, fwm t �uring die correction period described 10.2 The Architect will visit the site at lillervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally fmniliar with the prngress and quality of the completed Work mid to determine In general If the Work is being petformed In a mama Indican Ing dal the Work, when con+pielcd, will be In accordance with the Contract Documents. iloweecr, the Arddtect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on she Inspections to check quality or quantity of the Work. On die bash of um site obse"mlons as mi architect, lite Architect will keep the Owner informed of progress of the Work and will endcacur to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work. will not he responsible for construction means, met , lech- nlques, sequences or procedutes, or for sat ecawluns aid programs In cunnealun with the 19 - . since these are solely lite Contractor's respond' as provided In Paragraphs 9 1 and 16. 1. The Ar lrccTwill nor he Rspunsible for (lie Confrae fur's fall carry out the Work In accordance with the Cum the Conlactor's Appllcatiulis f ' .aur, mP �rchhcct will feview an counts due the Contractor and will rv.a aria nruur�a+ ,. a ail„�, yw Baa n... � ,... , Ing-crformance under and requirements of the Contra , ucu- menu on written request of either the Owner untncior. The Architect will make Inhlal decisions n claims, disputes or other millers In question between Ownrr and Qnuac- tor, but will not he liable (tar r Sof any Interpreatiuns or decisions rendered In ger th. The Arcltilnct's decisions ht matters relating to ate c effect will be Mal if consistent with the Intent expo In the Contact Documents. All other decl Mons of t rchitect, except diose which hr's been waived by ng or acceptance of final payment, shall be subject to 10.0 The Architect will have authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. 10.7 The Architect will review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Comacmr's submhals such :s Shop Drawings, Product Dau and Samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with Infunnadon given mid the design concept expressed In the Contract Documents. 10.9 All claims or disputes between the Cuntractur and the Owner mhsing out or relating to the Contact, or the breach thereof, shall be decided by mbhrariun hn accordance with IIIc Construction Industry Ari+liratlun Rules of the American Arbl Nation Association currently In cffec't unless tire parties nnlu ally agree otherwise and subject wan Inldal prescntation of Iia, claim or dispute to the Architect as.required under 112ra(,rapl 10.5. Notice of the demand fur albitrmiun shall he lied in scdl Ing with tine other parry to this Agreement and with the Amen can Arhloadon Assuc'ladun and shall be nude sehhln a rCIYII* able time after the dispute has arisen. The award ICULICred h AIIIIRE.VIATENOWNE.R CONI RAC11+R AIMEMENT• KIN IN Em1ION •AI%' • t I'M TRIC AMERICAN INSTITt11E of ARCIRIECTS, IM NEW +'ORK AVEN14. NW., .a'A9ntrllON. Ifo !u• lien. If such gen remains unsmisned after payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner ad money that die Owner may be compelled to pay In discharging such gen, Including all costs and reasonable 2ttorneys' fees. .,fr1A.......... ./../f .1 T claims by the Owner except those arising from: .1 genu, claims, security Interests or encu m as. Ing out of the Contract and unseal .2 failure of the Work to comp) the requirements of the Contract Documen , or .2 terms of special war Iles required by the Contract Documents. Acceptance of fin ayment by the Contractor, a Subcontrac- tor or miner ppller shag constitute 2 waiver of claims by that pay ceps those previously made In writing and Idend- red that payee as unsettled at the time of Mal Application ARTICLE 16 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 16.1 The Contractor shag be responsible for Initiating, main- taining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract. The Con- tractor shad take reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, Injury or lou to: A employees on the Work and other persons who may •� be affected :hereby; .2 the Work and materials and equipment to be Incor- porated therein; and .3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto. The Contractor shad give notices and comply with spplicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on safety of persons and property and their protection from damage, Injury or loss. The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage and loss to property at tire site caused in whole or In part by the Contractor, a Subcontractor, a Sub -subcontractor, or anyone directly or Indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable and for which the Contactor Is responsible under Subpara- graphs 16,172 and 16.1.3, except rot damage or loss attributable to acts or omissions of the Owner or Architect or by anyone for whose acs either of them may be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. The foregoing obliga- dons of the Contactor are In addition to the Contractor's obll- gallons under Paragraph 9.12. 16.2 The Contractor shad not be required to perform without consent any Work relating to asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE 17.1 The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain In a company or companies lawrudy authorized to do business In the Jurisdiction In which the Project is located Insurance for protection from claims under workers' or workmen's compen- sation acts and other employee benefit acts which are applic- able, claims for damages because of bodily Injury, Including death, and from claims rot damages, other than to the Work Itself, to property which may Muc taw tar U, ...... . -.. Contractor's operations under the Contract, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by 2 Subcontractor or any. one directly or Indirectly employed by arty of them. This Insur ante shall be written frit not less than limits of liability specified In the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever coverage is greater, and shall Include cuntnctual liability Insur- ance applicable to the Cuntracasr's obligations under Paragraph 9.12. Certificates of such Insurance shall be riled with the -BwrlUlor to the commencemerg of the Work. 17.2 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and main- laining the Owner's usual liability Inswance. Optionally, the Owner may purchase and malntaln other Insurance for self- protection against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract. The Contractor shall not be responsible for purchasing and malntalning this optional Owner's liability Insurance unless specifically required by the Contract Documents. lion actor 1he 7.2 Unless otherwise provided, t 311211 purchase and maintain. In 2 company or companies lawfully authorized to do business In the Jurisdiction In which the Project Is located, property Insurance upon lire entire Work at the site to the full Insurable value thereof. This Insurance shall be on an all- risk policy form and shall Include Interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcunrnctors In the Work and shall Insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or d:ulhage Including, without dupli- cation of coverage, theft; vandalism and mailclous mischief. 17.1 A loss Insured under Owner's property Insurance shall he adjusted with the Owner and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the Insureds, as their Interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause. 17.9 The Owner shall nle a copy of each policy with the Con- tractor before an exposure to loss may occur. Each policy shall contain a provision that the policy will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Contractor. 17.6 The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other and the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate con. tractors described In Article 12, If any, and any of their subcon- tractors, sub -subcontractors, agents and employees, for dam- ages caused by nre or other perils to the extent covered by property Insurance obtained pursuml to this Article 17 or any other property Insurance applicable to the Work, except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such Insurance held by the Owner as fiduciary. The Contractor shall require similar waivers In favor of lite Owner and the Contractor by Subcon tractors and Sub -subcontractors. The Owner shall require sind lar waivers in f2vor of the Owner and Contractor by the Archy lett, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described In Article 12, If any, and the subcontractors, sub -subcontractors agents and employees of any of them. ARTICLE 18 CORRECTION OF WORK 18.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct Work-reketeefib- the Rrchkm or falling to conform to the requirements of tit Contract Documents, whether observed before or abet Soh slantlai Completion and whether of not fibricmed. Installed r completed, and shall correct any Work found to be not I accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documen within a period of one year from the date of Sulaa imi'' Con ADUREVIATEDOWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• NINTII EDITION• AIA r •JI•P 'ME AMERICAN INSTITUIE Of ARCIrIIECTS. 1751 NEW YORK AVENUE. NW, WASIONGION, DC. mxr 11 OTHER CONDITIONS ON PROVISIONS This Agreement entered Into v or the day and year flot written above. OWNER CONTRACTOR (Slgnarun) W. E. Conyers. Mayor (slgnanrrr) .. (Printed mine and Illle) (Primed name and title) AlRREVIATEO OWNER CONI RACTOR AGREEAIEN r• NINI'1 I EDI I ION • AIA' ••U I' 1112 AMERICAN INSTITUTE dE ARCIIITECTS. 1711 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW. WASIIINGTON. DC l•• Attest: City Clerk 13 Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, AUQ [Please Indicate which additional statement appllea.] STATE OF COUNTY OF There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the Ttate of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings The final order entered by the hearing omcet did not place the person or of Illate on the convicted vendor 1131. [Please attach a copy of the final order.] The person or nfff f to was placed on the convicted vendor lt3t There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administradve Hearings The flim order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove theperson or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.] The person or aftilLte has not been placed on the convicted vendor list [Please describe any action takes by or pending with the Department of Gess-ral Serrieea l [signature] Date: PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being swom by me, a(Hud his/her signature [name of Indlridual signing] in the space provided above on this day of . 19 NOTARY PUBLIC My Comm, ion expires: Form FUR 7068 (Rev. 11/89) SCOPE OF WORK: THE WORK COVERED BY THIS SECTION CONSISTS OF FURNISHING ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND PERFORMING ALL WORK REQUIRED FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION DURING AND AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS UNDER THIS CONTRACT EXCEPT FOR THOSE MEASURES SET FORTH IN OTHER TECHNICAL PROVISIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS SPECIFICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IS DEFINED AS THE PRESENCE OF CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, OR BIOLOGICAL ELEMENTS OR AGENTS WHICH ADVERSELY AFFECT HUMAN HEALTH OR WELFARE; UNFAVORABLY ALTER ECOLOGICAL BALANCES OF IMPORTANCE TO HUMAN LIFE; AFFECT OTHER SPECIES OF IMPORTANCE TO MAN; OR DEGRADE THE UTILITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR AESTHETIC AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES. THE CONTROL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION REQUIRES CONSIDERATION OF AIR, WATER, AND LAND, AND INVOLVES NOISE CONTROL. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF RADIANT ENERGY AND RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS, AS WELL AS OTHER POLLUTANTS. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS; IN ORDER TO PREVENT, AND TO PROVIDE FOR ABATEMENT AND CONTROL OF, ANY ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ARISING FROM THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS IN THE PERFdRMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, THEY SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL ABATEMENT, AS WELL AS THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS STATED ELSEWHERE IN THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. NOTIFICATION: THE CITY ENGINEER WILL NOTIFY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING IF ANY NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOREGOING PROVISIONS AND THE ACTION TO BE TAKEN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, AFTER RECEIPT OF SUCH NOTICE, IMMEDIATELY TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION. SUCH _ NOTICE, WHEN DELIVERED TO THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AT THE SITE OF THE WORK, SHALL BE DEEMED SUFFICIENT FOR THE PURPOSE. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS OR REFUSES TO COMPLY PROMPTLY, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY ISSUE AN ORDER STOPPING ALL OR PART OF THE WORK UNTIL SATISFACTORY CORRECTIVE ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN. NO PART OF THE TIME LOST DUE TO ANY SUCH STOP ORDERS SHALL BE MADE THE SUBJECT OF A CLAIM FOR EXTENSION OF TIME OR FOR EXCESS COSTS OR DAMAGES BY THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS IT WAS LATER DETERMINED THAT THE CONTRACTOR WAS IN COMPLIANCE. ARE DISPLACED INTO UNCLEARED AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED. MONUMENTS, MARKERS AND WORKS OF ART SHALL BE PROTECTED SIMILARLY BEFORE BEGINNING OPERATIONS NEAR THEM. RESTORATION QE LANDSCAPE DAMAGE, ANY TREES OR OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURE SCARRED OR DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT OR OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE CITY ENGINEER WILL DECIDE WHAT METHOD OF RESTORATION SHALL BE USED, AND WHETHER DAMAGED TREES SHALL BE TREATED AND HEALED OR REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF UNDER REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING. ALL SCARS MADE IN TREES, NOT DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED, BY EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, OR BY THE REMOVAL OF LIMBS LARGER THAN 1 INCH IN DIAMETER SHALL BE COATED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WITH AN APPROVED TREE WOUND DRESSING. ALL TRIMMING OR PRUNING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN AN APPROVED MANNER ^ BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN WITH SAWS OR PRUNING SHEARS. TREE TRIMMING WITH AXES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. WHERE TREE CLIMBING IS NECESSARY, THE USE OF CLIMBING SPURS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. THE USE OF CLIMBING ROPES SHALL BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER WHERE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAFETY. TREES THAT ARE TO REMAIN, EITHER WITHIN OR OUTSIDE ESTABLISHED CLEARING LIMITS, THAT ARE SUBSEQUENTLY DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND ARE BEYOND SAVING, IN THE OPINION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH A NURSERY -GROWN TREE OF THE SAME SPECIES. T LOCATION QE TEMPORARY FIELO'-OFFICES. STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION, BUILDINGS. THE LOCATION ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY OF THE ^ CONTRACTOR'S STORAGE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION BUILDINGS, REQUIRED TEMPORARILY FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK, SHALL BE UPON CLEARED PORTIONS OF THE JOB SITE OR AREAS TO BE CLEARED, AND SHALL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE PRESERVATION OF THE LANDSCAPE SHALL BE AN IMPERATIVE CONSIDERATION IN THE SELECTION OF ALL SITES AND IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. PLANS SHOWING STORAGE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION BUILDINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. WHERE BUILDINGS OR TENT PLATFORMS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON SIDEHILLS, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE CRIBBING TO BE USED TO OBTAIN LEVEL FOUNDATIONS BENCHING OR LEVELING OF EARTH MAY NOT BE ALLOWED, DEPENDING ON THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED FACILITY. TEMPORARY EXCAVATION AmQ EMBANKMENTS. IF THE CONTRACTOR PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY ROADS OR EMBANKMENTS AND EXCAVATIONS FOR PLANT AND/OR WORK AREAS NOT TO RECEIVE FINAL GRADING AND/OR LANDSCAPING UNDER THIS CONTRACT, HE SHALL SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING FOR APPROVAL AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED START OF SUCH TEMPORARY WORK. A LAYOUT OF ALL TEMPORARY ROADS, EXCAVATIONS, AND EMBANKMENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH THE WORK AREAS. STABILIZATION OF PERMANENT STEEP SLOPES 4:1 OR GREATER,_ SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BY SODDING. DUST CONTROL: ^ CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, WHETHER OR NOT COMPLETED, AND FROM BORROW AND WASTE DISPOSAL AREAS, SHALL, IF TURBIDITY ^ PRODUCING MATERIALS ARE PRESENT, BE HELD IN SUITABLE ^ SEDIMENTATION PONDS OR SHALL BE GRADED TO CONTROL EROSION WITHIN ACCEPTABLE LIMITS. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT ^ CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS BERMS, TURBIDITY SCREENS, DIKES, DRAINS, OR SEDIMENTATION BASINS, OF REQUIRED TO MEET THE ^ ABOVE STANDARDS, SHALL BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL ^ PERMANENT DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES ARE COMPLETED AND OPERATIVE. THE AREA OF BARE SOIL EXPOSED AT ^ ANY ONE TIME BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHOULD BE HELD TO A MINIMUM. STREAM CROSSINGS BY FORDING WITH EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ^ LIMITED TO CONTROL TURBIDITY AND IN AREAS OF FREQUENT ^ CROSSINGS TEMPORARY CULVERTS OR BRIDGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED. ANY TEMPORARY CULVERTS OR BRIDGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. FILLS AND WASTE AREAS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY SELECTIVE PLACEMENT TO ELIMINATE SILTS OR CLAYS ON THE SURFACE THAT WILL ERODE AND CONTAMINATE ADJACENT STREAMS. STABILIZATION OF PERMANENT STEEP SLOPES 4:1 OR GREATER,_ SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BY SODDING. DUST CONTROL: ^ THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN ALL EXCAVATIONS, EMBANKMENTS, STOCKPILES, HAUL ROADS, PERMANENT ACCESS ROADS, PLANT SITES, WASTE AREAS, BORROW AREAS, AND ALL ^ OTHER WORK AREAS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES FREE FROM DUST WHICH WOULO'GAUSE A HAZARD OR NUISANCE TO OTHERS. APPROVED TEMPORARY METHODS OF STABILIZATION CONSISTING OF SPRINKLING, CHEMICAL TREATMENT, OR SIMILAR ^ METHODS WILL BE PERMITTED TO CONTROL DUST. SPRINKLING, TO BE APPROVED, MUST BE REPEATED AT SUCH INTERVALS AS TO KEEP ALL PARTS OF THE DISTURBED AREA AT LEAST DAMP AT ALL TIMES, AND ^ THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE SUFFICIENT EQUIPMENT ON THE JOB TO ACCOMPLISH THIS IF SPRINKLING IS USED. DUST CONTROL SHALL BE PERFORMED AS THE WORK PROCEEDS AND WHENEVER A DUST NUISANCE ^ OR HAZARD OCCURS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. NO SEPARATE OR DIRECT PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR DUST CONTROL AND THE COST THEREOF SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO AND INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT PRICES FOR EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENTS. MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION: DURING THE LIFE OF THIS CONTRACT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ^ MAINTAIN ALL FACILITIES CONSTRUCTED FOR POLLUTION CONTROL UNDER THIS CONTRACT AS LONG AS THE OPERATIONS CREATING THE PARTICULAR POLLUTANT ARE BEING CARRIED OUT OR UNTIL THE MATERIAL CONCERNED HAS BECOME STABILIZED TO THE EXTENT THAT ^ POLLUTION IS NO LONGER BEING CREATED. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD CONDUCT FREQUENT ^ DRAWINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT, INCLUDING GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND DIVISION -1 SPECIFICATION SECTIONS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, APPLY TO WORK SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION. DESCRIPTIQt[ QE WORK: EXTENT OF SITE CLEARING IS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. SITE CLEARING INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES. REMOVAL OF TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION. TOPSOIL STRIPPING. CLEARING AND GRUBBING. REMOVING ABOVE -GRADE IMPROVEMENTS. REMOVING BELOW -GRADE IMPROVEMENTS. PROTECTIOU QE EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS: PROVIDE PROTECTIONS NECESSARY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS INDICATED TO REMAIN IN PLACE. PROTECT IMPROVEMENTS ON ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND ON OWNER'S PROPERTY. - RESTORE DAMAGED IMPROVEMENTS TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION, AS ACCEPTABLE TO PARTIES HAVING JURISDICTION. PROTECTION QE EXISTING TREES AM VEGETATION: PROTECT EXISTING TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION INDICATED TO REMAIN IN PLACE, AGAINST UNNECESSARY CUTTING, BREAKING OR SKINNING OF ROOTS, SKINNING AND BRUISING OF BARK, SMOTHERING OF TREES BY STOCKPILING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR EXCAVATED MATERIALS WITHIN DRIP LINE, EXCESS FOOT OR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN DRIP LINE. PROVIDE TEMPORARY GUARDS TO PROTECT TREES AND VEGETATION TO BE LEFT STANDING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 2 X 4 STAKING AROUND THE DRIP LINE OF EACH AND PROVIDE CONTINUOUS FLAGGING TO PROTECT TREES FROM DAMAGE. WATER TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION TO REMAIN WITHIN LIMITS OF CONTRACT WORK AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THEIR HEALTH DURING COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. DIRECTED. CONSTRUCT STORAGE PILES TO FREELY DRAIN SURFACE WATER. COVER STORAGE PILES IF REQUIRED TO PREVENT WIND-BLOWN DUST. CLEARING AL1Q. GRURRTNG: CLEAR SITE OF TREES, SHRUBS AND OTHER VEGETATION, EXCEPT FOR THOSE INDICATED TO BE LEFT STANDING. COMPLETELY REMOVE STUMPS, ROOTS, DEBRIS PROTRUDING THROUGH GROUND SURFACE AND OTHER DELETEMOUS MATERIAL. USE ONLY HAND METHODS FOR GRUBBING INSIDE DRIP LINE OF TREES INDICATED TO BE LEFT STANDING. E1 -LL DEPRESSIONS CAUSED BY CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS WITH SATISFACTORY SOIL MATERIAL, UNLESS FURTHER EXCAVATION OR EARTHWORK IS INDICATED. PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN HORIZONTAL LAYERS NOT EXCEEDING 12 LOOSE DEPTH, AND THOROUGHLY COMPACT TO A DENSITY EQUAL TO ADJACENT ORIGINAL GROUND. REMOVAL QE IMPROVEMENTS: REMOVE ABOVE -GRADE AND BELOW -GRADE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION, AND OTHER WORK AS INDICATED. ABANDONMENT OR REMOVAL OF CERTAIN UNDERGROUND PIPE OR CONDUITS MAY BE SHOWN ON MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS, AND IS INCLUDED UNDER WORK OF THOSE SECTIONS. REMOVAL OF ABANDONED UNDERGROUND PIPING OR CONDUIT INTERFERING WITH CONSTRUCTION IS INCLUDED UNDER THIS SECTION. BURNING IS NOT PERMITTED ON OWNER'S PROPERTY. REMOVE WASTE MATERIALS AND UNSUITABLE AND EXCESS TOPSOIL FROM OWNER'S PROPERTY AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE. AVAILABLE FOR CONVENIENCE OF CONTRACTOR. ADDITIONAL TEST BORINGS AND OTHER EXPLORATORY OPERATIONS MAY BE MADE BY CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO OWNER. EXISTING UTILITIES: LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN AREAS OF WORK. IF UTILITIES ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE, PROVIDE ADEQUATE MEANS OF SUPPORT AND PROTECTION DURING EARTHWORK -. OPERATIONS. SHOULD UNCHARTED, OR INCORRECTLY CHARTED, PIPING OR OTHER UTILITIES BE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION, CONSULT UTILITY OWNER IMMEDIATELY FOR DIRECTIONS. COOPERATE WITH OWNER AND UTILITY COMPANIES IN KEEPING RESPECTIVE SERVICES AND FACILITIES IN OPERATION. REPAIR DAMAGED UTILITIES TO SATISFACTION OF UTILITY OWNER. DO NOT INTERRUPT EXISTING UTILITIES SERVING FACILITIES OCCUPIED AND USED BY OWNER OR OTHERS, DURING OCCUPIED HOURS, EXCEPT WHEN PERMITTED IN WRITING BY CITY ENGINEER AND THEN ONLY AFTER ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY UTILITY 'SERVICES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 48-HOUR NOTICE TO CITY ENGINEER, AND RECEIVE WRITTEN NOTICE TO PROCEED BEFORE INTERRUPTING ANY UTILITY. DEMOLISH AND COMPLETELY REMOVE FROM SITE EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED TO BE REMOVED. COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANIES FOR SHUT-OFF OF SERVICES IF LINES ARE ACTIVE. U E QE EXPLOSIVES: THE USE OF EXPLOSIVES IS NOT PERMITTED. PROTECTION QE PERSONS Atu PROPERTY: BARRICADE OPEN EXCAVATIONS OCCURRING AS PART OF THIS WORK AND POST WITH WARNING LIGHTS. OPERATE WARNING LIGHTS AS RECOMMENDED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. PROTECT STRUCTURES, UTILITIES, SIDEWALKS, PAVEMENTS, AND OTHER FACILITIES FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY SETTLEMENT, LATERAL MOVEMENT, UNDERMINING, WASHOUT AND OTHER HAZARDS CREATED BY EARTHWORK OPERATIONS. PERFORM EXCAVATION WITHIN DRIP -LINE OF LARGE TREES TO REMAIN BY HAND, AND PROTECT THE ROOT SYSTEM FROM DAMAGE OR DRYOUT TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. MAINTAIN MOIST CONDITION FOR ROOT SYSTEM AND COVER EXPOSED ROOTS WITH BURLAP. PAINT ROOT CUTS OF 1" DIAMETER AND LARGER WITH EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TREE PAINT. r __i"' 3IFaMP RDCK EXCAVATION Ia TRENCHES ALL PITS INCLUDES REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS AND OBSTRUCTIONS ENCOUNTERED WHICH CANNOT BE EXCAVATED WITH A 1.0 CUBIC YARD (HEAPED) T CAPACITY, 42" WIDE BUCKET ON TRACK -MOUNTED POWER EXCAVATOR EQUIVALENT TO CATERPILLAR MODEL 215, RATED AT NOT LESS THAN 90HP FLYWHEEL POWER AND 30,000 LB. DRAWBAR PULL. TRENCHES IN EXCESS OF 10'-0" IN WIDTH AND PITS IN EXCESS OF 30'-0" IN EITHER LENGTH OR WIDTH ARE CLASSIFIED AS OPEN EXCAVATION. RDCK EXCAVATION JR OPEN EXCAVATIONS INCLUDES REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS AND OBSTRUCTIONS ENCOUNTERED WHICH CANNOT BE DISLODGED AND EXCAVATED WITH MODERN TRACK -MOUNTED HEAVY-DUTY EXCAVATING EQUIPMENT WITHOUT DRILLING, BLASTING OR RIPPING. ROCK EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT IS DEFINED AS CATERPILLAR MODEL No. 973 OR No. 977K, OR EQUIVALENT TRACK -MOUNTED LOADER, RATED AT NOT LESS THAN 170HP FLYWHEEL POWER AND DEVELOPING 40,000 LB. BREAK-OUT FORCE (MEASURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAEJ732C). TYPICAL OF MATERIALS CLASSIFIED AS ROCK ARE BOULDERS 1/2 CU. D. OR MORE IN VOLUME, SOLID ROCK, ROCK IN LEDGES, AND ROCKHARD CEMENTITIOUS AGGREGATE DEPOSITS. DO NOT PERFORM ROCK EXCAVATION WORK UNTIL MATERIAL TO BE EXCAVATED HAS BEEN CROSS-SECTIONED AND CLASSIFIED BY CITY ENGINEER. SUCH EXCAVATION WILL BE PAID ON BASIS OF CONTRACT CONDITIONS RELATIVE TO CHANGES IN WORK. ROCK PAYMENT ITNFG ARE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: TWO FEET OUTSIDE OF CONCRETE WORK FOR WHICH FORMS ARE REQUIRED, EXCEPT FOOTINGS. ONE FOOT OUTSIDE PERIMETER OF FOOTINGS. IN PIPE TRENCHES, 6" BELOW INVERT ELEVATION OF PIPE AND 2 FT. WIDER THAN INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE, BUT NOT LESS THAN 3 FT. MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH. NEAT OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS OF CONCRETE WORK WHERE NO FORMS ARE REQUIRED. UNDER SLABS ON GRADE, 6" BELOW BOTTOM OF CONCRETE SLAB. UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION ATION CONSISTS OF REMOVAL OF MATERIALS BEYOND INDICATED SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS OR DIMENSIONS WITHOUT SPECIFIC DIRECTION OF CITY ENGINEER. UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION; AS WELL AS REMEDIAL WORK DIRECTED BY CITY ENGINEER, SHALL BE AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. UNDER FOOTINGS, FOUNDATION BASES, OR RETAINING WALLS, FILL UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION BY EXTENDING INDICATED BOTTOM PUMPS, WELL POINTS, SUMPS, SUCTION AND DISCHARGE LINES, AND OTHER DEWATERING SYSTEM COMPONENTS NECESSARY TO CONVEY WATER AWAY FROM EXCAVATIONS AND RECEIVING BODIES OF WATER. DISCHARGE SHALL BE TO UPLAND AREA AND BERMED AS NECESSARY. ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN TEMPORARY DRAINAGE DITCHES AND OTHER T DIVERSIONS OUTSIDE EXCAVATION LIMITS TO CONVEY RAIN WATER AND WATER REMOVED FROM EXCAVATIONS TO COLLECTING OR RUN-OFF AREAS. DO NOT USE TRENCH EXCAVATIONS AS TEMPORARY DRAINAGE DITCHES. MATERIAL STORAGE: STOCKPILE SATISFACTORY EXCAVATED MATERIALS WHERE DIRECTED, UNTIL REQUIRED FOR BACKFILL OR FILL. PLACE, GRADE AND SHAPE STOCKPILES FOR PROPER DRAINAGE. LOCATE AND RETAIN SOIL MATERIALS AWAY FROM EDGE OF EXCAVATIONS. DO NOT STORE WITHIN DRIP LINE OF TREES INDICATED TO REMAIN. DISPOSE OF EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL AND WASTE MATERIALS AS HEREIN SPECIFIED. EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES: CONFORM TO ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN WITHIN A TOLERANCE OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.10', AND EXTENDING A SUFFICIENT DISTANCE FROM FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS TO PERMIT PLACING AND REMOVAL OF CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT IS PLACED. TRIM BOTTOMS TO REQUUIRED LINES AND GRADES TO LEAVE SOLID BASE TO'RECEIVE OTHER WORK. EXCAVATION FOR PAVEMENTS: CUT SURFACE UNDER PAVEMENTS TO COMPLY WITH CROSS-SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS AND GRADES AS SHOWN. EXCAVATION FOR TRENCHES: DIG TRENCHES TO THE UNIFORM WIDTH REQUIRED FOR PARTICULAR ITEM TO BE INSTALLED, SUFFICIENTLY WIDE TO PROVIDE AMPLE WORKING ROOM. PROVIDE 6" TO 9" CLEARANCE ON BOTH SIDES OF PIPE OR CONDUIT. EXCAVATE TRENCHES TO DEPTH INDICATED OR REQUIRED. CARRY DEPTH OF TRENCHES FOR PIPING TO ESTABLISH INDICATED FLOW LINES AND INVERT ELEVATIONS. BEYOND BUILDING PERIMETER, KEEP BOTTOMS OF TRENCHES SUFFICIENTLY BELOW FINISH GRADE TO AVOID FREEZE -UPS. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED, CARRY EXCAVATION 6" BELOW REQUIRED ELEVATION AND BACKFILL WITH A 6" LAYER OF CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF PIPE. FOR PIPES OR CONDUIT 5" OR LESS IN NOMINAL SIZE AND FOR FLAT- BOTTOMED MULTIPLE -DUCT CONDUIT UNITS, DO NOT EXCAVATE BEYOND INDICATED DEPTHS. HAND EXCAVATE BOTTOM CUT TO ACCURATE ELEVATIONS AND SUPPORT PIPE OR CONDUIT ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN OVER EXCAVATED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPACT BOTTOM OF TRENCH TO 6" ABOVE FINAL ELEVATION AND THEN HAND EXCAVATE TO PROPER ELEVATION. ^ RELATIVE DENSITY FOR COHESIONLESS SOILS. WALKWAYS: COMPACT TOP 6" OF SUBGRADE AND EACH LAYER OF BACKFILL OR FILL MATERIAL AT 95% RELATIVE DENSITY FOR COHESIONLESS MATERIAL. MOISTURE CONTROL: WHERE SUBGRADE OR LAYER OF SOIL MATERIAL MUST BE MOISTURE CONDITIONED BEFORE COMPACTION, UNIFORMLY APPLY WATER TO SURFACE OF SU8GRADE, OR LAYER OF SOIL MATERIAL, TO PREVENT FREE WATER APPEARING ON SURFACE DURING OR SUBSEQUENT TO COMPACTION OPERATIONS. REMOVE AND REPLACE, OR SCARIFY AND AIR DRY, SOIL MATERIAL THAT IS TOO WET TO PERMIT COMPACTION TO SPECIFIED DENSITY. SOIL MATERIAL THAT HAS BEEN REMOVED BECAUSE IT IS TOO WET TO PERMIT COMPACTION MAY BE STOCKPILED OR SPREAD AND ALLOWED TO DRY. ASSIST DRYING BY DISCING, HARROWING OR PULVERIZING UNTIL MOISTURE CONTENT IS REDUCED TO A SATISFACTORY VALUE. GENERAL: PLACE ACCEPTABLE SOIL MATERIAL IN LAYERS TO REQUIRED SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS, FOR EACH AREA CLASSIFICATION LISTED BELOW. IR EXCAVATIONS, USE SATISFACTORY EXCAVATED OR BORROW MATERIAL. UNDER GRASSED AREAS, USE SATISFACTORY EXCAVATED OR BORROW MATERIAL. UNDER WALKS ARL PAVEMENTS, USE SUBGRADE MATERIAL, OR SATISFACTORY EXCAVATED OR BORROW MATERIAL, OR COMBINATION OF BOTH. UNDER STEPS, USE SUBGRADE MATERIAL. UNDER BUILDING SLABS, USE DRAINAGE FILL MATERIAL. UNDER PIPING ANa CONDUIT, USE SUBGRADE MATERIAL WHERE SUBGRADE IS INDICATED UNDER PIPING OR CONDUIT; SHAPE TO FIT BOTTOM 90 OF CYLINDER. BACKFILL EXCAVATION AS PROMPTLY AS WORK PERMITS, BUT NOT UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING: ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION BELOW FINISH GRADE INCLUDING, WHERE APPLICABLE, DAMPPROOFING, WATERPROOFING, AND PERIMETER INSULATION. SMOOTH FINISHED SURFACE WITHIN SPECIFIED TOLERANCES, COMPACT WITH UNIFORM LEVELS OR SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONS ARE INDICATED, OR BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES. GRADING OUTSIDE BUILDING LINES: GRADE AREAS ADJACENT TO BUILDING LINES TO DRIN AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND TO PREVENT PONDING. FINISH SURFACES FREE FROM IRREGULAR SURFACE CHANGES, AND AS FOLLOWS: LAWN Q$ UNPAVED AREAS: FINISH AREAS TO RECEIVE TOPSOIL TO WITHIN NOT MORE THAN 0.10' ABOVE OR - BELOW REQUIRED SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS. WALKS: SHAPE SURFACE OF AREAS UNDER WALKS TO LINE, GRADE AND CROSS-SECTION, WITH FINISH SURFACE NOT MORE THAN 0.10' ABOVE OR BELOW REQUIRED SUBGRADE ELEVATION. PAVEMENTS: SHAPE SURFACE OF AREAS UNDER PAVEMENT TO LINE, GRADE AND CROSS-SECTION, WITH FINISH SURFACE NOT MORE THAN 1/2" ABOVE OR BELOW REQUIRED SUBGRADE - ELEVATION. GRADING SURFACE QE FILL UNDER BUILDING SLABS: GRADE SMOOTH AND EVEN, FREE OF VOIDS, COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED, AND TO REQUIRED ELEVATION. PROVIDE -FINAL GRADES WITHIN A TOLERANCE OF 1/2" WHEN TESTED WITH A 10' STRAIGHTEDGE. COMPACTION: AFTER GRADING, COMPACT SUBGRADE SURFACES TO THE DEPTH AND INDICATED PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM OR RELATIVE DENSITY FOR EACH AREA CLASSIFICATION. BUILDING SLAB DRAINAGE COURSE; GENERAL: DRAINAGE COURSE CONSISTS OF PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE FILL MATERIAL, IN LAYERS OF INDICATED THICKNESS, OVER SUBGRADE SURFACE TO SUPPORT CONCRETE BUILDING SLABS. PLACING: PLACE DRAINAGE FILL MATERIAL ON PREPARED SUBGRADE IN LAYERS OF UNIFORM THICKNESS, CONFORMING TO INDICATED CROSS- SECTION AND THICKNESS. MAINTAIN OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT FOR COMPACTING MATERIAL DURING PLACEMENT OPERATIONS. WHEN A COMPACTED DRAINAGE COURSE IS SHOWN TO BE 6" THICK OR LESS, PLACE MATERIAL IN A SINGLE LAYER. WHEN SHOWN TO BE MORE THAN 6" THICK, PLACE MATERIAL IN EQUAL LAYERS, EXCEPT NO SINGLE LAYER MORE THAN 6" OR LESS THAN 31' IN THICKNESS WHEN COMPACTED. REMOVAL IQ DESIGNATED AREAS .4N OWNER'S PROPERTY: TRANSPORT ACCEPTABLE EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL TO DESIGNATED SOIL STORAGE AREAS ON OWNERS PROPERTY. STOCKPILE SOIL OR SPREAD AS DIRECTED BY CITY ENGINEER. REMOVAL FROM OWNERS PROPERTY: REMOVE WASTE MATERIALS, INCLUDING UNACCEPTABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL, TRASH AND DEBRIS, _ AND DISPOSE OF IT OFF OWNERS PROPERTY IN A LEGAL MANNER. END OF SECTION 02200 me .0 so m m w m m m m PART 2 = PROOIICTS TOPSOIL: TOPSOIL MAY BE STOCKPILED FOR RE -USE IN LANDSCAPE WORK. IF QUANTITY OF STOCKPILED TOPSOIL IS INSUFFICIENT, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE LANDSCAPE WORK. .. PROVIDE ME& TOPSOIL WHICH IS FERTILE, FRIABLE, NATURAL LOAM, SURFACE SOIL, REASONABLY FREE OF SUBSOIL, CLAY LUMPS, BRUSH, WEEDS AND OTHER LITTER, AND FREE OF ROOTS, STUMPS, STONES _ LARGER THAN 2" IN ANY DIMENSION, AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS OR TOXIC MATTER HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. OBTAIN TOPSOIL FROM LOCAL SOURCES OR FROM AREAS HAVING SIMILAR SOIL CHARACTERISTICS TO THAT FOUND AT PROJECT SITE. OBTAIN TOPSOIL ONLY FROM NATURALLY, WELL - DRAINED SITES WHERE TOPSOIL OCCURS IN A DEPTH OF NOT LESS .� THAN 4"; DO NOT OBTAIN FROM BOGS OR MARSHES. �QIL AMFNNMFNTS: C:OMMFRCTAI FERTTLT7FR: COMPLETE FERTILIZER OF NEUTRAL CHARACTER, WITH SOME ELEMENTS DERIVED FROM ORGANIC SOURCES AND CONTAINING FOLLOWING PERCENTAGES OF AVAILABLE PLANT NUTRIENTS: FOR LAWNS., PROVIDE FERTILIZER WITH NOT LESS THAN 4% PHOSPHORIC ACID AND NOT -LESS THAN 2% POTASSIUM, AND PERCENTAGE OF NITROGEN REQUIRED TO PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN 1 LB. OF ACTUAL NITROGEN PER 1000 SO. FT. OF LAWN AREA. PROVIDE NITROGEN IN A FORM THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO LAWN DURING INITIAL PERIOD OF GROWTH. PLANT MATFRTAISr GRASS MATFRTALS: GRASS S M: PROVIDE FRESH, CLEAN, NEW -CROP SEED COMPLYING WITH TOLERANCE FOR PURITY AND GERMINATION ESTABLISHED BY OFFICIAL SEED ANALYSTS OF NORTH AMERICA. PROVIDE SEED OF GRASS SPECIES, PROPOTIONS AND MINIMUM PERCENTAGES OF PURITY, GERMINATION, AND MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE OF WEED SEED, AS SPECIFIED. SOD: PROVIDE STRONGLY ROOTED SOD, NOT LESS THAN 2 YEARS OLD AND FREE OF WEEDS AND UNDESIRABLE NATIVE GRASSES. PROVIDE .� ONLY SOD CAPABLE OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT WHEN PLANTED (VIABLE, NOT DORMANT). m WHEN WIND VELOCITY EXCEEDS 5 MI. PER HR. DISTRIBUTE SEED EVENLY OVER ENTIRE AREA BY SOWING EQUAL QUANTITY IN 2 DIRECTIONS AT RIGHT ANGLES TO EACH OTHER. 5 -QW NOT LESS THAN THE QUANTITY OF SEED SPECIFIED OR SCHEDULED. 895E 55-M LIGHTLY INTO TOP 1/8" OF SOIL, ROLL LIGHTLY, AND WATER WITH A FINE SPRAY. PROTECT SEEDED SLOPES AGAINST EROSION WITH EROSION NETTING OR OTHER METHODS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ENGINEER. PROTECT EEEDEJ2 AREAS. AGAINST EROSION BY SPREADING SPECIFIED LAWN MULCH AFTER COMPLETION OF SEEDING OPERATIONS. SPREAD UNIFORMLY TO FORM A CONTINUOUS BLANKET NOT LESS THAN 1-1/2" LOOSE MEASUREMENT OVER SEEDED AREAS. SODDING RE.W LAWNS: ,LAY SOD WITHIN 24 HOURS FROM TIME OF STRIPPING. DO NOT PLANT DORMANT SOD OR IF GROUND IS FROZEN. LAY SOD TO FORM A SOLID MASS WITH TIGHTLY FITTED JOINTS, BUTT ENDS AND SIDES OF SOD STRIPS; DO NOT OVERLAP. STAGGER STRIPS TO OFFSET JOINTS IN ADJACENT COURSES. WORK FROM BOARDS TO AVOID DAMAGE TO SUBGRADE OR SOD. TAMP OR ROLL LIGHTLY TO ENSURE CONTACT WITH SUBGRADE. WORK SIFTED SOIL INTO MINOR CRACKS BETWEEN PIECES OF SOD; REMOVE EXCESS TO AVOID SMOTHERING OF ADJACENT GRASS,, ANCHOR SOD DA SLOPES WITH WOOD PEGS TO PREVENT SLIPPAGE. WATER SOD THOROUGHLY WITH A FINE SPRAY IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. C •�• •.k_ _ RFCONDITTON EXISTING LAWN AREAS DAMAGED BY CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS INCLUDING STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES. ALSO RECONDITION EXISTING LAWN AREAS WHERE MINOR REGRADING IS REQUIRED. PROVIDE FERTILIZER, SEED OR SOD AND SOIL AMENDMENTS AS SPECIFIED FOR NEW LAWNS AND AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A .. SATISFACTORILY RECONDITIONED LAWN, PROVIDE NEW TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED TO FILL LOW SPOTS AND MEET NEW FINISH GRADES. CULTIVATE RARE Ada COMPACTED AREAS THOROUGHLY TO PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY, PLANTING BED. REMOVE DISEASED AND UNSATISFACTORY LAWN AREAS; DO NOT BURY INTO SOIL. REMOVE TOPSOIL CONTAINING FOREIGN MATERIALS RESULTING FROM CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS INCLUDING OIL r� REQUIREMENTS, REPLACE REJECTED WORK AND CONTINUE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE UNTIL REINSPECTED BY CITY ENGINEER AND FOUND TO sm BE ACCEPTABLE. REMOVE REJECTED MATERIALS PROMPTLY FROM PROJECT SITE. m on m do ow m m w m m m CLEAN INTERIOR OF PIPING OF DIRT AND OTHER SUPERFLUOUS MATERIAL AS WORK PROGRESSES, MAINTAIN SWAB OR DRAG IN LINE AND PULL PAST EACH JOINT AS IT IS COMPLETED. IN LARGE, ACCESSIBLE PIPING, BRUSHES AND BROOMS MAY BE USED FOR CLEANING. PLACE PLUGS IN ENDS OF UNCOMPLETED CONDUIT AT END OF DAY OR WHENEVER WORK STOPS. FLUSH LINES BETWEEN MANHOLES IF REQUIRED TO REMOVE COLLECTED DEBRIS. CATCH BASINS: PROVIDE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASINS AS INDICATED. BASIN: PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE. FRAME AND GRATE: DUCTILE -IRON, TRAFFIC BEARING HEAVY DUTY. PIPE CONNECTORS: RESILIENT, COMPLYING WITH ASTM C 923. INSTALLATION: CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN TO SIZES AND SHAPES INDICATED. SET FRAMES AND GRATES TO ELEVATIONS INDICATED. TESTING: TESTING OF COMPLETED PIPING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO T-180 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 22, 1996 to May 29, 1996 TO: Indian River Drive Shoreline Stabilization Project Phase II, Removal of Rubble and Placement of Coquina Rock FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Chronological Progress Report DATE Descrintion of Work Coouina Boulders Delivered t111NEWCOTOM April 22 Removed Existing Concrete Rubble with County Crane 2 36.01 April 23 Removed Existing Concrete Rubble with County Crane Radiator broke around mid day; used Backhoe Unit #26. I met with Marty Smithson of the SJRWMD to place rock starting at north end C April 24 Requested and received larger size rock; placed rock with backhoe 4 54.63 April 25 Placed rock with backhoe for half a day; remainder of rocks too large to lift without use of crane 6 64.01 April 26 No rock placed; received 2 32.04 revise cross section of rock to be placed as per Marty Smithson DATE Descrintion of Work April 27&28 Weekend April 29 County crane repaired and back on the job to place large boulders one by one. Used backhoe to fill in voids with smaller rock April 30 Placed large boulders with crane. Small rock with backhoe May 1 Crew stopped placing rock at 9 AM because tide was too high to work May 2 Placed large boulders with cranes. I met with Brian Grzesiak to discuss changes in section regarding rock placement Coouina Boulders Delivered Loads Tons May 3 Placed large boulders with crane, small rock with backhoe May 4 & 5 Weekend May 6 Placed large boulders with crane, small rock with backhoe May 7 Crew worked until 11 AM; ran out of boulders and small rock; Florida Aggregate Intergroup could not deliver until Thursday May 8 No boulders delivered, no work today. 4 52.11 1 11.05 3 E May 9 Jerry moved the turbidity barrier 3 and used water truck to wash down fines off of rocks at northend as per my request. Willis, the County Crane Operator called in sick - No rock was placed. May 10 Willis, the County Crane Operator, called in sick - No Rock was placed. 41.44 32.18 MM DATE Description of Work Coquina Boulders Delivered Loads Tons May 11&12 Weekend May 13-21 County Crane was pulled off our /lk shore2 Totals 3 42.74 3 47.80 4 66.95 3 54.37 for Project 40 604.20 x$25.36/ton Total Cost of Rock $15,322.51 Na 7 project to be used on a bridge repair project. May 23 The County Crane arrived at LOAM and placement of the coquina rock along the shoreline was resumed May 24 Work Continued. May 25&26 Weekend May 27 Memorial Day Holiday - no work May 28 Placement of Coquina rock was resumed May 29 Placement of rock was completed today Placement of rock took a total of 12 days over the course of five (5) weeks. /lk shore2 Totals 3 42.74 3 47.80 4 66.95 3 54.37 for Project 40 604.20 x$25.36/ton Total Cost of Rock $15,322.51 Na 7 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 16, 1996 TO,: Carolyn Corum, Jerry Thomas, Tim Smith, Terry Hill and Rob Skok FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director &V SUBJECT: Meeting Regarding Phase II of the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project -------------------------------------------------------------- Your presence is requested for a meeting scheduled at 10AM Wednesday, April 17th at our conference room to discuss the construction of the coquina boulder stabilization project on the shoreline of Riverview Park East. ir2 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX(407)589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 16, 1996 TO: Acting Police Chief David Puscher FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director 0V SUBJECT: Storage of Coquina Rocks at Riverview Park East -------------------------------------------------------------- As you well know, the first phase of the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project was completed last Friday, April 12th with the construction of the coquina oyster bar (wavebreak) along the Riverview Park East shoreline. The remainder of the coquina rip -rap at the south end of the parking spaces east of Indian River Drive and north of Fellsmere Road will be used in the future to fill void spaces between large boulders placed along the shoreline during April 22 -26th. The Sebastian Watershed Action Committee expressed their concern to me that people may take rocks for their own personal use before next week. I would appreciate your co-operation in alerting your officers on patrol and auxiliary volunteers that no one is to take any rocks from the existing piles. If they find that the rocks become a public attraction for souvenir hunters, please let me know. If removal of the rocks becomes a problem, then our Public Works bepartment will have to remove and store them at our compound. rocks April 17, 1996 Meeting on Phase II of the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project along Riverview Park East Attendees: Carolyn Corum, Jerry Thomas, Terry Hill, Terry Cook, Tim Smith, Rob Skok, Rich Votapka, Paul St. Pierre 1) The project will initially start from the south seawall of Fey's Marina and progress southward. Jerry suggested working in sections allowed by the maximum length of the turbidity barrier. Rob suggested to bring in the turbidity curtain behind the marsh grass. 2) Concrete rubble shall be removed as far back as the top of bank only. 3) Fischer and Sons has agreed to accept the disposal of the concrete rubble. Jerry to reaffirm with Fischer and Sons. 4) The City DPW must remove a sign, monument, and bench to facilitate the County crane to operate at the north end. Leave the bench in for now. 5) Indian River County Road and Bridge Department to furnish crane with clam shell bucket and operator. Crane to be there by 8 am. 6) The DPW can use a video camera to photograph the area before, during, and after construction for documentary purposes. Terry Hill to film the site. 7) The DPW should place the floating turbidity barriers in the water and anchor them with PVC by Friday, April 19th. The DPW will need more 4' - 4 1/2' long stakes to anchor the barrier. 8) Rob Skok and Terry Hill to set stakes to mark the Mean High Water Line as established by Tammy Debu of the FDEP on Friday, April 19th. 9) Richard Hunter of the Florida Aggregates Intergroup in Pt. St. Lucie to deliver the coquina rock on Monday, April 22nd. 10) L. I. Tree Service to be notified to supply yellow sand to the site. It was agreed to have the sand brought to the jobsite on an as needed basis Monday - Friday. We will need sand between 10-11 AM on Monday. (Rich Votapka called Richard Fey and he agreed to deliver on Monday.) Page 2 of 2 April 17, 1996 Phase II meeting IR Shoreline Project 11) Write a letter to FDEP & Fax Them the date of Commencement of the Shoreline restoration work. Rich wrote a letter to Tammy Debu of the FDEP and faxed it on Wed. April 17, 1996. 12) Write a letter to the FDEP of Notification of Completion 13) Any upland area disturbed by the project shall be sodded within 72 hours of completion of the shoreline stabilization project. 14) The filter cloth is to be trenched in at the top and bottom of the slope at least 18" minimum and placed on a shelf at the top which will be anchored by boulders. 15) After the concrete rubble is removed, sand shall be placed and graded. 16) The filter cloth can be installed and anchored in trenches 17) The Sign Shop shall provide barricades and marking tape to block all parking spaces affected by construction and storage of materials. 18) The existing sod previous laid to prevent possible future erosion can be reused again as required on top of the upland slope. Have new sod laid. It will be too labor intensive to reuse the existing sod. 19) Smaller coquina rip rap will be placed by volunteers in between the large boulders at a later date. The DPW shall supply a front end loader to place piles of the coquina rip rap over the boardwalk on the riverside of the boardwalk. Placement of the rip -rap is tentatively set May 17th as the date this is to be done. irII City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 23, 1996 TO: Thomas W. Frame, City Manager FROM: Richard B. Votapka, Public Works Director (8 1� RE: Shoreline Stabilization Project Marty Smithson said that the SJRWMD normally uses Ecoshores, Inc. out of Port Orange to seascape shoreline vegetation plantings. They have completed over two dozen projects in the Sebastian area over a period of five (5) years. Marty said that Ecoshores works on a contract by contract basis and is the only vegetative contractor the District is currently using. They guarantee a 100% survivability rate over a year period. shore City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET C1 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: Ar'l l Z9) Iq9 6 TO: f, jc,+ FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director SUBJECT: GIc. IA -1 :. of Aaid-4-cw...a F-14, CIo11, Ll�,�;'A dv 1=�..;+.-r,'—fmo4 - Jc<rj �.a..t3 Vwa L..,�.I i^fM...�., .,;,�, �O v✓ivv:.. �� +�.. S Iwvt.l . w.f. TO Ix Govut-A w; -1t., ca4v�;, ..ovk Oro �2-e— a DIpwK %.--- 41A 300 �. ZI,L Ll . " - vud 4�- 411L 410-- of s lo✓k iv 1�4- -1bp of s l0,al— is 2.3 cis mows e Po; a to o ti+ a u zs V_ B a��nac -T� ovu1q�o 5 a� 12 w:dL "Il io l0•5 �. 17 ��d y 300 I rW a ^5 ZS. 5-7 Z9 "'A+f K 23 Io.,, = 6Co7 -Pe.et% Tku, iJ a,rmx //Z % -�w 4;1 w;ll �. P? -mm K 300,1" = 15o 150/ 1". = 23 1" / = Co.5 (0.5/v 10.51 w:441. ' (o8,2s11+ 2-3OO'ml ls = 6G81 7667� Tbe,re%.f ,order +wo siv", rolls. 0 EMERGENCY PURCHASE DATE REQUIRED: 5-4-96 DATE SUBMITTED: d -79-9A CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 REQUISITION 1. Department Rnadl , anri ,l qn�� 2. Individual Requesting JerrV THomas 3. Department Head (approval) _�Fs l��,� 4. Final Approval 5. Disapproved (return to requestor) NAME ADDRESS CITY For Finance Office use on Funds Available Funds Not -Available Budgeted Not Budgeted ROUTING 6. Work/Job # 7. Project ID# DR -2-96 8. Account # 001-30-590-630 9. Purchase Order # 10. Stock Item 11. Immediate Use SUGGESTED VENDOR American Boom and Barrier B052 Astronaut Blvd rape CLa yeral STATE Fl 7006 Nicolon Woven Filter Fabric per FDOT Table 985 12 foot wide x 300 ft long roll. Pink copy to be retained by Requestor ZIP 32920 2 $400. $800.0 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 7, 1996 at 2:30 PM on Site TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director %iv/ SUBJECT: Replacement of Existing Coquina Rock Along The Shoreline At Riverview Park (East) 1) Replace all small rock 50' south of the bulkhead (seawall) for Channel 68 to the palm tree on the Riverview Park East Shoreline. 2) Rich to call for Mr. Boatwright's crew (7 men) at the Indian River Correctional Institute. Have the Corrections Crew pull up existing small rocks & place them on the grass area just east of the boardwalk. The small rocks will be reused for filler in the void spaces between the large rocks to be placed. 3) Willis, the County's crane operator, will pull out the smaller rock at toe of slope with the crane and reset larger rock in their place. Cliff Jamison will help Willis and be present to direct the Corrections Crew when they are working. 4) A turbidity barrier is to be set using 2 sections of 50 feet each. Jerry Thomas will arrange for this to be accomplished prior to replacement of the toe rock. 5) Our crew can replace rock as they did on a graduated basis further south along the shoreline. 6) Rich will call Terry Cook, Indian River County Road and Bridge Superintendent, to schedule the crane after the Corrections Crew finishes removing the existing rock. Rich will check to see if the Corrections Crew can help our crew for replacement of the rock as well. Page 2 of 2 - June 7, 1996 Memo re: Replacement of Coquina Rock 7) Rich will have our Sign Shop make "Keep Off Rocks" signs. Carolyn Corum suggested an ordinance for enforcement and fine ($50) was suggested as the fine for climbing or walking in these rocks. 8) Rich will try to call Marty Smithson at the St. Johns River Water Management District about a letter to Mr. Frame on Monday, June 10th regarding the selection of Eco Shores to plant marsh grass and ground cover. If there is a problem with a specific selection , we can talk with City Attorney Valerie Settles to render an opinion about bid waiver to hire a specific contractor. cc: Carolyn Corum Jerry Thomas Marty Smithson, SJRWMD ir6 04/26/1996 14:35 407-388-2966 IAtc{\ CAROLYN CORUM ValbVA' PAGE 02 . NIT` to, 11 be.. et+a deep, ti ar� S a. -rer%c . S � $ Q 1 Mia iM►� *� cl�e�o dos 4=0 �jd' (Le+�� A 4�3 Aft &.^of .16 /1" 06.4 r� cK +A*It over.�t% I i- a ♦ b c10 +k . �ar 0.4. k'ov -y—o -I-.., cl; � •. �1� c Gl o'er . (nsyt (.' Piro C.&ed Lit y .oma ? M earfy w 1aII 1%0+ be Ikare M o 1PIat 3 d I '04/26/1996 14:35 407-388-2966 CAROLYN CORUM PAGE 03 RPR-2i5='96'FRI 12:53 In: Y -I �tA F RX NO: G O r N . r O �e e 4 i 9753 P01 �� City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 a FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project / FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director & V SUBJECT: Various Suggested Cross Sections for this Project The most recent suggested cross section for installation of the filter fabric and coquina rock was faxed to the Department of Public Works on April 26, 1996 by Marty Smithson of the SJRWMD. This cross section shows a dimensioned trench at the top of the slope and at the toe of slope. It also shows placement of the rock directly on top of the filter cloth. This differs from Mike Walther's sketch of May 12, 1995 and the typical section on Figure 4 which was submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Both of those sketches show a minimum of 6" of gravel on the slope between the filter cloth and rocks. However, on a steep slope all of the gravel may slide down to the bottom of the slope along with the heavier boulders on top. Andy Hackett of Ocean Breeze Construction, an Erosion Control Specialist, told me not to use gravel under the large boulders. "Figure 4 - Typical Section" of the permit drawings Marty Smithson sent to the FDEP does not show any trenches either at the top or toe of slope. It does not show the filter fabric embedded in the soil nor how the filter cloth is tucked. It does not specify any overlaps. It does not show a typical slope. It does not show the size of the boulders. The sketch from Mike Walther of Coastal Technology shows a poured concrete tie beam on the top. An earlier sketch from Marty Smithson shows coquina rock placed directly on the filter cloth without a gravel layer and without trenches top and bottom. Page 2 of 2 Memo RE: Shoreline Stabilization dated 4/29/96 Andy Hackett of Ocean Breeze Construction of Palm Beach Gardens, suggested a trench at the tow of the slope but no gravel on the filter cloth and no top trench. He suggested a cable block system. The American Boom and Barrier Co. brochure suggested a trench at the bottom and top of slope similar to the April 29th sketch from Marty Smithson but, no dimensions are shown for the two trenches. Unfortunately, there were no detailed drawings showing the trenches at the beginning of the project on April 22nd and the cross section dimensions seem to have evolved during the course of construction. It seems that there is not a clear, precise, specific engineered method on construction of the shoreline stabilization project. What is being constructed now is certainly different from the permit drawings submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Rock sizes have varied from 18" thick to 24" to 30". The boulders Carolyn Corum prefers seem to be between 36" to 42" to 48". Determination of what size rock suitable for this project seems to be purely judgmental. The bigger the better, of course. The large size boulders preferred by Carolyn Corum are beyond the size specified in the "Coquina Boulder" contract with the Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. The boulders were suppose to range between 24" to 30", so that they could be picked up by the County Road and Bridge Department crane's clam shell bucket. ir3 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 11 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 C1 FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 12, 1996 TO: Jerry Thomas, Assistant Public Works Director FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director 941/ SUBJECT: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization There was no need to have our crew remove the rocks at the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization project today. As per our discussion last Friday, June 7, I was to schedule the Indian River Corrections crew to do this, not our employees. You could have scheduled our employees to work on other projects such as those prioritized on our monthly schedule. Don't do any more work on the stabilization project until further notice from me. jerry City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 El FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 1996 TO: Marty Smithson, Interagency Program Manager St. Johns River Water Management District FROM: Richard B. Votapka, Public Works Director I&V RE: In -Kind labor and Equipment Contributions as of May 10, 1996 on the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project No. DR -2-96 The following is an actual account of the labor and equipment used on the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project on the east shoreline of Riverview Park in Sebastian, Florida. On April 11 Sebastian Department of Public Works crews installed the turbidity barrier and delivered bleachers to the site. On April 12, a maintenance worker assisted the volunteers in placing the small rocks for the "experimental oyster bar". The actual removal of rubble began on April 22, and placement of coquina rip -rap and boulders began on April 23, 1996. DATE Equip/Personnel # of Hours 4-11-96 Unit #27 4 Hours 1-Maint II 4 Hours 3-Maint I 4 Hours 1-PW/Eng Tech 4 Hours 4-12-96 Unit #26 1-Maint III 8 Hours 8 Hours 4-22-96 County Crane 8 Hours Units 10 & 27 8 Hours 2-Maint H 8 Hours Daily $ $ 92.60 $ 42.32 $ 106.44 56.96 $ 298.32 $ 106.00 92.56 $ 198.56 $ 420.00 $ 285.20 169.28 $ 874.48 Running Total $ 298.32 $1371.36 .r •_ Page 2 of 3 Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project In-kind Contribution memo 4-23-96 County Crane 8 Hours $ 420.00 Units 10 & 27 8 Hours $ 285.20 2-Maint II 8 Hours $169.28 $ 874.48 $2245.84 4-24-96 1-Maint III 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint II 8 Hours $ 84.64 2-Maint I 8 Hours $150.40 1 -Laborer 8 Hours 35.84 $363.44 $2609.28 4-25-96 1-Maint 111 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint 11 8 Hours $ 84.64 2-Maint I 8 Hours $150.40 1 -Laborer 8 Hours 35.84 $363.44 $2972.72 4-30-96 County Crane 8 Hours $420.00 1-Maint III 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint II 8 Hours $ 84.64 2-Maint I 8 Hours $150.40 1 -Laborer 8 Hours 35.84 $783.44 $3756.16 5-1-96 County Crane 8 Hours $420.00 1-Maint III 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint 11 8 Hours $ 84.64 2-Maint I 8 Hours $150.40 1 -Laborer 8 Hours 35.84 $783.44 $4539.60 5-2-96 County Crane 8 Hours $420.00 1 -Maim III 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint II 8 Hours $ 84.64 2-Maint I 8 Hours $150.40 I -Laborer 8 Hours 35.84 $783.44 $5323.04 5-3-96 County Crane 8 Hours $420.00 1-Maint 111 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint II 8 Hours $ 84.64 2-Maint I 8 Hours $150.40 1 -Laborer &Hours 35.84 $783.44 $6106.48 Page 3 of 3 Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project In-kind Contribution memo 5-6-96 County Crane 8 Hours $420.00 1-Maint III 8 Hours $ 92.56 1-Maint H 4 Hours $ 42.32 1-Maint 1 8 Hours $ 75.20 1 -Laborer 8 Hours 35.84 $665.92 $6772.40 5-7-96 County Crane 4 Hours $210.00 1-Maint III 4 Hours $ 46.28 1-Maint II 4 Hours $ 42.32 1 -Laborer 4 Hours 8.96 $307.56 $7079.96 5-10-96 Unit 92 3 Hours $ 14.25 1-Maint III 3 Hours $ 34.71 1-Maint II 3 Hours $ 31.74 1-Maint I 3 Hours $ 27.39 1 -Laborer 3 Hours $ 13.44 $121.53 $7201.49 It is projected that it will take at least another five (5) full days to complete the remainder of the project. Using a cost figure of $783.44 per day, a 5 day total equals $3917.20 which when added to $7201.49 equals $11,218.69 for a projected in-kind service cost. inkind City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 11 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 TO: Rich Votapka, P.E. Public Works/Utilities Director FROM: Jerry Thomas,9-— Assistant Public Works Director DATE: May 20, 1996 SUBJECT: Update on Shoreline Stabilization Project Harry Thomas of 654 Balboa Street would like a daily update on the progression of the Shoreline Stabilization Project. Mr. Thomas can be reached at 388-3196. JT/sg CC: File City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 5, 1996 TO: Jody Bricker, Brian Grzesiak, Cliff Jamison, Robert Mangarell, Jerry Thomas FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director . (MV SUBJECT: On -Site Meeting on Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project Your presence is requested at 2:30 PM on Friday, June 7, 1996 at the north end of Riverview Park east at the pavilion near the seawall for Channel 68 Marina. We will discuss the replacement of the existing coquina rock that was placed during the early stages of the project in late April. Unfortunately, the rock size is smaller than desired by the St. Johns River Water Management District and the Sebastian Watershed Action Committee (SWAC). Since all of you worked on the project, I would like to meet with all of you to determine the limits of replacement and the method of replacement to be used. cc: Carolyn Corum, Chairman, SWAC Ak rvrmeet 05/30/1996 12:37 407-388-2966 CAROLYN CORUM PAGE 01 To : R;ch VO+Ctlokql-- I WorKs DirectOoo- F rO m C qro �j� C� r ung. Ck&*4 r', aZ P a9 e f ',p 7a 110w �o�to a4 Ax ,gyp? 4-0146 05/30/1996 12:37 407-388-2966 CAROLYN CORUM PAGE 02 T -a9 -?4 SEBASTIAN WATERSHED ACTION COMMITTEE CAROLYN CORUM , SWAC CHAIRPERSON 881 DOLORES STREET SEBASTIAN , FL. 32958 RICH VOTAPKA, PW DIRECTOR CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN ST. SEBASTIAN, FL. 32958 RE: RECOMMENDATION FROM SWAC CONCERNING EROSION PROJECT AT RIVERVIEW PARK BACKGROUND ...... APRIL 22,1996 C. ROCK DELIVERED, CITY USED FRONT END LOADER TO LAY ROCK. APRIL 23,1996 M. SMITHSON(SJRWMD) ON SITE. APRIL 23 SMITHSON VISITED R. VOTAPKA(P.W. DIRECTOR) SAID ROCK TOO SMALL , LARGER ROCK NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT IN AND THAT AREA (APPROXIMATELY 301 OUGHT TO BE RE DONE. C. CORUM(SWAC CHAIR) PERODICALLY REMINDED VOTAPKA ABOUT SMITHSON'S RECOMMENDATION TO FIX THAT NORTHERN 30' OF SHORELINE. THE WATERSHED COMMITTEE VOTED UNAMIMOUSLY TO SUPPORT SJRWMD RECOMMENDATION. WHICH IS TO REMOVE THE SMALL COQUINA ROCK THAT WAS LAID DURING THE FIRST DAYS OF THE PROJECT , THEN LAY THE LARGER ROCK TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE REST OF THE SHORELINE. ( APPROXIMATELY 30' AT THE NORTH END OF THE PROJECT ) THE SMALL ROCK IS NOT CONSISTENT AND POSES A SAFETY HAZARD FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. E)5/30/1996 12.37 407-388-2966 CAROLYN CORUM PAGE 03 THE DECISION IS ULTIMATELY THE CITY'S TO MAKE. IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT ALONG THE 500' OF SHORELINE, THE NORTH END HAS A SEAWALL ADJACENT TO IT AND THEREFORE DOES NOT TAKE QUITE THE BEATING THE SOUTH END IS EXPOSED TO. IN THE SAME NOTE WE MUST REMEMBER THE NORTH END WITH REGULARITY HAS HIGH WATER TO THE TOP OF THE SLOPE. IT IS TIME TO SCHEDULE THE MANGROVE PLANTING. THIS IS TO TAKE PLACE AT THE FIRST 100' OF THE NORTH SHORE. THEREFORE WE NEED TO KNOW IF YOU INTEND TO RE DO THE SECTION IN QUESTION. THANK YOU , CAROLY.N CORUM, SWAC CHAIRPERSON City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 7, 1996 at 2:30 PM on Site TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director Ali/ SUBJECT: Replacement of Existing Coquina Rock Along The Shoreline At Riverview Park (East) 1) Replace all small rock 50' south of the bulkhead (seawall) for Channel 68 to the palm tree on the Riverview Park East Shoreline. 2) Rich to call for Mr. Boatwright's crew (7 men) at the Indian River Correctional Institute. Have the Corrections Crew pull up existing small rocks & place them on the grass area just east of the boardwalk. The small rocks will be reused for filler in the void spaces between the large rocks to be placed. 3) Willis, the County's crane operator, will pull out the smaller rock at toe of slope with the crane and reset larger rock in their place. Cliff Jamison will help Willis and be present to direct the Corrections Crew when they are working. 4) A turbidity barrier is to be set using 2 sections of 50 feet each. Jerry Thomas will arrange for this to be accomplished prior to replacement of the toe rock. 5) Our crew can replace rock as they did on a graduated basis further south along the shoreline. 6) Rich will call Terry Cook, Indian River County Road and Bridge Superintendent, to schedule the crane after the Corrections Crew finishes removing the existing rock. Rich will check to see if the Corrections Crew can help our crew for replacement of the rock as well. Page 2 of 2 - June 7, 1996 Memo re: Replacement of Coquina Rock 7) Rich will have our Sign Shop make "Keep Off Rocks" signs, Carolyn Corum suggested an ordinance for enforcement and fine ($50) was suggested as the fine for climbing or walking in these rocks. 8) Rich will try to call Marty Smithson at the St. Johns River Water Management District about a letter to W. Frame on Monday, June IOth regarding the selection of Eco Shores to plant marsh grass and ground cover. If there is a problem with a specific selection , we can talk with City Attorney Valerie Settles to render an opinion about bid waiver to hire a specific contractor. cc: Carolyn Corum Jerry Thomas Marty Smithson, SJRWMD ir6 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 13 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM Date: June 18, 1996 To: Bob Korda & Paul St.Pierre, Sign Shop From: Richard B. Votapka, P.E. r V Public Works Director " Subject: Signs for the Shoreline Stabilization Project at the Indian River east of Riverview Park Now that all of the coquina rock has been placed on the shoreline, please make five (5) "KEEP OFF THE ROCKS" signs. I would like them to be small so their presence does not detract from the view of the area. Make up a prototype sign so I can review it before you make all five signs. korda /sg City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM Date: June 18, 1996 To: Bob Korda & Paul St.Pierre, Sign Shop From: Richard B. Votapka, P.E. pO,/ Public Works Director Subject: Signs for the Shoreline Stabilization Project at the Indian River east of Riverview Park Now that all of the coquina rock has been placed on the shoreline, please make five (5) "KEEP OFF THE ROCKS" signs. I would like them to be small so their presence does not detract from the view of the area. Make up a prototype sign so I can review it before you make all five signs. korda /sg I Wa NZUL aQL a•L r+, 3,) nd san ss113Vds Qi oi% n1la o1 -W+o'D -V_Y VHs nun rxeannog +,abZ-„81 f J_ -.p -Ova a.OL da 0N9 'VL oL hi nos • 1.3 9%1 Wo2)Z9 '£ •M7 ria>'•+ 30L 24I M 0svV'1d SVM dV25-dl2i anlrlao' „g -,9 ` l.d 9 -)1 01 'Ld o41 WodA • 7 ')OM%21L 30L -ML hl '33L'11d .2HL n, NL,M 2Mda•13PN3 SVM ONUS Mo-n3A 'L33A O%l NLnoS 'D"105 tlN+t,Wq g 9 do 301S MLncS ?nL No n'lYM V.35 3N,.1 "a -SA • Z }1 rAS-AL- 3oL ahL T+O S SON yip w oLL_og -u nt z+ '1t1 bz n1adV do sv •U_.onno8 -a,.addn ewL J-0 130ddnS boa m,vy1 301. �MLrn W"V,d SVM il�OnnO� 39't►Y'1 `ti ants ter'+s-vf72a n) n3'7v1d aZ7t! sr»o?J, aHLer4ru'voms aVi ran OroVMdo _�aQ's do aoy dttL •D3No 12 rQ'yd 3r1 .i0 Or -a _1*'L 11LNnCzs) OIL jAmlxw7 n1+M aNV) 1 3=A Z.L -JO NLnO$ p-,wid 323km ,P2 x „ Otr * .a9 oL •'Y1 VM —va_v YN+IJVN 89 '�>rNYM� .B17.L Jo vLncs Z L LtiaLVW17o2tad d _Ac�.J "1V 101.i cvm sn)L '3P0'1T '+NL an os -iv -\d wv vl o” _79k_w.VWs • eda'+s eo AoL'-°`ML- LV OaW18 T7).en n21x,ZlX„y2 0l „2\x„S2XN9� 1*Ir''8 � -� r+t o nyD S"ti-ao•1 no4-21�9"Lb1 �1 ,OLBL'zad Y•a r+'ML Y1bo21 _BAlnVWS :20 o9LslSna7 9661 'Z2 `"V No o�2�>nt1 -aQ m9021 =10 sava') OtA.L 15�I� aHL .l S51z+orn - 1%Igna �o ba Zara V-A8NOLO(\ '5'21 > a 0321Vd�dd . Vnroo7 '� Sams do "3oy �ibb)'�Z 117Jdij NO 1`+t1 �7 any Y+`JO� =30 L1`iaw3'JHic] tN 011_7 n23L.S IN OO tj Nt,2)nd 1No1L_zS �YOId�--• N1 53�71N+dFi'' �o QaCr'7��. 3n1'\.a2tONs 0.ado'1s NO oao�nd MACInoa vr+tna o -J T40 S?LON 3 +� S 971-- L91 i NolL:-D35 1 /l N NLY-M1b�ofvl QBN�n1 N]-al'J Tk�1.'11J L118d L61 O1 1a�nd Lit Z t+o+L'�S 1•).1var+'b.>arn 0.�NorLL. NLQl7 "7�a'Lll� � sH7oy an+nC �7� Laa� L£1 do �7rVis+a a nino5 VrvIaHW Q9 "'La i+N ki,1'J =10 �'VmVacS WO'6;1 (� Z NOIL7�5 NL17-1� Z7.'nL�1d 62 3o ''moi 'Lt 30 NLd_ad V Jai/ „SVM =so N1d34 3T+L J •�J'd, � � � � N7wbL WA win ti r1L.m� -v3L.-t 1� S3; -LIS 71.7Q'71 0.oLH n0'd21rJ _L•S'aLa y12!iJd I`AB)nzlarnt-al S• -a 11'71.43 -.2'3 .L ado�5 do do•L admS Jo dol. v _ l a � CLa1DVA 0.�LV13�73� I �9 Io� vaav 7L'1YMOVV09 Is' .L�aro2Ja ivolLtl�l'119aJ-S 3NC13Z10t1S '�_>Gnx>!I N1dV3N1 Nd LS d�l�S =10 1'IXD VL bZ 112)d1j a7NIL "gl S1 r:gcls Na dtl12A3A0 'Z SMLa NM , ZI nl An1 V71La9n o+tln SI Mip'Y7 Z+i'11d 'i NL0•1'7 Z53L•1lJ NO S3.L0(v RIVERVIEW PARK SHORELINE STABILIZATION ALTERNATIVES for the CITY OF SEBASTIAN COASTAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Vero Beach, FL April 1994 RIVERVIEW PARK SHORELINE STABILIZATION INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this letter report is: a) to present alternative concepts for shoreline stabilization along the eroding shoreline of Riverview Park; b) to identify those alternatives deemed permittable by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as noted at a pre -application meeting; c) to identify potential funding sources; and, d) to provide recommendations for shoreline stabilization. The City will separately address landscaping and aquatic vegetation requirements related to the enhancement of the park shoreline in concert with stabilization efforts. SITE OBSERVATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS: Coastal Tech performed site measurements and obtained photographs at Riverview Park on February 11, 1994. The park occupies approximately 658 feet of shoreline fronting the Indian River and is bounded to the north by Channel 68 Marina, to the south by a mobile home park, and to the west by Indian River Drive. The upland improvements include a five foot wide wooden boardwalk, benches, two covered picnic pavilions, a footbridge which crosses a stormwater detention system, palm trees, and unpaved parking access for approximately 25 cars (see the attached photographs). The existing shoreline is unstabilized and displays variable signs of erosional stress over the parcel; the shoreline segment fronting the parking area has a near -vertical escarpment of variable position relative to the on -grade wooden boardwalk. On the date of the site visit, the top of the escarpment was as close as 6 feet to the east edge of the boardwalk. Concrete debris, the majority of which is less than 2 feet in diameter, was observed within and along the eroded toe of the escarpment as well as on the narrow beach fronting the escarpment. South of the stormwater discharge point to the Indian River (via a 24" diameter corrugated metal pipe), shoreline erosion is not as pronounced, although a distinct escarpment was observed over the entire park parcel. The area south of the discharge pipe displays a high density of wetlands vegetation including Spartina alterniflora, Scrlpus Americanus, Pasnalum vaainatum, Distichlis s icata, and Sesuvium portulacastrum. Several small (less than 4' high) Rhizonhora mangle were observed adjacent to the concrete bulkhead at Channel 68 Marina and growing amidst the intertidal shoreline grasses. Discrete, dense patches of Spartina alterniflora and Sesuvium portulacastrum were observed approximately 100 feet, 260 feet, and 360 feet south of the northern park boundary; shoreline losses are evident landward of these vegetative stands, although the escarpments are not as high in the "shadow" created by the vegetation as in the adjacent, unprotected area. An emergent oyster bed was observed offshore of the southern segment of the park approximately midway between the south property line and the stormwater discharge point. No seagrass beds were visible at the time of the site visit. Based on the above observations, site measurements, and an existing plan view of the park furnished by the City, a series of conceptual sketches were prepared. The existing park conditions are shown in Figure 1; the top of the figure displays a plan view of Riverview Park, with approximate positions of the boardwalk, top of bank, and native (wetlands) vegetation shown. A typical cross section is shown at the bottom of the figure. CONCEPTUAL SHORE PROTECTION ALTERNATIVES: In general, it is considered desirable to stabilize the shoreline so as to allow for a vegetated shoreline. Shoreline stabilization alternatives which were considered prior to the preapplication conference with the DEP and USACE included the following: a) do nothing; b) submerged breakwater; c) emergent breakwater; d) revetment; and, e) sand fill nourishment. Alternatives "a through e" were sketched on the "master plan" and cross section presented in Figure 1; these alternatives are shown in Figures 2 - 5 respectively (note: no graphic distinction was made between a submerged or emergent breakwater shown in Figure 3). PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE: On February 14, 1994, Coastal Tech met with Ms. Linda Ferrell of the USACE and Ms. Tamy Weingarden of the DEP to view the property and to discuss the conceptual shore protection alternatives presented above. Both regulatory agency representatives noted the existing wetlands vegetation and indicated that it would be considered jurisdictional. Such jurisdiction appeared to extend approximately to the top of the existing bank (escarpment); a detailed topographic survey, with an approximately 50 foot on -center transect (profile) spacing, was recommended to accompany any application for a permit to assist in agency review and impact determination. Noting the oyster beds and shallow water depths, a Mean High Water (MHW)/jurisdictional determination and a seagrass (submerged aquatic vegetation) assessment were strongly recommended by both agencies as additional submittal items. It was suggested that such activities could be coordinated with Mr. Brian Poole (DEP Division of State Lands and Aquatic Preserves) prior to a formal application submittal. 2 w \ Seale In Fee} / Indian River Drive Pavilion I Exist. _ Exist. t _.. _.._ r.._.._.._.._. _,.._.._.._. Riverview Park _.._.. _ Outfall of Bank Exist. Walk e -- - � tYP eI — C I O '�41I i I Existing o� Vegetation i tYP I 5- -- — - - - Approximate Existing Grade Mean High Water TExisting EI.+0.55 NGVD� Walk '1 0 , I Existing Rubble o and Debris a �' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance - Feet Existing Conditions (based on field measurements) Riverview Park East Figure 1 :m p ,/- 40 80 \ Scale 1n Feei Indian River Drive Exist. Pavilion _.._.._..—.._..-. .. _.._.tYP.. outtail Riverview Park Exist. Walk 1 e --.--.-._._. 7typ 1 _ O Exist. Q Top of Anticipated Existing Bank Erosion e Vegetation tYP I Approx. Existing 5- —.... Grade Anticipated Eroded Shoreline Existing Profile Erosion Walk Mean High Water Cm 0 EI.+0.55 NGVD t' ° - o - w c 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (a): Do Nothin Figure 2 — -- cn / --- --... 4 40 - gi -- - ------— ------ ' -`- ---- Scale in Feet Indian River Drive T Pavilion V —Exist. Exist. Top _ t I outfall of '9ank'— Riverview Park Exist. Walktyp i Proposed Proposed Existing Sand Fill Breakwater a Vegetation i tYp i Proposed Sand Fill (to Additional Stone to be be planted with Native added to create an Grasses as appropriate) Emergent Breakwater 5- - a� Mean High Water Approx.—/ 2 Proposed E1.+0.55 NGVD� c Existing E fisting �1 Breakwater, , -, Walk o .-x ° Existing Rubble _�- °' and Debris I 5, w tYp 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance - Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (b and 6: Breakwater/Sand Fill Figure 3 0 4 - 80 \ Scale in Feel � \ Indian River Drive Pavilion .—Exist. Exist. Top: ty� r..—..—.._.._..._..�.._.._.._.._..—.._..—.._.._.._.._....._.._.. _ ._..— Outfall of Bank Riverview Park i Exist. Walk i o - - --- tYP i :. o—0000°o o°000000 0°0°0°0°000 o •o ° 0 0 0 00°0 0 0 00°0° O Proposed Rock Revetment Existing o Vegetation typ I _ 16' —I 5 1'ty 2.25' Armor Stone Q) Proposed 2 Mean High Water L, TExisfing Fill \ �t EI.+0.55 NGVD� Walk 0 6" Gravel s > —EI. -2.0 a) Proposed w Existing Rubble Excavation and Debris Filter Cloth —51 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance — Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (d): Rock Revetment Figure 4 //Q ---- 40 8.0 _ � \ \ Seale in Feet Indian River Drive Pavilion Exist. Exist_Top-.._„_ _ _ _ — _ tLp _ r..—.._.._.._..._..�.._.ist. .—. — I Outfall of Bank Riverview Park Exist. Walk I1117/T— .-- typ e I _ .., Proposed I 0 Sand Fill Existing o Vegetation tYP I 10' Berm (typ) Proposed (fo be planted with nailve vegalalion) Sand Fill 5-=7- - - 2 Mean High Water Approx.—/�� EL+0.55 NGVD� Existing Existing Walk Grade l 0 Existing Rubble � c and Debris �— 0 a (D ED U 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance - Feet Shoreline Stabilization Alternative (e): Sand Fill Figure 5 Coastal Tech reviewed the alternative concepts with the DEP and USACE; the "do nothing" alternative, (alternative "a") was briefly discussed and deemed not viable due to an inability to prevent continued upland losses. The DEP expressed concern over submerged land and potential resource impacts associated with either a submerged (5 feet) or an emergent breakwater (alternatives "b" and "c") located further than waterward of the MHW shoreline position. Both agencies expressed an inability to approve the sand fill nourishment (alternative "e") due to State/Federal policies regarding "reclaiming" State owned submerged lands; sand fill could only be accomplished to straighten out the "dips" in the bluff. The revetment option (alternative "d") was only partially favored; the DEP indicated such a structure would be restricted to less than 15 feet in width (i.e., the toe of the revetment cannot project more than 5 feet beyond MHW) and would be required to be sited to avoid/minimize vegetation impacts. Both agency representatives indicated an additional, acceptable alternative would be to construct a vertical bulkhead at the top of the bank with a toe scour revetment (required) and to possibly construct a wave break structure at the MHW shoreline. Such a bulkhead would be required to follow the existing top of the escarpment (bank) as would be practical to facilitate construction and to avoid and/or minimize impacts to vegetation. Ms. Weingarden indicated the existing small (less than 1 foot diameter) concrete debris would need to be disposed off-site, but the larger concrete debris could be utilized in construction of either the toe scour revetment or the wave break. The area between these shore protective features could then be planted with native plant species similar to those presently growing along the shoreline. South of the stormwater discharge point, Ms. Weingarden suggested that a wave break structure should optimally tie-in to a small rip -rap revetment which presently exists at the northern -most limit of the adjacent trailer park. Both Ms. Weingarden and Ms. Ferrell reiterated their concern over minimization/avoidance of seagrass and oyster bed impacts. Based on a March 28, 1994 letter from Tamy Weingarden of DEP, it is documented that Tamy "... made the following recommendations for the stabilization at Riverview Park: a) propose a wavebreak at the mean high water along the entire shoreline (avoiding the existing vegetation, including seagrasses) b) propose a seawall at the existing embankment faced with rip rap at a 2:1 slope (generally the rip rap is no greater then 4 feet in total width) (except in the marsh area where a wavebreak is recommended) c) propose only coquina rock rip rap along the shoreline d) combination of a wavebreak and seawall and coquina rock along the shoreline." Figures 6, 7, and 8 depict the basic conceptual shoreline stabilization scheme consistent with recommendations a, b, and c above, respectively. 51 \ Scale in Fee} Indian River Drive T Pavilion I.— Exist. _ Exist. Tom _ _ typ r..—..—..—..—..._..�.._..—..—. _.erview .—. rk —..� I outfall of bank Riverview Park Exist. Walk o I I fyP oProposed °roposed° Proposed Toe Scour Bulkhead Fill Existing Revetment alis Vegetation typ I kCap EI.+4.8 J Proposed Armor Stone Mean High Water Existin Pro osed J n. EI.+0.55 NGVD g Pk12 EI.+2.0 WalkFill 0 0- Existing Rubble ------ a and Debris —EL -2.0 �- w Proposed PZH-t Aluminum - 6"Gravel-� � Filter Cloth Approx. Sheet Pile Bulkhead Existing Grade 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance - Feet --Min. Tip EI. -8.6 Permittable Shoreline Stabilization Alternative: Bulkhead w/Toe Scour Revetment Figure 6 0 4 40 810 - -- \ Scale in Feet / \ Indian River T L� Exist. Exist.To� i Outfall of Bank Exist. Walk I' tyP e — 0 0 0 O Existing Vegetation typ J Existing Q) Walk I C 0 O 0 a� nn 6" G Drive Pavilion _.._..—.._..—.._.t'Lp.._ ._.._ Riverview Park �°-n t1 n° 0 0 o 0 o ' I Proposed Rock Revetment o! _ 13.5 t --2 25' Armor Existing Rubble and Debris Stone X11 — EI. -2.0 Filter Cloth Mean High Water EI.+0.55 NGVD� e 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Distance — Feet Permittable Shoreline Stabilization Alternative: Rock Revetment Figure 7 9 40 50 \ Scale to Feet � \ Indian River Drive T Pavilion _ _ _ ri e OExuitsfta.ll _ —.Exis=t. Top - .of .B—ank _---.. Exist. Walk ew Pa_rk tYP ..—..—.. t _..� I _ • - --., _ i Proposed Wave Break Existing o Vegetation i typ 5- -- TExisting Q) Walk 1 0- i c 0 0 ' -5 0 w � S Proposed Approx. Wave Break Existing Grade Existing Rubble and Debris 10 15 20 25 Distance - Feet Mean High Water EI.+0.55 NGVD� 30 35 Permittable Shoreline Stabilization Alternative: Wave Break at MHW Shoreline Figure 8 FUNDING SOURCES: Based on informal discussions with Marty Smithson (SJRWMD), and based on prior experience, it is expected that partial funding may be obtained for the project through the SJRWMD SWIMM program or possibly through the FIND grant program. The SJRWMD has available up to 1.2 million dollars annually for projects leading to improved water quality and/or stormwater management - under its demonstration program. Applications are generally submitted through local Watershed Action Committees; the Sebastian River Watershed Action Committee has conceptually approved this project. SJRWMD's fiscal year runs through September 30th. SWIMM funds are typically available by October 1 st. SJRWMD recommends that a scope of work and required agreements be finalized by the end of the year. SJRWMD prefers a 40 percent (of the total costs) local match. FIND receives grant applications by May 2nd of each year; a 50 percent (of total costs) local match is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the above, it is recommended that the City: a) proceed with a detailed site survey to identify topography, nearshore marsh, wetland vegetation, oyster beds, and any seagrasses; b) proceed with formulation of a detailed plan for shoreline stabilization employing a combination of a wave break, seawall, and rip rap to avoid existing resources, stabilize the shoreline, and create vegetated areas to the maximum extent possible; and, c) proceed with dredge and fill permit applications. At this point, construction costs are estimated at $80,000. Survey and resource mapping costs are estimated at $5,000. Permitting costs are estimated at $5,000 - $10,000. Engineering design costs are estimated at $4,800. Thus, total project costs are estimated at about $100,000. It is expected that a combination of seawall, rock revetment, and wave break will prove desirable. For example, the steeper escarpments may warrant a seawall. Based on site conditions, it is feasible that the wave break might be constructed seaward of the MHW if existing resources can be avoided and a vegetated shoreline can be constructed. Total estimated project costs of $100,000 may be reduced by 25% - 50% if all construction occurs upland of MHW. The difference in cost reflects the relative difficulty in processing permits, obtaining sufficient resource mapping to satisfy agency requirements and constructing a structure (e.q., a wave break) seaward of the MHW which would allow for vegetative growth on the landward side. Alternatively, if the shoreline is stabilized with rip rap landward of the MHW line, permit authorizations can be obtained quickly and construction costs would be reduced. 12 .11 .. .. :IPA44 A y t IIIIIr"t- 21 U4 fir` 1 � t 1 t ry� 1 r. - •. ie• I`LL ���� _t r City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 2, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard B. Votapka, Public Works Director 0/ SUBJECT: Undercharge for Coquina Boulders Supplied by the Florida Aggregate Intergroup, Inc. I called Richard Hunter, General Manager, of the Florida Aggregate Intergroup, Inc. the firm that supplied the coquina boulders for the shoreline stabilization project. I told Mr. Hunter that in reviewing the invoices from his firm, I found that his company was only charging the $24.60 per ton price in lieu of the $25.36 per ton price. The $24.60 per ton was for the small coquina rip -rap used in constructing the experimental oyster bar. The $25.36 per ton was for the large coquina boulders to be placed on the shoreline. The price differential for the large boulders was due to less of the large boulders being loaded onto the trucks. Richard Hunter said that he was unaware of the error in the billing. He would notify the Orlando office. However, since it was after the fact, most likely the City would not receive an additional bill. Sally Grunzweig said that a representative from the Florida Aggregate Intergroup called around noon and said that the City was such a good customer that they were not going to charge the City the additional amount due them. rockchg Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. Plant Address REMIT TO: 14171 Range Line Road P.O. BOX 568367 Port St. Lucie, FL 34987 Orlando, FL 32856-8367 (407)465-5046 (407)859-3550 CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN ST SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 IIND R SHORELINE STAB PROJ I 04-22-9E 04-22-9E 104-22-9E 04-22-9E 104-24-9E 104-24-9E ,04-24-9E 04-24-9E 104-24-9E 104-24-9E ,104-24-9E 104-24-9E 04-25-9E 104-25=9E '04-25-9E 104-25-9E 104-25-9E 04-25-9E 104-25-9E 104-25-9E 104-25-9E i I 15.73 15.73 20.28 20.28 12.81 12.81 13.53 13.53 13.11 13.11 15.18 15.18 15.71 15.71 12.12 12.12 14. 27 14.27 11.54 11.54 13. 97 �.y1#E6L RIP RAP Fund #: Haul Chargpcct. #: RIP RAP Haul Charg®bject: RIP RAP Haul ChargtAnita RIP RAP ate Haul ChargLP RIP RAP Init(al: PLEASE REFER TO OUR INVOICE NUMBER SHOWN BELOW ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE, INQUIRIES OR REFERENCES TO THIS INVOICE. F.O.B. Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. 14171 Range Line Road Port St. Lucie, Florida 34987 - DATE 04-29-96 Haul Charg A _ RIP RAP Haul Charge V' RIP RAP Haul Charge RIP RAP Haul Charge RIP RAP Haul Charge RIP RAP Haul Charge RIP RAP CUSTOMER NO. 19009 PAGE NUMBER 1 3147,9 31479 31484 314848 31485'2 31485 314885 __ -.-..- ..._. TOTAL SALES TAX TITLE TO MATERIAL passes to buyer at point of origin. DELIVERY CHARGES are responsibility of buyer and should be remitted to seller as collection agent for shipper. 14. Oe 10. 6¢ 14. 012 10. 60 14.0¢ 10. 60 14. 00 10. 60 14. 02 10. 60 14. 02 10. 60 14. 0Q 10. 6¢ 0Q 14. 0 10. 6 14.0 10.6 14.00 INVOICE 23596 JOB NO. 17391 ORDER NO. 17391 Cr rt f> r. n � � INVOICE , TOTAL 220.22. 166.74 283:92 214.97. 179.34 135.79 189.42 143.42 183:54 138: 97 212.52 160.91 219.94 166.: 53 169.68 128.47 199.78 151:26 161.56. 122.32 195;58 IORELLI,INqq,E cr 15. 73 ' 15.73 , Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. Plant Address REMIT TO: 14171 Range Line Road P.O. BOX 568367 Port St. Lucie, FL 34987 Orlando, FL 32856-8367 (407) 465-5046 (407) 859-3550 20'28'! CITY OF SEBASTIAN 20. 28 1225 MAIN ST 12.81 12.81 SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 13-53 13.53 MATERIAL passes are responsibility n agent for shipper 8 C Total Extensions: PLEASE REFER i0 OUR INVOICE NUMBER SHOWN BELOW ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE, INQUIRIES OR REFERENCES TO THIS INVOICE. F.O.B. Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. 14171 Range Line Road Port St. Lucie, Florida 34987 DATE 04-29-96 CUSTOMER NO. 19009 PAGE NUMBER 2 'pLAtIY 'ARMn®eeR3t ,�1,�'it TITLE TO MATERIAL passes to buyer at point of origin. DELIVERY CHARGES are responsibility of buyer and should be remitted to seller as collection agent for shipper. 31488 314891 314891 31496Q 3149612. 314992 314992 TOTAL SALES TAX 0.00 10. 612 14. OQ 10. 6Q 14. OQ ✓ 10. 6Q 14. 0Q 10. 6Q YARDS/TONS 206.69 '•' wVOICE 23596 JOB NO. 17391 ORDER NO. 17391 148.08 229.60 173.84 205.38 155.50 243.18 184.12 5084.58 5,084.58 13.11 15.18 IND R SHORELINE STAB PROJ 15.18 rt*TtsHIPPEO' -` QUANTITY MATERIAL 15. 7.1 e 15. 7-t 12.12; H 04-25-9E 13.97 Haul Charge 12.12 R H 04-25-9E 16.40 RIP RAP 14-27: R 04-25-9E 16.40 Haul Charge 14.27,04-26-9E H. 14.67 RIP RAP 11.54 ; 04-26-9E 14.67 Haul Charge 11.54 He 04-26-9E 17.37 RIP RAP 13.97; RI 04-26-9E 17.37 Haul Charge MATERIAL passes are responsibility n agent for shipper 8 C Total Extensions: PLEASE REFER i0 OUR INVOICE NUMBER SHOWN BELOW ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE, INQUIRIES OR REFERENCES TO THIS INVOICE. F.O.B. Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. 14171 Range Line Road Port St. Lucie, Florida 34987 DATE 04-29-96 CUSTOMER NO. 19009 PAGE NUMBER 2 'pLAtIY 'ARMn®eeR3t ,�1,�'it TITLE TO MATERIAL passes to buyer at point of origin. DELIVERY CHARGES are responsibility of buyer and should be remitted to seller as collection agent for shipper. 31488 314891 314891 31496Q 3149612. 314992 314992 TOTAL SALES TAX 0.00 10. 612 14. OQ 10. 6Q 14. OQ ✓ 10. 6Q 14. 0Q 10. 6Q YARDS/TONS 206.69 '•' wVOICE 23596 JOB NO. 17391 ORDER NO. 17391 148.08 229.60 173.84 205.38 155.50 243.18 184.12 5084.58 5,084.58 CITY OF SEBASTIAN BIDS FOR THE COQUINA BOULDERS FOR THE SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT BID OPENING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 1996 AT 2:00 PM Ranked in Order of Low Bid CONTRACTOR PROOF OF PUBLIC ENTITY DRUG FREE WORK COQUINA BOULDERS COQUINA RIP-RAFCEMARKS INSURANCE CRIME STMT PLACE FORM UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE Florida Aggregates/intergroup Bid shows breakdown of 1 Inc. Yes Yes Yes $25.36/ton $24.60/ton Material and Haulirlp Charges Submitted Addendum to Bid 2 L. I. Tree Service. Inc. Yes Yes Yes $78.90/ton $67.35/ton for Clarification The following contractor was recommended to be awarded the contract FL_09- DA AG CazEGA-mS IAITtfL-(&a'oUP , INC-, BIFWEDE FOLLOWING CITY EMPLOYEES AT 10:30 AM ON MARCH 1ST, 1996 GeOfficial Pag Agent Richard. B. Votapka, P.E., Public Works Director (bid-awad.wk4) City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 0 FAX (561) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 10, 1996 TO: Carolyn Corum, Chairman Sebastian Watershed Action Committee FROM: Richard B. Votapka, Director of Public Works .05✓ RE: Use of Indian River Correctional Institute Inmate Labor In reference to "pepper tree bashing", I called Lt. Cochenour about using inmate labor force for Thursday & Friday, October 24th and 25th. She agreed to both dates. The labor force, consisting of I officer and 7 crew members, can work between 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM. The 7 crew members will be "youthful offenders" ages 13 to 18. They are wA permitted to use chain saws and not permitted to use herbicides. They are permitted to use axes, machetes, long arm pruning sheers, and hedge clippers. They carry one (1) axe and two (2) machetes on their truck and can use these. I will discuss with Jerry Thomas the possibility of using three (3) of our Roads and Drainage employees to accompany the inmate crew. Our 3 employees can use chain saws to saw down as many pepper trees as possible and the inmates can load the fallen limbs onto the Department's truck. /Ik pepper The birds that well-meaning people feed at Riverview Park in Sebastian, create an unsightly nuisance on the boardwalks and railings. Proposed improvements to the area include a viewing pier, historical signs, and a statue of Warden Paul Rroegel. These will certainly be desecrated by the birds unless people cease attracting the birds by feeding them. These birds are mostly Ring -billed Gulls that go north to nest, and return in early Novemeber to spend the winter. They are scavengers and moochers, a clean-up squad of the bird world, but they leave unhealthy and unpleasant droppings. Too much of anything is not good. There is a simple solution to the problem: Don't feed the birds. "Take your garbage to the landfill and the birds will find their way there. -AY:_ M 74 A �f/rt'• 9130194- /: lLfl�iy ✓V7_ City of Sebastian ` 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 21, 1996 TO: Sign Shop Personnel FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director RSVI SUBJECT: Signs at Riverview Park East Along the Indian River --------------------------------------------------------------- Please prepare a standard size informational sign with the inscription "PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS" to be installed on the east side of the boardwalk facing west at the above location. Make up a prototype and submit it to me before installing the sign. Identical signs should be placed every 100-150 feet along the boardwalk. Let's discuss the spacing. Also, it has been suggested by the Parks and Recreation Department that we need sign stating "DO NOT DEPOSIT HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE OR ANY HAZARDOUS WASTES IN CITY RECEPTACLES". Lately, people have been using the trash receptacles along the river as their own private garbage pails to dispose of their own personal trash. Please make up a prototype sign for my review and also take a count of the number of trash receptacles at Riverview Park. If we can reduce the wording, let me know. Cc en%P Z Z. 4s-�JG Fee i rd S 5,19 ns 'dna o�� p✓'� Ilvl S or�9 e oni, F���d rvwsigns IN SIGN .ikOP � City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 21, 1996 TO: Sign Shop Personnel FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director MV/ SUBJECT: Signs at Riverview Park East Along the Indian River --------------------------------------------------------------- Please prepare a standard size informational sign with the inscription "PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS" to be installed on the east side of the boardwalk facing west at the above location. Make up a prototype and submit it to me before installing the sign. Identical signs should be placed every 100-150 feet along the boardwalk. Let's discuss the spacing. Also, it has been suggested by the Parks and Recreation Department that we need sign stating "DO NOT DEPOSIT HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE OR ANY HAZARDOUS WASTES IN CITY RECEPTACLES". Lately, people have been using the trash receptacles along the river as their own private garbage pails to dispose of their own personal trash. Please make up a prototype sign for my review and also take a count of the number of trash receptacles at Riverview Park. If we can reduce the wording, let me know. rvwsigns • CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. DEPARTMENT NAME, ADDRESS CITY, STATE, Z Il � BY CASH MC.O.D. CHARGE I ON ACCT. MDSE PAIDT ( I I I OU REML� l QUAN. DESCRIPTION J;.'PRICE AMO( 4 5 6 J (r(? A),) n �I .-k7573 7;fe�/i a,.tj If rl- 13 1 15 1 ;, oepartment 161 17 _[:Yl•A �L�B14/ RECEIVED BY DC 5605 KEEP THIS SLIP FOR REFERENCE -fiI/ ;d,—. sur SO n Saving Sebastian's shoreline CAROLYN CORUM, left, chairwoman of the Sebastian Watershed Action Committee, Donnie Donaldson, 9, Sebastian Mayor Louise CMIQ Rubadam. FLORIDA TODAN Cartwright and Shannon DuMont, 9, pile up coquina rocks to help restore Sebastian's shoreline along the Indian River on Saturday. Rocks to protect beach from further erosion, create habitat for marine life By Robyn Soriano FLORIDA TODAY From where she stood at Riverview Park in Sebastian, Linnea Weston -Dumont could see her three children playing on the beach Saturday alongside a pelican. Sand caked their shoes, their tittle legs and their clothes, but the scratchy sea dirt is not unwelcome to people who cherish the Indian River Lagoon. It is a precious commodity. The vanishing beach brought Weston -Du- mont and 200 other volunteers to the park Friday to build a rock barricade to keep the waves from carving away more of the beach. LL Gov. Buddy MacKay joined some of the volunteers Saturday to put the ceremonial final touches on the line of rocks that stretches along 500 feet of the beach at Riverview Park "It's just amazing what can happen when you have a volunteer, community effort like this," MacKay said. "It's great to see people buying into Florida and realizing they have a stake in it" The volunteer effort was led by the Sebas- tian Watershed Action Committee and the project was financed by the SC Johns River Water Management District, which paid about $1,000 for the 30 tons of coquina tock. The porous rocks are expected to attract oysters by the thousands, which will colonize there and put a permanent, hard barrier between the waves and the beach. The idea is considered experimental, but lagoon supporters are counting on it to work. "It's a natural tock. oysters and crabs will br attracted to it and fish will come in to feed or, them," said Don Donaldson, former coasts engineer for Indian River County. He nov works for Martin County. "It's going to do more than stabilize th, shoreline, it will bring in more wildlife." The rocks are the first of a $25,000 restora tion project by the Water Management Distric that also includes planting sea grasses and ret mangroves and removing rubble from the beach, placed there previously to stop erosion. Weston -Dumont said the restoration wi benefit in the future by preserving the recre ational area that many living things depen, upon. "It's not just for families and kids, Weston -Dumont said. "It's also for the wildlife." Saving Sebastian's shoreline Cmig Rubadb FLORIDA TODAY CAROLYN CORUM, left, chairwoman of the Sebastian Watershed Cartwright and Shannon DuMont, 9, pile up coquina rocks to help Action Committee, Donnie Donaldson, 9, Sebastian Mayor Louise restore Sebastian's shoreline along the Indian River on Saturday. Rocks to protect beach from further erosion, create habitat for marine life By Robyn Surlano FLORD)ATODAY From where she stood at Riverview Park in Sebastian, Linnea Weston -Dumont could see her three children playing on the beach Saturday alongside a pelican. Sand caked their shoes, their little legs and their clothes, but the scratchy sea dirt is not unwelcome to people who cherish the Indian River Lagoon. It is a precious commodity. The vanishing beach brought Weston -Du- mont and 200 other volunteers to the park Friday to build a rock barricade to keep the waves from carving away more of the beach. Lt. Gov. Buddy MacKay joined some of the volunteers Saturday to put the ceremonial final touches on the line of rocks that stretches along 500 feet of the beach at Riverview Park "It's just amazing what can happen when you have a volunteer, community effort like this," MacKay said. "It's great to see people buying into Florida and realizing they have a stake in it" The volunteer effort was led by the Sebas- tian Watershed Action Committee and the project was financed by the St Johns River Water Management District, which paid about $1,000 for the 30 tons of coquina rock. The porous rocks are expected to attract oysters by the thousands, which will colonize there and put a permanent, hard barrier between the waves and the beach. The idea is considered experimental, but lagoon supporters are counting on it to work. "It's a natural rock, oysters and crabs will be attracted to it and fish will come in to feed on them," said Don Donaldson, former coasts_ engineer for Indian River County. He nos works for Martin County. "It's going to do more than stabilize th- shoreline, it will bring in more wildlife." The rocks are the first of a $15,000 restora tion project by the Water Management Distric that also includes planting sea grasses and rei mangroves and removing rubble from th, beach, placed there previously to stop erosion. Weston -Dumont said the restoration wi- benefit in the future by preserving the recrt ational area that many living things depent upon. "It's not just for families and kids, Weston -Dumont said. " Irs also for the wildlife." jx, ,x,,.� • r,�t � �� air., � �� I wft'r � f! I off d u q, lop, _ � l � ���_ �•': � � _�� �, � `� r� �"� "i iii( ati4r, q��_ it ��_�_ ,,, tiT�•' ri i'r r,;; Y � �-it •� `' k i'�'r �`' is. / i �` m f Ali p �1 1 .. yy re A�P f -AP 1�1 L ol TF All WOMP I I "Am ".14 1 I I "Am ".14 1 05/12/95 15:41 COASTAL TECH 001 COASTALTECH COASTAL_ ENVINONMENTAL - GVIL • 6NGINEERINO AND PLANNING COA6TAL TECHNOLOOT CORPORATION BOO 2OTN PIAIA.5lS I L 0, V W REALH. FLORIDA USWIA07) 5152-05e0 75800 December 19, 1994 101 Mr. Joel Koford, City Manager CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 RE: SHORELINE STABILIZATION AT RIVERVIEW PARK SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Dear Mr. Koford: In response to a request by Bruce Cooper, attached is a proposal for professional engineering services towards shoreline stabilization and improvements at Riverview Park. This proposal is based on our prior study dated April 1994; we are intimately familiar with the site. To preserve the existing natural resources and the upland improvements, a combination of shoreline stabilization measures is appropriate. Our proposal identifies an approach to first locate and map the natural resources and improvements towards development of an appropriate design. The proposed services include surveys, design, atld permits to allow for construction. Although, due to our workload and changes in personnel, there has been a delay in responding to Mr. Cooper's request, we are now prepared to expeditiously respond to the City's needs towards shoreline stabilization and improvements at Riverview Park. If we may assist you with this project or if you have any questions, please contact me. MPW:Iae Attachment Sincerely, MIN Michael P. Walther, P.E. President cc: Bruce Cooper, Director of Community Development post4t- Fax Note 7671 Date --I I��,� ��l� ICwDepL ro. 1 Ph" A PIvne P ] IFe r[ F'1 1, Fax. �— r�C _ F� 05/12/95 15:41 COASTAL TECH 002 COASTALTECH COASIAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • CIVIL - ENGINEERING ANO PLANNING COABTAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1%)U[UIHF E. SUITE 6. VERO BEACH. PLORIOA 325W IaU/I; Z.O& U 75800 December 19, 1994 Mr. Joel Kofortl, City Manager CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 RE: SHORELINE STABILIZATION AT RIVERVIEW PARK Dear Mr. Koford: As we discussed with Mr. Bruce Cooper, this proposal is for professional engineering services - specifically for conceptual design and permitting for a shoreline stabilization project employing a combination wave break, seawall, and riprap to front approximately 660 feet of the Indian River at Riverview Park in Sebastian. Total fees arc estimated at $9,950. The following are proposed services to be provided by Coastal Technology Corporation (Coastal Tech) for the City of Sebastian (City): PARTI•SURVEY Coastal Tech will perform a detailed field survey to identify topography, ncarshore marsh, and wetland vegetation and to stake the location of oyster beds, and seagrasses. Specifically, Coastal Tech will perform a survey to include. 1) profiles at 50' on center from centerline of road to 50' wa(crward of staked vegetation areas or 100' waterward of MHWL - approximately 4 profile lines Will extend past staked vegetation; 2) location of all marsh ponds, wetland vegetation; 3) location of staked oyster beds, and seagrasses; 4) location of sidewalk; 5) location of bluffline; and, 6) approximate limits of parking area. This extensive topographic survey will be undertaken to ensure that the proposed shoreline stabilization project does not create drainage restrictions in the project area. Coastal Tech will also use this survey for conceptual design of the shoreline stabilization project. fees for Part I services are ................................ . . . . . ....$ 4,150. ®ATC LroM . 05/12/95 15:42 COASTAL TECH 75800 Mr. Joel Koford, City Manager December 19, 1994 Page Two PART II - CONCEPTUAL DESIGN In general, Coastal Tech will prepare conceptual design drawings illustrating the proposed shoreline stabilization project. Coastal Tech will perform an analysis of design storm wave and surge conditions as the basis of design. The design will be consistent with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Shore Protection Manual. In addition, a marine ecologist will review the conceptual design and assess the impact of the design upon natural resources in the project area. These drawings (&-1/2" X 11" sketches) will be used under Part III of the work towards securement of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permits. Coastal Tech will meet with the City to review the conceptual design. Coastal Tech will incorporate revisions that may be prescribed by the City. Fees for Part II services are ........................................... $ 2,500. PART III - DEP/USACE PERMIT APPLICATIONS Coastal Tech will submit the drawings prepared under Part II (permit sketches) and a formal permit application to the Department of Environmental, Protection (DEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The City will provide Coastal Tech with: a) Two signed and notarized Affidavits of Ownership or Control (attached), b) a check in the amount of $500 made payable to the Department of Environmental Protection and, c) the names and addresses (including zip code) of adjacent property owners. Coastal Tech will submit the permit sketches and application form to the City for review and approval. Following the City's review and approval, Coastal Tech will submit the formal application to the DEP/USACE. Fees for Pan III services are ........................... ................ $800 - PART 800_ PART IV: DEP/USACE PERAdrF PROCESSING Coastal Tech will informally contact the permitting agencies and address questions raised by agency staff towards expediting processing of permits. Coastal Tech will assist the City with addressing technical concerns of the agencies and making any revisions that may be required by the DEP and USACE to obtain dredge and fill permits for the project. (1;�1COASTAL CMS-FNVV�Nyw •OV -ENGx EFMIG.WO BANNING 05/12/95 15:42 COASTAL TECH 758W Mr. Joel Koford, City Manager December 19, 1994 Page Three I Submittal of the application will likely prompt a requirement for a Department of Environmental Protection submerged lands easement - if submerged bottoms are not owned by the City. If required, under separate authorization, Coastal Tech may assist the City with a submerged lands lease application and processing services. Fees for Pan IV services are estimated at .............................. $ 2,500. GENERAL Services performed under Parts I, B, and III will be provided at the flat rate identified. Services performed under Part IV will be provided per the attached Hourly Rate Schedule, plus expenses, times a factor of 1.1. Coastal Tech will bill the City monthly for all services provided on this project. Payment will be made by the City within thirty days of receipt of an invoice. It may be necessary to obtain a submerged lands lease for this project. The City may elect to contract with others or to perform in-house preliminary and final design, submerged lands lease permitting, and construction phase services. If you would like us to proceed with the services described above, please sign below and return a signed copy of this contract to us which will serve as our notice to proceed with the work. Also, please sign and return to Coastal Tech the enclosed Affidavit of Ownership or Control (two copies). If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, COASTAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION luff / L Michael P. Walther, P.E- President MP W;lae Enclosures: Coastal Tech Hourly Rate Schedule Two (2) Affidavits of Owners's Authorization cc: Bruce Cooper, Director of Community Development SIGNED: Mr. Joel Koford, City Manager COASTAL TECH DATE: m�sru • ef+vMv+..tHrK • C w - ewsw*_EVAG MCI PLMNIW OS/12/95 15:43 COASTAL TECH 005 E. I am lanulw with the vlforrnaaon cornairiW in mm appfimDon. and roar to the om a my fuhowteggearo bald, surf, ir4onr,aaon uue compete and ar, Ware I hinter CWItY that I pMSM Me auttorny 10 undenake the proposed acmes or am eorg as me auly aL=nZ90 agern of the atipocarht I undersand that knowMly making any Else sratemeru or representation in mis apdrealion s a wilaagn or Secion 403-161. F.S. and Chapter 637. M. Michael P. Walther. P.E. Typeditntea Name of Applicant or Agera Sgnature of AppIraru or Agent Dau: Coastal Technoloqy Corooration f (Corp r32 Tr1e ! app: a 4aM t I AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE IF APPUCANT COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING: I hereby designate and aumor¢e the agera 4sfed above to acI on my behatl as my, agern in Ine processing of mrs penrir appl.ca• ban and 10 Iufrus) On requ— supplemerdal inorrnaucin n support of rhe applicanon. I r Typedtpnnled Name d Applican (Capwate Trife d applrcatqe) ASgnalure of App4cam M Date is For your information: Seabn 37W34. Fonda Shutes requires tzar al ore dge and W equorrern owrhed. uses teased, rernea c: operated in the sine shalt be e9gered pith the DeparTnaT d NtWY4f Resources Before seleorg your contractor or eeupmenl you may wsh to determine d this reghiranent has been met For furtw irlpmharion, contact Me Chief of the Bureau of ` tr Licenses and Pearns Dewarimers of Naarral Resouram 3900 Conimawealti Barler&d. Tataftassee Florida 32399, Teleorone Na (904) 487-3122. This Is not a requirement for a Permit from U's Departmern of Environmental Regulation. 78 USG Stgion 1001 provides that Whoe-et in any nwir er whin the PAsdcucn d any deparpnan or agency of The urxed Statea knDmJ`Qly and wM* fafs)fllts cWx8a i a Coma tm by any 7ldt 3dwrrq a oe g a matenal fact or makes any false. 6clno& or fraudulent stnernem or represer Cations or makes or uses any false wtitng or dcamern know" same 10 cona 1 any false, fC.== or frauowent site` to or entry, shall be Sped St :000 cc Trp=oned not mere MF-. five yea._ or bom. I 111 ?ease sibrnit Cts corroaDd lam, w M aaadied cravings and The mmClele DER M=eswV fee (see rte Sdhedtie n FAC Rtie 17AM0(4X4 COPY atrarhed) to tie appropriate DER or Delegared WMD office with WsdcDw over me proleC ane 1 f Paw, da 05/12/95 15:43 COASTAL TECH 006 I: I em Wn-fiiar wth tie k10mtW0n 00"arned in rC ePplx OM and Rat ID Rte best of rry knoMedge and belie!aid+ trrornUMon is uve, =nPIWe and aoauara I luMXV lay mat 1 possess Rte ffi1R10ray d urdenake the proposes am mes or am aang as Rte auty auMLzed a9cm d Rte aPPK3m 1 undwwand V%m krwwvgy fflA" any false staremern or represwmon in pus ar)0Cwon s a valaum d Section 401181. FS and Chapter 83'7, F.S.. Michael P. Walther. P,F, Type0mod Name of App"x or Agem Syn mwe d Appliare or Ager: Date Coastal Technology Corporation (Corporam Tide -d zp =d&,% AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE IF APPLCANT COMPLETES THE FOLLONING_ I hweW desggnafe and ar.rBlo n Rte agent limed above m am on my behatl as my agent in rhe processng d ms permit appica• tion and 10 lumish an reques• srpplemerxal in(omtaurn in support of the appEca m TypvO(Prinzed Narne d Apply, w-1 . ` Sigrwaxe d Applicant Dare (Cerpurare Troe 4 applicaue) 15 For your information Secion 3AWA14. Forida Shwas, requires thm al dredge and fe egtiomem owned, used IeaseU. mrwo o: operawd in ft see aW be regmered will the Depanrnent of Natural Resources Before seecang your conwanor or ecuAwnex you may wish b dBerr rte if Rr6 requremern has been mel For fUrlllef �ipRr1a90r1, core= the Chid d the Bureau of Sehrwater LirPnsCs and Petri¢ DepamTkM d Nawraf Resources3900 Carrna wma%n BmAavard. TWWhassm Florida 323ga TeL-p a Na (904) 487.3122. This Is not a requirement for a permit from the Department of Environmental Regulation. 18 USC. Sac9on 1001 provides MuL Whoe%ec in any fne TW wiRin me jtlr� d any deparvngx or agency d The Unmed Suess kr� and wtah*y faWkm conceal'•+ or covers up tyy any vide whern4 or deuce a material. f= or makes any false. (im ous or lraudzderrt statements or hors or makts or toes any lase vwftV or dc=nerx knomng Same U COrtan any ialse. f mfuous or (modulent saternent or entry. seal be :vied .r= r:=rr -Ian 21:,000 of irp:sared :roc more tier. ive �eaS or bah. 1E ftme artrn4 Mm conviemd 10rm. w@1 e®d,eo &a-wgs and tie eWOM CER lee (see Fee SC-� in FAC Flute 174DSQ4ft i coPy azxhed) to tie appropnaze DER or Delegated WMD d6Ce vAm kAiscknm over the projeC site ' I P( 4d. 65/12/95 15:44 COASTAL TECH 007 e~ f COASTAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective 8/17/'93 11OURLY RATE Principal $102 Sr. Engineer/Scientist $ 90 Project Engineer $ 78 Engineer Technician $ 48 Permit SpecialisVrechnical Assistant $ 45 Draftsman/CADD Operator $ ` 4 Clerical $ 27 PRINTING CHARGES RA'Z'E PER SHEET Blueprints (up to and including 24" X 36') S 2 Mylars $ 10 Xerox copies $ .10 Fax (transmitted/received) S-50 DIRECT EXPENSES Cost X 1.1 SUBCONTRACIO EXPENSU Cost X 1.1 MILF.AGEtrer Mlle S.30 �`` �) COASTAL TECH a"�•�� C�•�'M"O~G�°`""""° M E M O R A N D U M TO: Rich Votapka (2"c FROM: Timothy M. Williams, Esquire DATE: January 10, 1996 RE: Bid and Contract Documents Co Enclosed are the original bid documents with my comments and questions i re . Please give me a call to discuss any questions. CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 PHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX (407) 589-5570 TO: Potter, McClelland. Marks. & Healy. P.A. P. O. Box 2523 Melbourne, FI 32902-2523 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: December 29,1995 ATTENTION: Tim Williams, Asst. City Attv RE: Bid for Coquina Boulders for the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization WE ARE SENDING YOU [ ATTACHED 0 UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Q COPY OF LETTER 0 COPY OF MEMO Q PERMIT APPLICATION Q PRINTS M SPECIFICATIONS Q CHANGE ORDER Q SHOP DRAWINGS Q OTHER COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12/29/95 Bid and Contract Documents - Final Draft M FOR APPROVAL Q FOR YOUR USE 0 AS REQUESTED M FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT Q APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Q APPROVED AS NOTED 0 RESUBMIT_ COPIES FOR APPROVAL 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 OTHER 0 BIDS DUE: 19 REMARKS: Please review and make appropriate comments for the attached bid documents . COPY TO: Sent Certified Return Receipt SIGNEw IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE JC . NOTICE OF INVITATION TO BID SEALED BIDS FOR A UNIT PRICE PER TON CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING COQUINA BOULDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF SEBASTIAN, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 UNTIL 2:00 P.M. ON 11996. BID ENVELOPES ARE TO BE MARKED AS FOLLOWS: BID: COQUINA BOULDERS FOR THE INDIAN RIVER SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT The City of Sebastian is seeking bids from a quarry certified by the Florida Department of Transportation to furnish and deliver coquina boulders to the City of Sebastian for the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project. The Bidder shall be properly certified by the Florida Department of Transportation, and shall show Proof of Insurance. Any transportation, fuel, towing, and other costs incurred by the Bidder/Contractor for delivery of the coquina shall be included in the Bidder's unit price cost. Bidders interested in preparing a bid for this contract may pick up or request a bid package with Instructions for Bidders and specifications from the Office of the City Clerk. This contract will terminate upon successful completion of the project. Any bids received without a copy of the Florida DOT Certification, the Public Entitv Crime Form. the Drua Free Workplace, and Proof of Insurance will be considered incomplete and immediately disqualified. Page 1 of 2 Notice of Invitation to Bid Coquina Boulders Prospective bidders must contact the City Clerk's office in person, by mail at the above address, or by telephoning (407) 589-5330 for bidding documents and specifications. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. on 1996, in the City Council Chambers. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BY: KATHRYN M. O'HALLORAN CITY CLERK CITY OF SEBASTIAN PUBLISH PRESS JOURNAL Page 2 of 2 Notice of Invitation to Bid Coquina Boulders 3. 4 5 Ijf7RTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDEEZ REQUIRED COPIFR All bids shall be submitted on the Bid Proposal Forms provided by the City with three (3) copies. SEALED BIDS', Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall show the date and time for the opening of the bids, the name of the bid, and the name and address of the Bidder. BIDS NOT CONSIDERED Late bids, telegraphed or FAXed bids will not be considered. However, bids may be withdrawn by telegraphic or FAX notice, providing such notices are received prior to the hour and date specified on the bid. BID OPENINQ Bids must be received at or before the specified time of opening as designated on the Notice of Invitation to Bid. Bidders are welcome to attend; however, attendance is not mandatory. Bids will be immediately opened after the time designated in the Notice of Invitation to Bid and publicly read aloud, providing one or more Bidders are in attendance. A bid tabulation will be furnished upon request after the bids have been reviewed and analyzed by the Bid Review Committee. Bid files may be examined during normal working hours, ten (10) days after bid opening, by appointment. AEOUIRED INFORMATION Bidders shall follow all instructions and provide all information requested on the Bid Proposal Forms. Contractors wishing to qualify all or any portion of the bid shall provide a hand printed or typed explanation on the bid or separate attachment to be submitted with the bid. Page 1 of 4 COQUINA BOULDERS FOR I.R. SHORELINE PROJECT ,INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS Bid proposals shall be typewritten or filled in with ink. Proposals having erasures or corrections must be initialed by the Bidder in ink. $ALES TAX The City of Sebastian is exempt from Federal and State Sales and Use Taxes. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The award is subject to provisions of State Statutes and City Ordinances. All Bidders must disclose with their bid the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the City of Sebastian. Further, all Bidders must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of ten percent (10%) or more in the Bidder's firm or any of its branches. Should the successful Bidder permanently or temporarily hire any City employee who is, or has been, directly involved with the Bidder prior to or during performance of the resulting contract, the contract shall be subject to immediate termination by the City. Quarries must attach a copy of their current Florida Department of Transportation Certification to their bid. Failure to submit evidence of the certification shall result in the rejection of the bid. Lack of knowledge by the Bidder shall in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. Quarries doing business with the City are prohibited from discriminating against any employee, applicant, or client because of race, religion, color, disability, national origin, gender, or age with regard to but not limited to the following; employment practices, rates of pay or other compensation methods, and training selection. 11. WITHDRAWAL If, thin two business days a the Bid ar opened, any Bidd r ivl�e files a duly si ed, ritt noti e with the City r s Office, and pro tlyx th reaf erx d onstrates to Page 2 of 4 COQUINA BOULDERS FOR I.R. SHORELINE PROJECT 12 13 14 15 17 the reasonable satisfaction of the City that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of the Bid, that Bidder may withdraw his/her bid. WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS The obligations of the City of Sebastian under this award are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the City Council of the City of Sebastian. TY CRIMES Any person submitting a bid in the response to this invitation must execute the attached SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133, FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES, FormPUR. 7068, including proper check(s) in the space(s) provided, and enclose it with said bid. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE The Drug -Free Workplace form, in accordance with Section 20 of the Agreement and as attached hereto, shall be submitted with the Bid Form. BID GUARANTER The Bidder warrants that the unit prices, terms, and conditions quoted in his/her bid will be firm for acceptance for a period of not less than sixty (60) days from the bid opening date. Such prices will remain firm for the period of performance of resulting purchase orders or contracts which are to be performed. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible Bidder whose bid, conforming to the specifications and Instructions For Bidders, will be most advantageous to the City in consideration of price, time of performance, and other factors as determined by the Bid Review Committee. REJECTION OF BIDS The City reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work and to negotiate contract terms with the successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all non - Page 3 of 4 COQUINA BOULDERS FOR I.R. SHORELINE PROJECT conforming, non responsive, unbalanced, or conditional Bids. More than one Bid from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or association under the same or different names, will not be considered. Any or all proposals will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the Bidders and no participants in such collusion will be considered in future proposals for the same work. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration of the project only. 19. BID. PERFORMANCE, AND PAYMENT BOIv r- No Bid Bond, Performance Bond,CC aO�d ayment Bond shal be required for this project. The Bid r shall refer to Paragraph 12 entitled "Performance and Payment Bonds" found on Page 7 of the Agreement. The Contractor shall provide the required types and amounts of coverage of insurance as stated on Pages 5 and 6 of the Agreement if awarded the contract. Failure to do so shall result in the rejection of the Contractor to enter into Contract with the City. The City reserves the right to enter into Contract with the next lowest responsible bidder meeting all of the insurance requirements. The Contractor shall include the cost of procuring and maintaining the type and amounts of insurance coverage for the limit of the contract in his/her unit bid prices. Page 4 OF 4 COQUINA BOULDERS FOR I.R. SHORELINE PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR COQUINA BOULDERS FOR THE INDIAN RIV SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT, made this _ day of , 1996 by and between the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter called the "City"), and , or its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns (hereinafter called "Contractor"): The City and Contractor for good and valuable consideration as hereinafter set forth, do mutually agree as follows: 1. Scone of Work. Contractor agrees to furnish all equipment, labor, supervision, and services necessary to perform the Work as described in the contract documents (the "Contract Documents") and agrees to complete the Work in a workmanlike manner in full compliance with the Contract Documents. (a) The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Notice of Invitation to Bid, Instructions for Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Specifications for coquina boulders, and Addenda issued prior to the execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. The Addenda, if any, are as follows: The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by Contractor. The Contract Documents are complimentary, and what is required by one shall be binding as if required by all; performance by Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. (b) The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of any kind (1) between the City and a Subcontractor or a Sub -subcontractor, or, (2) between any persons or entities other than the City and Contractor. (c) The term "Work" means the construction and services required by the Contract Documents, whether completed or partially completed and includes all labor, materials, equipment and services provided or to be provided by Contractor to fulfill Contractor's obligations hereunder. The Work may constitute the whole or a part of the project. Page 1 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT 3. Pavment to Contractor. (a) The City shall make payments to Contractor based on invoices submitted on the Contractor's letterhead. Invoices shall bear the date the boulders were shipped to the jobsite, the amount of tonnage shipped, the contract unit price, total amount of invoice, and the location of the project site. Reference should also be made to the contract on the invoice. Receipts, weight tickets, and other,such supporting documents shall be attached. (b) Payment to Contractor is contingent upon the City's acceptance of the coquina boulders received and verification of tonnage shipped. 4. Contractor's Oblivations. (a) Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using Contractor's best skill and attention. Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under this Agreement, unless the Contract Documents give other specific instructions concerning these matters. (b) Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for labor, equipment, machinery, transportation, and other incidentals necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. (c) Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall pay all sales, use and other similar taxes and shall secure and pay for all permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work. (d) Contractor shall enforce strict discipline and good order among Contractor's employees and other persons carrying out the Work. Contractor shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not skilled in tasks assigned to them. (e) Contractor currently holds and shall maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement all required federal, state and local licenses necessary to perform the Work required under the Contract Documents. (f) Contractor shall be responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Contractor's employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing portions of the Work under a contract with Contractor. Page 2 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT W1 IMMM MT.TaM (a) A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct contract with Contractor to perform a portion of the Work. (b) Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents or the bidding requirements, Contractor, as soon as practicable after award of the Contract, shall furnish in writing to the. City the names of the Subcontractors and Suppliers for each of the principal portions of the Work. Contractor shall not contract with any Subcontractor or Supplier to whom the City has made reasonable and timely objection. Contracts between Contractor and its Subcontractors shall require each Subcontractor and Supplier, to the extent of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor and the material and/or supplies to be provided by the Supplier, to be bound to Contractor by the terms of the Contract Documents, and to assume toward Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities which Contractor, by the Contract Documents, assumes toward the City. 6. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration of the project. 7. Termination. (a) For Causes. If Contractor defaults or persistently fails or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or, fa'ls to perform a provision of this Agreement, the City yX erve written notice to Contractor and without prejudice to ny of er remedy the City may have, term*:• this Agreement. J (b) Zaithout Cause. The City retains the right to cancel this Agreement at any time, with or without good cause, upon written notice to Contractor when such termination is deemed by the City Council, or their designee, to be in the public interest. (c) gayment Unon Termi_nati nn.. In the event of termination as provided herein, Contractor shall be paid for services performed through the date of termination, less damages incurred by the City as a result of Contractor's failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and Contractor's failure to perform any provision of this Agreement. 8. indemnity. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and the City's agents, servants and employees, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work, except for injuries, damages or claims which are the result of the sole negligence of the City, its agents, servants, or employees. Contractor hereby acknowledges that the obligations imposed upon the City and the terms of this Agreement are the specific consideration for the indemnification provided herein. Page 3 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT 9. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain during the life of this Agreement insurance of the types and subject to the limits set forth below. Contractor shall also provide the City with evidence of this insurance prior to commencement of the Work in the form of Certificates of Insurance which shall be subject to the City's approval for adequacy. (a) kdorkers' CnmDP.nsati.9n• Contractor shall.purchase from and maintain in any company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in Florida, workers' compensation insurance for protection from claims for damages because of bodily injury, including death, and from claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, to property which may arise out of or result from Contractor's operations under this Agreement, whether such operations be by Contractor or by Subcontractors or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. This insurance shall be written for not less than the limits of liability required by law, and shall include contractual liability insurance applicable to Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 10. Coverage B, Employer's Liability, shall be written for a minimum liability of $100,000.00 per occurrence. (b) commercial General Liability. Contractor shall provide and maintain during the life of this Agreement, at Contractor's own expense, Commercial General Liability insurance with a combined single limit of at least $300,000. (c) Commercial Auto Liability. Contractor shall provide and maintain during the life of this Agreement, at Contractor's own expense, Commercial Auto Liability insurance with a combined single limit of $300,000. 10. Aasianment. Contractor shall not assign this Agreement to any other persons or firm without first obtaining the City's written approval. 11. Notices., All notices, requests, consents, and other communication required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be (as elected by the person giving such notice) hand delivered by messenger or courier service, or mailed by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid) return receipt requested, addressed to: IF TO THE CITY: City of Sebastian Attn: Joel Koford, City Manager 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 WITH A COPY TO: Clifton A. McClelland Jr., P.A. City Attorney, c/o Potter, McClelland, Marks and Healy, P.A. P.O. Box 2523 Melbourne, Florida 32902-2523 Page 4 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT IF TO CONTRACTOR: 12. Time. Time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of this Agreement. By executing this Agreement, Contractor confirms that the contract time is a reasonable period for performing the Work. 13. conflict of Interest. (a) Contractor represents that it presently has no interest and shall acquire no interest, either direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required hereunder, as provided by law. Contractor further represents that no person having any such interest shall be employed in performance of the Work. (b) Contractor shall promptly notify the City in writing by certified mail of all potential conflicts of interest prohibited by existing state law involving any prospective business association, interest or other circumstance which may influence or appear to influence Contractor's judgment or quality of services being provided hereunder. Such written notification shall identify the prospective business association, interest or circumstance, the nature of work that Contractor may undertake and request the opinion of the City as to whether the association, interest or circumstance would, in the opinion of the City, constitute a conflict of interest if entered into by Contractor. The City agrees to notify Contractor of its opinion by certified mail within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification by Contractor. If, in the opinion of the City, the prospective business association, interest or circumstance would not constitute a conflict of interest by Contractor, the City shall so state in the notification and Contractor shall, at its option, enter into said association, interest or circumstance and it shall be deemed to be not a conflict of interest with respect to services provided to the City by Contractor under the terms of this Agreement. 14. Drua-Free Workplace., Contractor, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087, hereby certifies that Contractor does: (a) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (b) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free Page 5 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, employee assistance programs and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (c) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are required hereunder a copy of the statement specified in Subparagraph (a). (d) In the statement specified in Subparagraph (a), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are required hereunder, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (e) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (f) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of Subparagraphs (a) thru (e). A FULLY EXECUTED DRUG FREE WORKPLACE FORM (APPENDIX B3) SHALL BE ATTACHED TO AND MADE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. 15. Publie Entity Crimes. (a) Contractor hereby acknowledges, represents and warrants: (i) That a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. (ii) That "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. Page 6 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT (iii) That an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: 1. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. (iv) That a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. (b) Based on information and belief, the statement which Contractor has marked below is true in relation to Contractor submitting this sworn statement. [indicate which statement applies.] Neither Contractor, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of Contractor, nor any affiliate of Contractor has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. Contractor, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of Contractor, or an affiliate of Contractor has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. Contractor, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of Page 7 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT Contractor, or an affiliate of Contractor has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place Contractor on the convicted vendor list. [attach a copy of the final order]. (C) CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS THAT THE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES MADE IN THIS PARAGRAPH 21 TO THE CITY ARE FOR THE CITY ONLY AND, THAT SUCH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES ARE VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH THIS AGREEMENT IS EXECUTED. IN THE EVENT THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL EXTEND BEYOND THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT WAS EXECUTED, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXECUTE AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY A NEW SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133, FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES, FORM PUR. 7068, AS REVISED FROM TIME TO TIME. CONTRACTOR ALSO UNDERSTANDS THAT CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INFORM THE CITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS PARAGRAPH 21. A FULLY EXECUTED SWORN STATEMENT ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES (EXHIBIT B1 AND B2) SHALL BE ATTACHED TO AND MADE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. 16. EPr.j.rn and Sore Ag ee_ment Except as specifically stated herein, the Contract Documents constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all agreements, representations, warranties, statements, promises and understandings not specifically set forth in the Contract Documents. Neither party has in any way relied, nor shall in any way rely, upon any oral or written agreements, representations, warranties, statements, promises or understandings not specifically set forth in the Contract Documents. 17. Successors and Assigns_ Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, all covenants and agreements of the parties contained in the Contract Documents shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the parties. 18. Attorney's Fees. In the event any action, proceeding, suit or claim is filed, initiated or maintained to enforce any of the provisions of the Contract Documents, the prevailing party shall, in addition to relief to which it is otherwise entitled, be entitled to recover such further amounts, to the extent lawful, as shall be sufficient to pay the cost and expenses of enforcement, including reasonable attorney's fees, both at trial and all appellate levels. Page 8 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT 19. Remedies. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. 20. Governincr Law. The Contract Documents shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any action pursuant to the Contract Documents shall be in Indian River County, Florida. 21. Amendment@,. Neither the Contract Documents nor any term thereof may be changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally, except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is sought. 22. Waiver. The failure of any of the parties at any time to require performance of any provision of the Contract Documents shall in no manner affect the right of such party at any later time to enforce or require the same unless waived in writing. No waiver by any party of any condition or breach shall be construed or deemed to be a waiver of any other condition or any other breach of any term, covenant or warranty contained in the Contract Documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has hereunto subscribed and Contractor has affixed his, its, or their names, or name. CITY: ATTEST: THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Kathryn M. O'Halloran CMC/AAE, City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: By: Name: _Arthur L.Firtion Title: Mavor of Sahgch;a,? Clifton A. McClelland Jr., City Attorney Page 9 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CONTRACTOR: By: Name: Name: Title: l0 FTI STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER The foregoing. instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1996 by the of the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, on behalf of the CITY OF SEBASTIAN. He/she is personally known to me or produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Printed Name Commission Number STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1996 by I on behalf of CONTRACTOR. He/she is personally known to me or produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Printed Name Commission Number Page 10 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE FORM The undersigned Contractor, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that does: Name of Business Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, employee assistance programs and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractural services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in Paragraph 1. In the statement specified in Paragraph 1, notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractural services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of Paragraphs 1 thru 5. As the person authorized to sign this statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Bidder's Signature Date THIS FORM TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID. SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES_ ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted with Bid, Proposal br Contract No. for THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. 2. This sworn statement is submitted by (name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification (FEIN) is (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: : ) 3. My name is . (please print name of individual signing) and my relationship to the entity named above is 4. I understand. that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 5. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 297.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes. means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without anadjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: (1) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or (2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 7. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes. means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. 8. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Please indicate which statement applies.) Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, AND (Please indicate which additional statement applies.) There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a Bearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list (Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.) Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF (Signature) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ 1995 by (title) on behalf of partnership), a partnership. He/she is personally known to me or has as identification and did ( ) did not ( ) take an oath. Name: My Commission Expires: Commission Number: day of 1 (name of produced BID FORM COQUINA BOULDERS FOR INDIAN RIVER SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT TO: City Clerk's Office Sebastian City Hall 1225 Main Street Sebastian., F1, 32958 (407) 589-5330 DATE: January, 1996 BIDDER: The undersigned bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted to enter into an Agreement with the City of Sebastian to furnish any materials and labor in accordance with the required specifications. 1. Coquina Boulders Unit Price = $ /Ton 2. Response Time to City's Request to Haul Boulders to the City After Request is Received = hours. SUBMIT YOUR BID IN A SEALED ENVELOPE MARKED AS FOLLOWS: BID: COQUINA BOULDERS FOR THE INDIAN RIVER SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT SEBASTIAN CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958, NO LATER THAN 2:00 P.M. ON , , 1996. BID ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A. The above unit price shall be considered as a firm bid price not subject to price adjustment unless Bidder's provisions for price escalation are stated on a separate sheet attached to the Bid. B. The Bidder acknowledges that the prices will remain firm for sixty (60) days following the date of this bid. Submittals For Bids As Required By "Tnstrnctions for Bidders" Three (3) sets of bids shall be prepared by the Bidder to include the following: Page 1 of 2 BID FORM - COQUINA BOULDERS 1. Completed Bid Form (Typed or in ink) 2. The required Quarry's FDOT Certification 3. The completed Public Entity Crimes Form 4. The completed Drug -Free Workplace Form 5. Proof of Insurance Respectfully Submitted By: BIDDER PHONE NO. State whether Bidder is a Corporation, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, Sole Proprietorship or Other on the line below: ADDRESS FAX NO. DATE by SIGNATURE Printed or Typed Name Title Page 2 of 2 BID FORM - COQUINA BOULDERS City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 SUBJECT:Award of Contract for ) Agenda No. Coquina Boulders for ) the Sebastian River- ) view Park Shoreline ) Dept. of Origin Public Works Stabilization Project ) /� / Public Works Dir. " .C. oe Y� Approved for Submittal By: ) Date Submitted: 03-04-96 City Manager ) For Agenda of 03-13-96 Exhibits: Bid Review Summary, Bid and Contract Documents --------------------------------------------------------------- EXPENDITURE AMOUNT APPROPRIATION REQUIRED: 0 BUDGETED: 0 REQUIRED: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY STATEMENT The bids for coquina boulders and coquina rip -rap for the Sebastian Riverview Park Shoreline Stabilization Project were opened on February 28th at 2:00 PM. The two bids received on the attached Bid Review Sheet were reviewed by the Bid Review Committee on March 1, 1996. The Committee recommended that the contract be awarded to Florida Aggregates Intergroup Inc. in Ft. Pierce, Florida. A copy of the bid and contract documents are attached. The office of the City Attorney has reviewed the attached documents prior to publication. A total of $14,795 has been appropriated by the Surface Water Improvement and Management Trust Fund. The estimated cost of the coquina boulders and rip -rap is not expected to exceed $6,440 to be paid for from Trust Funds in accordance with the September 13, 1995 Cost Share Agreement between the St. Johns River Water Management District and the City of Sebastian for the Sebastian Riverview Park Shoreline Restoration Project. ACTION It is recommended that the City Council move to award the contract for the supply and hauling of coquina boulders for the Sebastian Riverview Park Shoreline Stabilization Project in the unit price amounts of $25.36 per ton for coquina boulders 2 to 2-1/2 feet in diameter and $24.60 per ton for coquina rip -rap (6"-9" in diameter). City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 13, 1996 TO: Jerry Thomas and Tim Smith FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director 01f SUBJECT: Restoration of Indian River Shoreline in Areas of Severe Erosion along Riverview Park ----------------------------------------------------------------- After Tim Smith and I inspected the damage caused by erosion of the shoreline due to Monday's storm, I called Brian Poole of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection at 407-894-7555. I explained to him that our Department wanted to restore an area approximately fifty (50) feet long, six (6) feet of which had washed out under the boardwalk which created a safety concern. I asked if our Department of Public Works could place hay bales and a silt fence upland of the mean high water line, fill in the bank where it had eroded, and place sod to stabilize the slope. Brian tried to contact Tammy Debu who was the liaison FDEP officer in regard to issuing the permit for the shoreline stabilization. Since Tammy was out in the field, Brian Poole discussed this issue with Tammy's supervisor. Tammy's supervisor authorized permission for our Department to do the restoration work as long as we adhere to the restoration details I had herein described, and our crews work upland of the mean high water line. Brian Poole notified us by telephone at 11:35 AM that we could proceed. I have instructed Rob Skok to document the exact areas and extent of erosion for our files on a copy of the plans he had prepared for the FDEP permit application. As soon as Rob completes his work, the restoration work should begin. cc: City Manager Thomas Frame /lk erosion City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 9, 1996 TO: Kay O'Halloran, City Clerk / FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director OV SUBJECT: Execution of Agreement for Coquina Boulders for the Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project --------------------------------------------------------------- This morning I received two (2) fully executed originals of the subject agreement from Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc. Please have Mayor Louise Cartwright, City Attorney Clifton McClelland, and yourself sign Page 9 of the agreements. The agreements must be notarized on Page 10. Please send one original to Richard Hunter, General Manager of Florida Aggregates Intergroup, Inc., keep the other for your files, and transmit a copy of the signed contract to me for the Department of Public Works files. flaagg2 AGREEMENT FOR COQUINA BOULDERS FOR THE INDIAN RIVER SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT, made this L day of A, t, r1/ _, 1996 by and between the City of Sebastian, a Munibipal Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter called the "City"), and Florida Aaareaates Interaroun. Inc. , or its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns (hereinafter called "Contractor"): WITNESSETH: The City and Contractor for good and valuable consideration as hereinafter set forth, do mutually agree as follows: 1. Scone of Work. Contractor agrees to furnish all equipment, labor, supervision, and services necessary to perform the Work as described in the contract documents (the "Contract Documents") and agrees to complete the Work in a workmanlike manner in full compliance with the Contract Documents. 2. Contract Documents. (a) The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Notice of Invitation to Bid, Instructions for Bidders, Bid Form,, Bid Specifications for coquina boulders, and Addenda issued prior to the execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. The Addenda, if any, are aspfollows:, None . The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary _for the, proper ,execution and completion of the Mork by Contractor. The Contract Documents are complimentary, and what is required by one shall be binding as if required by all; performance by Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. (b) The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of any kind (1) between the City and a Subcontractor or a Sub -subcontractor, or, (2) between any persons or entities other than the City and Contractor. (c) The term "Work" means the construction and services required by the Contract Documents, whether completed or partially completed and includes all labor, materials, equipment and services provided or to be provided by Contractor to fulfill Contractor's obligations hereunder. The Work may constitute the whole or a part of the project. Page 1 of 10 COQUINA BOULDERS PROJECT City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ii SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 4, 1996 TO: Jerry Thomas, Terry Hill, Rob Skok, Paul St. Pierre, and Bob Korda FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director 7a5V SUBJECT: Meeting Concerning the Riverview Park Shoreline Stabilization Project --------------------------------------------------------------- Your presence is requested at 10:00 AM, Monday, April 8th at our Public Works Conference Room to meet with Carolyn Corum regarding the construction of the experimental oyster bar on April 12 and 13th. Carolyn has conscripted 178 volunteers thus far, so this project is definitely a "go". /lk carolyn City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 13 FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 12, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director OVV/ SUBJECT: Ordering of Floating Silt Curtain and Filter Fabric ----------------------------------------------------------------- As per my meeting with Tim Smith and Jerry Thomas, we decided to order the floating silt curtain in lieu of a silt fence. The silt fence will not stop turbidity, a curtain must be used. Since Public Works has 100 feet of the floating silt curtain that can be used for the experimental oyster bar, a minimum of 150 feet additional will be required to completely surround the experimental oyster bar. To ensure that we have enough, two (2) 100 ft rolls (3 foot depth) shall be ordered. The area in which the experimental oyster bar is to be located is very shallow. Tim and Jerry both think that the floating boom can be anchored such that it doesn't stir up the turbidity from resting on the bottom of the Indian River. For filter fabric upon which the coquina boulders will be I on the shoreline, the roll shall be 12 feet wide. A minimum of 450 feet is necessary. Therefore, order two (2) 300 foot rolls of 12 foot wide woven filter fabric. I will have Linda Kinchen check on prices from a similar company which supplies essentially the same type floating boom and filter fabric before preparing a purchase order requisition. Linda had previously ordered the silt fence from Agri Drain in Iowa. However, Agri Drain's price is $39.50 per 100' roll whereas American Boom and Barrier's price is $25 per 100' roll. A4ri Drain does not make a floating boom. /lk siltcrtn EMERGENCY PURCHASE DATE REQUIRED: 3-18-96 DATE SUBMITTED: 3-14-96 CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 REQUISITION For Finance Office Use Only Funds Available Funds Not -Available Budgeted Not Budgeted SUGGESTED VENDOR NAME American Boom and Barrier ADDRESS 8052 Astronaut Blvd CITY Cape Canaveral STATE FL ZIP 32920 7006 Nicolon Woven FIlter Fabric per FDOT Table 985 12 foot wide x 300 foot long roll Mark I SIlt Curtain, 3 foot depth by 100 foot long Delivery by ABS ROUTING R 1. Department PW/Roads and Drainaae 6. Work/Job# 2. Individual Requesting R. B. Votapkaa 7. Project ID# DR -2-()6 3. Department Head (approval) t l� F/S. �""` 8. Account # 001-30-590-630 4. Final Approval 9. Purchase Order # 5. Disapproved 10. Stock Item (return to requestor) 11. Immediate Use SUGGESTED VENDOR NAME American Boom and Barrier ADDRESS 8052 Astronaut Blvd CITY Cape Canaveral STATE FL ZIP 32920 7006 Nicolon Woven FIlter Fabric per FDOT Table 985 12 foot wide x 300 foot long roll Mark I SIlt Curtain, 3 foot depth by 100 foot long Delivery by ABS 2 rolls $400/roll $800.00 2 rolls $441/roll $882.00 Pink copy to be retained by Requestor $1682.00 $50.00 50.00 $1732.00 1 Ty R 2 rolls $400/roll $800.00 2 rolls $441/roll $882.00 Pink copy to be retained by Requestor $1682.00 $50.00 50.00 $1732.00 1 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 12, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director /d1✓ SUBJECT: Ordering of Floating Silt Curtain and Filter Fabric ----------------------------------------------------------------- As per my meeting with Tim Smith and Jerry Thomas, we decided to order the floating silt curtain in lieu of a silt fence. The silt fence will not stop turbidity, a curtain must be used. Since Public Works has 100 feet of the floating silt curtain that can be used for the experimental oyster bar, a minimum of 150 feet additional will be required to completely surround the experimental oyster bar. To ensure that we have enough, two (2) 100 ft rolls (3 foot depth) shall be ordered. The area in which the experimental oyster bar is to be located is very shallow. Tim and Jerry both think that the floating boom can be anchored such that it doesn't stir up the turbidity from resting on the bottom of the Indian River. For filter fabric upon which the coquina boulders will be placed on the shoreline, the roll shall be 12 feet wide. A minimum of 450 feet is necessary. Therefore, order two (2) 300 foot rolls of 12 foot wide woven filter fabric. I will have Linda Kinchen check on prices from a similar company which supplies essentially the same type floating boom and filter fabric before preparing a purchase order requisition. Linda had previously ordered the silt fence from Agri Drain in Iowa. However, Agri Drain's price is $39.50 per 100' roll whereas American Boom and Barrier's price is $25 per 100' roll. Agri Drain does not make a floating boom. /lk siltcrtn City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 6, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization File FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director /&V SUBJECT: Directions to Ballard Park in Melbourne, Florida ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Take U.S. Highway No. 1 north to Melbourne 2) Go approximately four (4) miles north of Route 192 3) Go past Nassau and Ballard Drive 4) Look for small sign on the east side of U.S. Highway No. 1 which points to "Ballard Park" 5) Turn right (east) onto Thomas Barber Street which is one street north of Ballard Drive 6) Follow Thomas Barber Street directly into the park ballard 7r '17.,U A obl37 // rznQ" •. rpt � ny8�J H.Lr /7 /, /v0 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 13 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 4, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project File FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director iz8✓ SUBJECT: Fabriform Embankment ----------------------------------------------------------------- At the suggestion of Terry Cook, Indian River County Road and Bridge Superintendent, I drove down to Vero Beach to look at the Fabriform embankment just west of the headwall at the northwest corner of the intersection of Indian River Blvd. and 37th Street. The Fabriform embankment had been installed on both sides of the ditch bank immediately adjacent to the headwall. It seemed to be doing an excellent job in protecting the embankment. No weeds were growing through it. The Fabrifrom had a pleasing, consistent pattern throughout. However, it was starting to turn dark grey in color. Possibly this could be used for the shoreline along the Indian River east of Riverview Park in Sebastian. fabri City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 11 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 4, 1996 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director /W SUBJECT: Field Trip to Ballard Park in Melbourne to look at City of Melbourne's Shoreline Stabilization Project ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Mayor Carolyn Corum, Tim Smith, Terry Hill, Robert Skok, Terry Cook, I.R. County Road and Bridge Superintendent, and I met with Ray Niemi, City of Melbourne Public Works Director, on site between 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM. We observed the large boulders which had been placed there approximately 10 years ago. Terry Cook said that his crane would not pick up most of the large boulders because his clam shell bucket could not accommodate them. Terry will have the opening in the clam shell bucket measured and then inform us to the maximum size rocks the bucket can pick up. We observed that the shoreline on the landward side of the large boulders had eroded severely in several areas. The filter cloth had been exposed and pulled out of its bluffline anchorages. In many areas, the large boulders had simply settled to the point where they were no longer were on a slope. Terry Cook suggested using a fabri-form mesh in lieu of coquina boulders. Fabri-form is a material in which concrete is pumped inside creating a continuous mat or blanket along an embankment. Rich asked Ray Niemi if he could get specifications, plans, unit prices, a list of contractors who submitted a bid for the Melbourne project. Ray said he could have someone from his office send all the information to me next week. Page 2 of 2 -Jan 4, 1996 Memo Re; Field Trip to Ballard Park Rob Skok took pictures of the shoreline which shows several areas of severe erosion. Although the coquina boulders remained in place, the uplands fill washed out around the boulders. City of Melbourne Parks and Recreation workers had to dump chunks of broken concrete rubble on top of the coquina boulders to arrest the erosion. There is very little runoff from stormwater, since the top of the bluff is bermed up along the shoreline to force rainfall runoff to drain to the west. Therefore, it can be assumed that the erosion is from the wind and wave action pounding the shoreline from the Indian River side. 14shore Sebastian Watershed Action Committee December 19,1995 10:00 AM Sebastian City Hall,Council Chambers 1225 Main Street, Sebastian AGENDA * Approve Minutes * Indian River Lagoon License Plate Funding Money Distribution * Manatee Boat Guard * Riverview Park East Project Update * Old Business * New Business City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ii SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 a FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 18, 1995 TO: Terry Hill, Tim Smith, Rob Skok, and Jerry Thomas FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director eR✓ SUBJECT: Field Trip to Melbourne to see a Shoreline Stabilization Project ----------------------------------------------------------------- As per our meeting on December 12, 1995, on site by the shoreline of the Indian River, Vice Mayor Corum arranged for a site visit to Melbourne for us to see the shoreline stabilization project at Ballard Park on Thursday, January 4, 1996 at LOAM. Please list your names below if you are interested in attending: 2� t�A- A Caro INA C' ✓✓ft, shore No -TEs ox FILTER C.L07K 1. F1%--TeL G�cTK is u to ViceT\cALIK W 12' W%OTKS Z, OVERLAP ON S\DE= 15 X811 31�ce AP2lL 74'T" . EKI ST I u CI $oAROwALVL ToP of SLnPE -C R ET -I GN E:s CITY OF 5CC3ASTIAN 1ND1AN i,1\eTe S»02EUNE STABIL LSA-T1oNl PIZ OJt�T RIVEQvi�.t PAt21� t-�.s-T p2eo. zo 1 Bc V CGFiwTeTf "TOP of SLa-T tZervAtiAl Pe GtzaouAZc� rLOCK - lveES V:� L.-TtIL 'THE DE7TK OF 'CF.eVcH lu C0.<'ASa-n FROr A DtYTH OF l2" Teo l8'- "L4" A.S. of p.PQll 2.9 F1LT E2 GL.vTK SEC--CIONI i -�0) FROM 5EAWR6L OF CKAn1 " fob N'Np-t A $OVTH R D\STA jec OF 13Z Ft'L r 4'' -Cc` R-lP RAP �Ca Rvl.rw 2oyCs z4" FILT2'!L CLO -TK "SUCK�� UWOKq SEA -'K SECCID13 Z 13Z FenCT To $ T FffCT FILTeR. CI,IS'17l TJ CKGD VffOZR,NM1�gTK SES-"TIO*l 3 ib'1 FeTT SOV-TXWPAO 1 u`0 O iii C � 010 'QEC.OP.D OF GFIA�lcws iN -TYPICAL_ SE"G-T101.l GONISTCLVC.�low1 PLAGEMtuT OP 2.0C.K tsz-G NNl OK FiPR.II Z3, k,19 o TOE OF SIOPC -TRtTlCM � lu 2 3 W a Y s lb - t•t' Pti?A>zED QY z.3_ VC+TAPKA pl2EGToR of PU6L\C wOR.l4S 5/3 Iq 6 IVO -TC s ON GO QV I NlA SOULDt'2S ?\-Ac D ON 5LOPtD SK012ElSh E 1. THE F125'C "Ciao LOAOS of Rmt-K D6- U\/%'2c'0 o,4 APRIL Z2., 1996 CauSISTeo ON: S"\. tv.. QoCK TKAsr *-we-.TsO- TKa LPR.GFR Bou LD"ts 9AW G 1 a F R,uwl 3b Xza "riz" Tc Z4"- 1UVI"z" Wale ?LALFO jaT -10t OF 5LoP6 . SMA—m- ROCK WAS putcp.D UP THE' SLA\O'F. Tk13 Wrt'S TYPIcAt Ft'L % ZFZ $oJTK OF -rAc CNAFIeii� 68 MAll 1NJ<rE]k'� WALL, POCKS RA-u61,s 1N st%^ FaLa 4.3 "R%°� R 1Z" To 68" x41D" A 2C`1 Wg2E PEAU -t $ouTK 01= Z- FEM-f 01QLD WL" cvwr W -F / -m sw�u NTLI T.+s vwD OF TNF Pe`oj c -c w4eZ TkE Toe OF SLOPC TRt?1Gu. G'Jln C. UP WAAA Ou -SK< SKot 1.1N1: S iDPE� -THE V o cK S ARE PjAcED lN1 C C Clta A31w14 Sli< 3. A LARGE BOv LDcIZ WAS PLAceo 1�1 Twe TOE -rata F<W atF<W Su '£ �x UPPeR BouLDe2 AS AraluiZ 1V c�TL B�'To M NOT- s 0" -ME- ToF-mewc14 L. FRDbA TK>`c Se -l. W ALL Du THE SOUTH S%DI; OF CHAIJNGZ_ r.15 MARINA Goj . ca SOUTH j3p FEET, YELLOW SAND WAS EMIELOPED W I -M14 TVW FILTER CLOTH Su TN' TOE TKOJCK, 2 . F2on 13o FT. To l (a 6 FT, , ro" S" C.0001al► RIp-RAP WAS PLACED 164 THc ToH T1Zt?I41. 3, F2or\ l66 FT . Sou TK To TKe' EAD of TKc PQo- JzT J 18-2.4 B4JLDZS wm SMAu�� Ilo1.K 70 P%I voIO Sp&tc-s WAS PUKE w T.e Toe e �o/ ,z-5-r/et-e 64� �7 ; 2�C'O S e s 8/ So4� row A .v Fir Pier : � g rNC ©W A)er . Ste_" 7 , `''� C4�er co�'tii ti CA. 8lac� /Qw /`/oo P4Jr�, 8 oaa / i� 32F�9 J- 9Ov- �Z6F'_6, �o7' X83 --717-2O W City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 El FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 12, 1995 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization File / FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director /a/ SUBJECT: On Site Meeting to Discover Implementation of Project --------------------------------------------------------------- Attendees: Terry Cook, Willis, Jerry Thomas, Tim Smith, Robert Skok, Rich Votapka, Terry Hill, and Vice Mayor Corum A meeting was held on site to discuss various items concerning the project as follows: 1) The project will start from the seawall south of the Yacht Club (actually Marker 68) and end at the grass outcropping approximately 100 feet to the south. 2) We will attempt to remove rubble as far back as the top of the bank only. 3) The rubble can be stacked in a parking area. 4) The Sebastian Roads and Bridge Division will take the rubble back to the Public Works Compound if necessary. 5) Rich to compose a letter to the Press Journal to print ASAP stating that concrete rubble is available to anyone. 6) The City is to use a floating boom barrier 100, long. Rich is to check to see how much barrier Vero Beach has. 7) The City is to remove a sign, monument, and a bench to facilitate the County crane to operate. 8) The Sign Shop has to place barricades around the stockpile if it is to be located in the parking area immediately to the west. Page 2 of 2 9) The DPW is to check on the dimensions & pricing of filter cloth. 10) Carolyn Corum would like to visit the Ballard Park in North Melbourne because they have a completed shoreline stabilization project. cc: vice Mayor Carolyn Corum Jerry Thomas Tim Smith Robert Skok Terry Hill ird2 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 5, 1995 TO: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project FROM: Richard Votapka, Public Works Director SUBJECT: On Site Meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------- I met this morning with Vice Mayor Carolyn Corum; Tim Smith, PW/Eng. Technician; T. Hill, Eng. Tech, R. Skok, Project Coordinator at the east side of Riverview Park. We were supposed to meet Terry Cook, Indian River County Superintendent of Roads and Bridges and his crane operator, Willis, but they never showed. As a result we only discussed a few items as follows: 1) Rich is to contact the Indian River County Landfill Office to learn if they will charge the City of Sebastian for disposing of concrete rubble (old curb and gutter sections, sidewalk, etc.) at the landfill. Rich contacted Virginia Brown at the County Landfill office. She said that there would be a $3 per ton charge for concrete that did not contain rebar or wire mesh in it. Rich talked with Jack Regan of Jack Regan Masonry, Inc. who said that Fischer and Sons was in need of concrete rubble. 2) The Public Works Department could place a public service announcement in the Press Journal and Sebastian Sun to inform people that if they wanted concrete rubble free of charge, the Public Works Department would load the rubble on their trucks. Rich was to talk to Mr. Koford about this to see if it was all right. Mr. Koford said it was all right with him but to check further with Tim Williams, Assistant City Attorney. I checked with Tim Williams who said it was fine and no disclaimer was needed if others hauled the rubble away. Vice Mayor Corum suggested that a bid package be put together for the coquina boulders. Rich is to write this. Page 2 of 2 on Site Meeting Indian River Shoreline Dec. 5, 1995 Tim Smith said that we would probably use three (3) low boys to haul rubble away from the jobsite to the compound if we store rubble there. Carolyn Corum will check with Marty Smithson of the St. Johns River Water Management District in regard to the type of sand to be used to fill in along the shoreline. shore2 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 11 FAX (407) 589-5570 November 8, 1995 Mr. Terry Cook Superintendent Indian River County Road and Bridge Department 4550 41st Street Vero Beach, F1 32967 RE: Indian River Shoreline Stabilization Project in Sebastian, F1 Clam Shell Bucket Repair Dear Mr. Cook: This letter is in regard to the County's clam shall bucket so it can be used in placing the coquina boulders on the Indian River shoreline stabilization project east of Riverview Park in Sebastian. I have received authorization from our City Manager for repairs not to exceed $1000 (see copy of attached Nov 7, 1995 memo). Therefore, please proceed immediately with the repairs and keep me informed as to when they are completed. Sincerely, Richard B. Votapka, PE Public Works Director cc: Joel Koford, City Manager RBV/lk clam City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 11 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 7, 1995 TO: Richard B. Votapka, Public Works Director FROM: Joel L. Koford, City Manager G SUBJECT: Shoreline Erosion Project (Clam Shell Repair) After a review of the request, and support of the project, you are authorized to expend no more than $1,000 for the clam shell repair. J mt r f f Fo>�� i M �_ OF k E PHONE R copE MA SIS ( PHONE CALL) DATE `/ TI IVIE LI -d M. PHONED RETOR D YO . CALL / P( NU SER Y.T,� ION n IPLCp ECALLI Ir, IN aT0 SEE Y01 i / WAMSnT _SEEYOU TOPS FORM4003 TO: RICH VOTAPKA, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: CAROLYN COR6*(SWAC CHAIR) DATE: 4-29-96 Re: Coquina placement at Riverview Park Last Thursday (4-25-96), 1 wrote a memo to the SWAC file. I was assured through verbal communication that its content was clearly understood Oil you. The coquina rock that was delivered to date has not been totally acceptable.As we have on numerous times last week discussed ... no small coquina rock is to be placed at this time, it must be stockpiled. Last week on , Tuesday, Wednesdsay, Thursday & Friday we spoke about the coquina rocks size being unacceptable , too small. Everyday I throught it was understood --no small rocks will be used at this time in this project. But each day last week small coquina rock were placed on the shoreline.. ** Friday you recieved a drawing with written information about how to correctly install the filter cloth. Enc: 4-25-96 file memo MEMO TO: FILE SWAC U FROM: CAROLYN COR WAC CHAIR) DATE: 4-25-96 Re: Coquina rock placement at Riverview Park ----------------------------------------- Yesterday I contacted Rich Votapka,P. W. Director and Thomas Frame,City Manager concerning the placement of coquina boulders on Riverview Park's shoreline. The dumping of the small rock along with the specified large boulders was riot the intent. The intent is to place each large coquina boulder one by one. No small rocks should be placed until all large boulders are in place. As I recommended yesterday, if the front end loader inadvertenly picks up small rock and the small rock gets dumped along with the TARGET BOULDER then the small rock should be removed. We are not relying on the small coquina rock to staoalize the shoreline but only for fill in. G� ( OF 5E-5AS-nNN 1ND1A1�t 1R1�lE2 51L02EL1NE STRBILI�A Tlonl P2o�v-tT R1V�Vtt=v.! Pt�iLK �-RS�' No-Tes off pku7 . C.LOTK 1, F%%.Teg- CLQ -TK IS L.AtO VE27\CALL`[ IN 1"L I WIDTKS Z. OVERLAP ON SIDE3 IS 1811 31NCt A.P2lL Z4 'TK �®n. _\ G2A•PV A-ic-D lZbCK S\'�cS EXI ST l N y 1_ BoARDwntK 6e VCGETATr"D o � Vlmo S �+ Or"PT( j. Top OF SLOC �\ ToP of St.op'E P� any. -T iz ETL CIA E -ms 79CW14 FIL.-CeflGL,o-m 'TAE DEV TN OF 'CL2.chICN WAS IN.C-AwAS"-D fra4^ R PdP'TM OF 12." �- To lib" -Z4" AS OF A,PRIt Z9. F\L7VE1Z Cuzy-7K SEO-TIonL i `� MOM SEAwrtLL_ OF CKAN". -L. 68 MAAIWA SouTN A D%sTA-1ce OF 13'7 rcr-r 4='-&' QIP QAP - - [COQVINh 2oc�Cr 1g•_ / Z4" FILTdfL r-LC)TK-LUC.ICrb UuOKQRA-M SEcitol i 2 13-7 F -ex To L 8-1 Pgtc-r f=1L-r,M CWTM Tu CI<OD VwOe&Nv-ATH Zg" / SET -T101 l 3 ' l8� FekrT SOV-NwA .O c Q (,(,vA PECbQD OF CHANGE$ 1N L'YPIGNL SEL-TLO/.{ Du2II,14 C.ONST2VC-0101( PLACEMt"Z-T OF 20C.YC BEGAN oll APRIL Z3, \996 TOE OF SL opt -TRtlaU( � W z P 7PEPARM Ci•( )z, 3. VDTAPKA 012EC. io2 of PUSLLC. WOQI:i 5/3146 ILIO -TES ON GO QUINA SOULDt-P-S PIAcm OVA SlOpto SWoLzvuwW 1, THE FtVST TWO LOADS OF ROCK Dff- L1VrQeD oN APQ1L ZL, 1996 Ctusls-ceo OF SMAIL,V- ROCK TKA.! *PtPtle.Tcn. TK6 LAQbCR Gov LQegas Vt tw G IN o- F M.Lrm 36"X2g`r\Z" To Z4`Kli.1+LlLu W612C PLACF,o K -T TNs TOt OF SL.o PF , S(1ALtKlG.. ROCK v.ti P.Ac.60 UP Tit SLO-D•F. 7kl3 WAS TYPICAL FoV A PPROYInATtZ.Y 7 Z.FC SOu TA OF -TRr CK4NNe, 58 1AMINIL4m- WALL., Z. QOCKS RA- 61Na- IN Sty PA4r. 43"030• R 12" To 616" if. 4.0 " X Zd' 6,CRU PLACCY SOu-(K of 72. FeE-r (N"O WILL C&WrWVE RO Qir�U W TI\ -T •t%E WD OF -rAC pomirl -C OVeZ Tke TOE of SLo PC TJLCMCK. GOING UP WAAO Ow -TK* SKO4ri.lWb S LOPES THE (LOWS qQE PJAC.Uo IN DeC4WA-&%N4 SPL— 3. A LARGF SOvLOeV WAS PtAC2D I. TKc TOE Tat tK FD2 Su PPoCT of -Az vPF V.- gouLoeZ AS OF APQ0. 'Zq-ju. � 1z 1V cfL. $CTO M 18"-Z4'• N OT- 5 OK -ME- TDE -m-e JC{{ 1, FROM TKIE SE7. W ALL oN TK•c %ovTK SIDG OF CIIANIJcZ_ 6 8 MA121NA GOING Sou -TK J--50 FEET, YELLOW SAMO WAS ENVELOPED WI -MIN T}L,� F(I.-rM CLOTH LN TA^ TGC-M%VCII, 2 . F2on 130 FT. To J& 6 FT. , 6" 8" COQU1tla RIP -RAP WAS PLACO-O IH T#42 TOE TCLrl4cl4. 3. FRom 1((aG FT , SOu TK To Tar EµD OF -ke PQO- J<'LT J 181-2-4" BOVLO<IZS wou SKALaa2. MO AC TO PtVo tO SPAG.rS wl's PLAN IN Tie ZOG r"wr-K .