April 15, 2019
The Honorable Jim Hill
Mayor of Sebastian City
1225 Main Street
Sebastian, FL 32958
Dear Mayor Hill,
I am pleased to inform you of yourjurisdiction's Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 allocations for the
Office of Community Planning and Development's (CPD) formula programs, which provide
funding for housing, community and economic development activities, and assistance for low- and
moderate -income persons and special needs populations across the country. President Trump
signed Public Law 116-6 on February 15, 2019, which includes FY 2019 funding for these
programs. Yourjurisdicdon's FY 2019 available amounts are as follows:
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $123,674
HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) $ 0
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) S 0
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) $ 0
Housing Trust Fund (HTF) $ 0
This letter highlights several important points related to these programs. We remind grantees
that CPD seeks to develop viable communities by promoting integrated approaches that provide
decent housing and suitable living environments while expanding economic opportunities for low -
and moderate—income and special needs populations, including people living with HIV/AIDS. The
primary means towards this end is the development of partnerships among all levels of government
and the private sector, including both for-profit and non-profit organizations.
Additionally, several of these CPD funding sources may serve as important resources to
leverage investments in any designated Opportunity Zones in your jurisdiction. Created by the
2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, the Opportunity Zone program will stimulate private investment in
designated, low-income census tracts nationwide. CPD will publish further guidance on how
funding available through the formula grant programs can be deployed to leverage Opportunity
Zone financing.
Based on the demographic requirements of designated Opportunity Zones, it is possible that
yourjurisdiction could use CDBG and Section 108 Guaranteed Loan Program funds to invest in
infrastructure, assist existing businesses, or provide gap financing sources for real estate projects in
these zones. Based on yomjurisdiction's CDBG allocation for this year, you also have $618,370 in
available Section 108 borrowing authority. Since Section 108 loans are federally -guaranteed, this
w v.hudgm espawl.hud.gov
program can leverage yourjurisdiction's existing CDBG funding to access low-interest, long-term
financing to invest in Opportunity Zones or other target areas in your jurisdiction.
HUD continues to emphasize the importance of effective performance measurements in all of
its formula grant programs. Proper reporting in the Integrated Disbursement and Infomtation
System (IDIS) is critical to ensuring grantees are complying with program requirements and
policies, providing demographic and income information about the persons that benefited from a
community's activities, and allowing HUD to monitor grantees. Your ongoing attention to ensuring
complete and accurate reporting of performance measurement data continues to be an invaluable
resource with regard to the impact of these formula grant programs.
The Office of Community Planning and Development is looking forward to working with you
to promote simple steps that will enhance the performance of these critical programs and
successfully meet the challenges that our communities face. If you or any member of your staff have
questions, please contact your local CPD Office Director.
David C. Well, Jr.
Assistant Secretary (Acting)