HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-25-2019 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 25, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Sims Mr. Renzi (a) Ms. Webster Ms. White Mr. Paschall Mr. Sunnycalb (a) Not Present: Mr. McKinnis — Absent Also Present: Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Meetina Chair Makes Announcements -- None 5. Aaenda Modifications — None 6. ADDroval of Minutes: February 25, 2019 A motion to approve the February 25, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Paschall, and passed unanimously by voice vote. 7. Unfinished Business A. Scoreboards for Barber Street Sports Complex Baseball Fields Update Mr. Sims called for an update from Mr. Benton. Mr. Benton reviewed the history of repairing and replacing the scoreboards at the Barber Street Complex. He reiterated that this Committee voted at the last meeting to replace the scoreboard at Field 3, which was not functioning. That new scoreboard was installed PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 last week, and the scoreboard controller was turned over to the Little League today. As of today, there are four working scoreboards at the Barber Street baseball fields. He reviewed that Field 4 has the oldest scoreboard, and that scoreboard will need to be replaced sometime within the next few years. The cost of the new scoreboard was $2,827.01 Mr. Sims asked the Committee if there were any questions regarding this matter. Hearing nothing, he moved on to the next agenda item. B. Committee Member Discussion on Adopt -A -Park Progress and Process Mr. Benton reviewed which parks were identified as being "adopted" by which members of the Committee: • Ms. Webster: Barber Street Sports Complex and Hardee Park • Ms. White: Easy Street Park and the Garden Club Park • Mr. Paschall: Stormwater Park and Schumann Drive Complex • Mr. Sunnycalb: Riverview Park and the Dog Park • Mr. Renzi: Friendship Park and George Park Since Mr, Sims was not at the last meeting, he requested Mr. Benton send him a list of the parks that are still available. Mr. Benton stated he will do that. He also asked how the Committee members would like to handle their updates on the parks on the meeting agendas. It was the consensus among the members that they would prefer to have this discussion during the Commission Matters section of the meetings. Ms. Webster inquired as to what exactly they should be looking for in order to make these reports. Mr. Benton explained that there will be some months when there will be nothing to report, but he is looking to get their opinions of the parks in general, as well as feedback from any of the general public who may want to have something addressed. Ms. Webster stated she has very little knowledge about the skate park. Mr. Benton stated there are employees there every day, and he hears from them regularly. Ms. White inquired if there is regular feedback regarding the participation at the park and the revenues that are received. Mr. Benton stated over the last two years the revenue and participation have been very light. The cost structure for using the park was changed to a flat $3.00 per day, whether the person uses it for one hour or all day. Mr. Sims inquired if there is a way to tell which days of the week are more heavily used than other days. Mr. Benton said he will be able to get a report covering the last several months, and he will get that information out to the Committee. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 Ms. Webster inquired if anyone knows why the attendance has dropped. Mr. Paschall stated after the change from the wooden ramps to the concrete ramps there was a drop in attendance. He said before the change to concrete, there had been several competitions held, but since that change he is not aware of any competitions being held there. He opined that when the City made the structural changes to the park, it was not necessarily what some of the skaters were looking for. Mr. Sims suggested it may be the size of the skate park in general that is the deterrent. Mr. Paschall stated that when the changes were made, the size was not changed at all: it was just going from wood to concrete and changing out some of the equipment. He reiterated that he was on the record at the time as not being satisfied with the changes that were made. C. Committee Member Discussion on Park Improvements for Current Fiscal Year Mr. Benton gave a brief update on the park improvements. There was $2,827.01 expended for the scoreboard of the $20,000.00 that was allocated for park improvements for this year. That $20,000.00 is for non -budgeted items that come up as we go through the year so that those items can be quickly addressed. To be clear, the $2,827,01 was at a community park, so that money was evenly spread among the $5,000.00 that is allocated for each zone. Mr. Sims asked if any Committee members had any questions or comments relative to park improvements. Ms. White: • Mentioned addressing providing equipment and access for the handicapped at the City Parks, and she asked if there was any information available on that. Mr. Benton stated that subject will be addressed under New Business, Playground Discussion. • Brought up the shade canopies for the baseball field and whether that item has to be included in the budget. • Requested an update on having new park signs made. Mr. Benton will have an update on that in Staff Matters. There being no further discussion on this matter, Mr. Sims called for public input. Shirley Hatch, Sebastian, FI asked for an update on the pickle ball courts—whether all the funding and permits have been obtained, and an approximate time of completion on the project at the Airport. She asked if the tennis courts at Schumann Drive will be PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 resurfaced. Mr. Paschall reported that yes, there will be resurfacing at Schumann. There was also requested at the last meeting that there be some notification to the public as to when the work will be done, how long it will take, etc. Mr. Benton stated that City Council did approve the contracts for Schumann tennis courts. That will Include installing pickle ball lines back on courts 5 and 6. All six courts will be resurfaced and poles painted. He has a meeting scheduled with the tennis club tomorrow to discuss color schemes and to begin discussing a timeline. Once that timeline is in place, there will be signage placed at the park to inform the public that the courts will be closed. The plan is to shut down all six courts at the same time for two weeks, depending on the weather. Mr. Paschall questioned that when the nets are taken down, depending on the condition of the hardware, it might need to be replaced. Mr. Benton stated when the nets are taken down the ratcheting system and other hardware will be assessed to ensure that everything is functioning. Mr. Sims questioned whether the basketball courts at Schumann Drive should be resurfaced, if necessary, while the contractor is out there working. Mr. Benton stated the budget to resurface the tennis courts was $36,000.00. The contract came in at $35,500.00. That leaves a little extra in case there are problems with the hardware, cranks, etc. He stated he walked the basketball courts and does not feel they need to be resurfaced at this time. He can get an estimate to see what it would cost to add it to the tennis project, and he will present that information at the next meeting. Mr. Sims stated he would appreciate that. Regarding the new pickle ball courts, currently the contractor has applied for permits from the City. The City is still waiting to hear from St. John's Water Management for a clearance permit. Some preparatory work will begin this week, and as soon as the contractor receives clearance from the City, they are ready to start. In total, the project should take about four and a half months, depending on weather, etc. Mr. Paschall added that lighting at the Airport is part of the second phase. However, once the resurfacing is done at Schumann, that site will be available for use both day and evening, and the Airport site will be available for use during the day until the lighting is completed during the second phase. Mr. Sunnycalb asked if there could be something put on channel 25 to let people know about the new pickle ball courts and how the project is progressing. Mr. Benton stated PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 that, once construction is begun, updates will be provided on the City's website. Photos of the progress will also be provided on the website. Mr. Sims requested if a loop could be on the website or the public information channel regarding the new pickle ball courts. Mr. Benton said he would follow up on that. Mr. Sims asked for any more input from the public. Hearing none, he closed that portion of the meeting. 9. New Business A. Playground Discussion Mr. Benton reviewed that at the last meeting there was discussion regarding the all- inclusive playground that had been proposed at Friendship Park. He has researched that subject, and after discussion with other City staff, he would like to propose a different direction for the Committee to discuss. Within the City there are playgrounds that are approaching the end of their life expectancy and will need to be replaced within the next few years. One of the items he has Included in CIP is to start to fund playground replacements and renovations throughout the City. The idea he would like the Committee to..consider is, as these playgrounds are replaced or renovated, the City would add all- inclusive components to add accessibility for residents throughout the City, not to have one playground that is specifically all-inclusive. His idea is that the City would begin to phase in these components in every playground throughout the City, which would improve accessibility for everyone to the City playgrounds. Ms. White stated her understanding of Mr. Benton's proposal is that as replacements or renovations are done at the City parks, all-inclusive components would be phased in over the next several years instead of just designating Friendship Park as the only all-inclusive park in the City. Mr. Benton stated that is correct. Ms. White likes the idea. She proposes waiting to see what is presented in the way of inclusion equipment as time goes on. Ms. Webster is very much in favor of this plan. She described an all-inclusive pads in Palm Bay, and the inclusive equipment is not sectioned off from the general area of the park, and she feels if you section the all-inclusive equipment off, then those who use it will not feel inclusive. Mr. Sunnycalb is also in favorof the proposal. He added that the handicapped playground behind the Police Department was torn down to make way for the new building, and he believes it is time to provide handicapped playground equipment in the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 Mr. Paschall agrees. He asked Mr. Benton for a list of which parks would be first in the ranking for these projects. He also questioned whether there would still be all-inclusive equipment installed at Friendship Park. Mr. Benton stated Friendship Park would still be included in the overall plans for the parks. He has started a list of the playgrounds and what their needs are in regard to which ones are most in need of renovation, and he will forward that list to all the Committee members. He is open to suggestions from the Committee regarding this list. He will visit every playground in the City and note what the conditions and needs are for each one. This plan will be implemented over a number of years, and once the decision is made as to which playground(s) will be addressed during a certain fiscal year, only those playgrounds can be addressed during that fiscal year. Mr. Paschall also inquired as to how it is decided whether to purchase replacement parts for the equipment that is deteriorated or whether to purchase new equipment. Mr. Benton stated that those matters will be addressed as time goes on and the current conditions are looked at, as well as the accessibility of replacement parts for the older equipment. Mr. Sims is also in favor of having all-inclusive playgrounds, but he is concerned that, if the equipment for the handicapped is open to everyone, that it may be damaged through wear and tear because it is being used by people for whom it was not designed. In his travels around the State he has seen playgrounds, which are largerthan any in Sebastian, which have the handicapped equipment contained in a fenced -in area. He is concerned that the City parks may not be large enough to accommodate the inclusive equipment safely. 10. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton stated that at each meeting he will give the Committee an update on the projects that are being worked on by staff. Barber Street Athletic Field — Staff is continuing to work on improving the athletic field turf. Staff is also implementing a maintenance program to keep the fields in better condition. Riverview Park -- Staff is working with GAI, the consultant, to develop the scope and proposed pricing for the plans for this park. Lisa Frazier, our Community Development Director, is included in this plan, as that portion of Riverview Park is coming out of the CRA. That includes the tree canopy and developing a master plan within that pads. Consideration is being given on how to maintain the tree canopy and implement a succession plan for the trees. Included in the plan is to PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 look at the electricity, the sidewalks for mobility, and how the setup is done for special events—all in hopes of best preserving the park as well as providing for all the special events that are held there. There will be a stakeholder meeting for that project, and he will send invitations to the Committee members. • Park Signage — Park signage is definitely needed throughout the City. There is no constant theme to the signs for the parks. Some parks have no signage at all. The plan is to come up with a theme and implement that in stages throughout the parks. Additional monies will be requested in the next few years to complete this project. Once the choice is made on a proposed theme for the signage, Mr. Benton will present the sample to the Committee before it is finalized. Mr. Benton stated Riverview Park and Park Signage will go before City Council on April 24r', which will be after our next meeting. • Schumann Basketball Goals -- He has priced replacement aluminum basketball goals that attach directly to the existing poles, and they are $500.00 to $700.00 to replace those goals. He has requested pricing from a local fabricator to replace the brackets on the back sides. He has not received that pricing yet. There are four goals at Schumann Park. As soon as he gets the pricing, he will send an email to the members of the Committee. • Landscaping — Staff is working on trimming palm trees throughout the parks and beginning to improve the landscaping. If members notice landscaping that needs to be addressed at the parks, he invited them to notify him. • Pressure Cleaning — Easy Street has been taken care of. Next on the list is Riverview Park, and then some fencing around the football field. He is planning to establish a timeline so that landscaping and pressure cleaning are addressed on a recurring basis. • Stormwater Park -- The fence has been removed at the secondary parking lot. That fencing will be replaced. The front part of that parking area will be cleaned up so that it is not used as a dumping ground and such. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Renzi: • Showed a circular lens that fell off one of the lights at the Friendship Park playground that fell very close to where he was standing. This Is a very dangerous situation, and he questioned who is responsible for the maintenance of those PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 lights. Mr. Benton stated the City is responsible. He was not aware of that situation. He will have staff assess that situation, and they may have to get a contractor to inspect those lights. He requested that, if members notice conditions that are concerning, to contact staff right away so that they can be addressed quickly instead of waiting until a meeting. Also regarding Friendship Park, some of the courts there need resurfacing. Mr. Benton stated that is going to be addressed in a CIP project for next fiscal year. Spoke to some tennis players who stated the lighting there is not the proper lighting. They said the lighting is too high, and they can't see the ball at night. Everything is fine at George Street Park. Ms. White: • Stated the pressure washing at Easy Street really did make a difference. • Visited Garden Club Park, and that park needs a lot of landscaping attention. There are a lot of dead palm fronds on the trees. • Requested the sign at Garden Club Park that says 'No Pets Allowed" should be removed. • Described there are plaques on a lot of the trees and shrubbery. Some of the plaques are in disrepair and are on the ground. She suggested doing something to improve the appearance of those plaques. • Easy Street Park: It is a very popular park, and the people she spoke to stated they are very happy there. Ms. Webster: • Has not had a chance to get to Hardee Park. • Regarding the baseball fields, the people there are thrilled with the work that has been done. She said the fields look really good. • She was at the Shrimp Fest over the weekend, and she complimented all the hard work the City employees did all weekend, as well as the Police. Mr. Sunnycalb: • Regarding Riverview Park, he thanked Mr. Benton for getting the lighting put in at the playground. • The Pete Harris plaque has been put back. • The shrubs at the Yacht Club have been cut down. • In Riverview Park, people have been asking if the pelican on the fountain is going to be replaced. Mr. Benton said the last two times it has been replaced it has quickly gone missing. He will have another discussion with staff regarding a way to have it replaced so it cannot be removed. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 • There is a walking trail at the Dog Park, and he requested signage be put up stating the distance around the trail. There is also a sign at Easy Street showing the distance, and he requested there be a sign at both sides of the park. Mr. Benton stated he would take care of that. Mr. Sims: • Will have his parks chosen in time for the next meeting. • Inquired if there is any help needed for the Easter Egg Hunt. Mr. Benton stated the Easter event will take place on Saturday, April 201h at Riverview Park between the twin piers. There will be multiple age groups. There will be pre -filled eggs used this year, and staff will not be accepting eggs any longer. There will be different things for younger age groups. The bunny will arrive at 9:00 a.m., and the egg hunt will begin at 10:00 a.m. He invited all Committee members to help. The event will be advertised on the City's website, Facebook, and Channel 25. Electronic flyers were sent to the elementary schools, and paper flyers will go out to the pre-schools. 12. Items for the Next Aaenda and Date: April 22, 2019. The Committee members stated that date is convenient. 13. Adioum There being no further business, Chairman Sims adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. By Mgtthew Sims, Parks and Recreation Committee 19