HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-2019 NRB AgendaCR of :W HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 7th, 2019 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — ACTION ITEM April 2nd, 2019 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Welcome new Board Member: Donna Ware B. Board Member Positions Available VI. PUBLIC INPUT VII. NEW BUSINESS Item A. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup, Saturday, July 27th i. Guest Speaker: April Price, Event Coordinator VIII. OLD BUSINESS Item A. Recap of NRB Earth Day/ Arbor Day Celebration: April 27th, 2019 i. Thanks to our partners and participants ii. Review of expenditures iii. Discussion of ideas for next year IX. MEMBER MATTERS X. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: XI. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. ON 4T ,SEBT� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Council Meetinq Date: May 7th, 2019 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Aqenda Item Title: IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — ACTION ITEM Recommendation: Submitted for Board Member Approval Backqround: If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: n/a Attachments: 1. Natural Resource Board, Minutes of Regular Meeting, April 2nd, 2019 City Manager Authorization: Date CITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 2, 2019 I. Ms. Mosblech called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Mosblech Mr. Howland Mr. Wolfe Ms. Callaghan Mr. O'Neill Mr. Stadelman Absent: Mr. Rosebery (a) Mr. Moga (a) Also Present: Kim Haigler, Environmental Technician Cathy Testa, Recording Secretary IV. Approval of Minutes -- March 5, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the March 5, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Ms. Mosblech, and passed unanimously by voice vote. V. Announcements A. Welcome New Board Members Ms. Haigler announced that there are no new Board members. B. Board member positions available Ms. Haigler announced that there is an open position available, which will be posted for next week's City Council meeting. VI. Public Input -- None NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 2, 2019 VII. New Business -- None VIII. Old Business A. EPA Trash -Free Waters/Litter Quitter Update Partnership and Progress Update Mr. O'Neill stated regarding the Trash -Free Waters program, this program is already being rolled out in Indian River County. Keep Brevard Beautiful will be at the Earth Day event with information about their Litter Quitter program. Ms. Haigler stated she requested the Keep Brevard Beautiful program representatives to bring the Litter Quitter logos so that any vendors who are members can display the logo in addition to the vendors' own signs. Mr. O'Neill stated that this proposed plan will have to be presented to City Council for their review. Ms. Haigler stated staff presented to City Council at their last meeting a prospectus of a grant which described what implementing the program in this county would be, and this included the entire Indian River Lagoon basin, which includes five counties. This will now go to the EPA for their consideration. Mr. O'Neill stated the Litter Quitter program here in Sebastian is not involved with the EPA grant, and so all that is left to do is present the plan to City Council. Ms. Haigler reviewed that there would have to be people trained to administer this program, and Sebastian needs to have some volunteer representatives at the next Litter Quitter training session. The next training session is next month, and she will get that information to the Board members. Sebastian will be the pilot program for bringing the program out of Brevard County, and then Sebastian can help spread it outwards_ She also described in detail how the solicitation for grants is handled. B. NRB Earth Day/Arbor Day Celebration, April 271h 2019 Update on Preassigned Board Member Tasks Alcohol Service -- Ms. Haigler is drafting the proposal for the City Council meeting. She contacted the alcohol department in Ft. Pierce, and they responded negatively NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 2019 towards it because we are not a non-profit organization. She is going to continue to pursue this. Retail and Food Vendors -- Mr. Stadelman stated he has had a good response. He has received applications from 28 vendors. He has four or five food trucks. He expects to get a large influx of applications during the next two weeks. In the meantime, he will send out another email. Ms. Mosblech has developed a vendor spreadsheet which also shows what the different vendors' requirements are regarding electricity, etc. Ms. Haigler identified two restaurants/cafes in Sebastian who have now been Litter Quitter certified, so the word is getting out. Waste Management -- Ms. Mosblech stated plans are in place. Fire Rescue -- Ms. Mosblech stated there are still a couple of vendors who do not have the Fire Rescue permits. Ms. Haigler stated staff will have the permits on site and will get them filled out the day of the event by any vendors who have not returned them. Park Layout -- Ms. Haigler stated she will meet with Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director, tomorrow. Mr. Stadelman said he and some other volunteers will get to the Park early in the morning on the day of the event and will lay out where all the different booths are to be located. Marketing -- Ms. Haigler stated she has the press release which was approved by the City Manager and staff. She will get that out to Mr. Wolfe and asked for any ideas on any other media outlets who might be amenable to advertising the event. Mr. Stadelman stated that a local radio station had contacted him and asked if someone from the Board would like to do an interview. He plans to go and invited anyone else from the Board who would like to go. Mr. Wolfe and Ms. Haigler will meet tomorrow and get the flyers printed and divide them up to be delivered to the schools, etc. Entertainment -- Mr. O'Neill stated he located someone to handle the sound for $500.00, and the Board needs to approve that tonight. The total cost for the musicians is $300.00, so it will be $800.00 in total for entertainment. Ms. Mosblech called for a motion. A motion to approve $800.00 for entertainment for the Earth Day/Arbor Day Celebration on April 27th, 2019 was made by Ms. Mosblech, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously by voice vote. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 2019 Website/Facebook Marketing -- Ms. Haigler stated the press releases were approved, and Mr. Wolfe is going to meet with her tomorrow, and they will make the copies for the schools. Master of Ceremonies and Be a Gopher Tortoise -- Mr. Stadelman is handling those. Scavenger Hunt -- Ms. Callaghan suggested involving the food vendors and other vendors by having them ask questions of the hunt participants related to native species, food -service sustainability, etc. Ms. Haigler offered to have these questions printed. She also suggested having a boy's and a girl's bike as prizes. Ms. Mosblech called for a motion to approve a budget for scavenger hunt prizes. A motion to approve $200.00 for prizes was made by Mr. O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and approved unanimously by voice vote. Volunteers -- Ms. Callaghan stated she spoke to a representative of the Boys and Girls Club who will scout out volunteers and will notify Ms. Callaghan closer to the date of the event. There was a question posed by the representative of the Boys and Girls Club as to whether the NRB would provide food and water for the volunteers. After discussion among the Board members, Ms. Mosblech called for a motion. A motion to budget $50.00 for providing food and water for the volunteers was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms. Haigler will follow up on ordering food for the volunteers. Ms. Haigler stated a representative of the Lions Club contacted her and stated they want to be involved, so she put them in contact with a representative of Keep Indian River Beautiful. The Natural Resources Board has soil left over from the demonstration garden, and it can be used in a seed -planting project in which the participants can take the planted seeds home. This project will be handled jointly by the Lions Club and Keep Indian River Beautiful. Ms. Haigler will have bottled water for the public works people who are helping at the shredding events. She will also have water and paper cups for the other volunteers. ii. Assign Tasks for Day of Event NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 2019 Ms. Haigler will draw up an event map so that sites can be marked out. Mr. O'Neill will be there early to help set up the sound system and get the musicians checked in. Ms. Mosblech said she will meet Ms. Haigler at the City offices at 7:30 a.m. to help. Mr. Stadelman will get the supplies for the gopher tortoise event. He will also be at the Park early to lay out the sites for the vendors. Ms. Haigler informed the Board that the tai chi demonstration will go on immediately after the opening statement by the Mayor. Ms. Haigler will have a sign-up sheet for the volunteers, and they will be directed to the Natural Resources Board booth for this. iii. Request for Board Member input on Event -Planning Challenges Ms. Haigler requested the Board members to remember to check their email boxes for any communication from staff regarding the event. She also requested that the vendor spreadsheet be updated as frequently as possible. IX. Member Matters -- None X. Items for Next Aaenda NRB Earth Day/Arbor Day Celebration 2019 Board Member Planning Updates XI. Adiournment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and passed unanimously by voice vote at 6:38 p.m. By: Date Chairperson Nicole Mosblech C rnYcf SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Council Meetinq Date Aqenda Item Title Recommendation Backqround: May 7th, 2019 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Item A. Recap of NRB Earth Day/ Arbor Day Celebration ii. Review of expenditures Submitted for Board Member Approval If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: n/a Attachments: 2. Earth Day Celebration 2019 Expenses City Manager Authorization: Date NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD EARTH DAY 2019 EXPENSES TYPE PAYABLE TOITEM AMOUNT Check Request IRC Fire Rescue Event Permit $30.00 Check Request John O'Connor Entertainment: Sound $500.00 Check Request Jason Nails Entertainment: Musician $100.00 + Check Request Robert Johnson Entertainment: Little Dynamite $100.00 CD Credit Home Depot Stake Flags $7.98 CD Credit Walmart Bike $98.00 CD Credit Office Depot Blank Corrugated Signs $19.99 CD Credit Publix Volunteer Food/Bev $64.12 CD Credit Dunkin' Donuts Volunteer Food $8.69 TOTAL $928.78 Org iir_ation Code: 010080 Object Code: 534830