HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-11-2019 PZ AgendaSEBASTL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2019 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of June 20, 2019 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex -parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — Strunk Funeral Home - Additional Parking Area — 1623 N. Central Avenue — Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 14. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. All Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings are Aired Live on Comcast Channel 25. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S. 286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 20, 2019 pjf 1. Call to Order -- Vice Chairman Reyes called the meeting to order at 6:0ace: m _ 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. E n 3. Roll Call a- E I A Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Mauti (a) C O Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Qizilbash RS U 5 co g Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez N m O Mr. Reyes CZj C C o CL Not Present: Ms. Kautenburg -- Excused N Mr. CL Hughan -- Excused Also Present: Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Mr. Jim Stokes, City Attorney Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Reyes announced that, since Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Hughan are excused, Mr. Simmons and Mr. Mauti will be voting in their places this evening. Mr. Reyes stated that New Business will precede Public Hearings this evening. It was agreed among the commissioners via voice vote to make that change to the agenda. 5. Approval of Minutes A. Regular Meeting of April 18, 2019 Mr. Reyes asked if there are any additions or corrections to the Minutes as presented. Hearing none, Mr. Reyes called for a motion to accept the Minutes as presented. A motion to accept the Minutes was made by Mr. Roth and seconded by Mr. Simmons. Roll Call Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Simmons -- Yes Motion carries. 6. New Business Mr. Mauti (a) Yes Mr. Alvarez - Yes PAGE 2 A. Accessory Structure Review -- LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 910 Greenbrier Avenue — 540 SF Detached Carport with Utility Storage -- M/M Robert Hatch Mr. Stokes read the item into the record. Mr. Reyes asked for the applicants to present their application. Mr. Robert Hatch, 910 Greenbrier Avenue, Sebastian stated that he had purchased the lot next to his residence, and his proposed plan is to landscape the lot, install a driveway and a carport for his boat and a storage shed behind the carport. Up to this point, he has partially landscaped the lot and intends to do more. Ms. Bosworth stated that the application is before the commission based on the size, which is a 540 square -foot structure. The structure is not going to be higher than the house. The color is going to closely match the color of the house. The auxiliary driveway permit has been obtained, and the driveway has already been installed. Since this is a corner lot, there is a 25 -foot setback required on the secondary front yard, which has been met. Based on the requirement for the double -lot landscaping and the remaining trees, they will meet that requirement. Unity of title is on file, and staff recommends approval. Mr. Reyes called for any comments or questions by the members of the commission. Mr. Qizilbash: Is concerned that there be a buffer, since it is a corner lot. Ms. Bosworth stated there is still a very dense buffer on that corner. Mr. Mauti: Asked if the structure is going to be placed on a slab. Mr. Hatch stated it is asphalt milling, pressed and rolled. Mr. Simmons: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 PAGE 3 • Inquired, since Question 7A on the application is not checked, what will the structure be constructed of. Mr. Hatch stated it will be flat steel. Mr. Roth: • Asked if the storage area at the back of the carport will have a foundation. Mr. Hatch that will be part of the milling also. • Stated the lot does have very nice landscaping on the street side. • Is concerned about the color of the trim and whether it will match the color of the house. Mr. Hatch stated it is not exactly matching, but he understood that the color has to be similar, and he changed the proposed color to grey, which is the same color as his roof. The gable that is pictured on the drawing will not be present. The siding color will be Quaker Grey. Being no further questions or comments, Mr. Reyes called for a motion. A motion to approve the application for a 540 -square -foot detached carport with utility storage at 910 Greenbrier Avenue submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatch as presented was made by Mr. Mauti and seconded by Mr. Simmons. Roll Call Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Alvarez Yes Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Reyes - Yes Mr. Simmons (a) -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) -- Yes Vote was seven ayes and no nays. Motion carries. 7. Public Hearinas A. Public Hearing -- Review of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments to the Future Land Use Element, Conservation and Coastal Management Element and Public Facilities Element with Regards to Adaptation of the Coastal Resiliency Plan Mr. Stokes read the agenda item into the record. He reviewed that this item is not quasi- judicial, but legislative in nature. Ms. Frazier reviewed the history involved with this item. She stated there was an application to DEP for a coastal resiliency grant to meet the legislative requirement for what was entitled "Peril and Flood," to add that language to the City's Comprehensive Plan. That language was changed to make it more of a coastal resiliency plan. So the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 grant language is for a coastal resiliency grant study to be done for the City and that language to be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. The City received a $50,000.00 grant for this work. The consulting firm of Kimley-Horn and Associates was hired to assist the City with the Plan. The City would then be receiving input/recommendations from this commission and would pass it on to City Council, who would then bring it up to DEO for final incorporation into the Comprehensive Plan. However, Ms. Frazier stated, the Plan needs a complete update by next September. So work will continue on the Comprehensive Plan through the next year to completely update all of the data and then incorporate the changes that will be looked at this evening. The information that is discussed at this meeting will then be submitted back to DEP to finalize the grant. That has to be accomplished by the end of this month. The information that is discussed this evening will then be a recommendation by this commission that will eventually be brought to City Council when all the data analysis has been updated. Ms. Frazier stated that another grant in the amount of $40,000.00 has been applied for to DEO to assist in revising the entire future land -use element. The City will not know until next month whether they will be successful in obtaining the grant. She then introduced Philip DiMaria and Amanda Brandon of Kimley-Horn and Associates, who will be making a presentation describing the work they have done and all the changes that are before this commission. She called the commission's attention to the spreadsheet that she supplied to the members which summarizes what the changes are and where they have been incorporated. Mr. Roth questioned the timing of correspondence and notices regarding this project. He received an email on June 5, 2019, and it was his impression that there had been a meeting back in November 2018. Ms. Bosworth stated the November 2018 meeting was a staff meeting with stormwater and other departments to gather information that Kimley- Horn needed to put together the coastal resiliency plan. Ms. Frazier stated the plan did not require the Planning and Zoning Commission's review.. Mr. Roth is puzzled that the Commission was not aware of the project, and it would have been beneficial for them to have been able to review what was being worked on. Ms. Frazier stated that it was brought to the Commission's attention that the staff had been working on this in the Minutes of the April 18, 2019 meeting. Mr. DiMaria made a slide presentation (SEE ATTACHED) in which he reviewed and explained background information and provided an overview of how these suggested PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 Comprehensive Plan amendments were arrived at. He described the objectives and how they were modified as well as reviewed some of the amendments that are proposed. Also discussed were future strategies to be kept in mind. Ms. Frazier emphasized that the sections of the Comprehensive Plan that have been changed or added are highlighted in yellow and/or blue in the pages that are attached to this evening's agenda packet. Mr. Reyes asked for questions/comments from the members of the commission. Mr. Qizilbash: • Questioned whether the zoning would be changed based on this Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Frazier stated that no development rights have been changed or will be changed by the acceptance of these changes this evening. What is important is recognizing that there are sensitive areas such as flood plains, wetlands, etc., and developers must comply with certain regulations and permitting in the developing of these areas. Ms. Frazier stated she would like to update the stormwater master plan. She also explained how a plan could be established for development rights to be transferred by landowners so that those landowners could transfer development rights from land they own that cannot be developed to land they own that will allow for development. Ms. Frazier stated that one of the items needing to be addressed is the updating of the stormwater master plan. She advised that a policy statement could be studied regarding low -impact design and best -management practices regarding the stormwater plan. Ms. Bosworth explained there are mandated Elements in the City's Comprehensive Plan that the Florida State Legislature requires. Each one of those Elements has two sections: (1) data and analysis, (2) goals, objectives and policies. The second section is what the commission and staff are now working on — how do we achieve those goals and objectives with our policies by changing the Land Development Code to adapt to the coastal resiliency ideas. Mr. Roth: • Stated he has a copy of a plan that is dated 2009, and he asked if that is not a copy of the entire Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Frazier stated the work that was done in 2009 was regarding the future land -use Element. Other Elements in the plan have not been updated since 1999. • Regarding the transfer of development rights, would that transfer have any impact PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 on properties adjoining the property to which those were rights were transferred? Mr. Bosworth stated there would be no impact on adjoining properties, and the zoning would stay the same. Buffering requirements are in existence. Mr. Simmons: • Asked regarding the section on flood plains, wetlands, etc. that has been completely deleted, whether that language is going to be included somewhere else in the document. Mr. DiMaria replied that any critical information was consolidated into the unified chapter. Ms. Frazier stated that language was definitely not deleted. It was all consolidated. Mr. Reyes had the following questions: • Whether the data the engineers used for this study is the most recent data. • Why all the language regarding SWM land is being removed. • Why modeling for 50- to 100 -year storms is still being used. Mr. DiMaria described that at the meeting in November of 2018 that was referenced, there were several engineers from both the County and from the Water Management District, engineers from Kimley-Horn, and City staff who all discussed data need, availability, what updates were occurring, all the maps and analysis that could possibly be included. An attempt was made to be as thorough as they could using the latest data, which is set forth in the documents attached to the agenda. • Is this discussion just in the early stages, and Ms. Frazier stated yes, this discussion is to show where the City's vulnerabilities are. • He is concerned about the transfer of development rights. If a person owns land along the river, what is the process for determining what percentage of that land can be developed? Mr. Qizilbash interjected that, as long as the development does not touch the wetlands, it will be allowed. However, if the development touches any of the wetlands, then there has to be a mitigation process instituted. Ms. Frazier stated that is correct, and she also gave some examples where development rights are being transferred in the County. Ms. Bosworth gave the example of inquiries she has had about the possibility of a tiny home subdivision in Sebastian and how that land could be developed with a greater density through this transfer -of -development -rights process. Mr. Mauti: • Inquired if there is still language in the documents regarding keeping the theme of an old fishing village in future design and development. Ms. Frazier stated the language is still in the document. Mr. Mauti suggested that there be consideration PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 PAGE 7 given to including language committing to the old finishing village design criteria. Ms. Frazier stated there is language in documents that she has, and she will provide copies of that language to any commission members who want it. Being no further discussion on this matter, Mr. Reyes called for a motion. A motion to approve the review of proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments to the future land - use element, conservation and coastal management element, and public facilities element with regards to adaptation of the coastal resiliency plan was made by Mr. Alvarez and seconded by Mr. Reyes. A roll -call vote was called for by Mr. Reyes. Roll Call Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Simmons (a) -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) -- Yes Vote was seven ayes and no nays. Motion carries. Ms. Frazier thanked the commission for their commitment and the time they are investing in this project. Mr. Roth asked what the next step is in this process. Ms. Frazier said all of the changes will be reviewed, and then it will be presented to DEP. She also asked if breaking the plan down on the spreadsheet is helpful for the commissioners. It was the consensus that it is and getting any future information in a timely manner would also be helpful. Ms. Bosworth suggested that staff will hand deliver any documents with information having to do with the Comprehensive Plan to the commissioners. Mr. Reyes said he would be willing to come in for a special meeting/update on this project. 8. Unfinished Business -- None 9. Public Input -- None 10. Commissioners Matters -- None 11. Staff Matters Ms. Frazier stated there will be no Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on July 4th The commission, however, has an opportunity to convene a special meeting on July 11th PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 There will also be a meeting on July 18th. At the July 1811 meeting there will be two site plans for review and also a future land use map amendment in regard to a potential annexation that is coming into the City. She requested that the commission decide if they want all those matters to be heard during the July 18th meeting, or do they want to break it up so that part of it is addressed at a special meeting on July 11th and then the other portion addressed on the 18th. It was the consensus of the commission that it be broken up into two meetings. Ms. Frazier also wanted the commissioners to be aware that Sebastian is a CDBG city, meaning that the HUD dollars come directly to the City, staff doesn't have to apply for them. There will be a stakeholders meeting on June 261h, and all the commissioners were invited in order to review what some of the dollars can go towards. There will also be a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on August 15th where there will be an opportunity to review the capital improvement plan for the budget. Ms. Bosworth called attention to the supplement that covers the changes to the Land Development Code regarding vacation rentals, the walls and fences, and the personal service definition to allow the tattoo parlors. Those were all the changes that the supplement covers. 12. Citv Attornev Matters -- None 13. Adjourn -- Mr. Reyes called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 19 CROF 5E�`sTuW HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Site Plan Modification Staff Report Planning and Zoning Commission July 11, 2019 Project Name: Strunk Funeral Home Parking Addition 2. Requested Action: Modification of the existing property to add 32 new parking spaces and drive aisles along with the requisite landscaping and stormwater management system in the three adjacent parcels to the south of the funeral home. 3. Project Location a. Address: 1623 N. Central Avenue b. Legal: Part of "Town of Wauregan of Fleming Grant' Subdivision, lying within Section 30 of the Fleming Grant, City of Sebastian, Florida; metes and bounds as noted on Sheet 1 and 2 of the submitted survey. Full legal description is available in the Community Development Department. C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 30-38-21-00001-9999-00022.0, 00024.0, 00025.0, & 00026.0 4. Project Owner: Strunk Funeral Home & Crematory, P.A. Glenn & Dorothy Strunk 91617 1h Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)562-2325 5. Project Engineer: Todd N. Smith PE, Inc. 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 Vero Beach, FL 32960 6. Project Surveyor: Project Description Carter Associates, Inc. Frank S. Cuccurese, P.S.M. 1708 21 sr Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)562-4191 a. Narrative of proposed action: A site plan modification has been submitted for the Strunk Funeral Home to construct an additional overflow parking area to service larger funeral services. At this time, the existing chapel and/or funeral building is not proposing to expand therefore, review of site development requirements only consisted of parking, landscape and circulation. The area of the proposed parking lot will be the former site of the IRC Fire Station. All infrastructure from that site has been removed, including the blighted building, septic tanks, and remaining concrete. Recent infrastructure construction has occurred along N. Central Avenue creating an unsightly right of way along this corridor. The proposed project includes 32 new parking spaces and drive aisles, a stormwater management tract, Riverfront Overlay landscaping requirements and offsite improvements along N. Central Ave.. b. Current Zoning, Future Land Use and Overlay District: (1) Zoning: CR (Commercial Riverfront) (2) Future Land Use: RMU (Riverfront Mixed Use) (3) Performance Overlay District: Riverfront Overlay District C. Adjacent Properties Zoning North: CR/CWR East: CWR South: CR West: CR d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: (2) Current Land Use(s): (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: (8) Parks: (9) Police/Fire: Current Land Future Land Use Use commercial RMU site/residence residences RMU commercial site RMU commercial sites RMU Total site — 2.68 acres Limits of development — 1.48 acres vacant St. Lucie sand partially cleared, two specimen oaks Zone X Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities Riverview Park — 1.25 miles Indian River Fire —.5 mile Sebastian Police — 1 mile 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 9. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: provided b. finished ground floor elevation: n/a C. contours and designating number of dwelling units: n/a d. square footage of site: Limits of development 64,678 SF 2 10. building coverage: 3,136 SF - existing square footage of impervious areas and open area: Total site impervious - 33,921 SF = 52% (80% maximum) Total site open space 30,757 SF = 48% (20% minimum) setbacks: n/a — no new structures proposed scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: n/a generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: n/a Building exterior construction materials and color: n/a building height: n/a location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: none proposed location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Parking Table Use Number Parking Ratio Spaces Needed Chapel 80 seats 1 1 space/3 seats 27 Other Areas 2,077 SF 1 space/300 SF 7 Total Required 1 34 Provided: Existing parking to remain: (2 H/C) 27 spaces Proposed new parking: (2 H/C) 32 spaces Total 59 spaces o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): provided P. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided — concrete and stabilized grass r. number of employees: n/a S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: n/a t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: provided. V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: Location provided W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: provided Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: Provided Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: Provided aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: Provided bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: Provided cc. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: Provided Site location and character of use: Provided 3 11. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: Provided. b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: Provided 12. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): a. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non -vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: Provided b. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: Provided C. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: Provided d. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: Provided e. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: Provided - existing gravity wall shall be painted to match exiting building f. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: Provided g. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: Provided h. Riverfront Overlay District special landscape requirements: No waivers are being requested. The existing building site is grandfathered in with regards to Riverfront landscaping requirements. However, the applicant is providing Riverfront landscaping for the limits of development, which includes a portion of the grandfathered area, and new landscaping for the entire limits of development. 13. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: The limits of development are not adjacent to residential property 14. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: N/A 15. Surface water management: Provided 16. Available potable water: N/A 17. Wastewater service: N/A 18. Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: Provided 19. Additional considerations: Additional landscaping has been added to the perimeter of the entire limits of development, existing and proposed, which brings the development closer to compliance with the landscape requirements of the Riverfront Overlay District. Due to existing topographic grades adjacent to US HWY 1, staff is not requiring a sidewalk along US HWY 1 but is requiring new sidewalks, curbing, and catch basin on N. Central Avenue as part of the offsite improvements. Three new parcels are being added to the existing site, and should be formally joined through a recorded Unity of Title. 22. Staff Conclusion: The site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. 18 23. Recommendation: Hold public hearing regarding the proposed modification to the Strunk Funeral Home's site plan. Staff recommends approval of the site plan modification dated July 2, 2019 subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide a copy of a recorded Unity of Title for all lots before issuance of the Certificate of Completion. 2. Receipt of approval FDOT driveway permit prior to project initiation. V DATI= 5 S'111-<UNK t�'UNERAL HOME PARKING ADDITION 1623 - 1640 U.S. HIGHWAY NO.1 SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 30S, RANGE 38 E LOCATION MAP INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA MAY 2018 OWNER GLENN AND DOROTHY STRUNK 916 17TH STREET VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (772)562-2325 ATTENTION: GLENN STRUNK ENGINEER TODD N. SMITH, P.E., INC. 1717 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD SUITE 302 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (772) 559-3699 tnspeQbellsouth.net ATTENTION: TODD SMITH SURVEYOR CARTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 1708 21ST STREET VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (772) 562-4191 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Cl. COVER SHEET C2. EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN C3. PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C4. STORMWATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN C5. PAVING, GRADING DETAILS & NOTES LS 1. LANDSCAPE PLAN LS2. LANDSCAPE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 0 Via= 1-800-4W-4710 C 1 OF 5 ENGINEER'S P.N. 18865 a , ----" GHr^RaoA�E —•-Ate ---------- 5 � OS HIGNMPY NO 1 SPIE 0.0P0 NO�,� �M 4�Mp�o-.�0 ROw ,w fes, El EE,MlE EI E Ell ME I ME E_ EMIL EEMIM,, MEM ON .Mx C2 OF 5 18985 L°T .SOFAST REST — - — v — s 4 - 4 CDROM AVENUE REINACE NIY MCGIOD OR YISANG 40dilEp IE F CURBING N. m $ ry w m g IXlsr MomElEo — • o • —' — • — • —p'• �xrsnxc m — • • — x — . — . — - TME WEST Sib 14 rvTE (RUC%OXENTROA. AVENUE R.I, w xxFw nPf r cupelxc.—— P TOPE T CURB ♦ V p AT FOCI _ 9 . 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W Pw 4• df sew ( ts. at600 b IW-�smPveN 4 mHdsn Xc 9p o 1 } 1r N °3E°'W" �1 . uAr PoLL E z 4, h \ ♦ 0 \♦ N ° C7' r 1+•I � • ` r wwp O Z Ot. \ U p \ PSp^= Z �p m I Rw Puxr.n Sia y '� b Cl F GF � °pue1L E„1 V n `[.�-q rte` 0 _ �,wx Sg r GI L ` PRO DIED 2. xMDE STOP g WXCRErEC50EWPU' Z J N fCJ,Y" k 140 `q 15.00 \1T I.. 16.00 1T.0 .00 p°AZ.?uNrtO -MO yy O �- �n� �A i, ,6 OI-�.(�•uy¢ mNICHn MfO 1 ZD Om W \♦ 1 I I$ VO y 1600 2 14$0 /99 h V� E. 0 i ExwxG RLSIR PE PPRxNG AS O V' A 1 - S o w g J �q /C Pn0 5 Owx lxrs TIDO1h `Py GVol PPCE At 1 ING REA 1T 00 ♦ y 0 16 JO '- (P 9h y 7 TO h Afx TING R d 0 p , 1]2 S A 1500 Om ST p 1 ♦ dmNcm xw ED¢f.•i 538 ^ q9 k y O vEUE 1Jr2i15F.WA A 17 11 V ;1 y 'E"6 mm _ 1 15J 1 %0 +.t 1 ME L •'f t j= I� — 10 Fry z wc.wpEp q yh mRC ED On. ni°' ry �1 B 36'39 21 E 1 �y�•< Rq hA cvgB TOP Erp�1 m mn s5`s (rrP. of q 9 X561 - a b °P bo' �X,/�R SFWOFd 16.00 'v\h 1 tis 9'ST30" b ky m v o E 6mXcmh. } h } • :F*"0 16 � } i01 �q�k1ry " ywcN/ 4.UNIT o 0 N a5 i - ��v AppOPOSFL OE SLOP ( L°CAT ♦ Nr' C, BW PAINTED wX b ^ YO'NCPE3G,6 A k EWE OE en N om ��1j S + ♦ — — b' sawctrt/w,yx gmxc ♦ bry i b l� E ISnXW B OE k EDGE OF EOE 0 1 " e t 5 LANE y V bb CBS. PLL SIGN 486 $F k kGMEu l)NQ ti b b ' 0 �� 1 y cope NORTHBO ♦ _ �� 9 1)6 M1 P (Q1 II b9% h" C%5°vPiLOE 65 O 0 A - Iyryy�G I 'J'� A S 09 39'2i^ E 1 ry2`M1: ,� upe TOLD gAyk yhy gM1eao � 165 M w ti gµ1W O+S1 M. -Go I 111 j1- ' 2/ EWE OF 1 _ � MIT h 211 c I N A A R � h4 M1}e _ U S. HIGHWAY N0. Ary ryS v IGNWA "onE OAD NO' S ^� R"010-110 . V, � 9 M1\`,b SOUTHBOUND LANE -F> s 6 r�r STATE R 100 SEC ON 88'Ox.nh H'\h$: s wNW cpxcpe1 MAP WAS, REDO+ - 2L 1oM1' k WOE,E a wRl 1hk I ry'3 _ CEMEpLME OF mGHT OF A% hA 1b}q ,TK_1 h by EWE AKNExi MEWSME N"DWS, ME OE e 0 12' �' \0♦ �'O V, ry ! 1q. yy h" hhY hh0" auL DEPPVEMdT MOEWWRflES° PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE SITE PLAN wo p [ SCALE I" - 20'-0" n�b h P Fy IIWwwOyIl 'r..' SITE INFORMATION ODER SITE ADDRESS TOTAL PARKING (E%IST,Q OL1. dx XSTAXIS,O ... STE.S. =X ..Foo CENTRA DOE ORYJxG REOUIPEO ' TAX PARCEL LD NUMBER(S) EBrSNx. I.E. Sz95e JO-y-21-°OOp1-999gi1'02E0 ® SITE PLAN NOTES �n VERS OFACXZ ELOPoOA JZ960 S (fip SGiS)1 SPPCE/3 SGA (CIMPfL) - 27 SpPCEs b-Je-21-WDp1-8999-WpN.O 1 Ap XEW PIAKWG SXpWN OH THE PROPOSED PLPN IS NOT ryj (JJ2)'S6 - J2S ®SITE DATA (E%ISTING) (2.0i) SF)f SPME/J00 5F (OmER) J SMERS ,p_y_21_p3Op1_ggg9-WOL50 EONRED EM ME dlmxC SRE /^W4/ SURVEYOR ipiX SDE DAG 6°,SIX BE - 146 k - N.C. TOTA - N SPACES JO -36 -21 -DA" 01-9999-Cpp260 D, IXISMG BVILOING 3,IOF 6F - OW P[ KING GAVDEO - 3} SVID. (J1 SigYDaRO. 2 flENt DRIVES 2 ALL PAVED PMMNG WO 41 SrOEILILED PPpKIXG SXpwN CXDRARTER T GUNSTES, INC Po wER pqV[ 16,206 - 042 X 28.2aZS Pd WO Z XWOILMPEDJ IX TNS SUNYTA 5 UVEFSLgY PARKING OAp Oc - FLOOD SO ZONE }. ME IXTING GAMIN WNL SIW1 BE POINTED TO MATCH rw/ TMG x TO YERO REACH, FLORIDA ]2e6° TATA TES AREA OFFp 43� BE a 0.99 N, III s70% ®TOTAL PARKING (PROPOSED) E SO PRO PROPCRM1 Is WGTEO IN ROOD ZONE 'X' PER THE FAmNG &IIWMIG. O ZONING 2-4191 rOrX °PEN AREA - EVE ONO R.O.O. - 1 FIRM. P EL HO 306100103 Y. GARS DEZIBER 4, OUR ZONING LAND USE J BADGES ®SITE DATA (PROPOSED) PAflKIxG PROV10E0 - 59 SPKE$ 4 NO ADD EOXAL SIR HATING IS PROPOSED ROTH TNI$ a U CCM Rry EARDIr UNCR ISE 23 0' US STANDARD BADGES WATER/WAS...IR SOURCE pOp05OI- NERCIAL flNERFRON! (RNEAMDN! OVEg11 p�lp1 TOTAL SIR ARG - 64,6JB SE 140 PoOZ 2 - I NW01CNpFp SPACE$ NO XCy( RR PoNNECIgXS IXISIIHG BVINIHC PAG = SF Cl C - Ac I.BR 2 EVERG AFM DRNEWgv SPMES XO XOR OWER CONIATTONS } ME SITE U56 IPASX RELEPIKIES nAa ME NHEFI£° ® SITE REQUIREMENTS IXISTXG BCW. (REYWEp) - 0 SF DDO b = N 11% 2 PROpp5E0 11WgGpp[0 SPMES OUE IO STREET FOR 1Rg5H PICK UP pUMPSTER RCPoSd BDo ME ApU - 5F 000 ^ - OOF IS pPOSEO SrPX 0 SPACES ECIH°ES RI FO ATE MIRED PFONDEO TOTAL BUIWIrvc MEA a NJe SE 0 [ 0R I.M. C. R.R. SPACES BUILDING USE rflMr �EO6 FEET W//yDORMUOsj 29/H FEET IXISNIG Con. OAFA 1 z06 SE = a °2 P[ a TOTAL - 59 ST.. SPICES H f "NOCRO n USE FOR ME EXISTING BN1nING 6 FOR A FUNfM1 I CAOYMFACW/yVLTI-EPYILV BUN UNIDO SHNL POST A SILT = 05 FEET (( SES =d „24 J4] EEEI IXlSpxc DOUG (PENOrF01- 656 IF = 2 Ac 2N p,S O4E WAVY 61NCx NVNgIUL ApppE53. R REr (}p' M°T RE9pEHnNj 05E0 CpICPETE 0.i Fd- 0.535 sF - 0 24 M 1 }R e1➢G Xr 35 TEST 12E TIXOI'LL CO'VCpflE MU - 29.BUS SF - 064 m 4a ®PERMITS REQUIRED TRAFFIC STATEMENT MUS TAA - 0060 - 0.45 POSTING ING � ENT MG - 0 BE - 000 AF CbI OF SEBASTIAN STE PUH (.OR YOXK AK, dTOyNMl1 _ BLpW CO'hRPGE _ (RE40VE0 OUR ®CITY OF SEBSUX CONYERLIN VNO CLGRIXC PERMIT NO MORIWN. TRIPS ME BEING MDd r0 ME W WNVEO 511E �M4� BR OpOPoSEO pPVENEM DRG 0 Si = 000 Ac o °R CITY Cf sE615gM IEEE gBROVK pER41r P ME PpOPoSED MpOIOM ME F°A A Nd DRNEWAT MIN ER.MIIS MG - 00R - SI AR TOTAL pPVEMdi µG 0 Y - 0W pe OR GT' w EUSTON WON OF WAV PERoF E55 AXD MR WERfIDW POUNDS IAF 41N LOT OPEN SPME - I.. gISEUC STA@LIZED MU - SE W M - OOR ®lYT' OF SEUSMH STORYWAIEp PERUIi MIN OTF MIZ°TM = JS WROgSE - 646J8 SF gISNHG SIA9 (gFMWED) 0 BE - 0M Ae DOR FLET °RM1EMAv WNNPN PEANIL LOT pENx -IBD FEET - 22 6 FEET EFTAI.I.D. SIZED AMD- ZJw ST A[ 2 FWi ONARECE mxNECTOx PERMIT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE �� TOM n uI mvw.n..ra zv rc= mveyrt er.w x vp e[ x..n0�an oy x srm rim, ILREO��G 4r va�[JOO SwF = 006 ^ 0 NPD E s NOTICE C INRM 1° VSC GTPUS PEflYIT FOR SrMI COSTROO L., PO SEPTEMBER 2019 7WA IMPER.1pU5 4i FA - ]3.921 SF k 61,95 STORNMPIEA gSCWA°F iP°N WN51gVLno ACTVITIES d0 COHSiRUCP°X 202° A OPEN MU - JSIS sE - 0 )1 - 1D/2 SELf-EEXq{ICATIT _ OLINIEMATTG T USE q CI PERP T To. S MNAIER MNMGENI C —1 u.. 0 me. rmex wm re OF J 18865 -It -, q. h °a }� FIRST . LIOIMfIEO pE qS p `EDGE OF MKMEM �- CENIEPVXF 01 MCIIF OF WP qV ------------------- --— EROSION CONTROL NOTES FAST ROW LINE m 1 YdMIENe•BPSINS ANO mngSe CMNC RR d/ES XttOINETMMEAS ANB MEF CEMRRL WENVE -0— JA b91 96D qo 96� 1 00�' s zsaa'oa" a _ NORTHa^CENTR_AL AVENUE _ _ _ A EDGE wEWETr oT pNr — _ ..O WIDE R.O.W. qN°* NECESSAW SMLMY NOT ON s. w"svwo-na.ae - -N. OF CGxemu0u9 LI OF EDuxuENr xMGxr MINIMUM THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. ACTUAL FIELD �J.l Ig LRoF�FIII � �FW%zE Ruwi�:o FN REFOISS, IF �.siN awwm IMPLEMENTED. THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO ° FOLLOW STANDARD BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN creDwREo mE cR:De ems a xvcD.WUTM RFUTE emLwExnvNO r ONE mnWCTeO u 3 L_ I w NR TRENCH FETAL rnTEw rWBRIc SECTION A—A xo� ' NI F NWUET E.1 CBNEpR., WENEM . wG ux NN WIM MK WY PEON ansa... REFSE WxD/GR wLw SO OF WN,uLVSNS. usm FO TILL, I.S. NT. pim pmiRVSE BNIOER9IF RtxT�-M'-FOR S EL LCN . RGE DONE Bx x1WIENN0ARU PNELIS EEO ON LO W W W OMIEM ° SSEp xI°TPN M SE°W TEMPORARY GRAVFI CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/FRIT-N T 5. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SCALE: I" - 20'-0' WNI xm.T G e Nx wx � INCTAI I ATILIN WITHOUT TRENIHIRI ISCOx M�AEC otWRn.0 11, tL A/RFn cr.n 001 Ra.. 11 R LPVMAO. WSF INCpNM<IE nu BNps x(CE.4MY NO 111 0, ISSFO Sn2 WPER p/yi TF .WO SMpp REtleWLKNTS I). RE KLLI. RCW WFI£ IIII IS A YINMI.N WNOEWIE ONS1 ALSS.1 BNp, NnY OC NECESS RY AT Cp/IRnGFGP4 EXpFNSE IS Np M SE IOSEO 0.V AE. x n'wA W. AIR.. - pEWnE F.1 Nor EAYEEO STA. NS..Ill S.NRS I - CM NSO. MUST X W A TRM'SRRRAE SAWO CLWSVYpOt£ OY PENIN NWI AS A WOOCEO_ ((NERAL FERSIT FEE .1RRM Gtl5EENOTOW OE-IWEIRIp. C - NO NNFRW...1 IE.. LEW.. EWWO VtlES$ ,ROMEO I Y ME.. NNagOE ,OSIWI FM MPT.. O - ^O NRB10 ..NRB 1 REMWOS ARE 1"..""W"NOW ..1 SE OEKwrzO 10 MF .1E ORNEER `qT� qiR 1p ID �- SOUTHBOUND LANE trA k w N,, RI lx R WW (.. IL ELINAXON ;El WRIT uE°SECTION N.I xorts aT. TO WE ING ru uqw .F RE PIKE rw sTWaO au rzsF REF) ttPE III SILT FENCE By m"�a' m i i Wav"row.E ES ExEET 1 OF , IS OLT NNOT N� NNI.WRWm ENIWDnTW.woT I...nap°n.°��pWiT1°.w SSE LiM.Wx. FlI TFR yF`Ni FOR CRATED ILEEAN[I STABILIZED ROA ML�w�Yj�N�� %RMF FRA WRHIIIIT TF .IT .1 SOFT wmTFM WS $FSE 111hi VIEW OF FRAME WITH SLi FENCE rn•SONS, INS �s. MRI M.0 FL NOT THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN ON THIS w"svwo-na.ae PLAN ARE IN THE OPINION OF THE ENGINEER. THE MINIMUM THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. ACTUAL FIELD OONN "D NEWRE � ^ CONDITIONS MAY REQUIRE EITHER ADDITIONAL OR FN REFOISS, IF REDUCED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED. THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO ° FOLLOW STANDARD BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN WILL IMPLEMENTING A SUCESSFUL EROSION CONTROL PLAN. w N,, RI lx R WW (.. IL ELINAXON ;El WRIT uE°SECTION N.I xorts aT. TO WE ING ru uqw .F RE PIKE rw sTWaO au rzsF REF) ttPE III SILT FENCE By m"�a' m i i Wav"row.E ES ExEET 1 OF , IS OLT NNOT N� NNI.WRWm ENIWDnTW.woT I...nap°n.°��pWiT1°.w SSE LiM.Wx. FlI TFR yF`Ni FOR CRATED ILEEAN[I STABILIZED ROA ML�w�Yj�N�� %RMF FRA WRHIIIIT TF .IT .1 SOFT wmTFM WS $FSE 111hi VIEW OF FRAME WITH SLi FENCE rn•SONS, INS �s. MRI M.0 FL w"svwo-na.ae OONN "D NEWRE � ^ BN W Mr- FN REFOISS, IF FORONS-IRON, ° WILL emLwExnvNO r ONE mnWCTeO u sr:aRE [O. TRENCH FETAL TWF N SIIT FENCE -N T.S. ❑ WERSO'S �T C4 of 5 18865 — r 1A9i . ZTEMUCT 6. WALKING, OR N4. GA GRAYRD E0 IIIyIIj I1 \y\J\J \J\J\J X DRY OINSIT, FORS GB mWsM 1-1. 1 ...iD.WORRABMIXOPHS iI..N Cox BRr WT TH, SO , ..ING, PAN A m.."CxaS V%NBC FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT SECTION N.1.B (ALTERNATE) GN -M AND 1. GOAL fYBMR. '-C SAW. ASRX I — T ASPHALT PAYMENT Ifllllll fpsnxO BqE PRWDSEO BASE [MSIWD SR-gAOE PBLvp4D 910 -PAGE PAVEMENT SAW -CUT AND BUTT JOINT x.Ts. (ALTERNATE) e• LRP®xMaM cW.FM LER.. P✓.) AL A UP 4OSWRCIN O �PAPER HAD,YY S.PP N1lU Pm � CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION HIS GM—WTEMSRMG A9HALW REACH STOOD GAME °^ /�--GDM• Tor.. a TM-1TO�iNEMW. a W "PAVEMENT SAW -WT AND BUTT JOINT SEE MN E-- SLOPE /PLAN p1 vn.aM1.A xuE a+ —J _ FlBERMESN REwfmcED CONCRETE SIDEWALK OETAL N.T.S. RAE. UFIXMIL SII 'n'� DGMEN _Ri R_R Ir -R V WHOW' REVATP SECT, HI CONCRETE WHEEL STOP DETAIL S. AD�rc -M �r I EXPAR II\ P��11I WON LLL333"'yyy55e... JJJNNN333"'yyyee. MN05 C' SPR U. um NPR, TD BIA 10.. BEER IP. PAR., D, ER 11-P SMALL GAWE A RFlCCOH BLUE BAIXfFpMD PM RNL . SbBLI AR BP[f➢. BACKM. 1.ET IO -ORS ALL LAK A RETLEGRUE FORK GROUND AM BLACK WASE LEGEND AND BORDER 1 .1.— BE I REST MEAAIR➢ NMOM RIE.. m TO .1 BOiRu GE USE LPC POPE MY 9., M B RECUT HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL N E.S. CDP To FORK) EXT BE PA. � Ym 1Y m IY OF W 009E RLLW RES T BLAR4 NGYA IPDA NS] -IB FLOC EHOIEO, ttPEABFD. WM MOR AWRE TREYS R[T] SRN SCO,, S xAPXAXW M SWR. OPDMONS'8• WlalT: z.. H, M JB' IEMDMS :FTMIS NAM, - E WANTS'A 02M SCO CHUM (SLYER) P EWAL PARK - X. ... 6 11 sG0T HW, (RHA) AN .1 BPO2R GINA51 REN. AUMRw . M Tx91E STpGEN ASCW AS. DUCHN m. MONISM RR FLPED.. TIDES P ALL AOR slRl A WAS MEI. MR PAYS .. ARES SEES "TO FIGURE STARLESS SR6 AUAUJ IEAO Y1NUSERS SUAll C. MIT CAP /W RE ICER PAWN wx w TUCK AND Tnux ISS' —, B EWu xU.. DEP.. PITANSI PMry STAREARS, lO. (E -J/8 GO, St LWO GAIVAxUDY ShR GLOB' MRD. CUNCTET SAID I.., AS SUGAR STREET & STOP SIGN DETAILS RAISED 6• CONCRETE CURB PRdPERTY LIN , 5' I 8' I1 1� 3 MAX. 4 SECTION A—A HIS PRAPERTY LINE VARIES 12• 4 1 4 PROPERT1 LINE 8' .. 12' .. —DOIN AREA SECTION B—B EXISTING PLUME RSECTION C—C III ROD /�--GDM• Tor.. a TM-1TO�iNEMW. a W WRVS BP suv z. ANY D"FFPANCIES W ME DRAMATICS SHALL BE BI TO ME ATIExnW CE II' ME ONSPEER BESWE GwMWCINO NOR. Z 1PoSx AR 3 M. RUN WRACKS GO RNAMwS REN I. 10 BE MIRE MRIWT PROR WHEN APRgVN BE ME CHIMSER A WE COMPERAGGGHT WALL FOR cul F%ISwc uDVD AN M CWMACTCP SXOPD CAM8W-Arz-A])0 NO MF LLE4M RIME SEAT CAU. roMPA m S 3 RADE J ME LKABB" OR EXISTING GLIBBEST SEEM IN ME PLANS ARE APPROMMAIF ONLY, ELPN eeR.TpN i2'GRAN. SUW MM nE—CO.. -AM n. MY A, B ALL WORK STALL BE IN cwEWuaxCEAOMAM ME RCPma oEYM1MENT OR PRECAST TYPE 'C' CATCH BASIN ANSPOR TABUNS ROADWAY AND C DESIGNSTANDARDS LATEST MUCH!AND FOR STANDARD SPETT ABWs PW "'A"MIT MINT CONSTW U"M GP6T WPM s.B.G. MNP. MITI BLP. B'. COM"GTD TO RBE MAY, DMY E BUY APPLICABLE BE SIIw STANDARDS.AN A E-CWWI ] PPSIRVCTON MEETING IS REWIRED BETWEEN WY Of KBAS EM. ENGINEER A9 w fo n L .n 1-1. METHODS IYDUST, MNIgR 2IS OF IN NEWARK TM MyP S ME NORTH SWI K TURES AT (FAST AB HOLM A GRASS STARLQED PARKINGUTI 9. DENSITY 1E5I5 W Al APE GCR]ILL 9NBCRADf AND BASE YAR. WALL BE SHALL ME D RM BY ME CMMAND BERSEW BY AN KT(W ARGUMENTS., SUBST.. BE PERFORMED GER AASNTO T-180 METHOD DGESTY MOT SMALL BE PERFORMED w PIPE INSTALLATIONS PER CITY OF SU ASEAN STANDARDS. ly. ARDS O WWLLL P� la NEST WMPw SUUMM 0' �« R . ,_RF0 154' Hr. \—... SOMNER PLAIN BOLTED M SDE OF BASH TOP EL . 1300' BM U- . 2B' EXNIIBGL BrnucnBE 1111 T TYPE 'C CATCFI BARN Ipo�RP 0.NERY 9ffT C5 OF 5 18865 BEG RAL PROFS a 1 COMPACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CROWNS ACTUAL SIT CWDITWs BEFORE STAMPS CWSPPLAS. z. ANY D"FFPANCIES W ME DRAMATICS SHALL BE BI TO ME ATIExnW CE ME ONSPEER BESWE GwMWCINO NOR. 3 M. RUN WRACKS GO RNAMwS REN I. 10 BE MIRE MRIWT PROR APRgVN BE ME CHIMSER A WE COMPERAGGGHT WALL FOR cul F%ISwc uDVD AN M CWMACTCP SXOPD CAM8W-Arz-A])0 NO MF LLE4M RIME SEAT CAU. UnuTY MATERS AT COAST AN MUSS P111w ro PIANO K. WDAGROMI UMInES J ME LKABB" OR EXISTING GLIBBEST SEEM IN ME PLANS ARE APPROMMAIF ONLY, ME DURWGACWSISNCIIM ..I. STALL COCKGRATE .DPW BE VRUBESCT LOCATION MAIL BE DEMEANED By ME CONTRACTOR 00 STUFF AER MM nE—CO.. -AM n. MY A, B ALL WORK STALL BE IN cwEWuaxCEAOMAM ME RCPma oEYM1MENT OR ANSPOR TABUNS ROADWAY AND C DESIGNSTANDARDS LATEST MUCH!AND FOR STANDARD SPETT ABWs PW "'A"MIT MINT CONSTW U"M GP6T WPM E BUY APPLICABLE BE SIIw STANDARDS.AN A E-CWWI ] PPSIRVCTON MEETING IS REWIRED BETWEEN WY Of KBAS EM. ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSWUCTM 2IS OF IN NEWARK TM MyP S ME NORTH SWI K TURES AT (FAST AB HOLM A PECMD" 9. DENSITY 1E5I5 W Al APE GCR]ILL 9NBCRADf AND BASE YAR. WALL BE SHALL ME D RM BY ME CMMAND BERSEW BY AN KT(W ARGUMENTS., SUBST.. BE PERFORMED GER AASNTO T-180 METHOD DGESTY MOT SMALL BE PERFORMED w PIPE INSTALLATIONS PER CITY OF SU ASEAN STANDARDS. IB .UE RPE Jgxrs SHALL BE TRAPPED NIM ERISA ¢OM 11 ALL RPE AND ORAPACE STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ME DRY, 3 BAVI6t AWHD COMBAT FINES AND COMPACT M BBR HA, MY MERSEY PEA / \ n 2 RAsxID 11. V C IJ SEMS CRACKS MOM FLEVARONS SHOWN TO EXISRNC MA➢ES AT PROPERTY IDXES GE e 14. M CWMMCId1 SHALL SE MONTRONE FOR ME AGENT AND RESTMAWN OF ~ �} FIRMS I.NWAT. EPCS CWbATS CARIES EM. AND UxDSCIE4D ARDS INCLUDING IN REPLAN PIPES AO WORKERS DAMAGED AS A RESULT CE ME A CONACTOET OPERATORS AXI MOSE OF HIS SUBCON REACTORS. AND MI rTl o w U RESTORE MEN PROMI IM CONTRACTS SHALL BE 45PMSIBLE FW ME K AMAN R EAORCnM L DISKS MAT ARE .... RALE I5. ME @NMACTpf SHALL BE REiPONSBIE FOR STAINING ANDMMTAMIRG J COVERAGE UMBER ME FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EN RNONMENTAL MCTECRCH'S FM BRAGGADOCIO DISMAC£ FROM LARGE AND GNI CWSTRATI %.A ACONERIC CIMRESEANT PX A x 16EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL BE SANwT WERE PAVEMENT IS TO BE READIED AND FFPNW• x RCRE NEW PAVEMEx1 IS TO LOAN T. y Oi 11 EMSMG SWAGE L«LRD Ix GXM YIM PROPMEO CCROU. SMALL OE ,S^W o RELOLA20 PER ME SWEDEN CF ME ENGINEER V/ ^ I0. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE CF MAIC WRING j ONNSWVCRW MRNRES. AL BLUFFS CWAQ WALL BE P ACCMOMALE NM ME MM.". W .. TRAFFIC CFAA0. RUN"$ FOR STREEES AR HxMgYS. LATEST A, EX no1l � ' 190 LRqRBED MEAS SHALL SE RESmREO TO ORIGINAL WNDIPON UNLESS TIDIED RIOm ]0..W. OSMRBFO AGs WAIN CRY AND STALE RIGHTS OF WAY SHALL BE STOODo B MMIH ]i HOURS GF RNAL WAgX4IVAIE R -O -WS AND EASEMENTSSHALL BE FULLY SPEED ED M REFUND ANO NULCNED AT RESUME CtlSRFMIX. O P ]1. WSE M CCWSMUMwE EA SVLEO TME WE EMITS C. THE EVELWOUL L+ P - C I ALONG ME ENTRE SEE BOUNDARY D HAVE AVALABLE AT ME ("� _ON REWEST CE ME DUTY OF SEBASTAN. 22. ME RMViD SECRET WYL CONSTRUCTED ALONG nR NEST PROPERTY UK SEPT. �> K PARE TO.. ME EAsnHA B...ME. i] MY DAMAGED SICEWAL.S ALTO PROFIT FLOWAGE WALL BE REPLACED. •` E.. AL F#E55 CGSSTMCMN MAADBAL AND wASME TO K TAMED RF WE AE .9090 BE RIFLERY AT CWEST AGTONS EXPENSE xJ w !FA IS. CONCRETE PAVEMENT ALTERNATE SHALL BE POMADED MAMA CWTRACMw JOSS WY F(.yI,BV zMARMw SPACING)'NM 1-1/Y DEPT. F��B av IAS O 2., THADAEIEPAKMENT ALTERNATE SHALL BE PROVED MM A AWMED USES `I ��/'J MEMBRANE WRING RING COMPOUND CONFORMING TO ME REWIREMENTS OF A51M [� DESSMATW (JMj C' GENERAL TRAFFIC NOTES. _ I. ALL. 9w SORT MAIDEN MD SRI ADEM WALL K All ACCOIMAEE WM NOT A/ SPASMS THEMUBRIs Fw HDAO AIR OeDa ExSlRucSM. IFY Air. I ENTMMAI 2 LL APAVEM MEN WN ME NOT RIGHTWAY. OXT BE SHALL GWSST M PO M4 EXTREED TYPE, WNW) BASE MERMOPLASTC. 3KLENT MM S AND SW MAIEAIAS WAC. K Ix ACCII9RKY ARM NOB 1/R1 Frl ^ w U STRAPPEADBUT 9Ea... FOR ROA AND SRDCE IONSTMNCTM. NOT TRAFTS W DIAN COLN, GESw STANDARMi FEW POSTER ENGINEERING MANUAL. AND INDI BYER $$ADAMMEMUKA. DAT ` AN UP I V) AaoaOMUFLRTH"'Ll S,Mo1R0SINR% No "MHN C.I.gsBwf1 S M1y YANIE.ro - AM sFACEs SHALL OF OF AARIED IN PARMK N[BMIroPTREELESCIOPE 1 ACCO DANCE W M ME ROROA DEPARTMENT BE IRASPORTAnM'S VDWI FOR BRIDGE 2010 MOON STANDARD SPECLICARWNS ROAOB AND CONSTRUCTION, 710_ O B ALL CONJ r SAGES IF ANY. SIAL BE IUNMD'CCMPACI wgMOWu. M ME o .Nl M IRF 51M. IMG ] BPD ABSORB INGICATED ON ME PLAN ASE FOR SIZE PLA INRMNATM PURPOSES O SSS LY. Y DO NOT RE ESHT ACTUAL PAKKAT MARKASK REMREPRESENT � FFiI x At At a� CH Tin w CH Qz Ipo�RP 0.NERY 9ffT C5 OF 5 18865 cu9l RDW ME 17 m LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE — _ — _ _ _ _ _ EX.qu AWFIA a �— v _ xi. �gPREAO cK xg ilvEI TOLEF� n a 7dMlSi. MOCiFlED� s m. o b _ s _ a _ a s _ b CPIKM BXRRLCK DPNG E'G CO. R 9 _ . �_ _ SYMBOL �.31MBE� NATE qq m OM1' _ \0 pb 00 (9 0 (fl n 9 A E% NG TREES I q EDGE OF PAVEMENT h 1 6 _ - I TX I LOVANE v,UERNA'MA I � I IRRUXE OF RIGH! OF WAY q0. p0 `A. y9 gF� 6� 5�q 3 (i0 E PEN O) YES I YES _S. 25'44_04"4cq 91M1 9 61 GBBg6E �,)) `ENE DF PAVEMEM q n — _ �q _ NORTH# CENTRAL AVENUE_ _ _F B"- T EDGE OF Pq^FYENi � A- WIDE R.0 W !9}FNIERLWEOFAIC PALMALHEITO VELIOiII q q T Q CEC q \q• q OM1 k ' p V q0. `"EXIST M0.Yf20 O q F IST LEDFRD� T A I EVISnAS TEE (i0 pE REMOVED) q oI a 9 m / 0 N OM 7 ry:( NCUT b V\ dsr xc DEC. saD qu a/w ESI EE EE o sM x h IrywE r Cv o E F CURB 0 ♦0 p Q MULCH HEARTED µEAS b CONCRETE \ ® 0 • ♦ wgax 0 M1h Wcx N -TEE 0 �b @v' •y /r �...��.0 �- a. N Ofi' D4�W I4fi flF'(�IPa6piEp cgrvDPv n_Jb �M1 _. '"�� O I"... ♦, -\— ^..Lc. -': j „:': RiM -7 dfiltp�Q) ` .. ...:.� J — � 4 PAVEMENT .1' EXISTING 11' b m . ID.T 92 0. b` ` \q ! cox IN SIDEWNX \! WILLEXISTING IRR tD m c WILL IRA. 'F \ \B m k EXTIT m' c ss' T e`P T 0 z} a IV 0 P MP m SEE -LEA ISE81AlIA P 1 6' �± ek A�q -z z &♦h� e,,x a P.wP o I bq h M1 M1' } dImEG PUMP CONCRETEsS iiiA Pq LOCATIONCESSATIO OGPON 20 0� b i wd h rYL�Y 9 �P hh HE PPLMEiip 6' X/P YES YES OR�TREUK� I aAT PROPOSED XIA RSipRYEGE OE J IS MW�i b I k H,! bq LY C SSINE b1 b' b o `q NUWH PANEL, OIE o AND, M1 MYRICA 6' I — � 4 PAVEMENT .1' EXISTING 11' b m . ID.T 92 0. b` ` \q ! cox IN SIDEWNX \! WILLEXISTING IRR tD m c WILL IRA. 'F \ \B m u fi m W ` E EXTIT m' c ss' T e`P T 0 z} a IV 0 P MP m SEE -LEA ISE81AlIA P 1 6' M1Q A�q -z z &♦h� e,,x a P.wP o a RECIFLWq dImEG z £ CONCRETEsS iiiA IPRyV/P�p}SED 20 0� w (n oq �gx'1-V i wd h rYL�Y 9 �P hh yb /-dISTNG PPLMEiip b� ' ti1♦ � L �RR 1NlET ' xmc OPSIs .$1 M1M1 ^- EtGE OE PPVL-SNT I X I a. U S. HIGHWAY N0, Ary J n � RPV NONE 5 tt/ 0 '1•Sb us. RED HW ROAD N0. R 0 W. – S?ATE 100' v aaolo-11a z R 0 HN. MAP SECTION _ - W ,� DNDu+PE u cRAss N �.._F of M1GME °A IN, LANDSCAPE DATA (RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT) I US MURRAY X01 - 10WIDE TIPS WIOSCME STEP FREES REOVIFEO - 5 VHOPI AEO a AN N, Cp LE(828 If) µ0 COM XFDCE 22 CANOPY, 26 uxpERsroR! Axp WrvnxuOVs HERDS (428/2 - 214) TEES EXISTED - 1 Lµ RAGE POW CEPOP! I. COMPOSED a 1 d6TN0 GARBAGE PAW µp S PROPOSED ..I PAWS - 3 MMI CRESS PWS 0 THE CURS µ0 9 SOUTTERX WCXOUgS 22 CANOPY 0XDERSIRY MELS PROPOSED - 13 OWED N0'YX AND 1] WAR WINCES 28 VNCEflSX)RI X0ES PROFESSES - FLORIDA PRNEI AT 24' 0L NORTH CENTAL AVENUE - 10' AM .., SUMP TREES REQUIRED 5 GWOPY AND 8 UXOERSIORY/IW V(TN LE) µD COM 3' TILDE 20 CARO, 24 UNpEgS1oR/ µp CTOMATOES HEMP (OW/2 - 2W) .LEE dTIXO - 0 TREES OF, IRE6 PROPOSE➢ = 8 PROPOSED GRRACE 1. - 2 .1 CREDITS PLUS 0 LM W(5 ANO a SOVMERX Ac NIgLLIS - 20 .1 OMOERS10RY FREES PROPOSED - IS ..MOLLIS µ0 9 WM MARKER - 24 UXOURSTOM EDGED PROPOSED - 214 FLOMW PAKI AT 24' OC. 3 SOUTH PROPERTY UNE - 10' ACE LANDSCAPE SENSE TREES REQUIRE s CANOPY AND a CONA,TONY/I W Li(AD lF) AND COM 3' HEDGE THEMdISTXC - pI OWOPf, 6 UNIFORM, AH WNDNOOVS NEW, (99/2 UTS CATCHY TREES PROPOSED = 3 VVE .1 AND 2 SO'CPoI WCryGWS - 5 CµC, uxDEM`YY ENEESPLATES - 8 Wµ NMILES = G VNOEBSIGRI LEGES PROPOSE ED 50 FLORIDA PRIM AT 24' OC DEF STREET LµM OSCING TAXES EOUIRED _TAPE/ 5 SPACES[.. ..... - 6 FREES CANOEY TREES PROPOSE e 6 PROPOSED LAS MNS = 6 SANTA, 5 UPEES SREOVIRED I�IREE/2.D.pL IF OF SIGN AREAL IEUS III = B IREES CANOPY TREE. PROPOSE - R PROPOSEO SOV RIERE OURS - A CANOPY AoomOR4 (NOT FLOURED) 79 NOT, MASS, SHRUM AWED TO ROBOT µFAS 8 REQUIRED TREES - 51 PNpPL 56 UNOERSIONY µ0 454 IRINC. EUREFIC TREE GREETS - Pµ NS - 1/] UE00 PREPOST. THEES 56 CAM'IPY, 58 VXOERBiOM. 11 PALMS (4-./3 SOCIETE) AND ITS SHARERS (064 REQUIRED EFRMS ANY"' UAMORTU SHRUBS) TREE TOTAL - 56 CANOPY, 50 UNOERSTORY. 15 PALMS (5 CAXOP/ CREDIS) AND 543 ERIC BS L \-sro=MW` (FULLY S O EWE OF ,,YCNN EXACT CATs) 6\b 11, AN \11Yi .F' cuaB d AFTER NORTHDOVND E 1! k _ �- 0 _ j8( 1aN � PB SOUTN80UND lAN b b'M1 Uw 1oM1 b k — \ 9 PpPaOxi LANDSCAPE PLAN 1, - IU. -0- A LANDSCAPE NOTES' E. ALLNUISANCE EXOTIC VEGETRIBIN EYISIIXG VIMIX ELEMENT PROJECT SITE PROPERTY MUST BE REMOVED IN CONyWCT1ON VETO SITE KVELOPMENT 2. 171E EXISTING WELL IS LOCATED BEHIND THE FUNERAL HERE IN E CRASS AREA A ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL BE PROVIDED VETO A PERMANENT FRED -TION SYSTEM PER CITY OF SEBASTIAN COBE. 4 AT LMET 50%S OF THE TREES .11 BE NATIVE AND HAD SRI LALERANT PROMISESHOWN N THE ( BAD LNq IPE AN DROUGHT L LORAHI 5 1!1 SE TRIO SPECIES EHPLL ACCOUNT f69 MORE TXPH SOY. Of THE OTAL HUMBER OF MEND, i,,ES PS I%. UI THE Fq OSCINE pgiA µp LANDSCAPE SCHEBULE, iRERE ARE 61 EONQUIRE LANNAY TREES WITH 29 LI VC DAMS, 2J SOUTHERN 6M11A µp 14 PgpFpSE AND 1 EXISTING MINAS PALMS [5 LEGIT S) PROPOSED FOR A TOIPL OF 61 CANOPY REPS 6MONTH CENTRAL AVENUE R/V SNWLp BE CLEARED TO THE BACkOF CURB LINE, STABILIZE AND !PASSED 1. ALF LANDSCAPE STRIPS ARE 10 FOOT VIDE A, IRRIGATION NOTES: THE RRIGATIOD SYSTEM SMALL BE RESIGNED TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS BF .SECTION G11 PN IME QESTRICi1ENS OR E THE AT]_ U6L SPELIGIER BY THE ST IVCR WATER GEHCXI BrsTR¢I rite m CAI m..mk Aar w ur ym..gt .1 Ars ADEM iaav 1_. u .taaa ucry • +a rtq. iwa. I_ waa m...a.,ta wr o-omee m w c -.a. vapr n eo-..aun ..0 u s yenta av euw. w a .mc x ynv s-_yn<e v np .gena. Epp. my. o. ova. uvwe<m e[ er._r ss_...<e q er.vs- u roeevv o-o'uu ♦�Iv.t .m,.ne ve AIs ny. Tema, w. v-mnt row veswl [m -qt u- D.<v. sv pap. te.m' -dam AUFFEEMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS SMALL Ei USED THE CCEETROLLER SMALL DE CAPABLE KIND s O ONE INUTE RUNMES A ANN CENSER DEVICE IS REWIRED UTERI RAUR IT IS REQUIRE. CAPABLE TO RETAIN THE PREMIERING THE ERT IF A PENCE EPICURE EWIPENi WITH CHECK VALVES SMALL BE USED IN LOW LYING AREAS dS TE PREVENT LOW MICRON MANI" A BACKFLOW PREVENT101 BEVIL, IS REWIRED. ICIPNTAMRPAEMT a x[X[s BEnEEry DISTRIBUTION SEPARATION No EXPECT SPRAY DOES VALKVAIS, BUILSEND1, ISHOWAYS AND INVOU STORNVgiEP igAS Sq/rLAVNSL Sy DD EO AREAS SHALLEC RE HIGH PROVIK S_AD iORHGOgCOVERPGEP EMBED ONRCBNTRACIOR TO .12E THE SPRpILCUM MEADS µB NEAR SPACING RANT .ILL BEALL NLOW VOLUME TIUM ARE ASPP SPRTIVI INKLER Eq EASLERRILP ETKEEION AREAS iE SIZE THE SPRINKLER xEgpS AND CTOR HEAD .PAI NS THE SIGMA GE THE THE PERIMETER µp INFERNAL LME. SMALL BE SPED HE HE IRRIGATOR CONTRACTOR IgPPWTION IFENTRUCTEp TO SUBMIT IRRIGgTIW PLAN TO CITY FOR VAL ,40-m ui BHEET LS1 OF 2 18865 e 29 I pg KE VIAL X PNP YES YES SEE -LEA ISE81AlIA P 1 6' YES ES a RECIFLWq I1 TO b IPRyV/P�p}SED CRL. I i wd h rYL�Y PPLMEiip 6' X/P YES YES OR�TREUK� I aAT PROPOSED XIA RSipRYEGE OE J IS MW�i BLE' I LY C SSINE 6 1-1/81 YES rFs O IS VnN MYRICA 6' I NYR RE CERIFERq S' 1-1 /2' I yES YES PROP[ISCp XRUR \1 I A64 PRIVE- SEGREe1PTP 36' NIA NIA 'YES YES 2 11I I 11 l [PROPOSED MOUNT LOVERS I O ZS N2WLY MASS M MLEXBCRGIq CAPILLPRIS NIA MARY YES YES U I I 1 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN 1, - IU. -0- A LANDSCAPE NOTES' E. ALLNUISANCE EXOTIC VEGETRIBIN EYISIIXG VIMIX ELEMENT PROJECT SITE PROPERTY MUST BE REMOVED IN CONyWCT1ON VETO SITE KVELOPMENT 2. 171E EXISTING WELL IS LOCATED BEHIND THE FUNERAL HERE IN E CRASS AREA A ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL BE PROVIDED VETO A PERMANENT FRED -TION SYSTEM PER CITY OF SEBASTIAN COBE. 4 AT LMET 50%S OF THE TREES .11 BE NATIVE AND HAD SRI LALERANT PROMISESHOWN N THE ( BAD LNq IPE AN DROUGHT L LORAHI 5 1!1 SE TRIO SPECIES EHPLL ACCOUNT f69 MORE TXPH SOY. Of THE OTAL HUMBER OF MEND, i,,ES PS I%. UI THE Fq OSCINE pgiA µp LANDSCAPE SCHEBULE, iRERE ARE 61 EONQUIRE LANNAY TREES WITH 29 LI VC DAMS, 2J SOUTHERN 6M11A µp 14 PgpFpSE AND 1 EXISTING MINAS PALMS [5 LEGIT S) PROPOSED FOR A TOIPL OF 61 CANOPY REPS 6MONTH CENTRAL AVENUE R/V SNWLp BE CLEARED TO THE BACkOF CURB LINE, STABILIZE AND !PASSED 1. ALF LANDSCAPE STRIPS ARE 10 FOOT VIDE A, IRRIGATION NOTES: THE RRIGATIOD SYSTEM SMALL BE RESIGNED TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS BF .SECTION G11 PN IME QESTRICi1ENS OR E THE AT]_ U6L SPELIGIER BY THE ST IVCR WATER GEHCXI BrsTR¢I rite m CAI m..mk Aar w ur ym..gt .1 Ars ADEM iaav 1_. u .taaa ucry • +a rtq. iwa. I_ waa m...a.,ta wr o-omee m w c -.a. vapr n eo-..aun ..0 u s yenta av euw. w a .mc x ynv s-_yn<e v np .gena. Epp. my. o. ova. uvwe<m e[ er._r ss_...<e q er.vs- u roeevv o-o'uu ♦�Iv.t .m,.ne ve AIs ny. Tema, w. v-mnt row veswl [m -qt u- D.<v. sv pap. te.m' -dam AUFFEEMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS SMALL Ei USED THE CCEETROLLER SMALL DE CAPABLE KIND s O ONE INUTE RUNMES A ANN CENSER DEVICE IS REWIRED UTERI RAUR IT IS REQUIRE. CAPABLE TO RETAIN THE PREMIERING THE ERT IF A PENCE EPICURE EWIPENi WITH CHECK VALVES SMALL BE USED IN LOW LYING AREAS dS TE PREVENT LOW MICRON MANI" A BACKFLOW PREVENT101 BEVIL, IS REWIRED. ICIPNTAMRPAEMT a x[X[s BEnEEry DISTRIBUTION SEPARATION No EXPECT SPRAY DOES VALKVAIS, BUILSEND1, ISHOWAYS AND INVOU STORNVgiEP igAS Sq/rLAVNSL Sy DD EO AREAS SHALLEC RE HIGH PROVIK S_AD iORHGOgCOVERPGEP EMBED ONRCBNTRACIOR TO .12E THE SPRpILCUM MEADS µB NEAR SPACING RANT .ILL BEALL NLOW VOLUME TIUM ARE ASPP SPRTIVI INKLER Eq EASLERRILP ETKEEION AREAS iE SIZE THE SPRINKLER xEgpS AND CTOR HEAD .PAI NS THE SIGMA GE THE THE PERIMETER µp INFERNAL LME. SMALL BE SPED HE HE IRRIGATOR CONTRACTOR IgPPWTION IFENTRUCTEp TO SUBMIT IRRIGgTIW PLAN TO CITY FOR VAL ,40-m ui BHEET LS1 OF 2 18865 A mmew AnNxA A, mwx l":...: w PPAT ".n. ".:e° mm',"Sa" s'°wa°P»"w yw,.APNPPIV'. ww Ip r m IAl L.. PH IV a N°m m PNIFNAVP 11 A, Paan nww. VP B_l A m I-, a NAPPiiw», ewa,w. TPN- A wIN-M. T.H nm//APANS .A . -I ° vn ZS. d uv nn. e' � w P° .-INA.� It a A ... t, It qmi v„..... �e�N w I", mm ,. °a rrw ry e-AP-P,.an c I:'.'o-llm�xaaa m,w An asap., Po.wNa.. wwm aM wawa eo., R„x• A dw w N. A, 1., ANNA n° 1 05 PE<Vrcx CP ME MRK. RVwNA,PA-1. -1 a..NNAV I...PAHANamPAw P w w. AV..PVPa�� :d�;mr I.� Mw wy B^ .ax n�[Asxn- cmu. we awMIwPNPX,., [ q ua [anw111Iuw Mpau No I. [ (1. Mwi. Pw SNP w a' V _' KKw 0.p , ry o,m,x aev LI , la A 'a <wuww .,A, .a`,M... u..,aa.a. IT 1. ...... maw.aa"'m:,I-"a Pal a A.- , d. Iw„ • V`_ m IV q A. -"aa Vav,rPPI N e .wux pm w aqP Ae"Ir 11 '1- _ ` RIP PAPAL.` "ori %:�i+aaa o.a.mm­"e°waVVVV P, utmaw Rµm AVSVI,t. PAM w .11µm v, In wM wl' I��Al Pt ra a Nw m" m ",' n ev, unw m,Ncw L. 1, -1 v° RAL AN, A, PIP, wuAw,w.°nn,�Pt. Awi° i..l� ,. wm IPP m row,. •.I I.p.m«'Yi.i PATI «".da VIA I" o.xn. Rade me C. w a,runmPY w, " w•n a w a ew w m At roar_ A a, Rax M. AUX w, 1lu.:ar aPpcew m m<p. AVINI -- A,w rw ._war M Iw -.1 P _AA • menwmw a eP panl mvuw4 BAP ` wwNA AAVAPERA. IV Iu'M° xva IN mAmmea° ,I IS plot .-P a u. am PI nal vewrarcP AN'T ` �VP A v:wq i.,. I� AwAvm. away er.,xm wry N. pas as melmveae Awn, u,'VA a B' A PAPP It EDM. awa w Pwm oa"P.'aa. 'AN, may PP ."A`S m'T.) Bt m rm wn an II> IJ a ywr Na/la..x TV a aPAPIPPAN, mud q 'I A- a. ,wm AaPIIAPIxemn APA PARA w P. mem w 1. PLANAR "PERAM A At AT APPI It ` w "=P-1.11. nw "P., aa.. W tae✓ V APV m R w v w„ - o ay w n'" A"P OW A.....m i APe eP wwwP°e, m ne ew�wa as a IPO.ar, C. A Mn u, V. N u, mn ,. N Pm R, _A It.mbu.r"PAP VAN m mwM. N w.Alwn m naarvry rvaw� yynwly aaw=oe pemam�wE, Mweewp w 1111 vAA ei.... veimwrw r> xv, ry .... Pm u, 1.1 IVIV aN B.- mine wmm tnx C M Ivan vw A Uye w pw ywP M Pa -PAT:A, M, w X No U ewmlA1- 1 mn AS, .n se wl�^u^ U "S' GR NI Wm". - AP .v Nd 11 all v.0 q w waawP onf 4 At E n�mxaN �, Va It. Oma It, ImP.t un, Aa mruA, 0 Ne„ N Are_ a e1 sa PIVV RP N11 .IN.. M < NA . A. V r a APAP, P_1 Wn"ARNK emPP,,,yaw ,Prymlw IV m. aPm'ryI AV art la,V.=it Pnw, APqu, er .An M1prw pm, mawY nal s N ,PeN wl"A' � o.[CWry A, uAIEPws ,L ANw 1 , A mlw „a, em da.. "Ma AwwMx w. w C. w.I..A,- u,un,ax U wn wp. TA -1 VAAAMN PPNV PA., a AAP_I. O. Al -VRAM�_ A eed pantp,pXv °AP APAa,l. AR We, - P enna H. m wnwy ..0. At ,w.m ae A. ea n mWaPe w,. ,perp nX lU [aa,.w Mm.. S. Ap , U ,uw ay°r Pm APP ,^ I'M N_ It ISPI. D. v n VANVA IN, NA. No .vrvuM1.ellewMu m u. Nu ea .ynI- - xeuiPlwu PAP ANA W API.� aOh .<iaPVAPAa neem wMUa v PAPA amvrw rvlmP. BPPPmm ,gym, ,m U VAR w_NA' _ py1 w v nnanav A NAATPI w wwm a p rM A mmµ ra PNP, en VIAa:•wlvw AIR r:alw r avnmvve vv eAt. , TMP., Iml ewxwv PAS v, A --V vv.w:wl IV a. m..wv.xi . V.a. : ry •^.I X.N.n m_ u) ,mv n, paw .1 II»,.S., ,111 3 m,..1 C. ,neI .I mx, m wwPVA wm _v.1 vx Pwxn.,m PH Mtr �wuAn Awl. LI IV IAM 1- VVI III I PAP f" VIT VINTS .1 PVNd .1 wpr 0 v my"Wav"wiI roam IMP, M RP, w am, w n.+. w m✓ 'ar Al Al ` im.:.af m w APP a wwyr, mmv.sv wwN.v .wev. wm w only B. RNVd IATA, • uml I.- T' N PIP ,w. Adm V VP a Py mn PAI .w A v3MF r m A. APPR Iv -11 NALP, P e. v ..un . ann N AN ..- qa vv w�PAMPA; P, v m. P-A"%x"my P PAV tI mo-.- At w A xm IM, APPAVP PAP, w.xm., P i m xw[«. A. PARTAR A _ wI wn Nvw Vr R I-,- .wpw romlmv. B. In.p VPV V ySlw. m.P. tl'm F .GROUP vvv ..."PAIN a INS., 1_l von c �w nnm "Pu Pm. ^P_ m xr wm P A. cV=V P"0P 0d w VN xw PAPAPP .Ap�,a w a ,w. PIANS, IAPPRA wP _.µPGR. a I.. NP.awew 1 111.V .A, m. n.„ p,„... I Aar,l me Iw v p.vpw arI SV[w " Pa" Iw e"° gA urury mruwr wv APAP YPx. w nl .TR . a Nw.w .a O.wm IAZPAwe.ev w M....... .Pxup w.,CwPI A. vw w Iw. P.rx Sme"r ry w [m, pw wP w anw n av aaay.l wr w ANNA. Iw u..,ANA VIA I. A. vlwwY .wv a :Itw t PPI m�AP- ,IWn w I .1 -1 Al� v mlwe I mw AA VIPAI; c.Im.�xP,a Cw lxaaan„A a mm .. At MARNg .wn vlw w ,P::aw .w, u... w Yruw Anw. Pwuq. A we aw (net IAA .II VNI wu w .alae A- Iw w., IT ". Al rw"•. a L Al:w.x.MavW+ru.wrt wmpy.maMy PaY'Iq waw.w.MAaW. In Ill .R. wpw nwA um Nn . A xw�"�"r, d°wn munlw- yp° o- M-aww In SAI I. wPANNA..cam P ­_I. III -"w M P.w.w u. Maw nmmw." m l PIAN AI A "" A a. w darnPASk .r arS. m PAw rw E. AT -w-_1.11 m I- uw 11 ..a .wmw mmww xw mw. AN I. ` ung n NV r H r a(P V_ I, Ill IVAPPA, w. vw°.Inx. I a A I' 9wN nu a. -A mw mw PAIA-A P.I. NA.ar .wwr L, At- ee T" Vwl Naw N wwm m.x na. 'm qw u Par,.rmw.l"Piy r yp.P.a AP IPm PNIw w aN w N w.wm ve w A. A %RIPS V V. All wANd • •w m Nw Il All.- II x.m Innplw I Ow3r. m. ,..wrop[ry umay. 6nemn PAP A P .e , NN w nItw. w IATAwww .1x(MewNN,Pa'. l m me crya<ma„Ill mmwV. -A. .-1 Ia VAR.w.sPb:s AT VA. PVA. Ia X.R.., ,nµm v"A.- _I PV_ Iv m.weed. Al ma IN. All v wyrw A PA. � I1. NAM. w A.-11. tP'L M - w avm w WTX Mry .nt At Vl A. RVN- x. , _AV A -APE­­wn� re V. PAR. A -. QA_im+ 1.) mb+a, IRS, AT I PA MNrwl"I.m a'Avpae w AMA . w Pwl" It S. 9wA. d�vnaww m P,m^ vu A B Ax n.. nmA: qAM A.m. . E .w.,rw mww.. w mmm"a..x..X. w.. Pa -AN A. APAPSIN -1 A r. I- MN w. dI ea, .1-I.A.a w w VAMP AL1 At nw .I rO Iw VR .. w I. mw IT MA w VAPA U Al .'m .aµ wry lwu me v wM P awPPAPPI N w�wM,d P mxv pr'Mw.1 m" PAN. Pvq It NAA - SNA a ma wA nw wn° M,;;l, (Bwn.PxNA. PAPAA, w ANN, m w v m° Nom( ANN-1 I IV A .w wwm am. ATP Nn [. xwa nP, IIPa"a xlP .P.ur^"II PV_PA_' Awlt<.al,x ,T _ m . "At AN Pwa mlw. ,w an Nw. mwA N P. na A . AN, -A. A Iw u N 1. Iw ar wn" 1 At AIn wwy ,A ." APAP -1. N.m a.. N, .1 >R A. p. P­Ia. N peel'l A AN M ,an _r V At. ­AVa m,„ ..wa,m PN PN, PI m, Aa,, m, m _V .P __ww.-r. A " nwNm moPA. N nn :, da. a a°xx"e x°r °r pmrlp m°xar_.A:^mX "u v Nena irar PrP APP, ggmn„ w -, t vm.ma. I-Ir"N rwlwmon I . wI w P GRPAY'_NA- A arI-.- RA.TVA _S nPw AV P xvrimrn an s amMp, ^',Err mwfn AMI fnamPr Pwolm. ew w m un ww a V rpFry a man wm S q n.x Camwmr d w Pwwl rams m w M..Pa, SIXP m,..upY I aM IPar PAPAL PmNm"aa r,arnv, AL nA PINA, PAN -1 °ALTA aww M w .."I 11=7 D ..w,I N'ny lm PP.P%w:x- NI `:' e'...a°ar"N­ a .", ew A. n. <1 It TV Ill PS, TVI, vl qen APrm V P" A. Al_ GRP It u.uu APPA .Man v, le. umr It rv.el xw.wx 0. mtl A-1- nmomnl..ree.,n n In. A AA NVp IA V. .1 uxn w 4w Axl F_ x • W - PAPSN M "° MANP xxn -INVI-1 rcw(l ua A. Ivo IN APP, nw., wiw. awrw .Ar 11 w., an -1. eIw.e.. pnPPux� M dvw+ awxa ..w ,ww APP.ww}i w xw mxw w w .b wpw PA V. u mwWl aa,ma a wP a a �y w'M µ1IN nUe ux w .w -1 N m, Pvx GRA f51 ? x0' X 16' MOD BATTENS SECURE BATTENS W/ (3) 1/a HIGH CARBON STEEL BANDS TO HOW BATTENS IN PLACE DURING PLANTINGHEIGHT T OF A. DO SHAM D LOCATES TO PRAM. XEIGOti EEIGITBATTENS $NOEL AL BE FOR ADO W RELATOR TO 1Xf XEICXT OF ME PALM POR DURING BRAGNG EOUNT 5) LAYERS OF BURLAP STEEL BANDS BRACING DETAIL R RDOILRLL r LANNAG MIX ... AOB POROUS SOIL i m 6' CIA DRAINAGE DETAIL DRAINA F T CTIN D TAF GREE PROrtCBm M,EB • PUNT SV THAT GRP OF NVOT c ExCERM MMC SHALL BE INSTALLED AT WNYS CF ALL TREES m GROUP OF EES N wM ANLL IS EKME N pE PRESERTS0 FEX[E STALL BE YMNIMI{G WRING CDNSMICBIW BMAN.., I/AT Cf W F`UOMG - MUNX s. GRXOE DIAMETER VARIES EDGE DP E..... PUBOOMD roruASS MEETUX MAT STAPES 3'-D' WN. LYS A PLACED AT TREE m • ANN, ALL CUTS OVER A ED. W EXISBN PAMMENT (AS BRUT ) LJ A-0' MCX tl GIA BLACXUB RUBBER HOME • MG OTMU ARES MIM X. (� BEG %OWBI£ STRAND 32 WA W1V ME. J RUNS PER TREE SM WR.ErM TAPE N j D YXXE NUM • BI IT . In Of TRES W �J-lr ' 4LLLN IS 6' ENCU GRADES MICXE 5 GREAT.W ,• 'yj J• CURBMICOR WSMIM L.VA uYX4EX33' J STAME (FIT) RXSHEV CRAGE BNKK O. BWS,P AM jII CIMUP RBGN MET RMLSJ/A' IIP w V tl - MGGIXC TAPE _ SRI PWIBNG 41X TRIER BIADP N - YXA' BRACE EI z ft. AIR PWIE15 x•Xrxw' $TARE r YV\W s BAUMR a NOTE: BRAIN'. BVBBIFR � sTMXG AS IEQIMEO E X SNL W. REAMEFIWTE WRLAP I/3 OF BALL SPECIFIED PLANBX6 MX _ A,'AmpFORNET5 I MUI TI -TRUNK TREE STAKINpC REASONS NOTE: 0 ST.. AS RECKAREG E X BNL qA 1B2' PGP VP SDRAM HEAD GR SCUM. q SERIES C l TREE PI ARCING - ANGLE STAK G Be Im4 SAO. A V ' COMM. WS @u \ .. 1 -3. 4uPr BPRU4 AP TRVNN IN III t SECURE BATTENS / 3/f .. CARNGN Sl BAMS RA%Nc CME --__ YXX' BRACF YX4'XM' BOOKS CIA NWT IMM. .1 - ��m -�T-A PROM. FOR MENS , YN. tY E' EPECIPEG F4NIN. MIX RR . TAMP TO NOTE REMgL AR INDUCTS- I .. AS REWwNI PROAL ECmSI B.WMCAU BLfdEtAND ORM [WSIRVrnM A MND` D . E OERBUIY BRAI ULINES STALL BE RGVTEB AROUND EMSSIN TREES 10 ME OVTBVE OF ME BROUNE YMERE ABBE I HISTAWBW OF NEXCES AM BA LUS SHALL TAKE MTO CIXI40WAIpX BF ROOT SABIEYS UE EXISTING BEES TX SAM. GIA, 1. PALM PLANTING �-' ANNGGL`E�STAIZ TR W'd xW wnrvLE j IsryUC1pN fEXCING � F �N m IIIILIIIII��IIII VIII 111=1111L IIIF-IIIII- IIIA=11111 IIIA VIII; IIIA=11111.=11111111' IIIIIIII 1111111 111115III =11111=1 PLAN VIEW N.TS. ELEVATION TREE PROTECTION BARRIER DETAIL N..S ml.. :Bd V .m •.wMa,m leper. rMrw NMwPmxah AV- NrW .mwa'uM -1 <ma",w An Pq.sup.u.rwrmIN r.a.0 .1 1.' mzm,. +e PrP+xm+ALM (m NCULAU As )' MUTANT INBIMSI S' PWLP SPRAY PREPARE BEG AS F SRNi1EN SPEQRGI SHRUB PLANTING R - e I�R to SII GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL Il 3 �iY H n OArtF V D y 5m og r J, W An9 w V4 nO •\ St< INdw�M� �T LS2 OF 2 18865 c ExCERM MMC SHALL BE INSTALLED AT WNYS CF ALL TREES m GROUP OF EES N pE PRESERTS0 FEX[E STALL BE YMNIMI{G WRING CDNSMICBIW 3'-0I LW4 2°T$ AT - S. F`UOMG - MUNX PLACED AT TREE DRIP UNE OR AT DIAMETER VARIES EDGE DP E..... PUBOOMD KMENT CAN REWIRED) 3'-D' WN. LYS A PLACED AT TREE m 1MB EX5G B[EE NNX DIAMETER VA1115\�•� A ED. W EXISBN PAMMENT (AS BRUT ) LJ A-0' MCX tl W'd xW wnrvLE j IsryUC1pN fEXCING � F �N m IIIILIIIII��IIII VIII 111=1111L IIIF-IIIII- IIIA=11111 IIIA VIII; IIIA=11111.=11111111' IIIIIIII 1111111 111115III =11111=1 PLAN VIEW N.TS. ELEVATION TREE PROTECTION BARRIER DETAIL N..S ml.. :Bd V .m •.wMa,m leper. rMrw NMwPmxah AV- NrW .mwa'uM -1 <ma",w An Pq.sup.u.rwrmIN r.a.0 .1 1.' mzm,. +e PrP+xm+ALM (m NCULAU As )' MUTANT INBIMSI S' PWLP SPRAY PREPARE BEG AS F SRNi1EN SPEQRGI SHRUB PLANTING R - e I�R to SII GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL Il 3 �iY H n OArtF V D y 5m og r J, W An9 w V4 nO •\ St< INdw�M� �T LS2 OF 2 18865