HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-2019 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 25, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Acting Vice -Chairman Paschall called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Paschall Mr. Renzi (a) Ms. Webster Ms. White Mr. Sunnycalb (a) Not Present: Mr. Sims -- Excused Mr. McKinnis -- Absent Also Present: .Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Meetina Chair Makes Announcements Mr. Paschall announced that he will be acting as Chair this evening, as Mr. Sims is absent. 5. Agenda Modifications — None 6. ADDroval of Minutes A motion to approve the January 28, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Ms. White, seconded by Ms. Webster, and passed unanimously by voice vote. 7. Unfinished Business A. Pickle Ball Complex Update PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 Mr. Benton stated that City Council approved allowing the City Manager to finalize the contract, and the final plans were reviewed at the February 13th City Council meeting. The final quote that was presented to City Council is included in the packet that was given to each of you this evening. Also, as there was some discussion regarding the exact location of the proposed pickle ball complex, he has also provided in this evening's meeting packet a copy of an aerial view which he obtained from Google Earth which shows the exact location of the complex. The construction services agreement is presently with the City Attorney for review. As soon as that is finalized, it will be sent to the contractor, after which time the contractual agreements within the project will be worked on. Ms. White questioned the $252,450.16 proposed cost versus the budgeted amount of $409,938.00 listed on the Agenda Transmittal Form. Mr. Benton explained that the $252,450.16 figure is for construction of the courts and includes the sidewalks and the parking area. In addition, there will be expended monies for restroom facilities, plumbing work, electrical work, and landscaping. The $409,938.00 includes all these items. Ms. White inquired as to the size of the parcel designated for the pickle ball courts. Mr. Benton stated it is approximately 1.3 acres. Ms. White also inquired if there is additional property that may be available for adding more courts in the future. Mr. Benton stated there is additional land to the south which is zoned as light industrial. Ms. Webster inquired if there needs to be some type of netting or barrier so the pickle balls don't travel onto the golf course and vice versa. Mr. Benton stated the golf course and the pickle ball courts will be some distance away from each other, so that should not be a problem. Ms. White asked if there are any improvements on the property to the south of the pickle ball courts, and Mr. Benton said it is totally vacant ground all the way to the canal. Mr. Paschall asked regarding the courts whether there will be any type of grading for drainage, and if there are structural defects discovered when flooding the courts such as cracks, whether there is anything in the contract to remedy those defects. Mr. Benton stated there will be no drainage, but there will be a slight slope of about a 1-2% grade to the courts, and the base will be limerock with an asphalt overlay, so there should be no cracking. Mr. Paschall also inquired as to the life span of a typical pickle ball court. Mr. Benton stated for tennis courts it is approximately three to seven years, depending on factors such as usage, etc., and he assumes it will be about the same for pickle ball courts. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 B. Scoreboards for Barber Street Sports Complex Baseball Fields Update Mr. Benton stated the new scoreboard was delivered and has been installed on Field 1. Currently, the scoreboards on Fields 1, 2, and 4 are operational. Several inquiries have been made with Electro-Mec, who installed the previous scoreboards, to see if the scoreboard on Field 3 can be repaired. Parts for that particular type of scoreboard are no longer manufactured. Ms. White asked if the City intends to replace the scoreboard on Field 3. Mr. Benton stated that currently the City has no plans to replace it. He stated the cost for replacing it is approximately $2,800.00. He further stated that a review of the documents between the City and the Little League has not yet been completed as to whose responsibility it is to provide the scoreboards. If funds for a new scoreboard do not come out of the Park Improvement Fund, it would be up to the Little League to pay for a new scoreboard. Ms. Webster opined that the City should pay for the scoreboard. She stated that she has been involved with the leagues for approximately 15 years, and the leagues never had to pay for anything to do with the scoreboards. Ms. White stated that the language of the lease documents between the City and the Little League needs to be changed to clarify who is responsible for the scoreboards. Mr. Benton stated new language will be agreed upon prior to the expiration of the present lease so that going forward it will be clear as to who is responsible for the scoreboards. Ms. White suggested the money be taken from the Park Improvement Fund for a new scoreboard for Field 3. A motion to have Parks and Recreation pay for a new scoreboard for Field 3 was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and voted upon by voice vote. The vote was four to one in favor, with Mr. Sunnycalb voting no. C. Committee Member Discussion about Adopt -A -Park Mr. Benton reviewed the discussion at the Committee's last meeting regarding this program. He stated he has sent to each of the Committee members a list of the parks that are active in the City. He then called for a discussion among the Committee members as to which parks each member is willing to take on. • Ms. Webster: Barber Street Sports Complex and Hardee Park • Ms. White: Easy Street Park and the Garden Club • Mr. Paschall: Stormwater and Schumann Drive Complex • Mr. Sunnycalb: Riverview Park and the Dog Park PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 Mr. Renzi: Friendship Park and George Park Mr. Paschall suggested giving the Committee members who are not present at this meeting a chance to look through the list and decide which parks they want to oversee. Mr. Benton will email those members who are not present tonight listing which parks are available to be adopted. Mr. Paschall also suggested the Committee members have business cards printed identifying themselves so they can pass the cards out to members of the public who might be interested. Mr. Benton will look into that and see if that can be done. D. Committee Member Discussion on Park Improvements for Current Fiscal Year. Mr. Benton explained that he has included this under Unfinished Business and plans to include it on every Agenda going forward in order to give Committee members the opportunity to discuss any items which have been brought to their attention by the public or items which they themselves wish to discuss. Mr. Sunnycalb brought up the subject of a handicapped park. Mr. Benton stated there had been some previous discussion about building a new playground and placing it in the vicinity of Friendship Park. He will follow up on this. Ms. White asked about shade canopies for the baseball complex. Ms. Webster stated they had been in the budget, but she didn't know what happened regarding them. Mr. Paschall stated that subject should be in the Minutes from a previous meeting. Mr. Benton stated he will look into that, since that appropriation was voted on before he came on board with the City. Ms. White also inquired as to the dates that have been set for monthly meetings for the entire calendar year 2019. It is her understanding that if there are no agenda items in a particular month, that month's meeting will be cancelled. Mr. Benton stated that is correct. Mr. Paschall addressed the painting of the lines on the Schumann Drive pickle ball/tennis courts. He stated that the pickle ball players are requesting that when the lines are repainted there still be lines delineating the pickle ball courts as well as the tennis courts. Mr. Benton stated that in the proposal that will go before City Council on March 131' there is a provision for keeping the striping for the pickle ball courts. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 Mr. Paschall brought up the backboards on the basketball hoops at the Schumann Drive complex. He stated that the backboards need some care and reinforcement, as they have deteriorated over the years. He would like to have that looked into and what it would cost. Mr. Benton stated he would research what it would cost to replace the backboards and if that is something that needs to be budgeted for in the next fiscal year. 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business -- None 10. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton reviewed that at each meeting he plans to update the Committee on the projects that are currently being addressed. • Barber Street Football Building. The final permitting was recently received. That restroom will now be open for the football program on Saturdays. He still does not have the final cost for this project, and once he has that he will provide the Committee with those numbers. • Barber Street Baseball. The little league did have their opening night recently. He attended that event, and there was a great showing from the community and the Youth Athletic League attending the ceremony. His department is continuing to work on the baseball and softball fields on a daily basis. There are two staff members who work daily edging the fields, etc. to maintain the fields in good condition. • Schumann Tennis Courts. As previously mentioned, this item is going before City Council on March 13'". Once all the contracts for this project are finalized, the City will go forward with scheduling the work. The contractor who is doing this work is also doing the work on the pickle ball courts. Mr. Benton intends to provide an update on the timing for the work on both projects at the next Committee meeting. Mr. Paschall suggested giving the public ample advance warning of when the work will take place on both those projects. Mr. Benton stated he will make sure that is done. • Park Signage. Mr. Benton stated the City has received input from the consultant regarding implementing signage that will easily identify the various parks in the City. There will be three designs: one is a basic sign, one is a sign with a marquee, and one is a sign that acknowledges if there is grant money, etc. that was used PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 toward the park. He expects to soon have some information from the consultant regarding costs, etc. for the park signage. • Riverview Park. A consultant is to do a master plan for Riverview Park. Once he receives the final scope of services from the consultant, he will share that information with the Committee. That report will also include the pricing. He expects this to be finalized within the next two to three weeks. B. City Board and Committee Social Media Policy Mr. Benton reviewed that the City has recently implemented—and each Committee member should have received a copy—a social media policy as it relates to the various City's boards and committees. He asked that the Committee members review that policy. If anyone has questions about it, they are to contact the City Clerk. If there are no questions, please sign it and return it as soon as possible. The purpose of the policy is to define what the responsibilities of the committees and boards are relative to use of social media. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Sunnycalb: • Stated that the Pete Hams plaque at Riverview Park is in need of some attention. • Regarding lighting for the playgrounds at Riverview Park, he suggested adding another light on the pole at the volleyball courts, and that would also serve the playground. • Regarding the shade shelter that was removed from the water park, he asked if there is a plan for reusing that shade shelter. Mr. Benton stated that when the poles were removed, it had to be done in such a way that those poles could not be reused because of the safety factor. He stated at this time there is no plan to reuse those poles. • Regarding the dog park, he asked if there are shade shelters planned for the park. Mr. Benton stated yes. Mr. Sunnycalb suggested trees be planted for shade for the dogs. He also suggested installing a playground at the dog park. Ms. White: • Inquired of Ms. Webster regarding the Adopt -A -Park project, whether Ms. Webster is going to include the skateboard area in her part of the project. Ms. Webster stated she would take responsibility for monitoring the skateboard park. Mr. Benton stated he will review what the revenue has been from that park and will provide that information to the Committee. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 Regarding shade shelters for the dog park, she understood that those shelters were supposed to be used at the Barber Street complex instead of the dog park. Mr. Benton stated that was a budgeted item specifically for the dog park, so those funds cannot be transferred to another park. Mr. Renzi: • Regarding Riverview Park, he suggested pressure cleaning the sidewalks there in order to improve the appearance of the park. He also mentioned cracks and broken comers which should be repaired, and there are areas where they are uneven. Mr. Benton advised that he is working on a schedule for improving/maintaining the parks. There have already been some fencing repairs on some of the parks. The playgrounds have been pressure washed. Other items will be addressed as needed in the future. He stated the City has obtained a new water tank trailer, and now the pressure washing can be done on a recurring basis. Mr. Benton stated a master plan is being worked on regarding Riverview Park, and once he receives that final master plan, he will be in a position to address the various concerns regarding the Park. Ms. Webster: • Complimented the work that has been at the Barber Street complex. She reiterated how important it is to provide facilities that benefit the kids in the City. • Regarding the Splash Pad, she recently visited it with her granddaughter and thought it was amazing, and she thanked the City for providing it. Mr. Paschall: • Regarding pickle ball, an item that the players wanted addressed is how the open/public courts will be identified. Mr. Benton stated that will be addressed. • Regarding the pickle ball courts, will the public/players be afforded input on any of the amenities such as benches, etc. In answer to this question, Mr. Benton stated that most of the planning has been put in place, and any further input will only slow the process down. As the plans now stand, there is plenty of area surrounding the courts, and if in the future someone wanted to place a memorial bench, etc., that could be discussed at that time. • Mr. Paschall stated there is some concern voiced by the pickle ball group that the decisions being made regarding the layout of the courts are being made by people who are knowledgeable regarding the courts. Mr. Benton stated that the contractor installing the courts is NIDY Sports Construction Company. They develop pickle PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2019 ball courts across the whole State of Florida, and they are very experienced in planning the courts. Regarding Riverview Park, he brought up the subject of motor vehicles being allowed in the park. Mr. Benton stated there are no motor vehicles permitted within the park. There are a few vehicles that have been "grandfathered in" for the clambake, but those vehicles are directed by the City and have to follow strict guidelines for being allowed to enter the Park. Ms. White thanked Mr. Benton for how quickly he responded to the Committee regarding the agenda items from last month's meeting. 12. Items for the Next Aaenda and Date: March 25, 2019 13. Adioum Vice Chairman Paschall called for any further business. Hearing none, he called for a motion. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m. By:� Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee j9